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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mellan gymnasiesärskolan och framtiden som vuxen : En kritisk studie av gymnasiesärskolans utbildningsinsatser för att utveckla elevers självständighet och delaktighet inför ett framtidan vuxenliv

Fröjd, Catrine January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to describe how staff at the upper secondary school's national pro- grams prepare their students for their upcoming adult life. What didactic and subject-related resources do they use in the process towards the pupils' independent adult life and how in- volved are the pupils in the transition to adulthood and future employment. My hope with this study is to contribute with knowledge about possible ways to support the students during their studies and the transition to adulthood. The study is based on qualitative interviews with four teachers, a study and vocational coun- selor and a work consultant who works at the upper secondary school. The study has its theo- retical starting point in a didactic perspective and in a relational perspective. These perspec- tives are intertwined in the analysis, as the informants in the study integrate both perspectives as mutually interacting aspects of learning. As an analytical method, meaning coding has been used and the answers are presented in five themes: how teachers vary their teaching, inde- pendence, collaboration, participation and influence and leisure time. The result shows that the staff at the upper secondary school work in a conscious manner to make the pupils as independent and involved as possible in the process towards adulthood. The staff collaborates with various actors who can support the pupil when it comes to employ- ment after graduation. In previous studies that I use in the study's research overview, on the other hand, shows that the group of people with intellectual disability does not feel that they have participated and had influence in their process towards adult life. This group should be given the opportunity to prepare for what the labor market demands, but when they make their choice to the upper secondary school they are referred to a limited number of programs. In or- der for students to achieve social justice and be able to establish themselves in the labor mar- ket, employers need to see them as a resource. Today, only 22% of those who have an intel- lectual disability are established in the labor market. Thus, cooperation during the high school years is not enough, it needs more efforts.

Sångundervisning med variation : Om sångpedagogers undervisning för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning

Krusevall, Rebecka January 2021 (has links)
Utgångspunkten för denna undersökning är att få fördjupande kunskaper om sångundervisning för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Tidigare forskning visar att personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning kan behöva längre tid för inlärning vid musikundervisning och att anpassningar kan behöva göras utifrån personens individuella förutsättningar. Syftet är undersöka hur sångpedagoger arbetar med sång och kör för personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Studien genomfördes genom kvalitativa intervjuer med fyra verksamma sångpedagoger. Resultatet visar att sångpedagogerna ser att målet är att eleverna ska utvecklas musikaliskt, men att det också förekommer att de ser målet mer musikterapeutiskt. Det visar att de använder metodik och arbetssätt som de själva utvecklat genom att testa sig fram och att det finns pedagogiska utmaningar som rör elevernas koncentration och fokus, tid för lektioner, att hitta fungerande kommunikation och att lägga undervisningen på rätt nivå. Ett par av sångpedagogerna upplever att de ser karakteristiska röstkvalitéer hos en del personer med Downs syndrom, vilket påverkar artikulationen.

Daglig verksamhet enligt LSS : Hur resonerar ett antal deltagare med intellektuella funktionsnedsättningar kring sitt arbete?

Halldin Lööw, Johanna, Wikström, Lina January 2013 (has links)
This essay aims to examine the meaning work at daily activity centers gives people with intellectual disabilities and the questions these people consider necessary to ask in quality surveys. This has been done by interviews with twelve respondents in various daily activitiy centers within a private care company in the Stockholm area. The theories that has been used to analyze the empirical data is SOC - sence of coherence, stigma and empowerment. The result shows that the meaning of daily activity is to create and maintain social contacts, feeling important and needed by others and an opportunity to feel “normal” and like everybody else. Furthermore, the results show that the possibility of self-determination, the fellowship with personal and other participants and to have tasks with moderate severity are necessary questions to ask in quality surveys. Another result shows that the respondents are aware that the absence of salary differs a regular job from work in a daily activity center.

