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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

How stressful was the COVID-19 pandemic for residents specializing in family practice?

Oltersdorff-Kalettka, Anna-Maria von, Meinel, Janina, Voigt, Karen, Mundt, Thomas, Bleckwenn, Markus, Bergmann, Antje, Gottschall, Mandy 04 June 2024 (has links)
Background The coronavirus pandemic poses many challenges for medical personnel. During the first phase of the pandemic, psychological stress became increasingly apparent. This was a complex and difficult situation, especially for physician residents specializing in family practice (GP trainees), who were not yet able to draw on years of practical experience. In this context, the Kompetenzzentrum Weiterbildung Allgemeinmedizin Sachsen (Competence Center for Continuing Education in General Medicine Saxony) (KWASa) developed a survey on how to deal with the concerns and challenges perceived at the time. The purpose of the study was to obtain information on psychological well-being in the pandemic context, as well as on expectations, fears, and protective measures in everyday work. The aim was to identify stress factors for general practice (GP) trainees during a pandemic situation to be able to consider the support needs in the design of future residency training programs, especially for GP trainees. Methods An online questionnaire was distributed from May 5, 2020 to June 4, 2020 among GP trainees enrolled in KWASa since 2018. The questionnaire consisted of standardized items, which were evaluated descriptively, and open-ended items with free-text answers, which were evaluated according to the principle of qualitative content analysis. Results The results show the relevance of the topic as 61% of respondents indicated that they were concerned about the coronavirus. Most GP trainees also gave an affirmative response regarding emotional challenges. In this context, various stressors could be identified within both the professional and personal environments. There were four particularly salient factors: (1) the fear of infecting one’s family as well as patients with the SARS-CoV-2 virus; (2) missing or insufficiently existing protective measures; (3) an increased need for consultation due to unpredictable patient behavior as well as uncertainties in patient treatment; and (4) communication difficulties within the collegial environment. Conclusions The study aimed to identify the support needs of GP trainees in crisis situations such as the COVID-19 pandemic. The results of the survey can be used for the development of suitable continuing education programs for physicians in further training.

Studieren in der Zeit der Corona-Pandemie: Hauptbericht zur 4. Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung

Lenz, Karl, Blaich, Ingo, Haag, Wolfgang, Radewald, Anika 16 August 2023 (has links)
In der 4.Sächsischen Studierendenbefragung wurden die Studierenden an den sächsischen Universitäten, Fachhochschulen und Kunsthochschulen zur Qualität von Studium und Lehre sowie ihren Bildungswegen befragt. Im Vergleich mit den Vorgängerstudien kann eine Verbesserung der Studienqualität beobachtet werden. Gleichzeitig wird der Bachelorabschluss zunehmend als berufsqualifizierender Abschluss auf dem Arbeitsmarkt akzeptiert. Zusätzlich enthält die Studie zwei besondere Schwerpunkt. Mit einer Reihe von Fragen wurde das Studienerleben und die Teilnahme an Lehrveranstaltungen sowie Prüfungsleistungen im Distanzunterricht während der Corona-Pandemie erfragt. So kann aufgezeigt werden, wie Studierende mit dieser Umstellung umgegangen sind und dass die allermeisten Studierenden diese Herausforderungen gut bewältigt haben. Gleichwohl gibt es eine relevante Gruppe, die größere Schwierigkeiten berichtete. Weiterhin nahmen Fragen zum Beratungsangebot, dem vielfältigen Beratungsbedarf und Belastungen im Studium einen breiten Raum ein. Für Sachsen liegen damit erstmalig aussagekräftige Daten zum studentischen Belastungserleben und Nutzungsverhalten von Beratungs- und Unterstützungsangeboten inkl. der Onlineberatung vor.:ZUSAMMENFASSUNG IV 1. EINLEITUNG 1 2. DAS PROFIL DER STUDIERENDEN 5 2.1 STUDIERENDE NACH HOCHSCHULTYP, FÄCHERGRUPPEN UND STUDIENBEREICHEN 5 2.2 STUDIERENDE NACH ART DES ANGESTREBTEN STUDIENABSCHLUSS 11 2.3 STUDIERENDE NACH GESCHLECHT 13 2.4 STUDIERENDE NACH ALTER 16 2.5 STUDIERENDE NACH NATIONALSTAATLICHER HERKUNFT 17 2.6 STUDIERENDE NACH DER BILDUNGSHERKUNFT 19 2.7 STUDIERENDE MIT KÖRPERLICHEN UND GESUNDHEITLICHEN BEEINTRÄCHTIGUNGEN 23 3. STUDIENBEDINGUNGEN UND STUDIERVERHALTEN 26 3.1 STUDIENQUALITÄT, LEISTUNGSANFORDERUNGEN UND SOZIALES KLIMA 26 3.1.1 Studienqualität 28 3.1.2 Leistungsanforderungen 31 3.1.3 Soziales Klima 34 3.2 DURCHFÜHRUNG DER LEHRE 35 3.2.1 Qualität der Lehrveranstaltungen 37 3.2.2 Unterstützung durch die Lehrenden 40 3.2.3 Digitale Kompetenzen der Lehrenden 43 3.2.4 Probleme bei der Lehrorganisation 45 3.3 KOMPETENZERWERB 47 3.4 STUDIERENDE AN DER HOCHSCHULE 53 3.4.1 Lernkompetenz und Zugehörigkeits- und Vertrautheitsgefühle 53 3.4.2 Studentische Mitwirkung 57 3.4.3 Anwesenheit in Lehrveranstaltungen 59 3.5 GESAMTZUFRIEDENHEIT UND KONSTANZ IN DER STUDIENENTSCHEIDUNG 62 3.5.1 Gesamtzufriedenheit mit dem Studium 62 3.5.2 Konstanz der Studienentscheidung 64 4. BERATUNGS- UND SERVICEANGEBOTE – NUTZUNG UND BEWERTUNG 67 4.1 INANSPRUCHNAHME VON BERATUNGSANGEBOTEN 68 4.1.1 Häufigkeit der aufgesuchten Beratung in den letzten 12 Monaten 68 4.1.2 Beratungsthemen 79 4.2 NUTZUNG UND BEWERTUNG DER BERATUNGS- UND SERVICEANGEBOTE 94 4.2.1 Nutzung der Beratungsanbieter 94 4.2.2 Bewertung der Beratungs- und Unterstützungsangebote 96 4.2.3 Wunsch nach größerem Beratungs- und Unterstützungsangebot 99 4.3 EINSTELLUNGEN ZUR ONLINEBERATUNG 104 5. STUDIEREN WÄHREND DER CORONA-PANDEMIE 118 5.1 TEILNAHME AN LEHRVERANSTALTUNGEN 118 5.1.1 Gründe für die Nichtteilnahme an Lehrveranstaltungen 121 5.1.2 Gründe für den Abbruch der Teilnahme an Lehrveranstaltungen 123 5.2 TEILNAHME AN PRÜFUNGSLEISTUNGEN 125 5.2.1 Gründe für nicht-abgelegte Prüfungsleistungen 127 5.2.2 Kenntnis und Nutzung einer Freiversuchsregelung 128 5.3 VERMUTETE LANGZEITFOLGEN DER PANDEMIE 131 5.4 DIGITALE LEHRE 136 5.4.1 Belastungen und Erleichterungen durch die digitale Lehre 137 5.4.2 Digitale Lehrformen als Ergänzung zur Präsenzlehre 142 6. WEGE ZUM STUDIUM, DURCH DAS STUDIUM UND NACH DEM STUDIUM 146 6.1 WEGE ZUM STUDIUM 146 6.1.1 Gründe für die Wahl der Hochschule 146 6.1.2 Hochschulzugang und Vorbildung 151 6.1.3 Region der Hochschulzugangsberechtigung 159 6.2 WEGE IM STUDIUM 162 6.2.1 Pläne der Bachelorstudierenden 162 6.2.2 Der Weg zum Masterstudium 168 6.2.3 Praktika und Auslandsaufenthalte 176 6.2.4 Studienunterbrechung 182 6.3 NACH DEM STUDIUM 188 6.3.1 Wunschregion des Berufseinstiegs 188 6.3.2 Wünsche und Ziele für Berufs- und Lebensweg 191 6.3.3 Informationsstand über berufliche Perspektiven bei angehenden Mediziner:innen 193 7. LITERATURVERZEICHNIS 194 A. METHODISCHE ANMERKUNGEN UND DATENGRUNDLAGE 197 A.1 GRUNDGESAMTHEIT UND STICHPROBE 197 A.2 ERSTELLUNG DES FRAGEBOGENS UND DURCHFÜHRUNG DER BEFRAGUNG 197 A.3 RÜCKLAUF UND DATENQUALITÄT 200 ABBILDUNGSVERZEICHNIS 203 TABELLENVERZEICHNIS 206 B. TABELLEN UND GRAFIKEN 209 C. FRAGEBOGEN 278 HOCHSCHULE UND STUDIENGANG 284 STUDIENFACH- UND STUDIENORTWAHL, ORIENTIERUNGSPHASE 291 STUDIENSITUATION UND LEHRQUALITÄT 293 FRAGEN ZUR BERATUNG 303 STUDIEREN WÄHREND DER CORONA-PANDEMIE 308 STUDIENVERLAUF UND STUDIENPLANUNG 314 GESAMTEINSCHÄTZUNG/ ZUFRIEDENHEIT 324 ANGABEN ZUR PERSON 325

