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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Marginalens kapacitet för inkludering : Databasen KVINNSAM i användarnas ögon / The capacity for inclusion at the margins : The KVINNSAM database in the eyes of the users

Åshede, Linnea January 2022 (has links)
The object of this investigation is KVINNSAM, a Swedish bibliographic gender research database. KVINNSAM is at once a counter archive – founded to make accessible previously marginalized research by/about women – and a sub-database of Libris, the Swedish national bibliography in which such research has historically been marginalized. Previous investigations into KVINNSAM and its subject headings have neglected the perspective of the end users. Based on an anonymous questionnaire completed by 73 respondents, I find that 1) today’s KVINNSAM-users are largely satisfied with the contents of the database, but 2) consist of a heterogeneous group with conflicting standpoints regarding integral aspects such as whether KVINNSAM should strive for feminism or political neutrality. Using Gayatri Spivak’s ideas about sanctioned ignorance and strategic essentialism, I analyze the quantitative and qualitative data provided by the respondents. I conclude that the principal problem of KVINNSAM today consists of the fact that the female perspective adopted by the list of subject headings adheres to a traditional binary view of gender. The gender binary is perceived by the users as reactionary, and as risking to further marginalize already structurally subordinate groups such as queer and non-binary subjects. Based on Hope A. Olson’s suggestions that feminist knowledge organization be based on flexibility, connectedness and inclusivity, I suggest that the problem might be ameliorated by rethinking gender, from norm to filter. I further conclude that the next logical evolutionary leap for KVINNSAM is a shift in format to linked open data.

Från marginalisering mot samhörighet : En kritisk studie kring klassifikation / From Marginalization towards Connectedness : A Critical Study of Classification

Persson, Karin, Schramm, Emelie January 2023 (has links)
The main focus of this bachelor thesis concerns the discourses presented in texts on critical classification about marginalized groups. The text explores some of the difficulties that can stem from the idea that there is a possibility of objectivity within classification and cataloguing, as they are not a neutral occurrence but controlled by constructs such as ideological thinking and bias. Based on Hope A. Olson’s suggestions that feminist knowledge organization should be based on flexibility, connectedness and inclusivity, our empirical material explores these questions regarding change in normative and oppressive structures. Apart from Olson, much inspiration is taken from Birger Hjørland, and his domain analysis, in the field that our analysis originates in. This study is based on a discourse analysis regarding four academic articles on the subject, authored by academic researchers and librarians. The aim of this bachelor thesis is to account for discourses that writers in the field of Library and Information Science formulate through the problems they present. The examined discourse show that existing universal systems such as Dewey Decimal Classification and Library of Congress Subject Headings tend to create and uphold marginalization of several social groups that could be included in alternative classification systems. The empirical evidence our discourse analysis uncovers solutions based on implementing nonhierarchical structures within classification. The authors have used gender theoretical concepts such as queer and intersectionality. The outcome of our work reveals dividing lines between a narrow perception of limitations of classification, and a broader approach towards possibilities.

Förändringar inom kunskapsorganisation vid ett humanistiskt specialbibliotek : En domänanalytisk studie över Vitterhetsakademiens biblioteks verksamhet och samling

Wallin, Emma January 2017 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to carry out a contextual analysis based on Birger Hjørland’s socio-epistemological theory and thereby create a coherent picture of Vitterhetsakademiens biblioteks (KVHAAB) activities, collection and knowledge organization from a historical perspective. The questions that are analyzed in this paper are how the knowledge organization, classification and search capabilities correspond to the goals that KVHAAB has set for the institution. To answer these questions, transcriptions and notes from interviews, field trips and documents about the section were used as primary sources. Interviews, analysis of documents and domain analytic method were used as methods to collect sources and perform the analysis. The method I am using to examine these questions is qualitative interviews based on the theories and methods of Steinar Kvale and Svend Brinkman. The analysis is focused on library and information scientific aspects.  The results show that KVHAAB’s knowledge-organizing tools emerged historically and pragmatically and adapted to institutional and material practice. KVHAAB has been a pioneer by participating in various digitization projects early on. At the same time, historical preferences and focus are reflected from different times in the directories used on KVHAAB. Based on an awareness of the complexity of the descriptive mission, several initiatives have been taken to develop new routines and standards for cataloging and indexing of the material. In accordance with Riksantikvarieämbetets (RAÄ) goal of preserving, developing and utilizing the cultural heritage, there is still a future need for KVHAAB to make collections visible both in digital form, but also to expand the use of reading space, physical lending and outward operations.  This paper is published as a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science at Uppsala University in Sweden.

