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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

5000 timmar för att bli en god läsare : Studie om lärares inställning till läsläxa / 5000 hours to become a skilled reader : Study of teachers attitude towards reading homework

Angelica, Olsson January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to evaluate teachers attitudes towards reading homework and their thoughts regarding feedback. The study will also be looking at what type of support pupils are given regarding their reading homework and homework in general. This study will also evaluate the teachers’ thoughts on equality in connection with the pupils varying home conditions that affect how much support and help they receive with their reading homework.  I collected data for this study by using survey and interview methods. These two methods complement each other as they give a wide and in-depth-look at the questions in this study.  The results from this study show teachers attitudes towards reading homework as well as different forms of feedback that can be given. It also highlights teachers experiences when it comes to their schools homework support practice relating to reading and other types of homework that their pupils are given. Also included are the teachers’ thoughts regarding equality when related to pupils varying home conditions that affect help and support related to reading homework. The word that best describes teachers’ opinions on the current equivalent schooling is unfairness. / Syftet med studien är att undersöka lärares inställning till läsläxa samt deras tankar angående återkoppling och skolans stöd till eleverna med deras läsläxa och läxor i övrigt. Studien syftar även till att undersöka lärares tankar gällande likvärdighet kopplat till elevers olika förutsättningar till stöd och hjälp i hemmet med deras läsläxa.  Studiens tillvägagångssätt gällande datainsamling har skett via två metoder, enkät samt intervju. Datainsamlingsmetoderna kompletterar varandra och ger en bredd samt ett djup i frågorna.  Resultatet i studien redovisar lärares inställning till läsläxa samt varianter på återkoppling till den. Studiens resultat lyfter även lärares upplevelser om skolans stöd med läsläxa och övriga läxor till sina elever samt lärares tankar angående likvärdighet kopplat till elevers olika förutsättningar i hemmiljön gällande stöd och hjälp med läsläxa. Ordet som beskriver lärarnas åsikt gällande likvärdighetstanken är orättvisa.

家庭作業與學習成就關係之研究—以TIMSS與TEPS臺灣學生為例 / The Relationship between Homework and Learning Achievements: An Example of Taiwan Students from TIMSS and TEPS

陳俊瑋 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在了解家庭作業與學習成就的關係。為達研究目的,本研究以階層線性模式分析「國際數學與科學教育成就趨勢調查」2007年4年級學生資料;2007年8年級學生資料;以及2011年8年級學生資料,接著,本研究再以結構方程模式的長期追蹤交叉延宕模式,分析「臺灣教育長期追蹤資料庫」2001年、2003年及2005年追蹤樣本學生資料,本研究主要發現: 一、臺灣4年級學生的學生層次數學家庭作業時間對數學學習成就有顯著負向地影響效果;學生層次科學家庭作業時間對科學學習成就也有顯著負向地影響效果。 二、臺灣4年級學生的班級層次數學家庭作業頻率對數學學習成就沒有顯著地影響效果;班級層次科學家庭作業頻率對科學學習成就也沒有顯著地影響效果。 三、臺灣8年級學生的學生層次數學家庭作業時間對數學學習成就有顯著正向地影響效果;學生層次科學家庭作業時間對科學學習成就也有顯著正向地影響效果。 四、臺灣8年級學生的班級層次數學家庭作業頻率對數學學習成就有顯著正向地影響效果;班級層次科學家庭作業頻率對科學學習成就也有顯著正向地影響效果。 五、臺灣2001年7年級陸續追蹤至2005年11年級的學生,其家庭作業時間與學習成就有顯著正向地相互影響效果。 / This study aimed analyze the relationship between homework and learning achievements. Hierarchical linear modeling was used to analyze the 4th grade of elementary school students from Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007, 8th grade of junior high school students from TIMSS 2007, and 8th grade of junior high school students from TIMSS 2011. Moreover, structural equation modeling with cross-lagged panel modeling was used to analyze the core panel sample data from Taiwan Education Panel Survey (TEPS) in 2001, 2003, and 2005. The major findings were as follows: 1. Taiwan 4th grade of elementary school students’ student-level mathematic homework time could negative predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and student-level science homework time could also negative predict the science learning achievements significantly. 2. Taiwan 4th grade of elementary school students’ class-level mathematic homework frequency could not predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and class-level science homework frequency could also not predict the science learning achievements significantly. 3. Taiwan 8th grade of junior high school students’ student-level mathematic homework time could positive predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and student-level science homework time could also positive predict the science learning achievements significantly. 4. Taiwan 8th grade of junior high school students’ class-level mathematic homework frequency could positive predict the mathematic learning achievements significantly, and class-level science homework frequency could also positive predict the science learning achievements significantly. 5. Taiwan 7th grade of junior high school students to 11th grade of senior high school students’ homework time could positive predict the subsequent learning achievements significantly, and learning achievements could also positive predict the subsequent homework time significantly.

