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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Acción mínima y pulsión de reducción en propuestas performativas contemporáneas: estudio práctico en tres actos.

Martí Prades, Olga 17 May 2021 (has links)
[ES] Existe una línea de progresión en el arte contemporáneo de propuestas que parten o abordan la nada o casi nada, que prefieren los apenas, los sutiles, el movimiento mínimo, la inacción o la desaparición. Esta tesis doctoral aborda esa tendencia en las últimas dos décadas en las artes que utilizan el cuerpo y la experiencia para tratar de entender aquello que mueve a sus creadores y creadoras y el lugar que ocupan en el sistema cultural actual. Para ello, el estudio sitúa los trabajos en el contexto en el que se desarrollan, identificando el movimiento, la productividad y la hipervisibilidad como tres de las características definitorias más destacadas de la contemporaneidad. Además, los conecta con la década de los sesenta y conceptos como el de desmaterialización, y los vincula con otra tradición, la del deseo de huida y de autoexclusión en el arte. Por medio de una investigación a través de la práctica artística que aúna proyectos personales, jornadas y exposiciones colectivas en los que se actúa como disparadora, o a través de la participación en proyectos de otros y otras artistas de referencia y grupos de investigación, la indagación ofrece un estudio agrupado alrededor de tres grandes conceptos o actos: el de desaparecer uno o una misma; el de hacer de la desaparición y la inacción el motor, medio u objetivo de la obra; y el de la repetición como forma de hacer de nuevo que las cosas sucedan, poniendo el cuerpo, reescribiendo lo acontecido y abriendo grietas en un futuro que huye de aquel esperable y pautado de antemano. El malestar, la crisis de la presencia o la anomalía como punto de partida, junto con la eficiencia de lo discreto y silencioso propios de ideas orientales o las prácticas que intentan interpelar, ser habitadas, afectar y dejarse afectar, recorren unas páginas de personajes en fuga. Más que ponerse a correr u optar por la confrontación, estos creadores y creadoras prefieren detenerse y retirarse como particular forma de rechazo, acto de habla o posible salida al modo hegemónico de ser y estar. / [CA] Existeix una línia de progressió en l'art contemporani de propostes que parteixen o aborden el no-res o quasi res, que prefereixen els a penes, els subtils, el moviment mínim, la inacció o la desaparició. Aquesta tesi doctoral aborda aqueixa tendència en les últimes dues dècades en les arts que utilitzen el cos i l'experiència per a tractar d'entendre allò que mou als seus creadors i creadores i el lloc que ocupen en el sistema cultural actual. Per a aconseguir aquesta fi, l'estudi situa els treballs en el context en el qual es desenvolupen, identificant el moviment, la productivitat i l'híper-visibilitat com tres de les característiques definitòries més destacades de la contemporaneïtat. A més, els connecta amb la dècada dels seixanta i conceptes com el de desmaterialització, i els vincula amb una altra tradició, la del desig de fugida i d'autoexclusió en l'art. Per mitjà d'una investigació a través de la pràctica artística que uneix projectes personals, jornades i exposicions col·lectives en les quals s'actua com disparador, o a través de la participació en projectes d'altres artistes de referència i grups d'investigació, la indagació ofereix un estudi agrupat al voltant de tres grans conceptes o actes: el de desaparéixer un o una mateixa; el de fer de la desaparició i la inacció el motor, mitjà o objectiu de l'obra; i el de la repetició com a manera de fer de nou que les coses succeïsquen, posant el cos, reescrivint l'esdevingut i obrint escletxes en un futur que fuig d'aquell esperable i pautat prèviament. El malestar, la crisi de la presència o l'anomalia com a punt de partida, juntament amb l'eficiència del discret i silenciós, propis d'idees orientals, o les pràctiques que intenten interpel·lar, ser habitades, afectar i deixar-se afectar, recorren unes pàgines de personatges en fuga. Més que posar-se a córrer o optar per la confrontació, aquests creadors i creadores prefereixen aturar-se i retirar-se com a particular forma de rebuig, acte de parla o possible eixida a la manera hegemònica de ser i estar. / [EN] There is a line of progression in contemporary art in which proposals begin or go through nothingness or almost nothing, preferring the few, the subtle, the minimal movement, the non-action, or the disappearance. This doctoral thesis deals with the art trend of the last two decades which uses the body and the experience to attempt to understand what moves its creators and the place this tendency and these artists occupy in the current cultural system. To this end, this study places works in their context, identifying movement, productivity, and hypervisibility as three of the most prominent defining features of contemporaneity. Furthermore, this dissertation connects these works to the sixties and concepts such as dematerialization as well as links them to another tradition related to the desire to escape and of self-exclusion in art. Through art practice-based research which combines personal projects, events, and group exhibitions, in which the researcher acts as a trigger, or through the participation in projects by reference artists and research groups, this inquiry offers a study gathered around three main concepts or acts: disappearing oneself; making disappearance and non-action the starter engine, the medium, or the objective of the work; and considering repetition as a way of making things happen again, using the body, rewriting what happened and opening gaps in a future which flees from what one expected and established in advance. The malaise, the crisis of the presence, or deviation are the starting points. Along with that, the effectiveness of the discreet and the silent, which are characteristic of oriental ideas, or the practices which try to challenge, to be inhabited, to move and to be moved run through pages with characters on the run. Rather than running from or opting for confrontation, these creators prefer to stop and withdraw themselves as a particular form of rejection, speech act, or a possible exit from the hegemonic way of being and to be. / Martí Prades, O. (2021). Acción mínima y pulsión de reducción en propuestas performativas contemporáneas: estudio práctico en tres actos [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/166440

