Spelling suggestions: "subject:"normkreativitet"" "subject:"performativitet""
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Att minnas sitt sätt att vara för att föreställa sig själv annorlunda : Reflektioner kring manlighet, kön, sexualitet och minnesarbete / To remember oneself differently : Reflections on masculinity, gender, sexuality and memory workRolund, Mattias January 2006 (has links)
<p>Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att visa hur vi kan förstå oss själva som kvinnor och män utan att betrakta kön som något naturligt och inneboende.</p><p>Kön är sociala och kulturella konstruktioner och vi lever i ett heteronormativt samhälle där könsskillnaden är genomgripande – vi utgår från heterosexualitet som den normala sexualiteten och vi skiljer på människor i kvinnor och män.</p><p>Genom att analysera mina egna minnen i ett minnesarbete undersöker jag mina erfarenheter av könsnormer. Hur har normer kring manlighet kommit till uttryck under min grundskoletid och hur har de påverkat mitt beteende och min självuppfattning?</p><p>Minnesarbetets fokus ligger på egna erfarenheter och reflektioner, men i förlängningen är syftet att bygga kollektiva identiteter där traditionella förhållanden betraktas på nya sätt.</p> / <p>The purpose of this thesis is to show how we can understand ourselves as women and men without regarding gender as being something self-evident and inherent.</p><p>Gender is a social and cultural construction and we live in a hetero normative society where differences in gender are allinclusive – we act on the assumption that heterosexuality is the normal state of sexuality and that humans are separated into men and women.</p><p>By analysing my own memories in a memory work, I explore my own experiences of gender standards. How was the standard of what is masculine manifested during my time in compulsory school? In addition, in what way has it influenced my own behaviour and self-perception?</p><p>The focus of the memory work lies in my own experiences and reflections; however, in the prolongation the purpose is to build collective identities where traditional contexts are perceived in new ways.</p>
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Att minnas sitt sätt att vara för att föreställa sig själv annorlunda : Reflektioner kring manlighet, kön, sexualitet och minnesarbete / To remember oneself differently : Reflections on masculinity, gender, sexuality and memory workRolund, Mattias January 2006 (has links)
Syftet med den här uppsatsen är att visa hur vi kan förstå oss själva som kvinnor och män utan att betrakta kön som något naturligt och inneboende. Kön är sociala och kulturella konstruktioner och vi lever i ett heteronormativt samhälle där könsskillnaden är genomgripande – vi utgår från heterosexualitet som den normala sexualiteten och vi skiljer på människor i kvinnor och män. Genom att analysera mina egna minnen i ett minnesarbete undersöker jag mina erfarenheter av könsnormer. Hur har normer kring manlighet kommit till uttryck under min grundskoletid och hur har de påverkat mitt beteende och min självuppfattning? Minnesarbetets fokus ligger på egna erfarenheter och reflektioner, men i förlängningen är syftet att bygga kollektiva identiteter där traditionella förhållanden betraktas på nya sätt. / The purpose of this thesis is to show how we can understand ourselves as women and men without regarding gender as being something self-evident and inherent. Gender is a social and cultural construction and we live in a hetero normative society where differences in gender are allinclusive – we act on the assumption that heterosexuality is the normal state of sexuality and that humans are separated into men and women. By analysing my own memories in a memory work, I explore my own experiences of gender standards. How was the standard of what is masculine manifested during my time in compulsory school? In addition, in what way has it influenced my own behaviour and self-perception? The focus of the memory work lies in my own experiences and reflections; however, in the prolongation the purpose is to build collective identities where traditional contexts are perceived in new ways.
