Spelling suggestions: "subject:"midwifery."" "subject:"midwives.""
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Kvinnors upplevelser av barnmorskans stöd vid förlossningsrädsla : En kvalitativ metasyntes / Women´s experiences of midwifes support regarding fear of childbirth : A qualitative meta-synthesisGustafsson, Lisa, Östhaug, Anna Lisa January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: Förlossningsrädsla kan vara påfrestande för kvinnor, förekommer i varierande allvarlighetsgrad och kan leda till negativ förlossningsupplevelse. Förekomsten av förlossningsrädsla varierar mellan olika länder vilket till viss del kan förklaras av olika mätmetoder. Barnmorskan är en betydelsefull person för kvinnor med förlossningsrädsla. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka kvinnors upplevelser och erfarenheter av barnmorskans stöd vid förlossningsrädsla. Metod: Kvalitativ metasyntes med meta-etnografisk analysmetod, där artiklar söktes i databaserna PubMed, CINAHL, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science och PsycINFO. Efter kvalitetsgranskning kom 15 artiklar att analyseras. Resultat: Tre kategorier med tillhörande mönster identifierades; En närvarande barnmorska och En kompetent barnmorska där kvinnornas upplevelser av barnmorskans stöd bidrog till att minska förlossningsrädslan. Kategorin En distanserad barnmorska med tillhörande mönster visar upplevelser som istället ökade förlossningsrädslan. Slutsats: Resultatet påvisar betydelsen av att kvinnor upplever att barnmorskan är närvarande och kompetent för att kvinnan ska känna sig trygg och våga lita på att hon kan föda. Kontinuerligt stöd vid förlossning och fortbildning till personalen som möter förlossningsrädda kvinnor behövs. Caseload kan vara en modell som ytterligare behöver implementeras i barnmorskans arbete. / Background: Fear of childbirth can be stressful for women, occurs in varying degrees of severity and can lead to negative birth experience. The incidence of fear of childbirth varies between different countries, which to some extent can be explained by different measurement methods. The midwife is a person of significance for women with fear of childbirth. Objective: The purpose of this study was to investigate women's experiences of a midwife's support during fear of childbirth. Method: Qualitative meta synthesis using meta-ethnographic analysis method, where articles were searched in the databases PubMed, CINAHL, Google Scholar, Scopus, Web of Science and PsycINFO. After a quality review, 15 articles were analyzed. Result: Three categories with correlating patterns were identified; A present midwife and a competent midwife where the women's experience of the midwives support contributed to alleviate childbirth fear; Category a distant midwife with correlating patterns displays experiences that tended to increase childbirth fear. Conclusion: The results display the importance of the women's experience of a present and competent midwife for the women to feel safe and dare trust that she can give birth. A continuous support at childbirth and education for the staff that encounters women with fear of childbirth is needed. Caseload could be one model that needs to be implemented in the midwives work.
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Att försöka komma under fasaden : Barnmorskors erfarenheter av att möta patienter som blivit utsatta för sexuellt våldHäggmark, Linnea, Juhlin, Ann-Sofie January 2019 (has links)
Det sexuella våldet är en globalt omfattande svårighet och ett folkhälsoproblem för kvinnor. Det råder en tystnadskultur kring ämnet som grundar sig i skuld och skam hos offret. Detta leder till att få vågar söka hjälp eller anmäla sina upplevelser. Barnmorskor anses dock vara en profession relevant att anförtro sig till vid besvär av sexuell karaktär. Barnmorskor innehar dessutom magisterexamen i sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Trots det tyder äldre studier på att barnmorskor upplever en osäkerhet kring att bemöta om frågor om våld. De anser att de saknar kunskap och tydliga riktlinjer. Syftet med studien var att ta del av barnmorskors erfarenhet av att möta patienter som blivit utsatta för sexuellt våld. Studien riktade sig till barnmorskor i västra Sverige som arbetar på en barnmorske- och/eller ungdomsmottagning. Studien bygger på intervjuer, vilka analyserades med kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Barnmorskorna upplevde att dialog i en trygg miljö var värdefullt för att patienterna skulle anförtro dem sina upplevelser. Barnmorskorna ansåg att det fanns omständigheter som försvårade deras möten, de såg ett värde i att arbeta personcentrerat och att verksamheten tillät ett flexibelt arbetssätt. Barnmorskorna i studien upplever inte att det är svårt att ställa frågan om sexuellt våld. En lyhördhet inför subtila signaler bör dock finnas då många patienter inte vågar berätta om sina upplevelser på grund av rådande tystnadskultur i samhället. Barnmorskorna upplever att tillräckligt med avsatt tid för patienten, samt stöd och samarbete med andra professioner, underlättar vårdandet.