The usage of Internet technologies by high school students in the completion of educational tasks outside of the school setting

Freehling, Seth 01 January 2005 (has links)
Examines the use of Information and Communicative Technologies (ICT) by high school students from economically-disadvantaged households to complete homework assignments. Results of a survey of 240 high school students at an urban, inner-city high school located in Southern California, indicated, (1) the Digital Divide is narrowing among social classes, as most students reported having Internet access from their homes, (2) students willingness to embrace new uses of ICT in their studies, (3) the speed of completing homework was increased through the use of ICT multi-tasking and the use of search engines and, (4) computer maintenance issues were not a significant hindrance, as most students have some basic computer literacy skills.

Domácí příprava žáků / Pupils' homework

Kubátová, Stanislava January 2015 (has links)
This thesis engages in the theme of pupil's home preparation for basic school. Finding the pupils', parents' and teachers' attitudes to homework is the purpose of this thesis. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on relationship between the family and the school, especially parents' involvement in this problem. Hereafter we occupy with home preparation as organize form of teaching. We describe types and forms of homework. The empirical part we address the attitudes of pupils, attitudes of parents and attitudes of children to homework. The main research questions are importance, types, forms, individualization, reviews, failure of homework. Further we are interested in these attitudes on the first and second grade at the basic school. The research is qualitative-quantitative composed. We pursue to the theme from the point of parents and pupils in qualitative part, the teachers in quantitative part. For this research we used questionnaire and semi-structured interview. It is the form of mixed design.

Família, escola e educação matemática: um estudo em localidade de colonização alemã do Vale do Rio dos Sinos – RS

Junges, Débora De Lima Velho 12 1900 (has links)
Submitted by William Justo Figueiro (williamjf) on 2015-07-10T21:50:19Z No. of bitstreams: 1 38b.pdf: 2504640 bytes, checksum: ceb667a2e686b8faa965a1fa1fa97aa7 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-07-10T21:50:19Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 38b.pdf: 2504640 bytes, checksum: ceb667a2e686b8faa965a1fa1fa97aa7 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-12 / Nenhuma / A dissertação tem como objetivo discutir a relação família-escola no que diz respeito à educação matemática, mais especificamente, essa relação na EMEF Tiradentes, escola do campo multisseriada localizada em Novo Hamburgo, município de colonização alemã da região do Vale do Rio dos Sinos (RS). De modo mais específico, examina como a forma de vida da colonização alemã do Rio Grande do Sul, iniciada no século XIX, entrelaça-se com a forma de vida daquela escola; analisa como, do ponto de vista pedagógico, a classe multisseriada da EMEF Tiradentes estava organizada; discute como os participantes da pesquisa descreveram a relação das famílias com a escola por meio da prática do dever de casa; e, quanto à educação matemática e no que se refere ao dever de casa dessa área do currículo, identifica como foram descritos pelos participantes os jogos de linguagem praticados pelas famílias e aqueles praticados na forma de vida escolar. As ferramentas teóricas do estudo estão vinculadas ao campo da Etnomatemática, em seus entrecruzamentos com as teorizações de Michel Foucault, e às ideias de Wittgenstein apresentadas em sua obra Investigações Filosóficas. O material de pesquisa consiste em entrevistas realizadas com sete famílias vinculadas à EMEF Tiradentes, em entrevista com a professora da classe multisseriada, em observação de aulas e de reunião de pais e na análise de documentos da EMEF Tiradentes. Os principais resultados da investigação apontam que: não foram encontrados indícios que pudessem relacionar a forma de vida da colonização alemã do Rio Grande do Sul com a forma de vida da EMEF Tiradentes; a gramática da matemática escolar praticada naquela classe multisseriada era constituída por um conjunto de jogos de linguagem marcados pela escrita e pelo formalismo presente no uso de algoritmos; o auxílio ao dever de casa era considerado pelas famílias como uma das principais vias para sua participação em questões educacionais; foi possível, finalmente, identificar semelhanças de família entre os jogos de linguagem matemáticos praticados pela forma de vida escolar e aqueles praticados pelas famílias quando auxiliavam seus filhos nos deveres de casa de Matemática. / The Master Dissertation aims at discussing the family-school relationship with regards to mathematics education, more specifically, this relationship in the EMEF Tiradentes, peasant multigrade school located in Novo Hamburgo, municipality of German colonization of the region of Vale do Rio dos Sinos - RS. In a specific way, it examines how the form of life of German colonization of Rio Grande do Sul started in the nineteenth century is intertwined with the form of life of that school; analyzes how, from the pedagogical point of view, that multigrade class of was organized; discusses how the participants described the family relationships with school through the practice of homework, and, about mathematics education in relation to school mathematics homework, identifies as are described by the participants of the language games and practiced by the families and that practiced in the form of school life. The theoretical tools of the study are linked to the field of Ethnomathematics in their intersections with the theories of Michel Foucault and Wittgenstein's ideas which were presented in his book Philosophical Investigations. The research material consists of interviews with seven families linked to EMEF Tiradentes, interview with the teacher of the multigrade class, classroom observation and parents meeting and analysis of documents EMEF Tiradentes. The main research findings indicate that: regarding the practices of EMEF Tiradentes there is no evidence that can relate the life form of German colonization of Rio Grande do Sul with the way of life of EMEF Tiradentes. The grammar of the school mathematics practiced in the class of multisseriate EMEF Tiradentes was consisted of a set of language games marked by writing and present formalism in the use of algorithms; the families described the aid to homework as a major form of family involvement in the educational issues, and was possible to identify family resemblances that approached the mathematical language games practiced by way of school life and the language games practiced by the families when these helped their children with their math homeworks.

