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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hållbara åtgärder mot gängkriminalitet i planeringen : En kvalitativ analys av Järva

Irakoze, Kristie January 2024 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka lokala faktorer i utsatta områden som påverkar gängkriminalitetens utveckling, med fokus på boendesegregation, grannskap och utanförskap. Studien avgränsas till Järvaområdet i Stockholm och analyserar vilka insatser de offentliga myndigheterna tar mot gängkriminalitet.  Studien syftar till att jämföra Järvabornas syn på gängkriminalitet med de motverkande åtgärder som offentliga myndigheter vidtar, för att se om de är överensstämmande. Slutligen ska studien tillföra hållbara planeringsstrategier mot gängkriminalitet.  För att besvara studiens frågeställningar genomfördes en dokumentanalys av statens trygghetsberedning som redovisar offentliga myndigheters syn på orsakerna till gängkriminalitet och de åtgärder som tas. Sedan genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer med medborgare från Järva och en kriminolog. Resultaten från dokumentanalysen visar att offentliga myndigheters främsta brottsbekämpande insatser mot gängkriminalitet är stärkta polisinsatser, övervakning och ökat informationsutbyte mellan brottsbekämpande myndigheter och bland annat socialen. Medborgarna och kriminologen lade en starkare betoning på att bygga bort boendesegregationen, stärka integrationsstrategierna och att arbeta forskningsbaserat. De boendes åsikter stämde bättre överens med offentliga myndigheters ställningstagande till orsaker och brottsförebyggande åtgärder, än de bekämpande åtgärderna.

“Politikerna är de största kriminella” : En kvalitativ studie om unga mäns syn på gängkriminalitet och den rådande politiska diskursen om invandring och ungdomsbrottslighet / "Politicians are the biggest criminals" : A Qualitative Study on Young Men's Perspectives on Gang Crime and the Current Political Discourse on Immigration and Youth Crime

Fatemi Olsson, Yasmine January 2023 (has links)
Today's society is characterised by various political discourses in which gang violence is portrayed in different ways. This study focuses on how young men are affected by the prevailing political discourse in everyday life and also their perspective on preventive work by the society. To achieve this, young men's attitudes and experiences in the debate climate on immigration and crime are studied. The study is based on a qualitative method where three group interviews were conducted. Various themes were discussed in relation to a theoretical framework based on the theories "we" and "they", Goffman's view of stigma and a critical discourse analysis based on Ernst Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. The previous research includes the development of youth crime, how young men are depicted and discusses how criminals are portrayed in their stories. The theoretical starting point focuses on the formation of masculinity for young men in a group, in order to give a picture of what similar discussions of young men in a group might look like. The results show that there is a hostile attitude towards the police and politicians and a low confidence in the reduction of gang violence. They also show that clothing and appearance carry preconceptions which affect their freedom to express themselves and dress as they like. Finally, the young also share their experiences with creeping racism as a social phenomenon and that the discourses that characterise society also affect teachers and police officers through certain prejudices and beliefs in their work.

Samhällsproblem inte förortsproblem : En kvalitativ studie om hur unga vuxna stockholmare upplever och påverkas av gängkriminalitet

Rassan, Linda, Nordgren, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
This study explored young adults experiences of the recent increase of gang related crime in Stockholm and possible impact on their everyday life. This study also aimed to study how these experiences varied due to genderand socioeconomic background. Semistructured interviews with six women and four men aged 20–29 from different socioeconomic areas were conducted. Stigma, Doing Gender and Empathy Identification theories were applied as a theoretical framework. The result shows that gender influenced the level of fear of crime, where women reported a higher fear of crime than men. The gender aspect also affected the level of influence on everyday life of the informants, none of the male informants was affected by the increased gang violence. Socioeconomic status was also shown to be a contributing factor since women from areas with low socioeconomic status were not affected by the increased gang violence, whereas women from areas with a high socioeconomic status were influenced. Finally socioeconomic status was a contributing aspect in the approach towards gang related crime and criminal individuals, as informants from areas with low socioeconomic status had a higher level of understanding and empathy for gang violence and why individuals become criminal gang members.

