Spelling suggestions: "subject:"into++""
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Kamerabevakning utan tillståndskrav på platser där allmänheten inte äger tillträde – ett hot mot den personliga integriteten?Khatun, Rahima January 2022 (has links)
In Sweden, camera surveillance in places where the public own access is regulated by a permit. This entails a lack of permit requirement for camera surveillance in places where the public does not own access. Such places can consist of a privacy-sensitive character. Surveillance constitutes processing of personal data whereupon the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) must be complied with. Article 6 of the GDPR stipulates various legal bases that must be met in the processing of personal data. The ones who conduct surveillance in places where the public does not own access often fails to make correct legal assessments of Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR, as displayed by various supervisory decisions issued by the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. In this light, the purpose of the thesis is to examine and analyze how the ones who conduct surveillance and the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection consider the personal integrity of the camera monitored individual in the assessments of Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR during camera surveillance without permit requirement in places where the public does not own access. Because of the differences between the legal assessments made by the ones who conduct camera surveillance and the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection, the thesis also intends to shed light on the consequences that arise for the camera monitored individual by the fact that their personal integrity is assessed in different ways. The thesis also aims to evaluate the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protections’ supervisory work in relation to both personal integrity and the compliance with Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR during camera surveillance without permit requirement in places where the public does not own access. The Swedish Authority for Privacy Protections’ supervisory work is important as most of the camera surveillance takes place without a permit requirement and the fact that there is a lack of knowledge prevailing to the number of cameras in use. It is important that the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protections’ supervisory work is well-functioning since the ones who conduct surveillance carry out the legal assessments incorrectly. The risk with insufficient supervisory work is that personal integrity is violated and that the GDPR is ineffectual in the long run. In general, it can be said that the legal assessments of Article 6(1)(e) and 6(1)(f) of the GDPR are poorly carried out by both the ones who conduct surveillance and the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection. This primarily affects the camera monitored individuals’ personal integrity. Because of the indications of shortcomings in the supervisory work, there are several improvement measures that can be taken to maintain personal integrity and ensure that the Swedish Authority for Privacy Protection continue to constitute an important function.
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Analys av nyckelrättigheter i väpnade konflikter : Hur nyckelrättigheter respekteras i det pågående kriget i Syrien / Analysis of Key Rights in Armed Conflicts : How to key rights are respected in the ongoing Syrian warArfors, Karl January 2021 (has links)
Abstract This essay has been about investigating and analyzing key rights in armed conflicts and howthey are respected in the Syrian war. The essay brings up three key rights and they are- the right to life- torture and other cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment- protection of cultural propertyRegarding these rights, questions are formulated- How have the human key rights been respected in the Syrian war?- How does the protection for the key rights look within IHL?