Läsläxa i ämnet svenska för flerspråkiga elever / Reading homework in subject Swedish language for multilingual pupils

Nigutova, Svatava, Teterina, Anastasia January 2019 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen är en del av pilotprojektet ”Läsläxa i ämnet svenska för flerspråkiga elever”. Projektet tar avstamp i forskning om läsning på ett andraspråk, inkluderande och flerkulturell undervisning samt samverkan mellan hem och skola kring läsläxor. Syftet med studien är att erhålla ny kunskap om hur läsläxor i ämnet svenska fungerar för flerspråkiga elever i årskurs 3 i grundskolan. Ett av de viktiga intresseområdena är lärarnas, elevernas och föräldrarnas erfarenheter, uppfattningar och frågor kring läsläxor och deras utformning. Sammanlagt genomfördes sex semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultatet visar att lärarna är medvetna om flerspråkighet och att de arbetar med läsläxor på ett strukturerat sätt och ständigt utvärderar sitt arbete. De är engagerade i sitt arbete och försöker att ge rätt verktyg till de flerspråkiga eleverna så att de ska kunna utveckla lässtrategier och förbättra sin läsförståelse. Som det framgår från intervjuerna är eleverna medvetna om syftet med läsläxor och upplever att den största svårigheten är att förstå svåra ord i texten. När det gäller föräldrarna är de positivt inställda till skolan, lärarna och läsläxorna och trots sin korta skolbakgrund försöker att stötta sina barn enligt förmåga. Då läsläxorna enbart ges på svenska är det samtidigt tydligt att den enspråkiga normen dominerar. / This is a part of a project called ”Reading Homeworks for Multilingual Pupils” that aims at monitoring the practices, behaviour, notions and current discourses in elementary classes in Sweden where multilingual pupils from migrant families are included. Six different interviews have been conducted with Swedish teachers, multilingual pupils and their parents in order to map the factors that influence the activity of reading homeworks both at home and at school. Both the construction of interview questions and the discussion of data gathered in participants’ answers have been influenced by nexus analysis where reading homework constitutes the social interaction platform on which all three parts, teachers, pupils and parents, meet. The results have been discussed through the lens of theories by J. Cummins, P. Gibbons and O. García. There has been a significant change in schools in Sweden with larger number of multilingual pupils that have Swedish as their second language, in the classrooms. That is why new requirements are laid regarding teachers’ competencies and practices. Interaction between teachers and parents and positive opinions about homework can influence pupils’ reading comprehension. Homework design and individual support of pupils in need are some of the issues observed in the paper. / Läsläxa i ämnet svenska för flerspråkiga elever

Läxor - en del av undervisningen? : En studie kring lärares förhållningssätt och intentioner rörande läxor

