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Interaktivní film a jeho stavební prvky / Interactive cinematography and its main elementsMatoušek, Petr January 2021 (has links)
Interactive cinema is a relatively unexplored area of film and new media studies. This thesis summarizes the theories and models which relate to interactivity, interactive narrative and interactive cinema that have been developed so far, and defines the main elements which the interactive cinema consists of. It sets this area in the context of new media and their properties, such as interactivity and convergence. It also briefly deals with interactive cinema from the historical perspective. The thesis explains the basic methods of narrative and visual analysis, especially in the context of interactive cinema. These findings are then used in the analysis of three films with a nonlinear narrative structure using viewers interaction. These movies are set into the models and theories that were introduced in the first part of this thesis. Finally, the films are compared and confronted with the author's hypothesis, which is based on the relatively negative public acceptance of interactive cinema.
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[pt] Considerando os processos de normalização de performances de gênero e
sexualidade no contexto familiar, o presente trabalho se debruça sobre as histórias de vida
de pessoas que se identificam como LGBTQIA+ acerca de suas experiências com seus
familiares. Inserido nas investigações atuais da Linguística Aplicada, a partir da Análise de
Narrativa – a qual tem buscado compreender, dentre outras coisas, os processos de
produção de vulnerabilidade e subalternidade em práticas sociais e discursivas – buscase compreender os processos de construção identitária, performances, bem como os
respectivos discursos que lhes dão suporte. Em um viés metodológico de pesquisa
qualitativa e interpretativa, foram gerados dados em situação de entrevista com homens e
mulheres cujas performances correspondem ao espectro de sexualidades supracitado.
Destas, optou-se por analisar as narrativas de três participantxs. Para isso, foram
mobilizadas discussões e ferramental teórico-analítico próprio à Análise de Narrativa, às
análises sobre estigma de Goffman (1963) e à Linguística Queer. A análise se dá a partir
da divisão laminar em três partes. Na primeira lâmina, busca-se mostrar como identidades
são indexadas em relações de sequencialidade na produção de causalidade e por
avaliações de modo a produzir a família como uma instituição repressora. Na segunda,
pautado no trabalho de face, busca-se mostrar como ocorre a negociação do estigma na
interação. Por fim, busca-se mostrar quais sistemas de coerência atuam na construção
dessas histórias. A partir disso foi possível compreender como performances identitárias
não alinhadas a ideias cis-heteronormativas desencadeiam processos de controle,
regulação e repressão. / [en] Taking into account the processes of normalization of experiences of gender and
sexuality in the family context, the present work focuses on the life stories of people who
identify themselves as LGBTQIA+ regarding their life experiences with their family. As part
in the contemporary researches of Applied Linguistics – which has been intending to
understand the processes of production of vulnerability and subalternity in discursive and
social practices – the processes of identity construction (performance) in these narratives
as well as the respective discourses that support it are investigated. In a qualitative and
interpretative research methodological bias, data were generated through interview with
men and women whose performances correspond to the above-mentioned spectrum of
sexualities; for the analysis it was chosen the narratives of three participants. For this, it
was mobilized discussions and tools proper to the Narrative Analysis, Intercultural
Sociolinguistics and Queer Linguistics. The analysis follows the laminar division in three
parts. In the first, it is intent to demonstrate how identities are indexed through sequential
relations in the production of causality and through evaluations in order to produce the
family as a repressive institution. In the second, based on the face work, we seek to show
how a stigma negotiation occurs in the interaction. Finally, based on lexical choices and
evaluative sequences, it is intent to show how the Discourse of Repression is indexed in
the narratives. From this, it was possible to understand how identity performances not
coherent with cis-heternormative values triggered process of control, regulation and
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[pt] Nesta dissertação, tenho por objetivo analisar, refletir e gerar entendimentos
acerca das vivências de pessoas LGBTQIA+, sublinhando suas experiências em
ambientes institucionais como: escola, família e igreja. A partir da Análise de
