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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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Criteria for the validation of specialized verb equivalents : application in bilingual terminography

Pimentel, Janine 05 1900 (has links)
Multilingual terminological resources do not always include valid equivalents of legal terms for two main reasons. Firstly, legal systems can differ from one language community to another and even from one country to another because each has its own history and traditions. As a result, the non-isomorphism between legal and linguistic systems may render the identification of equivalents a particularly challenging task. Secondly, by focusing primarily on the definition of equivalence, a notion widely discussed in translation but not in terminology, the literature does not offer solid and systematic methodologies for assigning terminological equivalents. As a result, there is a lack of criteria to guide both terminologists and translators in the search and validation of equivalent terms. This problem is even more evident in the case of predicative units, such as verbs. Although some terminologists (L‘Homme 1998; Lerat 2002; Lorente 2007) have worked on specialized verbs, terminological equivalence between units that belong to this part of speech would benefit from a thorough study. By proposing a novel methodology to assign the equivalents of specialized verbs, this research aims at defining validation criteria for this kind of predicative units, so as to contribute to a better understanding of the phenomenon of terminological equivalence as well as to the development of multilingual terminography in general, and to the development of legal terminography, in particular. The study uses a Portuguese-English comparable corpus that consists of a single genre of texts, i.e. Supreme Court judgments, from which 100 Portuguese and 100 English specialized verbs were selected. The description of the verbs is based on the theory of Frame Semantics (Fillmore 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; Fillmore and Atkins 1992), on the FrameNet methodology (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010), as well as on the methodology for compiling specialized lexical resources, such as DiCoInfo (L‘Homme 2008), developed in the Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte at the Université de Montréal. The research reviews contributions that have adopted the same theoretical and methodological framework to the compilation of lexical resources and proposes adaptations to the specific objectives of the project. In contrast to the top-down approach adopted by FrameNet lexicographers, the approach described here is bottom-up, i.e. verbs are first analyzed and then grouped into frames for each language separately. Specialized verbs are said to evoke a semantic frame, a sort of conceptual scenario in which a number of mandatory elements (core Frame Elements) play specific roles (e.g. ARGUER, JUDGE, LAW), but specialized verbs are often accompanied by other optional information (non-core Frame Elements), such as the criteria and reasons used by the judge to reach a decision (statutes, codes, previous decisions). The information concerning the semantic frame that each verb evokes was encoded in an xml editor and about twenty contexts illustrating the specific way each specialized verb evokes a given frame were semantically and syntactically annotated. The labels attributed to each semantic frame (e.g. [Compliance], [Verdict]) were used to group together certain synonyms, antonyms as well as equivalent terms. The research identified 165 pairs of candidate equivalents among the 200 Portuguese and English terms that were grouped together into 76 frames. 71% of the pairs of equivalents were considered full equivalents because not only do the verbs evoke the same conceptual scenario but their actantial structures, the linguistic realizations of the actants and their syntactic patterns were similar. 29% of the pairs of equivalents did not entirely meet these criteria and were considered partial equivalents. Reasons for partial equivalence are provided along with illustrative examples. Finally, the study describes the semasiological and onomasiological entry points that JuriDiCo, the bilingual lexical resource compiled during the project, offers to future users. / Les ressources multilingues portant sur le domaine juridique n‘incluent pas toujours d‘équivalents valides pour deux raisons. D‘abord, les systèmes juridiques peuvent différer d‘une communauté linguistique à l‘autre et même d‘un pays à l‘autre, car chacun a son histoire et ses traditions. Par conséquent, le phénomène de la non-isomorphie entre les systèmes juridiques et linguistiques rend difficile la tâche d‘identification des équivalents. En deuxième lieu, en se concentrant surtout sur la définition de la notion d‘équivalence, notion largement débattue en traductologie, mais non suffisamment en terminologie, la littérature ne propose pas de méthodologies solides et systématiques pour identifier les équivalents. On assiste donc à une absence de critères pouvant guider tant les terminologues que les traducteurs dans la recherche et la validation des équivalents des termes. Ce problème est encore plus évident dans le cas d‘unités prédicatives comme les verbes. Bien que certains terminologues (L'Homme, 1998; Lorente et Bevilacqua 2000; Costa et Silva 2004) aient déjà travaillé sur les verbes spécialisés, l‘équivalence terminologique, en ce qui concerne ce type d‘unités, bénéficierait d‘une étude approfondie. En proposant une méthodologie originale pour identifier les équivalents des verbes spécialisés, cette recherche consiste donc à définir des critères de validation de ce type d‘unités prédicatives afin de mieux comprendre le phénomène de l‘équivalence et aussi améliorer les ressources terminologiques multilingues, en général, et les ressources terminologiques multilingues couvrant le domaine juridique, en particulier. Cette étude utilise un corpus comparable portugais-anglais contenant un seul genre de textes, à savoir les décisions des cours suprêmes, à partir duquel 100 verbes spécialisés ont été sélectionnés pour chaque langue. La description des verbes se base sur la théorie de la sémantique des cadres (Fillmore 1976, 1977, 1982, 1985; Fillmore and Atkins 1992), sur la méthodologie de FrameNet (Ruppenhofer et al. 2010), ainsi que sur la méthodologie développée à l‘Observatoire de linguistique Sens-Texte pour compiler des ressources lexicales spécialisées, telles que le DiCoInfo (L‘Homme 2008). La recherche examine d‘autres contributions ayant déjà utilisé ce cadre théorique et méthodologique et propose des adaptations objectives du projet. Au lieu de suivre une démarche descendante comme le font les lexicographes de FrameNet, la démarche que nous décrivons est ascendante, c‘est-à-dire, pour chaque langue séparément, les verbes sont d‘abord analysés puis regroupés par cadres sémantiques. Dans cette recherche, chacun des verbes « évoque » un cadre ou frame, une sorte de scénario conceptuel, dans lequel un certain nombre d‘acteurs obligatoires (core Frame Elements) jouent des rôles spécifiques (le rôle de juge, le rôle d‘appelant, le rôle de la loi). Mis en discours, les termes sont souvent accompagnés d‘autres renseignements optionnels (non-core Frame Elements) comme ceux des critères utilisés par le juge pour rendre une décision (des lois, des codes, d‘autres décisions antérieures). Tous les renseignements concernant les cadres sémantiques que chacun des verbes évoque ont été encodés dans un éditeur xml et une vingtaine de contextes illustrant la façon spécifique dont chacun des verbes évoque un cadre donné ont été annotés. Les étiquettes attribuées à chaque cadre sémantique (ex. [Compliance], [Verdict]) ont servi à relier certains termes synonymes, certains termes antonymes ainsi que des candidats équivalents. Parmi les 200 termes portugais et anglais regroupés en 76 cadres, 165 paires de candidats équivalents ont été identifiés. 71% des paires d‘équivalents sont des équivalents parfaits parce que les verbes évoquent le même scénario conceptuel, leurs structures actancielles sont identiques, les réalisations linguistiques de chacun des actants sont équivalentes, et les patrons syntaxiques des verbes sont similaires. 29% des paires d‘équivalents correspondent à des équivalents partiels parce qu‘ils ne remplissent pas tous ces critères. Au moyen d‘exemples, l‘étude illustre tous les cas de figure observés et termine en présentant les différentes façons dont les futurs utilisateurs peuvent consulter le JuriDiCo, la ressource lexicale qui a été compilée pendant ce projet.