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Kvinnors upplevelser av kontinuerlig barnmorskeledd vårdmodell under graviditet, förlossning och eftervård : En kvalitativ metasyntes / Women's experience of midwife-led continuity of care model during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care : A qualitative methasynthesisLoskog, Ida, Lundén, Johanna January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Kontinuerlig barnmorskeledd vårdmodell för kvinnor under graviditet, förlossning och eftervård tillämpas i flera länder runtom i världen. Modellen har visat sig positiv både ur medicinska och ekonomiska aspekter. Kvinnor i Sverige uttrycker en önskan om att kontinuiteten i vården kring graviditet, förlossning och eftervård ska öka. Trots detta tillämpas inte kontinuerlig barnmorskeledd vårdmodell i Sverige idag, bortsett från enstaka nyligen påbörjade projekt. Syfte: Att beskriva kvinnors upplevelser av kontinuerlig barnmorskeledd vårdmodell under graviditet, förlossning och eftervård. Metod: Kvalitativ metasyntes med metaetnografisk innehållsanalys. Femton (15) artiklar inkluderades i resultatet. Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier och sju underkategorier identifierades som centrala och övergripande teman för kvinnors upplevelser av kontinuerlig, barnmorskeledd vårdmodell. De tre huvudkategorierna var personcentrerad vård, relationen till barnmorskan och kommunikationen. Överlag var kvinnornas upplevelser av kontinuerlig, barnmorskeledd vårdmodell positiva. Slutsats: Kvinnor upplever kontinuerlig barnmorskeledd vårdmodell som stödjande, stärkande och personcentrerad. Kontinuerlig barnmorskeledd vårdmodell är en personcentrerad vårdform som stödjer och stärker kvinnorna genom graviditet, förlossning och eftervård. De positiva upplevelserna av kontinuerlig barnmorskeledd vårdmodell verkar minska när vården under graviditeten bedrivs i gruppform istället för individuellt. Klinisk tillämpbarhet: Resultatet av denna studie kan vara till stöd för att utveckla mödrahälsovården och förlossningsvården i Sverige. Den här studien kan inspirera till förändring för att uppnå personcentrerad vård för kvinnor under graviditet, förlossning och eftervård. / Background: Midwife-led continuity of care model for women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care is applied in several countries around the world. The model has proved positive both from medical and economic aspects. Women in Sweden express the wish that the continuity of care regarding pregnancy, childbirth and aftercare should increase. Despite this, midwife-led continuity of care model is not applied in Sweden today, apart from single recently initiated projects. Aim: To describe women's experiences of midwife-led continuity of care model during pregnancy, childbirth and aftercare. Method: Qualitative meta-synthesis with etnographic content analysis. Fifteen (15) items were included in the result. Results: Three main categories and seven subcategories were identified as central and overarching themes for women's experiences of midwife-led continuity of care model. The three main categories were person-centered care, the relation to the midwife and the communication. Overall, women's experiences of midwife-led continuity of care model were positive. Conclusion: Women experience midwife-led continuity of care model as supportive, strengthening and person-centred. Midwife-led continuity of care model is a person-centered form of care that supports and strengthens the women through pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care. The positive experiences of midwife-led continuity of care model seem to decrease when the care is given in group form during pregnancy instead of individually. Clinical implications: The result of this study can be of value for developing maternity care in Sweden. This study can inspire to create new ways to achieve person-centered care for women during pregnancy, childbirth and postpartum care.
