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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Interactive Relationships among the State, Market and Civil society in Mainland China: An Analysis of the GFPU

Tuan, Yu-Liang 20 July 2006 (has links)
This research constructs the theoretical framework through documentary analysis; it utilizes the approach of ¡§state and society relations¡¨ on the micro-level of the comparative politics, supplemented with the concept of ¡§corporatism¡¨. This research includes ¡§in-depth interview¡¨ and ¡§case study¡¨ to aim at examining two issues. While the Chinese government has been the central power, the enterprises are the key players in the businesses of modern China. When the private sector has prospered vigorously, the government faced increasing pressure from economic system reform. This indicates that the power of government will shift to the industry and trade association. This research finds that the trade association, deriving from ¡§top down¡¨ model, which can gain more self-Governance, is the successful case of transformation. Its character is that it neither seeks for power from the government during the transformation nor interest from the private sector, but, instead, serves for social welfare and receives more credibility from the public and better organizing autonomy. Since the south patrolling of Deng Xiaoping in 1992, the socialist market economy has been the goal China pursues. In 1998, the ninth session national representatives passed Decision of the structural reform of the State Council plan, and it pointed out ¡§establish a government administrative system with the Chinese characteristics and suitable to the socialist market economic system¡¨. In October 2003, the Third Plenary Session of the 16th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China passed Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on Some Issues concerning the Improvement of the Socialist Market Economy . Obviously, in addition to the concept of open policy of the trade market, the policy on decentralization of governmental structural reform is in place. Those changes push the market mechanism to expand gradually, and accelerate the transformation of trade association. It makes the influence of trade association on industrial policy making grow. Particularly, Guangdong Province's economy opened early and also led the development of trade association. This research found that the system and development of trade association in Guangdong Province has exceeded that of the central government. ¡§Guangdong Food Profession Union¡¨ is one of the best examples. This research analyzes the development of food industry of both China and the Guangdong Province, in order to explain the relations among government, the business (market) and the society. Second, to analyze the development of trade association's of China and Guangdong Province to explain the formation of civil society. Third, using the case of ¡§Guangdong Food Profession Union¡¨ to study on its philosophy, institution and interest setting in order to map out the interaction among ¡§Guangdong Food Profession Union (GFPU)¡¨, government and business. Finally, it induces the relations among state, the market, the civil society. This research not only points out the similarities and differences between the study case and the general situation in China, but also classifies three kinds of trade association and within which the trade association of successful transformation might be called ¡§NGO with the Chinese characteristic¡¨. In brief, the social scope of trade association derived from ¡§top down¡¨ model, will de unavoidably deprived by the government. In the social scope formed by the trade association of successful transformation, the administrative authority is (Economic and Trade Commission) no longer in charge of them, but the ideology of Chinese Communist Party still exists. It was the ¡§civil society with the Chinese characteristic.¡¨

日本「對中經濟合作」之政經分析: 以有償日圓借款為例(1979-2005) / Japan's ODA Loans Policy toward mainland China, 1979-2005

龔祥生, Kung, Shan Son Unknown Date (has links)

陸生在台使用臉書與文化適應之研究 / A study of Mainland Students' Facebook Usage and Cultural Adaptation in Taiwan

