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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mourir en situation d’itinérance au Québec : une étude exploratoire

Marchand, Marie-Hélène 01 1900 (has links)
Cette étude exploratoire met en lumière l’expérience de fin de vie des personnes en situation d’itinérance vivant au Québec. Ces personnes sont surexposées à la maladie, à la souffrance et à la mort. Elles meurent de manière précoce, seules et mal soulagées. Malgré l’existence au Québec d’une Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie, visant la protection du bien-être des ma-lades en phase palliative, nous notons que les personnes en situation d’itinérance vivent leurs derniers moments le plus souvent loin des ressources en soins palliatifs. Les intervenants communautaires semblent jouer un rôle central dans l’accompagnement en fin de vie des per-sonnes en situation d’itinérance. Ce rôle majeur n’est ni reconnu, ni soutenu complexifiant da-vantage la capacité à donner des soins à cette population. La théorie de la reconnaissance de Axel Honneth nous permet de mieux saisir les situations de non-reconnaissance à la fois indivi-duelle, sociale, institutionnelle et politique qui caractérisent la vie et la fin de vie des personnes en situation d’itinérance. L’invisibilisation vécue par ces personnes se répercute jusque dans le mourir. Elle remet également en question la réelle portée de la Loi concernant les soins de fin de vie et elle plaide en faveur de l’urgence de mettre en place des soins palliatifs plus inclusifs afin de soulager les personnes parmi les plus souffrantes de notre société. / This exploratory study sheds light on the end-of-life experience of homeless people living in Québec. We note that these people are overexposed to disease, suffering and death. The die early, alone, and poorly relieved. Despite the existence, in Quebec, of the Act respecting end-of-life care aimed at protecting the well-being of patients in the palliative phase, we note that people experiencing homelessness most often live their last moments far from palliative care resources. Community workers seem to play a central role in end-of-life support for people ex-periencing homelessness. This major role is neither recognized nor supported, further compli-cating the ability to provide care to this population. Axel Honneth’s theory of recognition allows us to better understand the situations of individual, social, institutional, and political non-recognition. The invisibilization experience by people experiencing homelessness has repercus-sions even in their deaths. It also calls into question the real scope of the Act respecting end-of-life care as well as the urgency of implementing more inclusive palliative care in order to re-lieve some of the most suffering people in our society.

The lived experience of women affected wtih matted hair in southwestern India

Dhaske, Govind Ganpati January 2014 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Descriptions about the matting of hair given by medical practitioners show a significant commonality indicating it as a historic health problem prevalent across the globe, however with less clarity about its etiopathogenesis. In southwestern India, the emergence of matting of hair is considered a deific phenomenon; consequently, people worship the emerged matted hair and restrict its removal. Superstitious beliefs impose a ritualistic lifestyle on affected women depriving them of health and well-being, further leading to stigma, social isolation, and marginalization. For unmarried females, the matting of hair can result in dedication to the coercive devadasi custom whereby women end up marrying a god or goddess. To date, the state, academia, and disciplines such as medicine and psychology have paid far too little attention to the social, cultural, and health concerns of the women affected by matted hair. A Heideggerian interpretive phenomenological study was conducted to document the lived experience of women affected by the phenomenon of matting of hair. The subjective accounts of 13 jata-affected women selected through purposive sampling were documented to understand their health and human rights marginalization through harmful cultural practices surrounding matting of hair. Seven distinct thematic areas emerged from the study exemplified their lived experience as jata-affected women. The prevalent gender-based inequity revealed substantial vulnerability of women to health and human rights marginalization through harmful cultural practices. The ontological structure of the lived experience of matting of hair highlighted the unreflective internalization of religious-based discourse of matting of hair. The hermeneutic exploration revealed events that exemplified jata-affected women’s compromised religiosity, and control of their well-being, human development, and ontological security. The religious-based interpretation of matting of hair and associated practices marginalize the health and human rights of affected women through family members, institutions, society, and religious-based systems. The study demonstrates the need for collaborative, evidence-based interventions and for effective domestic as well as global policies to prevent the health and human rights violations of women through cultural practices. The study offered foundational evidential documentation of the phenomenon of matting of hair as a harmful cultural practice that compromises women’s right to health and well-being.