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Ungas och lärares erfarenheter av sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen – en kunskapsbas för barnmorskan i det hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande arbetet : En kvalitativ metasyntes / Experiences of sex education among adolescents, young adults and teachers – a knowledge base for the midwife in the health promotion and disease prevention work : A qualitative metasynthesisLöfberg, Johanna, Torsethaugen, Grete January 2019 (has links)
Bakgrund: Sexuella och reproduktiva rättigheter baseras på mänskliga rättigheter. En central insats för att öka tillgången till den sexuella och reproduktiva hälsan är en allsidig och omfattande sexualundervisning. Skolan och ungdomsmottagningar anses vara viktiga arenor för sexualundervisning. Många unga i Sverige anser dock att de inte har tillräckligt med kunskaper för att ta hand om sin sexuella hälsa. Barnmorskan har ett ansvar för utbildning av både kvinnor och samhället och utbildningen omfattar sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Syfte: Syftet var att sammanställa aktuell forskning kring ungas och lärares erfarenheter av sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen för att därigenom bidra till en breddad kunskapsbas för barnmorskan i det hälsofrämjande och sjukdomsförebyggande arbetet. Metod: Kvalitativ metasyntes med metaetnografi som analysmetod. Totalt kvalitetsgranskades och sammanställdes 16 vetenskapliga artiklar. Resultat: De unga i studien hade tydliga önskemål kring undervisningens innehåll, vilka kvalitéer personen som undervisade skulle ha och miljön de undervisades i. De önskade en bred och nyanserad kunskap om sex och samlevnad, relationer, känslor, sociala och kulturella normer. Lärarna i studien fokuserade i störst utsträckning på hur läroplaner, ledarstöd och politik påverkade undervisningen och i mindre utsträckning undervisningens innehåll. Slutsats: Resultatet av denna metasyntes visar att det finns olikheter i erfarenheter hos både unga och lärare när det gäller sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen. Barnmorskans ansvarsområde, kunskapsbas och uppdaterad förståelse kring sex och samlevnad kan med fördel användas för att hjälpa och stödja i ämnet 2 och därmed bli en del av skolans sex- och samlevnadsundervisning. Klinisk tillämpbarhet: Denna metasyntes kan vara ett underlag för att skapa ett utökat samarbete mellan skolor och barnmorskor för att förbättra sex- och samlevnadsundervisningen och ungas kontroll över egen sexuell hälsa. Denna metasyntes kan även ge stöd och utveckla utbildningen inom pedagogik för barnmorskor, skolsköterskor och distriktsköterskor då alla dessa yrkeskategorier träffar unga. Lärarutbildningens fokus på sex- och samlevnadsundervisning kan genom metasyntesen utvecklas. Slutligen kan beslutsfattare inom skolan få insikt i glappet mellan ungas och vuxnas perspektiv och aktualisera sex- och samlevnadsundervisning och sexuell hälsa inom skolan. / Background: Sexual and reproductive health rights are based on human rights. A major input to rise availability to sexual and reproductive health is a comprehensive and extensive sexual education. Many young people in Sweden consider though that they lack the necessary knowledge to care about their own sexual health. The midwife has a responsibility for the education of both women and society, and education includes sexual and reproductive health. Purpose: The purpose of this study was to compile the current research on the experience of both young people and the teaching staff in the area of sex and sex education to create a knowledge base for the midwife in the health promotion and disease prevention work. Methods: The method of analysis used is a qualitative metasynthesis with a metaethnographic approach. In total 16 scientific articles were juxtaposed and examined. Results: The young people in this study expressed clear wishes not only as to the contents of their studies, but also the personality of the teaching staff and the environment where they are taught. They desired a broad and more balanced knowledge about sexuality and cohabitation, relations, emotions, social and cultural norms. The teaching staff in the study focused mostly on how the school curriculum, organizations and politics affected teaching and less on the contents. Conclusion: The result of this metasynthesis shows that there are differences in the required experience among both young people and teachers when it comes to sexuality and sex education. The midwife’s area of responsibility, knowledge and the revised understanding of sexuality and sex education can with advantage be used to better off the teaching of sex 3 education. Clinical applicability: This metasynthesis can become a basis to create an expanded cooperation between schools and midwives in order to first ameliorate sex education and second to boost the young people’s control of their own sexual health. This metasynthesis can also provide support and develop education in pedagogy for midwives, school nurses and district nurses as all these occupational categories meet young people. Teacher education's focus on sex and cohabitation education can be developed through this metasynthesis. Finally, decision makers within the schoolsystem can gain insight into the gap between young people's and adults' perspectives and actualize sex and cohabitation and sexual health within the schools.