徐宥嫺 Unknown Date (has links)
本研究共訪問二十位來台唸書的陸生,試圖透過深度訪談了解陸生在台灣所面臨的文化衝擊以及文化適應方法,以及臉書在陸生文化適應扮演的角色。從訪談與線上觀察了解陸生使用臉書表現,探究臉書對於陸生認識台灣與交友的影響,並歸納陸生使用臉書所採用的疑慮消除策略。 研究發現,多數陸生在台灣面臨的壓力為學業壓力、人際關係、意識型態與政策限制。由於受訪者多為碩博士學生,剛來台灣就感受到龐大的學業壓力,直接進入文化衝擊期。多數的文化衝擊,陸生都能透過自我調適或尋求人際管道、大眾媒體調整自我,融入台灣社會。另外,在使用臉書的疑慮消除策略上,多數陸生皆採取被動策略與互動策略。隨著在台時間越久,對台灣社會越熟悉,人際網絡越牢固,陸生使用臉書改採被動策略。由此可知,臉書對於陸生初進入跨文化社會時,提供一個方便觀察與認識台灣的管道。 / By conducting 20 in-depth interviews with Mainland students studying in Taiwan, this research aims to investigate the culture shock that Mainland students are confronted with and their cultural adaptation in Taiwan. Moreover, the role of “Face-book” in cross-cultural adaptation for Mainland students is also a subject of the study. Based on the interviews and online observation, this research seeks to understand the behavior of Mainland students’ using Facebook, and explore how Facebook affects Mainland students’ understanding of Taiwan and interpersonal relations with Taiwanese. Finally, the research attempts to conclude what uncertainty reduction strategies Mainland students adopt with their using Facebook. The research finds that Mainland students are most pressured by academics, interpersonal relations, ideology and policy restrictions for their study in Taiwan. The 17 interviewees are all graduate students, owing to which they experience“culture shock stage”with enormous academic stress in the early days of their living in Taiwan. Most culture shocks could be overcome and they integrate themselves into local society by self-adaptation, interpersonal communication and mass communication. Moreover, most Mainland students use passive and interactive strategies to reduce their uncertainty in Facebook using. The longer they stay in Taiwan, the deeper they understand local society and the stronger they stay in Taiwan, the deeper they understand local society and the stronger their friendship network grows, and then they turn to passive strategies in uncertainty reduction. Therefore, Facebook provides Mainland students with a channel of observing and understanding Taiwan on the initial stage of entering a new culture.

Fire, seasonally dry evergreen forest and conservation, Huai Kha Khaeng Wildlife Sanctuary, Thailand

Johnson, Laura Anne 21 July 2006 (has links)
In recent years landscape-scale fires have occurred in mainland Southeast Asia, including important protected areas (PAs). There has been increasing concern that landscape-scale fires are degrading the seasonally dry evergreen forest (SEF) element of the forest mosaic to more open deciduous forest and savanna, with serious implications for biodiversity conservation. Present management approaches, including fire suppression and prescribed burning, have not been effective managing for landscape-scale fire. Research was undertaken to investigate the occurrence, cause, effect, frequency and predictability of fire in SEF. SEF has the greatest species biodiversity in the forest mosaic and is potentially the most affected by fire, yet little research has been done on fire in SEF in mainland Southeast Asia. Huai Kha Khaeng (HKK) Wildlife Sanctuary in Thailand was selected as the study area. The objectives included: 1) investigate the area of SEF burned in HKK from 1988 to 2002; 2) investigate the conditions for fire in SEF; 3) determine whether the area of SEF in HKK declined as a result of fire; 4) determine the frequency of fire season years between 1984 and 2001 with the conditions for fire spread in SEF; and 5) determine whether there is a significant relationship between pre-fire season drought codes (Keetch-Byram Drought Index (KBDI) and Canadian Drought Code (DC)) and identified SEF fire season years for 1981 to 2003. Methods included: development of a Landsat fire history with associated interviews and reconnaissance field checks; fieldwork lighting test fires and measuring fuel characteristics; remote sensing change detection work using Landsat imagery; generation of a twenty-one year daily relative humidity minimum record for SEF; and logistic regression of the pre-fire season drought code values with identified SEF ‘fire’ and ‘non-fire’ years. Results showed: 1. Extensive areas of SEF have burned, but that Landsat imagery was not suitable for detecting fire in intact SEF. 2. SEF burned in years when there were fires burning adjacent to SEF in mid March and the moisture content of the SEF leaf litter fuel was less than 15%. 3. Fifteen percent of SEF in HKK has been either degraded or converted to deciduous forest forms in 12 years. 4. Conditions for fire spread in SEF occurred four times in 17 consecutive years. 5. A significant relationship exists between both the Keetch-Byram Drought Code (KBDI) and Canadian Drought Code (DC) and the SEF fire years. Implications are that large-scale fires have adversely affected intact SEF in HKK, and that the current damaging situation can be expected to continue. Whereas the extent of burning in intact SEF is not known, the need to manage the situation is immediate. Landscape-scale fires in HKK can be managed by using January 31st drought code values to predict potential large-scale fire years, followed by an aggressive fire suppression campaign in those years. In other years, fires can be allowed to burn without serious threat to the forest mosaic, and should to some extent be encouraged to maintain open deciduous forests and savanna. Additional research is required to determine whether a similar approach can be used for protected areas in other parts of the region.


