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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Information Overload and the Growing Infosphere : A Comparison of the Opinions and Experiences of Information Specialists and General Academics on the Topic of Information Overload / Informationsöverflöd i den växande informationssfären : en jämförelse mellan informationsspecialisters och akademikers åsikter och erfarenheter av begreppet informationsöverflöd

Blom, Fredrik January 2011 (has links)
Information overload is a popular term intimately associated with the information society in which we are now thought to live. This two-year master’s thesis explores perceptions and experiences of this phenomenon through a quantitative study of two groups of academics; on the one hand, academically active information specialists, and on the other, active academics in general. The theoretical framework for this study is based on Orrin E. Klapp’s notion of ‘meaning lag’ and Luciano Floridi’s concept of ‘infosphere’, to provide a context for discussing how and why information overload might develop. The relationship between information overload and ‘information literacy’ is another important point explored as part of this discussion. An international, web-based survey directed at information specialists as well as general academics reveals that information overload is a very common experience for people active in academic settings. A number of statistics are presented regarding how, when and where information overload is usually experienced, as well as the more general information habits and perceptions of the information environment that these groups display. After comparing the two examined groups, the thesis concludes that there are, in fact, no major differences in how these groups perceive and experience information overload and their surrounding information environment. Having an academic interest and specialty in information science is thus not indicative of being able to avoid or even think very differently about information overload. Finally, some relevant research directions are proposed. / Information overload, eller informationsöverflöd, är ett populärt sätt att beskriva en av följderna av det informationssamhälle i vilket vi nu anses leva. Denna uppsats utforskar vilka uppfattningar och erfarenheter som finns av detta fenomen utifrån en kvantitativ studie av två olika grupper av akademiker; å ena sidan akademiskt aktiva informationsspecialister, och å andra sidan, aktiva akademiker i allmänhet. Det teoretiska ramverket för denna studie baserar sig på Orrin E. Klapps begrepp ‘meaning lag’ samt Luciano Floridis tanke om en ‘infosfär’. Dessa skapar tillsammans en kontext för att kunna diskutera hur och varför informationsöverflöd drabbar oss. Relationen mellan informationsöverflöd och informationskompetens är en annan viktig beståndsdel som utforskas i denna diskussion. En internationell, nätbaserad enkätundersökning som författaren utfört bland de relevanta grupperna visar att upplevelsen av informationsöverflöd som ett problem är mycket vanlig i den akademiska världen. Statistik presenteras som åskådliggör hur, när och var de nämnda grupperna upplever ett informationsöverflöd, samt deras informationsvanor och uppfattningar om sin informationsomgivning överlag. Dessa två grupper jämförs löpande i uppsatsen, men resultaten visar på att det trots allt inte existerar några särskilt anmärkningsvärda skillnader dem emellan. De har båda ungefär samma syn på informationsöverflöd och sin informationsomgivning. Slutsatsen blir att en akademisk kunskap om och intresse för informationsvetenskap inte nödvändigtvis innebär att den som besitter detta lyckas undvika eller ens ser annorlunda på fenomenet informationsöverflöd. Uppsatsen avslutas med en diskussion om ett antal relevanta aspekter av informationsöverflöd som framtida forskning med fördel skulle kunna utforska.

Studenters kontaktnätverk i samband med uppsatsskrivande

Eklund, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Det här är en undersökning över hur studenternas kontaktnätverk ser ut i samband med deras kandidatuppsats. Med uppsatsen vill jag förbättra kunskapen om studenters kommunikationsnätverk. Följande frågor har använts: Hur ser studenters kontaktnätverk ut under deras kandidatuppsats? Vilka människor diskuterar studenter sina kandidatuppsatser med? Hur viktig är kommunikationen med dessa människor? På vilket sätt är dessa människor viktiga? När är dessa människor viktiga under uppsatsen (början, mitten, slut)? Hur viktiga är de formella respektive informella kontakterna för studenterna?   Frågorna besvarades av studenter inom Biblioteks- och informationsvetenskap via en webbenkät. Studenterna har haft kontakt med en handledare, en kontaktperson, en opponent och några ytterligare personer. Här finns stora variationer över vilka personer studenterna kommunicerat med. Kontakterna har också haft olika betydelse för studenterna. I överlag så är handledaren och kontaktpersonen de två viktigaste kontakterna i samband med studenternas uppsatser. Orsaken till varför kontakterna är viktiga varierar, men ofta är det roller såsom informationskällor, tips/förslag på utformning och socialt stöd. Jag upptäckte också att kontakterna är viktiga under olika faser. Vissa kontakter var viktiga vid uppsatsens begynnelse, andra var viktiga under uppsatsens mitt och andra kontakter var viktiga vid uppsatsens slut. Min studie visar slutligen att de formella kontakterna generellt var viktigare än de informella för studenterna.

