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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Språkundervisning i mångfaldsmiljö : Grundskollärares perspektiv

Hatungimana, Juvenal January 2023 (has links)
Det övergripande syfte med detta arbete är att undersöka och analysera hur ett urval av grundskollärare som undervisar i franska i årskurs 7 till årskurs 9 uppfattar och hanterar mångfaldens aspekter bland eleverna i dessa årskurser. Genom att studera lärarnas perspektiv kan man få en djupare förståelse för de utmaningar och möjligheter som uppstår när man undervisar franska i en miljö präglad av mångfald. Studien använder modellen av Richard Ruiz (1984) som ett teoretiskt ramverk för att förklara och analysera de erhållna resultaten. Denna modell föreslår tre olika orienteringar eller perspektiv genom vilket språk kan ses: Språk kan ses som ett problem, som en rättighet eller som en resurs. I studie används kvalitativ metod med semistrukturerad intervju. Analysen av de erhållna resultaten gjorde det möjligt att kunna identifiera deras strategier, metoder och resurser som används, och alla forskningsfrågorna fick var och en sitt eget svar. Dessa frågor var relaterade till bilden av mångfald som dessa lärare har, de utmaningar och möjligheter som dessa lärare ser när det gäller att arbeta i en skolmiljö präglad av frankofon mångfald och elevmångfald, och vad de bör göra åt mångfaldsfrågor i klassrummet. / The overall aim of this work is to investigate and analyze how a sample of compulsory schoolteachers who teach French in grades 7 to 9 perceive and manage aspects of diversity among students in these grades. By studying the teachers' perspective, one can gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and opportunities that arise when teaching French in a diverse environment. The study uses the model of Richard Ruiz (1984) as a theoretical framework to explain and analyzethe results obtained. This model suggests three different orientations or perspectives through which language can be seen: Language can be seen as a problem, as a right or as a resource. The study uses a qualitative method with a semi-structured interview. The analysis of the results obtained made it possible to identify their strategies, methods and resources used, and all the research questions each received its own answer. These questions were related to the image of diversity these teachers have, the challenges and opportunities these teachers see when it comes to working in a school environment characterized by francophone diversity and student diversity, and what they should do about diversity issues in the classroom.

Fem lärare talar om arbetet med läsförståelse i ämnet franska : / Five Teachers Talk about Reading Comprehension when Teaching French

Azeez, Aseel January 2022 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur fem fransklärare i högstadiet(7-9) beskriver sin undervisning för ökad läsförståelse. Metoden är en kvalitativ intervjuundersökning. Materialet som har samlats in har analyserats utifrån Vygotskijs sociokulturella teoretiska perspektiv. Några centrala begrepp inom teorin som tillämpas är mediering, lek, kommunikation och samspel. Dessutom användas den närmaste proximala utvecklingszonen med begreppen redskap och scaffolding ( stöttning). Jag kommer också att använda mig av språkdidaktisk litteratur inriktad mot franska som modernt språk. Resultatet från intervuerna visar att fransklärare enligt sina egna beskrivningar använder olika arbetssätt och strategier för att utveckla läsförståelse hos eleverna som läser franska ( Moderna språk) på högstadiet i årskurs 7-9 att de använder textsamtal, olika läsformer, lässtrategier och frågornas utformning. Lärarna uppskattar elevernas engagemang för deras ideer i undervisningen av läsförståelse i ämnet franska. En slutsats är att de intervjuade lärarna anser att läsförståelse har en stor roll i undervisningen eftersom en bra läsförståelse är nödvändigt för att eleverna ska få möjlighet att förvärva kunskap i många skolämnen.

Franska på fritiden : En studie om svenska gymnasieelevers kontakt med franska utanför skolarbetet / Extramural French among Swedish high school students

