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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vad är hälsa för högstadieelever? : En intervjustudie om flickor och pojkar och deras uppfattning om begreppet hälsa i årskurs 9

Almali, Leyli January 2019 (has links)
Aim The purpose of this survey is to investigate what students in grade 9 thinks what health is. How they relate to health in the subject physical education and what image they have on the subject. Questions What do students in grade 9 think about what they learn about the notion of health. How do the teachers convey their knowledge to the students about health. Do the students have a pathogen or a salutogenic perspective of health. Method To answer the questions the survey used a qulitative method with interviews. Six students from grade 9 and 3 teachers in physical education participated in the study. The interviews were semistructured because the content and questions were decided before hand but the follow up questions were adapted to the people that participated. Results The students perceived the notion of health in the subject differently. Some students connects the notion of health to different physical activities whilst some students thinks about nutrition as an important part of health. All the participating teachers used theory sessions to educate about health. However, the content could differ between the teachers. The image of what the students think about health is mainly from a salutogenic perspective. 5 of 6 students said they interpreted that they had a salutogenic perspective and only one person thought about health from a pathogen perspective. Conclusions The students interpreted the notion of health differently. The teachers used theory sessions when they educated about health. Both students and teachers thought about health from mainly a salutogenic perspective. / Syfte Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vad elever i årskurs 9 anser vara hälsa. Hur de relaterar hälsa till undervisningen i ämnet idrott och hälsa, samt vilken bild av hälsa de har. Frågeställningar: Vad anser eleverna i årskurs 9 att de lär sig om begreppet hälsa i ämnet idrott och hälsa? Hur förmedlar lärarna kunskap om hälsa till eleverna? Har eleverna en patogen eller salutogen bild av begreppet hälsa? Metod För att svara på studiens frågeställningar har en kvalitativ metod använts där intervjuer gjorts på sex olika elever i årskurs 9 och tre idrottslärare. Intervjuerna var semistrukturerade då innehåll och följd på intervjufrågor förutbestämde synsättet. Studiens teoretiska utgångpunkt tas i begreppen salutogen och patogen. Det salutogena tar fokus i människans främjande mot en bättre hälsa än vad denne har idag medan det patogena synsättet fokuserar på själva sjukdomen i sig, varför man blir sjuk. Resultat Eleverna har olika tolkningar kring begreppet hälsa i ämnet idrott och hälsa. Några elever kopplar begreppet hälsa till olika typer av fysiska aktiviteter medan andra tar in kosten som en viktig del i begreppet. Samtliga lärare använder teoriundervisning när de vill förmedla kunskap kring begreppet hälsa. Undervisningens innehåll däremot skiljer sig mellan lärarna. Eleverna har huvudsakligen en salutogen bild av hälsa. Slutsats Elevernas bild av hälsa är huvudsakligen salutogen, det vill säga man har ett hälsofrämjande synsätt i motsats till att fokusera på vad som orsakar sjukdom. / <p>Studiegång Idrott, fritidskultur och hälsa. Ht 2014</p>

Hur behandlas psykisk hälsa i gymnasieskolans undervisning? : En analys av läromedel i gymnasieskolan / How is mental health treated in upper secondary school teaching?

Andersson, Emelie January 2022 (has links)
Health is an interesting and highly relevant subject today. Physical health is something we see everywhere, in newspapers, on tv and social media, what to eat, how to exercise etc. Mental health however is still taboo even though it’s a growing problem in today’s society. Mental health is associated with many problems in our society such as lower school result and depression. This paper compare how mental health is treated compared to physical health in upper secondary school literature. This comparison is made by a comparative and a thematic analysis of six books intended for the biology and nature science classes in Swedish high school. All investigated literature has a more comprehensive section when it comes to physical health compared to mental health. There is a positive trend where the newer literature has a more extensive mental health section compared to the older literature. It´s important to increase knowledge about mental health because it is one of the most important factors in increasing well-being, and increased well-being results in better school results. In the future it’s important to identify success factors for a successful health education.

Livet efter arbetslivet : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Life after working life : a qualitative interview study