Studie zur psychischen Gesundheit von Schülerinnen und Schülern im Freistaat Sachsen im Zusammenhang mit der Corona-Pandemie

Marschall, Jörg, Ochmann, Richard, Hommel, Aileen 02 January 2024 (has links)
Ziel der Studie ist es, einen Überblick über die Entwicklung der psychischen Gesundheit von Schülern der 5. bis 10. Klassen (Sekundarstufe I) im Freistaat Sachsen in den vergangenen Jahren zu bekommen. Dabei sollen vor allem der zeitliche Verlauf vor und seit Beginn der Corona-Pandemie im März 2020 und damit einhergehende Schutzmaßnahmen im Mittelpunkt stehen. Basierend auf den Ergebnissen der Studie sollen Aussagen getroffen werden, inwiefern und in welchem Ausmaß die Pandemie Einfluss auf die psychische Gesundheit von Kindern und Jugendlichen genommen hat. Sie dienen als Grundlage für das weitere Handeln des Freistaats Sachsen und die Sicherung der kinder- und jugendpsychiatrischen sowie -psychotherapeutischen Versorgung. Redaktionsschluss: 31.01.2023

La gestione delle crisi e delle emergenze alimentari: un'analisi comparativa multilivello del quadro giuridico europeo e statunitense / MANAGING FOOD SAFETY EMERGENCIES AND CRISES: A MULTILEVEL COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE US AND EU LEGAL FRAMEWORKS