The cuff and the collar : a contemporary representation of seventeenth century symbols of power and oppression at the Cape of Good Hope

Kruger, Carla Maxine 04 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA(VA))--Stellenbosch University, 2014. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This thesis examines the extent to which the cuff and the collar as semiotic entities played a significant role in the symbolic expression of power and oppression in the seventeenth century Cape of Good Hope. These entities were visually naturalised by the Eurocentric imperialist hegemony at the Cape and offered as undisputed ‘truth’. These symbols permeated the collective consciousness of the society at the Cape on both a physical and cognitive level. The white ruff and cuffs, and the shackles of the slaves represented physical restraints, whilst mentally the slaves were confronted with identity construction and deconstruction. ‘The self’ was pitted against ‘the Other’, and these European values and hierarchies were enforced on the society at the Cape by creating dualistic relationships. An identity implies a certain amount of power. For this reason, the Europeans stripped the slaves of their identities in order to gain control over them. This theory, together with the investigation into the hybrid characteristic of culture as a product of colonialism and slavery at the Cape, will be established concurrently with the aim of my practical work — The Ruff/Rough Collection, The Shackle Collection, and The Soft Steel Collection. This body of work aims to deconstruct the boundaries and hierarchies established by the cuff and the collar (as symbols of the power and oppression paradigm) at the Cape. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie tesis ondersoek die mate waarin die mouboordjie (‘cuff’) en die kraag (‘collar’) as semiotiese entiteite ’n beduidende rol gespeel het in die simboliese uitdrukking van mag en onderdrukking aan die Kaap de Goede Hoop in die sewentiende eeu. Hierdie simbole is visueel deur die Eurosentriese imperialistiese leierskap ingevoer en as onbetwisbare waarheid van hul mag en heerskappy voorgehou. Dié simbole het die kollektiewe bewussyn van die samelewing aan die Kaap op ’n fisieke en geestelike vlak geïnfiltreer. Die wit plooikraag (‘ruff’) wat die Europeërs gedra het om hulself as ‘meesters’ te vestig, en die boeie van die slawe het fisieke beperkings verteenwoordig, terwyl die slawe geestelik gekonfronteer is met die opbou en afbreek van hulle identiteit. ‘Die ek’ is teen ‘die Ander’gestel en Europese waardes is op grond van die Eurosentriese ingesteldheid van die ‘meesters’ op die samelewing afgedwing as ‘n dualistiese verhouding. ’n Identiteit impliseer ’n sekere graad van mag. Daarom het die Europeërs die slawe van hulle identiteit gestroop om sodoende mag oor hulle te verkry. Hierdie teorie, asook die ondersoek na die hibridiese eienskap van kultuur as ’n produk van kolonialisme en slawerny aan die Kaap, sal konkurrent met die doel van my praktiese werk — The Ruff/Rough Collection, The Shackle Collection en The Soft Steel Collection — gevestig word. Die doel van hierdie versameling kontemporêre juweliersware is om die grense en hiërargieë te dekonstrueer, wat deur die mouboordjie (‘cuff’) en die kraag (‘collar’) (as simbole van die mag- en onderdrukkingsparadigma) tot stand gebring is aan die Kaap de Goede Hoop.

Explaining poverty : a comparison between perceptions and conditions of poverty in South Africa