Att balansera i gråzoner : En kvalitativ studie av personals upplevelse av självbestämmande för brukare inom Bostad med särskild service / Balancing in grey areas : A qualitative study of staff ́s experience of self-determination within housing with special service

Öhrling, Sanna, Eriksson, Ellinor January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to increase knowledge of how staff within housing with special service handled the space between providing self- determination and help and the power that follows with the professional assignment. The study used a qualitative method with semi-structured interviews with seven interviewees, who work as care professionals in three municipalities in the south of Sweden. The study had a hermeneutic approach with the purpose of finding out the experiences of the care professionals. The method of the analysis was thematic and based on theories of power and empowerment. The study results were also analyzed in relation to earlier studies in the field.  The result showed that the care professionals had a consistent view upon self-determination and what this means for the users. Furthermore, the study illustrates the complex experience for the staff around individuals with intellectual disabilities of self-determination and how this is challenged by the relationship with responsibility to ensure the health of the users. Despite guidelines and the LSS-law the staff experience is that theory and practice sometimes is far apart due to different factors, which makes is more difficult to provide an accurate self-determination for the users in their everyday life.

Kommunikation med musik och tecken : en experimentell studie med vuxna om inlärning av Tecken som AKK med stöd av musik

Krafft Helgesson, Maria January 2013 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker, via ett experiment, om musik stödjer inlärning av Tecken som Alternativ och/eller Kompletterande Kommunikation. Människor kommunicerar på olika sätt och musik kan vara motivation för lärande. I Förenta Nationernas Konvention om rättigheter för människor med funktionsnedsättning står det om rätten till kommunikation. Människor med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning behöver ofta stöd av omgivningen i sin kommunikations- och språkutveckling. Deltagarna i studien var vuxna med nära relation till personer med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning som använder eller behöver tecken som alternativ och/eller komplement för sin kommunikation. Deltagarna (40 stycken) var indelade i fyra grupper. Grupperna tilldelades slumpvis fyra olika betingelser: musik eller inte respektive känd eller okänd sång. Sammanlagt genomfördes tre tester av teckenkunskaperna av 20 olika tecken. Testerna genomfördes vid tre tillfällen utspritt över fem veckor. Resultatet visade att deltagarna som för sin inlärning av tecken fått stöd av musik kunde flest tecken efter fem veckor. I studien ges en bakgrund till begreppen musik och musikterapi, kommunikation och språk samt forskning och diskussion av dessa begrepp. Studien ger även förslag på framtida forskningsfrågor inom ämnet. / This study examines, through an experiment, if music supports the learning of manual signs. People communicate in different ways and music can be motivation for learning. In the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities one can read about the right to communication. People with intellectual disabilities often need the support from the environment in their communication and language development. The participants were adults with close relation to people with intellectual disabilities who use or need manual signs as an augmentation and/or an alternative to their communication. The participants (40 in all) were divided into four groups. The groups were randomly assigned to four different conditions: music or not each condition with known or unknown song. In total, in three tests the skills of manual signs of 20 different signs were investigated. The tests were performed three times spread over five weeks. The results showed that participants in their learning of manual signs supported by music had retained most manual signs after five weeks. The study provides a background to the concepts of music and music therapy, communication and language, as well as research and discussion of these concepts. The study also provides suggestions for future research issues in the subject.

Samma arena? : en studie om hur genus konstrueras i musikterapeutledd musikundervisning för elever i grundsärskolans träningsinriktning

