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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

We’re in this together – joint and several : How interpreters in spoken languages cooperate in teams in Swedish courts of law / Tillsammans och i samförstånd : Hur tolkar i talade språk samarbetar vid tolkning i svenska domstolar

Hellstrand, Lotta January 2022 (has links)
In sign-language interpreting and conference interpreting it is common for interpreters to work in pairs and well-established norms exist for how that cooperation is carried out. Working in pairs is becoming more common in Swedish courts for spoken language interpreting. Yet how court interpreters collaborate in these situations is not well described. This study, based on 29 hours of audio-files, examines how interpreters working in English and Swedish cooperate during consecutive interpreting when defendants are questioned in Swedish courts. Using Goffman’s terms, the interpreters can be said to be either ratified or bystander at any given point. Five types of cooperation were identified. Two show prompted support - the ratified interpreter either explicitly asks for support or her communicative behaviour makes the bystander conclude that support is needed, two show how the bystander interpreter self-selects to provide support. The fifth covers situations when a bystander interpreter is using non-renditions to explicitly coordinate the interaction. The study can confirm that interpreters are more noticeable in the courtroom than the traditional view of a good interpreter allows. It also shows how a team of two interpreters together can solve communicative problems related to the interpreter’s parallel tasks of translating and coordinating. / Inom teckenspråkstolkning och konferenstolkning är det vanligt att två eller fler tolkar arbetar tillsammans. Det finns väletablerade normer för hur samarbetet ska genomföras. Svenska domstolar anlitar ibland två tolkar till uppdrag i talade språk, men det saknas forskning om hur domstolstolkar samarbetar. Föreliggande studie, baserad på 29 timmar inspelat material undersöker på vilket sätt tolkar med engelska som arbetsspråk samarbetar vid konsekutivtolkning av förhör med tilltalade i svenska domstolar. Med Goffmans terminologi kan tolkarna sägas vara antingen ratified eller bystander vid varje given tidpunkt. Studien identifierar fem typer av samarbeten. Två av dem innefattar efterfrågat stöd där tolken som är ratified antingen ber om stöd eller agerar kommunikativt på ett sätt som får tolken som är bystander att dra slutsatsen att stöd behövs. Två andra kategorier beskriver situationer där tolken som är bystander tar initiativ att erbjuda en rättelse eller ett tillägg. Den femte kategorin täcker situationer där en tolk som är bystander använder sig av icke-återgivningar för att explicit samordna interaktionen. Studien bekräftar att tolkar tar mer plats i en rättssal än vad den gängse uppfattningen är, men också att samarbetande tolkar för det mesta smidigt löser kommunikativa problem relaterade till tolkens två parallella praktiker, att översätta och samordna.

Tolksamarbete inom logopediska verksamheter : en enkätstudie ur tolkarnas perspektiv / Interpreter Collaboration in Speech and Language Therapy Activities : A Questionnaire Study from the Interpreters´ Perspective