"Förtroende, diskretion, vänskap" : Informationspraktiker för erotiska minoriteter i Sverige 1975–1995 / "Confidence, Discretion, Friendship" : Information practices for erotic minorities in Sweden 1975–1995

Hansson, Petra January 2021 (has links)
Introduction. The aim of this thesis is to examine information practices among erotic minorities in Sweden in 1975–1995. These minorities include among others sadomasochists, fetishists and transvestites. The survey moves within the subculture that existed around deviating sexual practices. The center of the survey is the association Club Sunrise who organized erotic minorities, where the majority of the members had a mainly heterosexual orientation.  Method. Sixteen semi-structured interviews have been carried out with people active in the Swedish subculture during the studied period. The empirical data also consists of the Club Sunrise member magazine SMART. The author also had access to material from other media, in which the members participated. Analysis. The material has been analyzed based on J. Tuomas Harvianien’s concept of embodied information literacy and Elfreda A. Chatman’s four critical concepts that serve as the basis for defining an impoverished life-world: risk-taking, secrecy, deception and situational relevance.  Results. People belonging to various erotic minorities have used all four of Chatman’s critical concepts, with an emphasis on secrecy and deception. They also obtained information through embodied literacy. In addition to these results, the investigation also resulted in a mapping of various associations and venues that existed in Sweden before 1995. Conclusion. Erotic minorities in Sweden 1975–1995 were in a state of information poverty. However, they have not suffered from any information poverty in their lives as a whole, but it has been expressed in their belonging to an erotic minority. To get in touch with like-minded, without revealing their secrets to outsiders, they used different concepts of secrecy and deception. They also found and identified each other through secret signs and symbols, special clothing or ways of behaving. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Information, makt och konspirationsteorier : En studie av informationskritiska användare / Information, Power and Conspiracy Theories : A Study of Critical Information Users

Heed, Malva January 2014 (has links)
Purpose–This study has examined the information behaviour and perception of information in a group ofinformation users who have a critical approach to the media and the information supply. Some of them call themselvesor are being called conspiracy theorists. The purpose was to examine how their information behaviour is influenced by the belief that the information is biased or inaccurate and what the information behaviour looks like when the user searches for discrepancies rather than a response to a question. Method–The study is based on transcribed interviews and email responses to interview questions. The model used to analyze the source material is Christine Bruceʼs seven categories of information literacy as presented in Seven Faces of Information Literacy. The outcome is compared with other user studies. Subsequently, the source material has been studied through Michel Foucaultʼs discourse theory. Focus is on power, anti-discourses and institutions. Findings–The analyses have shown that the informants have a sufficiently uniform information behaviour to be studied as a user group. Their information behaviour is focused on different strategies for evaluating information and understanding courses of events. This behaviour is based on a critical approach to what is considered as "truth" in the discourse. Originality/value–The user group has not been studied before in LIS research. Paper type–This is a two years master’s thesis in library and information science in Archive, Library and Museum studies.

Att spara eller inte spara? : En kvantitativ enkätstudie av informationslagringssystem för vetenskapliga artiklar / To Store or Not to Store? : A Quantitative Questionnaire Survey Study about Information Storage Systems for Scholarly Articles

Häusner, Eva-Maria January 2012 (has links)
Abstract Purpose This thesis aims to focus on how master students administer scholarly articles after they have found them. The purpose of the study is to detect how and to what extent people administer their articles from a personal information management-perspective (PIM). Method To answer the research questions, a web-based questionnaire survey was distributed which was announced to around 2,000 master students from different universities in Sweden. Most of the items in the survey focused on individual storage methods. The respondents were asked to rate the frequency of their different information administration behaviors on a seven level Likert-type-scale. Subsequently, items concerning specific information administration behaviors were posed, followed by questions on the respondent's sociodemographic status. The results were based on overall 316 answers. Analysis The quantitative data was analyzed using non-parametric tests such as Friedmans-test, Kruskal-Wallis-analysis, Wilcoxon-Signed Rank-test, Mann-Whitney-U-test and Chi-square-test with the statistical computer program SPSS. Findings The findings generally confirm that the majority of the surveyed graduate students are using scholarly articles. Regarding their information management, it is as usual to store the whole article as it is to store the reference. Further it is more common to choose electronic storage methods for articles and references than to use physical methods. The results highlight that most of the students use several method types and use them to varying extent. Neither age, computer skills, duration of study or satisfaction with their way of information storage influenced the quantity of used methods. Regarding specific handling, the storing of article copies on the computer’s hard drive were most frequently used. The respondents preferred furthermore to read the articles on a screen rather than printed paper versions. The influencing factors of gender, age, computer skills, subject discipline were affecting the choice of methods. General conclusions about these influencing factors are, however, complicated by possible occurring confounders. Moreover, the method types were used to different extents depending of subject discipline. Originality/value Most previous PIM research is concentrating on how people store information in general. The dealing and administrating with specific types of information are, however, rarely discussed. In the context of scholarly articles did research predominantly focus on seeking structures and reading patterns. The step between finding and reading an article has so far not directly been addressed in academic research. The study therefore is unique in addressing information storage systems of scholarly articles on such a large scale. Knowledge about storage patterns will help journal publishers and librarians to design more targeted solutions for journal systems and improve services like courses in information seeking. Paper type Two years master’s thesis