På väg från ingenstans : kritik och emancipation av kunskapsorganisation för feministisk forskning

Samuelsson, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
<p>This study deals with knowledge organization of feminist research, in bibliographic catalogues and in a Swedish context. The thesis develops a definition of feminist discourse which incorporates but is not limited to feminist research. Feminist research, in turn, is understood as articulating a critical approach aimed at critiquing and changing inequitable gender relations. The thesis analyzes the meaning of a range of feminist perspectives through a close text analysis of feminist PhD-dissertations. Two universal knowledge organization systems: Svenska ämnesord and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek; and one subject-specific system: Kvinnohistoriska samlingarnas ämnesord, are studied in order to discuss the extent to which they are able to articulate feminist perspectives, as well as how they actually articulate such perspectives in practice. The two universal systems studied tend to marginalize feminist perspectives as forms of knowledge. This thesis interprets this marginalization in the light of these systems’ putative objectivistic and universalistic epistemology and ontology. It is suggested that they privilege disciplinary knowledge over interdisciplinary knowledge forms, and substantive topics over conceptual perspectives. Guidelines for knowledge organizatory practice tend to encourage indexers and classifiers to search for central substantive themes. In this schema, feminism is understood as a field relating to socio-political women’s issues. Feminist knowledge qua knowledge is marginalized by the systems studied, and is at times given a plain wrong classifycation. further, this thesis suggests that the subject-specific knowledge organization system studied: Kvinnohistoriska samlingarnas ämnesord, is only able to deal with feminist research in an incomplete and inadequate way. Although this index is designed to classify texts within the broad subject field of: women’s studies, masculinity studies and gender research, as well as other material relevant to the field, the structure of the index is too simple and does not allow for associative relationships between terms; nor does it define feminist discourse. The premises and guidelines for knowledge organization practice are also under-developed or not well defined. Successful organization of feminist knowledge needs instead to be based on a particular understanding of knowledge and knowledge organization as contextually shaped (and shaping). Feminist literature is first and foremost about expressing feminist discourse qua theme, perspective, and part of the feminist tradition (such as critical, women-centring, and reflexive feminisms) – an observation that needs to be reflected in the knowledge organization.</p>

På väg från ingenstans : kritik och emancipation av kunskapsorganisation för feministisk forskning

Samuelsson, Jenny January 2008 (has links)
This study deals with knowledge organization of feminist research, in bibliographic catalogues and in a Swedish context. The thesis develops a definition of feminist discourse which incorporates but is not limited to feminist research. Feminist research, in turn, is understood as articulating a critical approach aimed at critiquing and changing inequitable gender relations. The thesis analyzes the meaning of a range of feminist perspectives through a close text analysis of feminist PhD-dissertations. Two universal knowledge organization systems: Svenska ämnesord and Klassifikationssystem för svenska bibliotek; and one subject-specific system: Kvinnohistoriska samlingarnas ämnesord, are studied in order to discuss the extent to which they are able to articulate feminist perspectives, as well as how they actually articulate such perspectives in practice. The two universal systems studied tend to marginalize feminist perspectives as forms of knowledge. This thesis interprets this marginalization in the light of these systems’ putative objectivistic and universalistic epistemology and ontology. It is suggested that they privilege disciplinary knowledge over interdisciplinary knowledge forms, and substantive topics over conceptual perspectives. Guidelines for knowledge organizatory practice tend to encourage indexers and classifiers to search for central substantive themes. In this schema, feminism is understood as a field relating to socio-political women’s issues. Feminist knowledge qua knowledge is marginalized by the systems studied, and is at times given a plain wrong classifycation. further, this thesis suggests that the subject-specific knowledge organization system studied: Kvinnohistoriska samlingarnas ämnesord, is only able to deal with feminist research in an incomplete and inadequate way. Although this index is designed to classify texts within the broad subject field of: women’s studies, masculinity studies and gender research, as well as other material relevant to the field, the structure of the index is too simple and does not allow for associative relationships between terms; nor does it define feminist discourse. The premises and guidelines for knowledge organization practice are also under-developed or not well defined. Successful organization of feminist knowledge needs instead to be based on a particular understanding of knowledge and knowledge organization as contextually shaped (and shaping). Feminist literature is first and foremost about expressing feminist discourse qua theme, perspective, and part of the feminist tradition (such as critical, women-centring, and reflexive feminisms) – an observation that needs to be reflected in the knowledge organization.

