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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Le point de vue d’adolescents doués québécois sur leur vécu scolaire : une recherche descriptive interprétative

Caissie, Caroline 03 1900 (has links)
Depuis une dizaine d’années, on assiste à une sensibilisation grandissante à l’égard des caractéristiques et des besoins des élèves doués. Étant donné le faible nombre de recherches empiriques sur le sujet, on en sait actuellement très peu sur le vécu scolaire des jeunes doués québécois et sur ce qu’on peut faire pour les aider à atteindre leur plein potentiel. Cette recherche a pour objectif de mieux comprendre la perception d’adolescents doués québécois quant à leur vécu scolaire, plus particulièrement de (1) décrire le vécu scolaire d’adolescents doués québécois et de (2) mieux comprendre les facteurs qui influencent positivement ou négativement leur vécu scolaire. Cette recherche descriptive interprétative est basée sur des entretiens non directifs effectués auprès de huit adolescents âgés de 12 à 18 ans qui ont préalablement reçu une évaluation de douance et qui ont passé plusieurs années dans le système scolaire québécois. Les résultats indiquent que le vécu scolaire des jeunes doués est constitué de neuf dimensions : (1) la relation avec les enseignants, (2) le rapport aux pairs, (3) les résultats scolaires, (4) les difficultés vécues à l’école, (5) les troubles associés, (6) les mesures d’adaptation et de flexibilité, (7) les habiletés, (8) les programmes particuliers et (9) les déménagements et changements d’école. Les facteurs ayant un impact positif sur le vécu scolaire des participants incluent l’évaluation de douance, les mesures d’adaptation, la médication reliée à un trouble associé, les enseignants, les programmes particuliers et la prise en compte des intérêts de l’élève. À l’inverse, la fermeture à leurs besoins d’apprentissage, le jugement des pairs et des enseignants, l’ennui, la répétition et l’isolement laissent une trace négative sur leur vécu scolaire. Les résultats obtenus dans cette recherche, bien qu’insuffisants pour dresser un portrait complet de la réalité des jeunes doués, offrent néanmoins des éclairages intéressants quant à cette dernière et peuvent contribuer à mieux les accompagner. / Over the last ten years, there has been increased awareness of the characteristics and educational needs of gifted students in Quebec. Because of the lack of empirical studies, very little is known about the perceptions and experience of gifted students regarding their schooling and how to support them to achieve their full potential at school. This research aims to better understand how gifted students view their schooling in Quebec, more specifically to: (1) describe how gifted students experience school, and (2) better understand what positively and negatively impact their experience. This is an interpretive descriptive research based on open-ended interviews with eight teenagers, aged between 12 and 18, who previously tested for giftedness and spent several years in the Quebec education system. Results show that their schooling experience is made up of nine dimensions: (1) relationship with teachers, (2) peer-to-peer relationship, (3) academic results, (4) school problems, (5) associated disorders, (6) flexibility and adaptation measures, (7) personal skills, (8) enriched academic programs, and (9) student mobility. Factors positively impacting gifted students’ views on schooling include giftedness testing, adaptation measures, medication for associated disorders, teachers’ perception and support, enriched academic programs and the level of involvement of students in school. Conversely, factors negatively impacting gifted students’ views on schooling include close-mindedness, negative perception from peers and teachers, boredom, repetition and isolation. Findings from this research are far from enough to gain a broad understanding of gifted students but still offer interesting insights into the reality of Quebec gifted students and on what can be done to support the growth and development of gifted children.

Nadaní a talentovaní v přírodovědném vzdělávání a realita školní praxe. / Highly gifted and talented pupils in scientific educational fi.ld and reality of school experience

Pánek, Lukáš January 2011 (has links)
This thesis deals with the occurrence of scientifically gifted students at Czech schools. The talent affects a person's life fundamentally but also it influences the lives of others people. These gifted and talented people usually become leading scientists and researchers. They can affect important social events significantly during their professional careers. After the family teachers and school are the most important part in development of the child. Therefore teachers should know what specific educational requirements gifted students have. It's necessary to determine the status of teachers. In the theoretical part of the thesis the main aim of the literary review was a theoretical background of the talent, the incidence of gifted pupils at Czech and foreign schools, the work with gifted pupils at foreign schools and educational institutions and associations working with gifted children. In the practical part of the thesis a questionnaire was created and then distributed to teachers of science subjects. The questionnaire has found foreknowledge Czech teachers of the concept of genius and talent. Whether teachers are able to identify gifted pupils in the classroom what forms of work with talented students are used and the questionnaire was evaluated. Proposals and suggestions were created for working with...

Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint and Elementary Views on Advanced Mathematics

Weiss-Pidstrygach, Ysette 22 May 2012 (has links)
What kind of and how much mathematics should a high school maths teacher know? The experience with a math camp, an innovative form of bringing together high school pupils, university math students and math teacher students as well as university professors in the common aim to teach mathematics sheds new light on this question. Different interests define different positions. The different actors have little common aims since they rarely form a joint community of practice. Over the seven years of its existence the math camp has evolved from a classical lecture-centred activity for gifted pupils to a much more encompassing experience illustrating the importance of a two way communication between advanced mathematics and elementary mathematics in schools.

Matematiskt begåvade ungdomars motivation och erfarenheter av utvecklande verksamheter

Gerholm, Verner January 2016 (has links)
This licentiate thesis deals with some influencing factors to develop mathematicalabilities among mathematical gifted adolescents. Krutetskii’s structureof the mathematical abilities and Mönks’ triadic model of giftedness isused as a theoretical framework.The thesis consists of two articles with different aims. The first aim is toinvestigate to what extent the students had participated in various mathematicalactivities during their years in school and what impact the students attachto these activities. The second aim was to examine some aspects of the importanceof motivation for the mathematically gifted adolescents.To answer the research questions data was collected with a questionnaireand an interview study of a total of 27 finalists in a national mathematicalcompetition for students in Swedish upper secondary schools.Generally the students were positive about the activities they had participatedin. Specifically acceleration in the subject and mathematical competitionsstand out as particularly significant activities according to the students.The study shows the significance of mathematical activities providing aframework to relate to, which will make the progression more visible for thestudents. Such activities could be mathematical competition problem solvingor acceleration in the subject.The results of the study indicates that intrinsic motivation together withextrinsic motivation with integrated or identified regulation are the most importanttypes of motivation. All students in the study had both intrinsic motivationand some type of extrinsic motivation. / Denna licentiatuppsats handlar om påverkansfaktorer som bidrar till att utvecklamatematiska förmågor hos matematiskt begåvade ungdomar. Somövergripande teoretiskt ramverk för studien används Krutetskiis struktur av dematematiska förmågorna samt Mönks begåvningsmodell.Uppsatsen består av två artiklar med olika syften. Den första artikeln syftartill att undersöka i vilken utsträckning studiens ungdomar har deltagit i olikamatematiska aktiviteter under sina år i skolan och vilken betydelse de tillmäterdessa aktiviteter. Den andra artikelns syfte är att undersöka några aspekter avmotivationens betydelse hos de matematiskt begåvade ungdomarna.För att besvara frågeställningarna samlades data in med en enkät- och intervjustudiemed totalt 27 finalister i Skolornas matematiktävling.Generellt uttalade sig eleverna positivt om de verksamheter som de hadedeltagit i under skoltiden. Speciellt framkom acceleration i ämnet och matematiktävlingarsom särskilt betydelsefulla. Studien indikerar betydelsen av attde matematiska verksamheterna ger en ram att relatera till, vilket gör utvecklingenmer synlig för eleverna. Sådana aktiviteter kan vara problemlösninginom tävlingsmatematik eller acceleration i ämnet.Resultaten av den andra studien visar att inre motivation tillsammans medyttre motivation med integrerad eller identifierad kontroll är de viktigaste formernaav motivation hos studiens deltagare. I studien framkommer också attingen av deltagarna endast hade inre motivation för ämnet. Tvärtom hadesamtliga deltagare både inre motivation och autonom yttre motivation.

Identification of Gifted Learners in an Urban Elementary School: What is "The Gifted Spark"?