陳建成 Unknown Date (has links)
自開放探親以來,兩岸交流日趨熱絡,截至民國九十四年底陸續來台團聚及申請居留、定居的大陸配偶已逾廿三萬人,成為新興移入人口的主流。「兩岸婚配」的盟合大多係由台灣男性主動認識大陸女子、或經由親友介紹、及婚姻仲介等方式而結婚,大陸配偶透過「跨海婚姻」的歷程來到台灣,在陌生的社會民情與生疏的家庭環境中試圖展開新生活,她們無不努力地學習並詮釋新的角色;然因兩岸的社經環境、風俗習慣,人民的成長背景及價值觀念等文化之差異與隔閡,建立自己的同儕生活上有所困難,加上在台灣取得社會資源的不易,使其與台灣社會網絡互動貧乏,只能依賴婚姻的狀況下更顯得被孤立,而成為社會的弱勢族群,且因人數眾多已形成嚴重的社會問題。 由於大陸配偶來台者日眾,在相關的社會新聞中,造成台灣民眾常抱持著偏執與異樣眼光看待她們,總將其視為外來者或麻煩製造者而產生了許多誤解,使她們在異鄉的生活適應上備感艱辛,諸如她們漂洋過海的婚姻動機為何?來台後對於兩岸的生活習慣與價值觀念之差異要如何適應?又將如何與台灣的社會相連結?對於國家與社群的認同為何?微視她們真正的心聲是值得我們作抽絲剝繭的探究。本文針對中國移民女性來台的社會適應問題進行研究,讓現實生活中的大陸配偶自己發聲,筆者實地去瞭解她們的生活底層,聆聽她們的心聲、感受與生活經驗,試從其自身的敘述中來勾勒出她們的「台灣經驗」,而非新聞媒體上所建構與杜撰的故事,或是三姑六婆們街頭巷尾的竊竊私語。 / Ever since Taiwan and PRC opened door for citizens to visit their relatives across Taiwan Straits, cross-border interactions from both sides are becoming more frequent. According to statistical data released by Taiwan government, more than 230 thousand PRC immigration requests to Taiwan have been granted by the end of 2005. In consequence, PRC residents are becoming the mainstream in Taiwan immigration population. Typically, cross-border marriage took place through matchmakers or relatives’ introduction or Taiwanese males actively create opportunities to know PRC female. Thereby female is the dominant gentile in PRC immigrant population. Due to different value systems, and vast cultural gap, it is not easy for PRC spouses to quickly adapt to the new environment and families. In addition, for lack of proper access to Taiwan social networks, PRC immigrants are usually isolated and speechless. And the issues become more severe as PRC immigrants increases in Taiwan. From time to time, social incidents caused by PRC immigrants are mistakenly reported or even exaggerated by public media that lead to biased misunderstanding from Taiwanese pollution. And there’s virtually no chance for PRC spouses to speak up. In this paper, we will focus primarily on the following issues: what are the motivations of PRC spouses to come to Taiwan, how they adapt themselves to make up the cultural gap and the new value system, as well as how can they link up with Taiwan societies. Rather than referencing to media reports that could possibly be distorted, we chose to collect first hand experiences by face to face interviews with PRC spouses. Let’s listen to their genuine voice about their “Taiwan experiences”.