Narrativas (Linde, 1993; Moita Lopes, 2001; Bastos, 2005; Bamberg, 2006;
Georgakopoulou, 2006; Bastos; Biar, 2015; Biar; Orton; Bastos, 2021) irei
direcionar o meu olhar para as possíveis situações de micro violências e
estigmatização vividas por indivíduos por conta de suas orientações sexuais;
observando, na construção narrativa, como isto afeta e/ou afetou suas trajetórias e
identidades. Esta pesquisa está situada no campo da Linguística Aplicada
Contemporânea (Moita Lopes et al., 2006; 2013), com interfaces com a
Linguística Queer (Borba, 2014; 2015; 2019), a qual entende que o uso da
linguagem está relacionado às práticas sociais e a como construímos e
entendemos quem somos e a nossa sexualidade. Além disso, também recorro à
Teoria Queer (Butler, 2003 [1990], Foucault, 2020 [1976]; Sedgwick, 1985; 2007
[1990]; Milani; Woff, 2015; Miskolci, 2020; Louro, 2007; 2020). O paradigma
qualitativo (Denzin; Lincoln, 2006) orienta a metodologia do estudo, o qual será
desenvolvido a partir dos dados gerados em entrevistas conversacionais (Mishler,
1986) realizadas com pessoas da comunidade LGBTQIA+. Ao final desta
pesquisa, algumas das possíveis reflexões geradas nos levam a entender como as
práticas homofóbicas são normalizadas nos discursos como forma de
brincadeira e regulamentação dos corpos, gerando desconforto e até mesmo um
sentimento de solidão em especial por conta da falta de amparo em ambientes
institucionais. / [en] In this dissertation, I aim to analyze, reflect and generate understanding about the
experiences of LGBTQIA+ people, emphasizing their experiences in institutional
environments such as school, family, and church. Based on Narrative Analysis
(Linde, 1993; Moita Lopes, 2001; Bastos, 2005; Bamberg, 2006;
Georgakopoulou, 2006; Bastos; Biar, 2015; Biar; Orton; Bastos, 2021) I will
direct my gaze to the possible situations of micro-violence and stigmatization
experienced by individuals because of their sexual orientations; observing, in the
narrative construction, how this affects and/or affected their trajectories and
identities. This research is situated in the field of Contemporary Applied
Linguistics (Moita Lopes et al., 2006; 2013), with interfaces with Queer
Linguistics (Borba, 2014; 2015; 2019), which understands that the use of
language is related to social practices and how we construct and understand who
we are and our sexuality. In addition, I also draw on Queer Theory ((Butler, 2003
[1990], Foucault, 2020 [1976]; Sedgwick, 1985; 2007 [1990]; Milani; Woff, 2015;
Miskolci, 2020; Louro, 2007; 2020; Miskolci, 2020;). The qualitative paradigm
(Denzin; Lincoln, 2006) guides the study s methodology, which will be developed
from the data generated in conversational interviews (Mishler, 1986) conducted
with people from the LGBTQIA+ community. At the end of this research, some
possible reflections lead us to understand how homophobic practices are
normalized in discourses as a form of jokes and regulation of bodies, generating
discomfort and even a feeling of loneliness, mainly because of the lack of support
in institutional environments.
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[pt] Nesta pesquisa, tenho por objetivo criar inteligibilidades acerca da prática do pole dance, a partir da investigação dos discursos narrativos produzidos por mulheres da comunidade desta dança-esporte. Situado na área da Linguística Aplicada Contemporânea (MOITA LOPES, 2006; FABRÍCIO 2006), o estudo dedica-se à interpretação dos sentidos criados em narrativas orais (LABOV, 1972; BASTOS, 2005) contadas por pole dancers, a fim de entender a emergência de estigmas (GOFFMAN, [1963] 2004) e a construção de identidades (MOITA LOPES, 2002, HALL, 2005) voltados às praticantes e à própria atividade. A arquitetura teórica fundamenta-se em uma visão socioconstrucionista de narrativas (BASTOS; BIAR, 2015) e de identidades (MOITA LOPES, 2001) para a análise da prática discursiva avaliativa (LINDE, 1997; THOMPSON; ALBA-JUEZ, 2014) que traz à tona estigmas e ressignificações sobre o pole dance. O estudo tem a sua metodologia alinhada ao paradigma qualitativo de pesquisa (DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006), com o corpus gerado por meio de entrevistas realizadas com alunas e professoras do estúdio de pole dance do qual faço parte, na zona sul do Rio de Janeiro. A análise microdiscursiva é baseada no Sistema de Avaliatividade (MARTIN, 2001; MARTIN; WHITE, 2005), integrante da Linguística Sistêmico-Funcional (HALLIDAY, 1994; EGGINS, 2004), para a observação das instâncias léxicogramaticais avaliativas que contribuíram para construção discursiva de estigmas e de identidades nas narrativas compartilhadas. As análises sugerem que as participantes se (re)construíram identitariamente na relação com suas vivências no pole dance, refletindo sobre questões de preconceito e do fazer do pole dance em si. As pole dancers pareceram reconhecer e reprovar a estigmatização que as rotulam negativamente e que