- What do the prospects for an acceptable situation look like in short term?The Syrian war started in mars 2011 as a result of the Arabic spring. The situation for Syria’spopulation has gotten worse since the war’s beginning. It has not gotten better during thesenine years despite hard work from UN and other humanitarian organizations. There was along battle against IS who has been defeated, but there are different actors in Syria thatcontinue to fight.Syria’s president Al-Assad is one of them that bears to biggest responsibility for Syria’scrisis, but he gets supported by for example Russia and Iran. Russia was in Syria to fight IS,but fought rebel groups instead, because they were a threat to Al-Assad. Al-Assad wanted itto look like he was protecting Syria from terrorism. He released islamic prisoners to fightthem. Some of the worst battles has happened in Aleppo, which is the most important cityfinancially.A lot of countries are militarily involved and that does not make it better when it’s abouthuman rights in Syria. When I investigate the respect of international humanitarian law inSyria, it shows that fighting parties fail hard to respect IHL. Cruel crimes against the keyrights has happened since the violence got worse. It is a lot of casualties, people get torturedin prisons and a lot of old culture gets destroyed.Syria’s economy has and continues to fall. Syria has the most refugees in the world since thesecond world war, and this civil war is the worst humanitarian crisis in modern time. Syriahad 20 million residents when the war began and now 11 million people is on flight. Syria has100 armed groups, and they are divided. Syria’s population miss access to survival needs andtheir everyday is life threatening. One cause to fatalities in Syria is lack of food, water andcare. At the same time as USA started to pull their forces back, Turkey took in their forces.Turkey thinks that USA approved the offensive when they pulled their forces back, but USAdenies that. Turkey will not interrupt the offensive, but USA wants it to be suspended.In my investigation I have used a legal dogmatic method in form of articles and based on thesources I have interpreted the key rights and their compliance in Syria. I have used literaturestudies in form of news articles, printed literature and books. Key rights in armed conflict andIHL have big roles in this essay. Literature about key rights within international human rightslaw and its application in the Syrian war is central in the analyze. A SWOT analysis is used toget structure for the description and leads to the conclusions used to answer the given questions. 6(37)In the essay I explain the situation in Syria, IHL and key rights role and situation in Syria andwhat the conflict looks like today. My sources highlight events in different areas in Syria, whichare used in the analysis and as answers to the questions:- In armed conflicts it’s very hard to protect the studied key rights and the war in Syria is noexception. There are plenty of tragic examples on how people are killed or tortured. Manyinvaluable cultural heritage has been systematically destroyed or stolen.- IHL was developed to reduce human suffering and to demand a human acting from fightingparties. In an armed conflict it is IHL that rules.- In the Syrian war there’s only one solution that UN has come up with and is pushing for it tobe implemented. That solution is a Syrian owned and Syrian led political process.
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Bakomliggande faktorer och hinder av vuxna papperslösas tillgång och möjlighet till vård i Sverige : En kvalitativ intervjustudie / Undocumented adults and underlying obstacles and challenges in accessing healthcare in SwedenSado, Michelia January 2023 (has links)
This study aims to analyze the underlying factors and barriersinfluencing undocumented adults' access to healthcare in Sweden. By focusing on the experiences of five respondents associated with the Swedish Red Cross, the essay seeks to shed light on and enhance the understanding of the limitations faced by undocumented adults, regarding their access to healthcare in Sweden. This study has a qualitative research approach with semi-structured interviews. The studyaddresses three theories for understanding the factors and barriers that affect the access to healthcare by using Goffman (1963) stigma, Young (2011) social justice and Rothstein (2003) trust and social contract theory. The result of the study shows insights information from five respondents of the factors affecting undocumented adults' healthcare access in Sweden. The study ultimately reveals that stigmatization, trust, fear, and social networks are underlying factors that impact the access to healthcare for undocumented adults in Sweden. Additionally,socio-economic barriers are identified as limiting the opportunities for undocumented adults to access healthcare in Sweden. The research highlights that these challenges are not merely individual choices or priorities but rather a result of complex factors and structural impediments. Therefore, addressing the obstacles and underlying factors requires a collective approach to observe and understand the root causes affecting the access to healthcare in Swedenfor undocumented adults.
