Spelling suggestions: "subject:"gender (mainstream)""
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Exploring experiences of female academics at a higher education institution Limpopo Province, South AfricaMuleya, Abgirl 18 September 2017 (has links)
MGS / Institute for Gender and Youth Studies / Institutions of higher learning are still masculine-orientated; this creates a barrier for women in
terms of career advancement. To this effect women are under-represented in top academic
positions. The study employed qualitative research methods to explore factors that contribute to
the under-representation of women in senior positions at the University of Venda. A combination
of purposive and convenience sampling was used to select twenty five female academics (25).
Data was collected through primary and secondary data, semi-structured interviews were used
to elicit and illuminate women’s voices on issues that affect them and a thematic analysis was
used to analyse the collected data. The research findings demonstrate that the University’s
environment continues to be masculine-oriented within most of employment categories as well
as in academia where women struggle to thrive. Women face multiple challenges in ascending
the academic ladder which results in the under-representation of women in management and
academic levels. These challenges included: the stringent criteria for promotion which do not
seem to accommodate women, especially mothers, lack of female role-models, mentors and
networks. The second major barrier is the teaching work-load which poses difficulties for
women, preparations for teaching took long hours leaving them with no time for family,
research, publication, as well as to further their studies, which are necessary requirements for
promotion. The third major barrier women are faced with is the challenge of balancing multiple
roles - as students, workers and mothers. Balancing these multiple roles makes it difficult for
women to meet the highly stringent promotion criteria in the University
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Soutěž Úřad roku "Půl na půl" - reflexe vybraných aspektů vývoje úřadů / The Competition of Local Goverment Officies of the Year "Half and half" (Fifty percent representation of women) - A Reflection of the Selected Aspects of Local Goverment Officies DevelopmentŠilhánová, Petra January 2015 (has links)
The diploma thesis analyses local authorities taking part in the competition The Authority of the Year:"Half to Half" - Respect for Equal Opportunities. The aim of this thesis is to evaluate the progress, regress or stagnation of the selected local authorities with respect to gender equality. The thesis also carries out a more in-depth analysis of the current state of gender equality promotion by local authorities. The theoretical part introduces the background of promoting gender equality. Attention is paid to the strategy of gender mainstreaming and to how gender equality is connected to public administration. The research aims to analyse the development of local authorities in their promotion of gender equality, and it also provides conclusions and recommendations based on this analysis. Keywords Gender equality, gender mainstreaming, The Authority of the Year: "Half and Half"- Respect for Equal Opportunities Competition, equal opportunities, institutional promotion of gender equality, tools to promote gender equality. 4
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ArbeitGruhlich, Julia 07 May 2018 (has links)
Arbeit umfasst all jene Tätigkeiten, die zum gesellschaftlichen Fortbestand beitragen. Dazu gehört die produktive Arbeit, die gesellschaftlich relevante Güter und Dienstleistungen herstellt ebenso wie die reproduktive Arbeit, die sogenannte Care-Arbeit, die auf den Erhalt des menschlichen Lebens und der Arbeitskraft ausgerichtet ist. In der feministisch orientierten Erforschung von Arbeit wird die Relation zwischen den (Re-)Produktionsverhältnissen und den Geschlechterverhältnissen analysiert.
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Gender MainstreamingWegrzyn, Eva 25 April 2017 (has links)
Gender Mainstreaming ist eine gleichstellungspolitische Strategie, die daraufhin ausgerichtet ist, sämtliche Entscheidungen in einer Organisation kritisch auf ihre Auswirkungen auf die von geschlechterbezogenen Ungleichheiten unterschiedlich geprägte Lebensrealität von Frauen und Männern zu überprüfen und diesbezüglich bestehende Differenzen abzubauen. Kritik wird u. a. aufgrund der voraussetzungsreichen Umsetzung und der Gefahr, stereotype Geschlechterbilder zu verfestigen, geübt.
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Gender-Pay-GapEicker, Jannis 02 May 2017 (has links)
Der Gender-Pay-Gap ist eine statistische Kennzahl zur Messung der Ungleichheit zwischen Männern* und Frauen* beim Verdienst. Es gibt zwei Versionen: einen 'unbereinigten' und einen 'bereinigten'. Der 'unbereinigte' Gender-Pay-Gap berechnet den geschlechtsspezifischen Verdienstunterschied auf Basis der Bruttostundenlöhne aller Männer* und Frauen* der Grundgesamtheit. Beim 'bereinigten' Wert hingegen werden je nach Studie verschiedene Faktoren wie Branche, Position und Berufserfahrung herausgerechnet. Neben dem Gender-Pay-Gap gibt es noch weitere Kennzahlen von Einkommensdiskriminierung wie dem Gender-Pension- oder auch dem Racial-Pay-Gap.