Bergström, Camilla, Hansson, Karin January 2010 (has links)
Vår kvalitativa studie utgår från vad lärare säger sig ha för intentioner med läxor och vilket förhållningssätt de har till dem. Vi ville skapa oss en bild om hur vi kan förhålla oss till läxor i vår kommande yrkesroll som lärare. För att uppnå syftet med studien intervjuade vi fyra lärare i de tidiga skolåren. Utifrån materialet intervjuerna gav kom vi fram till fyra olika kategorier kring lärares förhållningssätt till läxor: Läxor som tradition och rutin, Lärares syn på läxor med hänsyn till eleven, Läxans tidsvinst och tidskostnad samt Föräldrar som läxhjälp och samarbetspartner. Resultatet visar att för lärare är läxor viktiga för att upprätthålla en bra och nära relation till föräldrar och för att föräldrarna ska bli delaktiga och kunna se vad deras barn presterar och arbetar med i skolan. Ett annat lärarsyfte, med att ge läxor är att eleverna behöver färdighetsträning för att ta till sig den kunskap som förmedlas i skolan. Läxor är en självklar del av skolan för de allra flesta lärare, men läxor är inget stort diskussionsämne vare sig i arbetslag eller på skolorna i allmänhet. / Our qualitative study is aimed at teachers´ intentions with the homework and their attitude to it. We wanted to create a picture of what attitude we could adopt to homework in our future professional role as teachers. To achieve the objective of the study, we interviewed four teachers in the elementary school. Based on the material the interwiews gave we came up with four categories around teachers´attitude to homework: Homework by tradition and routine, Teachers´views on homework given to the pupils, Homework as a timesaver and a timecost and Parents as a partner and a help with homework. The result shows that for teachers is homework important to maintain a good and close relationship with parents and that parents should be allowed to see their children´s achievements and what they are working with in the school. Another intention, for teachers, with homework is that pupils need skills in order to take in knowledge. Homework is a natural part of school for most teachers, but homework is not a major topic of discussion either in teams or schools in general.

Veränderungsrelevante Prozesse jenseits psychotherapeutischer Sitzungen - Konzeption, Beschreibung und Ansätze für ein optimiertes therapeutisches Vorgehen / Change-relevant processes outside the psychotherapeutic setting - conception, description and strategies for enhancing therapeutic effectiveness