confere descrédito a elas e à atividade que praticam, gerando contradiscursos de resistência e de ressignificação do pole dance. Nesse sentido, em geral, as dançarinas-atletas construíram o pole dance positivamente enquanto prática transformadora que proporciona às suas praticantes autoconhecimento, libertação, superação, despertar de forças, empoderamento e muitos outros aprendizados. / [en] This research aims to create intelligibilities about the pole dancing pratice through the investigation of narrative discourses produced by women from this dance-sport community. Situated in the area of Contemporary Applied Linguistics (MOITA LOPES, 2006; FABRÍCIO 2006), the study is dedicated to the interpretation of meanings created in oral narratives (LABOV, 1972; BASTOS, 2005) told by pole dancers, in order to understand the emergence of stigmas (GOFFMAN, [1963] 2004) and the construction of identities (MOITA LOPES, 2002, HALL, 2005) related to the practitioners and the activity itself. The theoretical architecture is based on a socio-constructionist perspective of narratives (BASTOS; BIAR, 2015) and identities (MOITA LOPES, 2001) for the analysis of the evaluative discursive practice (LINDE, 1997; THOMPSON; ALBA-JUEZ, 2014) which brings up stigmas and resignifications of the pole dancing practice. The methodology is aligned with the qualitative research paradigm (DENZIN; LINCOLN, 2006) and the corpus was generated through interviews with learners and teachers from the pole dance studio where I practice pole dancing, located in the south zone of Rio de Janeiro. The microdiscursive analysis is based on the Appraisal System (MARTIN, 2001; MARTIN; WHITE, 2005), part of the Sistemic-Functional Linguistics theory (HALLIDAY, 1994; EGGINS, 2004), for the observation of evaluative lexicogrammatical instances which contributed to the discursive construction of stigmas and identities in the narratives shared. The analysis suggests that participants (re)constructed their identities in relation to their pole dancing experiences, reflecting upon prejudice issues and the pole dancing practice itself. The pole dancers seemed to recognize and disapprove the stigmatization that negatively labels them and discredits the activity they practice, generating counter-discourses of resistance and resignification of pole dancing. Thus, in general, the dancers-athletes constructed pole dancing positively as a transformative practice which provides them with self-awareness, liberation, resilience, awakening of strengths, empowerment and many other learnings.
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”Har du sex som du mår bra av?” : En narrativ analys om barnmorskors erfarenhet av att identifiera sexuell ohälsa och våldsutsatthet hos ungdomar genom bedömningsverktyget SEXIT / ”Do you have sex that makes you feel good?” : A narrative analysis of midwives' experience of identifying sexual ill health and exposure to violence in young people, through the assessment tool SEXITWennberg, Anna, Nordström, Hlin January 2024 (has links)
Abstrakt Bakgrund: Sexuell ohälsa och våldsutsatthet är vanligt bland ungdomar och kan få allvarliga hälso-och beteendemässiga konsekvenser för unga kvinnor och män. Ungdomsmottagningarnas centrala mål är att främja sexuell och reproduktiv hälsa. Barnmorskors roll innebär bland annat att upptäcka ungdomar med sexuellt riskbeteende och våldsutsatthet. Motiv: Utmaningen i barnmorskors dialog med ungdomar är att få dem att dela med sig av negativa erfarenheter vilket sällan sker spontant. Därav utvecklades bedömningsverktyget SEXIT för att underlätta kommunikationen mellan barnmorskor och ungdomar. Studier i norra Sverige saknas angående barnmorskors upplevelse av bedömningsverktyget SEXIT. Syfte: Syftet med studien var att narrativt undersöka hur barnmorskor på ungdomsmottagning upptäcker och bemöter risk- eller våldsutsatta ungdomar innan, under och efter implementering av bedömningsverktyget SEXIT. Metod: En kvalitativ intervjustudie genomfördes med sex barnmorskor. Intervjuerna analyserades enligt Riessman’s sätt att bilda en narrativ metaberättelse där intervjuerna kodades och tematiserades. Genusperspektiv användes som inspiration. Resultat: Analysprocessen resulterade i fem narrativa teman som presenterades i en bestämd tidsordning. Första temat, Förtroendeingivande barnmorskor med ambition att fånga upp våldsutsatthet där frågor om våld tappas bort, handlade om hur de fångade upp våld och risktagande innan SEXIT. Tema två, SEXIT en ögonöppnare i teorin men svårare att implementera i praktiken, avser hur barnmorskorna upplevde kursen, resterande tre teman, SEXIT - innebär både motstånd och möjligheter, Tiden - en grundläggande förutsättning för att upptäcka våldsutsatthet och risktagande bland ungdomar, att rutinmässigt utfråga unga kan avslöja sexuell ohälsa, innehöll narrativ som handlade om motstånd, möjligheter, utmaningar som kunde bidra till att upptäcka ungdomar med sexuell