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”Ohana betyder familj, familj betyder att ingen lämnas utanför eller glöms bort” : en normkritisk studie av familjekonstruktion på folkbibliotek / ”Ohana means family, family means nobody gets left behind or forgotten” : a norm critical study of family concept in public librariesReinosdotter, Elisabeth January 2017 (has links)
The concept of family is heterogeneous and multifaceted, but is often portrayed as homogeneous. The aim of this study is to investigate whether the image of family in the library environment is open and broadminded enough to accommodate all the different individuals who visit the library. To investigate how the concept of family is produced in a children's library environment, I conducted semi structured interviews with six librarians, and observed five children´s libraries. The study, which is a qualitative small-N study has been conducted on a limited number of public libraries and is performed with an intersectional and queer theory perspective. The focus has been on norms, normality, normativity and heteronormativity. The image of family that emerged most clearly in the study was the image of the western heterosexual constellation. Interviews with children´s librarians showed that other family constellations are welcome in the library environment, but is usually treated as a project or as themes. The norms concerning the concept of the family is clear: family equals two Swedish born heterosexual parents with biological children. Norms regarding gender and ethnicity became clear in, among other things, the ideas that the mother is expected to be the one who is at home during the baby's first months and that visitors with a native language other than Swedish are uninterested by the library and need more engagement from the librarians to find their way to the library and its activities. There is thus a normative approach to the concept of family in the library environment, which affect how the visitors can recognize and experience their own situation- either as normal or abnormal.
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Arketypen Lilith : En litteraturvetenskaplig studie om arketypen Lilith kan tillföra nya genusperspektiv med inriktning mot gymnasieskolanNorman, Victoria January 2017 (has links)
I’m a teacher to be with the dream to influence and change the society’s perspective. The high school students are our new generation and they are the ones who will continue to build our future society. When gender is discussed in schools, reflections usually describe the difference in pay between gender or that men has fewer parenting days. Attention to differences is good, that should teachers continue with, but only describing the visible factors does not build society forward. The underlying structures must be led to the surface for a change to occur. New perspectives on gender equality and why society is structured as it is presents a part of what this study will highlight. Lilith, the distant and forgotten archetype who was, according to the myth, Adam's first wife. This archetype carries themes that can be applied in understanding contemporary structures and seeing equality from other perspectives. Lilith is the figure this study will focus on. Lilith the first woman.
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Att synliggöra arbetarförfattaren : En analys av köns- och nationalitetsperspektiv på arbetarförfattaren / Making the Working-Class Writer Visible : An Analysis of Gender and Nationality Perspectives on Working-Class WritersForsberg, Sandra, Nord, Fia January 2023 (has links)
Sedan arbetarlitteraturen uppmärksammades i Sverige har den haft en särställning i den svenska litteraturen. Arbetarlitteraturen är dock inte endast ett svenskt fenomen. Med tätare relationer mellan länder och en ökad globalisering ställs det allt högre krav på att skolan ska spegla denna process. Vilken litteratur som ska användas i undervisningen är dock inte reglerad i svenskämnet i gymnasieskolan. Det innebär att läromedelsförfattare av kursböcker avsedda att användas i gymnasieskolan har möjligheter att göra ett urval angående vilka arbetarförfattare som inkluderas. Syftet med studien är att kartlägga eventuella maktstrukturer och ojämlikheter med grund i intersektionell teori och olika kunskapssyner. Detta görs genom att undersöka hur representationen av arbetarförfattarna ser ut gällande kön och nationalitet i tio utvalda kursböcker samt att undersöka med vilka ord fyra utvalda arbetarförfattare beskrivs utifrån kön och nationalitet. Kursböcker används som material och analyseras med en innehållsanalys som metod. Empirin har dels analyserats kvantitativt via SPSS, dels kvalitativt genom manuell frekvensanalys med efterföljande tolkningsarbete och tematisering. Resultatet för den kvantitativa delen visade en överrepresentation av manliga, svenska arbetarförfattare. Resultatet för den kvalitativa delen visade, genom intersektionell analys, ett språkbruk som kan indikera föreställningar om biologisk natur hos arbetarförfattarna. Föreställningar om biologisk natur var mer omfattande hos de svenska arbetarförfattarna än de icke-svenska arbetarförfattarna. Detsamma gällde för tankar som kan indikera föreställningar om kulturell natur hos den svenska arbetarförfattaren. Kvinnorna och den icke-svenska mannen stereotypiserades i högre utsträckning än den svenska mannen. Genom detta har vi kunnat identifiera att vetenskaplig rationalism och delvis social rekonstruktionism förekom i kursböckerna. Slutsatserna är att en normativitet uppstår och reproduceras i kursböckerna. Det finns en hierarkisk ordning kring vilken kunskap som anses viktigast för elevers bildning. Detta leder till att förmågan att se sig själv som en del av ett större sammanhang begränsas hos elever i det mångkulturella klassrummet.
