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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Van armoedeverligtingsprojek tot volhoubare landbougemeenskap : die vestiging en ontwikkeling van die Skanskopeiland-besproeiingsnedersetting / Catharina Gertruida Visser

Visser, Catharina Gertruida January 2015 (has links)
Skanskopeiland is een van die besproeiingsnedersettings wat in die vroeë twintigste eeu langs die Benede-­‐Oranjerivier (vandag bekend as die Gariep) gevestig is met die doel om blanke armoede te help verlig. Na afloop van die Carnegiekommissie se ondersoek na blanke armoede en die daaropvolgende Volkskongres in Kimberley (1934) was dit in die 1930’s beide die staat en die kerk se benadering om arm gemeenskappe te ondersteun om deur selfwerksaamheid vir hulle en hulle nageslag ʼn selfstandige bestaan te verseker. Terselfdertyd kon hulle deur landbouproduksie ʼn bydrae tot die landsekonomie en die ontwikkeling van die streek maak. Hoewel hulle na die toekenning van grond feitlik geen verdere staatshulp ontvang het nie en oor beperkte hulpbronne beskik het, is die meeste van die eerste nedersetters op Skanskopeiland suksesvol gevestig. Aangedryf deur die wil om vir hulleself te sorg en vir hulle gesinne ʼn beter bestaan moontlik te maak, was hulle bereid om fisies hard te werk. Met behulp van mentorskap, wat deur die staat voorsien is, het hulle met selfwerksame optrede binne tien jaar ʼn woesteny omskep in ʼn suksesvolle landbounedersetting. Hulle het die eenvoudige tegnieke en tegnologie wat beskikbaar was, aangewend om die natuur te “tem” en die vrugbare grond voor te berei vir landbouproduksie. Hierdie studie skets die historiese agtergrond waarbinne die nedersetting op Skanskopeiland gevestig is, beskryf die moeisame prosesse waardeur die nedersetters die eiland vir landbouproduksie gereed gemaak het en beoordeel hulle pogings om hulleself en hulle nageslag uit armoede op te hef. ʼn Empiriese studie, wat as deel van die navorsing onderneem is, het die impak van die opheffing op die nasate van die pioniernedersetters bepaal en die bevinding daarvan word in die studie gerapporteer. / MA (History), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2015

Kunskapsdelning inom mentorskap riktat mot nyanställda: En fallstudie på ett globalt IT-bolag