Davids, Yul Derek 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (DPhil (Political Science))--University of Stellenbosch, 2010. / Bibliography / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: In this dissertation I explore people’s perceptions of the causes of poverty. Literature reveals that there are three broad theoretical explanations of perceptions of the causes of poverty: individualistic explanations, where blame is placed squarely on the poor themselves; structural explanations, where poverty is blamed on external social and economic forces; and fatalistic explanations, which attribute poverty to factors such as bad luck or illness. Furthermore, the findings of studies reviewed showed that these explanations interact with socio-economic and demographic variables such as race, geographical location, education, lived poverty index (LPI), living standard measure (LSM) and employment. I therefore critically examine explanations of poverty among South Africans as measured by individualistic, structural and fatalistic dimensions and how it interacts with the socio-economic and demographic variables. Employing a national representative survey of 3510 adults aged 18 and older conducted by the Human Sciences Research Council between 18 April and 30 May 2006 the findings of the present study confirmed most of the theoretical arguments cited in the literature. For instance, South Africans, in general, perceive the causes of poverty in structural terms, but a large proportion of respondents also perceive the causes of poverty in individualistic terms. Access to basic necessities influenced perceptions of the causes of poverty since the poor mostly perceived poverty in structural rather than individualistic terms. White South Africans in contrast to black Africans perceive the causes of poverty mostly in individualistic terms. Coloured respondents are the most fatalistic in their perceptions of the causes of poverty. Further analysis show that respondents living in traditional areas compared to those in urban formal areas are less likely to have structural perceptions of the causes of poverty. This is a very interesting finding because my examination on the extent of lived poverty in showed that the urban formal areas have the smallest proportion of respondents that have gone without basic necessities over the past year if contrasted to the traditional, rural formal and urban informal areas. I found that education had no significant impact on structural perceptions of the causes of poverty. In spite of my assessment of the extent of access to basic necessities which revealed that a large proportion of respondents with primary education compared to those with tertiary education go without these basic necessities. In addition, the study found that the relationship between the socio-economic and demographic variables and the structural, individualistic and fatalistic perceptions of the causes of poverty is considerably more complex and that it is possible for the race group, level of education, employment status and geographical location of the respondent all to interact in a multidimensional manner and have an impact on how the causes of poverty is perceived. However, the three linear regressions examining the relationship between the socio-economic and demographic variables and the structural, individualistic and fatalistic perceptions of the causes of poverty should be interpreted with caution because the explanatory power of the three regression models is quite weak (as indicated by Adjusted R²). In sum, the present study is extremely relevant in many ways and makes a unique contribution at both a methodological and policy level. Methodologically, the findings showed that the LPI may contribute to the proposed poverty line suggested for South Africa. As such, the findings offer a valuable message for the country’s decision makers about South Africans’ perceptions of the causes of poverty. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie verhandeling ondersoek die persepsies van die publiek met verwysing na die oorsake van armoede. Die literatuur dui op drie breë teoretiese verklarings aangaande persepsies oor die oorsake van armoede: individualistiese verklarings wat die blaam vierkantig op die armes self plaas, strukturele verklarings wat armoede toeskryf aan eksterne sosiale en ekonomiese magte en dan fatalistiese verklarings wat armoede toeskryf aan faktore soos die noodlot of siekte. Navorsing toon dat hierdie verklarings in interaksie met sosio-demografies, ekonomiese veranderlikes soos ras, geografiese ligging, opvoeding, indiensneming; die ‘Lived Poverty Index’ en geslag verkeer. Die huidige verhandeling ondersoek dus krities die verklarings, in terme van armoede onder Suid-Afrikaners, soos gemeet deur die individualistiese, strukturele en fatalistiese dimensies en hul interaksie met sosio-demografiese en ekonomiese veranderlikes. ‘n Nasionale verteenwoordingende opname van 3,510 volwassenes, 18 jaar en ouer wat tussen 18 April en 30 Mei 2009 deur die Raad vir Geesteswetenskaplike Navorsing uitgevoer het die meeste van die teoretiese argumente waarna in die literatuur verwys word bevestig. Byvoorbeeld, Suid-Afrikaners het oor die algemeen armoede vanuit strukturele perspektief waargeneem. Groot proporsie van respondente het armoede egter aan individualistiese faktore toegeskryf. Toegang tot basiese noodsaaklikhede het die persepsies van armoede beïnvloed aangesien die armes armoede meestal toegeskryf het aan strukturele eerder as individualistiese dimensies. Blankes, in vergelyking met Swart Suid-Afrikaners, het individualistiese eerder as strukturele persepties getoon. Kleurling repondente was die mees fatalisties aangaande hul persepsies oor die oorsake van armoede. Respondente wat in tradisionele landelike areas woon het armoede in mindere mate toegeskryf aan strukturele persepsies in vergelyking met repondente woonagtig in formele stedelike areas. Dit was baie interesante resultaat omdat daar verwag is dat respondente wat in tradisionele landelike areas woon armoede eerder sou toeskryf aan strukturele persepsies, terwyl repondente woonagtig in formele stedelike areas meer individualistiese persepsies sou openbaar. Die studie het ook bevind dat opvoeding en indiensneming geen merkwaardige invloed het op persepsies oor die oorsake van armoede nie. ‘n Verdere bevinding van die studie was dat die verhouding tussen die sosio-ekonomiese en demografiese veranderlikes en die struturele, individualistiese en fatalistiese persepsies van armoede aansienlik meer ingewikkeld en kompleks is. Dit is dus moontlik dat die rassegroep, vlak van opvoeding, indiensnemingstatus en geografiese ligging van respondent saam op multi-dimensionele manier in interaksie kan verkeer en dus impak kan hê op hoe armoede deur die respondent gesien word. Dit is belangrik om daarop te let dat die drie regressie analises wat die verhouding tussen die sosioekonomiese en demografiese veranderlikes en die struturele, individualistiese en fatalistiese persepsies van armoede ondersoek baie versigtig geinterpreteer moet word aangesien die verklaringsterkte van die drie regressies baie swak is. Ter opsomming was die studie onder bespreking uiters relevant ten opsigte van verskeie areas en het dit dus unieke bydrae gemaak tot beide metodologiese en beleidskwessies. Metodologies het die bevindinge getoon dat die ‘Lived Poverty Index’ kan bydra tot die voorgestelde armoede-lyn vir Suid-Afrika. Die bevindinge bied waardevolle inligting vir die land se besluitnemers aangaande Suid-Afrikaners se persepsies oor die oorsake van armoede.

