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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att resa eller inte resa? : En kvantitativ studie om ungdomars resebeslut kopplat till riskuppfattning om terrorattacker och informationssökning

Brink, Anne, Ögren, Lovisa January 2021 (has links)
Turistindustrin är känslig för externa risker och faror vilket medför att säkerhet blir en viktigfaktor. Turister förväntar sig skydd och säkerhet av destinationer och turistindustrin, men måstestå ansvarig för sina egna beslut då de oftast struntar i sannolikheten att något kan hända. Närsituationen förändras och det inträffar en terrorattack förändras människors riskuppfattningdrastiskt och kan påverka deras resplaner och syn på resandet generellt. Uppfattningen förterrorism kan även ge ett ökat behov av informationssökning, dessa begrepp spelar en viktigroll hos turisters beslutsfattande. Genom studien skapas ett teoretiskt ramverk där tidigareforskning kring bland annat terrorism, riskuppfattning, informationssökning och resebeslutpresenteras. Vidare redogörs även en konceptuell modell som tydliggör grunden till studien.Denna studie ämnar att bidra till den kunskapslucka vilket innefattar undersökningar kringrelationen mellan begreppen riskuppfattning, informationssökning och resebeslut utifrånungdomars synvinkel. Mer specifikt kommer studien att fokusera på sistaårs gymnasieelever,för att uppnå syftet styrs studien av ett kvantitativt angreppssätt där fyra hypoteser ställs ochprövas mot datainsamlingen som sker genom en digital enkätundersökning. Resultaten redogörför hur ungdomars riskuppfattning, informationssökning och resebeslut ser ut samt relationernamellan dessa begrepp. Slutsatserna dras genom att bekräfta och förkasta de ställda hypoteserna. / <p>2021-06-20</p>

Undervisning i källkritik : En kvalitativ undersökning av historielärares undervisningsstrategier i källkritik

Apeman, Jonas January 2022 (has links)
Läroplanerna för både grundskolan och gymnasieskolan lyfter hur elever ska få lära sig källkritik genom att tolka källor. Samtidigt befinner vi oss i en tid där internet och digitalisering fått en allt större del i ungdomars liv vilket enligt forskare skapar ännu större behov av källkritisk kunskap hos internetanvändare. I undersökningen intervjuades fem historielärare på högstadie- och gymnasienivå med syfte att studera deras strategier i arbetet med källkritik i historieundervisningen. Frågeställningarna som söktes svar på var vilka metoder och strategier lärarna hade i sin undervisning av källkritik, hur lärarna upplevde elevers källkritiska förmåga när de sökte efter information och hur lärarna går till väga närde bedömer eleverna. Med diskursteori analyserades intervjuerna och undersökningen visade att två olika metoder för källkritik var dominerade bland lärarna. En som såg till kriterier hos källan och en som såg till frågor ställda av forskaren. De flesta lärarna genomförde undervisningen och bedömningen vid ett eller ett fåtal tillfällen medan andra lärare involverade källkritik över hela skolåret. Undersökningen visade även att lärarna upplevde eleverna som svaga i att söka information på internet på egen hand samt att även om källkritik lyftes i lektionssammanhang under hela läsåret så genomförde lärarna oftast sin bedömning vid väldigt enstaka tillfällen.

Kritisk användning av nätet. Informationskompetens och samarbete / Critical Use of the Internet. Information Literacy and Collaboration

Jönsson, Jenny January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to examine the collaboration between Librarians and Teachers using the Continuing Professional Development called Critical Use of the Internet. It is a digital education provided by the National Agency of Education. The aim of Critical Use of the Internet is to give examples of how to teach Information Literacy and to inspire Librarians and Teachers to collaborate in the process. The subjects I have been looking into are: How do schools work with the digital education Critical Use of the Internet? What skills identifies a Librarian and what skills identifies a Teacher? How do they use their unique skills and how do the different professions work together?

Användarundersökningar på medicinska bibliotek : en kvalitativ studie av hur medicinska bibliotek använder sig av resultatet av användarundersökningar för att utveckla sin verksamhet / User studies at medical libraries : a qualitative study of how medical libraries use the results of user studies to develop their activitie

Johansson, Annicka January 2020 (has links)
The aim of this bachelor's thesis is to examine how medical libraries use user studies and their results to develop their activities, as well as how they view their opportunities to clear the barriers users in user studies find that they have in their information seeking. The method used in the study is semi-structured interviews with five chief librarians at five different medical libraries in Sweden. The empirical data was analysed using qualitative content analysis. The theory used for analysing the results is Vedung's five models of use of evaluation: instrumental use, enlightenment use, legitimizing use, tactical use and ritual use. The result shows that medical libraries both take part in the results of user studies conducted at national level and own user studies. The respondents state that user studies are important and that they fill a function of finding out what users think about their activities. The results of user studies are mainly used as enlightenment, but also instrumental and legitimizing. The opportunities to clear barriers in the users' information seeking are many, but the most suggested is through marketing efforts. The conclusion is that user studies very well can be seen as a tool for developing the activities of medical libraries. If one uses the results of user studies in the instrumental, enlightening and legitimizing way that Vedung recommends and which the librarians in the study do in most cases, they can be very useful.