Hilaael-Badillo, Natale N. January 2020 (has links)
No description available.

Särbegåvning i en mångkulturell skola : En litteraturgranskning om särskilt begåvade elever med migrationsbakgrund

Byström, Tinny January 2023 (has links)
Den svenska skolan präglas av många missuppfattningar om särskild begåvning. Elever som är särbegåvade förväntas exempelvis ofta prestera högt och lyckas i skolan utan några särskilda stödinsatser. Men tidigare forskning har visat att de tvärtom ofta upplever svårigheter i skolan. Elever med migrationserfarenheter riskerar å andra sidan att möta alltför låga förväntningar i skolan vilket leder till att de inte utmanas och stimuleras tillräckligt för att nå skolframgång. Mot bakgrund av detta har studiens huvudsakliga syfte varit att skapa en systematisk översikt av befintlig forskning avseende särskild begåvning hos elever med migrationserfarenheter. Frågeställningarna har haft som utgångspunkt att undersöka hur särbegåvning kan upptäckas hos dessa elever, samt att närmare undersöka de hinder som finns för särbegåvade elever med migrationsbakgrund att nå skolframgång. Med hjälp av kvalitativ innehållsanalys som metod har resultat från tio artiklar sammanställts genom tematisk syntes. Sökningar har gjorts inom två databaser, SwePub och APA PsycInfo, utifrån valda exklusions- och inklusionskriterier. I resultaten identifierades flera faktorer som kan utgöra hinder för skolframgång, dels faktorer i barnets uppväxtmiljö såsom låg socioekonomisk status och låg utbildningsnivå hos föräldrarna, och dels psykosociala faktorer. Exempelvis låga förväntningar från omgivningen, bristande självreglering och låg social kompetens för att nämna några. Resultaten visade också att identifiering av särbegåvning är ett komplext arbete och att det saknas etablerade metoder för detta. Skolans organisation och styrning har dock visat sig vara av betydelse för att särbegåvade elever med migrationserfarenheter ska kunna upptäckas, men stora brister i det svenska utbildningssystemet har uppmärksammats samt omfattande behov av kompetensutveckling på alla nivåer. / The Swedish school system holds many misconceptions about gifted students. For example, they are often expected to perform well and succeed in school without any support measures or additional adjustments. But previous research has shown that, on the contrary, they often experience difficulties at school. Students with migration experiences, on the other hand, run the risk of meeting too low expectations in school, which means that they are not challenged and stimulated enough to achieve school success. Based on this, the main purpose of this literature study has been to create a systematic overview of existing research regarding gifted students with migration experiences. The starting point has been to investigate how giftedness can be discovered and identified in these students, as well as to examine more closely the difficulties that exist for gifted students with migration background to achieve school success. Using qualitative content analysis as a method, results from ten articles have been compiled through thematic synthesis. Searches have been made within two databases, SwePub and APA PsycInfo, based on selected exclusion and inclusion criteria. In the results, several factors were identified as obstacles to achieving school success, partly factors in the child's growing up environment such as low socio-economic status and low level of education of the parents, and partly psychosocial factors. Low expectations from the environment, lack of self-regulation and low social skills to name a few. The results also showed that identifying giftedness is a very complex endeavor and that there is a lack of established working methods for this. The school's organization and management have, however, proven to be important in order for gifted students with migration experiences to be discovered, but major shortcomings in the Swedish education system have been noticed as well as extensive needs for competence development at all levels.

Algebra för matematiskt begåvade elever i årskurs 5 : En intervjustudie / Algebra for mathematically gifted students in 5th grade : An interview study