A Case Study Examining Formative Assessment in a Postsecondary English Language Program

Varier, Divya 01 January 2015 (has links)
This study examined the formative assessment practices of three teachers in English as a Second Language (ESL) classrooms using a sociocultural theoretical framework. The study was conducted in a postsecondary ESL setting at a large public university in the southeastern United States. Using an embedded mixed methods design, this study employed teacher interviews and classroom observations to address the overarching question: What individual and contextual factors are present in the formative assessment practices of participant ESL teachers? The study also explored the relationship between student metacognitive judgments of learning (JOL) and performance with the purpose of informing formative assessment practice. To this end, 51 students responded to pre and post surveys on their metacognitive beliefs and judgments of learning questionnaires prior to three unit tests. Summary reports of students’ JOL were provided to teachers for their review and use. Findings showed teachers in this ESL setting engaged in a variety of formative assessment techniques; successful implementation of their techniques were influenced by their instructional style and student attributes like attendance, class participation, and students’ academic or educational experiences. Findings also indicated the central role of assessments in this context that provided ample opportunity for formative assessment. Overall, findings point to the value of using a sociocultural theoretical lens to examine the nature of factors affecting teachers’ formative assessment practice. With regard to the use of metacognitive judgments of learning in formative assessment, findings showed a mixed relationship between student JOL and performance, and there was no change in students’ metacognitive beliefs about writing over the duration of the semester. Although teachers did not use the JOL information in their instruction, they attributed inaccuracies in judgments to students’ achievement level. These findings are limited by implementation issues and sample size. Further study is needed to understand the nature of postsecondary ESL students’ JOL in authentic assessment situations and their applicability in the formative assessment process.

