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Problém anorexie z Foucaultovy perspektivy: od patologizace k sociální konstrukci duševní "nemoci" / The problem of anorexia from Foucault's perspective: from the pathologization to the social construction of mental "disease"Menclová, Tereza January 2016 (has links)
The main aim of this diploma thesis is to analyze the problem of anorexia from Foucault's perspective. The first hypothesis is that this 'pathology' is rather a social construction which has its origins in social norms and standards that operate in the society to make firm distinction between the normal and the pathological, the ideal and the unacceptable. In this study we will use Foucault's theory of power and discipline, the concept of biopower and also his critics of psychiatry. At the same time, we will complete our survey with the concept of construction and deconstruction of Jacques Derrida and with the social identity theory of Judith Butler.
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Den queera kyrkan : Svenska kyrkans förändrade förhållningssätt till samkönade äktenskap – en queerteoretisk diskursanalys av Svenska kyrkans teologi / The queer church : The changed attitudes towards same-sex marriages by the Church of Sweden – a queertheoretical discourse analysis of the Church of Sweden theologySerck, Ylva January 2021 (has links)
This paper examines the Church of Sweden’s changing approach to same-sex marriage from a queer theoretical and queer theological perspective. A discourse analytical method examines the previous discourse and how it has come to change over time. The analysis takes place among the statements that priests, bishops, and other theologians have expressed in the public debate, the Church’s theological committee and the church meetings that take place every year. The study also addresses the changes and explanations of the new Church Handbook based on a theological statement. The queer theoretical basis is based on Michel Foucault and Judith Butler's foundations for the theory and culminates in two explanatory models. The study's stated aim of investigating the Discourse of the Church of Sweden also lands in how the Swedish Church responds to National Socialist and value conservative forces in society such as the Sweden Democrats.The Church of Sweden’s policy to flag with the rainbow flag and meet homophobic expressions in both the society as in its own ranks.
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[pt] A solidariedade enquanto um sentimento de união que se traduz em ações de cooperação social surge como um dos imperativos do século XXI, especialmente enquanto uma demanda atrelada ao caso dos refugiados. Na crise humanitária de migração em curso, apreendida no contexto global mais abrangente de ascensão da intolerância e do discurso anti-imigratório, aludiu-se a uma crise de solidariedade. Entendendo que a própria solidariedade está em crise, a presente pesquisa pretende explorar os contornos da solidariedade humana utilizando o arquétipo do refugiado como paradigmático, sobretudo em virtude do privilégio epistêmico que este representa enquanto contato necessário com a alteridade que se apresenta de maneira inadiável. Argumenta-se pelo resgate normativo da solidariedade através da alteridade, em lugar da semelhança, sendo tal consideração imprescindível para o revigoramento do conceito em questão. Para tal, será apresentado um panorama geral sobre a solidariedade, em conexão com a figura do refugiado e a crise atual. Em seguida, se fará a exposição de algumas teses contemporâneas de solidariedade humana com base nas formulações de Judith Butler, explorando conceitos chaves como precariedade, luto e coabitação. / [en] Solidarity, understood as a sense of unity that translates into actions of social cooperation, emerges as one of the imperatives of the twenty-first century, especially as a demand tied to the case of the refugees. The ongoing humanitarian migration crisis, seized in the broader global context of the rise of intolerance and anti-immigration discourse, alluded to a crisis of solidarity. Understanding that the concept of solidarity itself is in crisis, this research intends to explore the contours of human solidarity by using the archetype of the refugee as paradigmatic, justified by the epistemic privilege regarding the necessary contact with otherness that unavoidably presents itself. Solidarity must be reconstructed in normative terms through the concept of otherness rather than sameness; this consideration is essential for the reinvigoration of the concept. To do so, I will present a general overview of solidarity, in connection with the figure of the refugee and the current crisis. Subsequently, I will introduce a few contemporary theses of human solidarity based on Judith Butler s formulations, exploring key concepts such as precariousness, grievability and cohabitation.
