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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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專利侵權損害賠償額之研究 / A Study on the damages award of the patent infringement

楊晉佳, Yang, Chin Chia Unknown Date (has links)
本文旨在探討專利侵權損害賠償請求之範圍及賠償數額之計算方法,以我國法律規定及實務運作情形為主,並比較美國、中國大陸的規定及實務運作情形,尤其智慧財產法院自97年7月1日成立後,其在損害賠償方面之實務見解是否比過去數十年的實務運作有更創新之看法,茲為我國將來專利法修法之參考,並與實務運作相互印證。第一章緒論,說明研究背景與動機,研究目的、研究方法及流程。第二章說明專利權之定義、種類,專利侵害之類型,專利鑑定、步驟、原則及我國的專利損害賠償制度。第三章則專以損害賠償額計算之規定及實務判決研究為主,並兼論及非財產上損害,如信譽損害、律師及其他費用等。第四章比較TRIPS、中國大陸及美國之規定,尤其以美國法及判決為重點,討論我國是否應如美國一樣,增訂合理權利金之條款,又合理權利金之達成是否應在兩造自由意願下簽訂,而不能受到訴訟之威脅。第五章以過去一年來最新成立智慧財產法院判決分析比較,分析是否與之前的實務判決有不同之作法及是否已大幅改善之前實務的缺點,提出個人看法。最後一章則提出本文建議的解決方案或可供臺灣專利法修正草案之參考。 透過本文將可瞭解過去各地方法院關於專利侵權之判決、美國實務判決之立論基礎,並與智慧財產法院成立後之最新出爐判決相互比較,以資作為將來修正專利法之參考建議,並期許智慧財產法院將來在專利侵權訴訟更能保障專利權人之權利,使專利權人獲得應有之賠償,願意投入更多的資金及研發人員,創造有價值的專利,以促進科技發展,造福人類。 關鍵字:專利侵權、智慧財產、損害賠償、所失利益、合理權利金、智慧財產法院 / This study aims to explore the ambit of the patent infringement compensation and the method to calculate the damages award for the patent infringement. This thesis focuses on Taiwan’s patent law and judicial practice, compared to the regulations and practices of TRIPS , the United States, and the mainland China. Besides, with the establishment of the Intellectual Property Court since July 1, 2008 in Taiwan, did this new Taiwan Intellectual Property Court have made more innovative decisions than the past few decades ? Chapter I is the introduction of this study’s background and motivation, research purpose, research methodology and process. Chapter II refers to the definition of the patent right, types of the patent infringement, steps & principles of the patent infringement identification, and our country's patent infringement relief system. Chapter III is dedicated to the calculation of the damages award in the amount based on the provisions and court’s decision, and to deal with non-property damages, such as the reputation damages, legal fees and other costs. Chapter IV compares the regulations and practices of the TRIPS, the United States and the mainland China, in particular the United States court’s decisions.Whether our patent law should adopt the theory of reasonable royalty, as the law or judicial enforcement in the United States? Should a reasonable royalty be based on two parties under the free wills but not by the threat of litigations.Chapter V analyzes the outcomes of the Intellectual Property Court’s rulings in the past one year. Are their rulings different from the past practices? Whether they can greatly avoid the criticisms of the prior practice;Also, I will advance my personal view in this chapter. The final chapter of this thesis will put forward the proposals for the amendment to the Patent Law in Taiwan in the future.This thesis hopes to make you have a basic understanding of the past practices of the district court rulings in Taiwan, the comparisons of the practical theories in the United States, and the latest court rulings released by the Intellectual Property Court, for future reference of the amendment to the patent law.And hope that the Intellectual Property Court could even more protect the rights of patent holders in the future, so that the inventors may obtain adequate compensation, therefore they will be willing to invest more capital in R & D to create more valuable patents for the benefit of the people. Key words: patent infringement, intellectual property, compensatory damages, lost profits, reasonable royalty, Intellectual Property Court.