Postoperativ vård efter ortopedisk kirurgi : en litteraturöversikt / Postoperative care after orthopedic surgery : a literature review

Hjelmfeldt, Oskar, Lundén, Sara January 2024 (has links)
Bakgrund   Muskuloskeletala systemet, även benämnt som rörelseapparaten, kräver alltid postoperativ omvårdnad efter operation i de nedre extremiteterna. En viktig aspekt av vårdprocessen är personcentrerad omvårdnad, som betonar vikten av preoperativ information, postoperativ rehabilitering och aktiv patientmedverkan. Tidig mobilisering efter operation är avgörande för att minska risken för komplikationer och förkorta sjukhusvistelsen, samtidigt som det finns en strävan att förbättra patientens livskvalitet och återställa funktion. Denna studie fokuserar på att analysera den postoperativa vården efter ortopedisk kirurgi. Syfte  Syftet var att belysa postoperativ vård efter ortopedisk kirurgi. Metod  En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt baserad på 15 vetenskapliga originalartiklar med kvalitativa, kvantitativa eller mixad design. Artiklarna valdes ut från databaserna PubMed och CINAHL. Samtliga artiklar har kvalitetsgranskats utifrån Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsunderlag för vetenskaplig klassificering och kvalitet. Integrerad dataanalys användes för att sammanställa resultatet. Resultat Resultatet sammanställdes med hjälp av två huvudkategorier: Tidig mobilisering och Vårdandets perspektiv. Resultatet visade att tidig mobilisering är fördelaktigt i det tidiga stadiet av postoperativ omvårdnad då det påskyndar rehabiliteringen, förbättrar behandlingsprocessen och sänker vårdkostnaderna. Dessutom framhölls vikten av väl anpassad patientinformation för att stärka den personcentrerade vården. Det är avgörande att vårdgivarna anpassar informationen för att optimera varje patients behandlingsupplevelse och resultat. Slutsats Denna litteraturöversikt understryker vikten av tidig mobilisering efter ortopedisk kirurgi för att påskynda patientens återhämtning, förkorta sjukhusvistelser samt minska smärta, vilket förbättrar både fysiska och psykiska utfall. Genom att implementera ett personcentrerat förhållningssätt som anpassade smärtbehandlingsprotokoll och grundlig preoperativ utbildning kan vårdgivare övervinna hinder som åldersfaktorer och rörelserädsla. Tidig mobilisering, som en del av ERAS-program, visar även ekonomiska fördelar genom minskade vårdkostnader och effektivare resursanvändning, vilket gör det till en kritisk komponent i postoperativ vård. / Background The musculoskeletal system always requires postoperative care after surgery in the lower extremities. An important aspect of the care process is person-centered nursing, which emphasizes the importance of preoperative information, postoperative rehabilitation, and active patient participation. Early mobilization after surgery is essential to reduce risk of complications and shorten the hospital stay, while striving to improve the patient's quality of life and restore function. This study focuses on analyzing the postoperative care after orthopedic surgery. Aim The aim was to shed light on postoperative care after orthopedic surgery. Method A non-systematic literature review based on 15 original scientific articles with a qualitative, quantitative or mixed design. The articles were selected from the databases PubMed and CINAHL. The articles have been quality checked based on Sophiahemmet University's assessment document for scientific classification and quality. Integrated data analysis was used to compile the results. Results The results were compiled with the help of two main categories: Early Mobilization and the Nursing perspective. The result showed that early mobilization is beneficial in the early stage of postoperative care that accelerates rehabilitation, improves the treatment process and lowers costs. Additionally, the importance of well-adapted patient information to strengthen person-centered care was highlighted. It's critical that caregivers adapt the information to optimize each patient's treatment experience and outcomes. Conclusions This literature review highlights the importance of early mobilization after orthopedic surgery to accelerate recovery, shorten hospital stays, and reduce pain, improving both physical and psychological outcomes. Implementing person-centered approaches such as customized pain management protocols and thorough preoperative education, caregivers can overcome barriers like age factors and movement fear. Early mobilization, as part of ERAS, also demonstrates economic benefits through reduced healthcare costs and more efficient resource usage, making it a critical component of postoperative care.

