Spelling suggestions: "subject:"karoserie"" "subject:"karosserie""
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Policy Alternatives to Employment Overwork in JapanMasuyama, Mei 01 January 2019 (has links)
Japanese workers are facing a threat of literal death from working too hard. In 1978, karōshi, defined as death or severe disability from overwork, was added to the Japanese dictionary. Japan is recognized as having one of the worst working conditions in the developed world with awfully long working hours. This thesis deconstructs the underlying psychological, cultural and economic reasons that contribute to the long working hours in Japanese companies. Then, this thesis examines the previous and current efforts by the Japanese, South Korean and German governments to reduce working hours in their countries to prevent the fatal consequences of overwork. It concludes by recommending the Japanese government to continue the research on overtime and death, raise awareness through education and outreach, enforce strict labor laws, and to adopt a method of flexible working hours.
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Health Status Under Impact of Globalization in OECD countries--A Study for Cardiovascular DiseaseTsai, Shu-Hui 07 September 2011 (has links)
Non-communicable disease (NCD) (particular by cardiovascular disease, CVD) is the leading cause of death in most countries including OECD countries. WHO (World Health Organization, 2002) has emphasized the trend of disease patterns shifting from communicable diseases towards to non-communicable diseases globally.
However, globalization drives economic activities vigorously and alternates work conditions, such as prolonger or irregular working time, changing patterns of job. And then, more sweating, stress and occupational safety of labors after globalization were noted by many worldwide scholars.
¡§Karoshi¡¨ (death from overwork) is a controversial issue of occupational matters in these years all over the world. According to past empirical literatures, CVD was also the major medical cause of death from overwork.
Hence, we collect panel data of CVD mortality, working hours of labor and KOF index of globalization covering 19 OECD countries from a period of 1980 to 2007, and measure by panel cointegration analysis and fully modified OLS (FMOLS) to estimate the reciprocal relationship among these variables. The evidence findings show significant influence on CVD mortality if increasing working hours of labor, especially at age groups of 15 to 24 year. While significant effect on CVD mortality through by globalization was found at age group 25 to 54 year and elders, particular in social globalization.
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日本過勞死職災認定之研究 / A study on the Karoshi Award System in Japan謝秋芸 Unknown Date (has links)
反觀台灣,自1995年參考日本與德國訂出認定基準後,隨著過勞死案例的增加,相對其職災給付情況並不樂觀,在新聞媒體對過勞死事件大幅報導的輿論壓力下,政府便以日本為借鏡兩度修正認定基準。但在認定基準修正過程中,卻忽視日本針對過勞死與過勞自殺長期所推行的預防措施,突顯出我國職災補償機制仍待改進,我國應盡快投入相關預防措施的規劃,積極預防並遏止過勞死的發生。 / Since the 1970s, Japanese workers have faced the deterioration of labor conditions and working environment due to the economic growth shifting from high to low level. From then on, there is a socially pathological phenomenon taking place, namely Karoshi. In the 1990s, the lasting depression in the aftermath of the collapse of bubble economy made some of big corporations lay off thousands of workers. The rate of unemployment was higher than 4% and the number of suicide cases was over 30000 people in 1998. Consequently, Karojisatsu, a behavior which is caused by psychological level, emerged in Japan society.
The crucial players who have devoted to socialization of Karoshi and Karojisatsu are nationwide doctors, lawyers, scholars and so on. In the beginning, they grouped a national organization such as “Karoshi Hotline” to promote themselves. Nowadays, in the whole country provides information service managed by lawyers. They are active to help victims or their survivors gain reasonable compensation.
According to my research, after amended four times, the administrative formula of the karoshi shifts from the accident theory to the monitor concerning the accumulation of tiredness in a long period. It pays more attention to the degree of a worker’s psychological pressure. Moreover, the Supreme Court thinks that the responsibility of Karojisatsu should be taken by corporations. The judgment is beneficial for the development of the worker’s compensation of Karoshi and Karojisatsu. Besides, because prophylaxis is as important as compensation, the Occupational Safety and Health Law, which was amended by the Ministry of Labor in 1988, enforces a series of precautious policies about over-work and mental health. They are aimed to achieve precautious effects through strengthening the management of information concerning workers’ health.
Taiwanese government enacted the administrative formula of the karoshi in 1995 which referred to those of Japan and Germany. However, the benefit of work-related injury seemed ineffective to deal with increasing cases of Karoshi. Due to the pressure from the public opinion shaped by media organizations, the government has amended the administrative formula twice. Nevertheless, the amendment ignores the precaution against Karoshi and Karojisatsu in Japan. Therefore, the precaution should be enforced as soon as possible to prevent and curb the emergence of Karoshi.
