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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Procesos de integración y exclusión social juvenil en las periferias de Barcelona y Milán

Cano Hila, Ana Belén 15 November 2011 (has links)
La presente investigación analiza la influencia del territorio (el barrio) sobre la configuración y desarrollo de los trayectos juveniles -especialmente en las dimensiones formativas, laborales y de ocio-, al mismo tiempo que tiene en cuenta la ciudad y el impacto de las instituciones sociales ubicadas en el barrio. La pregunta de investigación entorno a la cual gira el presente trabajo es si vivir en un barrio desfavorecido influye en el desarrollo personal, laboral y social de los jóvenes (de entre 16 y 24 años) que residen en él; así como la forma en qué influye, y a través de qué mecanismos lo hace. Dicho de otro modo, pretendemos estudiar si el tipo de barrio en el que los jóvenes crecen, está relacionado con que los jóvenes residentes desarrollen trayectorias vitales vulnerables a la exclusión social. Con la intención de comprender el efecto barrio y qué relación mantiene con la vulnerabilidad a la exclusión social juvenil, definimos tres objetivos fundamentales: el primer objetivo supone analizar la influencia del barrio en las condiciones y la calidad de vida de sus residentes, especialmente entre los jóvenes. El segundo objetivo pretende explicar los mecanismos a través de los que operan la influencia que ejercen las instituciones y sus actores (educadores, trabajadores sociales) en la configuración los trayectos juveniles. Y el tercer objetivo es identificar puntos fuertes y débiles de las actuaciones institucionales dirigidas a los jóvenes en estos barrios. Para abordar estos objetivos, hemos desarrollado una metodología variada, la cual combina el análisis cuantitativo –mediante el uso de datos censales y del padrón municipal -, el análisis cualitativo –a partir de la recogida de información (sentimientos, percepciones…) a través de instrumentos cualitativos como de la entrevista semi-estructurada temática y oral, la entrevista estructurada temática y escrita –y, el análisis comparativo entre ciudades (Barcelona y Milán), barrios (Trinitat Nova, Ciutat Meridiana, Comasina y Sant’Ambrogio) y jóvenes. Entre las conclusiones del estudio se destaca: en primer lugar, la heterogeneidad del colectivo joven y la diversidad de trayectos juveniles que éstos desarrollan en cada uno de los cuatro barrios. En segundo lugar, la evidencia de que el efecto barrio en Trinitat Nova, Ciutat Meridiana, Comasina y Sant’Ambrogio no es homogéneo ni determinante para los trayectos vitales de los jóvenes. Sino que éste presenta intensidades y formas diferentes de influencia, en función de las estrategias e interacciones que los jóvenes establecen con las instituciones (en especial, en el ámbito de la educación y uso del tiempo libre). Y en tercer lugar, la vulnerabilidad social que experimentan algunos jóvenes en estos barrios no está tan vinculada al barrio en el que viven, sino a las interacciones que se establecen entre instituciones y jóvenes, y las experiencias derivadas de dicha interacción. Entre el conjunto de experiencias, tienen un peso muy importante en la configuración de los trayectos juveniles las vivencias en el ámbito de la instrucción y del uso del tiempo libre. Éstas impactan significativamente en la autoestima de los jóvenes y en sus expectativas de futuro. / Aquesta investigació analitza la influència del territori (el barri) sobre la configuració i desenvolupament dels trajectes juvenils- especialment en les dimensions formatives, laborals i d'oci-, alhora que té en compte la ciutat i l'impacte de les institucions socials ubicades al barri. La pregunta d’investigació entorn de la qual gira el present treball és si viure en un barri desfavorit influeix en el desenvolupament personal, laboral i social dels joves¡ (d'entre 16 i 24 anys) que hi resideixen, així com la forma en què influeix, i a través de quins mecanismes ho fa. Dit d’una altra manera, pretenem estudiar si el tipus de barri en què els joves creixen, està relacionat amb què els joves residents desenvolupin trajectòries vitals vulnerables a l'exclusió social. Amb la intenció de comprendre l'efecte barri i quina relació manté amb la vulnerabilitat a l'exclusió social juvenil, definim tres objectius fonamentals: el primer objectiu suposa analitzar la influència del barri en les condicions i la qualitat de vida dels seus residents, especialment entre els joves. El segon objectiu pretén explicar els mecanismes a través dels que operen la influència que exerceixen les institucions i els seus actors (educadors, treballadors socials) en la configuració dels trajectes juvenils. I el tercer objectiu és identificar punts forts i febles de les actuacions institucionals adreçades als joves en aquests barris. Per abordar aquests objectius, hem desenvolupat una metodologia variada, la qual combina l'anàlisi quantitatiu- mitjançant l'ús de dades censals i del padró municipal-, l'anàlisi qualitatiu- a partir del qual s’ha recollit informació com ara sentiments, percepcions..., mitjançant instruments qualitatius com l'entrevista semi-estructurada temàtica i oral, l'entrevista estructurada temàtica i escrita- i, l'anàlisi comparatiu entre ciutats (Barcelona i Milà), barris (Trinitat Nova, Ciutat Meridiana, Comasina i Sant'Ambrogio) i joves. Les conclusions més rellevants d’aquest estudi són: en primer lloc, l'heterogeneïtat del col•lectiu jove i la diversitat de trajectes juvenils que aquests desenvolupen en cada un dels quatre barris. En segon lloc, l'evidència que l'efecte barri a Trinitat Nova, Ciutat Meridiana, Comasina i Sant'Ambrogio no és homogeni ni determinant per als trajectes vitals dels joves. Sinó que aquest presenta intensitats i formes diferents d'influència, en funció de les estratègies i interaccions que els joves estableixen amb les institucions (en especial, amb les institucions de l'àmbit de l'educació en el lleure). I en tercer lloc, la vulnerabilitat social que experimenten alguns joves en aquests barris no està tan vinculada al barri on viuen, sinó a les interaccions que s'estableixen entre institucions i joves, i les experiències derivades d'aquesta interacció. Entre el conjunt d'experiències, tenen un pes molt important en la configuració dels trajectes juvenils les vivències en l'àmbit de la instrucció i de l'ús del temps lliure. Aquestes impacten significativament en l'autoestima dels joves i en les seves expectatives de futur. / This investigation analyses the influence of the territory (the neighbourhood) on the configuration and development of youth trajectories – especially regarding education, work and leisure time-, while taking into consideration the city and the impact of social institutions located in the neighbourhood. Our central research questions are: Does living in a deprived neighbourhood have an impact on the careers, and personal and social development of young people (16 to 24 years old)? How is that influence? Which are the mechanisms at work? In other words, we aim to study if the neighbourhood where young people grow up is related to the development of life trajectories vulnerable to social exclusion. Aiming to understand the neighbourhood effect and the type of relation with vulnerability to social exclusion, three main objectives were defined: First, to analyse the influence of the neighbourhood regarding living conditions and quality of life of the residents, especially young people. Second, to explain the mechanisms used by institutions and their actors (educators, social workers) to impact on the configuration of youth trajectories. And third, to identify weaknesses and strengths of institutional actions designed for young people in these neighbourhoods. To tackle our objectives, we have developed a comprehensive methodology, combining quantitative analysis –combining census data and the municipal registry of inhabitants-, qualitative analysis –gathering information (feelings, perceptions…) through qualitative tools such as thematic semi-structured oral interviews, and thematic structured written interviews- and, comparative analysis between cities (Barcelona and Milan), neighbourhoods (Trinitat Nova, Ciutat Meridiana, Comasina y Sant’Ambrogio), and young people. The conclusions of our research highlight, firstly, the heterogeneity of young people and the diversity of youth trajectories developed in each neighbourhood. Secondly, it became evident that the neighbourhood effect in the sample neighbourhoods is neither homogeneous, nor determinant for youth life paths. In contrast, there are different degrees and types of impact, depending on the strategies and interactions young people establish with the institutions (especially with regard to education and use of leisure time). And, thirdly, social vulnerability experienced by some youth in the sample neighbourhoods is not strictly related to the neighbourhood where they live but, instead, to the interactions established between institutions and young people, and the experiences based on such interaction. Among these experiences, the ones related to education and use of leisure time, play a key role in the configuration of youth trajectories, having a significant impact on the self-esteem and future expectations of young people.

