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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

TeliaSonera i Uzbekistan : En studie om marknadsinträdet och etableringsprocessen på telekommarknaden

Dahl, Jacob, Ibo, Elina January 2016 (has links)
Den här studien har undersökt telekomföretaget TeliaSoneras verksamhet i Uzbekistan. Företagets närvaro i landet har fått stor uppmärksamhet de senaste åren då de blivit anklagade för mutor, penningtvätt och för att ha samarbetat med regimen. Efter flera år med stora ekonomiska framgångar meddelade TeliaSonera hösten 2015 att de planerade att lämna landet. Detta arbete har studerat företagets marknadsinträde och etableringsprocess i Uzbekistan för att få förståelse för vad som egentligen hände i landet. Syftet med det här arbetet är även att få en uppfattning om vad som gick fel på marknaden och om företaget hade kunnat göra någonting annorlunda. Olika källor har sammanställts till en fallbeskrivning. Efter fallbeskrivningen följer en analys utifrån Blankenburgs nätverksprocessmodell. Modellen ser marknadsinträdet och etableringen som en process som påverkas av olika faktorer och aktörer över en längre tid. Analysen visade att TeliaSonera var aktiva och hade stora ambitioner att etablera sig i landet men att de var helt beroende av aktörer i det lokala nätverket som visade sig ha nära kopplingar till regimen. Man kunde därmed, utifrån Blankenburgs modell, se att företaget egentligen aldrig var etablerat på den uzbekiska telekommarknaden. Studien visade samtidigt att TeliaSonera inte hade kunnat bedriva verksamhet i landet självständigt från dessa aktörer.

Fri Medias Effekt På Korruption : - En komparativ studie av tillgångens betydelse för fri medias effektivitet i kampen mot korruption

Rassam, Rola, Nilsson, Mattias January 2016 (has links)
This paper aims to study the importance of media accessibility, as it is conceptually defined by current research, for the relationship between free media and corruption. Previous studies have determined that a free, independent media plays a vital role in not only curbing corruption but also in sustaining and monitoring a healthy democracy. They have also confirmed that there is a significant correlation between the degree of press freedom and the degree of corruption, in which a freer press has a negative impact on the conditions for corruption. Nevertheless, press freedom and independent media, as said studies have established, cannot be seen as an easy solution or a “quick fix” when fighting corruption. More recent studies have concluded that accessibility is a dimension that could possibly determine how effective the free, independent media is for fighting and preventing corruption. This paper aims to dig deeper into this theory.   The purpose of the study is to distinguish what kind of role media accessibility plays in maximising the free medias effectiveness in the role as a watchdog towards public power. This study hopes to achieve it’s purpose by analysing what the direct effects and consequences of media revelations surrounding corruption cases has resulted in for different countries in relation to the degree of accessibility. The study will also take into account the distinction between rule-based versus relationship-based cultures and how corruption can be perceived and viewed differently between the two. This perspective is to be seen as a complementary outlook and possible explanation when determining if the potential dissimilarities in the effects of media revelations amongst countries are due to differences in accessibility or due to inherent cross-cultural differences. Our work has shown clear differences in the resulted effects of media revelations. However, it is impossible to identify whether the variations among countries in regard to actual effects depend on the degree of accessibility or due to inherent cross-cultural differences between nations.

Business on the Border of Breakdown : An Interdisciplinary Study of Entrepreneurs inKabul, Afghanistan

