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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The Guide: A Journey Through Holistic Healing

Johanson, Stefan January 2021 (has links)
The Graphic Journalism genre is emerging with influences from war reportage with authors like Joe Sacco. I would like to address and report the “War on Drugs” from small first hand experiences, personal connections, and a genuine deep desire to see the healthcare and justice system change. The war on Drugs started in the 1970s during Richard Nixon’s term in the U.S. Presidency. Nixon’s influence to launch the “War on Drugs'' campaign began shortly after two congressmen released a report on the growing heroin epidemic that affected hundreds to thousands of servicemen who fought in the Vietnam War, who used heroin to treat PTSD. Nixon launched unfair disconnected political policy and passed laws that disproportionately targeted those against him and his values (minorities, specifically African Americans and anyone belonging to the counterculture “subwhite”). The War on Drugs movement started as a way to outcast and control minorities through unrealistic and systemically racist and oppressive laws. As the movement evolved so did its focus, the War on Drugs eventually metamorphosed into the “War on Class”, or a war against the economically disadvantaged. The War on Drugs has done way more harm than good and immediate action needs to be taken to begin to restart drug policy in America and within the World. The incomparable Billie Holiday, world renowned jazz singer and creator of “Strange Fruit” once said “I need help. Not jail time.” Shortly after her arrest for heroin possession in 1947. In my opinion, these famous words that Billie Holiday shared during the day of her arrest should be the leading quote in the much needed movement against the criminalization of drug abuse victims. Not only does the War on Drugs disproportionately disenfranchise black and brown communities, it makes researching the benefits of any type of narcotic that was not fully understood nearly impossible. My goal is to reverse the taboos that currently exist throughout our society with a graphic novel/ zine aimed at high school students. I believe that future generations can benefit from natural hallucinogens and other forms of holistic medicines in a safe way that doesn’t involve them having to access illegal avenues of receiving narcotics in order to remedy their pain. Afterall, there is a far greater risk in taking street narcotics due to one’s ability to use an incorrect dosage according to their size and bodily chemistry which can ultimately lead to an overdose and street narcotics may include an unknown amount of ingredients, some of which include fentanyl, a synthetic product of prohibition that is cheaper than heroin, but far more powerful. Fentanyl is used pharmacologically in anesthesia and neuroleptanalgesia and can be extremely harmful to the mind and body. I believe extremely deadly drugs like fentanyl would never exist if it wasn’t for the War on Drugs and its consistent agenda to demonize the usage of all narcotics without exploring the benefits of holistic medicines like hallucinogens and regulating the usage of these medicines through legalization, supervision, FDA regulation, and accessibility within the U.S, Healthcare System.

”Inget var viktigare än drogen” : En litteraturstudie om ungdomars erfarenheter av missbruk med samtidig kriminalitet / “Nothing was more important than the drug” : A literature review about adolescents experiences of substance abuse with co-occurring criminality

Baldesjö, Emma, Gustafsson, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Synen på narkotika har blivit mer liberal och frekvensen av substansbruk hos ungdomar har ökat. Ungdomar anser att narkotikaklassade preparat har blivit mer lättillgängliga. Ungdomsåren är en riskfaktor för både narkotikabruk och kriminalitet. Ungdomsbrottslighetens omfång har inte förändrats mycket sedan 70-talet, dock blir brotten allvarligare och vanligare i yngre ålder. Ungdomar är den mest brottsaktiva gruppen i samhället. Brottsligheten kan dock ofta ses som en övergående fas.  Syfte: Syftet med denna litteraturstudie är att beskriva ungdomars erfarenheter av att lida av ett missbruk med samtidig kriminalitet. Metod: Studien är en litteraturöversikt. Datainsamlingen gjordes genom systematiska informationssökningar med bestämda inklusions- och exklusionskriterier. Analysmetoden som användes var Aveyards tematiska analysmodell. Nio artiklar ansågs ha ett relevant resultat som kunde besvara studiens syfte samt ha hög kvalitet.  Resultat: Resultatet presenteras utifrån fyra teman och nio subteman. De fyra temana som framkom var ”Från nöje till problem”, ”Den sociala arenans dubbla roll”, ”Förändrat beteende och psykisk ohälsa” samt ”Vård- och rättssystemets komplexitet”.  Slutsatser: Narkotikabruket gick från att bruka för nöjets skull till att problem skapades. Att bruka tyngre narkotika sker ofta i samband med brott i grupp och är ofta kopplat till grövre brottslighet. Det framkom att en trygg och säker miljö under uppväxten var en skyddsfaktor som minskade risken för narkotikabruk och kriminalitet i ungdomsåren. / Background: The view on drugs has become more liberal and the frequency of substance use among youth has increased. Adolescents also believe that illegal drugs are more easily accessible. The adolescent years are a risk factor for drug use and criminality. The extent of juvenile delinquency has not changed much since the 1970s, however, the crimes have become more serious and more common in younger ages. Adolescents are the most criminally active group in society. However, crime can often be seen as a transient phase. Aim: The aim of this literature review is to describe adolescents experiences of substance abuse with co-occurring criminality. Method: The method used in this study was a literature review. Data was collected through systematic information searches with specific inclusion and exclusion criteria. The method used to analyse the articles was Aveyard's thematic analysis model. Nine articles were considered to have a result that could answer the aim of the study and to be of high quality. Findings: The results are presented based on four themes and nine sub-themes. The four themes that emerged were “From recreational use to problems”, “The dual role of the social arena”, “Changed behaviour and mental health” and “The complexity of the care- and justice system”. Conclusion: The use of narcotics went from using for the sake of fun to creating problems. Heavier drugs were often associated with committing crimes in groups as well as committing more serious crimes. The importance of a safe and secure environment during childhood were a protective factor which could reduce the risk of drug use and criminality in adolescence.