Kvinnliga finlandssvenskars informationspraktiker i samband med flytt till Sverige / Female Finnish Swedes’ information practices in connection to their move to Sweden

Hellström, Jenna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to contribute to knowledge about the information practices of female Finnish Swedes who have moved to Sweden. The study takes a sociocultural perspective. The analytical focus is on the concept ‘information practice’. Due to the complexity of the concept, focus has been on central constituents such as information interests, information resources and information seeking activities. Semi-structured interviews with ten informants have been conducted and analyzed using thematic analysis together with McKenzie’s (2003) model of information practices in everyday-life. Six themes emerged concerning information interests: economy, accommodation, employment, healthcare and welfare, personal interests and registration in Sweden. The information resources could be clustered in 3 categories: authorities, public agencies and social networks. Interpersonal contact was important when selecting information resources. This is known from earlier studies but in this study, not only acquaintances, but authorities and public agencies were used as long as an interpersonal contact existed. McKenzie’s (2003) model was applied to the data and all four information seeking modes could be identified; active seeking, active scanning, non-directed monitoring and by proxy, even though non-directed monitoring situations were few. The informants’ information practices varied and their information seeking did not end until enough information was found. Informants became more aware of their information practices in a Swedish context compared to a Finnish context.

Digital informationssökning och källkritik

Törnqvist, Jonna, Wersch, Gisela January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med vår studie var att få kunskap om hur lärare i årskurserna 1–3 definierar informationssökning och källkritik samt hur de arbetar med dessa två begrepp i svenskämnet. Vi valde att fokusera på den informationssökning och källkritik som sker via digitala medier. Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt var det sociokulturella perspektivet men även förhållningssättet media- and information literacy (MIL). För att besvara våra frågeställningar har vi använt oss av en kvalitativ metod med fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten av studien visar att de intervjuade lärarna definierar källkritik som förmågan att värdera och kritisk granska information. Gällande informationssökning definierar samtliga lärare detta begrepp som sökprocesser där eleverna inhämtar ny information via digitala medier. Våra frågeställningar inriktar sig på svenskämnet, däremot visar resultatet på att undervisningen gällande den digitala informationssökningen och källkritiken i årskurserna 1–3 sker ämnesövergripande och inte isolerat i svenskämnet.

Det är ju därför det heter Piratebay : Studenter i filmvetenskap söker information / That is why it is called Piratebay : Students of Cinema Studies seeking information

Mårtensson, Eva January 2020 (has links)
Few studies have been done about information seeking among students of Cinema Studies. Cinema Studies is a unique area, which also requires information seeking in the form of moving images. What information resources do the students of Cinema Studies use? How do students of Cinema Studies experience their information seeking before the C-thesis? Using a qualitative method, five interviews were conducted with students of Cinema Studies at C-level from Sweden's largest department of Cinema Studies. Models of Wilson from 1999 and Kuhlthau from 2004 were used and applied to the result of the students' experiences of their information seeking. The results showed that moving images are important information resources, as are physical books, web pages, film library DVD-collections, but also illegal web pages. The Royal Library's archives and the Swedish Film institute’s cinema, the Cinematheque, open to the public, were rarely used. The students had no difficulty in gaining access to moving images, but often experienced great difficulties regarding laws and copyrights. Students often felt great enthusiasm at the beginning of their information seeking. After that, the emotions, thoughts and actions of the students varied. Some usually felt secure, but emotions also made students develop their information seeking. Overall, the students were satisfied with their information seeking.

På vilka sätt erbjuder gymnasiebibliotekarie pedagogiska resurser? : En studie utifrån ett sociokulturellt perspektiv om gymnasiebibliotekariens roll i gymnasieskolan / In which way do secondary school librarians offer educational resources? : A study based on sociocultural theory for the role of school librarian in secondary school.