ohälsa. Konklusion: Innan SEXIT intog barnmorskorna delvis en undvikande roll gällande riskbeteenden och erfarenhet av våld. Efter SEXIT intog barnmorskorna en mer aktiv roll med direkta frågor baserat på det ifyllda SEXIT-underlaget. SEXIT kan vara ett användbart verktyg, men narrativen tyder på ett visst motstånd mot användning vid dropp-in. / Abstract Background: Sexual risk taking and violence are common among adolescents and can have serious health and behavioral consequences for them. The youth clinics' central goal is to promote sexual and reproductive health. The role of midwives includes, among other things, detecting adolescence with sexual risk behavior and exposure to violence. Motive: The challenge in midwives' dialogue with adolescence to make them share negative experiences, which rarely happens spontaneously. From this, the SEXIT assessment tool was developed to facilitate communication between midwives and adolescents. Studies in northern Sweden are lacking regarding experience of the assessment tool SEXIT. Aim: The aim was to narratively investigate how midwives at youth clinics discover and meet with at-risk or violent adolescence before, during and after implementation of the SEXIT assessment tool. Methods: A qualitative interview study was conducted with six midwives. The interviews were analysed according to Riessman's method of forming a narrative meta-narrative where the interviews were coded and thematized. Gender perspective was used as inspiration. Result: The analysis identified five narrative themes presented chronologically. The first theme, "Confidence-inspiring Midwives," focused on midwives detecting violence issues before SEXIT. Theme two, "SEXIT: Theory verses Practice," explored the challenges of implementing SEXIT in real-life situations. The remaining three themes, "SEXIT: Resisting and Embracing," "Time: Essential for Detecting Violence among Adolescence," and "Routine Questioning Reveals Sexual Health Issues in Adolescence," discussed narratives on resistance, opportunities, and challenges in uncovering sexual health concerns in adolescents. Conclusion: Before SEXIT, the midwives partly assumed an avoidant role regarding risk behaviours and experience of violence. After SEXIT, the midwives took a more active role with direct questions based on the SEXIT assessment tool. It can be a useful tool, but the narrative signifies resistance to use SEXIT during drop-in.
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The Experience of Foster Care and Long Term Attachment Outcomes into AdulthoodMiranda, Megan L. 26 May 2015 (has links)
No description available.
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Digital Musik och Algoritmer : En användarstudie om hur Spotify's algoritmer påverkar unga vuxnas musikkonsumtion / Digital Music and Algorithms : A study about how Spotify's algorithms affect young adults' music consumtionBrudvik, Vigdis, Törnerud, Agnes January 2021 (has links)
This study aims to examine how the generation of young adults who grew up in a digital society relate to algorithms that control them on Spotify, how they experience the personification on the platform and how the algorithms affect their flows. The purpose is also to investigate how young people experience and relate to the effects of Spotify's algorithms. The survey is based on six in-depth qualitative interviews conducted with young adults aged 20-30, that have been transcribed, discussed and analyzed using a thematic narrative analysis. The purpose of the study has been formulated according to the interview guide and the thematic narrative analysis. Results and analysis have been merged and there the respondents' intersubjective opinions and values are connected with the theoretical framework. The results show that users believe that algorithms mainly have had a positive impact on their music consumption. The majority of the respondents described that they prefer the custom-made playlists on Spotify (created by algorithms), and that they like to be presented with personalized content. However, few respondents stated that they notice or are aware that the algorithms control them, which means they are being guided towards certain music preferences without being aware of it. This will further be analyzed with the help of previous research and the theoretical framework. / Denna studie ämnar undersöka hur den generation unga vuxna som vuxit upp i ett digitaliserat samhälle förhåller sig till de algoritmer som styr dem på Spotify, hur de upplever personifieringen på plattformen och hur algoritmerna påverkar deras flöden. Syftet är att undersöka och belysa hur unga vuxna upplever och förhåller sig till effekterna av Spotifys algoritmer i kontext till deras musikkonsumtion. Undersökningen baseras på sex stycken utförda kvalitativa djupintervjuer med unga vuxna i åldrarna 20-30 år som studerar vid Uppsala Universitet. Djupintervjuerna har transkriberats, kodats