Påverkande faktorer för framgång imissbruksbehandling. En intervjustudie. : En intervjustudie. / Influencing factors for success in addictiontreatment. An interview study. : An interview study.

Bolmehag, Emilia, Elenvik Mansour, Daniella January 2022 (has links)
Konsumtionen av både alkohol och narkotika orsakar idag stora folkhälsoproblem och står för en betydande del av sjukdomsbördan i Sverige. Sverige har idag en hög dödlighet och det är mer vanligt än ovanligt att personer efter behandling återfaller. Syftet med studien är att med semistrukturerade intervjuer undersöka behandlares upplevelser av vilka inre och yttre faktorer som mest påverkar klienter under missbruksbehandling. Avsikten är att få en större förståelse för hur man når störst framgång med behandlingen.  Resultatet visar att av de yttre faktorerna ansågs konsekvenser vara en drivkraft för att komma till behandling. Under behandlingen ansågs även goda relationer till både behandlare och behandlingsgrupp vara av betydelse för att stanna kvar. Det ansågs viktigt med ett nyktert nätverk som gav stöd i individens drogfrihet. Den sista yttre faktorn som var av betydelse var att individen fick sociala stödinsatser även efter behandling för att bibehålla nykterheten. Bland de inre faktorerna framkom inre motivation som någonting avgörande för att framför allt stanna kvar i behandling, detta kunde främjas av behandlingspersonalen. Den andra inre faktorn som kunde påverka behandlingsutfallet var samsjuklighet, där samverkan mellan de olika instanserna var central. / The consumption of both alcohol and drugs is currently causing major public health problems and accounts for a significant proportion of the burden of disease in Sweden. Sweden currently has a high mortality rate and it is more common than not for people to relapse after treatment. The aim of this study is to use semi-structured interviews to explore therapists' perceptions of which internal and external factors most influence clients in addiction treatment. The intention is to gain a greater understanding of how to achieve the greatest success in treatment.  The results show that of the external factors, consequences were considered a driving force for entering treatment. During treatment, good relationships with both therapists and the treatment group were also considered important for staying in treatment. A sober network that supported the individual's drug-free life was considered important. The last external factor that was important was that the individual received social support even after treatment to maintain sobriety. Among the internal factors, internal motivation emerged as something essential for staying in treatment in particular, this could be promoted by the treatment staff. The second internal factor that could influence treatment outcome was co-morbidity, where interaction between the different agencies was central.