Thorson, Mikael January 2016 (has links)
Afghanistan has experienced a civil war since the last three decades that has causedenormous damages to infrastructure and incredible human suffering. Insecurity is not only fromterrorists, many Afghans rank political gridlock and deeply rooted corruption as worse. A modelby Bullough et al. provides risk perception, resilience and self-efficacy as determinants forentrepreneurial intentions. The study aggregates resilience and self-efficacy into a psychologicalperspective that, together with a non-monolithic perspective on risk, generates a new model offorces. Vectors illustrate how these forces can balance each other out. The result is a useful modelto detail entrepreneurship under the adverse conditions in Kabul, where entrepreneurs experiencekidnapping as their primary personal risk while administrative threats related to corruption,informality and poor governance are seen to carry an almost equal amount of risk. / Under de tre senaste decennierna har Afghanistan befunnit sig i inbördeskrig somorsakat stora skador på infrastruktur och enormt mänskligt lidande. Osäkerheten kommer intebara från terrorism eftersom många afghaner anser att det politiska dödläget och djupt rotadkorruption är värre hot än terrorattackerna. I Bullough m.fl. finns en modell kring ”Danger ZoneEntrepreneurs" som visar på att riskuppfattning, motståndskraft och tilltro på egen förmåga ärfaktorer som bestämmer om en individ har avsikt att bli entreprenör. Den här studien betraktarmotståndskraft och tilltro till egen förmåga ur ett psykologiskt perspektiv som tillsammans med ettdetaljerat riskperspektiv bildar en ny kraftsystemsmodell. Vektorer illustrerar hur dessa krafterkan balansera ut varandra. Resultaten är en användbar modell på entreprenörskap under deogynnsamma förhållanden som råder i Kabul, där kidnappning upplevs som farligast medankorruption, avsaknad av regler och dålig styrning anses nästan lika riskfyllt.

Company-internal studies from the public prosecutor's perspective

Wimmer, Renate 25 April 2017 (has links) (PDF)
The processing of the "Siemens case" has not only triggered an unexpected compliance shaft in Germany but has also meant that in the meantime internal investigations are commissioned in nearly all the major public investigations for corruption or other economic crimes by the companies concerned. A critical analysis of "10 years after Siemens" shows that this trend has led to a variety of open legal issues and a different handling in the judicial practice. A legal regulation is likely to be inevitable in the long run.

Effekter av korruption på ekonomisk tillväxt : En empirisk studie av OECD-länder 1996-2014

Hamrén, Linnéa, Lundin, Mirjam January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker effekterna av korruption på BNP-tillväxt per capita. Förutomkorruptionens direkta effekt analyseras korruptionens indirekta effekter via överföringskanaler. Deöverföringskanaler som testas är utbildningsnivå, privata investeringar, offentlig konsumtion ochhandel. Direkt och indirekt effekt summeras sedermera och utgör korruptionens totala effekt påBNP-tillväxt per capita. Dessa effekter undersöks med ekonometriska metoder där en multipel linjärregression genomförs med minstakvadratmetoden. Analysen baseras på data för de 35 OECDländernaöver tidsperioden 1996-2014. Resultatet av regressionsanalysen visar en negativ direkteffekt av korruption på tillväxt, vilket stödjer tidigare forskning. Endast överföringskanalernaoffentlig konsumtion och handel uppvisar signifikanta resultat. Korruption genom offentligkonsumtion visar på ett positivt samband med BNP-tillväxt per capita medan korruption genomhandel visar på det motsatta. Den totala effekten är negativ.

Afghanistans väg mot ett fredligt samhälle? : Institutionalisering innan liberalisering

Kochai, Tairhe January 2017 (has links)
Peacebuilding has been in the spotlight since the Cold War and forwards. Peacebuilding received great attention after the 9/11 incident when the United States declared war on terrorism. One of the countries that have suffered from war and conflict ever since the invasion of the Soviet Union, is Afghanistan. Afghanistan is a country in central Asia that has been involved in much aging in the past 35 years. Several international organizations such as the UN, the Swedish Afghanistan Committee, NATO and international countries have shown interest in peacebuilding in Afghanistan. But the path to achieving a peaceful Afghan society is an extremely difficult challenge that affects both Afghan institutions and the people of afghan society. Rebuilding or creating peace in a country affected by conflict has proven to be difficult in Afghanistan. Due to the country's situation, there is a constant change. To create peace, peace builders should focus on what aspects should be rebuilt for peacebuilding to move towards a more peaceful society. Research's theory institutionalization before liberalization Roland Paris argues that to reach a peaceful society the organization should rebuild effective institutions before the introduction of economic and democratic reforms in society. To rebuild the rule of law, the military forces should be stabilized as an institution in the rule of law. The military forces should be fully developed to protect the country from threats, including terrorism that limits peacebuilding and has a major impact on the rule of law.