Helbig-Lang, Sylvia 10 May 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Obwohl therapeutisch angestrebte Veränderungen im Rahmen der kognitiven Verhaltenstherapie vor allem als Veränderungen des Erlebens und Verhaltens im Alltag des Patienten konzipiert werden, konzentriert sich die Psychotherapieforschung bei der Aufklärung relevanter Wirkmechanismen bislang eher auf Einflüsse der unmittelbaren therapeutischen Interaktion sowie auf den Beitrag konkreter Intervention. Prozesse außerhalb der therapeutischen Sitzungen wurden in ihrer Bedeutung für Veränderungen eher vernachlässigt. Es ist jedoch davon auszugehen, dass ein umfassenderes Verständnis dieser Prozesse helfen könnte, psychotherapeutische Behandlungen weiter zu optimieren und ihre Gesamteffektivität zu erhöhen. Die vorliegende Arbeit macht veränderungsrelevante Prozesse außerhalb des eigentlichen Therapiekontextes zum Ausgangspunkt verschiedener Überlegungen zur Optimierung verhaltenstherapeutischer Behandlungen. Dabei werden exemplarisch Prozesse in der Wartezeit zwischen Anmeldung zur Psychotherapie und Beginn der eigentlichen Behandlung sowie therapeutische Hausaufgaben als veränderungsrelevante Aktivitäten zwischen zwei Therapiestunden untersucht. Einen wichtigen Bereich potentieller Veränderungsprozesse stellen Einflüsse in der Zeit vor der Therapie dar. In der Überblicksarbeit „Wartezeit für Psychotherapiepatienten – und wie sie zu nutzen ist“ (Helbig, Hähnel, Weigel & Hoyer, 2004) wird zunächst die derzeitige Versorgungslage im Psychotherapiesektor in Bezug auf Wartezeiten dargestellt und damit assoziierte Probleme aufgezeigt. Es werden Empfehlungen für einen konstruktiven Umgang mit diesen Wartezeiten diskutiert sowie eine konkrete Vorgehensweise vorgeschlagen. In einer Praxiserhebung wurden darüber hinaus ca. 300 Patienten auf einer Warteliste für ambulante Verhaltenstherapie mit einem Kurzfragebogen zu eigeninitiierten problembezogenen Aktivitäten und Coping-Strategien befragt („What do patients do before it starts? Coping with mental health problems on a CBT waiting list“; Helbig & Hoyer, 2008). Es zeigte sich, dass das therapierelevante Verhalten in der Wartezeit erheblich variierte, jedoch fast alle Patienten bereits während der Wartezeit im Hinblick auf ihr Problem aktiv wurden. Überraschenderweise konnten keine klaren Assoziationen zwischen Patienten-Charakteristika und Art des gezeigten Selbsthilfe- oder Copingverhaltens nachgewiesen werden. Eine erste Exploration der Effekte von Selbsthilfe-Verhalten in der Wartezeit auf das Therapie-Ergebnis ergab hypothesenkonträr, dass aktive Selbsthilfe ein ungünstigeres Behandlungsergebnis im Hinblick auf depressive Symptome vorhersagte – hier bleibt jedoch offen, inwieweit dieses Ergebnis durch den fehlenden Erfolg der Selbsthilfestrategien und einen damit verbundenen Selbstwirksamkeitsverlust moderiert wird. Die Ergebnisse führten zu der Hypothese, dass systematische und erwiesenermaßen nutzbringende Angebote für Patienten in der Wartezeit helfen könnten, Kosten durch Inanspruchnahme weiterer Dienste zu sparen und die Selbstwirksamkeitserwartung von Patienten schon vor Beginn der Therapie zu erhöhen. Diese Annahme wurde anhand einer speziell für die Wartezeit entwickelten Intervention untersucht („Hilft wenig viel? Eine Minimalintervention für Patienten während der Wartezeit auf ambulante Verhaltenstherapie“; Helbig & Hoyer, 2007). In einer universitären Psychotherapieambulanz wurden 75 Patienten mit Angst- bzw. depressiven Störungen nach Anmeldung zur Behandlung kontrolliert einer Versuchs- oder einer Kontrollgruppe zugewiesen. Während die Kontrollgruppe wie üblich auf den Behandlungsbeginn wartete, erhielt die Versuchsgruppe bibliotherapeutische Materialien sowie ein Informationsblatt zur Überbrückung von Wartezeit. Beide Gruppen wurden vor und nach der Wartezeit im Hinblick auf Erwartungen und Einstellungen zur Behandlung sowie hinsichtlich ihrer Zufriedenheit mit der Einrichtung untersucht. Die Minimalintervention erbrachte differenziell positive Effekte, insbesondere bei Personen mit geringem Vorwissen über Psychotherapie; ein global positiver Einfluss auf die untersuchten Variablen konnte jedoch nicht nachgewiesen werden. Bei Teilnehmern mit depressiven Erkrankungen wurden sogar vereinzelt negative Effekte der Intervention beobachtet. Entsprechend wurde geschlussfolgert, dass ein patienten- und störungsübergreifendes Vorgehen in der Wartezeit für eine Optimierung der psychotherapeutischen Versorgung nicht Erfolg versprechend erscheint. Neben Prozessen in der Wartezeit auf Psychotherapie sind auch Prozesse zwischen den eigentlichen Therapiesitzungen ein möglicher Ansatzpunkt zur Steigerung der Gesamteffektivität. Trotz ihrer theoretischen Bedeutsamkeit existieren bislang nur wenige empirische Befunde zur Frage, wie Hausaufgaben zur Therapieeffektivität beitragen und wie sie gewinnbringend einzusetzen sind. Eine Befragung von 77 verhaltenstherapeutisch arbeitenden Psychotherapeuten ergab, dass der Einsatz von Hausaufgaben in der Praxis mit einer Vielzahl von Problemen behaftet ist: Nur ca. ein Drittel der vereinbarten Aufgaben wurde durch den Patienten wie geplant erledigt („Problems with homework in CBT: Rare exception or rather frequent?“; Helbig & Fehm, 2004). Die Hausaufgaben-Compliance war dabei positiv korreliert mit der Vergabe schriftlicher Materialien, einem späteren Therapiestadium sowie der allgemeinen Einstellung zu Hausaufgaben. Aus diesen Ergebnissen wurden konkrete Maßnahmen für einen gewinnbringenden Einsatz von Hausaufgaben abgeleitet. Aufgrund der überraschend häufigen Probleme im Umgang mit Hausaufgaben beschäftigte sich eine weitere Arbeit mit allgemeinen Empfehlungen für den effektiven Einsatz von Hausaufgaben und deren empirischer Fundierung („Der Einsatz von Hausaufgaben in der Psychotherapie. Empfehlungen und ihre empirische Fundierung“; Helbig & Fehm, 2005). Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass die Mehrzahl der in der Literatur genannten Empfehlungen noch nicht empirisch untersucht ist bzw. nicht nachgewiesenermaßen mit der Hausaufgabenerledigung assoziiert ist. In den bisher beschriebenen empirischen Arbeiten wurden Schwierigkeiten bei der aussagekräftigen Erfassung des Geschehens außerhalb des Therapiekontexts deutlich. Aus diesem Grund wurde im Rahmen einer weiteren Studie das Ecological Momentary Assessment (EMA) als ambulantes Monitoring-Verfahren auf seine Anwendbarkeit bei der Untersuchung von klinisch relevanten Veränderungsprozessen überprüft („Implementierung, Akzeptanz und Informationsgehalt eines „Ecological Momentary Assessment“-Ansatzes bei Patienten mit Panikstörung und Agoraphobie“; Helbig, Lang, Swendsen, Hoyer & Wittchen, 2009). Insgesamt konnte EMA gut in eine allgemeine Versorgungsstruktur implementiert werden und bot einen deutlichen Informationsgewinn gegenüber klassischen Erhebungsmethoden. In weiteren Studien sollte jedoch weiter untersucht werden, ob der Einsatz von EMA zu systematischen Stichprobenselektionseffekten führt. Die vorgestellten Befunde lassen den enormen Forschungsbedarf erkennen, der auf dem Gebiet veränderungsrelevanter Prozesse außerhalb der therapeutischen Beziehung und Intervention besteht. Aus diesem Grund wird abschließend eine weiterführende Forschungsagenda entwickelt und praxisnahe Vorschläge zur Optimierung der therapeutischen Versorgung abgeleitet. / Therapeutic outcome in cognitive-behaviour therapy (CBT) is often defined as lasting changes in cognitive, emotional and behavioural processes in a patient’s daily life. Psychotherapy research, on the contrary, mainly focuses on processes during therapeutic sessions and effects of specific interventions in examining mechanisms of change. Processes outside the therapeutic setting were mostly neglected, although it might be assumed that a comprehensive knowledge of these processes might help optimizing treatment and enhancing overall therapeutic effectiveness. The present dissertation is based on assumptions about the importance of change-relevant processes outside the direct therapist-patient-interaction on CBT outcome. Processes during waiting time for psychotherapy and therapeutic homework assignments are exemplarily scrutinized. Influences prior to therapy start are an important research subject in studying change processes outside the therapeutic setting. In a first paper, the status of German psychotherapy health care in relation to waiting times is reviewed, and related problems are discussed („Waiting time for psychotherapy – and how to make use of it“; Helbig, Hähnel, Weigel & Hoyer, 2004). Recommendations for using these waiting times for therapy preparation are proposed. Additionally, about 300 patients on a outpatient CBT waiting list were surveyed using a specifically developed questionnaire that retrospectively assessed problem-related activities and coping strategies („What do patients do before it starts? Coping with mental health problems on a CBT waiting list“; Helbig & Hoyer, 2008). It showed that patient behaviour during waiting time largely varied; however, almost all patients instigated activities in regard to their problem. Surprisingly, no clear associations between patient characteristics and coping behaviour could be found. A preliminary exploration of self-help effects during waiting on therapy outcome pointed out unfavourable effects of active self-help – however, it remained open whether failure in self-help and a related decrease of perceived self-effectiveness contributed to this surprising finding. It was concluded that a therapist initiated offer for using waiting times might help reduce additional health care utilization and promote patients’ self-effectiveness even prior to therapy start. This assumption was examined in a subsequent study on the effects of a minimal intervention for waiting list patients („Effects of a minimal intervention for patients on a CBT waiting list“; Helbig & Hoyer, 2007). 75 patients reporting depressive and anxiety disorders at intake were allocated to either waiting as usual or an intervention group. Patients in the intervention group received bibliotherapeutic materials and a leaflet informing about strategies that might help bridging the waiting time. Before and after waiting, consumer satisfaction, attitudes towards psychotherapy and treatment expectations were assessed in both groups. The minimal intervention had some positive effects, especially in patients with less knowledge about psychotherapy; however, there was no global improvement in the intervention group. In patients with depressive disorders, single adverse effects were observed. It was concluded that the use of therapy preparation strategies cannot overall be recommended, but has to take differences among patients into account. Besides processes prior to therapy start, intersession processes might be used for enhancing overall therapy effectiveness. Despite their theoretical importance, little is known about therapeutic homework assignments and their effective use. A survey among 77 behaviour therapists showed that only about one third of homework is completed as assigned („Problems with homework in CBT: Rare exception or rather frequent?“; Helbig & Fehm, 2004). Homework compliance was positively associated with providing written materials, a later stage of therapy and positive attitudes towards homework. Recommendations for homework assignment were derived from these findings. Due to the surprisingly frequent problems related to homework use, a review on recommendations for effective homework use and their empirical foundation was conducted („Homework recommendations in theory and research. Empirical results on the recommended use of homework“; Helbig & Fehm, 2005). It was shown that the majority of homework recommendations is not examined yet, or lacks empirical evidence. The empirical studies described above disclosed methodological difficulties in a meaningful assessment of intersession processes. Thus, a last study was designed to test the feasibility of an ambulatory assessment strategy (EMA) for examining clinically relevant mechanisms of change (“Feasibility, compliance and information content of an Ecological Momentary Assessment approach in patients with panic disorder and agoraphobia”; Helbig, Lang, Swendsen, Hoyer & Wittchen, 2009). Overall, EMA demonstrated feasibility in routine care as well as substantial information gains compared to questionnaire measures. Further studies should reappraise whether EMA is linked to systematic sample selection effects. Presented findings refer to a substantial need for further research on change-relevant processes outside the therapeutic setting. Against this background, the dissertation concludes with an intersession research agenda and with recommendations for enhancing therapeutic effectiveness.

