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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Studies of the role of MAP kinase-activated protein kinase-5 (MK5) in reactive and reparative fibrosis in the murine heart

Nawaito, Sherin A. 12 1900 (has links)
No description available.

Undersökning om fotbollsutövande gymnasieelevers uppfattningar av skaderisk på konstgräs respektive naturgräs : En kvantitativ enkätundersökning

Sinanovic, Haris, Larsson, Ludvig January 2018 (has links)
Syfte Syftet med studien är att undersöka fotbollsutövande gymnasieelevers uppfattningar av skaderisk på konstgräs respektive naturgräs. Metod En kvantitativ enkätundersökning med 46 stycken (st) deltagande gymnasieelever som läser lokal (LIU) eller nationell (NIU) godkänd idrottsutbildning inom fotboll. Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test användes för beräkning av medelvärde och för att urskilja statistiska signifikanta skillnader mellan de olika grupperna, match och träning på respektive spelunderlag. Chi- Square crosstabs post-hoc test användes för att urskilja statistiska signifikanta skillnader mellan de olika skadetyperna på respektive spelunderlag. Resultat Resultaten i denna studie visade att de deltagande fotbollsutövande gymnasieeleverna uppfattade att skaderisken för akuta- överbelastningsskador var högre på konstgräs än naturgräs, både under träning och match. Skillnaden mellan de olika grupperna, akuta- och överbelastningsskador under träning och match på respektive spelunderlag, var statistiskt signifikanta då signifikans nivån var mindre än p<0,05. De skadetyperna som de deltagande fotbollsutövande gymnasieeleverna uppfattade vara mest förekommande på konstgräs var rivsår/ skrapsår. De skadetyperna som de deltagande fotbollsutövande gymnasieeleverna uppfattade vara mest förekommande på naturgräs var muskelsträckning/ muskelbristning. Skillnaden mellan de olika grupperna, muskelbristning/ muskelsträckning samt rivsår/ skrapsår på konstgräs och naturgräs, var statistiskt signifikanta då signifikans nivån var mindre än p<0,05. Slutsatser Denna studie bekräftar att de deltagande fotbollsutövande gymnasieelevernas uppfattningar stämmer överens med vad tidigare studier har visat om elitfotbollsspelares uppfattningar om skaderisk på konstgräs i jämförelse med naturgräs. Att skaderisken för akuta- och överbelastningsskador uppfattas öka vid spel på konstgräs i jämförelse med naturgräs. Kvalitativa forskningsmetoder skulle kunna bidra till djupare förståelse av själva ämnet, samt upplevelser av uppfattningar av skaderisk och skadetyper på respektive spelunderlag. För att fler slutsatser ska kunna dras bör framtida studier även inkludera fler deltagare. / Purpose The aim with this study is investigate football practicing high school students’ perceptions of risk of injury on artificial turf and natural grass. Methods A quantitative questionnaire survey including 46 participating football practicing high school students. The Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test was used to calculate the mean and to distinguish statistically significant differences between the different groups, match and training on artificial turf and natural grass. The Chi-Square crosstab post-hoc test was used to distinguish statistically significant differences between the different types of injury on the respective game grounds Results The results in this study showed that the participating football practicing high school students’ perceived that the injury risk of acute- and overload injuries was higher on artificial turf than on natural grass, both during training and match. The difference between the different groups, acute and overload injuries during training and match on articial turf and natural grass was statistically significant as the level of significancewas less than p <0.05. The injury types that the participating football practicing high school students perceived to be the most common on artificial turf was abrasion/ laceration. The injury types that the participating football practicing high school students perceived to be the most common on natural grass were musclesprain/ strain. The difference between the different groups, musclesprain/ strain as well as abrasion/ laceration on artificial turf and natural grass was statistically significant as the level of significance was less than p <0.05. Conclusions This study confirms that the participating football practicing high school students’ perceptions concur with what previous studies have shown about elite football players' perceptions of injury risk on artificial turf in comparison with natural grass. The risk of acute and overload injuries is perceived to increase when playing on artificial turf in comparison to natural grass. Qualitative research methods could contribute to deeper understanding of the subject itself, as well as experiences of perceptions of injuries and types of injury on respective turfs. In order to draw further conclusions, should future studies include more participants.