Johansson, Christoffer, Magnusson, Marcus January 2023 (has links)
Enligt Skollagen har alla elever rätt till den ledning och stimulans de behöver för att utifrån sina egna förutsättningar utvecklas så långt som möjligt. Av denna anledning vill vi genom denna studie undersöka hur algebraiska uppgifter och undervisning inom algebra kan anpassas för att matematiskt begåvade elever ska ges den utmaning och stimulans de behöver för att utvecklas så långt som möjligt. Detta har undersökts genom att genomföra en lektionsserie, bestående av tre lektionstillfällen. Efter att lektionsserien avslutats genomfördes semistrukturerade intervjuer i fokusgrupper med de deltagande eleverna, för att undersöka vad som krävs för att algebraiska uppgifter och undervisning inom algebra ska upplevas som utmanande och stimulerande av matematiskt begåvade elever i årskurs 5. Den teori som använts för att analysera resultaten är positioneringsteorin. De viktigaste resultaten som framkommit är att dessa elever ska erbjudas att arbeta med utmanande uppgifter och att detta med fördel görs genom att låta dem arbeta med dessa i par/grupper, med andra elever på en liknande kunskapsnivå. / According to the School Act, all students have the right to the guidance and stimulation they need to develop to the best of their abilities based on their individual conditions. For this reason, we want to investigate through this study how algebraic tasks and teaching within algebra can be adapted to provide mathematically gifted students with the challenge and stimulation they need to develop to the fullest extent possible. This has been examined by conducting a series of lessons consisting of three class sessions. After the lesson series concluded, semi-structured interviews were conducted in focus groups with the participating pupils to explore what is required for algebraic tasks and algebraic teaching to be perceived as challenging and stimulating by fifth-grade students. The theory used to analyze the results is positioning theory. The most important findings that have emerged are that these pupils should be offered the opportunity to work with challenging tasks, preferably by allowing them to work with these tasks in pairs/groups with other students at a similar level of knowledge.

Särskilt begåvade elevers och deras vårdnadshavares upplevelser av bemötande i den svenska grundskolan/ Gifted students and their guardians' experiences of treatment in Swedish elementary school

Cvetanovski, Daniela January 2017 (has links)
Syftet med uppsatsen var att bidra med kunskap om särskilt begåvade elevers skolsituation utifrån deras och vårdnadshavarnas upplevelser och erfarenheter av bemötandet under skoltiden. För att uppnå syftet valdes fyra elever som var bedömda som särskilt begåvade samt deras vårdnadshavare. Fokus var att hitta betydelsefulla erfarenheter från tidigare skolgång, från tiden innan eleverna hade bedömts som särskilt begåvade.Empirin speglas delvis utifrån sociokulturella perspektivet, kognitivistiska perspektivet samt relationella perspektivet. I sociokulturella perspektivet är psykologiska processerna resultat av social aktivitet. Kognitivismen har människors intellekt i fokus. Relationella pedagogiken omfattar tre sammanhängande aspekter: relationer som huvudsakliga analysenheter, sociala verkligheten som dynamisk och föränderlig och sociala fenomen som en del av och influerade av sociala sammanhang. Samspelet mellan gruppen och individen är en sammanfattning av dessa teorier. Metoden är kvalitativ, resultatinsamlingsmetoden är halvstrukturerade intervjuer som delvis är inspirerade av fenomenologin. Fenomenologin har ett filosofiskt perspektiv med fokus på undersökningspersonens livsvärld. Som analysmetod har kvalitativ innehållsanalys använts, inspirerad av Graneheim och Lundman (2004).Resultatet presenteras utifrån de fyra dominerande teman som har kunnat urskiljas: Mer av samma sak; Bristande förutsättningar hindrar viljan att utmana; Högstadiet utmanar och stimulerar samt Stödet hemifrån. Alla fyra teman finns beskrivna utifrån elevernas erfarenheter samt utifrån vårdnadshavarnas erfarenheter. En mycket kort sammanfattning av erfarenheterna är att eleverna inte uppmanades att fortsätta vidare med nästa arbetsområde, utan fick invänta klasskompisar. Det fanns dock ett undantag då en av eleverna fick stöttning tidigt under lågstadiet och fick utmaningar. Annan erfarenhet var att lärarna hade en intention att stötta och använde uppkopierat material (stenciler) som oftast var mer av samma sak dvs. fler uppgifter inom ett område. Alla fyra elever i studien kom till sin rätt under högstadiet och alla hade ett gott stöd från sina föräldrar. Stödet hade olika karaktär, ibland stöd för att förstå och komma vidare och ibland för att utmana och underhålla elevernas begåvning. Slutsatsen blir att utbildning och fortbildning av pedagoger behövs för att synliggöra och uppmärksamma särskilt begåvade elever samt sprida kunskaper om de metoder som finns om hur man uppmärksammar dessa elever. Dock är den viktigaste slutsatsen är bygga på ett gott bemötande, en bärande relation och rikta fokus på den relationella pedagogiken. / The purpose of this essay was to contribute with knowledge about gifted students’ situation in school, based on their and their guardians’ experiences in general as well as of their received treatment in school in particular. To achieve said purpose, four students estimated to be especially talented, were chosen together with their guardians. The focus was to find relevant and essential experiences from previous years in school, from the time before the students had been labeled gifted. The empirical material is partially reflected by the socio-cultural perspective, the cognitivist perspective as well as the relational perspective. According to the socio-cultural perspective, the psychological processes are a direct result of social activity. Cognitivism focuses on human intellect. The relational perspective consists of three coherent aspects: relations as main units of analysis, the social reality as dynamic and changing, and social phenomenons as a part of and influenced by different social contexts. The interaction between group and individual is a summary of these three theories. The method is qualitative, and the method of gathering results are semistructured interviews partly inspired by phenomenology. Phenomenology has a philosophical perspective with great focus on the life worlds of the study subjects. As method of analysis qualitative content analysis has been used, inspired by Graneheim and Lundman (2004). The result is presented on the basis of four dominant themes that have been distinguished: ‘More of the same’, ‘Inadequate conditions prevent the will to challenge’, ‘Secondary school challenges and stimulates’ and ‘The support from home’. All four themes are described based on the students’ experiences as well as their guardians’. A very brief summary of these experiences is that the students weren’t encouraged to continue working with the next subject area, but instead had to wait for their classmates to finish their studies. There was though one exception where one of the students received support early on during primary school and received challenges based on her abilities. Another experience was that the teachers had the intention to support and used copied material (such as stencils and handouts) which were often more of the same thing, i.e. additional tasks from the same subject area. All four students found their place during secondary school and received a good amount of support from home. This support varied between the different homes; sometimes directed towards understanding and helping the student to move on, sometimes through challenging and feeding the student’s abilities. The conclusion is that education and further training of pedagogues is needed in order to recognize gifted students and to spread knowledge about the methods available to pay adequate attention to these students. However, the most important conclusion is that building on a positive way of treating students, on a durable relation and to focus on the relational pedagogy should be a great matter of interest.