隱藏於日常社區傳播中的女性能動性:以旗美社區大學女性學員為例 / Women's hidden agency in everyday communication: a case study of female students at the chi-mei community university

林何臻, Lin, Ho Chen Unknown Date (has links)
本研究從廣義的社區傳播觀點出發,探討傳統社會結構限制下的社區已婚女性,如何展現她們的能動性從家庭「走出來」,並且成為社區大學和在地社區產生連結的中介角色。在已婚女性的個人能動性方面,研究者發現根據女性所擁有的資源差異,會影響她們自我定位協商的方式。其中自主性內隱的女性,使用了「以退為進」的戰術,有意識或無意識地鬆動了傳統「賢妻良母」的自我定位。而在女性發揮能動性的過程裡,她們也展現出一種默會知識樣貌──同理心和禮物經濟。這些默會知識的運用,使她們得以在家庭和社大的場域,扮演橋樑般的角色,在情感層面上建立起對班級、社大與社區的集體認同,以及可被用於即時動員的人際網絡。而她們也會以自己的知識經驗為基礎,將社大的理念轉化為她們所認可的具體行動。 / The idea of "Community Communication" is not limited to the use of community media. In a broader perspective, interpersonal communication in everyday life should also be identified as a sphere of community communication. Therefore my research focused on the interpersonal communication of four married women who took courses in Chi-Mei Community University. From their cases, the agency of married women who lived under traditional social restraints was distinctively uncovered. As long as these female students found their own way out of domestic life, they voluntarily became mediators in community communication. They helped Chi-Mei staff not only in running courses more smoothly but also in building rapport with local inhabitants successfully. All these female students identified themselves with the roles of "wives and mothers." However, based on the different resources they acquired, they developed various tactics in the re-negotiation of self-identities during the post-parental period. In one case where the husband had more power over his wife, the wife swiftly came up with strategic approaches that instead helped her gain the advantages over her husband (sometimes even without his knowing it). With this kind of wit cultivated from daily communications, while studying in Chi-Mei Community University, these married women even foster certain tacit knowledge which can be defined as "empathy" and "gift economy". By making use of tacit knowledge, these women translated the concepts advocated by Chi-Mei staff into real actions. And they were able to mobilize their family members and friends in taking these actions as well. Yet they did not associate their voluntary contributions with the abstract concepts, but attributed the actions to their sense of belongings as a community with Chi-Mei and the people whom they admired. These female students actually underestimated their importance in community mobilization. In fact, after Typhoon Morakot seriously damaged southern Taiwan in August 2009, the community networks fostered by women’s interpersonal communication played crucial roles in delivering materials to those victims in need. This was a good example of how the loosely connected networks could be activated at some critical moment while community mobilization is urgently required.

The story of an immune deficiency disease and its representation in the South African print media (1981-2000)

Mathebe, Lucky 25 August 2009 (has links)
This study explores the multiple ways in which Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) functioned through concrete biomedical institutions, namely, the Centres for Disease Control (CDC), the National Institutes of Health (NIH), and the World Health Organization (WHO). AIDS is viewed as a product of the full range of institutional practices in which it became embedded and in which it was set within the boundaries of Louis Pasteur's germ theory of disease (see the Preface section). This biomedical model of disease was materialized through journalistic practices and sold as news. Within these operative terms can be understood another analytical strategy that also designates the main domain of my study of this contemporary social form: I argue in this thesis that knowledge about AIDS was by no means dependent solely on the objective, scientifically determined, "received narrative" of biomedicine; what is today known as AIDS is also a product of a wide range of social practices produced and reproduced over time and space. AIDS is also an outcome of the resolutions, judgements and decisions that working journalists made over time in terms of what they generated or covered as news; the disease is also product of a large assortment of representational mirrors that I call `authentic voices', to take as good examples, the "narrative of moral protest", the narrative of a "homosexual disease", the narrative of a "heterosexual disease," and the narrative of a "modern-day Black Death" (plague). The story of AIDS in the media can also be seen to be defined by the proliferation of these authentic voices. From this reading, the distinctive trait of AIDS in the media lies in the fact that it is a constructed object, a disease framed through a specific structure of meanings. When we look at these structure of meanings we find that their moral and cultural assumptions and stereotypical connotations embody certain aspects of the organism of the society within which they were created and nourished over a much longer history. / Sociology / D.Litt. et Phil. (Sociology)