FLAVIO GEWANDSZNAJDER 29 September 2005 (has links)
[pt] A informação é considerada atualmente um recurso essencial para a sobrevivência e o desenvolvimento das organizações. O advento de novas tecnologias de informação e comunicação possibilitou ofertar uma enorme quantidade de dados para uso de diretores, gerentes e gestores de negócios, em uma escala jamais imaginada há poucas décadas atrás. No entanto, o uso efetivo da informação envolve uma série de aspectos que não dependem apenas da quantidade e da tecnologia, mas de fatores que permitam capitalizar o seu valor, melhorando a qualidade das decisões nas organizações. Este trabalho busca conhecer melhor a relação existente entre os processos organizacionais de gestão da informação e sua influência no processo decisório de uma grande organização pública brasileira, a Previdência Social. Para tal, foram utilizados conceitos teóricos sobre gestão da informação disseminados por Marchand, Davenport e Checkland. A pesquisa foi realizada através de análise documental, observação participante e entrevistas semi-estruturadas, utilizadas para coletar as percepções e o comportamento relativo à tomada de decisão de diversos gestores das três instituições componentes da organização. A análise dos resultados revela aspectos que poderão contribuir para um melhor entendimento dos problemas de negócio e de informação vividos pela organização estudada, e aponta alternativas que tornem mais efetivos seus processos de informação, visando o aumento da qualidade dos serviços prestados à população brasileira. / [en] Information is nowadays considered an essential resource for the survival and development of organizations. The advent of new information and communication technologies made possible to offer an enormous amount of data for directors, managers and business executives´ use in a scale never imagined a few decades ago. Nevertheless, the effective use of information cover several aspects which not only depend on quantity or technology, but also on factors that allow to capitalize its value, improving decision quality in the organizations. This work searches to know better the existing relation between the organizational processes of information management and its influence on decision-making of a large Brazilian public organization, the Social Security. In this way, theoretical concepts about information management spread by Marchand, Davenport and Checkland were used. The research was executed through documental analysis, participant observation and semi-structured interviews, all used to collect perceptions and behavior related to decision-making of several executives of the three institutions that make up the organization. The analysis of the results reveals aspects which may bring about a better understanding of business and information problems experienced by the studied organization, as well as pointing out alternatives to turn its information processes more effective, in order to aim at quality services increase granted to Brazilian population.

Omvärldsbevakning : Värdeskapande eller Luftslottsaktivitet?

Schunnesson, Jonathan, Eliasson, Fredrik January 2017 (has links)
This study set off in a notion, rather than insight; there seems to be a lot of talk about how innovation should thrive and how the environment should be scanned, but not so much about the relationship in between. While the usefulness of sharing information about the environment is seldom questioned, how the information sharing comes to play is as seldom a topic for debate. This sparked our curiosity and to explore the phenomena deeper we conducted interviews with nine out of the ten co-workers within the unit for Research & Innovation at LFV. The result indicates that while environmental scanning was believed to be an important part of their work, they had no strategic guidelines on how it should be exerted and it was viewed to be more of a passive part in their practical work. Furthermore, their work situation was highly individualized and autonomous, which made them very motivated to scan the environment, but also caused a certain discrepancy in how they perceived it. This combination of disparate perspectives, high motivation and lack of unanimity resulted in a rather narrow monitoring of the environment and an imbalance between the interest and the actual use of information. While information was greatly sought after by everyone, the information shared was not perceived as meaningful in the same extent. Some co-workers meant this induced an overload of information and therefore became more restrictive in their information sharing, but others became frustrated that the information they shared never seemed to be used and thus shared even more as a response. Hence, the effect was not only self-fulfilling and reflexive, but also inhibited the environmental scanning from becoming a significant element in the innovation process. / Denna studie tog avstamp i en uppfattning, snarare än en insikt; det verkar talas gott om hur innovation ska frodas och hur omvärlden ska bevakas, men desto mindre om relationen däremellan. Medan nyttan med att dela information om omvärlden sällan blir ifrågasatt, verkar det lika sällan fokuseras på hur den informationsdelningen går till i praktiken. Detta väckte vår nyfikenhet och för att utforska fenomenet djupare utförde vi intervjuer med nio av de tio medarbetarna på enheten för Forskning & Innovation på LFV. Resultatet indikerar att omvärldsbevakning ansågs vara en viktig del av verksamheten, men att det fanns få strategiska riktlinjer om hur det ska utföras och att det var en mer passiv del av arbetet. Vidare var arbetssituationen högst individuell och autonom, vilket gjorde dem mycket motiverade att scanna sin omgivning, men också skapade en viss diskrepans i hur de uppfattade den. Denna kombination av olikartade perspektiv, hög motivation och brist på samstämmighet resulterade i en något snäv bevakning av omvärlden och en obalans mellan intresset och användningen av information. Samtidigt som information var mycket eftertraktat så blev inte informationen som delades uppfattad som meningsfull i samma utsträckning. Vissa medarbetare upplevde att detta genererade ett överflöd av information och blev därför mer restriktiva i sin informationsdelning, men andra blev frustrerade över hur informationen de delade aldrig verkade komma till användning och reagerade med att dela ännu mer som följd. Därav blev effekten inte bara självuppfyllande och reflexiv, utan hämmade också omvärldsbevakningen från att bli ett betydelsefullt element i innovationsprocessen.