Mathematically Gifted Students’ Attitudes Toward Writing In The Math Classroom: A Case Study

Hrina-Treharn, Terri L. 13 December 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Produktiewe onderwys aan akademies-begaafde leerders in die VOO-band van die Suid-Afrikaanse onderwysstelsel / Tina-Marie van Rheede van Oudtshoorn

Van Rheede van Oudtshoorn, Tina-Marie January 2014 (has links)
The current mainstream classroom presents several challenges for teachers and principals. Leaner diversity is seen as one of these challenges that teachers face. The Education White Paper 6 (South-Africa, 1996) recognizes all learner diversities, yet gifted-education is given minimal attention. The purpose of this qualitative research is to create a clear picture about the perspectives of high-school teachers, principals and parents of academically-gifted learners. This study seeks to identify the participants’ views about the education of academically-gifted learners and identify possibly gaps in ways of how academically-gifted learners can be supported productively. The research found that there is currently a lack of adequate educational support to academically-gifted learners. Research shows that there is a gap between official educational policies and the classroom situation. Participants in the study admit that academically-gifted learners are not effectively included in the mainstream classroom. Participants believe that the lack of a national definition of academic-giftedness, the deficit to appropriate training for teachers and the views of inclusive education puts strain on the education of these learners. Secondary school teachers and principals believe that the successful implementation of a policy an appropriate education of academically-gifted learners can only be accomplished if there is cooperation between all interested parties. Participants believe that both the parent and the teachers of academically-gifted learners should work together to form a support network for these learners. The findings of the research confirm the need for appropriate productive education and training to academically-gifted learners, so that all stakeholders can work together to help those learners develop. / MEd (Comparative Education), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

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