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過勞死認定實務運作問題之研究 / A study on the approvisal of Karoshi in practice余靜芳 Unknown Date (has links)
隨著我國過勞死案例增加,考量過勞死議題有其必要性,因此,本文自職業災害補償之觀點切入,觀察過勞死之職業災害認定制度之形成與發展,以檢討制度之運作現況。藉著過整理台灣現行有關過勞死職業災害認定之法規和司法判決,與透過觀察職業災害認定制度之形成與發展,分析我國制度存在缺失,並提出現行運作建議。 / Increasing cases of Karoshi in Taiwan,considering the necessity of studying Karoshi issue.Therefore, this article intends to review the current system for occupational disasters by viewing the development of the criterion for approvisalkaroshi with regard to the compensation system on occupational disasters.This research analyzes the existing regulations and judgments related to “Karoshi” to indicate the deficiencies of Taiwan’s current system,by viewing the development of the criterion for approvisal of Karoshi on occupational disaster.These sections will analyze, criticize and thereby provide suggestions for the current occupational disaster of Karoshi in practice.
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Isolated Yet Inspired : Shifts in the Well-being of International Sales Professionals due to CrisisShimizu, Suzu, Albakour, Heba January 2024 (has links)
The COVID-19 pandemic has drastically altered job demands and resources for international sales professionals, who faced unprecedented challenges such as the inability to travel and increased isolation due to remote work. According to the Job Demands-Resources (JD-R) theory, changes in job demands and resources significantly impact well-being, often leading to burnout. Given that international sales are already considered a highly stressful occupation understanding these changes is not only crucial for academic research but also for providing practical support to these professionals. Despite the critical importance of this issue, previous studies have yet to extensively explore the post-pandemic shifts in job demands and resources for international salespeople. This thesis presents qualitative research investigating these changes and their impact on the well-being of international sales professionals during the pandemic. Using semi-structured interviews with six international sales professionals in Japan and Sweden, the study uncovered a surprisingly positive impact of the pandemic on their overall well-being, challenging the traditional JD-R theory. This paradox has brought attention to the oversimplification of the JD-R theory.
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Preventing fatal effects of overworking : Product design solutionAdawi, Rahim January 2018 (has links)
“Overworking to death” is a phenomenon that has been noticeable in developing countries. The cause of death is mainly through ischemic strokes. While the victims’ occupations differed, they all shared a common characteristic, being positioned in a sedentary work, ranging from IT workers to doctors. This project’s aim was to develop a product that prevented or decreased the strokes that derived from sedentary overwork. This was mainly tackled by preventing one of the three causes of developing blood props, slowed blood flow. In order to gather rich data of the phenomenon, a qualitative study was conducted in China, during two months. By doing an extensive structured sampling, information rich data could be gathered during a short period of time. Data were derived from observations, questionnaires and an interview, which then was interpreted to customer needs and the final product specification. The final product became a trouser with an in built dynamic compression mechanic, that can compress the veins mostly during sitting activities, in order to prevent blood stasis. The compression mechanic works like the Chinese finger trap; compressing the calves while sitting and stretching the legs forward. It is made only out of polysaccharides fibres; cotton and corn. / "Guolaosi" eller död från överarbete är ett fenomen som i regel uppkommer bland utvecklingsländer. Dödsorsaken är huvudsakligen genom stroke. Offrens yrken varierar allt från professorer, IT-arbetare till läkare. De delar dock en sak gemensamt; att arbeta under långa perioder stillasittande. Projektets mål var att utveckla en produkt som minskar dödliga följderna av sedentära överarbete, genom att förebygga en av de tre orsakerna för att utveckla blodproppar; saktad blodström. Målgruppen var då kineser av de yrken som hade tidigare drabbats av fenomenet. För att samla informationsrika data om fenomenet genomfördes en kvalitativ studie i Kina under två månader. Genom att göra en omfattande strukturerad provtagning kunde informationsrika data samlas under en kort tidsperiod. Fältstudien bestod av observationer, frågeformulär och en intervju, som då tolkades till kundbehov och eventuellt produktspecifikationen. Den slutliga produkten kom att bli ett par byxor med en inbyggd dynamisk komprimeringsmekanism, som kan komprimera venerna under sittande aktiviteter, för att förhindra saktad blodström. Kompressionsmekanismen fungerar som den kinesiska fingerfällan. Den komprimerar blodkärlen medan personen sitter och sträcker benen framåt. Produkten är konstruerad på så sätt att den kan tillverkas endast av polysackariders tråd, från bomull och majs. Vilket är lämpligt för Kinas lokala resurser.
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