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Till naturen : Ekokritiska trådar i Thomas Tidholms författarskap / To nature : Ecocritical threads in the writings of Thomas TidholmÖstling, Marie January 2021 (has links)
In the following essay, I examine the ecocritical aspects of the writings of Thomas Tidholm, Swedish poet and children’s author. I argue for the existence of “green threads” that permeate the authorship, and analyse them through three thematic chapters where several of Tidholm’s texts, for children and adults, are juxtaposed in order to expand, contrast and deepen one another. The themes are: approaching the other, language and humanity and parts and unity. In my analysis I show that Tidholm continues to return to these themes throughout many different texts, exploring the difficulties and possibilities in human relationships to each otherand to nature. I conclude that even though Tidholm questions whether we truly can come close to, communicate with and fully understand others (humans or otherwise), he seems to hold the conviction that it is vitally important that we try. While the essay belongs in the field of ecocriticism, my working approach has been that of ordinary language philosophy as defined by literary scholar Toril Moi, following the works of Wittgenstein, Austin and Cavell. Thus, the essay is written in a spirit of acklowledgement rather than scepticism – my aim has been to bring out important aspects of the texts and show that, when read together, those aspects are enhanced. I find this especially important since the readerships of poetry and picture books do not always overlap. Furthermore, I suggest that Thomas Tidholm can be seen as a contemporary thinker whose ideas question and seek alternatives to the individualism of capitalist modern society. Keywords: ecocritisism, Thomas Tidholm, nature, environment, language
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”Har det aldrig slagit henne att jag är tyst, men inte beter mig tyst?” : En narratologiskt influerad analys av tystnaden i Kärleken vi inte förstår och Alla är ledsna nuförtidenLarsson, Line January 2022 (has links)
In this paper, I study the silence in Bart Moeyaert’s two novels Kärleken vi inte förstår (eng. It’s Love We Don’t Understand, 1999) and Alla är ledsna nuförtiden (eng. Everyone’s Sorry Nowadays, 2018) with the help of Maria Nikolajeva’s theories of narrative perspective. I examine the narrative perspective in relation to the other characters’ appearances – focusing on the narrator’s priorities and voice – as well as how the silence is portrayed. Furthermore, by using a method of close-to-text reading I seek answers to the following questions: how is silence portrayed in Kärleken vi inte förstår and Alla är ledsna nuförtiden? What is the role of silence in the previous novels? The last question refers to in what way Moeyaert uses the silence in his novels. Finally, I concluded that the silence in Kärleken vi inte förstår is ambiguous. On the one hand, it is used by the characters as a tool of communication, and on the other hand, it works as a storytelling technique to withhold information from the reader as well as amplify the atmosphere or mood. Moreover, the silence in Alla är ledsna nuförtiden rather has the function of a theme or a motif as it forces the story to move forward. / I denna uppsats studerar jag tystnaden i Bart Moeyaerts romaner Kärleken vi inte förstår (1999) och Alla är ledsna nuförtiden (2018) med hjälp av Maria Nikolajevas teorier om berättarperspektiv. Jag utforskar berättarperspektivet i relation till hur de andra karaktärerna framträder – med fokus på berättarens prioriteringar och röst – liksom hur tystnaden gestaltas. Vidare söker jag svar på följande frågor genom att göra textnära läsningar av ovan nämnda verk: hur gestaltas tystnad i Kärleken vi inte förstår och Alla är ledsna nuförtiden? Vilken funktion har tystnaden i de ovanstående verken? Slutligen kom jag fram till att tystnadens funktion i Kärleken vi inte förstår är dubbel; å ena sidan används den av karaktärerna som ett verktyg för att kommunicera, å andra sidan som ett sätt att, av Moeyaert, undanhålla information från läsaren samt förstärka stämningar. Fortsättningsvis fungerar tystnaden i Alla är ledsna nuförtiden snarare som ett tema eller ett motiv då den tvingar historien framåt.
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Characterizing Feature Influence and Predicting Video Popularity on YouTube / En karakterisering av olika egenskapers inverkan och förutsägelse av videopopularitet på YouTubeAbdihakim, Ali January 2021 (has links)
YouTube is an online video sharing platform where users can distribute and consume video and other types of content. The rapid technological advancement along with the proliferation och technological gadgets has led to the phenomenon of viral videos where videos and content garner hundreds of thousands if not million of views in a short span of time. This thesis looked at the reason for these viral content, more specifically as it pertains to videos on YouTube. This was done by building a predictor model using two different approaches and extracting important features that causes video popularity. The thesis further observed how the subsequent features impact video popularity via partial dependency plots. The knn model outperformed logistic regression model. The thesis showed, among other things that YouTube channel and title were the most important features followed by comment count, age and video category. Much research have been done pertaining to popularity prediction, but less on deriving important features and evaluating their impact on popularity. Further research has to be conduced on feature influence, which is paramount to comprehend the causes for content going viral. / YouTube är en online-plattform där användare kan distribuera och konsumera video och andra typer av innehåll. Den snabba tekniska utvecklingen tillsammans med spridningen av mobila plattformar har lett till fenomenet virala videor där videor får hundratusentals, om inte miljontals, visningar på kort tid. I arbetet undersöktes orsaken till virala videor på YouTube. Det gjordes genom att bygga två modeller för att förutspå videopopularitet och därefter analysera viktiga egenskaper som orsakar denna. Resultaten visade att Knn- modellen ger bättre resultat än logistisk regression. Arbetet visade bland annat att YouTube-kanalen och titeln var de viktigaste egenskaperna som driver popularitet, följt av antal kommentarer på en video, videons ålder och videons kategori. Vidare forskning är dock nödvändig inom detta område. Mycket forskning har gjorts för att förutsäga populariteten hos videor, men mindre fokus har lagts på att analysera deras viktiga egenskaper och utvärdera deras inverkan på populariteten.