Aburto Maldonado, Jennifer, Eklind, Lisa January 2021 (has links)
Behovet av tolkar inom hälso- och sjukvården har ökat i takt med att antalet flerspråkiga individer ökar i dagens samhälle. Detta medför högre krav på sjukvården att upprätthålla kvalitén på god hälso- och sjukvård för alla. Logopeder kommer ofta i kontakt med flerspråkiga personer och är då i många av fallen i behov av tolkar vid utredningar eller behandlingar. I dagsläget finns det endast ett fåtal studier tillgängliga som beskriver de utmaningar i ett samarbete med logoped, som kan upplevas ur tolkens perspektiv. Syftet med studien är därmed att undersöka tolkars roll och få fram deras perspektiv av logopedisk utredning och behandling av flerspråkiga personer. Ökad kunskap om tolkens perspektiv skulle kunna tydliggöra de utmaningar och välfungerande arbetssätt som kan finnas och bidra till att förstärka samarbetet mellan tolk och logoped.Materialet för studien består av enkätsvar från 209 tolkar som arbetar i olika delar av Sverige. Information om tolkarna sammanställdes i tabeller för att kunna ge en överblick över bakgrundsinformation samt svar på ett antal fasta frågor om deras perspektiv och erfarenheter av tolkning inom logopediska aktiviteter. Många av de fasta frågorna hade också möjlighet till fritextsvar, vilket i hög grad utnyttjades av de tolkar som besvarade enkäten. Fritextsvarenanalyserades med tematisk analys. Resultatet påvisade att många av tolkarna överlag upplevde samarbetet med logopederna som positivt, men att det finns förbättringsområden. Det främst förekommande området var att tolkarna upplevde att logopederna inte hade tillräcklig kunskap över hur tolkarna bör utföra sitt yrke (utifrån yrkesetiska principer). En förbättrad förståelse förvarandras professioner skulle kunna öka den ömsesidiga förståelsen i samarbetet mellan tolk och logoped. Att kunna få ta del av de material som ska användas innan ett besök hos logopeden för att kunna förbereda sig, är något som tolkarna angav skulle kunna förbättra deras egen prestation och på så sätt även bidra till ökad patientsäkerhet. / The need for interpreters in health care has increased as the number of multilingual individuals increases in today´s society. This entails greater demands on healthcare services to maintain a high quality of healthcare for all. Speech therapists often encounter multilingual people and are then in many cases in need of interpreters during assessments or interventions. Currently, there are only a few studies available that describe challenges that may occur in collaborationsbetween interpreters and speech and language therapist, viewed from the interpreters’perspective. The purpose of this study is thus to investigate the role of interpreters and emphasise their perspective on speech and language therapy activities (e.g. assessment and intervention) for multilingual people. Increased knowledge of the interpreters’ perspective may reveal challenges, as well as identify well-functioning working methods that exist. Results of the study may contribute to strengthening the collaboration between interpreters and speech and language therapists.The material for the study consists of questionnaire responses from 209 interpreters from different parts of Sweden. To provide a comprehensive overview of their answers,information about the interpreters was compiled in tables. Free text answers were an accompanying option to many of the fixed questions. The interpreters' free text answers were analysed using thematic analysis. Overall, the results showed that many of the interpreters perceived the collaboration with the speech therapists as positive, but that there are areas for improvement. The most commonly addressed area was that the interpreters felt that the speech therapists did not have sufficient knowledge of how interpreters are required to perform their profession (by oath of conduct). An improved understanding of each other's professions might increase the degree of satisfaction in the collaboration between interpreter and speech and language pathologist. Getting access to the materials that are to be used for assessment or intervention, before the appointment to be interpreted, would provide the interpreter with a fair chance to prepare appropriately. This is something that a majority of the interpreters in the present study pressed would improve their own performance and thus also increase patient safety.

Increasing Retention and Graduation Rates of BIPOC and/or Male Students in ASL Interpreting at Sinclair Community College

Minor, Jessica Marie 11 August 2022 (has links)
No description available.

BVC-sköterskans erfarenheter och reflektioner av kommunikation via tolksamtal : En intervjustudie