Nilsson, Sarah January 2024 (has links)
Extramural språkinlärning har sedan Sundqvist (2009, s. 25) introducerade termen extramural engelska utvecklats till ett betydelsefullt forskningsområde (Zhang etal., 2021, s. 1). Denna studies syfte är att undersöka svenska gymnasieungdomars extramurala franska med hjälp av 251 elever som läser kurs 1 - 5 i moderna språk franska på ett gymnasium i Sverige med höga antagningspoäng. Studien genomfördes med enkät, veckodagböcker och intervjuer. Aspekter som undersökts är bland annat omfattning av extramural franska, aktiviteter för extramural franska, sambandet mellan extramural franska och kurser i moderna språk respektive självrapporterade betyg samt orsaker bakom extramural franska. Resultaten visar att alla gymnasieelever hade kontakt med franska på fritiden. Musiklyssnande var den vanligaste aktiviteten och därefter rörliga medier. Interaktiva aktiviteter förekom i lägre omfattning. Inget samband kunde identifieras mellan extramural franska och kurser i moderna språk, men däremot mellan extramural franska och självrapporterade betyg. Tidsbrist och bristande prioritering uppgav flest eleversom orsak till mindre extramural franska än önskat. Studiens kvalitativa resultat visar att extramural franska kräver en medveten ansträngning i en svensk kontext. En större andel gymnasieelever utövade extramural franska än högskolestuderande från Arvidssons och Hahlin Rochers studie (2022). Högskolestuderande såg dock oftare på film, serier eller tv, googlade, och läste på franska. / Extramural language learning has turned into an important field of research (Zhanget al., 2021, s. 1) since Sundqvist (2009, s. 25) introduced the term extramural English. The purpose of this study is to examine the extramural French of 251 highschool students at a high school in Sweden with high admission scores. Aspects examined among others were extent of extramural French, relationship between extramural French and self-reported grades and reasons behind extramural French. The results show that all high school students had contact with French out of school to some extent, students with self-reported high grades had more. The study indicates that extramural French in a Swedish context some what requires effort.

Polyphonie argumentative : Étude de la négation dans des éditoriaux du Figaro, de Libération et du Monde

Roitman, Malin January 2006 (has links)
<p>This thesis deals with the polyphonic and argumentative functions of the French negation marker, ne, in editorial texts from the daily press. The concept ‘polyphony’ relates to the presence of multiple voices within one and the same utterance. According to this view, negation triggers a subdivision of an utterance in two points of view. Thus the sentence Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union can be divided in two points of view, the underlying ‘Sweden will be a part of the monetary union’, and the explicit ‘Sweden will not be a part of the monetary union’.</p><p>First, I study the polyphonic structure of negative utterances, notably their division in two points of view, by taking into account their specific linguistic features. This is done so as to identify the relevant linguistic criteria that determine the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. The study demonstrates that contextual elements, including pragmatic connectors, presuppositions contrastive elements, and several other devices constitute the primary source of polyphonic markers.</p><p>Negation is furthermore approached from a textual perspective. I explore how the two opposite points of view that are associated with negation form polyphonic sequences with other points of view carrying the same semantic content, and how these dynamic points of view are associated to the different discourse beings that are found in the newspaper article. I found that these sequences often embrace the central polemic theme of the article and, also, that the polyphonic function is not restricted to the negative utterance but constitutes an element that ensures textual and argumentative coherence. These two analyses are carried out within Jean-Claude Anscombre’s and Oswald Ducrot’s Theory of Structural Argumentation, which has recently been formalised by Kjersti Fløttum, Coco Norén and Henning Nølke.</p><p>Finally in this thesis, I analyse the relation between the discourse beings associated with the negative utterance and real beings that exist outside the text, and then consider what rhetorical implications that correspondence or no correspondence has on the polyphonic interpretation of the negation. I also examine whether polyphonic negation can be considered to be a feature of newspaper editorials that identifies these texts as a genre. This study shows that the locuteur, the discourse being responsible for the enunciation of the negative utterance on a textual level, links to the real being, the editorial writer, who then refutes points of view associated to other discourse beings, often by use of nominalizations that refer to community voices. The locuteur also intrudes into an argument or claim, and refutes it in the name of a community or an authority.</p><p>By defining genre, as does the media researcher Patrick Charaudeau, as a correspondence between the constraints imposed by the discursive situation and the constraints imposed by the discursive features, and by considering that one of the editorial’s constraints is to persuade its readers, this study shows that the phrasal negation ne in its polyphonic function, constitutes a distinguishing feature in the genre of editorials. The refutations that are made by an editor constitute a distinctive argumentative strategy since it permits the editorial writer to present external points of view in order to refute them and thereby impose his or her own, subjective point of view.</p>

Le langage préfabriqué en français parlé L2 : Étude acquisitionnelle et comparative