Man är inte bara ett offer, utan nu är man också förövare : En kvalitativ studie om yrkesverksammas syn på kvinnors roll i gängkriminalitet / You are not only a victim, butNow you are also a perpetrator : A qualitative study on professionals'view of women in gang crime

Erbetta Serain, Carla, Brekke, Alexander January 2023 (has links)
Den här studien syftar till att undersöka yrkesverksammas syn på kvinnors roll i gängkriminalitet. Vi ansåg att det var intressant utifrån att båda författarna uppmärksammat att kvinnlig gängkriminalitet har börjat ta plats i den mediala världen. För att kunna besvara våra forskningsfrågor för vår studie, har vi valt att genomföra sex stycken kvalitativa intervjuer med respondenter som jobbar med och omkring gängkriminalitet på olika sätt. Resultatet utav det här har sedermera analyserats både utifrån tidigare forskning om ämnet men även via våra teoretiska utgångspunkter intersektionalitet, hegemonisk maskulinitet,stämplingsteorin, internalisering och socialisationsteorin. Resultatet för vår studie är tydligt, både via den tidigare forskningen kring ämnet men även via vår empiriska undersökning. Att se och uppmärksamma kvinnor i gängkriminalitetär problematiskt. Det vi kan se i vår studie är att kvinnor i gängkriminalitet ofta stämplas som oskyldiga eller ovetandes och då med hänvisning till hur en kvinna är och bör vara utifrån olika tankar från samhället och yrkesverksammas tankar kring olika könsroller. Det blir även tydligt utifrån både vår empiriska undersökning och tidigare forskning att kvinnor numerai nnehar en mer aktiv roll än vad man tidigare antagit. Slutsatser i vår studie visar tydligt att det behövs mer svensk forskning om ämnetkvinnlig gängkriminalitet. Så att samhället därefter kan dra slutsatser om hur man kan anpassa stöd och hjälp för kvinnor i gängkriminalitet.

Dödligt skjutvapenvåld vid konflikter i den kriminella miljön – Bör Sverige ta lärdom av Danmark? / Lethal Gun Violence During Conflicts in the Criminal Environment – Should Sweden Look to Denmark for Future Strategies?

Sterving, Emma January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Låt ligisterna skaka galler – En kritisk granskning av påföljdssystemets           utformning vid hantering av ungdomsbrottslighet. / Put them behind bars – A critical review of the Swedish criminal justice system regarding juvenile delinquents.

Arcangioli, Celine January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Vilka strategier och metoder är lämpliga att tillämpa för att motverka organiserad brottslighet och gängkriminalitet i Sverige? : En kvalitativ komparativ studie om insatser som är lämpliga att använda för att motverka organiserad brottslighet och gängkriminalitet i Sverige

Mohammed, Samer January 2022 (has links)
The efforts of organized crime prevention in Sweden have significantly increased throughout the years and simultaneously has crime. With the joint efforts of the Swedish government, the police authority and other law enforcement agencies, several crime prevention methods have been utilized and applied such as the thirtyfour-point program. However, the root of the societal issues must also be addressed on a more profound level which requires making local decisions. The following study reveals and discusses the possibility to assess national human efforts and decisions as well as local procedures for the managing of organized delinquency and gang criminality. Legal actions in terms of methods such as Hot Spots, COP, POP, Pulling Levers, the Spergel-method and interventions to prevent upcoming criminality through home visit programs at early stages, are all proven to be effective approaches to combat criminality in today’s society. The Swedish crime prevention project “Sluta Skjut” is equivalent to the American “Group Violence Intervention” which are both assembling all diverse effective legal actions based on rational choices in one preemptive strategy. Establishments of partnerships between the police authority and other law enforcement as well as to implement suitable strategies and rightly divide resources are fundamental in organized crime prevention efforts.