Le respect de la propriété intellectuelle d'autrui dans la vente internationale de marchandises : une approche de la Convention de Vienne coordonnée avec le droit de la propriété intellectuelle / The interference of third parties' intellectual property in the International Sale of Goods : a new approach of the Vienna Convention coordinated with intellectual property law

Verville, Sophie 29 May 2012 (has links)
L'article 42 de la Convention de Vienne impose au vendeur de livrer la marchandise libre de tout droit ou prétention de tiers fondé sur la propriété intellectuelle. Ses conditions d'entrée en jeu requièrent l'analyse de ce que chaque contractant connaissait ou ne pouvait ignorer au sujet de la propriété intellectuelle du tiers. Ce passage de la Convention connaît des interprétations variées. Afin de contribuer à une interprétation uniforme et plus prévisible de l'article, le projet s'attache à le replacer sur la trame plus générale du commerce international, où le droit de la propriété intellectuelle pose des obstacles aux mouvements transfrontaliers des marchandises. Il est d'abord comparé avec la théorie de l'épuisement des droits, puis mis en parallèle avec les moyens qui sont accessibles aux opérateurs commerciaux pour prévenir le problème d'interférence avec les droits intellectuels. À la lumière des modes limités de publicité des droits intellectuels et de la complexité des régimes conçus pour protéger les créations, il apparaît que ce domaine ne permet pas de prévenir efficacement les risques pouvant contrecarrer la vente. La solution proposée par la Convention de Vienne est enfin confrontée aux principes généraux dont elle s'inspire. Ceux-ci disposent de présomptions d'égalité et de compétence à l'égard des opérateurs. Elles ne peuvent être repoussées que par une démonstration de déséquilibre substantiel, ce qui provoque l'intensification des obligations d'information et de coopération sur les épaules du contractant qualifié au service de l'autre. Il ressort de la démarche que l'équilibre contractuel qui sous-tend l'article 42 se fonde sur une répartition particulière de la prévention. La spécificité des droits intellectuels le requiert. / Article 42 of the Vienna Sales Convention requires that the seller delivers goods which are free from any right or claim of a third party based on intellectual property. Its trigger mechanism, however, requires the analysis of what each party knew of said intellectual property or what they each could not have been unaware of. This passage has been the object of various interpretations. With the intention to contribute to a more uniform and predictable interpretation of article 42, the project seeks to replace the provision in the general context of international trade, where intellectual property law sets obstacles to cross-border movement of goods. Article 42 is first compared with the theory of exhaustion of rights and placed in parallel with the resources available to prevent the problem of interference with intellectual property rights. In light of the limited modes of publicity of intellectual rights and the complexity of the protections they involve, it appears that intellectual property law does not allow effective means of prevention.The solution proposed by the Vienna Convention is finally confronted with the general principles on which it is based. Those principles set forth presumptions of professional quality and equality between parties, which cannot be refuted unless a substantial imbalance can be established. In such cases, the balance can be restored by increased disclosure and cooperation obligations on the shoulders of the qualified party. The project concludes that article 42 is based on a particular distribution of expectations pertaining to the prevention of intellectual property problems. The specificity of intellectual property rights requires such stability.

Les litiges en matière de marque : contribution à une étude de droit comparé entre la France, la Chine continentale et Taïwan / Trademark litigation : contribution to a comparative law study between France, Mainland China and Taiwan