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HBTQI-personers upplevelser av hälso- och sjukvården : en litteraturöversikt / LGBTQI-persons experiences of healthcare : a literature reviewNiklasson, Matilda, Marén Helsing, Lotta January 2021 (has links)
Bakgrund: Det råder en heteronorm i samhället och forskning visar att HBTQI-personer är utsatta för våld, diskriminering och fördomar i samhället. Forskning visar även att det råder bristande kunskap om HBTQI-personers hälsa inom hälso- och sjukvården. HBTQI-personer har sämre hälsa jämfört med övriga befolkningen, både gällande psykisk och somatisk hälsa. Arbetet inom hälso- och sjukvården skall utgå från en värdegrund som beskriver att alla människor har lika värde och personcentrerad vård förespråkas. Syfte: Syftet var att beskriva HBTQI-personers upplevelser av hälso- och sjukvården. Metod: En litteraturöversikt har genomförts för att besvara syftet. Elva kvalitativa vetenskapliga artiklar som hämtades från databaserna CINAHL Complete och PubMed har kritiskt granskats enligt Fribergs metod. Resultat: Resultatet presenteras under tre teman, Normer och normativitet, Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens attityder och Hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens kunskapsnivå. Slutsats: Litteraturöversikten visar att HBTQI-personer upplever att hälso- och sjukvårdspersonalens attityd är avgörande för hur mötet med vården upplevs. Negativa upplevelser av vården i form av dåligt bemötande eller bristfällig vård eller rädsla för ett negativt bemötande har i vissa fall medfört att vård undviks vilket kan medföra sämre hälsa. En inkluderande attityd kan överbrygga eventuell kunskapsbrist och olika normativa antaganden och därmed leda till en mer positiv upplevelse av mötet med vården. / Background: There is a heteronorm in society and research shows that LGBTQI-persons are exposed to violence, discrimination and prejudice in society. Research also shows that there is a lack of knowledge about the health of LGBTQI-persons in health care. LGBTQI-persons have poorer health compared to the rest of the population, both in terms of mental and somatic health. The work in health care must be based on a set of values that describes that all people have equal value and person-centered care is advocated. Aim: The aim was to describe LGBTQI- person's experiences of healthcare. Method: A literature review has been conducted to answer the aim. Eleven qualitative scientific articles retrieved from the databases CINAHL Complete and PubMed have been critically reviewed according to Fribergs method. Results: The results are presented under three themes, Norms and normativity, Healthcare provider’s attitudes and Healthcare provider’s level of knowledge. Conclusion: The literature review shows that LGBTQI-persons feel that the attitude of the health care providers is decisive for how the encounter with healthcare is experienced. Negative experiences of healthcare in the form of poor treatment or inadequate care or fear of a negative treatment have in some cases led to healthcare being avoided, which can lead to poorer health. An inclusive attitude can bridge any lack of knowledge and various normative assumptions and thus lead to a more positive experience of encountering healthcare.
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Sex och samlevnad i dansundervisning : En queerteoretisk studie om danslärares arbete med sexualitet, kroppslighet, normativitet och genus i gymnasieskolor / Sex education in dance teachers work : A queer theoretical study about dance teachers work from a perspective of sexuality, body, normativity and genderNilsson, Nadja January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study is to describe how sex eduacation, as an area of expertise, is made visible and constructed in dance teachers education in Swedish higher secondary school. The queer theory describes dance teachers’ work from a perspective of body, sexuality, gender and normativity. Using qualitative methods, leaving space for reflection and subjective experiences, four higher secondary school working dance teachers were interviewed. The findings include that sexual education as an area of expertise exists both consciously and unconsciously in dance education and the subject of dance. Furthermore, the informants do not understand sexuality as something important in teaching dance, in spite of that sexuality as a subject is present in the discussions. The result of the study proved that norms about sexuality, body and gender cooperate with the dance education and the dance teachers daily encounters with their students. The most important conclusion in the study was that dance teachers should have an understanding of how sexual education as an area of expertise can be expressed through dance teaching to be able to encounter students with an including education.