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Women Representation in Disaster Risk Reduction : A Critical Discourse Analysis of the UNDRR FrameworksGerbais, Juliette January 2020 (has links)
While early relocation is not makeable, disaster risk reduction seems to be the most effective tool to decrease the impact of a disaster. This case study focuses on three UNDRR frameworks as they appear to be the greatest instance of international documents referring to disaster risk reduction (DRR). Especially, this research examines the representation of women within these frameworks and how their portrayal in DRR has changed over the last two decades. To do so, a critical discourse analysis of the three UNDRR frameworks is conducted. This study benefits from a social vulnerability approach and further engages with the Feminist Political Ecology theory. The analysis finds that even though women are increasingly represented in the frameworks, their roles as active participants remain negligible. Their knowledge and interest are still not recognised as valuable in DRR. Rather, women seem to be employed as tools to include more gender-sensitive programmes. This study recommends a greater and more complex emphasis on women in future DRR policies.
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Gender Equality in Urban Planning : A Crucial Factor for Real Inclusive DevelopmentPodestà, Livia January 2023 (has links)
Cities are growing at unprecedented speed, with all the challenges this global trend poses, from macro environmental and social level to individual level. Today the vast majority of women worldwide living in urban areas do not have the same access as men to public spaces and to services that the urban area offers. Furthermore, women often feel more unsafe in public spaces than men, and gendered violence and harassment in public spaces is a problem that is pervasive and widespread globally. Women have historically been omitted in the urban planning process, with the consequence that cities do not respond to their needs, lives, activities, experiences, and in the worst cases discriminate and segregate them. Consequently, the access to cities’ public services is limited for women and young girls, and so are also their economic and political powers- an important democratic issue. My research explores how systematically including the gender mainstreaming perspective at an early stage in urban planning and adopting participatory bottom-up communication processes that give voice and empowerment to the marginalized, could be a decisive factor in developing inclusive and accessible cities for all, against discrimination and segregation. Putting the gender equality perspective at the centre of the communication of designing/redesigning/transforming urban areas is therefore strategic to the implementation and success of an inclusive social development for all, both in the Global South and in the Global North. Keywords: urban planning, public spaces, gender, gender mainstreaming, gender equality, inclusivity, accessibility, social equity, urban justice, participation, democracy.
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Gleichstellungsbericht / Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte: Männer und Frauen im Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge28 November 2023 (has links)
No description available.
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Gleichstellungsbericht / Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge, Gleichstellungsbeauftragte: Männer und Frauen im Landkreis Sächsische Schweiz-Osterzgebirge07 November 2023 (has links)
Erscheinen eingestellt
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Feminization and the Erosion of the Nuclear TabooHaughey, Orla January 2024 (has links)
This paper sets out to evaluate the influence of Russia’s increasing levels of hegemonic masculinity upon the erosion of the nuclear taboo in relation to increased threatening rhetoric, military preparedness, targeting of nuclear facilities, and withdrawal from existing arms control legislation which indicates potential first-use employment of nuclear weapons against Ukraine. Utilizing a dual research methodology of comparative process tracing and critical discourse analysis, gender theory is applied to assess various critical junctures and political focal points that contributed to a dual-partite path dependency of increasing hegemonic masculinity, coupled with the feminized securitization of Ukraine, and retaliatory masculinity as performed via state-sponsored employment of conflict-related sexual violence and nuclear posturing against Ukraine. The alternative explanation of “Escalate to De-escalate” is critically investigated; however, the empirical analysis provided by this paper suggests that the lack of gender-sensitive evaluation within this explanation fails to adequately account for the effect of increasing domestic hegemonic masculinity within Russia. Increased perception of an existential threat against Russian masculinity was found to contribute to an increased dependency on nuclear weapons. Ultimately, this paper forwards a novel explanatory causal mechanism, providing one of the first analyses of the nuclear taboo in relation to a gender-sensitive lens.
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