Averting the crisis - or avoiding the compromise?: a regulation approach to social inclusion policies and practices in the Australian context.

Averis, Roslyn Ann January 2008 (has links)
The South Australian Rann Labor government elected in 2002 became the first in the nation to address ‘social exclusion’ through the implementation of a Social Inclusion Initiative. The increasingly popular term ‘social exclusion’ was first used overseas in the early 1970s to describe serious symptoms of socio-economic disadvantage linked with global economic restructuring. Taking the South Australian policy initiative as a point of departure, this thesis provides a multi-layered analysis of social exclusion discourses and policy approaches, exploring their significance in the context of Australia’s shifting welfare state terrain. In so doing, the thesis seeks to break new ground both at general theory and specific case study levels by utilising a regulation approach (RA) to test the research hypothesis that ‘social inclusion’ policies are reflective of a transitional neoliberal (or, in some instances, Third Way) mode of social regulation which is inadequate to arrest rising socio-economic inequality linked to the collapse of the post-war ‘Fordist-Keynesian’ consensus. The cross-disciplinary regulation approach is a method of inquiry used to analyse spatially and temporally specific shifts in phases of capitalist accumulation and the different policy and institutional arrangements that support accumulation in each phase. The complex and interrelated institutional shifts at the Australian national level are critical to understanding the origins and impact of ‘social inclusion’ policies. Hence the adoption of this type of policy approach at the South Australian state level is considered in a broader national political economic context where the phenomenon of social exclusion is located within national welfare to work reforms. By applying a regulationist lens to examine the global concept of social exclusion in a local and broader national setting, the thesis offers empirical evidence to one of the ‘missing links’ in the ‘post-Fordist’ literature. That is, it contributes to the debate about whether nascent neoliberal or Third Way modes of social regulation have potential to stabilise capitalism’s inherent crisis tendencies, or whether they merely extend a period of institutional searching. The thesis concludes that the South Australian Social Inclusion Initiative in various ways appears to be not only partial and inadequate in its own terms, but fundamentally in conflict with the South Australian government’s broader policy objectives. In short, it shows that the Initiative has inadequate capacity to address the impact of global structural changes that have caused the polarisation of wealth and increasing poverty. Furthermore, it is argued that this approach attempts to suppress class dissent by silencing potential critics, and fails to intersect with or compensate for national level policies which have served to depress wages and simultaneously reduce the welfare safety net. It is concluded from these findings that these policies do not have the capacity to contribute to an equitable or sustainable new mode of social regulation. The thesis argues that a more comprehensive approach to ‘social inclusion’ is required in the post-Keynesian era and proposes further research to this end. / http://proxy.library.adelaide.edu.au/login?url= http://library.adelaide.edu.au/cgi-bin/Pwebrecon.cgi?BBID=1348509 / Thesis (Ph.D.) - University of Adelaide, School of Social Sciences, 2008

Le cinéma turc contemporain à travers les représentations de l'autre et de la différence (1990-2010) / Contemporary turkish cinema through the representation of the other and the difference (1990-2010)

Erbek, Özge 28 March 2013 (has links)
La différence et l'altérité reliant les questions de la représentation, de l'identité et de l'idéologie, constituent des concepts opératoires pour une appréhension créative d'un cinéma national en évolution. Située à la croisée des études culturelles et cinématographiques, l'étude se concentre sur le cinéma turc contemporain déterminé de plus en plus par l'affranchissement des seuils de visibilité et de légitimité des sujets marginaux et minoritaires avec de nouveaux thèmes et formes de récit. L'élargissement de l'horizon défini par les conditions de possibilité du secteur, et les changements survenus dans le contexte socio-culturel expliquent en partie cette ouverture et la diversité des visions contenues. L'analyse des films répartis en fonction des figures de l'autre et des problèmes qu'elles soulèvent, révélant les mouvements de repli ainsi que les capacités d'innovation des œuvres filmiques, témoigne moins d'un renouveau du cinéma turc que d'une intensification de la lutte au sein du dispositif dominant. Tandis que les nouvelles stratégies de représentations se développent parallèlement aux changements des modes de contrôle, le renouvellement des images implique l'instauration des nouvelles frontières de visibilité et normes d'accessibilité. Le traitement de la question de l'Autre permet de distinguer trois modes particuliers non exclusifs, représentant les tendances principales au sein du cinéma turc : mode nostalgique, mode critique et mode réflexif. / The difference and the otherness constitute the operative concepts for understanding the creative development in national cinema. This study, intersecting cultural studies and cinematographies, concentrates on the contemporary Turkish cinema determined more and more by the liberation of the thresholds of visibility. The enlargement of the horizon defined by the conditions of erratic possibilities and materials in the film industry and the changes in the socio-cultural context explain partly the widening of the cinematographic space and the diversity of visions contained. The analysis of film texts are distributed according to the figures of the other and the problems they are raising, revealing the regressive movements as well as the capacity for innovation that emerge from the films, shows less a renaissance or revival of Turkish cinema than an intensification of the struggle within the dominant system. Developing new strategies in the field of representation goes hand in hand with the changes in the modes of control, and this synergy paves the way to the establishment of the new frontiers and new accessibility norms. The treatment of the question of the Other allows to distinguish three non-exclusive modes particularly, representing the main trends within the Turkish cinema : the nostalgic mode, the critical mode and the reflexive mode.