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Existensens könade uttryck : En nyläsning av Simone de Beauvoirs Det andra könet i relation till Judith Butler och Moira Gatens tolkningar av verkets relevans för begreppen kön och genusWengse, Emelie January 2016 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to deepen the philosophical feminist discussion of the concepts sex and gender by doing a new reading of Simone de Beauvoir's The Second Sex. The analysis takes its point of departure from Judith Butler's "Sex and gender in Simone de Beauvoir's Second Sex" (1986) and Moira Gatens' "On Beauvoir and biology: a second look" (2003). This means that my overall inquiry is opened up by the question if, and in that case how, The Second Sex can be said to offer other interpretations than those presented by Butler and Gatens. I analyze Butler and Gatens' interpretations in terms of how their arguments are built up, in order to lay out the ground for my own, alternative reading. I formulate two questions, related to my initial analysis of Butler and Gatens: Does Beauvoir make a distinction between nature and culture which effects the understanding of the existent as a sexed, situated being? What implication does her existential-phenomenological perspective have for the image of the body and the creation of meaning? My reading suggests that Beauvoir's existential-phenomenological perspective can illuminate the concept of gender through pointing out how the beings of woman and man are rooted in, and develop out of, humanity's quest for being. This is a theme I find rather undeveloped in Butler and Gatens' articles. The sexed, bodily being of the subject is actualized as the source of meaning in this primary quest. Body and sexuality make up the expression of the existent, and therefore must be studied with regards to how meaning is created and carried out by them. I argue that Beauvoir's ideas of corporeality, disclosing of being and transcendence deepen the concept of gender in giving an ontological context to the beings of woman and man. I also claim that gender, in itself, is a useful concept in designating the dynamic, contingent and culturally dependent quality of these beings. This does not support, however, the view that Beauvoir makes a sex/gender distinction along the lines of a separation of nature and culture. The relevance of gender lies in its ability to highlight that the beings of woman and man manifest certain characters.
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Inte enbart av kärlek till böcker : Tre kvinnliga bibliotekariers yrkesliv i Sverige 1900-1930. Greta Linder, Hildur Lundberg och Maria LarsenLjunggren, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
This two-year master thesis in Library and information science, explores how femininity is created within the librarian profession year 1900-1930 in Sweden. By using three Swedish female librarians as case studies I study how female librarians responded to norms for women within the profession. I also ask if the librarians were able to break these norms or if the standards for women formed how the librarian profession was shaped.The thesis has a queer theoretical framework and uses hermeneutic methodology together with Judith But-lers performativity theory and Gayatri Chakravorty Spivaks deconstruktivism. Queer theory and hermeneutic methodology can be used on historical sources to gain new perspectives and still be aware of the ideals and norms that existed within the historical period. I use “woman” and “femininity” as socially constructed gender categories that changes according to the context they are created within and in relation to.My main source material consists of articles and letters written by the librarians together with a rich materi-al of women’s rights history and Swedish public library history. By using the female librarians own words I try to get a first-hand perspective, described by the women who worked and lived as librarians during the first dec-ades of the 20th century. They worked in an important and ground-breaking time for public libraries and wom-en´s self-sufficiency.My thesis shows that the female librarians used different pronouns and adjectives to describe their profes-sion depending on which context they spoke or published their texts. Greta Linder, Hildur Lundberg and Maria Larsen used different strategies to survive within the profession. In some cases, it was important to emphasize the category “woman”, but in many cases their professional identity as librarians was of greater significance. As self-sufficient and unmarried librarians, they could create other possibilities than within the limited space that existed for married women.