Finn Ericsson, Maria January 2016 (has links)
Bakgrund: Svensk hälso- och sjukvård har som mål att god vård på lika villkor skall ges till hela befolkningen. Därmed ställs krav på att samhället tillgodoser vårdsökandes behov av kommunikationshjälp i vårdkontakter. Många studier belyser vikten av god kommunikation patienter och vårdgivare emellan. Studier saknas som beskriver BVC-sköterskans erfarenheter av att arbeta via tolk. Syfte: Att beskriva BVC-sköterskans erfarenheter och reflektioner av att arbeta på BVC när kommunikationen med barnen och deras vårdnadshavare sker via tolk. Metod: Intervjustudie med kvalitativ ansats och deskriptiv design med sju informanter. Analysmetod: kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Resultat: BVC-sköterskan ställs ofta inför svårigheter i arbetet när tolk måste användas men ser en glädje i och en vilja till att göra dessa möten så bra som möjligt. Förutsättningar för lyckade tolksamtal relaterade till att tolken var en lugn, förberedd, ackrediterad sjukvårdstolk, helst kvinnlig platstolk, med rätt dialekt, att BVC-sköterskan själv var tydlig i kommunikationen, att samtalsklimatet tillät frågor samt att en stödjande chef tillät ett självständigt arbetsupplägg. BVC-sköterskan ställdes ofta inför svårigheter relaterade till tolkens förhållningssätt, kunskaper och könstillhörighet, familjers önskemål som stred emot vad BVC-sköterskan ansåg bäst, störande ljud under tolksamtalet, tidsstyrt arbete, vilken tolkservice som upphandlats samt svårigheter vid telefontolkning pga. dålig teknisk utrustning. Slutsats: För att BVC-sköterskans positiva inställning ska bibehållas trots svårigheter i tolksamtal behövs ökat stöd och högre prioritet för området tolkning från chefer med fokus på att BVC-sköterskan ska kunna välja den samtalsform som fungerar bäst i tolksamtalet, att den tekniska utrustningen förbättras samt utbildningsmöjligheter för BVC-sköterskan i samtal via tolk. / Background: The Swedish health care law has the aim to give good and equal health care to the entire population. Provision of communication support should therefore be available if needed when encountering health care. Studies highlights the importance of good communication between patients and caregivers. Aim: To describe primary child health nurse’s experiences and reflections of working with children and their caretakers in interpreter mediated communication. Method: Interviews with seven informants, qualitative approach and descriptive design. Analyze method: qualitative content analysis. Result: The primary child health nurse often faces difficulties in the work situation when an interpreter is needed but looks a joy in and a willingness to make these meetings as good as possible. Contributing factors to successful interpreting mediated communication were related to; calm interpreter behavior, preparedness, accredited medical interpreter education, speaking the patient’s accent, being on-site and preferably a female interpreter. Successful factors related to the primary child health nurse included; calm behavior, distinct communication, an open-minded attitude allowing questions and a supportive manager allowing the nurses to plan their work independently. Problems facing the primary child health nurse was related to the interpreter’s dedication and knowledge, gender, family wishes versus the primary child health nurse thoughts of being the best interventions, noises during interpreter mediated conversations, time controlled work, interpreter service company, difficulties in telephone interpreted calls because of poor technical equipment. Conclusion: To keep up the primary child health nurse’ positive attitude despite difficulties in interpreter mediated communication it’s necessary with an increased manager support and higher priority of this subject, focusing that the nurse should be able to choose the best communication form, improvement of the technical equipment and to obtain interpreter mediated communication education.

När dövkompetensen brister hos rättsväsendet : En kvalitativ studie av dövas upplevelse av mötet med rättsväsendet och dess konsekvenser

Ekström, Carolina January 2016 (has links)
Studien undersöker dövkompetensens betydelse (kunskap om döva, teckenspråk och deras kultur) för döva i mötet med rättsväsendet. Syftet är att visa vilka konsekvenser som avsaknaden av dövkompetensen kan få. För att få svar på studiens frågor valde jag en kvalitativ och explorativt forskningsansats för att undersöka respondenternas uppfattning och upplevelse av mötet med rättsväsendet. Kvalitativ intervjustudie med döva med teckenspråk som sitt första språk. Som har varit i behov av samhällsstöd och upplevt avsaknad av dövkompetens. Åtta personer intervjuades och därefter gjordes en analys för att tolka och förstå döva som upplevt denna avsaknad av dövkompetens. Som analysredskap har jag valt vardagsrasism och audism som teoretiska utgångspunkter. De slutsatser jag har fått fram av respondenterna är att bemötandet de fått i mötet med rättsväsendet egentligen inte är enskilda handlingar, eftersom dessa enskilda handlingar upprepas av olika enskilda personer. Till följd av avsaknaden av dövkompetens har konsekvenserna oftast blivit allvarliga och till och med förödande för några av respondenterna. / The study investigates the meaning of deaf competence (knowledge of deaf, sign language and their culture) when deaf people encounter the justice system. The intention is to outline the consequences of the lack of deaf competence. I´ve chosen a qualitative and explorative research approach in order to reach the answers of the study, to examine the respondents’ perception and experience in the encounter with the justice system. Qualitative interviewstudy with deaf people who´s first language is sign language and who´s been in need of support from the society and experienced the lack of deaf competence. Eight people were interviewed and then an analysis was made to interpreted and understand deaf people who´s experienced the lack of deaf competence. As tools during analysis I use everyday racism and audism theoretical smarting points. The conclusion I´ve reached from the respondents is that the treatment they’ve received from the justice system actually isn´t individual actions, due to these individual actions being repeated by various individual people. The lack of deaf competence as a result of the consequences are often become serious and even devastating for some of the respondents.