”Tvingas gör man ju inte så ofta i Svenska kyrkan” : Organisationskultur, informationskultur och digitalt långtidsbevarande i en komplex organisation / ”You Aren’t Forced so often in the Church of Sweden” : Organization culture, information culture and digital preservation in a complex organization.

Lontos, Staffi January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates the organization culture and information culture in the archives of the Lutheran Church of Sweden. The church is the largest Christian denomination in Sweden. Since the year 2000 it is no longer a state church, though some legal, economic and even mental bonds to the state still exist. The main focus of the thesis is to investigate the influence of cultural aspects on a recent project concerning a general system for information management and digital archiving. A subsequent question is how these cultural aspects may affect the church’s future role as a cultural heritage actor. The thesis, as a framework, uses two models: one for organization culture (Granberg) and one for information culture (Choo). It combines them to a single model and connects them with Kirk’s studies on information use. Four semi-structured interviews, with archivists on national level and in two dioceses, were conducted and transcribed. In addition, related documents were studied. A qualitative analysis was carried out on the data. One conclusion made is that the general culture on national level and in the dioceses can be described as a relationship-based and professional culture. Another conclusion is that parallel cultures do exist within the church, especially in the dioceses. These parallel cultures affect the information use and information behaviour. The diminishing role of the church in the future may be the force which merges these parallel cultures into one. There are also major differences on what to count as the cultural heritage of the church. The author argues that the church should act more decisively to define its heritage and to claim its future role in the field of cultural heritage. This is a two years master’s thesis in Archival Science.

Flödets Arkitekt : Hur medie- och informationskunnighet formar unga kvinnors upplevelser av skönhetsindustrin på Instagram / The Social Media Architect : How Media Literacy Contributes to Young Women's Experiences of the Instagram Beauty Industry

Vainio Ali, Nadie, Torndal, Elin January 2023 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how media and information literacy (MIL) among young women affect their views on beauty-related advertisements and posts on Instagram, in accordance with infrastructure knowledge, mental health and purchase behavior. This is conducted through semi-structured interviews with 6 young Swedish women in the age range of 20-25 years old, through which an analysis of the retrieved answers is made. The analysis of the empirical materials takes a stamp in the theories of uses and gratifications theory and cultivation theory in relation to MIL in order to further prove the arguments and conclusions being made. The importance of MIL in this context needs to be highlighted in order to make young women more aware of the ways in which the media takes advantage of them and tries to manipulate them into a spiral of beauty standards and advertisements, making them the targets for further consumption. Considering that the digitalization is moving at a rapid speed, the possibilities for economic growth are doing the same thing. This means that beauty companies, just like any other corporation with a motive of profit, will continue to evolve their marketing strategies in accordance with female consumers' interest and needs.  The collected empirical data of this study shows that the interviewees have at least some basic knowledge of Instagram’s technical infrastructure in the meanings of algorithms and cookies, and therefore understand the basics of how their actions construct their Instagram feeds. The study also shows that the interviewees have a generally negative image of the beauty industry on Instagram; they like the possibilities of using Instagram as a source of inspiration and entertainment, but heavily dislike and disagree with the beauty standards being portrayed. They have all in some shape or form been affected negatively by beauty related content on Instagram - however, it shows that the ones with supposedly higher MIL and knowledge about algorithms more easily could identify the sources of negativity and steer away from it, showing the benefits of MIL in this context. The study also concludes that the interviewees generally are highly skeptical of advertisements and sponsorships on Instagram and therefore rarely purchase anything because of said platform. However, they have a higher tendency to do so if the product being advertised is endorsed by a, according to them, highly trusted influencer or if a discount code is being provided.  It is of importance to continue studies within this area in order to make deeper analysis of potential consequences of the beauty industry and standards on Instagram, so that more women can be taught and informed about how they can protect themselves from negative influences.