搖滾音樂演唱會之文化行銷分析—以「Say Yes to Taiwan」演唱會為例

陳惠婷, Chen, Hui-Ting Unknown Date (has links)
本研究為探討搖滾音樂演唱會:「Say Yes to Taiwan」在文化行銷中所呈現的諸種面向,包含了行銷模式分析與音樂的社會功能之文化論述。「Say Yes to Taiwan」為台灣目前負載公共議題訴求音樂活動之翹楚,不但規模已臻成熟,自2000年以來每年持續地舉辦也形成了活動自身的歷史,其與政治、社會運動之間的關連性更是台灣其他流行音樂所缺乏的,故值得作為音樂展演文化分析的對象。依照黃葳威(2003)對文化行銷所下之定義:「依據國家原生文化的取向設定宗旨任務,而進行特定族群藝文教育、知識的推廣,及特定族群文化產品與相關服務的提供,以期達成傳承與交流特定族群文化的理想」我們可知,「Say Yes to Taiwan」以一個不收費的音樂演唱會藝文活動,來推動台灣主體性理念之活動宗旨,並進行本土搖滾創作音樂的推廣,以其達到促使年輕群眾關心公共議題的目標等等,的確是符合文化行銷的定義。同時,藉以分析這個帶有政治理念訴求的「音樂社會運動」,不難看出其中音樂與政治動員的連帶關係,音樂自此跳脫了純美學討論的範疇,進而介入了社會與政治的實際運作,音樂以其「創造認同、經驗感情、組織時間」的獨特社會功能,對於群眾的動員與社會變革產生了可能的影響,因此,藉由對音樂演唱會活動的文化行銷模式分析為起點,發現活動背後深層的文化意涵,是本研究的論述方向。 根據Costa and Bamossy在1995年時提出一個關於分析文化行銷的模式,探討國家原生文化對於文化行銷所可能產生的層級影響,以及多重目標、關鍵決策人士與多元行銷區塊的文化行銷架構,本研究首先發現,在台灣目前國族認同斷裂、分歧的現況下,「Say Yes to Taiwan」活動亟欲「再現」一個台灣本土性認同之原生文化意識實踐,在這個大原則的指導下,對於文化行銷層級所產生的影響:無不以鞏固台灣主體定位為優先;在任務定位方面,是推動認同台灣、邀請國外樂團參以期達到影響國際視聽之效,另外並進一步促使年輕族群關心公共議題的討論與促進地方音樂文化與觀光產業的繁榮發展;在對藝文教育與知識的態度方面,則是幫助一般觀眾了解與欣賞台灣的創作音樂,並且鼓勵從台灣本土角度出發進行的藝術創作;在活動與節目內容、服務相關零售紀念品和行銷的態度上,則是選擇與認同台灣意識的藝人、企業、組織單位合作;在對所訴求參與觀眾的定位上,則是鎖定年輕人作為目標群眾,希望將台灣認同的理念、關心公共議題的素養推廣至年輕人身上。由此可見「認同台灣」的國家原生文化的意識形態實踐對於「Say Yes to Taiwan」文化行銷的總體性層級影響。 接著,本研究根據多重目標、關鍵決策人士與多元行銷區塊的文化行銷架構模式分析發現各區塊的文化行銷特色與矛盾,並分析出多元區塊間彼此的矛盾與衝突之處,包括:爭取贊助單位資源之經濟目標與推廣本土創作音樂的教育、知識推廣目標產生了衝突,贊助單位希望邀請主流藝人演出以求取悅大眾,但主辦單位卻希望維持推廣創作搖滾樂團的教育目的,以及關鍵決策人士之間,由於彼此的年齡代溝,而有對此一流行文化活動看法不同的角色衝突存在,老一輩的關鍵決策者心儀古典菁英音樂文化,對於年輕關鍵決策者所力持的流行文化搖滾樂抱持懷疑態度。至於在關鍵行銷區塊方面,可分為針對觀眾與贊助單位所作的行銷,又可分為下列細項:年輕搖滾音樂愛好者的核心觀眾、喜愛音樂的一般潛在觀眾、關心政治議題的潛在觀眾、民間政治團體贊助單位、政府相關部門贊助單位、企業贊助單位以及媒體贊助單位。而想要在同一個活動中同時攘括年輕搖滾音樂愛好者的核心觀眾,與喜愛流行音樂的一般潛在觀眾,這兩種在社群本質特色上相衝突的關鍵行銷區塊,可能會產生活動本質錯亂的危險,於是在年輕搖滾音樂愛好者的核心觀眾、與喜愛音樂的一般潛在觀眾這兩個關鍵行銷區塊之間,便產生了潛在相衝突的可能。 於是在SYTT文化行銷模式中所出現的「SWOT」與多元區塊間的衝突,本研究力求從文化面分析中來為其找出解答與改善建議,包括:應重視評估計畫的重要——以適於活動組織本身規模與負擔的現場問卷調查,輔以影音、文字記錄來作為評估計畫研究進行的資料蒐集法,並交由組織內部專職或外部專門人員加以分析;發展細緻的理性論述——將文字論述重點轉移至對台灣內部的關心和反省,以及將活動定位由台灣與中國間的「政治」問題提升至反對中國對台灣武力壓迫的「反戰」問題,以求獲得國際視聽的認同;發展音樂演唱會以外,與本身音樂活動相關的組織性活動;維護搖滾音樂的品牌識別性;與贊助單位建立良好的溝通管道以培養長久的贊助關係以及發展多元資源來源,其中包括——以影音複製品的販賣以求增加營收,並選擇適合自身特色,且能動性高的另類媒介作為活動訊息的宣傳管道;最後一點則是活動焦點往台灣內部轉向與擴展。透過以上建議的提出,希望能對「Say Yes to Taiwan」的文化行銷分析作出實質的幫助。 在前一部份較為「微觀」的文化行銷模式細部分析之後,本研究最後擬將此一研究主題放置於「鉅觀」的整體社會、政治結構互動關係中來作文化性的整合討論,藉以深化文化行銷分析的論述。文中以搖滾樂的「創造認同、經驗感情、組織時間」的音樂社會功能為起點,以及與群眾「一體」的社群力量,得以成為群眾發聲的代言媒介,接連分析音樂如何介入政治動員的可能,與發展社會運動新型態的功能。當然音樂不是革命,也許無法真正實際地去影響政治與社會變革,但它的次文化社群召喚性卻可輕易地促使我們開始注意並關心公共議題,造成思想上的質變,尤其是它對年輕人的影響力,其所形成的與論與關心力量,足以對國家機構施加變革壓力,使國家機構無法輕忽人民心聲,相信這是音樂對於政治與社會變革的實際實踐作為之所在。搖滾音樂演唱會,諸如此處的「Say Yes to Taiwan」,以其號召力激發後續的背負公共議題理念的演唱會活動出現,等於是促使連續不止的公共領域出現,成為理性對談語言的寄存所,於是搖滾音樂或搖滾音樂演唱會這種相對另類的媒體,對於推動公共議題理念的文化行銷與傳播功效,的確是不容忽視的。 / The topic of this study is about the cultural marketing of the rock concert ”Say Yes to Taiwan” , including the analysis of the cultural marketing’s model and the cultural discuss about the social function of music. Now in Taiwan, ”Say Yes to Taiwan” is the leader of the concerts which carry the public claim, not only it’s scale comes to a head, but also it’s long term activity’s history. It’s correlation with the politics and the social movement is also the biggest difference between the local creative rock music and the local pop music , that’s why ”Say Yes to Taiwan” is worth of being the topic of the cultural marketing study. According to Wai-Wai Huang’s definition of cultural marketing : ”Base upon the natural culture of the state, setting the bearing and the mission, promoting the artistic education and information of the particular group, and offering the cultural production and the interrelated service of the particular group, hoping to accomplish the ideality of translating and communicating the culture of the particular group(Wai-Wai Huang, 2003).” Because ”Say Yes to Taiwan” is a free rock concert, it hopes to promote the”Taiwanese identity ideology” and the local creative music, it also hopes to let the young audiences caring about the public issue, so it corresponds with the definition of the cultural marketing indeed. At meanwhile, via studying this ideal and political “social movement of music”, it’s easy for us to see the correlation between the music and the political mobilization. From now on, the music not only belongs to the aesthetic discussion, but also involves the practice of social and political improvement. Music uses it’s unique social function: “creating identity, experiencing emotion and organizing time” to make the social transignfication and the mobilization of people possible. Therefore, via the analysis of the cultural marketing’s model ,then finding the deep cultural meaning of this concert, is the emphasis of this study.