Su, Yii-Der 06 December 2017 (has links)
Le droit de la propriété intellectuelle a connu d’importants développements dans le sillage de la révolution technologique et du phénomène de la globalisation. Le droit de marque confère un monopole au profit de son titulaire, qui lui permet d’établir des liens avec les consommateurs, à travers les produits et les services qui sont revêtus du signe protégé : des liens juridiques et des liens commerciaux par l’effet de la communication, de la publicité, de la transmission de l’image de l’entreprise que celui-ci véhicule. Toutefois, les prérogatives attachées au droit de marque rencontrent des limites inhérentes à tout monopole, à savoir le respect de l’intérêt général, fil un conducteur qui gouverne la procédure d’enregistrement de la marque, au-delà, son maintien en vigueur et la détermination des frontières qui séparent ce qui est permis de ce qui est interdit. S’agissant de s’interroger sur les procédures de règlement des litiges, à l’aune de leur comparaison, entre trois systèmes de cultures juridiques très différentes, à savoir la France « berceau » du droit continental et, du droit administratif d’une part, et, d’autre part, deux entités de tradition juridique divergente - la Chine continentale et Taïwan - , on peut relever un renforcement du pouvoir administratif et en même temps, un mouvement d’harmonisation des règles du contentieux. Le renforcement du pouvoir administratif se manifeste à travers l’extension des compétences en matière de droits de propriété intellectuelle. Ainsi, en Chine continentale, les autorités administratives locales peuvent appliquer les lois administratives pour régler avec célérité les litiges de propriété intellectuelle. En France, le renforcement du pouvoir administratif s’exprime avec la transposition future de la directive de 2015 sur l’harmonisation du droit des marques dans l’Union européenne, qui attribue compétence à l’INPI en matière de déchéance et de nullité des marques, au premier degré. L’harmonisation du droit des marques se révèle avec le renforcement du mécanisme de la retenue en douane en Chine continentale et à Taïwan et, par ailleurs, avec l’instauration de juridictions spécialisées, le législateur taïwanais étant le premier entre les trois systèmes juridiques, à créer une Cour en propriété intellectuelle en 2007. / There continues to be significant developments in intellectual property law in the wake of the technological revolution and the globalization phenomenon. This thesis seeks to analyze procedures for settling disputes by comparing three decidedly different judicial systems: France (the « cradle » of Civil law legal system) on the one hand, contrasted with two entities of diverging judicial traditions, namely Mainland China and Taiwan. We will take up two trends in particular: a strengthening of administrative power and at the same time a movement toward harmonizing settlement procedures.The strengthening of administrative power is evidenced by its “specialization” and extension of its competence in the area of intellectual property rights. Thus, in Mainland China local administrative authorities can enforce administrative laws to expediently deal with intellectual property disputes. In France, on the other hand, the growth of administrative power can be seen in the transposing of the 2015 future directive regarding the harmonization of trademarks within the European Union, which attributed competence to the INPI for the first degree examination in the revocation and invalidity procedures.The harmonization of trademarks is also visible in the introduction of a reinforced “customs seizure” mechanism in Mainland China and Taiwan. Furthermore, with the establishment of specialized courts, the Taiwanese legislature became the first of the three justice systems to create an intellectual property court in 2007.

搜尋引擎相關著作權爭議問題之研究與探討 / A study on copyright disputes of search engine

林芝余, Lin, Chih Yu Unknown Date (has links)
在網路的世界裡,搜尋引擎對網路使用者的重要性逐漸升高,而藉由搜尋引擎之幫助,使用者可以在數位資訊爆炸的網路世界中,尋找到所需的資訊。惟此種便利之用途,亦造成著作權人之權利遭受侵權之疑慮,如搜尋引擎協助使用者找到未經合法授權之檔案而下載之;亦或搜尋引擎本身即複製該未經合法授權之內容而散布之等情形。各國對於搜尋引擎業者之侵權責任有相似規定,在如何之情況下搜尋引擎必須負擔侵權行為責任,而在何種情形下搜尋引擎業者可能可以免責,又在何種情形下搜尋引擎業者可能引用合理使用原則,本文亦嘗試提出各國之規定以供國內參考。 國內尚未有搜尋引擎業者之相關案例,故本文嘗試透過不同的國家中不同的搜尋引擎態樣進行案例分析,提出不同的搜尋引擎在不同之情狀之下,可能會造成的著作權爭議。如在圖像搜尋方面即提出美國的Perfect 10 v. Google案中縮小圖示之合理使用爭議,並同時提出多年前的Kelly v. Arriba案做為對照;中國大陸的七大唱片公司訴百度案在音樂搜尋當中是相當具有爭議的問題,本文亦提出其他相關的大陸案例做為對照;瑞典海盜灣的案件是P2P軟體變型後所產生之搜尋引擎,亦可以看出未來會有更多不同態樣的搜尋引擎出現;而新聞搜尋之問題,牽涉到重製權,近期Google與美聯社達成和解,本文亦為新聞搜尋此特殊的態樣為探討;而圖書搜尋方面則是以Google的圖書館計畫為基礎,並進一步探討合理使用的可能性。 本論文試圖提出美國、歐盟以及中國大陸的法規以及諸多案例,並探討在世界各地的搜尋引擎面對的著作權爭議問題,而這樣的問題會隨著科技的進步與發展有更多不同態樣的變化。我國目前尚未有相關的案例,故本文嘗試提出案例語法規的論述與探討,以期能予我國參考之。 / In the internet world, search engines become much more important to the users. By using the search engines, users can easily gather the useful data online. Although search engines bring so much convenience, but the copyright holders accuse the search engines of coypright infringement. For instance, the search engines sometimes help their users to download the copyrighted materials or themselves reproduce the copyrighted materials. The actions might bring them law suits.There are similar regulations of search engines in different countries. In some situation, search engines might defense themselves by claiming safe harbor regulation, and in others, they could claim the fair use doctrine. In the thesis, it states many cases from different countries to discuss the regulations. Due to the different functions of search engines, there are various cases. Kelly v. Arriba case and Perfect 10 v. Google case are about thumbnails search in the United States. Baidu v. EMI record case in China is about mp3 files search. Despite the traditional search engines, there are some relatively new and specific search engines, such as Private Bay. Private Bay is a search engine which focuses on searching bittorrent files for P2P downloading. In the future, there will be much more search engines with different functions. In the thesis, it also states the disputes of news search and book search.Google Book Project rised discussion worldwide. The thesis states the opinions of the ones who agree to apply the fair use doctrine on the project and the one who disagree to. In Taiwan, there have not been any copyright cases of search engines so far.The thesis states the copyright regulations in U.S., Europe and China, such as safe harbor, contributory infringement and fair use doctrine. By presenting the cases and regulations in other countries, the thesis also provide some inspirational ideas about the copyright disputes of search engine.