Vertical-flow constructed wetlands for the treatment of wastewater and stormwater from combined sewer systems / Traitement des eaux résiduaires de temps sec et temps de pluie en réseau unitaire par filtres plantés de roseaux

Arias Lopez, José Luis 30 September 2013 (has links)
Les filtres plantés de roseaux à écoulement vertical (FPR-V) pour le traitement des eaux usées domestiques sont relativement bien développés en France et permettent de réaliser un traitement poussé de la matière carbonée et la nitrification. La robustesse de cette filière réside également dans sa capacité à accepter des surcharges hydrauliques en temps de pluie. Cependant ces limites d’acceptation hydraulique ne sont pas bien définies et demandent à être optimisées. La conception des FPR-V pour accepter des surcharges hydrauliques est un travail complexe car le contexte local affecte fortement les débits d’eau entrants dans la station lors d’un événement pluvieux. Dans de tels cas, la conception de filtres demande l’utilisation de modèles dynamiques. Ces modèles s’appuient le plus souvent sur une approche mécanistique et sont à l'origine conçus et utilisés pour la recherche. Cependant, si ces modèles sont des outils puissants pour décrire en détail la dynamique du FPR-V, ils sont généralement trop complexes à manipuler pour des utilisateurs non experts. Choisir entre une description détaillée et une manipulation facile dépendra des objectifs de modélisation. Quand des objectifs de dimensionnement global sont visés par les concepteurs, l'utilisation de modèles simplifiés semble une bonne alternative. Les modèles simplifiés sont faciles à utiliser pour la conception de FPR-V mais ils sont peu nombreux. Cependant ils sont adaptés à des configurations spécifiques liées au traitement des surverses de déversoirs d’orage, ce qui n’est pas le cas pour les FPR-V traitant des eaux usées domestiques. En effet, pour ce type de FPR-V les vitesses d’infiltration du système varient considérablement. En conséquence, ce travail de thèse a pour objectif de développer un modèle hydraulique simplifié des FPR-V qui permettra de guider les concepteurs dans le processus d’adaptation des FPR-V pour traiter les eaux usées domestiques des périodes de temps sec et de temps de pluie. Le modèle simplifié permet de relier (i) l’hydraulique du filtre, en simulant le temps de noyage à la surface, et (ii) les performances biologiques, en établissant des «alertes de dysfonctionnement », basées sur l'évaluation des performances épuratoires et sur les variations des formes azotées à la sortie du filtre mesurées en continu. Les «alertes de dysfonctionnement» représentent la charge hydraulique maximale qu'un filtre peut accepter sans compromettre son activité biologique. Le modèle simplifié a été utilisé pour la modélisation hydraulique du FPR-V à long terme (i) pour analyser l’impact du contexte local et la conception du filtre dans l’acceptation de surcharges hydrauliques. Grâce à cet analyse, (ii) on peut proposer les dimensionnements de FPR-V qui arrivent à mieux gérer l’acceptation des surcharges hydrauliques. / French vertical-flow constructed wetlands (VFCW) directly treating raw wastewater are known to perform well on for SS, COD and nitrification. They are also known to robustly cope with hydraulic overloads during rainfall events. Although numerous systems have been installed in areas equipped with a combined sewer, the limits of stormwater acceptance remain ill-defined and need to be improved. Looking at the various VFCW designs and usages reported in the literature, it is difficult to draw any consensus on their hydraulic limits. Consequently, designing VFCW to accept hydraulic overloads is a complex task, as local context strongly impacts inlet flows produced during rainfall events. Dynamic models appear a requisite for filter design in such cases. Numerical CW models have essentially focused on horizontal flow, with few attempting to study VFCW dynamics which are more commonly tackled via mechanistic models. Although mechanistic models are powerful tools for describing processes within the VFCW, they are generally too complicated to be readily used by designers. The choice between detailed description and easy handling will depend on the modelling aims. If the aim is a global design tool, simplified models offer a good alternative. However, the simplified models geared to studying VFCW dynamics are extremely reduced. They are easy-handling for design and well-adapted to specific purposes (combined sewer overflow -CSO- treatment) but not necessarily to VFCW treating combined sewer wastewater, where long-term infiltration rates vary significantly. Consequently, this PhD thesis work focused on developing a simplified hydraulic model of VFCW to guide designers through the process of adapting VFCW systems to treat domestic wastewater in both dry and rain events. The simplified model makes it possible to link (i) hydraulics, by simulation of ponding time variations, (ii) biological performances, by establishing “dysfunction alerts” based on treatment performance assessment and variations in online N forms effluent from the young VFCW. These “dysfunction alerts” plot the maximal hydraulic load that a filter can accept without compromising its biological activity. The simplified model was used to model long-term hydraulics in the VFCW (i) to analyze the impact of local context and filter design on hydraulic overload acceptance (using “dysfunction alerts” and bypass discharges) and (ii) to propose VFCW designs for accepting hydraulic overload in different contexts. The modelling demonstrates that VFCW can limit days with bypass discharges to less than 20 times per year without jeopardizing filter performances. Moreover, the most problematic scenario on stormwater treatment remains a watershed with high imperviousness coefficient and low slope under a Bretagne-type climate, demonstrating that the filter is more sensitive to periodicity and duration than to intensity of rainfall events.