Access issues associated with U.S. military presence in Thailand and the Philippines

Dilag, Bayani C. 03 1900 (has links)
Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited / In pursuit of the objectives of the U.S. National Security Strategy and the National Military Strategy, the U.S. Armed Forces require access to military and logistics facilities overseas to be able to support and sustain its combat power projection. Access to these places translates into capabilities. An American military forward presence in time of peace as well as during a regional crisis lends credibility to U.S. diplomacy. Moreover, access to forward locations is expedient when engaging transnational threats or supporting humanitarian missions, e.g., the South and Southeast Asia tsunami relief operations. This thesis analyzes the political opposition to U.S. military presence in Thailand and the Philippines. The historical context that led to the development of this opposition is examined in detail. The rationale of those who oppose, as well as those who support, American military presence is clearly delineated. By understanding the sensitive political issues, U.S. military planners and operators can adapt base access strategies according to the existing political climate in these two countries. The politics unique to each environment will dictate the combination of "basing" approaches tailored to meet the U.S. military objectives as well as the public diplomacy required to support them. / Major (Select), United States Air Force

Specialisation of political participation in Europe : a comparative analysis

de Rooij, Eline A. January 2009 (has links)
This thesis answers the question how and why do individuals specialise in different types of political participation? By examining the degree to which individuals concentrate their political activities within one type of political participation, or spread them out across many. This thesis complements previous research on rates of political participation; and adapts and extends existing theories of political participation to explain differences in the degree of specialisation between different groups in society and between countries. Using data from the European Social Survey, covering as many as 21 European countries, and applying a range of different statistical methods, I distinguish four types of political participation: voting, conventional and unconventional political participation and consumer politics. I show that in countries with higher levels of socio-economic development, more democratic experience, and an increased presence of mobilising agents, the degree to which individuals concentrate their political activities within one type of political participation is higher, regardless of the accessibility and responsiveness of their political institutions. This is partly due to the fact that these countries have a higher educated population and that higher educated individuals specialise more. Specialisation also varies along the lines of other socio-demographic divisions, such as those based on gender. Moreover, I show that in contexts in which political issues are salient, such as during an election year, individuals are more likely to engage in non-electoral types of political participation if they also vote. This implies that specialisation is reduced during times of country-wide political mobilisation. The final finding of my thesis is that non-Western immigrants tend to concentrate their political activities less within one type of political participation than the majority population in Western Europe. Western immigrants specialise quite differently, suggesting differences in the way in which they are mobilised. As well as providing an important contribution to the study of political participation, these findings are relevant to discussions regarding citizen engagement and representation.

La décentralisation au Niger : le cas de la mobilisation des ressources financières dans la ville de Niamey

Nyirakamana, Colette 02 1900 (has links)
La décentralisation implantée en 2004 au Niger, a pour objectif de promouvoir le développement « par le bas » et de diffuser les principes démocratiques dans les milieux locaux, afin d’améliorer les conditions de vie des populations. Les recherches sur le sujet font état d’un écart considérable entre les objectifs et les réalisations de la décentralisation. Les facteurs avancés pour expliquer cet écart sont entre autres, le faible appui technique et financier de l’État envers les collectivités territoriales ou encore la quasi-inexistence d’une fonction publique locale qualifiée et apte à prendre en charge les projets de décentralisation. Toutefois, ces observations s’avèrent insuffisantes pour rendre compte des difficultés rencontrées par les acteurs de la décentralisation au Niger. Nous affirmons que les partis politiques jouent un rôle fondamental dans le processus de décentralisations. Ceux-ci diffusent des stratégies d’influence politique et de patronage dans les arènes locales. Les stratégies des partis politiques entravent les initiatives des acteurs locaux, notamment leur capacité de mobilisation des ressources financières. / Decentralization began in 2004 in Niger, aims to promote development "from below" and spreading democratic principles in local communities, in order to improve the living conditions of populations. Research available shows a considerable gap between goals and achievements of decentralization. Factors presented by researchers to explain this difference are the weak technical and financial support of the State toward local authorities, or the quasi-absence of a qualified local civil service, able to support decentralization projects. However, these arguments are insufficient to explain the difficulties encountered by decentralization actors. Thus, I argue that political parties play a key role in the decentralization process. They disseminate political influence strategies and patronage practices in local arenas. Therefore, their strategies hinder local actors’ actions, especially their ability to mobilize financial resources.