Att leda på distans : En kvalitativ studie om styrning inom kunskapsorganisationer vid omställning till distansarbete / Remote Leadership

Dackeby, Johan, Hagbom, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
Introduction At the start of 2020 Sweden gets their first documented case of Covid -19. On March 16th the Public Health Agency of Sweden recommended that schools and universities should conduct their education on distance mode. These recommendations would also apply to businesses all around Sweden where it is possible to work remotely. Previous studies have shown that working remotely requires that leadership must take more responsibility. Additionally, the need for clear management control and communication. Purpose The purpose of this study is to research how management control and communication works and have changed within knowledge intensive organizations where daily operations has gone on distance mode due to the corona pandemic. Method The research has been conducted using a qualitative method where both managers and employees have been interviewed. The interviewed people represent three different organizations, a management company, the industrial unit within the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency and a legal unit within Swedish Public Employment Service. Result and contribution According to our research, remote work during the Covid-19 pandemic has led to informal meetings on the workplace has been heavily reduced or completely seized. This change has affected managers ability to retain a healthy relationship to their employees. The study show that a management control based on trust and a leadership based on trust has been an advantage, especially within knowledge intensive organizations. The underlying challenge for the managers has been missing communication and knowledge sharing. / Inledning  Den 31 januari 2020 får Sverige sitt första konstaterade fall av Covid-19. Den 16 Mars presenterar Folkhälsomyndigheten rekommendationerna om att svenska gymnasieskolor, universitet, högskolor och övrig utbildning att ske på distans. Dessa rekommendationer kommer även att gälla för samtliga verksamheter i Sverige som har möjlighet att arbeta på distans. Under distansarbete visar tidigare forskningen på ett ökat behov av en medveten och välutvecklad arbetsledning, samt behovet av en tydligare styrning och kommunikation.  Syfte  Syftet med uppsatsen är att studera hur styrningen och kommunikationen fungerar samt förändrats inom kunskapsorganisationer där verksamheten har gått över till distansarbete, som en följd av pandemin.   Metod  Undersökningen är utförd med en kvalitativ metod där vi har intervjuat chefer och medarbetare. De olika kunskapsorganisationer vi undersökt är ett managementbolag, Industrienheten inom Naturvårdsverket och rättsavdelningen på Arbetsförmedlingen. Resultat och bidrag Distansarbetet har enligt samtliga respondenter, lett till att informella möten på arbetsplatsen minskat eller helt upphört. Det har påverkat chefernas förmåga att upprätthålla en viktig relation till medarbetarna, men även inverkat på informationsflödet. Denna studie visar att en tillitsbaserad styrning och ett tillitsbaserat ledarskap är fördelaktigt under distansarbetet, speciellt inom kunskapsorganisationer. De stora utmaningarna för de chefer som intervjuats kan härledas till bortfall av kommunikation och kunskapsdelning.