“They don't know that we know they know we know” : Ett filosofiskt perspektiv på komplexa informationsbeteenden och digitala gränser / “They don't know that we know they know we know” : A philosophical approach to complex information behaviors and digital limits

Lyckblad, Camilla January 2022 (has links)
The human being and her behavior is complex. Research has shown serendipity and chance to play a great part in the scientific research praxis, still the complexity of human information retrieval is not fully acknowledged in modern libraries. This master thesis compares two different worldviews; the mechanistic and the organic. This in order to understand why information seeking today is increasingly linear when human information behavior is not. The way people believe the world to work reflects on how libraries and information seeking work. The mechanistic worldview, comparing the world to a machine, is rooted in humanity since the seventeenth century and is still shaping our world and institutions. Today databases and linear searches are pushing physical books off shelves to make room for computers and searching on limiting linear mechanical terms instead of complex human ones. This pattern often occurs without adequate questioning and online information is argued to be even more available to patrons than the physical library.  This thesis uses complexity theory and philosophical method to broaden perspectives and question linear searches in scientific information retrieval. It aims to highlight the importance of complex information retrieval and physical browsing for scientific innovation and creativity. Erdelez's original information encountering method was used to obtain source material for philosophical analysis. Philosophical method and complexity theory is used throughout the text to analyze the linear worldview leading up to a joint argumentative summary at the end of every chapter bringing the text forward.  The thesis contains a field study with semi-structured interviews with librarians at the Picture Collection, New York Public Library. This highlights the value of physical browsing through the strong criticism that arose from patrons when the library wanted to archive the unique and browsable research collection.  The result of the thesis argues that the linear technological development in libraries with less physical collections, librarian encounters, passive information gathering and random information paths without underlying commercial drivers create more like-mindedness instead of innovation. This significantly reducing the possibility of interdisciplinary discoveries. A technical development that at an alarming rate shifts information from being sought by people, to people being sought by information.  This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Informationsbeteende i spelskapande : En fallstudie av Paradox Interactive / Information behaviour in game production : A case study of Paradox Interactive

Schlegel, Martin January 2017 (has links)
This thesis focuses on Paradox Interactive's information seeking as a process in the construction of historical computer games. The study is collecting data through a series of interviews with two professional groups: Content designers and 3D graphics. The study focuses on the role of information gathering as a internal process in the creation of the game but also on how the two professions, which have been involved in the study's interviews, gather information relevant to their specific tasks. The study also touches on whether it exists a connection between how Content designers and 3D graphics conduct their searches for information and the ABM sector (that is archives, libraries and museums) as sources/distributors of information. The study has resulted in knowledge regarding the professional groups' information behaviour, what factors that affect the process of gathering information. The study has also resulted in an awareness regarding what kind of information sources that are attractive. Furthermore, the interviews conducted have produced information on how archives, libraries and museums function as information sources for the selected professional groups. The information gathered through the interviews shows that archives, libraries and museums are not used as information sources by the professional groups. Reasons as to why this is the case are a lack of awareness as well as the professional groups' various needs, such as right content and easy accessibility. Games which are utilising or relate to popular history are a clear aspect of modern days popular culture. There exists an abundance of games which relate to history whether they are historical strategy-focused computer games or more action-packed videogames constructed around historical events and contexts. There exists an equally abundance of studies which focuses on games in certain aspects; one such area of research is how history is utilised in games. This study, as noted above, doesn't focus on the games themselves or how they utilise history but rather on the specific question of how the developers gather the information about the past, what sources that exists, and how archives, libraries and museums can better accommodate game creators as a specific group of information gatherers and users.

Användare av digitala kulturarvssamlingars informationssökningsbeteende på ett exempel på Biblioteks- och Informationsvetenskap studenter och DigitaltMuseum / Users of digital heritage collections' information search behavior on an example of Library and Information Science students and DigitaltMuseum

Ziolkowski, Pawel January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor’s thesis is to examine information search behaviour of a group of Library and Information Science students in the cultural heritage digital collection cross search service DigitaltMuseum and an evaluation of the cross-search service search functionalities’ usability for the end-user. The study aims in understanding the user search behaviour to let the designers of cultural heritage digital collections websites improve the search tools so that the design matches the real needs of the users. After doing simulated search tasks the informants answered several questions about the chosen search strategies and preferable search functionalities. Quantitative analysis shows that simple search and free keywords are the most preferable search methods, however it is not clear why. On one hand it is observed that the users prefer google-like searching, on the other, discussion on the DigitaltMuseum search functionalities shows lack of use of Knowledge Organisation System of any kind which makes the advanced search tool insufficient.

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