能者多勞:主管青睞與組織誘因的調節效果研究 / All lay loads on a willing horse: the moderating effects of supervisors' liking and organizational inducements

李文陽, Lee, Wen Yang Unknown Date (has links)
「能者多勞」是指能幹員工在職場中做更多工作的現象。近年來,能幹員工對於組織的重要性獲得高度關注,儘管過往證據顯示這些員工在職場上有時會受到來自太多工作或是責任的負擔,目前仍很少有研究檢驗員工能幹程度與工作過荷的關聯,本研究即以實證方式檢驗此現象的存在與其對職場心理健康的衝擊,並將主管的角色納入考量,探討主管青睞可能扮演的調節角色,以及在工作要求-資源模式的基礎上,試圖了解組織誘因的緩衝效果。本研究採用便利取樣,並以對偶問卷進行資料蒐集,研究對象為一般企業之直屬主管及部屬,共回收紙本問卷188套及網路問卷33套,得有效問卷169套,有效回收率為76%。研究結果顯示,自評的部屬能幹程度能預測部屬之工作過荷感受,且工作過荷可以中介能幹程度至職場心理健康的負面影響;然而,主管青睞與組織誘因在能幹程度、工作過荷與職場心理健康的關聯中皆無發現預期的調節效果。最後,本研究針對結果進行討論,並說明研究貢獻、研究限制與未來研究方向。 / "All Lay Loads on a Willing Horse" refers to the phenomenon that high-competence employees do more work in the workplace. In recent years, the importance of high-competence employees in the organizations is highly valued. Although previous evidence supported that these employees are sometimes burdened with too much work or responsibility in the workplace. The relationship between employees' competence and work overload was rarely examined. This study aims to investigate the existence of this phenomenon and its impact on workplace mental health in an empirical way. Takes the role of supervisor into account, discuss the moderating role of supervisors’ liking. Meanwhile, tries to understand the buffering effect of organizational inducements on the basis of JDR model. Research data is collected by a dyadic questionnaire survey with convenience sampling. Subjects are paired supervisor and subordinate in general enterprises. 188 sets of paper questionnaires and 33 sets of internet questionnaires were returned. Totally get 169 sets of effective questionnaires, the effective rate is 76%. The result reveals that self-evaluation competence can predict the subordinates’ work overload, and work overload can mediate the negative impact on workplace mental health. However, supervisors’ liking and organization inducements do not have expected moderating effect in the relationship between competence to work overload and work overload to workplace mental health. Finally, research finding, theoretical contribution, research constraints and future research directions are discussed.