Stenling, Nicole, Wetterström, Teodor January 2016 (has links)
Knowledge  sharing  has  earned  a  more  central  role  in  organizations  strive  to      achievecompetitive advantage. Still, many organizations fail to make full potential of knowledge sharing initiative, highlighting the demand for further studies in the area to increase the understanding of knowledge sharing within organizations. This study therefore examines how knowledge sharing is affected within mentoring through a case study of qualitative nature where interviews have been conducted with consultants of a global IT company whom in various ways are involved in a mentoring program. This study seeks to understand how mentoring of new hires works in practice and how knowledge sharing on an individual level is affected within the given context, as well as how the structure of formal mentoring might affect knowledge sharing between the mentor and protégé. The study starts off by depicting mentoring and knowledge sharing based on previous literature. The mentoring literature that is presented offers support to analyse the structure of the studied mentoring program and its significance. A model is thereafter presented within  the knowledge sharing section with the purpose of acting as an analytical lens when processing the empirical findings, the study has generated. The results show that knowledge sharing on an individual level within mentoring of new hires is affected by the organizational value associated with the knowledge being shared. It also shows that one motivational factor that affect the sharing is whether or not the participants are able to realize incentives associated to sharing knowledge and that mentoring offers both formal and informal opportunities to share knowledge, which implied a positive impact on knowledge sharing on an individual level. In addition, the results imply that an organizational culture impact the employees’ norms and values, and therefore their actions. An organizational culture promoting knowledge sharing is thereby considered having a positive effect on knowledge sharing on the individual level within mentoring. Another important finding is that the structure of formal mentoring programs, is affecting multiple aspects of the knowledge sharing   between   mentor   and   protégé.   However,   the   study   cannot   suggest   that  theorganizational culture is significantly affected. / Kunskapsdelning  har  fått  en  alltmer  central  roll  i  organisationers  strävan  att        erhållakonkurrensfördelar. Trots det misslyckas flertalet organisationer med att ta tillvara på kunskapsdelande initiativ, vilket belyser behovet av ytterligare studier på området för att öka förståelsen för kunskapsdelning inom organisationer. Denna studie undersöker därför hur kunskapsdelning påverkas inom mentorskap genom en fallstudie av kvalitativ karaktär där intervjuer utförts med konsulter på ett globalt IT-bolag som på olika sätt är involverade i ett mentorskapsprogram. Denna studie söker förstå hur mentorskap riktat mot nyanställda fungerar i praktiken och hur kunskapsdelning på individnivå påverkas inom den givna kontexten, men även vad utformningen av formella mentorskap har för betydelse för kunskapsdelningen mellan mentor och adept. Studien utgår ifrån att skildra mentorskap och kunskapsdelning utifrån tidigare litteratur. Mentorskapslitteraturen som presenteras ger stöd för att analysera utformningen av det givna mentorskapet och dess betydelse. I kunskapsdelningsavsnittet presenteras en modell vilken appliceras som en analytisk lins vid bearbetning av de empiriska fynd som studien genererat. Av studiens resultat framgår att kunskapsdelning på individnivå inom mentorskap riktat mot nyanställda påverkas av vilket organisatoriskt värde som är associerat med den kunskap som delas. Det framgår även att en motivationsfaktor som påverkar delningen är huruvida deltagarna upplever att det existerar incitament till att dela kunskap och att mentorskap tillhandahåller både formella och informella möjligheter att dela kunskap, vilket antyds inverka positivt på kunskapsdelning på individnivå. Därtill indikerar studien att en organisationskultur inverkar på de anställdas normer och värderingar, och således agerande. En organisationskultur som främjar kunskapsdelning har därmed en positiv påverkan på kunskapsdelning på individnivå inom mentorskap. Ytterligare en viktig slutsats är att utformningen av formella mentorskapsprogram utifrån ett flertal aspekter är av betydelse för kunskapsdelningen   mellan   mentor   och   adept,   dock   finner   studien   inte   stöd   för attorganisationskulturen påverkas nämnvärt av utformningen som sådan.

STAY ONBOARD. : En kvalitativ studie om arbetsplatsintroduktion på ett IT-konsultbolag

Dahlberg, Julia, Gustavsson, Anna January 2019 (has links)
Onboarding is the process where new employees get to know the organization, their colleagues and what rules and conditions that characterize their new workplace. The goal of onboarding is to get employees to perform, obtain work satisfaction and to feel a commitment and a loyalty to the business.This study aims to get increased understanding of the process by studying experiences from employees at an IT consulting company. The questions that are being answered are about how new employes experience their onboarding process and how managers describes the employees' onboarding process.A qualitative method has been used and empirical data has been collected through semistructured interviews with 12 employees, seven employees and five managers within the selected IT consulting company. The result shows that the onboarding process is formal and structured but that the employees' expresses a need for further improvement. Measures that appear as suggestions for improvement of the studied company’s onboarding process includes development towards mentorship, together with clear formal follow-ups with newly employed. These measures can contribute to an improved experience from start and further work to increase the employees willingness to remain within the organization. / Onboarding är den process där nyanställda medarbetare lär känna organisationen, arbetsgruppen samt vilka regler och villkor som präglar arbetet på deras nya arbetsplats. Målet med onboarding är att få medarbetarna att prestera, känna tillfredsställelse i sitt arbete samt att känna ett engagemang och en lojalitet till verksamheten. Denna studie syftar till att skapa en ökad förståelse för processen genom att studera upplevelser från anställda på ett IT-konsultbolag. De frågeställningar som söks svar på är hur nyanställda medarbetare upplever den onboardingprocess de genomgått, samt på vilket sätt chefer beskriver medarbetarnas onboardingprocess. En kvalitativ metod har använts och empiri har samlats in genom semistrukturerade intervjuer med 12 anställda, varav sju medarbetare och fem chefer inom valt IT-konsultbolag. Resultatet visar på att den studerade verksamheten arbetar formellt och strukturerat med arbetsplatsintroduktion, men att medarbetarnas upplevelser ger uttryck för visst behov av vidare arbete för förbättring. Åtgärder som framkommer som förbättringsförslag av det studerade företagets onboarding innefattar exempelvis ett utökat arbete med nuvarande fadderuppdrag alternativt vidareutveckling av ett mentorskap, tillsammans med tydliga formella uppföljningar med nyanställda medarbetare. Dessa åtgärder kan bidra till en förbättrad upplevelse från start och ett vidare arbete för att få medarbetare att vilja stanna längre inom organisationen.