Debby, Lilly January 2023 (has links)
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to explore experiences of the secondary school librarians' use of educational resources in their teaching and how educational resources can be applied in school libraries. In addition to recognize the challenges school libraries face with educational resources. As well if the chosen six criteria for the educational resources is accomplished by the interviewed secondary school libraries. The study applies six chosen criteria from the educational resources of the National Library of Sweden, that's revealing the important role for the school librarians to support students and teachers with different resources than previously. Not only that, but school librarians have more opportunities to avail educational resources because of the renewal for the educational act, which is that every school must have access to a school library. This opportunity led to school librarians being available to work extensively with educational resources. With these six chosen criteria from the educational resources for this study focus on the teaching in information retrieval, teaching in source criticism, arrange reading promotion activities, planning media buying together with the teacher, participate in annual meetings with teachers and assist with level adapting material for schoolwork. These six chosen criteria have been an important factor to analyze with the help of sociocultural theory, which is to understand how physical and cognitive cooperation with individuals and groups could be managed. The study uses four concepts from the sociocultural perspective to analyze the results from the interviews, which are communication, learning, artifact and mediation. The method for this study is qualitative research which is a semi-structured interview. The interviews were recorded with five school librarians from secondary school through Zoom, due to the pandemic which occurred during the study.  The result shows the different experience for the five secondary school librarians with the educational resources. The participants consider that the use of the educational resources is an important tool to support students as well as teachers. Even school librarians can appear with or without teachers in the classroom to offer support in students education. The result shows the value of collaboration between school librarians and teachers, especially planning activities and teaching students information retrieval. In that lesson, a school librarian's duty is to demonstrate how to efficiently manage different tools when students are searching. Another significant aspect is that the four concepts from sociocultural theory show different ways that the school librarian can support with educational resources by adjusting the students needs for schoolwork. This can improve school librarians qualifications in work which to support student and teacher. The result of this study indicates the significant role for school librarians to make use of their qualification and support with educational resources to students.

Källkritik i svenskämnet / Source Criticism Within the Subject of Swedish

Hansson, Johan, Nilsson, Kevin January 2023 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att skapa kunskap om hur yrkesverksamma lärare i svenska resonerar kring undervisning i källkritik, samt hur de upplever sin egen kunskap i källkritik. Studien har utgått från två teoretiska perspektiv. Dels media- and information literacy (MIL), dels fyra undervisningsparadigm. Media- and information literacy handlar om olika metoder som relaterar till källkritisk kunskap och undervisningsparadigmen kan förklaras som olika, samexisterande, riktningar av undervisning. För att genomföra studien har kvalitativ metod använts i form av semistrukturerade intervjuer med fyra svensklärare på en skola i södra Sverige. Studiens resultat visar att lärarna säger sig arbeta med källkritik inom ramen för svenskämnet i relativt begränsad utsträckning. Lärarna uppger sig huvudsakligen fokusera på olika metoder gällande ett källkritiskt förhållningssätt samt informationssökning i undervisningen. Majoriteten av lärarna anser sig ha tillräckliga kunskaper i ämnet för att undervisa elever på högstadiet. En av lärarna anser sig däremot inte ha tillräckliga kunskaper i ämnet. Vi kan se tendenser till att undervisningen liknar mycket av de som presenteras inom ramen för det utilitaristiska och akademiska paradigmet. Vidare ser vi även att det saknas en gemensam begreppsapparat för de källkritiska frågorna. Avslutningsvis ser vi också att det saknas forskning inom vissa delar av fältet, till exempel om undervisningen i källkritik bör ske implicit eller explicit.

”Man lär sig också hur man lär sig vad som är bra” : Ungdomar samtalar i fokusgrupper kring informationssökning på internet / ”You also learn how to learn what is good” : Youth discuss searching for Information on the Internet in focus groups

Gomér, Jennie January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to get more knowledge about youths strategies in searching for Information online. The data was gathered with focusgroups conducted with four youths in each group. The participants were students in year nine of the swedish elementary school. After two focusgroups several themes identified in the material from group one reappeared in the material from group two, the material from two groups was enough for this purpose. The themes identified were searches, results and how to evaluate sources. The findings of the study were analysed with a sociocultural using thematic analysis. The youths expressed that they see internet searches as something they do all the time. They said that they had learned how to evaluate sources and what to believe in from the school and their parents. The youths preferred to use the search-questions that Google suggested and claimed that they resulted in a better result rather than using their own queries. They reflected on the words they use to initiate a search and they change their wording if needed to get a result they are satisfied with. The youths also expressed that they just know things about digital literacy since they grew up with it. In a sociocultural context this is the learning initiated by the need for development in the society.

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