專利侵權訴訟損害賠償分析之探索性研究-以智慧財產法院之實證判決資料為基礎 / An Exploratory Research on Patent Infringement Damages: An Empirical Analysis of Cases in the Taiwan IP Court

桂祥豪, Kuei, Hsiang Hao Unknown Date (has links)
本研究探討損害賠償計算方法理論對請求金額與判賠金額間差距幅度之影響。本研究以請求金額與判賠金額的差距幅度作為應變數,以三大損害賠償計算方法作為解釋變數,並設定三大群組變數作為控制變數。本研究之樣本為智財法院所審理之專利侵權求償判決,樣本期間為2008年9月至2010年9月。 本研究所建立之回歸模型解釋該差距幅度的變異量達45.1%。實證結果顯示,我國專利侵權損害賠償訴訟之差距幅度,顯著地受到總利益說及總銷售額說之兩種損害賠償計算方法的影響,但受合理權利金說之影響並不顯著。該等實證結果指出,總利益說的採用對於縮短請求差距幅度的影響能力,優於總銷售額說,代表著專利權人於訴訟中應詳盡地提出損害賠償相關事證,以獲得較高的賠償救濟。 / This research explores the association of the patent-damage calculation theories with the Variance between the amount of damage claimed and that awarded. Specifically, it tests the relationship between the Variance and three explanatory variables, namely, patent-damage calculation theories based on the profit, sales, and reasonable royalty, along with control variables including the case specifics, patents-at-issue, and litigants information. Its sample includes 186 patent infringement cases decided in Taiwan Intellectual Property Court from 2008/9 to 2010/9. The empirical regression model explains 45.1% of the variation in the Variance. The results show significance associations of the Variance with the profit approach and the sales approach, but not with the reasonable royalty approach. Such findings point out that the profit approach is more successful at reducing the Variance, implying that the patentee should present more detailed evidence during litigation to get more awards.

Big Content's Big Blunders : Anti-piracy measures in the entertainment and copyright industries

Majek, Dee January 2013 (has links)
This thesis examines the on-going anti-piracy and anti-file sharing measures taken by media conglomerates and big content as misguided attempts at addressing changing consumer expectations and social and technological norms. These measures include legislation such as the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA), Preventing Real Online Threats to Economic Creativity and Theft of Intellectual Property Act (PIPA), Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA), and Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA); and litigation against both extremes of the spectrum: from the world's largest file sharing search engines like The Pirate Bay, and cyberlockers like MegaUpload, to private citizens who illegally downloaded a few movies or a few songs. The manner in which the entertainment industry's largest, most expensive, and highest-profile anti-piracy measures in the recent years have been received by groups from IT corporations to human rights organizations, researchers, politicians, legal and internet experts, and millions of citizens worldwide are of focus; and how this translates into an unpopular public image is explored. Piracy is underlined as a service and distribution problem, and various international studies are presented in exploring the relationship between illegal downloading and legal purchases.