och därefter analyserats med hjälp av tematisk narrativ analys. Kapitlet för resultat och analys är hopslagna och där sammankopplas respondenternas narrativ beståendes av deras upplevelser och värderingar ihop med det teoretiska ramverket. Uppsatsen avslutas med ett avsnitt innehållandes slutdiskussion där även tidigare forskning vävs in. Resultatet visar att användare anser att algoritmer i huvudsak haft en positiv påverkan på deras musikkonsumtion. Majoriteten av respondenterna i denna studie beskriver att de föredrar Spotifys färdiggjorda spellistor (som skapats av algoritmer), och att de gärna tar del av ett personifierat innehåll. Problematiken är dock att få av respondenter utger sig för att vara fullt medvetna om algoritmerna och hur de styr dem, vilket innebär en risk att de lotsas mot vissa musikpreferenser utan att vara medvetna om det. Detta analyseras därför vidare med hjälp av tidigare forskning samt studiens teoretiska ramverk och nyckelbegrepp.
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Har passionen för hästar ett kön? : att göras och göra sig till ridsportkille / Passion for horses as gender positioning : boys and men 'doing gender' in equestrian sportsLinghede, Eva January 2013 (has links)
Syfte och frågeställningar: Det övergripande syftet handlar om att undersöka hur villkoren för killars och mäns deltagande i ridsportverksamheter gestaltas i berättelser om ridsport. Annorlunda uttryckt är jag intresserad av hur kön konstrueras, eller ”görs”, i killars och mäns ridsportberättelser. Centrala frågeställningar är: Hur hanteras killarnas och männens könsgränsöverskridande i berättelserna? Vilka normer och föreställningar kring kön och sexualitet blir synliga i berättelserna? Hur positionerar sig killarna och männen i förhållande till rådande köns- och sexualitetsnormer? Metodologi: Studien bygger på kvalitativa intervjuer med 19 killar och män, 13 till 55 år gamla, aktiva på såväl bredd som tävlingsnivå i verksamheter knutna till Svenska Ridsportförbundet. I ett första analyssteg genomfördes en narrativ analys, där fem berättelser – eller narrativ – konstruerades. Dessa illustrerar på olika sätt centrala teman, erfarenheter och problematiker i intervjupersonernas berättelser. I ett andra analyssteg gjordes en feministisk poststrukturell läsning av de fem narrativen. Resultat och diskussion: Sammanfattningsvis verkar det som att deltagandet i en kvinnligt kodad idrott som ridsporten kan öppna upp för andra, och mindre stereotypa, sätt att vara kille än traditionellt manligt kodade idrotter. Eftersom den vardagliga verksamheten innehåller både sådant som (i vår kultur) brukar definieras som kvinnligt, exempelvis omsorg, kommunikation och lyhördhet, och sådant som brukar definieras som manligt, exempelvis handlingskraft, styrka och mod, får man som kille (och tjej) möjlighet att inta såväl feminint som maskulint kodade positioner. På detta sätt utmanas dominerande diskurser om hur tjejer och killar, män och kvinnor ”är”. Samtidigt måste man som kille inom ridsporten förhålla sig till det omgivande samhällets syn på ridning som en ”tjejsport” liksom till en heteronormativ särartsdiskurs enligt vilken killar inom ridsporten är tävlings-, prestations- och målinriktade, inte gillar att pyssla med hästarna och tycker att det bästa med ridsporten är tjejerna. Det verkar göra att det kan bli extra viktigt att betona maskulinitet – och framförallt heterosexualitet – för att visa att man trots allt är en ”normal” kille. Bögen blir här en form av ”gränsvakt”, en stereotyp som både möjliggör och begränsar, men som framförallt synliggör en heteronormativ ordning. / Aim: The overall aim is to investigate how conditions of boys and men’s participation in equestrian sports activities are framed in stories about equestrian sports. In other words I´m interested in the construction of gender, or the ‘doing of gender’, in boys and men´s stories about equestrian sports. Research questions are: How is the gender bending of the boys and men treated in the stories– both inside and outside equestrian sports? Which norms and representations about gender and sexuality are visible in the stories? How do the boys and men position themselves in relation to prevailing gender- and sexuality norms? Methodology: 19 boys and men, between the ages of 13 and 55, active on different levels in the Swedish Equestrian Sports Federation, were interviewed in the study. In a first step, a narrative analysis was conducted. Five narratives, illustrating central themes and experiences in the informants´ stories were constructed. In a second step a feminist post-structuralist reading of the five narratives was carried out. Results and discussion: The results indicate that participation in female-coded sports, like equestrian sports, can open up to other and less stereotypical ways of being a boy or man than participation in sports traditionally seen as masculine. Since the everyday activities contains