Au carrefour de l’intégration socio-professionnelle : perspectives et questionnements de personnes vivant avec des problèmes de santé mentale

Roche, Jeanna 10 1900 (has links)
Ce travail de mémoire porte sur le processus d’insertion sociale et économique des personnes vivant des problèmes de santé mentale. Le travail est devenu un important véhicule d’intégration sociale. En effet, on prétend que la pratique d’un métier serait pour les personnes souffrant de problèmes de santé un outil de rétablissement et de mieux-être, car elle permet de réduire les symptômes et l’incidence des hospitalisations. Le travail permet, également, d’augmenter les interactions sociales et de contribuer activement à la société. Il existe, toutefois, d’autres véhicules d’intégration qui semblent, sous certains angles, apporter les mêmes avantages. Les activités bénévoles améliorent la qualité de vie, favorisent les interactions sociales et donnent, à l’individu, l’occasion de contribuer à sa communauté. Par ailleurs, le retrait social peut être un moyen de s’éloigner des pressions sociales et de s’accorder une pause bénéfique. On soutient que les personnes ayant un problème de santé mentale qui ont une lecture positive de leur situation de marginalité tendent à être moins hospitalisées. S’appuyant sur une démarche qualitative, ce travail de recherche a tenté de cerner les perspectives, les questionnements et les perceptions des personnes ayant un trouble mental à l’égard d’un processus d’intégration socioprofessionnelle, de participation sociale et de retrait social. Des entrevues semi-dirigées ont été menées auprès de onze personnes, et grâce à ces entretiens, un portrait au regard de leurs parcours social et professionnel a pu être brossé. Les entretiens ont permis d’explorer l’impact des problèmes de santé mentale sur leur réalité et sur leur identité, leurs représentations du marché de l’emploi et les motifs qui justifient le choix de s’engager ou de renoncer à un processus d’intégration socioprofessionnelle. Les résultats de cette recherche ont permis d'identifier cinq facteurs qui peuvent influencer la décision des personnes qui sont le rapport à l'environnement social, l'identité, le rapport aux institutions de l'État, les discours de légitimation et les perspectives d'avenir. Les résultats démontrent que l'on ne peut isoler les notions de vulnérabilité, d'autonomie, de bien-être ou de stabilité dans une phase spécifique. La vulnérabilité, l'autonomie, le bien-être et la stabilité sont des états que l’on peut vivre en situation de retrait social, de participation sociale et d’intégration socioprofessionnelle. Selon les circonstances et l’état émotif, ils peuvent être des modes adaptés ou inadaptés. / This theisis explores the social and economic integration of people with mental health problems in regard to paid work. Work has become an important vehicle for social integration. Indeed, it is argued that having an occupation could be a tool to recovery and wellness in that it can reduce symptoms and prevent hospitalisation. Work also allows for increased social interactions and active participation in society. There are however, other vehicles for social integration that have the possibility of providing the same advantages as work. Volunteer activities improve the quality of life, promote social interaction and provide opportunities to contribute to community life. Moreover, social withdrawal can be viewed as a way to attain a sense of distance from social pressures and thus provide a beneficial break. It is argued that persons with mental health problems who have a positive perception of their marginal situation have a lower tendency for hospitalisation. Based on a qualitative approach, this research has attempted to identify the reasons why people with a mental disorder engage in a process of socio-professional integration, social participation and social withdrawal. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with 11 people, and through these interviews, a portrait of their social and professional process has been presented. The interviews explored the impact of mental health problems on their reality and their identity, what the labour market represents, and the reasons that justify the decision to commit or to abandon a process of socio-professional integration. This research has demonstrated that there are five factors that can influence people’s decisions: the relationship to the social environment, identity, the relationship to state institutions, legitimizing discourses and future perspectives. The results show that we can isolate the notions of vulnerability, autonomy, well-being or stability in a specific phase. Vulnerability, autonomy, well-being and stability are states that can be lived in a situation of social withdrawal, social participation and professional integration. Depending on the circumstances and the emotional state of the person, they may be considered adaptive or inadequate modes of adaptation.