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Elever i särskilda utbildningsbehov och problemlösning. : En studie av elevers upplevelse och deltagande vid problemlösning i grupp.Eriksson, Kristina January 2016 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur elever i Särskilda Utbildningsbehov i Matematik (SUM) upplever problemlösning i grupp i matematik samt hur de agerar i praktiken vid sådana tillfällen. Med fördjupad kunskap kring ämnet är ambitionen att på ett gynnsamt sätt organisera den specialpedagogiska undervisningen så att SUM-elever blir delaktiga vid problemlösningssituationer i den ordinarie undervisningen. Studien har en kvalitativ ansats där observationer och intervjuer med tre SUM-elever från år 3 har genomförts. Till grund för analysen har studiens teoretiska begrepp kommunikation och delaktighet funnits. Resultatet visar att eleverna upplever att de är delaktiga i gruppen och att de alla på något sätt är aktiva i arbetet med uppgiften. Ett inkluderande förhållningssätt visade sig spela roll för hur eleverna valde att delta och kommunicera i respektive grupper. Vid observationerna blev det synligt att inkludering ur ett didaktiskt perspektiv är viktigt för att få eleverna att känna att de klarar av uppgiften samt att de kan bidra med något i gruppen. Dock blir det tydligt i vissa fall att det i kommunikationen eleverna emellan används tillvägagångssätt som är inövade utan förståelse vilket leder till att de inte har någon kontroll över arbetet att lösa uppgiften. Några elever framför samtidigt i intervjuerna hur deras låga tilltro till sin egna matematiska förmåga kring att lösa problem gör att de hellre arbetar i grupp. / This study examines students in Special needs Education in Mathematics (SEM) experience of problem solving in groups in mathematics. The studie also investigates how the students act in practice in problem solving situations. The overall aim of the study is to reach in-depth knowledge about the subject which would be a good help in organizing the special education work with SEM-pupils and problem solving in a successful way. The study has a qualitative approach, where observations and interviews with three SEM pupils from lower primary school (grade 3) in Sweden has formed the empirical material in the study. The theoretical concepts communication and participation are the foundation of analysis. The result show that an inclusive approach seems to be important in how the pupils chose to communicate and participate, meaning that the students in SEM are in mixed ability groups when working with problem solving. The pupils experienced that they participated in the groups and all of them were at some degree active in the problem solving task and they expressed that they liked problem solving. The didactic perspective is very important to make pupils feel that they are up to the task and that they can contribute to the group. However, it`s clear in some of the cases that problem solving is practiced with strategies but without understanding. Some of the pupils talks about their bad confidence in their mathematical ability and therefore they prefer working with problem solving in groups.