'Growing up tough': A national survey of South African youth

Everatt, David, Orkin, Mark 03 1900 (has links)
The Community Agency for Social Enquiry (CASE) was commissioned by the Joint Enrichment Project (JEP) to undertake research for the National Youth Development Conference. The research programme had three components:the compilation of a computerised and annotated youth database, comprising domestic research into youth, and the extraction of five policy papers covering the areas of education, employment-creation, AIDS, violence and social context, and historical context. an international comparative component, which focused on the youth brigades in Botswana, and the whole range of youth development initiatives taking place in Kenya and Uganda, covered in an additional two position papers. a national baseline and attitudinal survey into youth in South Africa. The results of all three components of the research project will be published in book form later this year. The summary reports of the local and international comparative policy papers are available in a separate booklet. This is the report of the national survey into youth in South Africa. Aims of the survey The survey has four main aims: demographic: to accurately describe how many youth are in the different parts of South Africa, how many are in or out of school or work, and so on. attitudinal: to allow youth to express their views on a range of social, economic, political and personal issues.to analyse youth marginalisation: to scientifically analyse and describe the marginalisation of youth within South African society. programmatic: to provide results which directly assist organisations designing programmes which target youth. Designing the survey The survey was designed by the CASE senior research team of Professor Mark Orkin, Director of C A S E; Dr David Everatt, Deputy Director of CASE and project co-ordinator; and Dr Ros Hirschowitz, Specialist Researcher at C A S E. The design process was lengthy and complex, because the aims of the survey were complicated. As a first step, CASE gathered together existing youth research and survey data, in order to see what we could learn from them. We then convened a design workshop to assist us. Participants in the C A S E national youth survey for JEP 1 workshop comprised people who had experience with youth, or with survey design. They included John Aitchison (CASE and the Centre for Adult Education, University of Natal), Debbie Budlender (CASE and the National Women's Coalition), Dr Jannie Hofmeyr (Research Surveys), Ms Vanessa Kruger and Professor Ari Sitas (University of Natal), Ms Anne Letsebe (SABSWA), Mr Steve Mokwena (JEP), Mr Rory Riordan (Human Rights Trust) and Dr Jeremy Seekings (University of Cape Town). We also needed input from the youth themselves. Discussion groups with youth (called 'focus groups') were held with youth from Alexandra and Soweto, from Ciskei and the eastern Cape, from Bophuthatswana and the northern transvaal, from Chatsworth and Claremont in Durban, and elsewhere. We reached youth from cities, squatter camps, towns and rural areas. The focus groups were organised by C A S E and Research Surveys, a professional market research company. The youth told us what their concerns were, what their aspirations and fears were, and what interventions they felt are necessary to improve their lives. CASE then designed a draft survey. We had to try it out (called 'piloting') to find out if the survey tapped the youth's actual views and experiences, and so give the JEP the information they sought. The survey was piloted on a representative sample of 100 youth (aged between 16 and 30) by Research Surveys. Using the results of the focus groups and the pilots, the CASE research team then produced the final questionnaire, which went into the field in November/December 1992.

City Margins and Exclusionary Space in Contemporary Egypt : An Urban Ethnography of a Syrian Refugee Community in a Remote Low-Income Cairo Neighborhood

Shalabi, Samir January 2017 (has links)
Drawing mainly on Lefebvre’s, Soja’s and Smith’s theorizations of space in order to understand the spatial dynamics of social inequality, this study investigates how a low-income Syrian refugee community negotiates its precarious location in a neighborhood on the periphery of one of Cairo’s desert ‘New Towns’. It also examines the way in which urban spatiality shapes the everyday lived reality of this particular community of Syrians. Through an ethnographic focus, I explore how Syrian people living in Cairo are marginalized through broader processes of neoliberal capitalist development which in turn give rise to socio-spatial disparities within cityspace. By developing the concept of socio-spatial exclusion imbued with defiant (hyper)locality, I argue that although these Syrian refugees lack access to transportation and other types of social services, they nevertheless manage to disrupt the spatial status-quo by devising creative solutions to problems concerning amenity availability in the neighborhood where they live. The investigation of these urban trajectories are guided by the notion that spatiality is at once a social product as well as a force in shaping social life. Research for this project draws on multiple sources, including conversations with neighborhood residents, interviews with NGOs and Cairo-based specialists on refugees and urban development, as well as ethnographic observation, an online questionnaire, satellite imagery and social media content.