Sinuca de malandro: narradores, protagonistas e figuras paternas em João Antônio / Snooker of trickster: narrators, main characters and father figures in João Antônio

Zeni, Bruno Gonçalves 02 October 2012 (has links)
Este trabalho analisa os contos e textos autobiográficos de João Antônio (1937- 1996) nos quais as figuras paternas exercem papel decisivo para os protagonistas. A análise literária parte da identificação de elementos fundamentais do texto de ficção (tais como narrador, personagens e ação) e de como eles se articulam e interagem. As interpretações combinam elementos da crítica literária, da historiografia, de pesquisas bibliográfica e biográfica, apontando ainda para questões da sociologia e da psicanálise. O estudo parte das reflexões de Antonio Candido, crítico que formulou conceitos importantes para o autor em foco, para a crítica literária e para a linha de pesquisa que relaciona literatura e sociedade. As análises conduzem a questões sobre a trajetória dos personagens ficcionais, sobre o conceito de malandragem, sobre o conto na obra de João Antônio e sobre as relações entre biografia e literatura na vida do autor. / This thesis analyses João Antonios short stories and autobiographical narratives where father figures are crucial and intimately related to main characters. The critical work identifies essential elements of fiction (such as narrator, characters and plot) and the way they interact. Our research is based upon Antonio Candidos essays on João Antônio and on literature and society. The effort of interpretation combines literary criticism, history of literature, biographical approach and bibliographic research, also including psychoanalysis and sociological theoretical references. The interpretations lead to conclusions about the journey of the main characters, the concept of trickery (malandragem), the short story form in João Antonio and the relationship between life and work of this Brazilian writer.

Les fondements d'une société en marge - Ecritures et actions du clergé dans la conquête du Paraguay (1537-1580) / The settlements of a marginal society - Letters and actions of the clergy during the conquest of Paraguay (1537-1580)

Candela, Guillaume 05 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat désire aborder une problématique nouvelle : celle de l’implantation cléricale dans une société de conquête d’un espace américain périphérique, le Paraguay du XVIe siècle. Cette étude souhaite approfondir les connaissances dans le domaine des études sur le rôle de l’Eglise dans l’Amérique hispanique au XVIe siècle. Cette thèse sera également un apport plus général dans les études sur l’Amérique coloniale, la littérature scientifique autour du Paraguay de la conquête s’avérant presque inexistante. Cette thèse de doctorat tient à explorer plusieurs hypothèses de travail. Tout d’abord, quelles soient franciscaines ou jésuites, les missions s’appuient sur une première expérience : celle de la conquête entre 1537 et 1580. L’action des membres du clergé séculier sur place, qui peuvent être considérés comme des électrons libres, a certainement pu préparer le terrain avant l’arrivée des Jésuites. Asunción qui devient en 1541 à la fois une ville et une capitale provinciale n’abrite pas uniquement des clercs séculiers mais également des réguliers. Cette mixité cléricale apparaît dans la documentation et favorise une perception multiple de la réalité coloniale du Paraguay de la conquête. Le clergé est également envisagé dans son rapport avec la société civile ainsi qu'avec les communautés indigènes. Ainsi, à travers le prisme de l’étude d’un corpus de documents inédits transcrits par nos soins rédigés par des ecclésiastiques, cette étude analyse le rôle et l’influence des membres de l’Eglise dans la première phase de conquête du territoire dirigé depuis Asunción. / This thesis deals with a new problematic : the settlement of the clergy in a marginal society of conquest in America, the Paraguay of the 16th century. This study likes to increase knowledge about the Church's role in Colonial America, few books have been written about the subject. This dissertation will explore several hypothesis. First, Franciscans or Jesuits, the missions lean on a first experience : the conquest of the territory between 1537 and 1580. The action of the members of the clergy, who could have a certain liberty, must have prepared the arrival of the Jesuits. Asunción, which became in 1541 a city and the capital of the region houses also regular clerks. This clerical mix appears clearly in the documents and enables multiple visions of the colonial reality in the 16th century. The clergy is also analysed through its relationship with civil society and indigenous people. Through the study of a corpus of unpublished documents transcribed by us, we analyze the role and the influence of the Church in the first conquest phase of the territory managed from Asunción.