A motivação das decisões judiciais civis em um estado de direito: necessária proteção da segurança jurídica / Reasoned judgments in the rule of law: realizing legal certainty

Lucca, Rodrigo Ramina de 16 April 2013 (has links)
Este trabalho trata do papel desempenhado pelo dever de motivação das decisões judiciais na realização do Estado de Direito e, consequentemente, dos princípios da segurança jurídica e do devido processo legal. Partindo de uma concepção fina do Estado de Direito, busca-se demonstrar, inclusive mediante dados históricos, que a motivação das decisões judiciais é fundamental ao controle da atividade jurisdicional, reduzindo o arbítrio e o subjetivismo a que todo exercício de poder está sujeito. Para que a motivação possa desempenhar tal função, deve ser dotada de algumas características essenciais, que incluem: racionalidade, estrutura lógico-argumentativa e natureza declaratória e retrospectiva; cada uma delas estudada especificamente. Em relação à promoção da segurança jurídica, explica-se que apenas decisões motivadas são aptas a gerar precedentes judiciais, cuja observância é fundamental para se proporcionar estabilidade e previsibilidade ao ordenamento jurídico. Além disso, defende-se que as razões dadas pelos órgãos judiciais para a tomada de decisões geram expectativas legítimas no jurisdicionado que devem ser tuteladas. / This essay faces the role performed by obligatory reasoned judgments in the Rule of Law and its consequences to legal certainty and due process of law. Accepting a thin theory of the Rule of Law, the author intends to show, through the appointment of historical facts, that giving reasons for judgments is essential to control the jurisdictional activity and restrict the arbitrary power. Giving reasons, however, shall only attend its expected role if some exigencies are fulfilled, including: rationality, logical-argumentative structure and declaratory and retrospective nature of the reasons given. The author also explains that judgments may not be precedents if they are not reasoned; and following precedents is essential to assure legal certainty. Besides that, it is sustained that reasoned judgments generate legitimate expectations to the citizens that should be protected.

A conduta social e a personalidade do agente na fixação da pena / Social behavior and personality of the agent in sentencing.

Paschoal, Luana 26 March 2014 (has links)
A presente dissertação, concebida a partir do modelo teórico desenvolvido por Luigi Ferrajoli, questiona a previsão da conduta social e da personalidade, do artigo 59 do Código Penal Brasileiro, como critérios orientadores aos magistrados, para fixação da pena-base entre o mínimo e o máximo. A pesquisa abordou o conceito dessas circunstâncias judiciais tanto na Doutrina quanto na Jurisprudência, sendo que o resultado do estudo revelou a excessiva carga moral que ainda orienta sua análise. Aborda-se a falácia do mito da neutralidade judicial, uma vez que não é possível apartar os juízes de sua natural condição de seres humanos, e de seus contextos de vida. Trata da necessária tomada de consciência de que toda decisão está contaminada de subjetividade, por parte daqueles que pretendem exercer a judicatura. E apresenta o Autoconhecimento como única via capaz de controlar a subjetividade nas decisões judiciais, na medida em que a investigação interna acarretará humanização, o confronto com o lado sombrio, e reconhecimento da dualidade convivendo em todos os seres humanos, de modo a demonstrar que ninguém está acima do bem e do mal. A pesquisa ainda demonstrou a incoerência da necessidade de analisar circunstâncias significativamente pessoais e subjetivas dos réus, quando o ser humano cresceu, aprendendo desconsiderar e atropelar qualquer particularidade própria e de outros indivíduos. Para tanto, faz uma análise de digressão aos primeiros anos de vida e aos bancos escolares, em que plantadas as primeiras sementes de desconsideração, e de valorização do externo em detrimento do interno, almejando-se profissões de prestígio, em prejuízo da realização pessoal. Faz uma crítica ao Sistema Judicial Brasileiro, a fim de que assuma seu lado humano, colocando um desafio à Magistratura para buscar aqueles que realmente são vocacionados para a função, fornecendo sugestões de modificações na Formação Jurídica. / The instant research took into consideration the theoretical model developed by Luigi Ferrajoli, which questions the prediction of social conduct and personality, in Article 59 of the Brazilian Criminal Code, as guiding criteria for judges to determine standards of minimum and maximum sanctions. The research addressed the concept of such legal circumstances both in doctrine and in case law, and the result of the study revealed excessive moral burden that still guides the judges analysis. This research addresses the fallacy of the myth of judicial neutrality, since it is not possible to separate the judges from their natural condition of human beings and their life contexts. This separation requires awareness that every decision has a subjective component. And introduced the self-knowledge as the only way able to control subjectivity in judgments, as the internal investigation will result in humanization, the confrontation with the dark side, and recognition of duality in all living humans, in order to demonstrate that no one is above good and evil. The survey also showed the inconsistency of the need to analyze so personal and subjective circumstances of the defendant, when human beings were raised, learning to ignore its own and other individuals personal traits. To this end, an analysis of the early years as well as schooling system, where the first ideas of disregard, and enhancement of external rather than internal values arose, targeting prestigious positions, at the expense of personal fulfillment. This research criticizes the Brazilian Judicial System, so that it enhances its human side, posing a challenge to judges to seek those who are really devoted to the function, providing suggestions for changes in the Legal Training System.