Integration som projekt : En kvalitativ studie om ensamkommande ungdomars integrering med stöttning av mentorskapet i projektet Näktergalen i Halmstad. / Integration as a project : A qualitative study on young refugee integration with the help of a mentorship for faster integration

Omar, Belan January 2019 (has links)
Previous studies show that integration projects help teenager refugees to enter Swedish society more quickly. My study looks into one of these projects called Näktergalen. The project is a collaboration between the County Administrative Board, Region Halland, Halmstad Municipality and Halmstad University. Students from the University of Halmstad are paired with teenager refugees to develop their language skills and increase respect and tolerance for each other's differences such as social and cultural backgrounds. What my study investigate is how the participants in the Näktergalen project develop their knowledge and experiences with support from the mentorship and whether the project Näktergalen contributed to a faster integration for the participants. The method used to implement the study has consisted of qualitative interviews. The interviews have been semi-structured to allow the participants talk about their views on the projects important aspects. The theory used for the study is from the Russian educator Leg Vygotsky. Vygotsky's theory is based on the fact that mankind is a biological, social, cultural and historical being. Vygotsky believes that we humans can only develop and learn new things in interaction with other people. With reference to previous research and the study's results it can be establish that projects such as the Näktergalen simplify and accelerate the integration of refugee teenagers. Likewise, the teenage refugees who were interviewed agree that integration takes place in interaction with people who do not come from the same culture. The result shows that projects like Näktergalen gives refugees a way into a social network and open up for new knowledge and experiences.

Jämställdhet inom revisionsbranschen : en kvalitativ studie om kvinnliga revisorers karriärval / Gender equality in the auditing industry : a qualitative study on female auditors' career choices