角色壓力與自我效能關係之研究─以陸委會所屬相關部會公務人員為例 / Research on the role strain and self-efficacy relations – A case study of the public servants of Mainland Affairs Council

黃淑鈴, Huang, Shu Ling Unknown Date (has links)
擺盪在兩岸間博弈賽局的「壓力球」;壓力為兩岸關係潛在危機因子,透過菁英集體腦力激盪,突破台共勢不兩立界線;兩岸關係從軍事恫嚇武戰、拉攏外交擺盪至今,為利搭橋簽訂ECFA圖在世界舞台經濟發球權。 值此,文官躍上國際舞台創兩岸關係新紀元;我國陸委會為兩岸對話窗口,行政院動員所屬部會展開跨域治理架構。國家經貿外交希冀公務員拉抬國際高度與總體經濟廣度,謀國家利益榫接國際市場。 政府引進新公共服務與新公共管理理論雙軌運行,行組織再造之勢,這攸關國家競爭力,考驗公務員角色如何從儀式主義(ritualism)變身為管理者及資源分配者角色,更須背負活化組織、創新發展之責。本研究關心公務員角色在面臨國家利益、組織期待與家庭經營等三方壓力,個體如何管理壓力?又如何擁有足夠的「能力」去「抗壓」、「解壓」甚至是「化壓」?。 本研究藉由個案組織為例,旨揭為組織進化並研究組織吸納壓力變相間關係。組織潛規則經由層級節制建置制度,正向組織效能為軟知識以溝通、休閒為工具,以調和壓力與增強自我效能。意識形態之建置,從老莊思想「圖難為大」啟迪我們立志、勵志;莊子逍遙遊則說「且夫水之積也不厚,則其負大舟也無力;風之積也不厚,則其負大翼也無力。」水不深難以乘舟,壓力是助力激發潛能,效能排除阻力以乘風、大鵬展翅;研究建議組織應樹立價值觀為管理基礎,警鐘式策動公務員滋養自我效能建立遠大目標,須知千里之行始於足下。

Predicting the spatial distribution of stoats, ship rats and weasels in a beech forest setting using GIS

Lough, Hamish January 2006 (has links)
Using trap data the Hawdon, Poulter and South Branch valleys, a spatial distribution model was created for Stoats (Mustela erminea), Ship Rats (Rattus rattus) and Weasels (Mustela nivalis) in the North Branch of the Hurunui River. Ten spatial attributes were analysed in this thesis as potential spatial predictors of Stoats, Ship rats or Weasels; four of which were distance related measurements (distance from ecotonal edge, distance from river, distance from river tributary and distance from trapping edge); three were climate based variables (mean maximum temperature, mean minimum temperature and mean precipitation) and three were topographical based variables (elevation, aspect and slope). Relationships that existed between each spatial attribute and the number of Stoats, Ship Rats and Weasels caught were quantified by comparing the significance of the mean trapping rate with each spatial attribute and expressed spatially as maps in a Geographical Information System (GIS). Results from this thesis found elevation, aspect and distance from ecotonal edge as potential spatial predictors of Stoat populations. Elevation and aspect were found to be potential predictors of Ship rat and Weasel populations. GIS is able to predict the spatial distribution of pest species to a similar (or better) level compared to more formal associative models. The potential of GIS is however, restrained by the same limitations associated with these models. By using a larger trapping data set and identifying a number of social interactions between Stoats, Ship Rats and Weasels, one can improve the accuracy of spatially modelling each species within a Beech forest environment. Therefore, improve our understanding how landscapes influence the distribution of each pest species.

Les transports maritimes et aériens de la Corse : la continuité territoriale / Corsica's shipping and air transports : territorial continuity