Understanding exposure to pharmacogenetically actionable opioids in primary care

Knisely, Mitchell R. 21 April 2016 (has links)
Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis (IUPUI) / Pharmacogenetic testing has the potential to improve pain management through addressing wide interindividual variations in responses to pharmacogenetically actionable opioids, ultimately decreasing costly adverse drug effects and improving responses to these medications. A recent review of pharmacogenomics in the nursing literature highlighted the need for nurses to more fully embrace the burgeoning field of pharmacogenomics in nursing research, clinical practice, and education. Despite the promise of pharmacogenetic testing, significant challenges exist for evaluating outcomes related to its implementation, including oversimplification of medication exposure, the complexity of patients' clinical profiles, and the characteristics of healthcare contexts in which medications are prescribed. A better understanding of these challenges could enhance the assessment and documentation of the benefits of pharmacogenetic testing in guiding opioid therapies. This dissertation is intended to address the challenges of evaluating outcomes of pharmacogenetic testing implementation and the need for nurses to lead pharmacogenomic-related research. The dissertation purpose was to advance the sciences of nursing, pain management, and pharmacogenomics through the development of a typology of common patterns of medication exposure to known pharmacogenetically actionable opioids (codeine & tramadol). A qualitative, person-oriented approach was used to retrospectively analyze six months of electronic health record and pharmacogenotype data in 30 underserved adult patients. An overarching typology with eight groups of patients that had one of five opioid prescription patterns (singular, episodic, switching, sustained, or multiplex) and one of three types of medical emphasis of care (pain, comorbidities, or both) were identified. This typology consisted of a description of multiple common patterns that compare and contrast salient factors of exposure and the emphasis of why individuals were seeking care. Furthermore, in an aggregate descriptive analysis evaluating key clinical profile factors, these patients had complex medical histories, extensive healthcare utilization, and experienced significant polypharmacy. These findings can aid in addressing challenges related to the implementation of pharmacogenetic testing in clinical practice and point to ways in which nurses can take the lead in pharmacogenomics research. Findings also provide a foundation for future studies aimed at developing medication exposure measures to capture its dynamic nature and identifying and tailoring interventions in this population.

Personer med narkotikarelaterat substansbrukssyndroms erfarenheter av vård på sjukhus : en litteraturöversikt / People with narcotics related substance use disorder's experiences of hospital care : a litterature review

Glykofrydis, Josefina, Karlsson, Madeleine January 2023 (has links)
Bakgrund: Antalet dödsfall relaterat till narkotikarelaterat substansbruk ökar. Personer med narkotikarelaterat substansbrukssyndrom utgör en marginaliserad och stigmatiserad grupp i samhället. Dessa personer löper förhöjd risk för ohälsa, inte minst till följd av deras substansbruk. Stigmatisering inom hälso- och sjukvården är särskilt allvarligt, då det drabbar människor i ett särdeles sårbart tillstånd. Mot bakgrund av detta föreligger ett behov av att sammanställa tidigare forskning som studerat erfarenheter hos personer med narkotikarelaterat substansbrukssyndrom av att vårdas på sjukhus.   Syfte: Syftet var att undersöka de erfarenheter personer med narkotikarelaterat substansbrukssyndrom har av att vårdas på sjukhus. Metod: En icke-systematisk litteraturöversikt med integrerad dataanalys genomfördes baserat på 16 vetenskapliga originalartiklar. Litteratursökningarna utfördes i databaserna PubMed och CINAHL utifrån MeSH-termer och CINAHL Subject Headings, samt ytterligare relevanta sökord. Samtliga artiklar som inkluderades i studien har genomgått en kvalitetsgranskning enligt Sophiahemmet Högskolas bedömningsmall.   Resultat: Tre huvudkategorier identifierades, vilka var Erfarenheter av ojämlik vård, Erfarenheter av bemötande och Erfarenheter av utebliven vård. Resultatet visade att personer med narkotikarelaterat substansbrukssyndrom hade erfarit bristande bemötande av vårdpersonal till följd av stigmatisering och diskriminering, vilket ledde till konsekvenser som fördröjd eller nekad vård. Det framkom att vårdpersonal saknade kunskap om substansbrukssyndrom och hur substansbruksrelaterade tillstånd behandlas. Vidare visade resultatet att substansbruk utgjorde ett hinder för att erhålla adekvat smärtlindring, då vårdpersonalen antog att denna patientgrupp enbart sökte vård för att få tillgång till narkotikaklassade substanser. Personer med substansbrukssyndrom avbröt inte sällan sin sjukhusvistelse mot medicinsk inrådan, främst till följd av abstinensbesvär och inadekvat smärtlindring. Slutsats: Denna litteraturöversikt kan bidra till att hos vårdpersonal medvetandegöra patientgruppens erfarenheter och användas till grund för vidareutbildning inom området. Då flera stigmatiserade grupper kan tänkas uppleva liknande bemötande när de söker vård, kan föreliggande litteraturöversikt också användas för att förstå de erfarenheter stigmatiserade grupper generellt kan antas ha av att söka vård. / Background: The number of deaths related to narcotics related substance use is increasing. People with narcotics related substance use syndrome constitute a marginalized and stigmatized group in society. These people run an increased risk of ill health, especially as a result of their substance use. Stigmatization in health care is particularly serious, as it affects people in a particularly vulnerable state. In light of this, there is a need to compile previous research that has studied experiences of people with narcotics related substance use disorder being cared for in hospital settings.   Aim: The aim of this study was to examine experiences of people with narcotics related substance use disorder who have received hospital care.   Method: A non-systematic literature review with integrated data analysis was conducted based on 16 original scientific articles. The literature searches were carried out in the databases PubMed and CINAHL based on MeSH terms and CINAHL Subject Headings as well as additional relevant keywords. All articles that were included in the study have undergone a quality review according to Sophiahemmet University's assessment template.  Results: Three main categories were identified, as follows: Experiences of unequal care, Experiences of encounters and Experiences of missed care. The results showed that people with narcotics related substance use disorder had experienced a lack of treatment by healthcare professionals as a result of stigmatization and discrimination, which led to consequences such as delayed or denied care. It emerged that healthcare staff lacked knowledge about substance use disorder and how substance use related conditions are treated. Furthermore, the results showed that substance use constituted an obstacle to obtaining adequate pain relief as the healthcare staff assumed that this patient group only sought care to gain access to narcotic-classified substances. People with substance use syndrome often terminated their hospital stay against medical advice, mainly as a result of withdrawal symptoms and inadequate pain relief.  Conclusions: This literature review can contribute to raising awareness of the patient group's experiences among health care professionals and be used as a basis for further education in the field. As several stigmatized groups can conceivably experience similar treatment when they seek care, the present literature review can also be used to understand the experiences stigmatized groups can generally be assumed to have from seeking care.