Al-Merza, Azer, Pacolli, Festim January 2019 (has links)
Inom revisionsbranschen är det få kvinnor på de högre positionerna och speciellt på positionen delägare. Även tidigare forskning har visat att det råder stora skillnader i könsfördelningen på de högre positionerna i revisionsbyrån. Trots att könsfördelningen har på senare åren blivit jämnare på de lägre positionerna och mellanpositionerna i revisionsbranschen är det fortfarande väldigt små förändringar på delägarpositionen. Syftet med studien är att förstå och försöka få en mer ingående och mångfacetterad bild av hur karriärvalen för auktoriserade kvinnliga revisorer kan se ut.För att besvara studiens frågeställning har studien genomförts med en kvalitativ metod och med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studien utgår ifrån teorier och tidigare forskning inom området för kvinnliga revisorers karriär inom revisionsbranschen. Empirin har insamlats med hjälp av semistrukturerade intervjuer med kvinnliga auktoriserade revisorer från olika revisionsbyråer. Vidare har analysen belyst olika teorier och faktorer som var relevanta för komma fram till resultat och slutsatser.Studiens slutsats blev att de kvinnliga revisorernas karriär påverkas av ett antal faktorer som är viktiga och avgörande för karriärutveckling och avancemang. Vidare när det gäller att få kvinnor innehar delägarpositionen kan det förhållandevis förklaras genom att vikten ligger hos själva kvinnliga auktoriserade revisorer. Eftersom de själva som individer tar olika beslut och val vilka påverkar och formar kvinnors karriär inom revisionsbranschen. Dessa beslut och val är kopplade till andra prioriteringar och intressen kopplade till privatlivet till exempel familjen och moderskap. / In the auditing industry, few women appear in higher positions and especially in the position of co-owner. Previous research has also shown differences in the equality at the higher positions in the audit firms. Even though it has become more equal in the lower and middle positions in the auditing industry in recent years, there are still very small changes in the co-owner position. The purpose of this study is to understand and try to get a more detailed and multifaceted picture of how the career choices for authorized female auditors can look.In order to answer the study's question, the study was conducted with a qualitative method and with semi-structured interviews. The study is based on theories and previous research in the field of female auditors' careers in the auditing industry. The empirical material has been collected using semi-structured interviews with female authorized auditors from different auditing firms. Furthermore, the analysis has illustrated various theories and factors that were relevant for the results and conclusions.The conclusion of the study is that female auditors' career is influenced by several factors that are important and crucial for career development and advancement. Furthermore, to understand why few women have a co-ownership position, it can be explained by the fact that it depends on female authorized auditors themselves. Because they as individuals take different decisions and choices that affect and shape women's careers in the auditing industry. These decisions and choices are linked to other priorities and interests for example such as the family and motherhood.

“det var svårt i början, men jag tycker ändå att jag har fått ett bra stöd” : Nyutexaminerade barnmorskors upplevelse av stöd från barnmorskekollegor / Newly graduated midwives experience of support from midwife colleagues.

Jeppsson, Malin, Nilsson, Anna-Karin January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: I det nya yrket som barnmorska i en ny arbetsmiljö med nya kollegor och arbetsuppgifter är behovet av stöd från kollegor en betydande del i upplevelsen av övergången från barnmorskestudent till legitimerad barnmorska. Forskning visar att de nyutexaminerade barnmorskorna är i behov av ett strukturerat stöd men ett utarbetat mentorsprogram finns inte. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att belysa nyutexaminerade barnmorskors upplevelser av stöd från barnmorskekollegor på olika förlossningskliniker i södra Sverige. Metod: Enskilda intervjuer utfördes med åtta nyutexaminerade barnmorskor som arbetade på olika förlossningskliniker. Analysmetoden som användes var en kvalitativ innehållsanalys med induktiv ansats enligt Creswell och Creswell (2018), vilket resulterade i fyra teman. Resultat: Nyutexaminerade barnmorskorna är i behov av stöd och feedback för att känna sig trygga i den nya yrkesrollen, vilket de inte alltid får i den utsträckning de önskar. Tillgången till en mentor under det första året var en positiv aspekt för att kunna reflektera och få feedback. Ett öppet arbetsklimat och att få bekräftelse var viktigt, där mer organisation och feedback behövs. Ett strukturerat mentorskap var önskvärt. Slutsats: Stöd finns men kan förbättras genom mer bekräftelse och feedback, där ett organiserat mentorsprogram skulle kunna vara till hjälp. Det sociala stödet är en del av arbetsmiljön men då det finns brister i stödet finns risk att den nyutexaminerade barnmorskan inte känner trygghet i sitt nya yrke. / Background: In the new profession as a midwife in a new work environment with new colleagues and work tasks, the need of support from colleagues is an important aspect in the transition from a midwife student to a licensed midwife. Research shows that newly graduated midwives need a structured support but there is no such thing as a mentor program. Aim: The aim of the study was to illustrate the newly graduated midwives experience of support from midwives in different delivery wards in south Sweden. Method: Individual interviews were conducted with eight newly graduated midwives working in different delivery wards. The method of choice was a qualitative analysis with an inductive approach (Creswell & Creswell, 2018), which resulted in four themes. Results: The newly graduated midwives are in the need of support and feedback to feel comfortable in the new role as a midwife, which they do not get in the extent they wish for. The access to a mentor during the first year was a positive aspect to reflect and to get feedback from. An open work environment and to be acknowledged was important, were more organization and feedback was needed. A structured mentorship was wished for. Conclusion: Support do exist but can be improved with more acknowledgement and feedback, where a structured mentor program could be an asset. The social support is a part of the work environment but since there are deficiencies in the support there is a risk that the newly graduated midwife does not feel confident in his or her new profession.