Efetivação das sentenças estrangeiras sobre o estado das pessoas no Brasil: por uma mudança de paradigma à luz da globalização econômica / The effectuation of foreign judgments about person s status in Brazil: seeking a change of the panorama considering the economic globalization

Azevedo, Ana Paula Schoriza Bueno de 17 June 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:20:13Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Ana Paula Schoriza Bueno de Azevedo.pdf: 827119 bytes, checksum: 27bda2ca48ac146634a256f5f0967d34 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-06-17 / The economic globalization brought as a result the major interdependency between the countries. This also causes the increase of litigations involving more than one legal system. In fact, more and more, the Judiciary has to effectuate foreign judgments, so it becomes necessary the international judicial cooperation. The foreign judgments can‟t be confused with the international judgments, which don‟t need recognition and are rendered by the international courts or international organizations. The foreign judgments from any nature need to be recognized by the Superior Court of Justice (Superior Tribunal de Justiça), which will analyze the presence of legal requisites. However, this affirmation is refused by doctrine and jurisprudence in cases of foreign judgments involving the person‟s status. In spite of the existence of some right points of view of the major doctrine, the problem must be reexamined considering the presence of interest, because there is no regular application of the action of recognition when it‟s not necessary to modify the status in Brazil. Also it must be emphasized that the foreign judgments or any other decisions regarding the Law 11.441/2007. Notwithstanding, it‟s necessary to regulate the recognition of foreign judgments, specially regarding the person‟s status, in order that is possible to satisfy the cooperative and globalized society / A globalização econômica trouxe como consequência maior interdependência entre os Estados. Isso também resulta em um aumento dos litígios envolvendo mais de um ordenamento jurídico. Com efeito, cada vez mais o Judiciário tem de efetivar decisões estrangeiras, sendo imprescindível recorrer aos mecanismos de cooperação jurisdicional internacional. Conveniente elucidar que as sentenças estrangeiras não se confundem com as sentenças internacionais, prolatadas por tribunais ou organismos internacionais, que dispensam qualquer ato de reconhecimento. Em vez disso, as sentenças estrangeiras proferidas pelo Judiciário estatal, para que possam surtir efeitos no Brasil, independentemente de sua natureza, precisam antes passar pelo crivo do Superior Tribunal de Justiça, que as homologará, se presentes os requisitos legais. Todavia, essa afirmação encontra refutações na doutrina e na jurisprudência com relação às sentenças estrangeiras sobre o estado das pessoas. Apesar de a posição dominante não deixar de ter seus pontos de acerto, o assunto deve ser reexaminado sob o ponto de vista do interesse, pois, quando não se pretende a alteração do estado das coisas no Brasil, faltará condição para exercício regular da ação homologatória. Merece destaque, também, a possibilidade de se dispensar de homologação as sentenças estrangeiras, ou os provimentos judiciais de natureza equivalente, relacionados à Lei nº 11.441/2007. Nada obstante, as considerações expostas não dispensam a elaboração de lei que regule a homologação de sentenças estrangeiras, especialmente no que se refere ao estado das pessoas, de forma a satisfazer a sociedade globalizada e cooperativa