Étude descriptive des perceptions de soutien, d’habilitation et de reconnaissance favorisant la mobilisation organisationnelle au Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de l’alphabétisation du Burkina Faso

Darveau, Jocelyne 08 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat se situe dans le contexte des préoccupations des autorités nationales et des organisations internationales relatives à l’efficacité des organisations publiques dans les pays en développement, dans le cadre des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD) et du programme Éducation pour tous (ÉPT). L’argument du manque de ressources est de plus en plus remis en cause par le constat que certaines organisations disposant de ressources moindres que d’autres de même nature, obtiennent de meilleurs résultats (Barney, 1991; Durand, 1996; Isckia, 2008). Autrement dit, la quantité de ressources n’explique pas tout; il faut considérer d’autres éléments, dont la mobilisation organisationnelle, c’est-à-dire le mouvement obtenu d’une masse critique d’employés qui adoptent des actions positives dans le sens de l’atteinte des objectifs de leur organisation. Cette mobilisation suppose un climat positif auquel contribue la présence de certains états psychologiques ressentis par les employés, notamment les perceptions de soutien et de reconnaissance de la part de l’organisation de même qu’un sentiment d’habilitation psychologique (Tremblay et Simard, 2005). Ces perceptions et ce sentiment constituent les points focaux de la recherche que nous avons menée au sein du Ministère de l’éducation nationale et de l’alphabétisation (MÉNA) du Burkina Faso. L’objectif principal de notre recherche est de décrire ces trois états psychologiques. Le soutien organisationnel perçu (SOP), l’habilitation psychologique (HP) et la reconnaissance perçue ont été explorés à partir des travaux de Eisenberger et al. (1986), de Spreitzer (1995) et de Brun et Dugas (2005) respectivement. Nous avons délibérément choisi la perspective des employés plutôt que celle des pratiques de gestion observées ou déclarées de leurs supérieurs et avons entrepris de connaître leurs perceptions. Ces dernières méritent que l’on s’en préoccupe car aucune politique, mesure ou pratique visant à instaurer un climat organisationnel mobilisant ne peut être efficace si elle n’est pas perçue comme telle par les employés. Utilisant une méthodologie mixte, nous avons recueilli auprès de cadres et de directions d’école, des données sur les trois états psychologiques retenus, à l’aide d’un questionnaire comportant 37 énoncés (65 répondants); d’entrevues individuelles visant à enrichir, compléter, expliciter ou illustrer les informations obtenues par le questionnaire (18 participants); et de deux groupes de discussion autour des résultats de l’analyse préliminaire des réponses au questionnaire (7 participants). Au total, les données ont été recueillies auprès de 73 personnes, certaines d’entre elles ayant à la fois répondu au questionnaire et participé à une entrevue individuelle. Les données ont été traitées par état psychologique à l’aide des logiciels SPSS Statistics 20 (pour les questionnaires) et QDA Miner 4.0.11 (pour les entretiens individuels). Pour chaque énoncé, chaque variable créée et chacune des caractéristiques (fonction, genre et milieu de travail), nous avons d’abord obtenu des mesures de tendances centrales; nous avons poursuivi en ajoutant un second niveau de traitement en combinant les caractéristiques, par exemple : la fonction (cadre ou direction d’école) et le genre (femme ou homme). Nous avons ensuite procédé au codage des verbatims des entretiens en vue d’en extraire des éléments qui corroborent, précisent ou nuancent les résultats de l’analyse des données obtenues par le questionnaire pour chaque état psychologique. L’exploitation des données d’entretiens visait également à identifier des éléments portant sur le thème de la mobilisation au MÉNA. Les résultats des analyses des données issues des questionnaires indiquent globalement que le soutien organisationnel est perçu de façon négative au sein du MÉNA, seule la valorisation du travail réalisé recueillant un sentiment un peu moins négatif. Les répondants se perçoivent habilités psychologiquement; des quatre composantes de l’habilitation psychologique, c’est l’autonomie qui recueille la perception la plus négative. En ce qui concerne la reconnaissance, on observe une perception positive des éléments reliés à la communication et négative lorsqu’il s’agit de l’appréciation du système d’attribution des récompenses. En complément à ces résultats obtenus de l’analyse des données issues du questionnaire, les entretiens ont permis de mettre en lumière le fait que des pratiques efficaces de gestion (par exemple la rapidité des réponses aux demandes, l’application des normes de ponctualité et d’assiduité, la réception régulière du salaire) sont considérées comme des marques de soutien organisationnel. Ces entretiens ont également permis de découvrir un fort potentiel d’implication personnelle et professionnelle des participants rencontrés qui affichaient une disposition favorable à l’augmentation de leur contribution tout en souhaitant une plus grande reconnaissance de leur potentiel. La prise en compte de la fonction, du genre et du milieu de travail a permis de raffiner les analyses. À titre d’exemple: le soutien organisationnel est perçu plus positivement en milieu urbain qu’en milieu rural; les cadres perçoivent positivement la valorisation que le ministère accorde à leur contribution; alors que les directrices d’école ont une appréciation négative de cette valorisation. Le sentiment de compétence est éprouvé de façon plus positive chez les cadres alors que le sentiment d’autonomie est plus positif chez les directions d’école. En milieu urbain, la transmission de l’information, les rencontres avec les supérieurs et les témoignages d’appréciation sont plus présents qu’en milieu rural. Dans cette recherche, qui s’est déroulée dans un contexte subsaharien, nous avons affiché un parti pris pour une approche universaliste