Berner, Isabella, Nilsson, Johanna January 2012 (has links)
This bachelor thesis is intended to point out differences within the supervisors’ role and contribute in making the role more attractive. At present the information about how the supervisors’ perspective varies on the supervisors’ role and the introduction to it depending on work experience and education is unknown. Further it was investigated why the supervisors’ role is seen as an entrance to the building industry and how to develop the role to encourage the supervisors to stay longer within it. In the collection of data we have been interviewing supervisors and studying literature. In total we have interviewed 14 supervisors in the region of Jönköping and the result of the literature study has subsequently been used to substantiate the outcome of the interviews. The selection of interviewees was partly based on the supervisors’ work experience and educational level but consideration regarding sex and age was also taken. The result showed that the supervisors experience their role as a diverse, social and coordinating role and the main work involves staking, preparation for upcoming activities, answering questions and solving problems that occur. Furthermore it appeared that the supervisors’ role varies in work tasks as well as what is considered positive, negative and difficult. Moreover varies the role in the vision of the leadership and the experience of response from co-workers. Although it also appeared that the variations may not always depend on work experience and education level but also on the supervisors’ personality. The supervisors, who have experience from being craftsmen, were considered to have several advantages, for example concerning practical understanding, detecting inaccuracies and delays and that they more easily get accepted by the co-workers. The result indicated that the supervisors are experiencing their first months in the role differently depending on work experience and educational level. Most of them also believe that there are opportunities for improvement concerning the introduction period. The supervisors who have experience from being craftsmen felt prepared for the role to a greater extent than those supervisors who have an engineering degree. It were primarily those with an engineering degree who feel the need of a mentor but the majority of the supervisors reckons that if mentorship is to be used the mentor should be working at the same place as the supervisor. In addition, it was shown that the supervisors enjoy their role but the supervisors who have an engineering degree see the role as more attractive than those with a background as craftsmen. Possible enhancements mentioned were improved wage development, increasingly greater responsibility, better economic planning and more variation in the types of projects and tasks. The conclusions drawn were that the supervisors’ role varies in the aspect of the role itself and of the experience from the introduction period as well as that there are certain requests for mentorship and that there are opportunities to introduce changes which may make sure that the supervisors remain longer in their role.

Kompetensutveckling av personer i ledande befattningar : En studie om mentorskapets inverkan på ledarskapet