A cidade e o "mal necessário"; zona de prostituição e marginalidade social em Pouso Alegre - MG (1969-1988)

Assis, Eduardo Moreira 01 June 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-04-27T19:32:39Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Eduardo Moreira.pdf: 2689113 bytes, checksum: 1b0a78f5ae3fc86a4143f6cc410f64f4 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-06-01 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / From 1969 to 1988, Pouso Alegre, a southern Minas Gerais state city, had lived the very beginning of it s industrial process. Values such as modernity , development and progress were under construction by the local press, where both, the morality defenders and people opposed to the Prostitution Zone, had considered it an obstacle to urban growth, thus raising a moral campaign which demanded the prostitution s end at the city center. Such results reflected the need of another Prostitution Zone, far away from downtown and with the purpose of the prostitution confinement, which came afterwards to be a residential area s neighbor in the 1980 s. This way new social relationships among the ones who tried to stabilize their identities with each other, were started. The dissertation The city and the necessary evil : Prostitution Zoning and social marginality in Pouso Alegre city, Minas Gerais state (1969-1988)aims to reflect on the Prostitution Zone construction as an urban territory to explore the tense relationships established between the city spaces and the Zone along the years. It had resulted and rightfully became a process of social exclusion and the prejudice resource was reinforced by a symbolic borderline among their social relationship as a way of differing themselves. The narrative of the research was built up with the contribution of Oral History, which allowed the capture of experiences from those who lived the process of social exclusion and marginality construction of the Zone. Therefore establishing a continuous dialogue with different kinds of legal, official-documented, cartography, written-memory sources and the local press with the purpose of making up a multi-faced history, able to deconstruct the several images that were attached to the Prostitution Zone as well as presenting another view of that marginal territory, culturally constructed with its own rules and values, for the first time presented by the Pouso-Alegrense historiography. / Entre 1969 e 1988, a cidade sul-mineira de Pouso Alegre-MG industrializava-se. Valores como modernidade , desenvolvimento e progresso eram construídos pela imprensa local que, juntamente com os moralistas e opositores à Zona de Prostituição, passou a considerá-la um entrave ao crescimento urbano, travando uma campanha de moralização pelo fim da prostituição na região central, cujos resultados refletiram a necessidade de construção de um espaço, afastado do centro, destinado a confinar a prostituição, e que se tornou vizinho nos anos 1980 de um Conjunto Habitacional, iniciando assim novas relações de sociabilidade entre os sujeitos que buscavam afirmar suas identidades. A dissertação A cidade e o mal necessário : Zona de Prostituição e marginalidade social em Pouso Alegre-MG (1969-1988) busca refletir sobre a construção da Zona de Prostituição enquanto território urbano e explorar as tensões que permearam as relações estabelecidas entre cidade e a Zona no decorrer dos anos, resultando e legitimando um processo de exclusão e o recurso aos preconceitos no reforço de fronteiras simbólicas construídas nas relações entre os sujeitos sociais como critérios de diferenciação entre eles. A narrativa da pesquisa foi construída com o recurso às fontes orais, que permitiram apreender experiências dos diferentes sujeitos sociais que viveram esse processo de exclusão e construção da marginalidade da Zona, estabelecendo um diálogo constante com diferentes tipos de fontes, como a imprensa local do período, fontes legislativas, cartográficas, oficiais e memórias escritas, no sentido de construir uma história multifacetada capaz de desmistificar as múltiplas imagens pesavam sobre a Zona de Prostituição e apresentar um outro lado daquele território marginal, culturalmente construído, dono de valores e regras próprias abordado pela primeira vez historiografia pouso-alegrense.

El sistema ejidal, inhibidor del desarrollo rural. Casos de los municipios de Casas y de Güémez, Estado de Tamaulipas, México.