plutôt que culturaliste. Tout en reconnaissant que les traditions et la culture font partie de l’environnement organisationnel, nous pensons qu’elles ne sont pas les principaux facteurs explicatifs des comportements des employés dans une organisation. Les propos tenus par certains des participants que nous avons rencontrés renforcent notre conviction que les pratiques de gestion généralement perçues positivement par les employés le sont également dans ce contexte. / This doctoral thesis is situated in the context of national authorities' and international organizations' concerns about the effectiveness of public organizations in developing countries, pursuant to the Millennium Development Goals (MDG) and the Education For All program. The argument of lack of resources has been increasingly challenged by the observation that some organizations with fewer resources than other similar ones produce better results (Barney, 1991; Durand, 1996; Isckia, 2008). This implies that the quantity of resources is not the only determining factor. Other aspects must be considered, such as organizational mobilization, i.e., the movement generated by a critical mass of employees acting in ways that support the achievement of their organization's goals. Mobilization of this kind requires a positive climate that results from the presence of specific psychological states felt by employees, in particular, the perceptions of being supported and recognized by the organization, and a sense of psychological empowerment (Tremblay & Simard, 2005). These perceptions and feelings are the focus of the study we conducted at Burkina Faso's Ministère de l'Éducation nationale and de l'alphabétisation (MÉNA) [National Ministry of Education and Literacy]. The main objective of our research was to describe these three psychological states. We explored perceived organizational support (POS), psychological empowerment and perceived recognition by drawing on the work of Eisenberger et al. (1986), Spreitzer (1995) and Brun & Dugas (2005) respectively. We deliberately chose to work from the perspective of employees, rather than the observed or self-reported management practices of their superiors, and strove to discover theirs perceptions. Perceptions merit attention because no policy, measure, or practice aiming to instill a mobilizing organizational climate will be effective if it is not perceived as such by the employees. Using a mixed methodology, we gathered data from senior educational administrators and school principals on the three selected psychological states with a questionnaire containing 37 statements (65 respondents); individual interviews designed to enrich, supplement, clarify, or illustrate information generated by the questionnaire (18 participants); and two focus groups that reviewed the results of the preliminary analysis of the questionnaire data (7 participants). In all, data were gathered from 73 individuals, some of whom both answered the questionnaire and took part in an individual interview. The data concerning each psychological state were processed using SPSS Statistics 20 software (for the questionnaires) and QDA Miner 4.0.11 (for the individual interviews). For each statement, each variable created, and each of the characteristics (function, gender, and work setting), we first obtained measures of central tendency; we then introduced a second level of processing by combining characteristics, for example, function (senior educational administrator or school principal) and gender (female or male). We then coded the interview transcripts with a view to extracting elements that would confirm, clarify, or nuance the findings of the analysis of questionnaire data for each psychological state. The analysis of the interview data aimed also to identify elements relating to the subject of mobilization within MÉNA. The analysis of questionnaire data generally revealed that organizational support is perceived in a negative way within MÉNA, with only the appreciation of job performance recording a slightly less negative perception. The respondents perceived themselves as psychologically empowered; of the four components of psychological empowerment, autonomy was perceived most negatively. With regard to recognition, we noted a positive perception of elements pertaining to communication and negative perceptions of the reward system. The results of our analysis of the questionnaire data were enriched by the material gathered from the interviews, which revealed that effective management practices (e.g., quick response to requests, application of punctuality and attendance standards, regular pay) are viewed as evidence of organizational support. The interviews also revealed a strong potential for personal and professional commitment on the part of participants, who exhibited readiness to contributing more to the organization in exchange for greater recognition of their potential. We refined our analyses by considering function, gender, and work setting. We observed, for instance, that organizational support is perceived more positively in urban settings than in rural areas; senior educational administrators have a positive perception of the Ministry's recognition of their contribution, whereas school principals have a negative perception of this recognition. The feeling of being competent is more positive among senior administrators, while the sense of autonomy is perceived more positively by school principals. In urban areas, information transmission, meetings with superiors, and expressions of appreciation are more frequent than in rural areas. In this research, which was conducted in a sub-Saharan context, we adopted a "universalist" rather than a "culturalist" approach. While recognizing that traditions and culture are part of the organizational environment, we believe they are not the main factors driving the behaviour of employees in an organization. The comments of some of the participants we met reinforced our conviction that management practices that are usually perceived positively by employees are perceived the same way in this context.