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Barnmorskans arbete kring kostråd till gravida kvinnor : En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudieBlomqvist, Sara, Thor, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka barnmorskans syn på kostrådgivning till gravida kvinnor, om och hur de ger information om kost och i så fall vad de informerar om. Vidare undersöktes till vilken grad barnmorskorna på mödravårdscentralerna följer de rekommendationer om kost till gravida kvinnor som Svenska Livsmedelsverket tagit fram. En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes bland samtliga barnmorskor på mödravårdscentraler i Uppsala län. Det var 36 barnmorskor som deltog i studien (53 % svarsfrekvens) och som besvarade ett webbaserat frågeformulär. Resultatet från undersökningen visar att barnmorskorna ofta ger kostråd till den gravida kvinnan i samarbete med dietisten. Informationen ges då för det mesta både muntligt och skriftligt. Vidare visar resultatet att barnmorskorna anser att det är viktigt att ge kostråd till gravida kvinnor och att de allra flesta kvinnor får kostrådgivning på mödravårdscentralen. Barnmorskorna anser att de och den gravida kvinnan har ett gemensamt ansvar när det gäller information angående kost. Barnmorskorna grundar kostrådgivningen främst på Svenska Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer och undersökningen visar att de informerar om det mesta som det Svenska Livsmedelsverket tar upp angående kost under graviditeten. Slutsatsen av denna undersökning är att barnmorskorna ger en individuellt anpassad kostrådgivning som följer det Svenska Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer.</p> / <p>The aim of this study was to examine what view the midwives have on nutritional guidance towards pregnant women, if they give information regarding diets, and if so, how they inform pregnant women, and also what the information consists of. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to determine how the midwives comply with the recommendations given by the Swedish National Food Administration. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among all midwives at the maternity clinics in the county of Uppsala. There were 36 midwives that participated in the study (53 %) which consisted of a web based questionnaire. The result of this study indicated that the midwives frequently give nutritional guidance to the pregnant woman in collaboration with the dietician. The pregnant woman often receives both verbal and written information. The results also indicate that the midwives believe that it is important to give nutritional guidance to pregnant women and that most of them get this guidance at the maternity clinic. The attitude of the midwives is that they, together with the pregnant woman, have a mutual responsibility when it comes to information about nutrition during pregnancy. The midwives nutritional guidance is based on the given recommendations of the Swedish National Food Administration, and the study also shows that the information given by the midwife corresponds with the information that the Swedish National Food Administration emphasise. Therefore the conclusion of this study is that the midwives give an individually adjusted nutritional guidance which corresponds to the recommendations given by the Swedish National Food Administration.</p>
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Miscarriage : Women’s Experience and its Cumulative IncidenceAdolfsson, Ann-Sofie January 2006 (has links)
Many women experience miscarriage every year. Every fourth woman who has given birth reports that she has previous experience of miscarriage. In a study of all women in the Swedish Medical Birth Register 1983-2003, we found that the number of cases of self reported miscarriage had increased in Sweden during this 21 year period. This increase can be explained by the introduction of sensitive pregnancy tests around 1990, as well as an increase in the mean age of the mothers, by approximately 3 years, during the observation period. The risk of miscarriage is 13% with the first child. With subsequent pregnancies, the risk of miscarriage is 8%, 6% and 4% with the second, third and fourth child, respectively. Thirteen of these women who had suffered a recent miscarriage were interviewed four months later, and their feelings of guilt and emptiness were explored. Their experience was that they wanted their questions to be answered, and that they wanted others to treat them as the mothers to be that they felt themselves to be. They also experienced the need for time to grieve their loss. Measurement of grief by means of the Perinatal Grief Scale (PGS) is used in research but has also been proposed for clinical use. We have translated this