Restricting participation : Unaccompanied children in interpreter-mediated asylum hearings in Sweden / Begränsad delaktighet : Ensamkommande barn i tolkmedierade utredningsintervjuer i Sverige

Keselman, Olga January 2009 (has links)
The overall goal of this thesis was to highlight different communicative aspects of participation in interpreter-mediated asylum hearings with unaccompanied Russianspeaking children who had applied for asylum in Sweden between 2001 and 2005. Participation in the asylum process is guaranteed to these children by the Swedish Administrative Law and the Convention on the Rights of the Child (CRC), which are incorporated in the Swedish Aliens Act. The Migration authorities in their work with asylum seeking minors have integrated principles of the best interests of the child and the principle of respecting the children’s views on matters concerning them. In this thesis, we have studied the conditions of participation in a highly complex, hybrid activity type, where participants face contradictory demands. Hybridity can be traced in communicative dilemmas which are difficult to solve and handle for all the participants involved, including the caseworkers, interpreters and children. The caseworkers are expected to control an interview in which whole of the communicative exchange is rendered by interpreters who influence the progress of the encounter. Contradiction lies in the fact that the caseworkers are expected to treat all asylum seekers equally both as a group and individually, by relating to general legal regulations and at the same time, take into account the interests and individual needs of an individual child. It might be difficult for these caseworkers to stay neutral and meet underage clients whose life stories and experiences, conduct and needs differ considerably from what is usually ascribed to children. Asylum seeking children come to Sweden to stay. Our results have shown that they take an active role in their attempts to lead to a positive outcome in their cases. In this respect, children’s testimonies and the impression they make as informants play a salient role. The communicative tasks faced by the adolescents are, however, difficult to achieve. Previous life conditions, vulnerability, psychosomatic problems, and memory and concentration difficulties may affect their performance. Other factors which might further impede these children from achieving their task is the pragmatic and linguistic deficiency, which they experience in a context where they lack communicative means and are not fully aware of the norms and regulations relevant for the encounter. Despite hese limitations, it seems that these minors try hard to shoulder their role as asylum seekers and informants actively and strategically. One strategy chosen by the children was to disclose information selectively. They tried to avoid answering questions which could reveal their age, origin or the whereabouts of their caregivers and thereby enable authorities to establish their identity and send them back. To compensate for their uncooperativeness in this area, the adolescents tended to provide information which had not been asked for. Our studies have shown that children could have been prevented by both the caseworkers and interpreters from expressing their views and opinions in a free and self-chosen way. In this respect, interpreters’ contributions were salient for what information was forwarded to the caseworkers. In some cases, they changed both the language and the format of the responses provided by the children. Some of the communicative strategies which were initiated by the interpreters could be linked to both their professional skills and to the hybridity and the complexity of the situation. Interpreters had difficulties staying neutral in relation to the children and orient them in the encounters. Age differences between the participants could also have an impact on how the children were treated and the respect and importance attributed to their voices. We have identified sequences where interpreters initiated monolingual exchanges with one of the interlocutors where they actively tried to exclude and discredit the children’s voices, something which often happened with the tacit approval of the caseworkers. Thus, it can be seen that communicative premises which are inherent in the asylum hearings influence the participant statuses of the children and their possibilities to express their asylum claims.

Současný stav soudního tlumočení v České republice / Court Interpreting in the Czech Republic: the status quo

Doušová, Lucie January 2012 (has links)
This thesis addresses the current state of court interpretation in the Czech Republic. The work consists of two parts, theoretical and empirical. The theoretical part describes EU legislation on court interpretation and projects that aim to improve the quality of court interpretation. The thesis also discusses the development of Czech legislation regarding court interpretation from its inception to the present and expands to expected future development in the field of court interpretation. Major institutions such as EULITA at the European level and KST ČR in the Czech Republic are alluded to in the work. The empirical part consists of research conducted by a questionnaire among court interpreters, judges and investigators. The aim of the research is to answer the question who the present Czech court interpreters are and what their co-operation with the judges and investigators is like.

Modely tlumočení v ČLR / Interpreting models in PRC

Aguas Maisels, Sebastian January 2012 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to outline the development and current situation of the interpreting profession in China. It places particular emphasis on interpreter training at chinese universities, interpreters accreditations, professional organizations and the formation of interpreting theory and training as an autonomous discipline. The beginnings of the conference interpreting profession in China date back to 1979, when the UN Training Programme for Interpreters and Translators was launched. In 1994 this programme was transformed into the Graduate School of Translation and Interpretation at the Beijing Foreign Studies University, which became the first interpreter training institution in China. In 2006 the first three universities launched a BA in Translation and Interpreting (BTI). In 2007 fifteen universities started offering anew Master's programme in Translation and Interpreting (MTI). Currently, the number of universities offering BTI has more than doubled and the number of universities offering MTI has reached 150. Several universities offer also PhD programmes in interpreting studies. Interpreting studies are gradually developing into an autonomous discipline in China and monographs of representative Chinese researchers, e.g. Liu Heping, Bao Gang or Wang Binhua, attest to it. Most of Chinese...