Toxicité neuronale du cholestérol et physiopathologie de la maladie d’Alzheimer : analyse in vivo des conséquences de l’inhibition de la cholestérol-24-hydroxylase / Toxicity of neuronal cholesterol accumulation and Alzheimer’s disease : in vivo consequence of cholesterol-24-hydroxylase

Djelti, Fathia 30 September 2013 (has links)
Le vieillissement normal s’accompagne d’une diminution du contenu du cholestérol cérébral. Au contraire, une accumulation de cholestérol est associée aux processus toxiques dans plusieurs pathologies dégénératives (maladie d’Huntington, maladie de Parkinson, épilepsie, maladie de Niemann Pick de type C, maladie d’Alzheimer). De plus, les parallèles étroits existent entre la physiopathologie moléculaire de la maladie d’Alzheimer et celle de la maladie de Niemann Pick de type C, maladie de l’homéostasie du cholestérol. Ainsi on retrouve dans ces deux pathologies une hyperphosphorylation de la protéine Tau, associée à une augmentation des endosomes élargis et à la production de peptides A. L’ensemble de ces éléments évoque le rôle potentiel de la surcharge en cholestérol cérébral comme facteur favorisant le développement de la maladie d’Alzheimer. L’objectif de mon travail de doctorat a été de déterminer si une surcharge en cholestérol in vivo dans les neurones de l’hippocampe, région précocement touchée par la maladie d’Alzheimer, pouvait être à l’origine de processus neurotoxiques et de modifications biochimiques et neuropathologiques proches de ceux qui sont observés dans cette pathologie. La quasi-totalité du cholestérol cérébral est synthétisée in situ, la barrière hémato-encéphalique ne permettant qu’un apport minime du cholestérol périphérique. L’excès de cholestérol est exporté de la circulation sanguine sous la forme du 24-hydroxycholestérol, un métabolite produit exclusivement dans les neurones par la cholestérol-24-hydroxylase codée par le gène Cyp46a1.La surcharge en cholestérol a été induite in vivo par inhibition de la cholestérol-24-hydroxylase, dans l’hippocampe par une stratégie d’ARN interférence délivré par une injection stéréotaxique d’un vecteur AAV5. Nous avons étudié, d’une part la capacité d’une accumulation de cholestérol à induire chez la souris normale, un phénotype clinique et neuropathologique proche de la maladie d’Alzheimer et d’autre part si cette même accumulation de cholestérol neuronal pouvait aggraver ou compléter le phénotype Alzheimer d’un modèle murin de la maladie, la souris APP23. L’injection du vecteur AAV5-shCYP46A1 dans la stratum lacunosum moleculare de l’hippocampe conduit à une inhibition significative de l'expression du gène Cyp46a1, associée à une diminution de la concentration du 24-hydroxycholestérol et une augmentation du contenu en cholestérol dans les neurones de l’hippocampe, 3 semaines après l’injection. En réponse à cet excès de cholestérol, des mécanismes régulateurs permettent de diminuer, d’une part l’import et d’augmenter l’export du cholestérol de la cellule et d’autre part d’augmenter le contenu en phosphatidylcholine afin de rétablir un ratio phospholipide/cholestérol physiologique. Cependant, l'accumulation majeure de cholestérol intracellulaire conduit, 3 semaines après l’injection, à une activation de la réponse UPR (Unfolded Protein Response ou stress du réticulum endoplasmique) caractérisée par l'expression des gènes codant les facteurs XBP1s, ATF6, GRP78 associée à celles des protéines PERK phosphorylée, CHOP et caspase 12, entraînant l'activation des caspases 9 et 3. Elle est associée à la phosphorylation des protéines GSK3 (Tyr216) et Tau (Thr231). En parallèle, l’augmentation du cholestérol induit, 3 semaines après l’injection, une augmentation de l’expression de la protéine Rab5 (marqueur des endosomes précoces) et une relocalisation de la protéine APP dans les fractions de radeaux lipidiques associées à l'activation de la voie amyloïdogénique (production des fragments-CTF et des peptides A42). L’étude lipidomique met en évidence, 4 semaines après l’injection, une augmentation du contenu en céramide à longues chaînes et à une augmentation des gangliosides. Tous ces éléments aboutissent à un processus de perte neuronale associée à un recrutement des astrocytes dès la quatrième semaine après l’injection.... / An increasing number of arguments suggest a close and complex link between cholesterol metabolism and neurodegenerative diseases, particularly with Alzheimer’s disease. Normal ageing is associated with a decrease of brain cholesterol content. Conversly, accumulation of brain cholesterol is associated with several