psychological instrument to Swedish, back-translated and tested it in a small pilot study. In a randomized controlled study, women with early miscarriage were allocated, either to a structured visit (study group) or a regular visit (control group) to a midwife. The structured visit was conducted according to the Swanson caring theory. We could conclude that the structured visit had no significant effect on grief compared to the regular visit, as measured using the PGS. However, women with the sub-diagnosis missed abortion have significantly more grief four months after early miscarriage, regardless of visit type. We also performed a content analysis of the tape-recorded structured follow-up visit. The code-key used was Bonanno and Kaltman’s general grief categorization. Women’s expression of grief after miscarriage was found to be very similar to the grief experienced following the death of a relative. Furthermore, the grief was found to be independent of number of children, women’s age, or earlier experience of miscarriage. Conclusions: Every fourth woman who gives birth reports that she has also experienced early miscarriage. The experience of these women is that they have suffered a substantial loss and their reaction is grief similar to that experienced following the death of a relative. / On the day of the public defence of the doctoral thesis the status of article III was In Press and article IV was In Press.
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Barnmorskans arbete kring kostråd till gravida kvinnor : En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudieBlomqvist, Sara, Thor, Johanna January 2009 (has links)
Syftet med denna undersökning var att undersöka barnmorskans syn på kostrådgivning till gravida kvinnor, om och hur de ger information om kost och i så fall vad de informerar om. Vidare undersöktes till vilken grad barnmorskorna på mödravårdscentralerna följer de rekommendationer om kost till gravida kvinnor som Svenska Livsmedelsverket tagit fram. En deskriptiv tvärsnittsstudie genomfördes bland samtliga barnmorskor på mödravårdscentraler i Uppsala län. Det var 36 barnmorskor som deltog i studien (53 % svarsfrekvens) och som besvarade ett webbaserat frågeformulär. Resultatet från undersökningen visar att barnmorskorna ofta ger kostråd till den gravida kvinnan i samarbete med dietisten. Informationen ges då för det mesta både muntligt och skriftligt. Vidare visar resultatet att barnmorskorna anser att det är viktigt att ge kostråd till gravida kvinnor och att de allra flesta kvinnor får kostrådgivning på mödravårdscentralen. Barnmorskorna anser att de och den gravida kvinnan har ett gemensamt ansvar när det gäller information angående kost. Barnmorskorna grundar kostrådgivningen främst på Svenska Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer och undersökningen visar att de informerar om det mesta som det Svenska Livsmedelsverket tar upp angående kost under graviditeten. Slutsatsen av denna undersökning är att barnmorskorna ger en individuellt anpassad kostrådgivning som följer det Svenska Livsmedelsverkets rekommendationer. / The aim of this study was to examine what view the midwives have on nutritional guidance towards pregnant women, if they give information regarding diets, and if so, how they inform pregnant women, and also what the information consists of. Furthermore, the aim of this study was to determine how the midwives comply with the recommendations given by the Swedish National Food Administration. A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out among all midwives at the maternity clinics in the county of Uppsala. There were 36 midwives that participated in the study (53 %) which consisted of a web based questionnaire. The result of this study indicated that the midwives frequently give nutritional guidance to the pregnant woman in collaboration with the dietician. The pregnant woman often receives both verbal and written information. The results also indicate that the midwives believe that it is important to give nutritional guidance to pregnant women and that most of them get this guidance at the maternity clinic. The attitude of the midwives is that they, together with the pregnant woman, have a mutual responsibility when it comes to information about nutrition during pregnancy. The midwives nutritional guidance is based on the given recommendations of the Swedish National Food Administration, and the study also shows that the information given by the midwife corresponds with the information that the Swedish National Food Administration emphasise. Therefore the conclusion of this study is that the midwives give an individually adjusted nutritional guidance which corresponds to the recommendations given by the Swedish National Food Administration.