Läxor - en del av undervisningen? : En studie kring lärares förhållningssätt och intentioner rörande läxor

Bergström, Camilla, Hansson, Karin January 2010 (has links)
<p>Vår kvalitativa studie utgår från vad lärare säger sig ha för intentioner med läxor och vilket förhållningssätt de har till dem. Vi ville skapa oss en bild om hur vi kan förhålla oss till läxor i vår kommande yrkesroll som lärare. För att uppnå syftet med studien intervjuade vi fyra lärare i de tidiga skolåren. Utifrån materialet intervjuerna gav kom vi fram till fyra olika kategorier kring lärares förhållningssätt till läxor: <em>Läxor som tradition och rutin, Lärares syn på läxor med hänsyn till eleven, Läxans tidsvinst och tidskostnad </em>samt<em> Föräldrar som läxhjälp och samarbetspartner. </em>Resultatet visar att för lärare är läxor viktiga för att upprätthålla en bra och nära relation till föräldrar och för att föräldrarna ska bli delaktiga och kunna se vad deras barn presterar och arbetar med i skolan. Ett annat lärarsyfte, med att ge läxor är att eleverna behöver färdighetsträning för att ta till sig den kunskap som förmedlas i skolan. Läxor är en självklar del av skolan för de allra flesta lärare, men läxor är inget stort diskussionsämne vare sig i arbetslag eller på skolorna i allmänhet.</p> / <p>Our qualitative study is aimed at teachers´ intentions with the homework and their attitude to it. We wanted to create a picture of what attitude we could adopt to homework in our future professional role as teachers. To achieve the objective of the study, we interviewed four teachers in the elementary school. Based on the material the interwiews gave we came up with four categories around teachers´attitude to homework: <em>Homework by tradition and routine, Teachers´views on homework given to the pupils,</em> <em>Homework as a timesaver and a timecost </em>and<em> Parents as a partner and a help with</em> <em>homework.</em> The result shows that for teachers is homework important to maintain a good and close relationship with parents and that parents should be allowed to see their children´s achievements and what they are working with in the school. Another intention, for teachers, with homework is that pupils need skills in order to take in knowledge. Homework is a natural part of school for most teachers, but homework is not a major topic of discussion either in teams or schools in general.</p>

A tarefa de casa e o envolvimento familiar na inclusão escolar de alunos com deficiência física / Homework and family involvement in the school inclusion of students with physical deficiency