"Východní Evropa" na mentální mapě anglicky píšícího cestovatele od 16. - 18. stol. / "Eastern Europe" in the Mental Map of an English Traveller from the 16th to the 18th Century

Radiměřská, Božena January 2015 (has links)
"Eastern Europe" in the Mental Map of an English Traveller from the 16th to the 18th Century Abstract The thesis aims to interpret the early modern English/British travel writings about (Central) Eastern Europe. It results in the reconstruction of mental maps of the selected travellers with regard to a typology (merchants, professionals, intellectuals, clergymen, and women). The special attention is paid to the images of marginality, such as inconvenience and danger, ignorance and backwardness, exaggeration and pomp, former splendour and present lamentation, pleasant and unpleasant landscape. The primary sources comprise a selection of fifteen travel writings which are read and interpreted with respect to the development of the genre and to the broader cultural and historical context. The covering concept is a mental map conceived as an imaginary representation of space and as a tool for cultural orientation and self-identification. The reconstruction of the mental maps is performed in four steps. Firstly, by defining the subject (a traveller) within the typology. Secondly, the landmarks (centres) in the mental maps are reconstructed. Thirdly, the images of marginality are presented. Finally, the mental maps are concluded. Methodologically, the thesis is based on the interpretation and language analysis of...

From proscription to prescription: marginality and postcolonial identities in Bessie Head's "A Question of Power"

Kalua, Fetson Anderson 11 1900 (has links)
In A Question of Power Bessie Head explores metaphysical forms of knowledge and systems of belief (against a background of what is verifiable and can be called the truth) and finds them necessary but flawed because they are illogical. The experience of madness in Bessie Head's main character, Elizabeth, (which is caused by a deep fear of domination and oppression), provides an opportunity for the character to raise propositions and questions of philosophy related to race, class, heterosexuality, God, to mention but a few, and to come to the conclusion that the 'truth' claims which are implied in and suggested by these notions do not obtain in real life. In other words, there is no stable, transcendental reality. It dawns on Elizabeth (the main character) that certain realms of knowledge which society has determined as objective truth will remain forever unknowable. Thus Elizabeth, the main character in a A Question of Power, identifies and challenges all patriarchal structures and power hierarchies in society, seeing them as the real causes of her suffering. After completing this process of deeonstruction, she is able to integrate herself into society. / English Studies / M. A. (English)

Contesting narratives : constructions of the self and the nation in Zimbabwe polical auto/ Biography

Javangwe, Tasiyana Dzikai 11 1900 (has links)
This study is an interpretive analysis of Zimbabwean political auto/biographical narratives in contexts of changing culture, race, ethnicity and gender identity images of the self and nation. I used eclectic theories of postcolonialism to explore the fractured nature of both the processes of identity construction and narration, and the contradictions inherent in identity categories of nation and self. The problem of using autobiographical memory to recall the momentous events that formed the contradictory identities of self and nation in the creative imagination of the lives of Ian Smith, Maurice Nyagumbo, Abel Muzorewa, Joshua Nkomo, Doris Lessing, Fay Chung, Judith Garfield Todd, Tendai Westerhof and Lutanga Shaba have been highlighted. The study concluded that there are narrative and ideological disjunctures between experiencing life and narrating those experiences to create approximations of coherent identities of individual selves and those of the nation. The study argued that each of the stories analyzed in this study contributed a version of the multiple Zimbabwean narratives that no one story could ever tell without being contested by others. Thus the study explores how white Rhodesian auto/biographies depend on the imperial repertoire to construct varying, even contradicting, images of white identities and the Rhodesian nation, which are also contested by black nationalist life narratives. The narratives by women writers, both white and black, introduced further instabilities to the male authored narratives by moving beyond the conventional understanding of what is ‘political’ in political auto/biographies. The HIV and AIDS narratives by black women thrust into the public sphere personalized versions of self so that the political consequence of their inclusion was not only to image Zimbabwe as a diseased society, but one desperately in need of political solutions to confront the different pathologies inherited from colonialism and which also have continued in the post-independence period. / English Studies / (D. Litt. et Phil. (English))

Travessias solitárias: um estudo sobre as personagens de João Antônio e Caio Fernando Abreu / Lonely crossings: a study of the characters of João Antônio and Caio Fernando Abreu