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Hur användardata & andra arbetssätt nyttjas för att nå hög kundtillfredsställelse / How user data & other work methods are utilized to attain high customer satisfactionKALZÉN, EMMA, SÖRENSEN, JULIA January 2020 (has links)
Att integrera insamling och analysering av användardata inom produktutveckling förekommer hos företag inom alla branscher över hela världen. Användardata kan ge ett företag information om användare och den informationen kan i sin tur utnyttjas för att utveckla befintliga och nya produkter. Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur användardata och andra arbetssätt i kombination kan identifiera och tillfredsställa kundbehov under utveckling av webbplatser och appar. För att besvara frågeställningen byggdes en teoretisk referensram från en vetenskaplig litteraturstudie. En stor del av litteraturstudien består av Kano modellen för att förklara sambandet mellan olika kundbehov och kundtillfredsställelse. Vidare presenteras vanligt förekommande användardata och andra arbetssätt. Sedan genomfördes en kvalitativstudie hos fyra företag som arbetar med produktutveckling av appar och/eller webbplatser. Den kvalitativa studien bestod av semi-strukturerade intervjuer. Resultaten från den kvalitativa studien analyserades sedan och jämfördes mot den teoretiska referensramen. Efter analys och diskussion av resultaten visar studien att en kombination av användardata och andra arbetssätt är fördelaktigt i en produktutvecklingsprocess för att uppnå hög kundtillfredsställelse. Vidare upptäcker studien svårigheten i att mäta kundtillfredsställelse då användares behov ständigt förändras samt för att tillfredsställelse oftast mäts på specifika produktfunktioner, inte produkten i sin helhet. / Integrating collection and analysis of user data within product development is occurring in companies worldwide and across all industries. User data can provide a company with information about the users which can be utilized to develop existing and new products. This study aims to explore how a combination of user data and other work methods can identify and satisfy customer needs during the development of websites and apps. To answer the research questions a theoretical framework was built from a scientific literature study. The literature study gives much focus to the Kano model to explain the connection between different customer needs and customer satisfaction. Additionally, common user data and other work methods are presented. Subsequently, a qualitative study was conducted at four companies who are working with product development of apps and/or websites. The qualitative study consisted of semi-structured interviews. The results from the qualitative study were analysed and compared to the theoretical framework. After analysis and discussion, the study shows that a combination of user data and other work methods is profitable in a product development process to achieve high customer satisfaction. Furthermore, the study discovers the difficulties in measuring customer satisfaction since customer needs are constantly changing and also because customer satisfaction is often measured on specific product features, not the product as a whole.
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Speciallärare med specialisering språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling - : en kollega med lite fler verktyg i sin verktygslåda / Special education teacher in language, writing and reading development : a savvy colleagueEriksson, Cristina January 2022 (has links)
Sammanfattning/AbstractEriksson, Cristina (2022). Speciallärare med specialisering språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling -en kollega med lite fler verktyg i sin verktygslåda. Specialpedagogprogrammet, Institutionenför skolutveckling och ledarskap, Lärande och samhälle, Malmö Universitet, 90 hp.Förväntat kunskapsbidragDenna studie belyser vikten av pedagogiska samtal och kollegialt lärande. Genom att synliggörainformanternas bild av uppdraget för speciallärare med inriktning språk-, skriv- ochläsutveckling och deras uppfattningar utifrån inkludering, anpassningar och elevers skiftandebehov förväntas studien bidra med förutsättningar för ett gynnsamt och språkutvecklandesamarbete mellan lärare och speciallärare utifrån ett relationellt perspektiv.Syfte och frågeställningarStudien belyser några lärares uppfattningar vad gäller uppdraget för en speciallärare medinriktning språk-, skriv- och läsutveckling och hur de tänker att en sådan kan utveckla ochfördjupa arbetet i verksamheten. Följande preciserade frågeställningar har formulerats för attbehandla studiens syfte:• Hur uppfattas en speciallärare kunna bidra till och komplettera det språkinriktadearbetet i verksamheten?• Vilka uppfattningar gällande inkludering, särskilda anpassningar och elever ibehov av särskilt stöd framträder hos respondenterna?TeoriStudiens teoretiska ramverk grundar sig i systemteoretiskt perspektiv, närmare bestämtBronfenbrenners ekologiska systemteori. Bronfenbrenner (1979), framhåller att elevers lärandeär beroende av omgivningen och argumenterar för att det är viktigt att se barnets utveckling irelation till de olika system som barnet är en del av. Den utvecklingsekologiska modellen bestårav fyra strukturer som Bronfenbrenner benämner mikro-, meso-, exo- och makrosystemet. I
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