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Gynekologer och barnmorskor inom svensk abortvård : åsikter, erfarenheter och upplevelserLindström, Meta January 2007 (has links)
Aim: To investigate gynecologists’ and midwives’ views and experiences regarding work in abortion care in Sweden. Methods: Questionnaire to gynecologists (n=269) and midwives (n=258 comprising 48 questions, response 85%. The quantitative studies (articles I-III) were supplemented by a qualitative study (article IV), consisting of focus-group interviews with gynecologists and midwives/nurses. Results: From the questionnaire studies it was apparent that all the gynecologists had worked in abortion care, whilst not all midwives had done so. The male gynecologists were older than both their female colleagues and the midwives; they had most years of experience but were now working least with abortion patients. Both groups considered it absolutely right, that Sweden have legal abortion and that the law was being followed. Most thought that women should be allowed to have an abortion even after they had felt fetal movements. The midwives were generally somewhat more restrictive than the gynecologists. Half of all thought that the work with abortion patients brought something positive with it. Those having worked longest and most extensively, especially during the previous year were most liberal. Both groups felt that there was a difference between working with surgical and late abortions compared with medical abortions. One in four had had misgivings when involved in surgical and medical abortions, and one in two with abortions after the 18th week. All were positive about the transition to medical abortions, and roughly two thirds of the midwives thought that the primary care sector should be able to take care of these, whereas less than half of the gynecologists thought this. The majority considered it important to receive further and continuing professional development and ongoing guidance. From the focus-group interviews it was clear that the experiences of the gynecologists were largely connected with the technical development of abortion methods and those of the midwives/nurses with improved pain relief. The work was sometimes described in paradoxical terms and was occasionally experienced as frustrating, especially in connection with repeat abortions. Neither of the two groups, however, had had any doubts about participating in abortion. The gynecologists described how women now expected to get an abortion, whereas previously they had asked for one. The midwife/nurse group maintained that the meetings with the women had become considerably more frequent. The interaction between the two professional groups was marked by great trust in each other’s professional competence. Conclusions: Gynecologists and midwives working in abortion care support Swedish abortion legislation and have no doubts about participating in abortions, despite the fact that they have frequently experienced complex and difficult work situations. The character of the work is experienced as contradictory and frustrating, but also as challenging and rewarding. The awareness that the two professional groups have of the importance of continuing professional development and ongoing guidance should be acted on. Furthermore, their collective views and experiences should be made use of, so that abortion care can be developed, not only in order to promote women’s health, but also to improve the work environment for the abortion staff.