A justificação das decisões judiciais e o estado de direito

Bastos, Rodrigo Reis Ribeiro 01 June 2012 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:21:01Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Rodrigo Reis Ribeiro Bastos.pdf: 1347780 bytes, checksum: 11f0b6a765aa7c568f8cb75f1cf86311 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2012-06-01 / The primary objective of this work is to understand how they can give concreteness and effectiveness of Article 93 of the Federal Constitution which IX compliance is necessary to guarantee the democratic rule of law. For this to be done there is to discover what are the criteria to be used to identify an adequate justification for decisions. In the first chapter sought to establish the concept of knowledge and the boundary between knowledge and nonsense. At this point it was determined that the root note of knowledge is the rational justification of a statement and that rationality is defined as the construction of a logical proof in the form of inferences. This logical proof must meet three requirements: A) the axiomatic foundations must be explicit; B) the inference rules used must be clearly defined in advance; C) the semantic content (meaning) of the terms used in the premises of proof should be fixed , clarified and explained. Having established that as much knowledge as court decisions have an equal need for justification is concluded that the standards of rational justification used to distinguish the knowledge of the foolish ones are also needed to give concreteness to the constitutional imperative that determines the need to give reasons for decisions . The next step was, in chapter two, establish what the rules of inference commonly used in legal reasoning. Once established the rules of inference has passed the exposure of many reasons most commonly used in decisions. Then, in chapter four, we tried to establish a model where they explained the criteria imposed by law for fixing the best explanation contained in the minor premise and deductions contained in the major premise. Also, if you attempted to make explicit the semantic content (meaning) of the terms that are used on these premises during the construction of algorithms that operate the system. The next step will be, with the use of what has been researched and above, the formulation of "drawing" of the auxiliary system and the creation of a working prototype that can be taken to test / O objetivo primordial desse trabalho é compreender como se pode dar efetividade e concreção ao artigo 93 IX da Constituição Federal cuja observância é necessária para a garantia do Estado Democrático do Direito. Para que isso possa ser feito há que se descobrir quais são os critérios a serem usados para identificar uma adequada fundamentação das decisões. No primeiro capítulo se procurou estabelecer o conceito de conhecimento e a fronteira entre o conhecimento e a tolice. Nesse ponto se estabeleceu que a nota principal do conhecimento é a justificação racional de uma afirmação e que a racionalidade se define como a construção de uma prova lógica na forma de inferências. Essa prova lógica deve atender a três exigências: A) os fundamentos axiomáticos devem estar explícitos; B) as regras de inferência utilizadas devem ser clara e previamente definidas; C) o conteúdo semântico (significado) dos termos usados nas premissas da prova devem ser fixados, esclarecidos e explicitados. Uma vez estabelecido que tanto conhecimento quanto as decisões judiciais possuem uma igual necessidade de justificação se concluiu que os padrões de justificação racional utilizados para diferenciar o conhecimento da tolice também são aqueles necessários para se dar concreção ao imperativo constitucional que determina a necessidade de fundamentação das decisões. O passo seguinte, foi, no capítulo dois, estabelecer quais são as regras de inferência comumente usadas nos raciocínios jurídicos. Uma vez estabelecidas às regras de inferência se passou a exposição dos diversos fundamentos mais comumente usados nas decisões. Em seguida, no capítulo quatro, se tentou estabelecer um modelo onde são explicitados os critérios impostos pelo direito para a fixação da melhor explicação contida na premissa menor e para as deduções contidas na premissa maior. Além disso, se buscou explicitar o conteúdo semântico (significado) dos termos que serão usados nessas premissas quando da construção dos algoritmos que operarão o sistema. O passo seguinte será, com a utilização do que aqui foi pesquisado e exposto, a formulação do desenho do sistema auxiliar e a criação de um protótipo funcional que poderá ser levado a teste

Sentenças aditivas e a superação do paradigma do legislador negativo / Additive judgments and the paradigma of negative legislator