Trujillo Bautista, Jorge Martín 07 November 2012 (has links)
La presente tesis doctoral aborda el tema rural en el estado de Tamaulipas, México. Estudia los casos de dos municipios: Casas y Güémez. Analiza los factores que son inhibidos por el sistema ejidal para alcanzar el desarrollo de las familias ejidatarias. Tiene como su centro de análisis al Ejido, como fenómeno político agrario y mediante una metodología deductiva, a lo largo de siete capítulos, describe y explica la presencia de agentes internos y externos en la compleja problemática que enfrenta el campesino ejidatario. Para ello hace uso de la cartografía existente sobre la tenencia de tierra en México y en Tamaulipas. Al mismo tiempo, con el uso de estadísticas oficiales y otras recabadas en campo se procede a estudiar aquellos factores que inhiben la posibilidad de acceder al desarrollo integral de los productores ejidatarios. La tesis, puede describirse en dos grandes planos, uno teórico-conceptual que se aborda en cuatro capítulos, abordando los estudios, los conceptos, la legislación histórica y actual de los ejidos. La relación de los ejidatarios con la pobreza, la marginación y el desarrollo desde una perspectiva oficial. Y la otra parte, práctico-analítica, que profundiza en el estudio de la geografía, la economía, educación, salud, vivienda, ingreso, política y legislación del ejido en un contexto estatal, municipal y ejidal. En conclusión, el ejido continúa como objeto de estudio desde diversas ópticas, ésta tesis las integra y las discute para convocar al diseño de políticas rurales que respondan a las demandas particulares de la regiones. Estudiando más desde adentro hacia fuera; la tesis redunda en la participación importante del ejidatario en conseguir el desarrollo, como él la ha pensado. El abordaje de los agentes centrales, nos ha permitido saber que la calidad es su estructura primordial, que no se trata de contar con servicios o derechohabiencias cuya calidad no cumple con la demanda requerida. / The following doctoral dissertation deals with the rural topic in Tamaulipas, México. It studies the cases of two town councils: Casas and Güémez. It has as its core analysis the Cooperative land, as an agrarian political phenomenon and by means of a deductive methodology. Throughout seven chapters, it describes and explains the presence of inner and external agents in the complex issues that the cooperative countryman faces. To achieve this, it makes use of the existent cartography over the tendency of land in Mexico and in Tamaulipas. At the same time, with the use of official statistics and some other gathered in field, it proceeds to study those factors that inhibit the possibility to access the integral development of the cooperative producers. This dissertation can be described in two aspects, one theoretical-conceptual that is developed in four chapters as follows: getting into the studies, the concept, the historical and current legislation of the cooperative land. The previous aspects have an impact on the relationship of the cooperative members with poverty, marginalization and development from an official perspective. On the other, it presents a practical-analytical perspective, which analyzes in depth the study of the geography, the economy, education, health, housing, income, policies and legislation of the cooperative land in the state, town council and cooperative contexts. In conclusion, the cooperative land continues as an object of study from different perspectives, which are discussed in order to design rural policies that satisfy the particular demands of the region. This study was carried out from the inside to the outside, and the results have shown that the important participation of the members of cooperative in achieving the development, as it has been thought. In this research it was found out that the main participants, cared about quality as its main structure.

Mapping rural youth's experiences of school exclusion.

Maarschalk, Silvia. January 2007 (has links)
The South African context gives rise to a number of significant adversities that challenge the stability of the individual child and the survival of their families. The repercussions of these adversities are profound. Once risk begins to accumulate, the probability of a negative developmental trajectory increases. A group of South African children that are a particularly vulnerable, at risk, and marginalized group are those youth who are excluded from school. Access to the schooling system represents an important node of care and support with the potential of linking vulnerable children to key services. Eight youth from a town in a former homeland in rural KwaZulu Natal, who are excluded from the schooling system, participated in this research. The research aimed to map their experiences of school exclusion through a participatory photo interview technique. Using Bronfenbrenner's (1979) socio-ecological systems theory, this study has indicated that exclusion from school relates to risk factors present in the five contextual systems that a child functions within. From this research one can see how each risk factor adds to the web of exclusion that makes these youth hard to identify, access and help. The findings indicate that there is a need to further investigate the South African child care grant system and the impact it has on access to schooling, as well as to develop macrosystemic interventions to alleviate poverty. / Thesis (M.A.)-University of KwaZulu-Natal, Pietermaritburg, 2007.

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