Flavia Merighi Valenciano 08 October 2010 (has links)
Os projetos literários de João Antônio e Caio Fernando Abreu complementam-se ao representarem, de diferentes maneiras, o indivíduo marginalizado nas grandes cidades, problematizando o contexto histórico e social de produção dos textos e priorizando o trabalho com a linguagem e a criação ficcional. Para uma melhor compreensão das obras desses dois escritores brasileiros, realizamos um estudo comparativo entre suas personagens, bem como uma reflexão sobre alguns de seus contos. Inicialmente, foram analisados dois textos que possuem como tema central a postura diante da escrita. São eles: o ensaio Corpo-a-corpo com a vida (1975), de João Antônio, e a Carta ao Zézim (1979), enviada por Caio Fernando Abreu a José Márcio Penido. Em seguida, o primeiro capítulo apresenta um estudo comparativo dos contos Galeria Alaska, de João Antônio, e Caçada, de Caio Fernando Abreu, narrativas que tratam de questões relacionadas ao homoerotismo. O segundo capítulo realiza uma comparação entre dois contos protagonizados por personagens femininas marginalizadas: Mariazinha tiro a esmo e Dama da noite, respectivamente de João Antônio e Caio Fernando Abreu. Por último, seguindo a mesma ordem de autoria, o terceiro capítulo analisa os contos Três cunhadas Natal 1960 e Creme de alface, os quais discutem a inserção social da classe média. / The literary projects of João Antônio and Caio Fernando Abreu complement each other, once they represent, in different ways, the outcast in big cities, bringing up for discussion the historical and social context of the texts and prioritizing their work with lanquage and ficcional creation. For a better comprehension of the works of these two Brazilian writers, a comparative study among their characters was conducted along with a reflection on some of their stories. At first, two texts were analysed in their central theme, which focuses on the posture before the act of writing: the essay Corpo-a-corpo com a vida (1975), by João Antônio, and Carta ao Zézim (1979), sent by Caio Fernando Abreu to José Márcio Penido. Next, the first chapter shows a comparative study between Galeria Alaska, by João Antônio, and Caçada, by Caio Fernando Abreu, narratives about questions related to the homoeroticism. The second chapter draws a comparison between two stories which has marginalized female characters as protagonists: Mariazinha tiro a esmo and Dama da noite, by João Antônio and Caio Fernando Abreu, respectively. Finally, following the same order of authorship, the third chapter is about Três cunhadas Natal 1960 and Creme de alface, which discuss the social insertion of middle class.

Pacto em Capão pecado: das margens para o centro do texto, do texto para o interior do homem / Pact in Capão Pecado: the margins to the center of the text, the text inside the man

Luciana Araujo Marques 10 March 2011 (has links)
O estudo analisa o romance Capão pecado, de Ferréz, publicado originalmente em 2000. A obra foi noticiada em um grande jornal do país antes mesmo de ser publicada e ganhou grande repercussão pelo fato de ter sido escrita por um jovem morador desempregado da periferia da zona sul paulistana, região marcada por altos índices de violência, entre outras mazelas sociais, onde a literatura nunca houvera sido um meio de expressão familiar. O discurso do autor, imbuído de uma missão de representar vivências até então excluídas da cena literária, e do processo simbólico de maneira geral, a partir de um ponto de vista interno, parece imporse como mediação de seu texto, estabelecendo com o leitor o que chamo de pacto de verossimilhança, marcado pelo teor testemunhal como componente. O reconhecimento do extra-literário como fator determinante e intrínseco à fruição estética do objeto analisado, no entanto, não diminui o caráter decisivo de sua elaboração ficcional, como se procurará mostrar. / This study analyzes the novel Capão pecado, by Ferréz, originally published in 2000. The book was reported on in a national newspaper even before publication and gained widespread attention because it was written by a young, unemployed resident of the poor areas in the south of the city of São Paulo, a region marked by high rates of violent crime and other social dysfunctions, a place where literature had never been a common form of expression. Inspired by a mission to show experiences that had, up to that point, been excluded from the literary scene and from the symbolic process in general, the author used an internal point-of-view that seems to function as a mediation on his own writing, creating a so-called agreement of verisimilitude. An important component of this project is the desire to bear witness. As will be demonstrated, however, the author\'s recognition that extra-literary factors are fundamental and intrinsic to the aesthetic elaboration of the object he is analyzing does not, however, diminish the decisive character of his fictional work.

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