both elements that we usually (in our culture) define as female, for example care, communication and sensitivity and elements we usually define as male, for example initiative, strength and courage, boys get the opportunity to practice assumed feminine as well as assumed masculine positions. In this way dominant discourses about boys and girls and men and women – how they “are” and what they like – are challenged. At the same time the stories make visible that boys and men in equestrian sports have to relate to the surrounding society’s view of horse riding as a “girl sport” and to heteronormative gender discourses in which men in equestrian sports are competitive and goal oriented, don’t like to cuddle with horses and think that the best thing with horse riding is the girls. It seems as if one strategy for handling this is to emphasize masculinity – and especially heterosexuality – to show that you in spite of everything are a “normal” guy. In this way the “fag” becomes a sort of “border agent” – a stereotype that both allows and restricts, but above all makes visible a heteronormative order. / <p>Uppsatsen tilldelades stipendiemedel ur Överste och Fru Adolf Johnssons fond för VT 2014.</p>
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Kan kvinnor prata om något annat än män? : En jämförande narrativ analys av Tv-serierna Skilda världar och SKAM / Can women talk about anything other than men? : A comparative narrative analysis of the TV series Skilda världar and SKAMJevrell, Eleonora January 2017 (has links)
“Can women talk about anything but men? – a comparative narrative analysis of the television series “Skilda världar” and “SKAM”” The purpose of this study is to compare how young women are portrayed in two different Scandinavian television shows. Especially which roles they are given as young women in different decades since the television shows were aired with a 19-year time difference. The first one being the Swedish “Skilda världar” and the second one is the Norwegian international internet success “SKAM”. Theories used in this study are postmodern theories and gender theories. Anja Hirdmans Tilltalande Bilder (2001) are used to explains how women are presented in the media. It follows by a subchapter on how women are portrayed in TV series and soap operas. The theories and previous research served as tools for the analysis. A narrative method has been used, with Vladimir Propps functions to make indentations. The three first episodes of each series has been analysed with 1-4 indentations. In addition to Propps functions the actant-modell of Algirdas J. Greimas has been used to explain the roles of the characters. The result of the study shows a difference between the main young female characters. Sandra, the main female character of “Skilda världar” is much more controlled by her family. She’s to a greater extent treated like an object than the female main character in “SKAM”, Eva. Eva shows more moral courage and independency. Both of the leading female roles have a dream of liberating themselves. They have various types of liberations but with similar elements. Sandra wants to free herself from the oppressing demands of her home, and find passion and love through a relationship. Eva wants to become more independent from her boyfriend and create an own social circle. Heterosexual relationships are the subconscious centre in both of their stories.
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Mediální obraz vraždy Otýlie Vranské v českém dobovém tisku / The Media Image of Murder of Otýlie Vranská in the Czech Contemporary PressBenešová, Andrea January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis called The Media Image of Murder of Otýlie Vranská in the Czech Contemporary Press is dealing with the analysis of the serious press represented by daily newspaper Národní listy and with the analysis of the tabloid press represented by daily newspaper Expres in the selected period from September 1933 to February 1934. The analysis focuses on the news articles about the murder of Otýlie Vranská. She was murdered on 1st of September 1933, her corpse was quartered and sent to Slovakia in two suitcases − one suitcase was found in Bratislava and second in Košice. Both types of periodicals published 96 articles all together. The diploma thesis is divided into two main parts. Theoretical part, which is focused on definition of the First Czechoslovak Republic's period as well as introducing topics such as criminality and press in the First Czechoslovak Republic. In the end of this chapter there is a presentation of the life and death of Otýlie Vranská from an expert point of view. The second, practical part includes mentioned analysis of the news items, which comes after the definition of the key term: the social construction of reality and the definition of the chosen method: the comparative narrative analysis.
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