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SOCIALA STRATEGIER I MÖTE MED MATNORMEN : En kvalitativ studie om att avvika från normer kring mat och ätande / Social strategies when going against food normativityNylander, Angelica January 2018 (has links)
The aim of this study has been to contribute to the knowledge about food and eating as a social phenomenon, by examining how individuals who diverge from the food norm construct their social reality. This qualitative study were carried out in Umeå 2017. Individuals who identified as vegans and ate an strict vegan diet were interviewed on the base of a semi structured interview guide. Since the theoretical framework on which the study lies is Kathy Charmaz´s social constructionism, the object of the study is not the vegans themself, but the social situations where they encounter food normativity. The results showed that three different processes were in motion when the deviants navigated through the landscape of food normativity; att konfrontera eller inte konfrontera (to confront or not to confront), tidens inverkan på mängden upplevda konflikter (effect of time on the degree of experienced conflicts) and normföljarnas känslor och dess konsekvenser för normavvikarna (the normfollowers feelings and their consequenses for the deviants). The study showed that the effects of social food norms hade a great impact on the deviants social reality.
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Den gamle och filmen : Om den nya generationen äldre och dess plats i det cinematiska rummet. En representationsstudie / The Old Man and the (C)inemaCordischi, Camilla January 2013 (has links)
Within the field of cinema studies, the question of visual representation is a fundamental pillar. An immense volume of theoretical work has been written on the subject, with various academic approaches such as feministic, postcolonial and gay/lesbian. Yet there is a large social group that seems to have been overlooked within the representational discourse: the elderly. This group of people appears to be a blind spot on the multicultural retina, too often neglected within the area of cultural studies. But as the baby boomer generation, who has always redefined the different stages of life (youth, adulthood, middle age), is entering old age, things are slowly changing. Utilizing a post-structural framework, this essay investigates the visual representation of elderly within the cinematic landscape of the western world. Since the subject is somewhat uncharted territory, a broad interdisciplinary approach is necessary where modern social gerontology meets the field of cinema studies. In a cultural context, social grouping based on age implies a distinct position versus the normative, compare to other types of minorities. Changes of sex, skin colour or sexual preference are uncommon, whereas changing age is the fate of every human being. The elderly as the “the Other” is thus every man’s future destiny. This rather unique position carries an immanent paradox since the only way to avoid the periphery in question is death. As a philosophical counterpoint to this rather dystopian outlook, Gilles Deleuze’s theory of becoming is brought into the discussion. The theoretical part of the essay ends with the ontology of age, a historical review of the field of gerontology and the concept of ageism. After a descriptive section, where contemporary examples of film and other media with old age as a main theme are identified, the analytical part of the essay ensues. With the French sociologist Pierre Bourdieu as a theoretical frame of reference, a close reading of the films Avalon (Axel Petersén, 2011), About Schmidt (Alexander Payne, 2002) and RED (Robert Schwentke, 2010) are performed, emphasising aging identity and imposed age-normative behaviour. The semiotics of the aged body is discussed through Jacques Lacans mirror stage and Julia Kristevas abject theory, exemplified by the works of Donigan Cumming. The final part of the essay concerns the great eternal questions within film philosophy: life, death, time and memory, which for the elderly are not merely philosophical concerns but rather notable existential realities. Using Deleuze as a philosophical toolbox, these grand topics are illuminated with examples from The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (David Fincher, 2008), Amour (Michael Haneke, 2012) and Ingmar Bergmans classical works, such as Smultronstället (1957), Saraband (2003) and Gycklarnas afton (1953).
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