PLANCHENSTAINER, FRANCESCO 19 February 2014 (has links)
La presente tesi analizza la gestione delle crisi e delle emergenze alimentari negli USA e nell’UE addottando il triplice punto di vista delle autorita’ pubbliche, industria, consumatori). Le crisi e le emergenze provocate da incidenti di sicurezza alimentare sono eventi ad alto impatto sia in termini umani che economici. Crisi e emergenze sono il prodotto sia della crescente complessita’ della catena alimentare sia anche della crescente incertezza scientifica delle societa’ postmoderne. La tesi intende dimostrare che le crisi alimentri sono sempre piu’ a crocevia fra igiene pubblica, salute animale e sicurezza alimentare. Il primo capitolo descrive le piu’ importanti crisi alimentari degli ultimi vent’anni: gli eventi sono analizzati comparativamente al fine di evidenziare i tratti salienti in comune. Il secondo capitolo affronta il ruolo ricoperto dalle le istituzioni pubbliche, l’industria e i consumatori in caso di incidenti di sicurezza alimentare. Il capitolo considera i diversi punti di vista dei soggetti coinvolti mettendo in luce gli interessi in gioco e il comportamento di industria e consumatori in relazione al rischio alimentare. Il quarto capitolo rappresenta il cuore dell’intera tesi analizzando in maniera comparativa il sistema giuridico statunitense ed europeo. Nelle conclusioni sono offerte possibili soluzioni per fare fronte alle problematiche analizzate. / This dissertation analyses the management of food safety emergencies and crises in the US and the EU adopting a threefold perspective (i.e., public authorities, industry, consumers). Food safety emergencies and crises are highly burdensome events that may leave behind high fatalities tolls and severe economic consequences. Crises and emergencies are the outcome of both the increasing complexity of the food chain and the growing scientific uncertainty that modern societies are called to face. While it is impracticable to eradicate these events, countries may build prevention and preparedness in advance. This work attempts to capture an original way the role covered by different stakeholder in crises preparedness and response. The dissertation also aims to demonstrate that food safety crises are increasingly at the intersection between Public Health, animal health and food safety. The first chapter provides a case history of the most relevant food safety crises in the last two decades. From the BSE scandal that hit Europe in 1996 to the most recent E.coli outbreak in Germany of 2011, the events are analyzed in a comparative way as to point out the essential features of food safety crises. The second chapter canvasses the role played by public authorities, industry and consumer in food safety incidents. In the attempt to define crises and emergencies, a review of most important theories from organizational literature is provided, with an emphasis on the importance of scientific uncertainty. The chapter deals with stakeholders’ different perspectives outlining the interest at stake and describing at the same time stakeholders’ behavior vis-à-vis food related risks. The fourth chapter represents the core of the dissertation analyzing the legal framework of the US and the EU. The dissertation considers not only food safety provisions but also Public Health provisions describing rights and duties of the subjects involves in these events. The chapter focuses also on the problem of information at the intersection with different aspirations (e.g., the right to know and confidentiality). The dissertation ends with some concluding remarks suggesting possible solution to solve the mentioned shortcomings.

Pandemie španělské chřipky 1918/19 se zvláštním zřetelem na České země a středoevropské poměry / The Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918/19 with particular reference to the Bohemian Lands and Central European relations

Salfellner, Harald January 2017 (has links)
Charles University First Medical Faculty Study programme: History of Medicine Summary of dissertation The Spanish Flu Pandemic 1918/19 with particular reference to the Bohemian Lands and Central European relations Dr. med. univ. Harald Salfellner Prague, 2017 Summary Towards the end of the First World War, in 1918 and 1919, humanity faced a previously unparalleled flu pandemic; within a few months, more people had been killed than in all the battles of the 1914-18 war put together. The precise number of victims is unknown but is today generally reckoned at between 20 and 50 million. The whole world was affected by the Spanish flu, with the exception of a few remote islands, and Europe, already bled to death by industrialised warfare, was particularly hard hit. In summer 1918, the pandemic reached Bohemia in an early, relatively benign wave. A few weeks later, thousands were struck down in Prague in a second and far more deadly phase of the illness. In October 1918, as the First Czechoslovakian Republic arose from the ashes of the multiethnic Austrian state, and the masses celebrated in the cities, thousands of feverish patients were coughing behind drawn curtains, and facing an uncertain fate. In the USA, the flu pandemic - the greatest health disaster of the 20th century - has been the subject of many...

#PublikumsbeschimpfungQuoVadis2021? : Eine Gegenüberstellung der Publikumsbeschimpfung von Peter Handke und der Video-Kunstaktion #allesdichtmachen