La mobilisation linguistique au Pays de Galles, en Ontario et au Nouveau-Brunswick (1962-2012) : cycles de mobilisation et rémanence dans une perspective comparée

Normand, Martin 07 1900 (has links)
Les minorités linguistiques francophones au Nouveau-Brunswick et en Ontario et la minorité galloisante au Pays de Galles ont plusieurs éléments en commun. D’abord, elles se sont dotées d’un réseau associatif dense qui a mené de front plusieurs luttes, souvent avec succès, et qui a eu pour résultats l’amélioration de la situation sociopolitique et la reconnaissance symbolique de la communauté minoritaire. Ensuite, le statut légal et social de la langue minoritaire a relativement progressé dans les trois cas, grâce à l’adoption de lois et de politiques linguistiques. Ajoutons qu’elles ont tous accès à des institutions qui leur permettent de faire entendre leurs voix ou encore de se gouverner, que ce soit à travers leurs gouvernements locaux ou les assemblées législatives, et peuvent compter sur un ombudsman linguistique. Toutefois, la principale différence entre ces trois cas réside dans le niveau de mobilisation linguistique que l’on y observe à l’heure actuelle. On pourrait le qualifier d’élevé au Pays de Galles, de modéré en Ontario et de faible au Nouveau-Brunswick. Comment expliquer cette différence malgré un contexte similaire dans chacun des cas ? En nous inspirant des travaux sur la mobilisation linguistique, sur la rémanence et sur les régimes linguistiques, nous proposons une hypothèse qui établit un lien causal entre la satisfaction des groupes représentant les minorités linguistiques à l’égard des régimes linguistiques et le niveau de mobilisation. Le niveau de mobilisation d’une minorité linguistique varie en fonction de sa satisfaction à l’égard du régime linguistique, et cette satisfaction est liée à la perception qu’ont les groupes quant aux succès ou aux échecs de leurs mobilisations linguistiques. Autrement dit, quand une minorité linguistique considère que sa mobilisation linguistique n’a pas obtenu le succès escompté et que le régime linguistique ne répond pas à ses principales attentes, les organisations qui la représentent maintiennent un niveau de mobilisation élevé. À l’inverse, quand une minorité linguistique perçoit que sa mobilisation linguistique a connu du succès et que le régime linguistique répond à ses principales attentes, les organisations se réorganisent et entrent en rémanence. De façon plus précise, cette hypothèse propose donc une explication pour chacun des cas. Au Pays de Galles, le niveau de mobilisation des Galloisants demeure élevé parce que les modifications apportées au régime linguistique gallois ne répondent toujours pas aux attentes formulées par les acteurs de la société civile et ces acteurs ne considèrent pas que leur mobilisation a connu les succès escomptés. En Ontario, le niveau de mobilisation est modéré, parce qu’après une période de rémanence suivant un succès de la mobilisation linguistique, elle a repris une certaine vigueur alors que certains acquis étaient menacés. Au Nouveau-Brunswick, la mobilisation linguistique est en rémanence après que la mobilisation ait atteint sa finalité, c’est-à-dire qu’elle a connu le succès qu’elle recherchait, mais les acteurs de la société civile ne sont pas pour autant absents de l’espace public. / The Francophone linguistic minorities in New Brunswick and Ontario and the Welsh-speaking minority in Wales share many common elements. They have each developed a dense network of organization which spear-headed many campaigns that led to the improvement of the socio-political standing and of the symbolic recognition of the minority community. Also, the legal and social status of the minority language has progressed in each case, following the enactment of language laws and public policies. They all have access to institutions in which they can voice their demands or where they can govern themselves, be it in local governments or legislative assemblies. They can also appeal to linguistic ombudsmen. But, the main difference is seen in their current level of linguistic mobilization. We can describe it as high in Wales, moderate in Ontario and low in New Brunswick. How can we explain this difference in spite of a similar context in each case? We draw upon the literature on linguistic mobilization, on abeyance and on linguistic regimes to suggest a hypothesis which makes a causal relationship between the satisfaction expressed towards the linguistic regime by groups representing linguistic minorities and the level of mobilization. The level of linguistic mobilization of a linguistic minority depends on the minority’s satisfaction towards the linguistic regime under which it lives, and this satisfaction is linked with how the groups that represent the minority perceive the successes or the failures of their linguistic mobilization. When a linguistic minority feels that its linguistic mobilization has not obtained the successes it anticipated and that the linguistic regime does not meet its main demands, the groups representing it keep the mobilization at a high level. Conversely, when a linguistic minority feels that its linguistic mobilization was successful and that the linguistic regime meets its demands, the groups reorganize and enter into abeyance. This hypothesis suggests an explanation for each case. In Wales, the linguistic mobilization level remains high because the changes to the regime have yet to meet the demands of the linguistic minority and because the groups representing Welsh-speakers do not consider that their linguistic mobilization has been successful. In Ontario, the linguistic mobilization level is moderate, because after a period of abeyance following what is considered as a success of the linguistic mobilization, the mobilization has reignited when the community felt under threat. In New Brunswick, the linguistic mobilization is in abeyance after the mobilization achieved its main goal, but the groups representing the community remain active in the public sphere.

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