Forsberg, Fanny January 2006 (has links)
<p>This study investigates the use of formulaic language in spoken French produced by native and non-native speakers. It aims at describing the development of formulaic sequences in learners ranging from beginners to very advanced users. It draws on data from the InterFra corpus, which includes both formal and semi-formal learners. Four measures are used to characterize this development: extent of formulaic language used, category distribution, type / token ratio and frequency of types. </p><p>It has been shown that a user’s knowledge of formulaic sequences impacts heavily on language proficiency and idiomaticity. Because these sequences follow neither grammatical nor lexical rules, they constitute the last threshold for advanced L2 learners. In second language acquisition, the term formulaic sequence not only applies to strict idiomatic constructions, but it is also used to refer to sequences that appear to be acquired in a holistic manner during the first phases of acquisition. A categorization is therefore proposed that can account for native and non-native usage of formulaic sequences (prefabs). Five categories of prefabs are included: Lexical, Grammatical, Discourse, Situational and Idiosyncratic. </p><p>The extent of a learner’s use of formulaic language increases as the learner progresses, the largest amount found in the production of native speakers and very advanced learners. The learner’s distribution of categories moves towards native speaker distribution, albeit slowly. Situational and Idiosyncratic prefabs are found to characterize the early phases of acquisition, while Lexical prefabs are mastered later and are a major difficulty for L2 learners. Only very advanced learners who have spent considerable time in France produce the same proportion of Lexical prefabs as native speakers. Discourse prefabs constitute the most important category for all groups, including natives and non-natives. It can therefore be postulated that the main function of formulaic sequences in spoken French is that of discourse structuring and speech management. The development and use of formulaic language is explained within a framework of Frequency Effects. Coupled with other factors, frequency can account for why Lexical prefabs are hard to acquire and why formulaic sequences take a long time to master.</p> / The thesis is published and can be purchased by Peter Lang http://www.peterlang.com/index.cfm?vID=11369&vLang=E&vHR=1&vUR=1&vUUR=38

L’apprentissage par l’expérience esthétique : Utilisez-vous l’audio-visuel, la musique et le théâtre dans l’enseignement du français ? / Learning French through aesthetic experiences : Do you use audiovisual multimedia, music and theatre in teaching?

Nilsson, Birgitta January 2018 (has links)
With the implementation of the 2011 guidance documents (Lgr11), the aesthetic perspective was strengthened in the Swedish secondary school, according to Marie-Louise Hansson Stenhammar (2015: 60). The purpose of this thesis is to examine whether there are differences in the extent to which some teachers use learning through aesthetic experience, and to identify possible advantages and obstacles in this respect. After a brief overview of four major theoretical perspectives of learning, we present a minor quantitative study that we relate to previous research. Anne Bamford (2009 : 11) and Hélène Trocmé-Fabre (Jedrzejak 2012 : 24) show in their research how tools relating to aesthetic activities can improve learning. The main finding in our survey, covering a few teachers over the country, is that the use of these tools varies greatly, and that the degree of interest and motivation for this area of activity differs from teacher to teacher. Advantages for the pupils, mentioned by participants in our study, are motivation, variation, use of several senses, consolidation of knowledge, activation of the photographic memory and easier learning of the language. While research, by Hansson Stenhammar (2015), points out teacher’s interpretation of regulatory frames as an obstacle to the use of aesthetic activities, in our study the perceived obstacles are the teacher’s lack of motivation, time and teaching material. Our participants are randomly sampled, from across the country, and findings from our small study cannot be extended to a wider population. Our recommendation for further research would be a study on how the pupils’ attitudes and motivation is affected by aesthetic experiences.

Muntlig språkfärdighet i franska : En observation av muntlig interaktion mellan lärare och elever i klassrummet

Joselyne, Kaze January 2019 (has links)
This thesis focuses on oral proficiency in French by learners of French at a Swedish high school. The purpose of this work was to try to find out to what extent and in what situations the learners speak in the target language at the time of the teaching. The study was conducted through both a qualitative and a quantitative study. The qualitative study was carried out by observing oral interaction between teacher and students. The quantitative study was conducted through various questions that the students had to answer in a questionnaire. The results from the observation show that the students speak in the target language (French) when the teacher predominantly uses French at the time of teaching. The results also show that when the teacher interacts and puts questions to the students in the target language, the students also respond to the target language. Another thing that the result shows is that the teacher comes with constant encouragement to the students, which motivates the students to talk in the target language. / Detta examensarbete fokuserar på muntlig språkfärdighet i franska hos elever som läser franska vid en svensk högstadieskola. Syftet med det här arbetet var att försöka ta reda i vilken utsträckning och i vilka situationer eleverna pratar på målspråket vid undervisningstillfället. Undersökningen genomfördes genom både en kvalitativ och en kvantitativ studie. Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes genom att observera hur den muntliga interaktionen mellan lärare-elever såg ut. Den kvantitativa studien genomfördes genom olika frågor som eleverna fick svara på i en enkät. Resultatet utifrån den observation som gjordes i samband med denna undersökning visar att eleverna pratar på målspråket (franska) när läraren övervägande använder sig av franska vid undervisningstillfället. I resultatet framgår också att när läraren interagerar och ställer frågor till eleverna på målspråket, så svarar också eleverna på målspråket. Ytterligare en sak som resultatet visar på är att läraren kommer med ständig uppmuntran till eleverna, vilket motiverar eleverna att prata på målspråket.