Simonsson, Peter, Renér, Carl January 2014 (has links)
Title:                          Leadership development of individuals in management positions   Authors:                    Carl Renér and Peter Simonsson     Institution:                Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics   Program:                   Human Resource Management   Course:                      Business administration – Organization including thesis, 15 credits   Supervisor:               Olle Duhlin (Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics)   Examiner:                 Mikael Lundgren (Linneaus University, School of Business and Economics)   It is widely known that the role of managers may result in stress and a heavy workload. As a result of this negative effects organisations have to counteract and find new solutions and systems to facilitate and assist leaders in their work. A popular method for leadership development has come to show both in research and in practice, especially in recent years, this popular method is known as mentoring. This form of leadership development is often applied in so called mentoring programs. The question remains regarding however mentorship and mentoring programs can affect the participant’s leadership development in a positive way. The purpose of this study is to create a deeper understanding of how mentoring can be used as a tool for leadership development of individuals in managing positions.  To answer this question, a qualitative method was used to gather the data and the empirical data was collected by nine semi-structured interviews with participants in the program. We have used an abductive approach to examine how the programs participants have perceived the program. The study shows that mentorship is a well functioning method for leadership development of individuals in management positions. In our case study the results have shown that mentoring programs can be used as a tool for personal development. We have come to the conclusion that it requires dedicated participants and a structured approach in the execution of such a program.

Mentorskap as toerusting vir beginnerskoolhoofde in Pretoria / M.C. van Jaarsveld.

Van Jaarsveld, Magdalena Christina January 2013 (has links)
Beginner principals in South Africa and internationally are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the demands set to them. Inadequate preparation and support are the causes that many beginner principals cannot meet the challenges. The beginner school principal has to cope with the diversity in schools, socio-economic differences, language and discipline problems as well as departmental issues. Too many learners in a class, over-aged learners still at school and a lack of resources are part of the challenges of the beginner school principal. This study focused on the type of support beginner principals require, their opinions regarding mentorship as supportive tool, and their views on the characteristics and qualities of an effective mentorship programme. As a result of the interviews, beginner school principals admit that an academic qualification is not enough to support them. Furthermore they also claim that the support from the Department of Basic Education is inadequate. An experienced or even a retired principal as mentor will address the demands and challenges in an on-going nature and will be more suited to support them. Therefore the main question will be: How will effective mentorship support beginner school principals? A qualitative research approach within an interpretivistic paradigm was followed during the investigation. By applying purposive sampling, ten principals from different cultural and racial background were identified as participants. Data was collected from principals by means of individual interviews and two observations per principal. The discourse analysis that followed indicated that beginner principals find areas such as management skills, legal issues, human relations, communication and departmental instructions, the most difficult areas to manage. What emerged and came to the fore was a need for a mentor to support them in specific areas. A mentorship programme, that focuses on these areas, with clear guidelines containing theoretical and practical components, was developed as a result of the research. / Thesis (MEd (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

Mentorskap as toerusting vir beginnerskoolhoofde in Pretoria / M.C. van Jaarsveld.

Van Jaarsveld, Magdalena Christina January 2013 (has links)
Beginner principals in South Africa and internationally are finding it increasingly difficult to cope with the demands set to them. Inadequate preparation and support are the causes that many beginner principals cannot meet the challenges. The beginner school principal has to cope with the diversity in schools, socio-economic differences, language and discipline problems as well as departmental issues. Too many learners in a class, over-aged learners still at school and a lack of resources are part of the challenges of the beginner school principal. This study focused on the type of support beginner principals require, their opinions regarding mentorship as supportive tool, and their views on the characteristics and qualities of an effective mentorship programme. As a result of the interviews, beginner school principals admit that an academic qualification is not enough to support them. Furthermore they also claim that the support from the Department of Basic Education is inadequate. An experienced or even a retired principal as mentor will address the demands and challenges in an on-going nature and will be more suited to support them. Therefore the main question will be: How will effective mentorship support beginner school principals? A qualitative research approach within an interpretivistic paradigm was followed during the investigation. By applying purposive sampling, ten principals from different cultural and racial background were identified as participants. Data was collected from principals by means of individual interviews and two observations per principal. The discourse analysis that followed indicated that beginner principals find areas such as management skills, legal issues, human relations, communication and departmental instructions, the most difficult areas to manage. What emerged and came to the fore was a need for a mentor to support them in specific areas. A mentorship programme, that focuses on these areas, with clear guidelines containing theoretical and practical components, was developed as a result of the research. / Thesis (MEd (Education Management))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2013.

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