Den svenska nolltoleransens baksida : En kvalitativ fallstudie om den svenska nolltoleransen mot narkotika samt dess följder

Brag, Julia January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish death rate related to narcotics is amongst the highest within the EU. The purpose of this study is to use process tracing while investigating and understanding the high death rate among people who use narcotics in Sweden. The focus is on whether the Swedish drug policy is driven by morals instead of scientific proof and asks whether morals are the main cause of the high death rate in Sweden. The study utilizes the “threshold theory” and the theory of “symbolic politics.” To do this the following questions are being answered: “How has the Swedish zero tolerance towards narcotics looked like since the 1970s until present day?” and “are there any signs to proof that the Swedish drug policy is driven more by morals than by scientific evidence, and if so, what are they?” The study also tests the hypothesis that the high death rate is related to the restrictive drug policy in Sweden. In order to answer this the study collects data and regulations from different time periods in Sweden thru a qualitative method. The study confirms that the Swedish drug policy is driven by moral while overlooking scientific proof and it is also likely that the hypothesis of the study is true.

Gendered Bodies and Nervous Minds: Creating Addiction in America, 1770-1910

Salem, Elizabeth Ann 13 September 2016 (has links)
No description available.

L’écosystème des crimes de bars de danse érotique québécois

Nicolas-Pierre, Yamilée 11 1900 (has links)
Il existe des associations entre les bars de danse érotique et les activités illicites, dans les écrits journalistiques et scientifiques. Nous avons vérifié ces associations en menant une description des crimes et déviances associés aux bars de danse érotique. Puis, nous avons tenté d’expliquer l’organisation et la structure de ces crimes, en nous appuyant sur l’approche du crime organisant et la théorie de l’écosystème du crime, de Felson (2006). Des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été conduits avec dix femmes danseuses, une femme shooter girl, un propriétaire, un portier et deux clients. Une analyse thématique à deux niveaux a montré que les délits se rapportent aux stupéfiants, à la prostitution, au proxénétisme, aux déviances, et à divers actes de violence. Des distinctions importantes, quant au contrôle selon les établissements sont notées. La structure et l’organisation des crimes peuvent s’expliquer par une logique propre aux relations symbiotiques et interdépendantes, tel que le suggère la théorie de l’écosystème du crime de Felson. Ainsi, la structure des délits peut prendre une forme mutualiste ou parasitaire. L’interrelation propre au neutralisme explique l’organisation générale de ces délits. Le milieu criminogène de la danse érotique offre de multiples opportunités, qui seront saisies par les acteurs motivés, en vue de réaliser un bénéfice personnel. Deux constats étonnants : les données suggèrent que l’implication des organisations criminelles est relativement limitée; et les conséquences occasionnées par les activités du milieu présentent un caractère inquiétant, particulièrement pour les femmes. Des efforts en matière de prévention situationnelle seraient appropriés pour réduire les opportunités. / Erotic dance clubs are perceived as being linked to numerous illegal activities. In this study, we describe crimes associated with erotic dance bars in Quebec, focusing on criminal and deviant acts, and aiming to establish their level of organization and structure. This analysis is guided by two theoretical frameworks: the organizing crime approach and Felson’s (2006) crime ecosystem theory. Fieldwork was undertaken by conducting guided interviews with ten female dancers, a shooter girl, a club owner, a doorman and two patrons. A thematic analysis was conducted at two levels. Findings illustrate that crime in such settings are generally linked to the consumption and sale of narcotics, prostitution and pimping, deviances, and various crimes of violence. The analysis also revealed that control mechanisms and management varied greatly across clubs. The structure and organization of crime could be understood, in Felson’s (2006) crime ecosystem terms, as symbiotic and interdependent relationships between mutualistic and parasitic parties. Overall, the criminogenic environment of erotic dance clubs, offers many opportunities to be seized by individuals motivated to make personal gain. Additional findings suggest that the involvement of criminal group is relatively limited; and the consequences caused by various legitimate and unlawful activities pose a great deal of concerns, in particular for women. In such contexts, situational prevention measures would be adequate to reduce opportunities.