Pedagogické hodnocení, vrstevnické hodnocení a sebehodnocení tlumočnického výkonu: jejich rozdíly a podobnosti a vývoj v průběhu studia / Teacher assessment, peer assessment and self-assessment in interpreter training: their similarities and differences, and development during the training process

Miketová, Petra January 2019 (has links)
The present theoretical-empirical thesis deals with the comparison of three types of interpreting performance assessment: teacher assessment, evaluation by other students in the group (peer assessment) and self-assessment of the student interpreter. The theoretical part is a review of existing literature on general approaches to the different types of assessment, their importance in the acquisition of interpreting skills, recommended methods of interpreting performance assessment and their use in the training of consecutive interpreting. The empirical part of the thesis is a qualitative longitudinal study, involving students of the third and therefore the final year of the bachelor's degree programme in translation- interpreting (intercultural communication). The aim of the thesis is to identify the similarities and differences between different types of assessment and how the assessment developed over the period of the research. The study also examines how the self-assessment and peer evaluation of students studying interpreting only in the English-Czech combination differ from those of students who study interpreting of English in combination with another foreign language, and thus attend twice the number of practical interpretation seminars. KEY WORDS teacher assessment, peer assessment,...

Vårdande kommunikation vid språkliga barriärer : Ur ett sjuksköterskeperspektiv

Fadheel, Sarah, Awungjia, Solange January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Många patienter som söker sjukvård i Sverige talar olika språk som kan begränsa deras förmåga till kommunikation med sjukvårdspersonal. Detta kan leda till att sjuksköterskor möter patienter med olika språk och kulturer som skiljer sig från deras egna. Brist på ett gemensamt språk mellan patienter och sjuksköterskor kan bli ett hinder för att möta patienters problem och behov samt kan göra det svårt för sjuksköterskornas dagliga arbete.   Syfte:Att beskriva sjuksköterskors upplevelser av vårdande kommunikation vid språkliga barriärer. Metod: En systematisk litteraturstudie med beskrivande syntes baserade på tolv kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat:I studiernas analys framkom det att relation, förståelse och gemenskap mellan sjuksköterskor och patienter var viktigt. Sjuksköterskorna ansvarade för att skapa en god relation och ingjuta en upplevelse av hopp hos patienter. Samtidigt var respekt, förtroende och motivation egenskaper som visade patienterna att sjuksköterskorna genuint brydde sig om dem.Slutsats:Samspelet i kommunikation kan vara ömsesidigt exempelvis med hjälp av kroppsrörelser, ansiktsuttryck, lättförståelig information och att sjuksköterskorna är öppna och ger utrymme för patienter att berätta sina upplevelser. Vid språkliga barriärer kan exempelvis sjuksköterskornas positiva inställning, vilja att hjälpa, önskan att skapa relation och visa respekt påverka patienternas välmående och lindra lidandet. / Background:Many patients seeking medical care in Sweden speak different languages that can limit their ability to communicate with healthcare professionals. This can lead to nurses meeting patients with different languages and cultures that differ from their own. Lack of a common language between patients and nurses can be an obstacle to meeting patients ' problems and needs and can make it difficult for nurses daily work. Aim: To describe nurses´ experiences of caring communication in language barriers. Method: A systematic literature study with descriptive synthesis based on twelve qualitative scientific articles. Results: In the study's analysis it emerged that relationship, understanding and community between nurses and patients was important. The nurses were responsible for creating a good relationship and instilling a sense of hope in the patient. At the same time, respect, trust and motivation were characteristics that showed the patients that the nurses genuinely cared for them. Conclusion:The interaction in communication can be mutual for example by means of body movements, facial expressions, easy-to-understand information and that the nurses are open and give space for patients to tell their experiences. In the case of language barriers, for example, the nurses 'positive attitude, the willingness to help, the desire to create relationship and show respect can affect the patients' well-being and alleviate the suffering.

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