”Det är ju bara död och elände” : En intervjustudie om tilltron till nyhetsrapporteringen om gängbrottslighet

Fock, Oscar, Höglund, Hugo January 2021 (has links)
Gang crime is one of the hottest topics in the Swedish public debate today. At the same time, people’s trust in how the media reports on the topic is low. Trust in news media is important in any democratic society. Understanding how trust in news media is affected by the reporting on a controversial issue is therefore important in maintaining a functional democracy. This paper examines how politically active young adults perceive news on gang crime in Sweden, and how it correlates to their own trust in news media. Also, we study potential differences between two political youth wings, and what role the sender plays in the perception of – and trust in – news on gang crime. Through ten interviews, we find that the sender is paramount in the interviewees’ evaluation of trust in an article on gang crime. However, the information, what sources are quoted, and descriptions are also contributing attributes. Further, we discover that people develop personal strategies to assess their trust in a news piece on gang crime. Applying the theoretical frameworks of Kohring and Matthes (2007) and Strömbäck et al. (2020), we develop an understanding of how attributes contributing to trust in individual news pieces can be viewed in the context of more general trust in news media. In line with previous research, this study highlights the difficulty of defining general trust in terms of distinct factors. We propose that attributes affecting trust in individual articles can be attributes affecting general trust in news media, if occurring as prolonged trends, but call for further research on this hypothesis. In a societal context, this paper also shows that there is still consensus on what makes news trustworthy, even on a topic as highly politicized as gang crime.

Att arbeta med ungdomar involverade i gängkriminalitet : Erfarenheter från socialarbetare / Working with gang-involved youth : Experiences from social workers

Bjuhr, Frida, Kurvinen, Julia January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att undersöka vilka erfarenheter socialarbetare verksamma utanför en storstadskontext har av att arbeta med ungdomar involverade i gängkriminalitet. En kvalitativ metod användes med semistrukturerade intervjuer som datainsamlingsmetod. Sex intervjuer genomfördes med socialarbetare som hade erfarenhet av att arbeta med ungdomar involverade i gängkriminalitet och materialet analyserades med hjälp av tematisk analys. Den teoretiska tolkningsram som användes för att förstå studiens resultat var generell strainteori. Studiens resultat visar att socialarbetare arbetar relationsskapande och individanpassat för att möta ungdomarnas specifika behov. Vidare visar resultatet att respondenternas erfarenhet är att majoriteten av ungdomarna lever i ett utanförskap och söker sig till gängen för att finna en gemenskap. Slutsatsen som kan dras är att det inte räcker med engagemang från enskilda socialarbetare för att motverka att ungdomar involveras i gängkriminalitet utan att det krävs mer resurser för att kunna arbeta förebyggande på flera nivåer. / The aim of the study was to examine what experiences social workers have of working with gang-involved youth outside a big city context. The study used a qualitative method with semi structured interviews as its data collection method. Six interviews were conducted with social workers who had experience of working with gang-involved youth and the interviews were analysed using thematic analysis. To understand the study result general strain theory was used. The study results show that social workers use relationship building in their work to meet the specific needs of every youth. Further the results show that the respondents experiences are that the majority of the youth are living in social exclusion and are therefore drawn to gangs for a sense of community and inclusion. The conclusions drawn from the study are that commitment from individual social workers are not enough to prevent youth from joining criminal gangs but that more resources are needed for the ability to do preventive work on several levels.

Se tiden an, eller ta i med hårdhandskarna? : En kvalitativ komparativ studie beträffande Sveriges och Danmarks kriminalpolitik, deras syn på gängkriminalitet och straffrabattering. / Wait and see, or take strong measures against it? : A qualitative comparative study regarding Sweden's and Denmark's criminal policy, their views on gang crime and penalty discounts.

Andersson, Louice January 2022 (has links)
The aim of this study is to review how the Nordic neighboring countries Sweden and Denmark’s criminal politics are managed and viewed. Especially, about young criminal offenders and gang crime, as well as penalty discounts, in the age group 18 to 21. Why precisely these countries are because they are alike in various aspects. Denmark and Sweden are alike when it comes to culture, geography, and history. The countries have close ties and similarities when it comes to distinct aspects, but the current criminal policy seemingly differs. The subject itself has a high relevance as it is an ongoing societal problem, and the analysis can get a clearer picture of how the criminal politics works in each country. To be able to fulfill the aim of this essay it is necessary to use an analysis model. Previous research has been used to identify important themes that are then used in an analysis model. Furthermore, each selected category is examined, which is accumulated in the analysis model to be able to obtain a clearer result.

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