Vad var det som blev ”bad” inom good governance i sport? : En analys av orsaken till försämringen av den europeiska och internationella sportens indexvärde inom good governance i sport / What was "bad" in good governance in sports? : An analysis of the reason for the decreasing level of the European and international sport's index value in good governance in sport

Karlén, Simon January 2019 (has links)
Sammandrag Lissabonfördraget (2009) gav EU kompetensen att skapa en unionstäckande sportpolicy. Denna policy gjorde det möjligt att kunna reglera europeiska och internationella idrottsförbunds uppbyggnad och transparens. En viktig orsak till att införa policyn var att minska risken för korruption. Genom unionens fastställande av tio principer inom good governance i sport, innehållande riktlinjer för bland annat transparens och demokratisk process, förväntades den europeiska idrotten nå en positiv utveckling. Vid en analys av de båda rapporterna Sports Governance Observer (SGO) från 2015 och 2018 framkom dock att så inte blev fallet. Syftet med den här studien har varit att analysera orsaken till en försämring av SGO:s indexvärde inom good governance i sport under de senaste åren. För att göra detta har det varit intressant att utgå från två frågeställningar vilka analyserar vad det är som orsakat denna försämring samt vilka faktorer som varit drivkraft i denna process. Det empiriska materialet har huvudsakligen bestått av de båda SGO-rapporterna men har kompletterats med lämpliga artiklar inom huvudområdet. Detta för att urskönja drivkrafterna i förändringsprocessen. Undersökningen har utförts genom en kvalitativ textanalys av rapporterna och tillhörande artiklar. Då förändringsprocessen legat i fokus har jag använt mig av en diakronisk analysmetod vilken objektivt fångar förändringar över tid. Analysen har gjorts i ljuset av ett teoretiskt ramverk bestående av EU:s principer inom good governance i sport samt dess definition av begreppet good governance. Resultatet visade att alla de internationella idrottsförbunden haft ett sjunkande indexvärde inom good governance under de senaste åren. Framförallt visade det sig att graden av transparens och demokratisk process mellan 2015–2018 sjunkit inom förbunden. Transparensen var dock det område som procentuellt minskat mest vilket vid en närmare analys går att härleda till idrottsförbundens informationskultur. Det är framförallt avsaknaden av en tydlig transparens som sänkt SGO:s indexvärde. Slutsatserna visar att det som har gjort att en förändring mellan 2015–2018 har kunnat ske är avsaknaden av publicerade styrelsebeslut, arbetsplaner och ekonomiska transaktioner. De faktorer som har varit drivande i denna process är EU:s låga expertis på huvudområdet, good governance unga ålder inom idrotten samt spänningen mellan NPE och MPE vilket har bidragit till en identitetskris inom unionen. Nyckelord: EU, good governance, sport, korruption, transparens, demokratisk process

Korruption och intressekonflikter : Hur hanteras offentliga intressekonflikter av den svenska lagstiftningen? / Corruption and Conflicts of Interest : How are public conflicts of interest dealt with by the Swedish legislation?

Falk, Anna-Maria January 2009 (has links)
<p> </p><p> </p><p> </p><p>Officially, Sweden has a very low level of corruption and in 2008 topped Transparency International’s list in terms of the perception of a lack of corruption. However, on closer examination it would appear that the Swedish public sector is not as clean as the Transparency International list suggests. What appears to be relatively common and quite widely accepted in Sweden, especially in local government, are conflict of interest situations in which public officials use their position to obtain advantages for themselves, their friends and their colleagues, in particular with respect to public procurement.</p><p> </p><p>According to the Swedish constitution, the public administration shall be governed by the principles on legality and objectivity. Grave violations of these principles are deemed illegal and contrary to the penal code provisions relating to bribery, public misconduct and breach of confidentiality<em>.</em> This, however, is where the problem arises. The provisions of the law regarding public misconduct only cover those areas involving the exercise of public authority. Although the handling of public matters when a conflict of interest exists is prohibited, there are no sanctions in the penal code for occasions where these provisions are violated. As public procurement is considered to be a contractual matter rather than one that falls within the scope of public authority, there are technically no means, from a criminal law point of view, to address conflict of interest situations, unless the actions taken amount to for example bribery, fraud or a criminal breach of trust.</p><p> </p><p>The aim of this paper is to answer the following questions:</p><p> </p><p>Where does the improper influencing of public decisions due to a conflict of interest fit within the concept of corruption?</p><p>How can improper influence and conflict of interest be tackled from a criminal law point of view under the current Swedish legislation;</p><p>What changes, if any, would be required to permit that improper influence due to a conflict of interest can be properly addressed from a criminal law point of view?</p><p> </p><p>My research established that a situation in which public officials improperly influence the official decision-making process because of private interests falls within most international definitions of corruption, i.e. “the abuse of public office for private gain”. It was also established that this type of behaviour in the Swedish public service is often impossible to deal with through criminal prosecution, although it violates the legal provisions on public conflict of interest. This paper therefore concludes that the improper use of influence due to a conflict of interest should be regarded as corrupt activities and be criminalised, thus safeguarding the constitutional principles of the public administration.</p>