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Unraveling selves : a Butlerian reading of managerial subjectives during organizational changeMischenko, Jane Elizabeth January 2013 (has links)
This poststructuralist research into managerial subjectivity follows ten senior managers’ experience, during significant organizational restructuring in the National Health Service. Located in the North of England the managers were interviewed three times during an eighteen-month period. An autoethnographic component is integral to the study; this recognises the researcher was a practising manager undergoing the same organizational change, whilst researching the field. Judith Butler’s theories provide the principle theoretical framework for the study. Whilst the managers narrated a fantasy of having a ‘true’ and coherent self, the research illustrated how fragile, fleeting and temporary each managerial self is and how passionately attached to their managerial subjectivity (despite how painful) they were. Emotion is presented as inextricably tied up with gender performativity and managerial subjectivity; despite best efforts the emotional ‘dirt’ of organizations cannot be ordered away; there is a constant seepage and spillage of emotion – as illustrated in the vignettes and profiled in the Butlerian deconstruction. During organizational change there was a fear of a social (organizational) death and even the most senior of managers were profoundly vulnerable. This fear and vulnerability heightened in contact with others perceived as more powerful (in critical conversations and interviews). Failure to receive the desired recognition and the risk of being organizationally unintelligible compounded this vulnerability and triggered recurrent, unpredictable patterns of loss, ek-stasis and unravelling of the managerial self. This acute vulnerability during restructuring anticipates and therefore (re) enacts a Machiavellian discourse, one that excuses unethical behaviour and relations as a ‘necessary evil’.
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Skeva flickexemplar : En queerteoretisk studie om femininitet och sexualitet i Sara Stridsbergs Darling RiverHillerbrand Rune, Johanna January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this essay is to study constructions of femininity and sexuality in Sara Stridsberg’s novel Darling River (2010). The analysis is based on queer theory and the term ’skev’ – a variation of ’queer’ that allows one to focus on additional forms of normativity apart from sexual desire – and examines how the characters of the novel are challenging the heteronormative framework by performing gender and sexuality in non-normative, subversive ways. In short, I discuss how the relationship between femininity, body and destiny is being portrayed, how the characters question heteronormativity by overdoing femininity, and by being unable (unwilling) to perform adult femininity. I also show how the novel constitutes non-normative sexuality in, for example, incestuous, non-reproductive and non-monogamous ways. Furthermore, I locate queer leakages in the text, and discuss how the characters relate to objectification and agency.
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Rescuing the women of Afghanistan : gender, agency and the politics of intelligibilityGregory, Thomas January 2012 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to examine the performances of gender that permeated the justifications for Operation Enduring Freedom (OEF) in Afghanistan, focusing on the representational practices that dominated the Bush administration's narratives of rescue and circumscribed our understanding of the actors involved. In particular, I will argue that the image of Afghan women as the helpless victim of Taliban oppression not only allowed the United States and its coalition allies to cast themselves as heroic masculine warriors but also helped to reinforce the idea that Afghan women were little more than mere symbols of helplessness, placing them in a position of absolute inferiority and dependency. Crucially, I will claim that this image of Afghan women as the passive prisoners of the Taliban was contingent upon the suppression of a series of alternative perspectives that could not be accommodated within the parameters established by the prevailing frames of war. On the one hand, I argue that the dominant representations of Afghan women tended to show them in decidedly monolithic and one-dimensional terms, with the Bush administration and its coalition allies defining them almost entirely by the suffering they experienced. Absent from these accounts, however, was any mention of women's resistance to Taliban rule or their criticisms of the military intervention. On the other hand, I will show how the international community relied upon a particular historical narrative that allowed them to present Afghanistan as a barbaric aberration in the modern world whilst allowing them to dismiss the period of Taliban rule as a terrifying oddity in the country's history, destroying many of the freedoms that were said to exist under previous regimes. As well as ignoring the myriad of interactions between Afghanistan and the outside world and the complex social, economic and political forces that helped to precipitate the rise of the Taliban, I will argue that this historical narrative reinforced the idea that the lives of Afghan women were in a state of suspense during this period, their very existence as human beings held in abeyance until coalition troops could intervene to redeem them. What distinguishes my argument from the work of other feminists is my attention to the way in which these representational practices are contingent upon an uneasy process of repetition and reiteration, leaving them vulnerable to the possibility for subversion and resignification. Drawing on Judith Butler's work on performativity, normative violence and the politics of intelligibility along with Gayatri C. Spivak's work on the subaltern subject, I show how the activities of organisations such as the Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan (RAWA) and the voices of individuals such as Malalai Joya help to expose the limits of the dominant norms of intelligibility, opening up the possibility for a less violent and less exclusionary re-imagining.