Correia, Clint Rodrigues 14 September 2015 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-26T20:23:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Clint Rodrigues Correia.pdf: 1800436 bytes, checksum: 766821a03b377601c297987dfc242a44 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2015-09-14 / This paper aims at demonstrating the theoretical and practical surpass of the negative legislator as a paradigm employed by jurisprudence in the Supreme Federal Court, which gives way to access by technology to constitutional law in the so-called non-typical decisions, and in particular in additive judgments. The survey is based on an assumption of the inadequate argument brought about in rulings by the Brazilian Supreme Court with regard to the Court being unable to act as a positive legislator. Based on this statement, the outcome is the instrumental access by Constitutional Justice to the so-called non-typical and intermediate rulings. Special attention is dedicated to one of the types of such decisions the additive judgments by examining their conceptual restrictions and key features, chiefly as of their development by the Italian Constitutional Court, as well as some of the limits commonly detected by doctrine that justify their lawful use by the Constitutional Court. To this end the paper employed inductive and deductive methods and was based on bibliographical research of a descriptive and jurisprudential nature / O presente trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar a superação teórica e prática do legislador negativo enquanto paradigma seguido pela jurisprudência do Supremo Tribunal Federal, permitindo-se, com isso, a abertura tecnológica da jurisdição constitucional para as chamadas decisões atípicas e, em especial, para as sentenças aditivas. A pesquisa tem por premissa a inadequação do argumento suscitado em julgados do Supremo Tribunal Federal a respeito da impossibilidade de a Corte atuar como legislador positivo . A partir dessa constatação, a consequência é a abertura instrumental da Justiça Constitucional para as chamadas sentenças atípicas ou intermediárias. Dedica-se especial atenção a uma das espécies dessas decisões as sentenças aditivas , estudando-se sua delimitação conceitual e principais características, sobretudo a partir do seu desenvolvimento pela Corte Constitucional italiana, bem assim alguns dos limites comumente identificados pela doutrina a justificar sua legítima utilização pelo Tribunal Constitucional. Para tanto, o estudo se valeu dos métodos indutivo e dedutivo, tendo contado com pesquisa bibliográfica de caráter descritivo e jurisprudencial

Ampliação da colegialidade: técnica de julgamento do artigo 942 do Código de Processo Civil

Rivaroli, Bruna Valentini Barbiero 05 March 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Filipe dos Santos (fsantos@pucsp.br) on 2018-04-02T12:27:55Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruna Valentini Barbiero Rivaroli.pdf: 1777987 bytes, checksum: 67a7d8efd0a46bead0ff21bde78a9958 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2018-04-02T12:27:55Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Bruna Valentini Barbiero Rivaroli.pdf: 1777987 bytes, checksum: 67a7d8efd0a46bead0ff21bde78a9958 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-03-05 / The present dissertation is to analyze, through a vast bibliographic research, the technique of expanding the judicial panel inserted in article 942 of the New Civil Procedure Code. As regards structure, the work is divided into five chapters. The first chapter deals with the historical evolution of appeals on the grounds of request for reconsideration (embargos infringentes) in Portuguese legislation, from the creation of appeals on the grounds of request for reconsideration (embargos infringentes) until the evolution that were extinguished in 1939, also analyzes the Brazilian legislation until their extinction. The second chapter presents the constitutional model of New Civil Procedure Code and the guiding principles that justified the extinction of the appeals on the grounds of request for reconsideration (embargos infringentes). In addition, the entire CPC process was analyzed, from the preliminary project until its approval in order to show reasons for the creation of the technique to replace. The third chapter, in turn, deals specifically with the technique, its particularities and hypotheses of application and non-application provided by law, not to mention the analysis of the internal regulations of different Courts of Justice. The four chapter addresses the operational problems of application of the technique related to which resources is intended, issues of expiry legislation and, also, respect to the contradictory. Finally, the fifth chapter is devoted to the analysis of judgments of the Court of Justice of São Paulo and also of other Courts in order to try to understand the application of the technique after a year of validity of the CPC of 2015 / A presente dissertação possui como objeto o estudo, a partir de ampla pesquisa bibliográfica, da técnica de ampliação da colegialidade inserida no artigo 942 do Código de Processo Civil de 2015. No tocante à estrutura, o trabalho se divide em cinco capítulos, Além da Introdução e da Conclusão deste trabalho. O segundo, logo após a Introdução, aborda a evolução histórica dos embargos infringentes na legislação portuguesa, desde a sua criação até a evolução aos embargos infringentes, extintos em 1939 e, ainda, analisa a legislação brasileira pertinente aos embargos infringentes até sua extinção. O terceiro capítulo apresenta o modelo constitucional de processo civil e os princípios norteadores do Código de Processo Civil de 2015 que justificaram a extinção do recurso. Além disso, foi analisada toda a tramitação do novo diploma, desde o anteprojeto até sua aprovação de forma a evidenciar as razões para a criação da técnica em substituição aos embargos infringentes. O quarto capítulo, por sua vez, trata especificamente sobre a técnica, suas particularidades e hipóteses de aplicação e não aplicação ambas previstas em lei, além de analisar os regimentos internos de diferentes Tribunais de Justiça. O quinto capítulo aborda os problemas operacionais de aplicação da técnica relacionada aos quais o recurso se destina, questões de direito intertemporal e o respeito ao contraditório. Por fim, o sexto capítulo se dedica a analisar julgados do Tribunal de Justiça de São Paulo e de outros Estados de forma a tentar compreender a aplicação da técnica após um ano de vigência do Código de Processo Civil de 2015