Zur Entstehung von Good Governance : Gründe, Muster und Bedingungen einer afrikanischen Entwicklung ; das Beispiel Ghana / About the emergence of Good Governance : reasons, models and conditions of an african development ; the example Ghana

Audretsch, Andreas January 2010 (has links)
Ghana ist ein Musterbeispiel dafür, dass ein Entwicklungsland den Weg zu Good Governance schaffen kann. In vielen Studien wird dem Land im afrikanischen Vergleich heute bescheinigt, hier ein Vorreiter zu sein. Dies ist Ausgangslage der vorliegenden Studie, die der Frage nachgeht „Welche Gründe, Muster und Bedingungen führen zur Entstehung von Good Governance?“. Im Zentrum der vorliegenden Studie steht, wie aus der erkenntnisleitenden Fragestellung hervorgeht, eine empirische Untersuchung zur Entstehung von Good Governance und damit ein Transformationsprozess. Dieser wird bewusst über einen sehr langen Zeitraum (über ein halbes Jahrhundert) untersucht, um auch langfristige Entwicklungen einbeziehen zu können. Die Studie wird mit Hilfe eines „Mixed-Methods-Ansatzes“ sowohl unter Rückgriff auf quantitative als auch auf qualitative Methoden durchgeführt, was sich im Rückblick als sehr ertragreich erwiesen hat. Zunächst wird die Qualität der Governance über den gesamten Zeitraum anhand von sechs Indikatoren gemessen. Danach werden qualitativ die Gründe für die Fort- und Rückschritte analysiert. Dabei lassen sich immer wieder Systematiken herausarbeiten, wie zum Beispiel zirkuläre Entwicklungen, die über viele Jahre den Weg hin zu Good Governance verhinderten, bis jeweils Ausbrüche aus den Kreisläufen geschafft werden konnten. Sowohl in der demokratischen und rechtsstaatlichen Entwicklung als auch bezogen auf die Versorgung der Bevölkerung mit öffentlichen Gütern und die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Auch wenn die verschiedenen Bereiche von Good Governance zunächst einzeln untersucht werden, so zeigen sich gleichzeitig deutlich die Wechselwirkungen der Komponenten. Zum Beispiel kristallisiert sich klar heraus, dass Rechtsstaatlichkeit sowohl auf die Stabilität politischer Systeme wirkt, als auch auf die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung. Ebenso beeinflussen diese wiederum die Korruption. Ähnliche Verknüpfungen lassen sich auch bei allen anderen Bereichen nachvollziehen. Die Entwicklung eines Landes kann also nur unter Berücksichtigung eines komplexen Governance-Systems verstanden und erklärt werden. Dabei können die Wechselwirkungen entweder konstruktiv oder destruktiv sein. Die Verflechtungen der einzelnen Bereiche werden in einem Negativ- und dann in einem Positiv-Szenario festgehalten. Diese Idealtypen-Bildung spitzt die Erkenntnisse der vorliegenden Arbeit zu und dient dem analytischen Verständnis der untersuchten Prozesse. Die Untersuchung zeigt, wie Good Governance über das Zusammenspiel verschiedener Faktoren entstehen kann und dass es wissenschaftlich sehr ertragreich ist, Transformationsforschung auf ein komplexes Governance-System auszuweiten. Hierbei werden die vielen empirisch erarbeiteten Ergebnisse zu den einzelnen Transformationen zu komplexen, in sich greifenden Gesamtszenarien zusammengeführt. Da es bisher keine explizite Good Governance-Transformationsforschung gab, wurde hiermit ein erster Schritt in diese Richtung getan. Es wird darüber hinaus deutlich, dass eine Transformation zu Good Governance nicht durch eine kurzfristige Veränderung der Rahmenbedingungen zu erreichen ist. Es geht um kulturelle Veränderungen, um Lernprozesse, um langfristige Entwicklungen, die in der Studie am Beispiel Ghana analysiert werden. In vielen vorangegangenen Transformationsstudien wurde diese zeitliche Komponente vernachlässigt. Ghana hat bereits viele Schritte getan, um einen Weg in die Zukunft und zu Good Governance zu finden. Die Untersuchung dieser Schritte ist Kern der vorliegenden Arbeit. Der Weg Ghanas ist jedoch noch nicht abgeschlossen. / Ghana is a prime example that a developing country can forge the path towards Good Governance. According to various studies Ghana, compared to other African countries, is a front-runner in this respect. This study asks the question “what are the reasons, models and conditions which lead to Good Governance?”