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Keisersnittønske hos andregangsfødende : utløsende faktorer og effekten av kjent jordmor / Maternal request for caesarean section in second pregnancy : Contributing factors and the effect of a known midwifeGaudernack, Lise C January 2012 (has links)
Målsetning:De sentrale problemstillingene oppsummeres gjennom følgende spørsmål: hvor mange andregangsfødende med keisersnittønske endret seg til å ønske vaginal fødsel ved tilbud om aten jordmor de blir kjent meder med på fødselen?Hvordan gikk fødselen i kjent jordmorgruppen?Hvordan var forekomsten av fødselskomplikasjoner ved første fødsel i hele gruppen sammenlignet med normalbefolkningen?Var det forskjeller mellom kjent jordmorgruppen og gruppen som holdt fast ved keisersnittønsketm.h.t. komplikasjoner ved første fødsel, mors alder, diagnoser hos mor eller barn og antall ultralydundersøkelser? Metode:En kvantitativ studie som ved gjennomgang av pasientjournaler fra 2006-2010 på Rikshospitalet fantalle andregangsfødende med et barn i hodeleie som ønsket keisersnitt og fikk tilbud om kjent jordmor. Statistikk fra Medisinsk fødselsregister, fra fødeavdelingens databaserog data fra journaler ble benyttetfor å undersøke forekomsten av fødselskomplikasjoner. Hovedresultat: 129 andregangsfødende med keisersnittønske fikk tilbud om kjent jordmor, 48 ble med i kjent jordmor gruppen og planla vaginal fødsel. Av disse fødte 81,2% vaginalt. De 129 kvinnene hadde opplevd signifikant mer komplikasjonerenn landsgjennomsnittet ved sin første fødsel. Iinnleding og diskusjon ble det lagt vekt på de helsemessige konsekvenser av den økende forekomsten av keisernitt, både planlagte og akutte. Kvinnene i keisersnittgruppen hadde fire ganger så ofte et helseproblem oppstått før svangerskap nummer to og de hadde signifikant oftere opplevd fødselsangst allerede i første svangerskap. Konklusjon: Den sterke økningen i keisersnitt over store deler av verden fører til at det skapes flere helseproblemer enn det løses. Populasjoners og individers helse blir negativt påvirket både mentalt og fysisk, på kort og lang sikt.Helsekonsekvensene diskuteresbåde på individ og gruppeplan i lys av begrepene health locus of control, sense of coherence, mestring, empowerment og folkehelse.Det er av avgjørende betydning å perfeksjonere fødselshjelpen ved vaginale fødsler og å forebygge negative fødselsopplevelser. Tiltak som ”kjent jordmor” hjelper kvinner medkeisersnittønsketil å ville føde vaginalt er viktige bidrag i denne sammenhengen / Aim: This study primarily aimed to determine how many second-time mothers hoping for a caesarean section changed their mind and requested a vaginal delivery when they had the opportunity to know their midwife in advance. Second it wasdetermined which delivery method was experienced by mothers in the known midwife group. The study also compares the rate of delivery complications experienced during first-time delivery for the whole study population compared to the mean population of Norwegian first time mothers. Finally the differences between the women choosing “known midwife” and those who choose caesarean section are explored regarding delivery complications and experience during first pregnancy Method:This quantitative study was conducted at Rikshospitalet in Oslo. All second-time mothers wanting a cesarean delivery without medical indication in 2006 to 2010 and having been offered to participate in the in “the known midwife project” were identified. The study used data from the Norwegian medical birth registry, delivery ward databases, and the patients’ personal journals. Among129 second time mothers desiring a caesarean delivery, 48 joined the “known midwife team” and planned a vaginal birth;the remaining 81 women choseto have a planned caesarean section and were called the “caesarean section group”. In the “known midwife group” 81.2% had a vaginal delivery. The 129 women had experienced significantly more complications than the mean population of Norwegian first time mothers during their first delivery. The women in the “caesarean section group” were four times more likely to have a health problem compared to women in the “known midwife group”. They were also more likely to have experienced birth anxiety during their first pregnancy. Conclusion: The consequences of caesarean section were discussed using terms such as health locus of control, sense of coherence, coping, empowerment, and public health.The major increase in caesarean sections worldwide has resulted in more health problems than they solve. Caesarian section has a negative short-and long-term impact on both mental and physical health. Therefore, it is vitally important to optimize vaginal delivery and prevent bad delivery experiences. Projects such as “the known midwife” help women who are afraid of having a vaginal delivery. Such projects should be encouraged / <p>ISBN 978-91-86739-36-2</p>