Benso, Gérard 07 December 2016 (has links)
La Corse est la plus septentrionale des grandes îles de Méditerranée Occidentale, elle est la plus petite (3680 km2) et la moins peuplée.(330 000 habitants). Plus proche des côtes italiennes, elle fait néanmoins partie intégrante de la France où une forte diaspora est installée et génère des échanges serrés. Depuis l’Antiquité, la Corse a toujours eu des relations commerciales avec le continent, d’abord avec la péninsule italienne puis, depuis l’annexion de 1768, avec la France continentale. Deux révolutions technologiques favorisèrent un fort accroissement des échanges : l’arrivée des navires à vapeur en 1830 et celle de l’avion au vingtième siècle. Les évolutions se poursuivent toujours pour réduire la durée des vols et des traversées et augmenter la capacité de transport. La Collectivité Territoriale de Corse a la maîtrise des transports et conclut des délégations de service public avec les compagnies maritimes et aériennes ; tandis que l’État s’est retiré, l’Union Européenne intervient davantage pour imposer la libre concurrence. Les infrastructures ont dû s’adapter à l’évolution des flottes mais elles sont toujours déterminées par le relief cloisonné de l’île qui a l’originalité de disposer de sept ports et quatre aéroports afin de mieux desservir les territoires. Le trafic des marchandises est modeste et déséquilibré, les entrées étant très supérieures aux sorties ; celui des passagers a été décuplé en soixante ans, sa répartition est très inégale dans l’année et entre les ports et aéroports. ; la part de l’avion se rapproche de celle du bateau. Les touristes sont majoritaires chez les passagers mais sont beaucoup moins nombreux que ceux des îles concurrentes. Les tarifs ont été nettement réduits pour les résidents mais restent élevés pour les autres usagers, ce problème devra être résolu pour améliorer la continuité territoriale. / Corsica is the northernmost of the big western Mediterranean islands, as well as the smallest (3680 km2) and the less populated (330 000 inhabitants). Even if Corsica is nearer from Italian coasts than French ones, it takes part fully of French mainland where a significant diaspora lives and creates tight trades.Since Antiquity, Corsica had business relations with the mainland. It started with Italian peninsula, and went on with mainland France after its annexation in 1768.Two main technological revolutions promoted a huge increase in the trade relations: the emergence of steamboats in 1830 followed by the plane in the 20th century.Technological improvements are still continuing to reduce time of flights and sea crossings, increasing thus transport capacity.Territorial collectivity of Corsica is in charge of transports and delegates public services to the airlines and shipping companies. While French state progressively withdraws, European Union is more and more involved to impose free market.Even if infrastructures evolved with the fleet changings, they are still determined by the compartmentalized relief of the island which led to the construction of seven ports and four airports in order to serve better the different territories.Goods’ traffic is of modest size and unbalanced (entries rather higher than exits), whereas passengers’ one has increased tenfold in sixty years. For this last one, an inequality of distribution along the year is observed (seasonal variations), as well as between ports and airports. Progressively the plane’s part gets closer to the boat’s one. Passengers are mainly tourists that remain less numerous than those of the competing islands.Fares have been reduced significantly for Corsican residents, but still remain high for the other passengers. This problem will have to be solved to improve territorial continuity.


GUO TIANWEI 27 April 2018 (has links)
[pt] O presente trabalho estuda, à luz do conceito de interculturalismo, da sociologia linguística interacional, bem como das filosofias confucianas, como é realizado o ato de fala de recusa no português do Brasil e no mandarim da China Continental. De modo geral, o ato de recusa pode representar descortesia e falta de interesse do falante; pode ainda causar desentendimento entre os interlocutores, sobretudo quando são de países de culturas diferentes. Entretanto, tanto no português quanto no mandarim, existem vários fatores e estratégias envolvidas na enunciação de tal ato, além de semelhanças e diferenças presentes nesses recursos. O corpus utilizado nesta pesquisa é construído pelas cenas selecionadas de dois programas televisivos: A Grande Família (2001-2011, Rio de Janeiro/Brasil) e Mamãe Tigre Papai Gato (2015, Beijing/China). Através desses dados, apresentamos as principais estratégias de recusa presentes nas duas línguas, bem como os fatores interculturais que interferem na escolha de tais estratégias. / [en] The purpose of this research is to investigate how the speech act of refusing is realized in Brazilian Portuguese and in Mandarin of Mainland China from the perspectives of the concept of interculturalism, linguistic sociology and some Confucian thoughts. In general, refusals present discourtesy and lack of interest on the part of the speaker; this speech act can even cause misunderstandings between people, especially when they come from different culture origins. Nevertheless, several factors and strategies can be identified in refusal speech act in both Portuguese and Mandarin, besides some similarities and differences, which can be verified in those strategies. The corpus used in this study is formed of analysis of scenes collected from two television programs: The Big Family/A Grande Família (2001-2011, Rio de Janeiro/Brazil) and Tiger Mother Cat Father(2015, Beijing/China). By observing these data, we present the main strategies of refusing identified in the two languages, as well as the intercultural factors which interfere in the selection of these strategies.