The Convergence of the War on Terror and the War on Drugs: A Counter-Narcoterrorism Approach as a Policy Response

Burton, Lindsay 01 January 2019 (has links)
This thesis investigates how and why U.S. policies and agencies are ill-equipped to respond to narco-terrorism and offers some policy recommendations for remedying that. Narco-terrorism is the merging of terrorism and drug trafficking. Terrorist organizations and narcotics traffickers each have much to offer the other; there is potential for symbiosis in the form of cooperation and even hybridization. Examination of the dynamics between terrorist organizations and drug traffickers, combined with an evaluation of the US responses to narcoterrorism in Colombia and Afghanistan, makes it clear that current US policy responses fail to recognize narcoterrorism as a unique challenge, and instead attempt to deal separately with terrorism and drug trafficking. This approach has the potential to actually worsen both situations. The US needs a narcoterrorism strategy and institutions in place to implement it.

L’écosystème des crimes de bars de danse érotique québécois

Nicolas-Pierre, Yamilée 11 1900 (has links)
Il existe des associations entre les bars de danse érotique et les activités illicites, dans les écrits journalistiques et scientifiques. Nous avons vérifié ces associations en menant une description des crimes et déviances associés aux bars de danse érotique. Puis, nous avons tenté d’expliquer l’organisation et la structure de ces crimes, en nous appuyant sur l’approche du crime organisant et la théorie de l’écosystème du crime, de Felson (2006). Des entretiens semi-dirigés ont été conduits avec dix femmes danseuses, une femme shooter girl, un propriétaire, un portier et deux clients. Une analyse thématique à deux niveaux a montré que les délits se rapportent aux stupéfiants, à la prostitution, au proxénétisme, aux déviances, et à divers actes de violence. Des distinctions importantes, quant au contrôle selon les établissements sont notées. La structure et l’organisation des crimes peuvent s’expliquer par une logique propre aux relations symbiotiques et interdépendantes, tel que le suggère la théorie de l’écosystème du crime de Felson. Ainsi, la structure des délits peut prendre une forme mutualiste ou parasitaire. L’interrelation propre au neutralisme explique l’organisation générale de ces délits. Le milieu criminogène de la danse érotique offre de multiples opportunités, qui seront saisies par les acteurs motivés, en vue de réaliser un bénéfice personnel. Deux constats étonnants : les données suggèrent que l’implication des organisations criminelles est relativement limitée; et les conséquences occasionnées par les activités du milieu présentent un caractère inquiétant, particulièrement pour les femmes. Des efforts en matière de prévention situationnelle seraient appropriés pour réduire les opportunités. / Erotic dance clubs are perceived as being linked to numerous illegal activities. In this study, we describe crimes associated with erotic dance bars in Quebec, focusing on criminal and deviant acts, and aiming to establish their level of organization and structure. This analysis is guided by two theoretical frameworks: the organizing crime approach and Felson’s (2006) crime ecosystem theory. Fieldwork was undertaken by conducting guided interviews with ten female dancers, a shooter girl, a club owner, a doorman and two patrons. A thematic analysis was conducted at two levels. Findings illustrate that crime in such settings are generally linked to the consumption and sale of narcotics, prostitution and pimping, deviances, and various crimes of violence. The analysis also revealed that control mechanisms and management varied greatly across clubs. The structure and organization of crime could be understood, in Felson’s (2006) crime ecosystem terms, as symbiotic and interdependent relationships between mutualistic and parasitic parties. Overall, the criminogenic environment of erotic dance clubs, offers many opportunities to be seized by individuals motivated to make personal gain. Additional findings suggest that the involvement of criminal group is relatively limited; and the consequences caused by various legitimate and unlawful activities pose a great deal of concerns, in particular for women. In such contexts, situational prevention measures would be adequate to reduce opportunities.

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