neurodegenerative diseases (Huntington disease, Parkinson disease, epilepsy, Niemann Pick C disease, Alzheimer’s disease). Moreover, close connections exist between molecular physiopathology of AD and that of Niemann Pick, a disease of cholesterol homeostasis. Altogether, these results suggest that cholesterol overload might play a role, as an initiating factor for the development of AD.In the brain, cholesterol metabolism is tightly controlled. In adults, cholesterol is mainly synthetized by astrocytes, then shuttles to neurons where it is used. All cholesterol excess must be eliminated. Cholesterol cannot cross freely the blood-brain-barrier. To be metabolized, brain cholesterol must be converted in 24-hydroxy-cholesterol by the cholesterol-24 hydroxylase enzyme, coded by CYP46A1 gene. The objective of my PhD project was to determine if cholesterol accumulation in vivo in hippocampal neurons, a region early involved in AD pathology, could trigger neurotoxic processes with biochemical and neuropathological modifications close to what is observed in AD. Cholesterol overload in vivo was induced by inhibiting cholesterol 24-hydroxylase enzyme activity, using an RNA interference strategy. Stereotactic injection of an AAV5- shCYP46A1 vector in the stratum lacunosum moleculare of the hippocampus led to significant and rapid (as soon as 3 weeks after injection) inhibition of the Cyp46a1 gene in the hippocampus with an absence of RNA interference off-target effect. This inhibition was associated with a decrease of 24-hydroxycholesterol content and an increase of the cholesterol content. In response to this cholesterol excess, cell control mechanisms were initiated leading to decrease import and increase export of cholesterol, accompanied with an increase of phosphatidylcholine content to restore a physiological ratio of phospholipide/cholesterol. However, major accumulation of cholesterol led to neuronal death with activation of caspases 9 et 3, suggesting an apoptotic process. The cholesterol overload drives to an endoplasmic reticulum stress, with activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) and expression of spliced XBP1, ATF6, GRP78, phosphorylated PERK, CHOP and caspase 12. These modifications were associated with phosphorylation of GSK3 (Tyr 216) and tau (Thr 231) proteins. In parallel, cholesterol accumulation led to increased expression of Rab5 (early endosome marker) and relocalization of APP in rafts domains associated to activation of amyloid pathway (production of -CTF fragments and A42 peptides). Lipidomic analysis showed an increase of ceramides and gangliosides content. All these modifications were associated with neuronal death 4 weeks after injection and astrocytosis, leading to an EEG theta rhythm accelerated to beta frequencies, memory deficits and hippocampal atrophy. In a mouse model of Alzheimer disease, the APP23 mouse, cholesterol accumulation led to major aggravation of the phenotype, with increased production of A peptides, occurring of tau phosphorylation and UPR response, leading to accelerated neuronal death. Altogether, these results suggest a direct link between cholesterol accumulation in the brain and Alzheimer’s disease. Brain cholesterol accumulation could seed the sows to the development of Alzheimer’s pathology. Reducing cerebral cholesterol could thus be a relevant therapeutic strategy to prevent the development, or at least slow down the evolution of the pathology in Alzheimer’s disease.

Informatizace, media a rozvoj společnosti / Informatization, media and development of society

Silovský, Michal January 2009 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to create a comprehensive view on questions of development and influence of media on society and related formation and processing of information. This thesis should also enable the reader easier understanding and orientation in this topic. For that reason the thesis is divided into four main parts. The first section describes what is information, and the relation among data, information and knowledge. The second part is devoted to development and influence of information and communication technologies. It describes ways which enabled and enable to deliver information to its recipient and also related changes brought by these technologies. In the next chapter there is desribed what influences our relations within the framework of single nations and how media help to their convergency and linking. And the last part of this thesis includes an analysis of possible use and misuse when affecting broad masses of people.