以有效統治論南海島嶼主權爭端—以黃岩島為例 / A Study upon Effective Control over Island Sovereignty Disputes in the South China Sea–the Case of Huangyen Island

陳孝晟, Chen, Hsiao-Cheng Unknown Date (has links)
南海諸島不僅擁有豐富的資源,更處於重要的戰略位置,目前共有六個主要 聲索國主張對南海諸島擁有領土主權,分別是中華民國、中國大陸、菲律賓、越 南、馬來西亞與汶萊,美國雖然不是聲索國,但基於維護其在南海的重要利益, 所以也涉入南海的紛爭,這使得南海的局勢更加複雜。 我國、中國大陸與菲律賓皆主張對南海諸島中的黃岩島享有主權,2012 年中 國大陸與菲律賓之間爆發了黃岩島事件,更使南海的緊張情勢升至最高,於是菲 律賓便訴諸於國際仲裁法庭,仲裁庭並未就主權的歸屬作出判決,而是對《聯合 國海洋法公約》的解釋問題作出裁判,但南海諸島的主權爭奪仍就方興未艾。 有關領土主權的取得,1928 年帕瑪斯島案的仲裁法官指出「持續與和平展示 領土主權幾乎就等於主權本身」,而這便是「有效統治」的核心,本文因此挑選 四個與有效統治高度相關的國際司法機構判決來作分析,並參酌相關國際法的原 則與發展,以歸納出「有效統治」的構成要件、衡量指標與法律效果,並利用這 個歸納結果來對我國、中國大陸與菲律賓在黃岩島領土主權的爭端進行分析,判 斷結果雖是我國擁有黃岩島的領土主權,但由於我國目前沒有實質控制該島礁, 因此本文也試著提出具體建議來強化我國的主張。 / The islands of the South China Sea (SCS) not only have an abundance of resources, but also are strategically located. There are six major countries that claim territorial sovereignty over the islands, including the R.O.C. (Taiwan), Mainland China, the Philippines, Vietnam, Malaysia and Brunei. Although the U.S.A. is not one of the claimants, it is still involved in the SCS dispute because of its important interests in that region. Thus, the situation in the SCS has become more complicated. Taiwan, Mainland China, and the Philippines all claim to have sovereignty over Huangyen Island in the SCS. The “Huangyen Island Incident” between Mainland China and the Philippines broke out in 2012, bringing tensions in SCS to a height. The Philippines thus resorted to the international Arbitral Tribunal. The tribunal didn’t make a ruling on sovereignty, but it made a ruling regarding the explanatory question of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. However, the tit-for-tat over the sovereignty of the SCS islands continues. Regarding the acquisition of territorial sovereignty, the arbitrator of the 1928 Palmas case indicated that, “the continuous and peaceful display of territorial sovereignty is as good as a title.” This is the exact the core of effectivités. To conclude the components, indicators and the legal effect of the effectivités, the thesis thus considered related principals and development of international law, and selected four rulings of international judicial bodies to analyze, as these four ruling are highly-relevant to effectivités. Furthermore, based on the results of the above analysis, this thesis also analyzes the territorial sovereignty dispute over Huangyen Island among Taiwan, Mainland China, and the Philippines. The analysis concludes that Taiwan has the territorial sovereignty over Huangyen Island. Given the fact that Taiwan doesn't substantially control it, the thesis also tries to come up with advice to strengthen Taiwan’s claim.

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