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Gynekologisk undersökning vid eftervårdsbesök -barnmorskans erfarenheter av att bedöma bäckenbottensstrukturer : Kvalitativ intervjustudie med barnmorskor verksamma inommödrahälsovården / Pelvic examination at postpartum check-up - the midwife´s experiences of assessing pelvic floor structures: a qualitative interview studyJobs Roos, Kesti, Roos, Kristin January 2018 (has links)
Bakgrund: När en kvinna genomgår en graviditet och förlossning innebär det stora påfrestningar för hennes kropp. Vid en förlossning kan bristningar uppstå, vilket kan medföra besvär för kvinnan i olika utsträckning. Genom eftervårdsbesöket har barnmorskorna en möjlighet att identifiera problem som kan ha uppstått och upptäcka odiagnostiserade förlossningsskador. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva barnmorskans erfarenheter av gynekologisk undersökning och att bedöma bäckenbottens strukturer vid eftervårdsbesök inom mödrahälsovården. Metod: Semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med elva barnmorskor yrkesverksamma inom mödrahälsovården. Tematisk analys användes för att analysera materialet. Resultat: Ett huvudtema, tre organiserande teman samt tio basteman identifierades. Huvudtemat var: kvinnans behov i centrum. Organiserande teman var: att stödja genom sitt förhållningssätt; att verka hälsofrämjande och förbättringsområden. Basteman var: att vara lyhörd; att bekräfta; att se individuella behov; att motivera till undersökning; att motivera till egenvård; utbildning; struktur; dokumentation; tidsaspekten och uppföljning. Slutsats: Barnmorskor inom mödrahälsovården fyller en viktig funktion i att arbeta hälsofrämjande och arbetar med kvinnans behov i centrum. De försöker individanpassa varje besök och den information som ges ut men upplever att det kan finnas svårigheter att motivera kvinnor till gynekologisk undersökning. Mer utbildning, bättre och tydligare struktur för bedömning av bäckenbotten samt en förbättrad samtalsmetodik kring besvär som kan kvarstå efter förlossningen kan bidra till att kvinnor får den hjälp och vård de behöver. Klinisk tillämpbarhet: Studiens resultat belyser behov av mer kunskap, utbildning och struktur. Att detta uppmärksammas i denna studie kan leda till diskussion om vidareutveckling och att ämnet lyfts i den kliniska verksamheten. / Background: Undergoing pregnancy and childbirth, entails great strain on a woman’s body. When giving birth vaginally, tears may occur, which may cause problems for the woman to a different extent. Through the postpartum check-up, midwives have an opportunity to identify problems that may have occurred and detect undiagnosed perineal injuries. Aim: The aim was to describe the midwife’s experiences of pelvic examination and to assess pelvic floor structures at the postpartum check-up. Method: Semi-structured interviews were conducted with eleven midwives working in maternal health care. Thematic analysis was used to analyze the material. Results: One global theme, three organizing themes and ten basic themes were identified. The global theme was: the woman´s needs. The organizing themes were: to support through the approach; to promote health and areas for improvement. The basic themes were: to be responsive; to confirm; to see individual needs; to motivate for examination; to motivate selfcare; education; structure; documentation; time aspect and follow-up. Conclusion: Midwives in maternal health care play an important role in health promotion and working with women's needs. They try to personalize each visit and adapt the information given, but their experience is that there are difficulties in motivating women to undergo a pelvic examination. More education, a better and clearer structure for assessing the pelvic floor and an improved way of addressing problems that may persist after childbirth may enable women getting the help and care they need. Clinical application: The study results highlight an existing need for more knowledge, education and structure. Attention to this can lead to discussion of further development and the subject can also be raised among other healthcare providers.
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