Gregorutti, Carolina Cangemi [UNESP] 23 October 2017 (has links)
Submitted by Carolina Cangemi Gregorutti null (carol.terapeut@gmail.com) on 2017-12-04T23:42:18Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GREGORUTTI_TESE_2017.pdf: 4428359 bytes, checksum: 064efb41d93e6857dc9486e00ba5cf1e (MD5) / Submitted by Carolina Cangemi Gregorutti null (carol.terapeut@gmail.com) on 2017-12-05T14:11:15Z No. of bitstreams: 1 GREGORUTTI_TESE_2017.pdf: 4428359 bytes, checksum: 064efb41d93e6857dc9486e00ba5cf1e (MD5) / Approved for entry into archive by Satie Tagara (satie@marilia.unesp.br) on 2017-12-06T18:31:27Z (GMT) No. of bitstreams: 1 gregorutti_cc_dr_mar.pdf: 4428359 bytes, checksum: 064efb41d93e6857dc9486e00ba5cf1e (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2017-12-06T18:31:27Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 gregorutti_cc_dr_mar.pdf: 4428359 bytes, checksum: 064efb41d93e6857dc9486e00ba5cf1e (MD5) Previous issue date: 2017-10-23 / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / A tarefa de casa tem uma função particularmente interessante além do processo de ensino e aprendizagem, pois pode funcionar como uma atividade mediadora da integração entre a escola e a família, tão necessária na Educação Inclusiva. Este estudo teve como objetivo investigar o envolvimento de pais ou outros familiares responsáveis por alunos com deficiência física na realização da tarefa de casa, considerando o processo de escolarização no contexto da Educação Inclusiva. Toda a análise visou a identificar as concepções dos participantes sobre a tarefa de casa e a parceria escola-família, as condições oferecidas à criança com deficiência física para a realização da tarefa de casa e as atitudes sociais em relação à inclusão. Participaram 15 cuidadores familiares de crianças com deficiência física inseridas na Educação Infantil e nos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Os participantes foram entrevistados em suas próprias residências em uma cidade no interior de São Paulo. Foram utilizados os seguintes materiais para a coleta dos dados: Ficha de Caracterização do Familiar Participante, que tinha como finalidade coletar informações referentes aos participantes, como o nome, a idade, a formação educacional, as caracterizações da criança com deficiência física, a organização da rotina familiar em relação à execução da tarefa de casa por esse aluno, a rotina da família, entre outros dados; Sistema de Classificação da Função Motora Grossa (GMFCS – versão brasileira) que determina qual nível melhor representa as habilidades e limitações na função motora grossa que a criança apresenta; Sistema de Classificação da Habilidade Manual (MACS) que descreve como as crianças usam suas mãos para manipular objetos em atividades diárias; Viking Speech Scale (VSS), escala desenvolvida para classificar a produção de fala das crianças; Escala Likert de Atitudes Sociais em relação à Inclusão (ELASI), utilizada para avaliar as atitudes sociais dos familiares em relação à inclusão e, por fim, o Roteiro de Entrevista Semiestruturado, dividido em duas partes. A parte 1 do roteiro tinha a finalidade de identificar a concepção dos familiares sobre a tarefa de casa, o papel da escola e da família no processo de escolarização da criança, a parceria colaborativa entre a escola e a família; o papel da família no auxílio da criança nas tarefas de casa; a frequência e a maneira como as tarefas de casa eram realizadas no ambiente domiciliar. A parte 2 se destinou a identificar como as tarefas de casa estavam inseridas na rotina familiar dos alunos com deficiência física e como ocorria a participação dos familiares, além de detectar as possíveis dificuldades para a execução das tarefas de casa. Os dados foram organizados e analisados qualitativa e quantitativamente e análises adicionais foram realizadas, estabelecendo as necessárias comparações com base no perfil do participante e do aluno com deficiência física. Os resultados sugeriram que as famílias acolhiam bem a tarefa de casa e até criavam condições favoráveis para a sua realização pela criança. Entretanto, para que efetivamente ocorra a parceria colaborativa entre a escola e a família, em benefício da aprendizagem escolar da criança, pode ser necessária uma comunicação mais efetiva entre as duas partes: a professora precisa orientar o familiar cuidador a auxiliar adequadamente a realização da tarefa pela criança com deficiência física e necessita receber informações do cuidador quanto a eventuais dificuldades encontradas pela criança na realização de cada atividade. O envolvimento dos cuidadores familiares na realização das tarefas de casa pode ser uma importante estratégia tanto para promover um bom desempenho acadêmico do aluno com deficiência física quanto para criar condições favoráveis para a parceria colaborativa entre a escola e a família. / A homework assignment has a particularly interesting role beyond the teaching and learning process, since it may work as a mediating activity of integration between a school and a family, much needed in Inclusive Education. This study aimed to investigate the involvement of parents or other relatives responsible for students with physical disabilities in the accomplishment of the homework, considering the process of schooling in the context of Inclusive Education. The whole analysis aimed at identifying the conception of the participants about homework and school-family partnership, the conditions available for physical disability for a homework assignment and social attitudes towards inclusion. Fifteen families of children´s caregivers with physical disabilities insertions in Early Childhood Education and in the initial years of Elementary School took part in this study. The participants have been interviewed in their own homes in a city of São Paulo state. The following tools have been used for data collection: Characterization Sheet of the Family´s Participant, whose purpose is to collect information regarding to the participants, such as name, age, educational background, characterization of the child with physical disability, organization of the family routine in relation to execution of the homework of the child with physical disability, family routine, among other data; Gross Motor Function Classification System (GMFCS - Brazilian version) that determines the best representative performance as abilities and limits in the gross motor function that the child presents; Manual Ability Classification System (MACS) that describes how the children use their hands for manipulate objects in daily activities; Viking Speech Scale (VSS), developed to classify children's speech production; Likert Scale of Social Attitudes in Relation to Inclusion (ELASI – in Portuguese), used to evaluate the social attitudes of family members in relation to inclusion and finally the Semi Structured Interview Roadmap, divided into two parts. Part 1 of the script had a purpose of identifying the family´s conception about homework assignment, the role of the school and the family in the child's schooling process, a collaborative partnership between school and family, and the role of the family without the child's help in household chores; also sought to identify a frequency and a way in which the homework were carried out in the home environment. Part 2 was intended to identify how as homework were integrated into the family routine of students with physical disability and how the participation of family members occurred, in addition to identify possible difficulties for the execution of the homework. The data were organized and analyzed qualitatively and quantitatively and further analysis were performed, providing comparisons based on the participant profile and the student with physical disability. The results suggested that the families well received the homework and even built conditions for their achievement by a child with physical disability. However, in order for a collaborative partnership between the school and the family to take place effectively for the benefit of the child's school learning, a more effective communication between the two parties may be necessary: the teacher must direct the family caregiver to adequately assist the homework accomplishment by the child with physical disability and need to receive information from the caregiver regarding any difficulties encountered by the child in the performance of each activity. The involvement of family caregivers in the accomplishment of the homework can be an important strategy both to promote a good academic performance of the student with physical disability and to create favorable conditions for the collaborative partnership between the school and the family.

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