從刑事責任觀點論著作權保護範圍 / Copyright Infringement in Perspective of Criminal Liability

張采琳, Chang, Cai Lin Unknown Date (has links)
著作權法第1條:「為保障著作人著作權益,調和社會公共利益,促進國家文化發展,特制定本法。」說明了著作權法的目的同時兼具保障著作權人權利、公共利益以及促進國家文化發展。為了達成著作權的目的,明文刑事責任於規範中。刑事責任置於著作權領域是否妥適,至今為止不僅學說上,在社會上均引起廣泛的討論,特別是我國這十年來發生了許多相關爭議性的事件。這樣的問題不禁使人反覆思考,著作權的保護範圍到底為何?以刑罰保護著作權的妥適性? 本文從著作權的基礎思維出發,探討著作權法中公共領域、利用人權利與合理使用概念,進而分析著作權背後所代表的法律意義。著作權是否得以做為刑法上所保護的利益,必須端視著作權的本質為何。本文嘗試討論著作權作為財產權,從刑法的角度,以「家族相似性( Familienähnli-chkeit)」的概念就著作權本身資訊的特性下,討論著作財產權法益的存在與否。 美國法作為世界著作權法的領導先驅,深深地影響我國學說見解與實務操作。透過比較美國著作權法之規範,省思我國社會現況是否有必要制定如此嚴格之刑罰規定;從經濟分析的角度思考,對於著作權刑罰威嚇作用的成果效益效果是有限度的,然而著作權政策以及刑法的長期效益所帶來的成本卻是很高的。著作權刑罰所需的成本高於其所獲得的效益,以致於立法者將著作權侵權行為視為犯罪並無法有效率地保護著作權人或公眾長期的著作權利益。 本文設計一賽局,分析在侵害人選擇侵害著作權的策略時,即使政府選擇執行刑事處罰反而比起不執行所付出的成本為高,在這樣的情形下,政府不執行刑事處罰的策略才是最佳策略的選擇。法律使用刑罰保護大家共同認可、接受的利益,前提是人類的社會共同生活秩序在我們的社會共識必須認同這樣的規範,透過觀察實務案例與統計分析,可以發現我國實務在著作權重製認定或是在刑度裁量上都出現很大之問題,同時也出現許多著作權人濫用刑事程序之情形。 綜上所述,我國的著作權刑事立法確實有值得探討的空間,需要再加以審慎考量。本文認為,應該廢除著作權刑事處罰的刑罰規定,讓著作權刑事處罰行為回歸民事的侵權行為,由著作權人向侵權行為人請求損害賠償。借鏡專利法廢除刑罰規定的經驗,讓著作權回歸其本質,以民事損害賠償填補著作權人之損失即為已足。 / Copyright Law Article 1: ” This Act is specifically enacted for the purposes of protecting the rights and interests of authors with respect to their works, balancing different interests for the common good of society, and promoting the development of national culture. Matters not provided for herein shall be governed by the provisions of other acts.” It illustrates that the purpose of copyright law combines both the right of copyright owner and public interest. In order to achieve this goal, criminal liability is included. However, there are controversies of criminal liability in copyright law, especially lots of copyright social events happened in the past few years. This leads to questions: Is it right to protect copyright through criminal punishment? In this thesis, I intend to use the concept of Familienähnli-chkeit (Legal Interest) to analyze legal interest of copyright. Economic analysis of law applies the economic cost theory to the analysis of copyright rules and utility. Game theory analysis of law seeks primarily to explain how people behave in response to legal rules and institutions. The prior discussion identifies the protection of copyright through criminal punishment is relatively useless. On the other hand, as a leading country of copyright legislation and academic discussion, Copyright Law comparison between United States and Taiwan is helpful for rethinking Taiwan Copyright Law. Last but not the least, the observation of judicial practice matters is also important. I researched the related cases and made statistics in order to reveal the real aspect of Taiwan judicial practice. Based on the above, this thesis identifies the problems of criminal punishment of Taiwan Copyright Law. An overview of copyright criminal norm is given for this purpose. I then reflect on Taiwan’s current copyright criminal punishment, with particular emphasis on preeminent aspects of the elements which mentioned above that may be used as references for the future development of Taiwan Copyright Law.