Gandler-Årman, Kerstin January 2021 (has links)
The present work attempts to highlight the difference in perception among the audience in digital and analog arenas by comparing the play Offending the Audience by Peter Handke, the filmed staged version thereof, directed by Claus Peymann in 1966 and the video performance #allesdichtmachen (2021). The aim is to discern in what respects these works are similar, where they diverge and whether there is a lowest common denominator, which makes a particular aesthetic representation of the content relevant to the audience. Furthermore the question is raised whether, and how, a new sense of responsibility for the creators and audiences arises from new habits of reception. Can the digital consumer provide a significant opportunity for live theatre, struggling in the shadow of the Covid-19 crises, by helping it regain its role as a brilliant entertainer, important custodian and mediator of arts and culture? / Die vorliegende Arbeit versucht mittels Gegenüberstellung der Publikumsbeschimpfung von Peter Handke bzw. dessen szenischer Umsetzung durch Claus Peymann aus dem Jahre 1966 und der Video-Kunstaktion #allesdichtmachen (2021) aufzuzeigen, welche Erlebnisräume der analogen und digitalen Rezeption entspringen. Hierbei gilt es herauszuarbeiten, wie sich diese unterscheiden, worin sie sich gleichen und ob es einen kleinsten gemeinsamen Nenner gibt, der die ästhetische Spiegelung des Inhalts/Contents zu einem Auftritt von Relevanz werden lässt. Im Zuge dessen soll auch erörtert werden, inwiefern oder ob den Rezipienten bzw. Theatermachern aus veränderten Rezeptionsgewohnheiten eine Verantwortlichkeit erwächst und ob der digitalisierte Teilnehmer in weiterer Konsequenz eine Chance für das Live-Theater darstellt, das im Schatten der Covid-19-Krise versuchen muss, die von ihm verlorene Pole-Position als kultureller Verwalter, pädagogischer Vermittler und genialer Unterhalter zurückzuerobern.

Otevřená data a jejich využití v tuzemské datové žurnalistice / Open Data and their use in Czech Data Journalism

Krawiecová, Nela January 2022 (has links)
The fundamental source of data journalism, which has established itself in the Czech media landscape in recent years, is the availability of usable data sets. However, academicians have so far neglected the topic of data openness and its importance in journalistic discourse. Simultaneously, data journalists are often the first to make data available to the public. An integral part of the thesis is mapping the historical development of data journalism, including the phenomenon of open government with a focus on Czech and European legislation and obtaining information with the help of the Freedom of Information Act. The aim of the thesis is, based on in-depth interviews with Czech data journalists, to identify the data sources which they frequently often use in their editorial routines, to evaluate the quality of these sources and to present the main limits that journalists encounter. In the conclusive part of the thesis the author transfers the focus to analysis of the availability of data sources provided by the Ministry of Health and the Institute of Health Information and Statistics during the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and 2021 and outlines the process of acquisition, cleaning, analysis, and visualization of information by journalists.

Comparison of mental health outcomes in seropositive and seronegative adolescents during the COVID19 pandemic

Blankenburg, Judith, Wekenborg, Magdalena K., Reichert, Jörg, Kirsten, Carolin, Kahre, Elisabeth, Haag, Luise, Schumm, Leonie, Czyborra, Paula, Berner, Reinhard, Armann, Jakob P. 22 February 2024 (has links)
Post-COVID19 complications such as pediatric inflammatory multisystem syndrome (PIMS) and Long-COVID19 move increasingly into focus, potentially causing more harm in young adolescents than the acute infection. To better understand the symptoms of long-term mental health outcomes in adolescents and distinguish infection-associated symptoms from pandemic-associated symptoms, we conducted a 12 question Long-COVID19 survey. Using this survey, we compared the responses on neurocognitive, general pain and mood symptoms from seropositive and seronegative adolescents in a cross-sectional study design. Since May 2020, students grade 8-12 in fourteen secondary schools in Eastern Saxony were enrolled in the SchoolCovid19 study. Serostatus was assessed regularly in all participants. In March/April 2021, 1560 students with a median age of 15 years participated at the regular study visit after re-opening of the schools in mid-March and responded to our Long-COVID19 survey as part of this visit. 1365 (88%) students were seronegative, 188 (12%) were seropositive. Each symptom asked in the Long-COVID19 survey was present in at least 35% of the students within the last seven days before the survey. With the exception of seropositive students being less sad, there was no significant difference comparing the reported symptoms between seropositive students and seronegative students. The lack of differences comparing the reported symptoms between seropositive and seronegative students suggests that Long-COVID19 might be less common than previously thought and emphasizes on the impact of pandemic-associated symptoms regarding the well-being and mental health of young adolescents.Clinical Trial Registration: SchoolCoviDD19: Prospektive Erfassung der SARS-CoV-2 Seropositivität bei Schulkindern nach Ende der unterrichtsfreien Zeit aufgrund der Corona-Schutz-Verordnung (COVID-19), DRKS00022455, https://www.drks.de/drks_web/navigate.do?navigationId=trial.HTML&TRIAL_ID=DRKS00022455.