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Det konkreta exemplet : En diskussion kring marginalerNyström, Daniel January 2007 (has links)
<p>The following inquiry begins with one simple question: who is the margin? In other words, what is the referent of the term margin? Is it possible for language to capture connotations of an intended and supposed reality beyond its own limits? My supposition is that margin is a valuable concept to critical studies of the hegemonic order and dominant culture in various contexts. It is therefore necessary to expose the term itself to a critical analysis by attempting to trace its position in different discourses. The intention is to illustrate that the term margin is not merely an abstraction, confined within the framework of intricate theoretical rhetoric.</p><p>In a deconstructive analysis of Gender Trouble by Judith Butler and Can the Subaltern Speak? by Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, based on the work of Jacques Derrida, I study the significance of the term margin and explore how the use or non-use of concrete examples affects the reception of both the term margin and ultimately the text as a whole.</p><p>The study of these two texts reveals that some of the very same critique raised by Butler and Spivak is itself applicable to the authors’ own theory production. Consequently, the authority of Butler and Spivak is put to the test through deconstructive analysis by disclosing the discrepancies between concrete examples, the authors’ philosophical stance as well as statements and positions found in other examples of their intellectual work.</p>
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Tvinga oss inte välsigna det som Gud förbjuder : en diskussion kring motståndet mot en könsneutral äktenskapslagDahlén, Sara January 2005 (has links)
<p>Denna uppsats är en diskursanalytisk undersökning av ett antal texter (debattartiklar, riksdagsmotioner samt ett utdrag ur en riksdagsdebatt) rörande frågan om en könsneutral äktenskapslagstiftning. Analysens fokus ligger på det sätt som texterna argumenterar mot en förändring av dagens äktenskapslag som skulle innebära att även ”enkönade” par inkluderas. Centralt för uppsatsen är hur föreställningar om genus och sexualitet skapas och återskapas i texterna som studeras. Uppsatsen präglas av ett socialkonstruktivistiskt förhållningssätt, vilket innebär att den utgår från den socialkonstruktivistiska premissen att världen, så som vi förstår den, är socialt konstruerad och att människor ständigt skapar och omskapar verkligheten i interaktion med varandra. Därför spelar också språket, som utgör en väsentlig en del av denna sociala interaktion, en avgörande roll för hur vi uppfattar att verkligheten är beskaffad. </p><p>I de texter som analyserats, omskapas och upprätthålls en tydligt homofobisk diskurs som bygger på hierarkiskt (patriarkalt) ordnade, heteronormativt kontrollerade subjekt, vilket syns inte minst i den konsekventa användningen av turordningen ”man” sedan ”kvinna” som är genomgående i samtliga texter. Detta är inte obetydligt, utan visar på just den repetitiva process i vilken genus blir till – hierarkin uppstår och bibehålls genom upprepandet. Begreppen ”man” och ”kvinna” blir därför också mycket mer än en markör för biologisk särskillnad, såsom görs gällande i de texter som analyserats. Som begreppspar blir kvinna/man på samma gång varandras motsatser och komplement, och på så sätt söker texterna bringa klarhet i den komplexitet av betydelser som konkurrerar om att fylla begreppen. Homosexualitet framställs också genomgående som ett moraliskt problem, och attribut som promiskuitet, tillfälliga förbindelser, oansvarighet och egoism fogas till homosexuella som grupp, varpå det blir möjligt att motivera att man bör motverka den så kallade familjeupplösningen (som en könsneutral äktenskapslag antas bidra till) genom att äktenskapet bibehålls för de ansvarsfulla, omsorgsfulla, engagerade och inte minst heterosexuella par, vilka det framstår som värdefullt för samhället att investera i. Uppsatsen utgår från och anknyter till från en förståelse av kön/genus som grundar sig i Judith Butlers genusteori.</p>
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