Parcours acquisitionnel de la négation et de quelques particules de portée en français L2 / An acquisitional study of negation and some focus particles in French L2

Sanell, Anna January 2007 (has links)
<p>This thesis investigates acquisition of negation and focus particles in oral L2 French. It concerns adverbs of addition (aussi, encore), restriction (seulement) and temporal contrast (déjà, encore). These items all lack independent referential value i.e. they depend on other constituents in an utterance for their interpretation, they are not structurally obligatory and they variably affect other constituents in an utterance. The learner has to capture the significance of each item, its syntactic position and its pragmatic function in a given context.</p><p>The study aims at describing the development in oral production of 24 Swedish learners, beginners to very advanced, and 6 native speakers, in all together 80 interviews, in order to postulate an acquisitional itinerary.</p><p>The analysis consists of two parts. The first one concerns negation types such as non in various functions, constituent negation (pas X), phrasal negation (ne…pas) and semi-negations (ne…aucun/jamais/personne/rien). The results show, inter alia, that non is used in different pragmatic functions at different levels of acquisition. At the initial stage, non is also used idiosyncratically as a constituent negation and as a preverbal phrasal negation. At the post-initial stage, where also the verbs are mainly finite, phrasal negation (ne) pas is post-verbal. Furthermore, the analysis showed that jamais and rien appear prior to the other semi-negations. In the second part, the use of focus particles is analyzed. The study revealed that the additive particle aussi appears first, in an initial or final position of an utterance, followed by additive encore and restrictive seulement at the post-initial stage and that the temporal adverbs encore and déjà are almost solely used by advanced learners. An acquisitional sequence was postulated, with idiosyncratic negation and additive focus particles appearing previous to post-verbal negation and restrictive particles. The temporal adverbs of contrast appear at the advanced stages.</p>

Quelques stratégies et principes en traduction technique français-allemand et français-suédois

Künzli, Alexander January 2003 (has links)
<p>This dissertation investigates translation strategies and translation principles in technical translation. Five translation students and 5 professional translators from German-speaking Switzerland and 4 translation students and 6 professional translators from Sweden were asked to think aloud while translating a user guide from French into German and from French into Swedish, respectively. The focus of the analysis was on the strategies that could be observed by comparing the translation products with the source text; and on the principles underlying these strategies as revealed by the think-aloud protocols of the translation processes. In order to evaluate the extent to which the translation products complied with the fictitious translation brief given to the participants, 2 reviewers per language pair proofread the translation products. The analysis also included contrastive analyses of certain linguistic features of technical texts in French-German and French-Swedish. The results show that experience of translation does play a role in the choice of translation strategy. It is, however, an even more important factor with respect to knowing and applying translation principles in the translation process. Also, students more often display uncertainty regarding translation principles, and conflict between the principles verbalised and those actually followed. Language-pair specific differences were mostly found in connection with translation strategies. Comments about future directions include the need for clearer definitions and more systematic manipulations of the variables involved in translation, and the potential interest in investigating the principles governing how translations are revised through the use of think-aloud protocols.</p>

Quelques stratégies et principes en traduction technique français-allemand et français-suédois

Künzli, Alexander January 2003 (has links)
This dissertation investigates translation strategies and translation principles in technical translation. Five translation students and 5 professional translators from German-speaking Switzerland and 4 translation students and 6 professional translators from Sweden were asked to think aloud while translating a user guide from French into German and from French into Swedish, respectively. The focus of the analysis was on the strategies that could be observed by comparing the translation products with the source text; and on the principles underlying these strategies as revealed by the think-aloud protocols of the translation processes. In order to evaluate the extent to which the translation products complied with the fictitious translation brief given to the participants, 2 reviewers per language pair proofread the translation products. The analysis also included contrastive analyses of certain linguistic features of technical texts in French-German and French-Swedish. The results show that experience of translation does play a role in the choice of translation strategy. It is, however, an even more important factor with respect to knowing and applying translation principles in the translation process. Also, students more often display uncertainty regarding translation principles, and conflict between the principles verbalised and those actually followed. Language-pair specific differences were mostly found in connection with translation strategies. Comments about future directions include the need for clearer definitions and more systematic manipulations of the variables involved in translation, and the potential interest in investigating the principles governing how translations are revised through the use of think-aloud protocols.

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