Les effets du genre sur la charge mentale : une étude sur le mal-être en milieu professionnel

Lanteigne, Amélie 04 1900 (has links)
Ce projet de mémoire a pris forme dans le but d’étudier comment l’effet du genre module la charge mentale au travail, en s’intéressant à l’impact des rapports de genre sur le sentiment de surcharge mentale et comment ils influent sur l’expression du mal-être individuel. L’analyse d’entretiens réalisés auprès de sept femmes et cinq hommes révèle divers facteurs contribuant à l’impression d’être mentalement surchargé au travail : les contraintes temporelles ; l’imprévisibilité ; la précarité au niveau économique et des conditions de travail ; le caractère exigeant des responsabilités professionnelles ; les contradictions du travail ; l’insuffisance du soutien organisationnel ; le manque de reconnaissance au travail ; le faible soutien social ; ainsi que la difficulté à concilier travail et famille. Ces multiples éléments colorent le discours des participants à la fois selon leur genre individuel et selon le type de métier qu’ils occupent : ceux-ci s’inscrivent dans une division relativement bien définie entre métiers majoritairement féminins et métiers majoritairement masculins. Suite à l’analyse des entretiens, il a été possible de cerner des tendances spécifiques à chaque type de métier, qui s’observent dans la relation entre demande psychologique et latitude décisionnelle. Appliqués au modèle de Karasek (1979), les résultats indiquent une conjoncture surchargeante pour les participants occupant un métier à prédominance féminine, où apparaît un cadre organisationnel oppressant. Enfin, de par les effets pernicieux de la non-valorisation du travail traditionnellement féminin et du travail reproductif associé à la gestion familiale, les résultats de cette présente recherche suggèrent que les femmes sont particulièrement à risque d’être surchargées mentalement et de vivre un profond mal-être. / This thesis was developed with the aim of studying how the effect of gender modulates mental burden at work, focusing on the impact of gender relations on the feeling of mental overload and how they influence the expression of individual malaise. The analysis of interviews with seven women and five men reveals various factors contributing to the impression of being mentally overloaded at work: time constraints; unpredictability; economic precariousness and working conditions; the demanding nature of professional responsibilities; the contradictions of work; inadequate organizational support; lack of recognition at work; weak social support; as well as the difficulty of reconciling work and family. These multiple elements colour the participants' discourse both according to their individual gender and according to their type of occupation : they are part of a relatively well-defined division between predominantly female occupations and predominantly male occupations. Following the analysis of the interviews, it was possible to identify trends specific to each type of occupation, which are observed in the relationship between psychological demand and decision latitude. Applied to the model of Karasek (1979), the results indicate an overburdening situation for participants in a predominantly female occupation, where an oppressive organizational framework emerges. Finally, because of the pernicious effects of the non-valorization of the traditionally female work and of the reproductive work associated with family management, the results of this research suggest that women are particularly at risk of being mentally overloaded and experiencing a profound malaise.

Ångest på biblioteket : En analys av fenomenet library anxiety ur ett begreppshistoriskt perspektiv / Library anxiety : An analysis on the phenomenon through a perspective of conceptual history

Andersson, Martin, Möller, Josef January 2020 (has links)
Library anxiety has been a concept since 1986, when Constance A. Mellon coined the phenomenon through her qualitative study on feelings that students experienced when interacting with academic libraries. In this essay we are looking at the origin of the concept through earlier research on the known barriers, trying to see what makes library anxiety unique compared to other seemingly related concepts, for example information anxiety. We’ve found many different concepts which can be part of library anxiety, or vice-versa, and many different extensions of LAS – the original scale to measure library anxiety. We aim to unravel some of those concepts we find of importance for library anxiety and its discourse. Looking at this through the lenses of Koselleck’s take on conceptual history, we see possible conflicts on where the concept library anxiety are heading; depending on what aspects of the concept the researcher read into and focusing on and in what context and time the articles were made. We also try to see who is considered responsible for shaping the discourse and if there is some kind of hegemonic struggle therein.

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