Moradia adequada e dignidade humana na experiência espacial / Adequate housing and human dignity in space experience

Mejía-Escalante, Mónica Elizabeth 03 November 2016 (has links)
A gênese, evolução e conteúdo das noções \"moradia adequada\" e \"moradia digna\" foi investigado nas resoluções e relatórios da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU); nos indicadores de habitação e nas Constituições dos países da América Latina; na produção acadêmica compilada em grandes repositórios; nas Sentencias de Tutela da Corte Constitucional da Colômbia. Agentes da política urbana que utilizam indistintamente essas noções, e embora sejam expressões equivalentes, seu abarcamento conceitual se difere. O objetivo desta pesquisa depara por elementos socioespaciais que configurassem a dimensão da dignidade na moradia, e que consideramos que vai mais além do padrão de moradia adequada; tomando o contexto colombiano por referência. Construir a abordagem histórica e institucional do conceito de \"moradia adequada\", determinar fatores socioespaciais que poderiam lesar a integridade do morador que habita em espaços inadequados, e discorrer sobre os elementos diferenciadores, relacionados à moradia adequada e à moradia digna, são os objetivos específicos. Vários âmbitos e agentes foram investigados: a ONU que dita diretrizes mandatórias sobre assentamentos humanos para os países-integrantes, e instaura o indicador \"direito à moradia adequada\", com o Pacto Internacional de Direitos Econômicos, Sociais e Culturais (PIDESC) de 1991. Os institutos estatísticos de 21 países da América Latina, que alojam metodologia e dados sobre indicadores de habitação, e consideram que o conteúdo da moradia adequada corresponde às variáveis que cada país aplica, mais as do indicador do Pidesc. Essas variáveis de habitação também são conteúdo material do direito à moradia, adjetivada como adequada, digna ou decente, nas constituições vigentes destas nações. A produção acadêmica que afirma que o conteúdo do direito à moradia adequada é a constituída no Pidesc de 1991, e que o problema da habitação deve ser debatido num marco de direitos. A prática jurídica e o entendimento do cidadão sobre o direito à moradia digna observam-se no âmbito social quando o morador interpõe demandas perante um juiz em sentencias de tutela da Corte Constitucional da Colômbia, na forma de fatos que violam o direito à moradia digna e, em certas ocasiões, a dignidade. Pelo que investigamos, nas sentencias, pela relação da dignidade com o espaço, na interação entre os indivíduos, e quando se está em busca de acesso a habitação; para encontrar três objetos de proteção da dignidade instaurados nas sentencias de tutela. Assim, descobrimos elementos socioespaciais recorrentes em uma sentencia quando se debate sobre a violação ao direito à moradia, com os quais poderíamos indagar pela proteção à integridade do homem no espaço, quando se está na busca de recursos espaciais como a moradia: morador vulnerado (demandante); agente vulnerador (demandado); objeto espacial em litígio; pretensão do demandante sobre esse objeto; conduta do vulnerador e elementos nos quais esse escuda a sua conduta; consequências da violação ao direito, observadas como dano à pessoa e dano ao patrimônio; a percepção a respeito das lesões pela violação ao direito à habitação. Esses elementos socioespaciais configuram fatores de observação da dimensão da dignidade na moradia, que - como proposta da tese - nomeamos como a dignidade na experiência espacial. / The genesis, evolution and content of the notions of \"adequate housing\" and \"decent housing\" were researched from ONU\'s resolutions and reports; from housing indicators and constitutions of Latin American countries; from academic production compiled in great repositories, from constitutional court writ judgments for protection of constitutional rights of Colombia. Areas of urban policy that use indistinctively these notions, and even though being equivalent, their conceptual limitation differs. The objective of this research discovers socio- spatial elements that shape the dimension of dignity in housing and that we consider goes beyond the standard of adequate housing; taking the Colombian context as reference. The specific objectives are to build the historical and institutional approach of the concept of \"adequate housing\", to determine socio-spatial factors that could undermine the inhabitant\'s dignity that dwells in inadequate spaces and to expatiate in differentiator elements related to the adequate housing and the decent housing. Several areas were explored: United Nations that dictates mandatory regulations concerning human settlements for country members establishes the indicator \"right to an adequate housing\" with the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR) of 1991. The statistics institutes of 21 countries in Latin America, which hold methodology and data concerning housing indicators, and consider that the content of adequate housing, correspond to the variables that each country applies, plus the elements of the indicator \"adequate housing\" of ICESCR. These habitation variables are also material content of the right to housing, adjectivized as adequate, dignified or decent, in the current constitutions of these nations. The academic production stating that housing must be adequate according to indicators and discussed in a rights framework. The citizen\'s legal practice and understanding of the right to a decent housing is present in the social area with the inhabitant that files a suit before a judge, in Constitutional Court judgments of Colombia, in the form of facts that violate the right to housing, and on certain occasions, dignity. For this reason, we explore judgments due to the relationship between dignity and space, in the interaction between individuals when the access to housing is being pursued; to find three objects of dignity protection introduced in the writ judgments. That is how we discover recurring socio-spatial elements in a writ judgment when the violation of the right to housing is being debated, with which we could inquiry for the protection to the integrity of people in the space, when they are looking for space resources like habitation: undermined inhabitant (claimant); undermining agent (defendant); space object disputed; claimant\'s claim over that object; undermining agent\'s conduct and elements on which he shields his conduct; consequences of violating that right, observed as harm to the person and harm to the heritage; the perception about the injury by violation of the right to housing. These socio-spatial elements shape the factors to observe the dimension of dignity in housing, which, as proposal of this thesis, we denominated as dignity in space experience.