An essential need: Banishing permanently strict liability from the customs infringement procedures / Una necesidad imprescindible: Desterrar definitivamente el régimen de responsabilidad objetiva del infraccional aduanero

Varela, Andrés 12 April 2018 (has links)
This paper analyzes the strict liability system surviving in customs infringement procedures, the grounds for its existence or survival and its consequences. Also, the arguments against such system of liability attribution are examined. Thus, from such starting point, through a precise enumeration of statutory rebuttable presumptions whose intention can be presumed whenever it is difficult for Tax Authorities to prove such presumptions, I intend to find legal solutions to determine the grounds for its replacement without affecting the rights of the relevant individuals or legal entities when the customs infringements are decided. / El presente artículo aborda el estudio del régimen de responsabilidad objetiva que subsiste en materia infraccional aduanera, los fundamentos sostenidos para su existencia o pervivencia, y sus consecuencias. Asimismo, se desarrollan los argumentos contrarios a dicho régimen de imputación de la responsabilidad. Así, y partido de ello, se tratan de encontrar soluciones jurídicas que, sin vulneren los derechos de los administrados al juzgar las infracciones aduaneras, permitan resolver el fundamento de su sustitución, y ello, mediante un correcto establecimiento de presunciones legales relativas que permitan presumir la intención, cuando ella sea de difícil comprobación para el Fisco.

Direct taxation and the internal market : assessing possibilities for a more balanced integration

Yevgenyeva, Anzhela January 2013 (has links)
The role of the Court of Justice of the European Union in the process of direct tax integration in the European Union (EU) has been widely discussed in the academic literature, while another important actor, the European Commission, has attracted much less attention. The Commission’s input is commonly perceived to be limited to the right of legislative initiative. This study questions such an oversimplified interpretation and draws a more nuanced picture of EU tax harmonisation by integrating an analysis of the complex regulatory approaches adopted by the Commission for the establishment and smooth functioning of the Internal Market. It is argued that the past decade brought a notable change in the Court-dominated pattern of direct tax integration. This change is apparent first in the evolution of enforcement strategies under Articles 258 and 260 TFEU; and second, in the increased reliance upon non-binding regulatory measures. Both developments have strengthened the role of the Commission, supplying it with more possibilities for influencing national direct tax systems, despite the reluctance of Member States to agree upon legislative harmonisation. Against this background, the procedural and substantive problems associated with these instruments require closer examination. The normative scope of this research covers the key procedural problems related to the infringement procedure and non-binding regulatory measures. The empirical component explores the Commission’s enforcement and coordination practices, drawing particular attention to two case studies: the tax treatment of losses in cross-border situations and exit taxation. Following the analysis of enforcement and coordination in the field of direct taxation, the study argues the need and proposes potential solutions for (i) the developing of a more comprehensive procedural framework for the infringement procedure and non-binding regulatory acts; (ii) the strengthening of accountability mechanisms; and (iii) the enhancing of the effectiveness of their application.

La personne morale : un non-professionnel ? / The legal person : a non-professionnal ?

Graf, Olivier 30 January 2015 (has links)
Les personnes morales sont couramment considérées comme des « êtres juridiques » incomplets par rapport aux personnes physiques et voués au seul exercice de leur activité. Pourtant la Cour de cassation a affirmé qu'elles pouvaient bénéficier de certaines protections du droit de la consommation par la qualification de non-professionnel. Cependant, la compréhension finaliste du critère d'application de cette qualification rend cette dernière inopérante à l'égard des personnes morales. Le passage d'une conception monolithique des personnes morales à une vision éclatée, couplé à une compréhension nouvelle du critère d'application permet l'émergence d'une personne morale non-professionnelle, éclairant le droit de la consommation ainsi que les droits de la personnalité des personnes morales. Les personnes morales peuvent ainsi être considérées comme des personnes juridiques différentes des personnes physiques mais néanmoins complètes / Legal persons are commonly regarded as incomplete "legal beings" in comparison with natural persons and as dedicated only to carry on their activity. Yet the French Court of Cassation said they could be protected by the non-professional qualification in French consumer law. However, the finalist understanding of the application criterion for this qualification makes it ineffective against these persons.The transition from a monolithic conception of legal persons to an exploded view, coupled with a new understanding of the application criterion allows the emergence of a non-professional legal person, clarifying consumer law and personality rights of artificial persons. Legal persons can thus be considered as legal entities different from individuals but complete however

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