. At the heart of this study is an empirical analysis of the emergence of Good Governance in Ghana and the process of transformation. This process is studied over a long period of time (more than fifty years), in order to be able to judge the long-term developments as well as those in the short-term. The survey is conducted using a “Mixed Methods Approach”, both quantitative and qualitative analyses methods are used. In hindsight this approach proved to be very effective. Initially the quality of Governance is measured over the entire period of time using six different indicators. The improvements and setbacks are then qualitatively analyzed looking for reasons for these developments. This approach uncovered certain consistent systems i.e. circular developments which, for many years, were an obstacle on the road to Good Governance until Ghana was able to break out of the cycle eventually. Democratic change took place, rule of law was improved just as the provision of the population with public goods and the economic development. Even if the various aspects of Good Governance are studied separately at first, it becomes clear that these aspects are inter-related and influence each other. For example it has been shown, that the rule of law influences the stability of the political as well as the economic system and vice-versa. The development of a country can therefore only be understood and explained using a complex Governance-System. The interactions within this system can either be constructive or destructive. The linkages of the various fields are illustrated first in a negative and then in positive scenario which summarize the findings of this survey. At the same time they contribute to the analytic understanding of the processes analyzed. The study clearly shows how Good Governance emerges from an interaction between different factors. It also shows that it is scientifically very rewarding to consider a complex Governance-System in transformation research. In the study many different, empirically compiled, results concerning the particular transformations are brought together in comprehensive scenarios. As there are no surveys analyzing comprehensive Good Governance-transformations, this study takes the first step in this direction. It is clear that transformation towards Good Governance can not be achieved in a short period of time by changing the general framework. Instead, cultural change, learning processes and long-term development are what is important and these have been analyzed in this study using Ghana as an example. In many earlier studies on transformation this temporal aspect was neglected. Ghana has taken many steps towards Good Governance and the future. The analysis of these steps is core aspect of this survey. The country, however, still has a long way to go.

Förtroendeproblematik för privata pensionsförsäkringar i Ryssland / Problems of Trust for Private Pensions Insurance in Russia

Haglund, Jenny January 2002 (has links)
The first aim of the thesis is to analyse the problems of trust, according to game theory, in the Russian market for private pensions insurance. The second aim is to find suitable strategies to solve the problems. Problems of trust have arisen because, (i) buyers of insurance have had negative experiences when dealing with insurance companies and corruption has decreased trust for all players in the market, (ii) incomplete information makes it difficult to separate honest actors from dishonest, and (iii) dishonest insurance companies do not get punished because of corruption and weaknesses in the law. Mutual risk-sharing is a potential solution as necessary conditions already exist in the Russian society. There are groups who (i) share the same type of risks, (ii) are aware of moral hazards, and (iii) are able to control each other. Mutual risk-sharing gives people in distant areas the possibility to get insurance. Strategies of trust are a possible solution in the long run because of the presence of corruption in the Russian society. The strategies can be implemented by the insurance companies and are thought to lessen the gap of information between them and the insurance buyer. We believe that corruption is the largest threat towards the success of the strategies of trust.

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