Die Gewährleistung der Versammlungsgarantie unter pandemischen Bedingungen: Eine Bestandsaufnahme aus behördlicher, polizeipraktischer, justizieller und wissenschaftlicher Perspektive

Schwier, Henning 04 December 2023 (has links)
Der politische, behördliche und justizielle Umgang mit den sogenann­ten „Corona-Protesten' machte wie unter dem Brennglas die wesentliche Herausforderung sichtbar, welche die Pandemie an die Gesellschaftsordnung stellte: Der Schutz der Gesundheit der Bevölkerung und die persönliche Freiheit des Einzelnen mussten fortwährend auf ganz unterschiedlichen Ebenen und unter sich ständig in Bewegung befindlichen medizinischen und rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen in einen angemessenen Ausgleich gebracht werden. Vor diesem Hintergrund organisierte das Sächsische lnstitut für Polizei- und Sicherheitsforschung (SlPS) im September 2022 die Tagung „Die Gewährleistung der Versammlungsfreiheit unter pandemischen Bedingungen', auf der das Protestgeschehen aus behördlicher, polizeipraktischer, justizieller und wissenschaftlicher Sicht eingeordnet und zur Diskussion gestellt wurde. Dieser Tagungsband fasst die Vorträge der Tagung zusammen.

Regional responsibility and coordination of appropriate inpatient care capacities for patients with COVID-19 – the German DISPENSE model

Lünsmann, Benedict J., Polotzek, Katja, Kleber, Christian, Gebler, Richard, Bierbaum, Veronika, Walther, Felix, Baum, Fabian, Juncken, Kathleen, Forkert, Christoph, Lange, Toni, Held, Hanns-Christoph, Mogwitz, Andreas, Weidemann, Robin R., Schmitt, Jochen, Sedlmayr, Martin, Lakowa, Nicole, Stehr, Sebastian N., Albrecht, Michael, Karschau, Jens 30 May 2024 (has links)
As of late 2019, the COVID-19 pandemic has been a challenge to health care systems worldwide. Rapidly rising local COVID-19 incidence rates, result in demand for high hospital and intensive care bed capacities on short notice. A detailed up-to-date regional surveillance of the dynamics of the pandemic, precise prediction of required inpatient capacities of care as well as a centralized coordination of the distribution of regional patient fluxes is needed to ensure optimal patient care. In March 2020, the German federal state of Saxony established three COVID-19 coordination centers located at each of its maximum care hospitals, namely the University Hospitals Dresden and Leipzig and the hospital Chemnitz. Each center has coordinated inpatient care facilities for the three regions East, Northwest and Southwest Saxony with 36, 18 and 29 hospital sites, respectively. Fed by daily data flows from local public health authorities capturing the dynamics of the pandemic as well as daily reports on regional inpatient care capacities, we established the information and prognosis tool DISPENSE. It provides a regional overview of the current pandemic situation combined with daily prognoses for up to seven days as well as outlooks for up to 14 days of bed requirements. The prognosis precision varies from 21% and 38% to 12% and 15% relative errors in normal ward and ICU bed demand, respectively, depending on the considered time period. The deployment of DISPENSE has had a major positive impact to stay alert for the second wave of the COVID-19 pandemic and to allocate resources as needed. The application of a mathematical model to forecast required bed capacities enabled concerted actions for patient allocation and strategic planning. The ad-hoc implementation of these tools substantiates the need of a detailed data basis that enables appropriate responses, both on regional scales in terms of clinic resource planning and on larger scales concerning political reactions to pandemic situations.

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