ARTEFAKTER PÅ FÖRSKOLANS UTEGÅRD : En kvalitativ studie om hur svenska förskolebarn interagerar med och uppfattar artefakterna på sin utegård / ARTIFACTS ON THE PRESCHOOL’S PATIO : A qualitative research of how Swedish preeschool children interact with and perceive the artifacts on their patio

Viklund, Sara, Setterberg, Louise January 2012 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att skapa en ökad förståelse om hur svenska förskolebarn i åldrarna fyra och fem år interagerar med och uppfattar de olika artefakterna på sin utegård. Med artefakter menas de fysiska redskap som finns på förskolans utegård. Vi har valt att inrikta oss på om barnen leker enskilt eller tillsammans med andra, om de leker utifrån given funktion eller skapad funktion samt hur de ser på artefakter med hänsyn till estetiska omdömen. Vi har använt oss av metoden the Mosaic approach som lyfter fram barns perspektiv. I vår studie har barn fotograferat utegården. Tio barn intervjuades om utegården där barnens fotografier användes för att samtala om och barnen fick sedan guida oss runt på utegården. I resultatet visade det sig att när barnen samtalade om bilderna kom de fram till många olika användningsområden och åsikter kring artefakterna. Under guidningar fick vi se hur fyra barn interagerade med artefakterna och vi fick även en omfattande bild av utegården. Det visade sig att barnen använde sand ihop med artefakterna, vilket kan bero på att sand är lättillgängligt och enkelt att förflytta. Det visade sig även att barn tänker på sin säkerhet eftersom barnen visade en oro att ramla ner från artefakter som var högt placerade. Vår slutsats är att utegården erbjuder enskildhet och lek tillsammans med andra samt att barnen använder givna och skapade funktioner tillsammans med artefakterna. Studiens resultat visar att artefakterna skapar en trivsam utegård, vilket visar sig när barnen gärna samtalar om och visar de olika artefakterna. / The study's purpose is to create a better understanding of how Swedish preschool children aged four to five years interact with and perceive the various artifacts on their patio. With artifacts means the physical tools that are on the preschool’s patio. We have chosen to focus on if the children play alone or with others, if they play by the given function or created function, and how they see the artifacts considering aesthetic judgments. We have used the method of the Mosaic approach that emphasizes the child's perspective. In our study have the children photographed the patio. Ten children were interviewed about the patio where the children's photographs were used to discuss. Four children guided us around the patio. The results showed that when the children talked about the pictures they came up with many different uses and opinions about the artifacts. During guided tours, we saw how four children interacted with the artifacts and we even got a comprehensive image of the patio. It turned out that the children used the sand together with the artifacts, which may be due to the sand is easily accessible and easy to move. It was also found that children think about their safety because the children showed a concern of falling from the artifacts that were highly placed. Our conclusion is that the patio offers privacy and play together with other children, and to use the given and created functions together with the artifacts. The results of the study show that the artifacts create a pleasant patio, which appears when the children gladly talk about and show the different artifacts.

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