Konstruktion, administration och tillämpning av Svenska ämnesord och kontrollerade vokabulär / Creation, Administration and Implementation of Swedish Subject Headings and Controlled Vocabularies

Andersson, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Denna uppsats undersöker hur svenska kontrollerade vokabulärer hanterar inkluderande perspektiv. Svenska ämnesord är en nationellt kontrollerad vokabulär med ämnesord som skapats och administreras av Kungliga biblioteket och som används av svenska bibliotek för indexering. Biblioteken strävar efter stabila söksystem, samtidigt förändras ordens betydelse snabbt. Det är en utmaning för biblioteken att säkerställa hög sökbarhet men undvika att använda ett diskriminerande språk. Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur inkluderande perspektiv används i svenska kontrollerade vokabulär. Fyra frågor har formulerats, den första handlar om hur ämnesord om etnicitet och nationalitet är representerade i Svenska ämnesord. De övriga tre frågorna handlar om hur Kungliga biblioteket och andra svenska institutioner arbetar med sina kontrollerade vokabulärs administration samt språklig instabilitet. Med Derridas teorier om dekonstruktion undersöks hur den Andre representeras i Svenska ämnesord, som ingår men skiljer sig från västerländska etniciteter och nationaliteter. Ämnesord som berör den Andre är konstruerade annorlunda, de innehåller mer förklarande kvalificeringar och varianter. Andra utmaningar som administratörer av de kontrollerade vokabulärerna har är att undvika partisk indexering och att upprätthålla ett stabilt system och samtidigt kontextualisera uttryck i ämnesord som kan anses vara diskriminerande. Uppsatsen diskuterar även hur olika kontrollerade vokabulärer är beroende av varandra. / This essay examines how Swedish controlled vocabularies handle inclusive perspectives. Svenska ämnesord is a national controlled vocabulary containing subject headings that is created and administered by The Royal Library and used by Swedish libraries for indexing. Libraries strive for stable search systems, at the same time the meaning of words changes rapidly. It is a challenge for libraries to ensure high searchability but avoid using discriminatory language. The purpose of this essay is to study how inclusive perspectives are used in Swedish controlled vocabularies. Four questions have been formulated, the first one concerns how subject headings about ethnicity and nationality are represented in Svenska ämnesord. The other three questions address how the Swedish Royal Library and other Swedish institutions work with their controlled vocabularies’ administration and linguistic instability. With Derrida's theories of deconstruction the essay examines how the Other is represented in Svenska ämnesord, which is included but differs from western ethnicities and nationalities. Subject headings that concern the Other are constructed differently, they contain more explanatory qualifiers and variants . Other challenges administrators of the controlled vocabularies pointed out are to avoid biased indexing and maintain a stable system and at the same time contextualize expressions in subject headings that could be considered as discriminatory. The essay also discusses how different controlled vocabularies are interdependent.

Nyanställd på distans : Introduktion i en kunskapsorganisation med begränsad tillgång till fysiska möten.

Viklund, Carolin January 2021 (has links)
Föreliggande uppsats undersöker hur introduktionen av nyanställda, som under pågående Covid-19-pandemi till stor del genomförs på distans, påverkas vad det gäller utformning och kvalitet, samt hur den upplevs av den nyanställde. Studien är en kvalitativ intervjustudie med induktiv ansats. Urvalet består av personer som börjat ett nytt arbete i kunskapsorganisationer under perioden mars 2020 till januari 2021 och som huvudsakligen introducerats och arbetat på distans. Materialet har analyserats tematiskt och resultatet analyseras och diskuteras utifrån tidigare studier av introduktionsprocesser, lärande och socialiseringsprocesser på arbetsplatser. Resultatet visar att introduktionen i sina beståndsdelar liknar den som sker fysiskt, men att den med fördel kan anpassas mer till de förutsättningar som distansarbete och en mer digital interaktion medför. Moment som sker naturligt i en fysisk miljö upplevs som konstlade när de replikeras digitalt och relationsbyggande, som i tidigare forskning identifieras som den enskilt viktigaste beståndsdelen i en introduktion, tar längre tid, både med kollegor och med arbetsgivaren. Stort ansvar läggs på den nyanställde att själv bygga relationer, söka information, förstå sin uppgift och forma sin roll. Att från arbetsgivarens sida ge stöd genom att visa närvaro och förståelse för att detta sker och tar tid kan öka chansen att den nyanställde upplever sig som värdefull, sedd och därmed även som en del av företaget. / The purpose of this study is to investigate how the onboarding of new employees, which during the ongoing covid-19 pandemic is largely done remotely, is affected in terms of design and quality, and how it is experienced by the new employee. The study is a qualitative interview-based study with an inductive approach. The sample consists of people who have started a new job in knowledge-based organizations during the period March 2020 to January 2021 and who have mainly been onboarded and worked remotely. The material has been analyzed thematically and the results have been analyzed and discussed based on previous studies of introduction processes, learning and socialization processes in workplaces. The results show that activities in the digital onboarding are similar to those that take place physically, but that the activities would benefit from being adapted to the conditions that telework and more digital interactions entail. Elements that occur naturally in a physical environment are perceived as artificial when they are replicated digitally and relationship building, which in previous research is stated as the single most important variable in an introduction, takes longer, both with colleagues and with the employer. A large responsibility is placed on the new employees to build relationships, seek information, understand the tasks and shape the work by themselves. Giving support from the employer by showing presence, support and understanding for this time-consuming process can increase the chance that the new employee feels valued, seen and thus also as part of the company.