Hage, Cecilia January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker om/hur genusmönster produceras i det verbala språket inom musikundervisning, ledd av musikterapeut, i grundsärskolans träningsinriktning. Undersökningen utgår från forskningsfynd gällande pedagogers reproducerande av genusmönster inom området skola och förskola och ämnar undersöka de av dessa fynd som faller inom ramen för den verbala kommunikationen inom kontexten musikundervisning i grundsärskolans träningsinriktning. Fem lektioner i fem klasser/grupper fördelade på tre musikterapeuter har studerats. Sammanlagt 23 elever, 9 flickor och 14 pojkar finns med i materialet. Lektionerna filmades och utskrifter av lektionerna skrevs, utifrån vilka analysen gjordes. Resultatet indikerar att samma genusmönster som observerats i tidigare forskning gällande förskola och grundskola endast observeras i enstaka delar av materialet samt att vissa genusmönster försvinner och andra förändras vilket indikerar att elever inom ramen för musikundervisning i grundsärskolans träningsinriktning befinner sig i en annorlunda kontext vad gäller genus än barn i förskola och grundskola. / This study investigates how gender is reproduced concerning verbal communication within music lessons led by music therapists in compulsory school for children with severe learning impairments. The study is based on earlier research regarding teachers reproduction of gender patterns within pree school and compulsory school, and aims to examine whether similar productions of gender patterns can be foundconcerning verbal communication in the context of compulsory school for children with severe learning impairments. Five lessons in five classes/groups conducted by three music therapists were included in the material. 23 pupils, 9 girls and 14 boys participated. The lessons were video recorded and transcripts were made of each lesson out of which the analyses were made. The result suggests that patterns similar to those observed in earlier research could only be observed in small parts of the material and that some of the gender patterns are not visible and others are different which suggests that pupils within the music education in compulsory school for children with severe learning impairments are situated in a different context regarding gender than children in preschool and compulsory school.

Kampen om särskolan : Carlbeck-kommitténs utredning av särskolan i fackliga tidningar / The struggle for special school : The Carlbeck Committee's investigation of the special school in union magazines

Bergfjord, Anders, Thorén, Martin January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att utveckla kunskap om hur diskussionerna kring avskaffandet eller behållandet av särskolan som skolform i relation till Carlbeck-kommitténs arbete har förts i Lärarförbundets (LF) tidningar. Studien ingår i forskningsprojektet From Salamanca to PISA. The professionalizations of special needs educators since 1990 from a comparative perspective. Projektet bedrivs i Stockholms universitets regi, lett av Wieland Wermke och Gabriella Höstfält.  Arbetet bygger på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys av artiklar från fackliga tidskrifter. Det empiriska materialet utgörs dels av artiklar i Lärarförbundets tidskrifter Specialpedagogen och Specialpedagogik och dels av Carlbeck-kommitténs del-, och slutbetänkande. I arbetets historiska bakgrund och forskningsöversikt identifieras två historiska spår gällande synen på organisation av undervisning för elever med intellektuell funktionsnedsättning. Arbetets resultat påvisar att dessa historiska spår även fortlöper under den studerade tidsperioden. Vidare visar resultatet en tydlig avsaknad av engagemang i frågan om skolformens existens från professionen och fackliga företrädare. Möjliga orsaker till detta presenteras i diskussionsdelen. Studiens resultat indikerar hur särskolan blivit en säkerhetsventil för att avlasta den starkare målstyrda grundskolan. En av de slutsatser som framkommer i arbetets diskussion är att Carlbeck-kommitténs arbete utgjorde ett försök att föra samman Salamancadeklarationens tanke om en skola för alla med PISA:s mer målinriktade intention. / The aim of this study is to develop knowledge of how the discussions about the abolition or retention of special school in relation to the Carlbeck Committee have been conducted in the Swedish Teachers' Association's (LF) magazines. The study is part of the research project From Salamanca to PISA. The professionalizations of special needs educators since 1990 from a comparative perspective . The project is run under the auspices of Stockholm University, led by Wieland Wermke and Gabriella Höstfält.  This study is based on a qualitative content analysis of articles from LF member magazines. The empirical material consists partly of articles in LF member magazines Specialpedagogen and Specialpedagogik and partly of the Carlbeck Committee's partial and final report. In this study's historical background and research overview, two historical traces are identified regarding the view of the organization of teaching for students with intellectual disabilities. The results of the study show that these historical traces also continue during the studied period. Furthermore, the results show a clear lack of commitment to the issue of the existence of special schools for students with intellectual disability from the profession and union representatives. Possible reasons for this are presented in the discussion section. The results of the study indicate how the special school has become a safety valve to relieve the stronger goal-oriented primary school. One of the conclusions that emerges in the discussion of the work is that the work of the Carlbeck Committee was an attempt to bring together the Salamanca declaration's idea of a school for all with PISA's more goal-oriented intention. / From Salamanca to PISA. The professionalizations of special needs educators since 1990 from a comparative perspective .

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