Enhet eller mångfald? : En dekonstruktion av samernas biblioteks bibliotekskatalog / Unity or Diversity? : A Deconstruction of the Saami Library Catalogue

Holmquist, Jenny January 2020 (has links)
Introduction. This thesis is set in the field of critical knowledge organization and indigenous knowledge organi- zation. Building on the theory of domain analysis I chose the Saami Library in Sweden as the domain for this thesis. The purpose was to identify the structures of power affecting how the lives and experiences of the Saami people are represented in the library catalogue and in the classification systems used, and to examine the views on knowledge expressed in the classification systems. Theory and method. This thesis builds upon the writings on deconstruction. I seek to deconstruct the cata- logue and the classification system using tools derived from the writings of Jacques Derrida. Analysis. Nine posts from the catalogue, and the classification codes entered there were analysed. Emphasis was put on analysing the DDC classification as this is the primary classification system used. Results. From analysing the classifications and the catalogue posts I found that the representations of the Saami experiences varied depending on which subject class the book belonged to. A majority of the posts analysed were classified as social sciences in DDC whereas the classifications were more varied in the Swedish SAB- system. Conclusion. Two structures have been identified. The first structure places the Saami experiences as some- thing that is other, in relation to which the mainstream is defined. The second structure places the Saami experi- ences as part of a diversity, separate from the unity of the mainstream society. This structure only acknowledges the existence of diversity if this means that the position of the unity is strengthened. Concerning the second purpose of the thesis I find that a western knowledge perspective has got a hegemonic position in the DDC, which means that other knowledge systems such as indigenous knowledge is not seen as such but as something only related to a specific group. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Klassifikationsstrukturer, kunskapssystem och världsbilder. : En studie i kunskapsorganisation av Indigenous knowledge.

Wennberg, Elisabet January 2024 (has links)
The United Nations as well as the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions highlight the value and the need for appropriate knowledge organization of Indigenous knowledge in memory institutions. This paper seeks to contribute to research in the field of Indigenous librarianship. The purpose of the study is to investigate the need for Indigenous knowledge organization and information retrieval with the help of the following research questions: In what way are Indigenous knowledge systems affected by Western knowledge organization and classification structures? What tools and processes are required in order to implement Indigenous librarianship? Data collection includes semi-structured interviews in addition to literature and audiovisual review. The theoretical framework combines the themes of language revitalization, collaboration and relationality with discussions of indigenization and decolonization. The two cases studied are Indigenous librarianship in Aotearoa-New Zealand and Sweden. The results show that while the Western classification systems have shortcomings related to categorizing of Indigenous knowledge the thesaurus is a tool to work around this problem. The conclusion is that language-revitalization together with national and international collaboration is necessary to assure a deep understanding of Indigenous worldviews and knowledge organization.

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