Andersson, Lova, Aronsson, Linnéa January 2023 (has links)
Retirement is something all workers will face sooner or later. The purpose of this qualitative interview study was to investigate the subjective experience of the transition between working life and retirement of retirees, and workers in the transition phase as well as how the physical, mental and social health is affected by retiring. The purpose was investigated through twelve semi-structured interviews, which were analyzed using a thematic content analysis. The participants consisted of nine men and three women, who represented a pensioner activity and a company in a smaller city in the south of Sweden. There were six participants in each group. The thematic analysis resulted in three themes, which responded to the purpose of the study: Ambivalent curiosity, Relationships and Health. Subthemes have also been identified; Role conflict, Own terms, Engagement, To feel meaning and Activities. The participants had different experiences regarding the transition phase and the adaptation to retirement, and an ambivalent curiosity emerged. The participants further felt that relationships were important and functioned as support during and after the transition, and good health was a key factor for a successful retirement. Overall, the results were consistent with previous research. / Att gå i pension är något alla arbetstagare förr eller senare ställs inför. Syftet med denna kvalitativa intervjustudie var att undersöka hur den subjektiva upplevelsen av övergången mellan arbetsliv och pension kan se ut ut hos pensionärer och arbetstagare i övergångsfasen, samt hur den fysiska, psykiska och sociala hälsan påverkas av att gå i pension. Syftet undersöktes genom tolv semistrukturerade intervjuer, vilka analyserades med hjälp av tematisk innehållsanalys. Deltagarna bestod av nio män och tre kvinnor, vilka representerade en pensionärsverksamhet och ett företag i en mindre ort i södra Sverige. Det var sex personer i båda deltagargrupperna. Den tematiska analysen resulterade i tre teman, vilka svarade mot aktuell studies syfte: Ambivalent nyfikenhet, Relationer och Hälsa. Det har även identifierats subteman. Dessa är; Rollförvirring, Egna villkor, Engagemang, Att känna mening samt Aktiviteter. Deltagarna upplevde övergångsfasen och anpassningen till pensionen olika och det framkom en ambivalent nyfikenhet gällande pensionen. Vidare upplevdes att relationer var viktiga och fungerade som stöd under- och efter övergången samt att god hälsa var en nyckelfaktor för en lyckad pensionering. Sammantaget överensstämmer resultatet med tidigare forskning.

Förskollärares syn på relationen mellan hälsa och utomhuspedagogik : En intervjustudie med förskollärare / Preschool teachers’ views on the relationship between health and outdoor pedagogy : An interview study with preschool teachers

Forsell, Anna, Hedlund, Susanne January 2023 (has links)
Barns fysiska och psykiska hälsa har en viktig koppling till den utomhuspedagogiska verksamheten. Tidigare forskning visar att utomhuspedagogik är positivt för barnens hälsa, koncentrationsförmåga, inlärning, samarbetsförmåga och välmående. Syftet med studien är att belysa hur förskollärare resonerar kring barns fysiska och psykiska hälsa i relation till utomhuspedagogik. Följande frågeställning formulerades: Hur ser förskollärare på relationen mellan fysisk och psykisk hälsa och utomhuspedagogik? Studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt är det salutogena perspektivet och begreppet KASAM, känsla av sammanhang, vilket innefattar vikten av att barn känner begriplighet, hanterbarhet och meningsfullhet i sin vardag. För att samla in data till studien genomfördes kvalitativa forskningsintervjuer med sex förskollärare i två olika kommuner, dessa transkriberades och analyserades sedan genom tematisk analys. Utifrån studiens resultat kom vi fram till att barn som deltar i regelbunden utomhuspedagogisk verksamhet främjar sin psykiska och fysiska hälsa samt att det stärker deras KASAM. Resultatet visar också att det finns ett upplevt motstånd från kollegor mot utomhuspedagogik och att det vore intressant om vidare forskning kan undersöka vad detta motstånd grundar sig i.

The Relationship between the Wellness Management and Recovery Program and Physical Health

Tenbarge, Brittany A. January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

An Exploration of the Effects of Interpersonal Violence History on Physical Health Symptomatology in College Women: A Longitudinal Study

Tansill, Erin C. 05 August 2010 (has links)
No description available.

The roles of self and society in the relationship between physical health, self-perception of aging, and depressive symptoms in later life

Han, Jina 27 July 2011 (has links)
No description available.


Du, Wenjie (James) January 2017 (has links)
Using a theoretical synergy between the Psychological Continuum Model (PCM) and Behavioral Ecological Model (BEM), the current dissertation research provides empirical evidence to support that organized participant sporting events can play a significant role in building a healthier community. First, using a proprietary U.S. community-based panel data from 2008 to 2014, study 1 examines the incremental effects of participant sporting events (PSE) in promoting active living at the population level. Panel regression with an instrumental variable approach and Multigroup Latent Growth Curve Analysis were administered. The key findings included (1) these population-based interventions have the capacity to impact population health at the state level; (2) such an influence significantly varies across the United States contingent upon a state’s economic development and the geographical region to which a state belongs. In study 2, the Multilevel Mediation Analysis was conducted with a spatially clustered cross-sectional data in 2014. The findings revealed that the access to exercise opportunities at the state level represents the underlying mechanism through which various forms of participant sporting events have the ability to elicit positive effects on health with respects to mental health, physical health, and physical activity participation at the county level. The findings suggested that PSEs represent effective public health platform to create healthier communities through integrating physically active leisure into population’s everyday routines. Overall, empirical results also help us better understand the importance of effectively leveraging community sporting events to deliver required health benefits to the general public and create practical guidelines to inform policy formation on resource allocation. / Tourism and Sport

A developmental perspective of the relationship between Developmental Coordination Disorder and internalizing problems based on the Environmental Stress Hypothesis / A DEVELOPMENTAL PERSPECTIVE OF THE ENVIRONMENTAL STRESS HYPOTHESIS

Li, Yao-Chuen January 2017 (has links)
The Environmental Stress Hypothesis (ESH) illustrates the underlying mechanisms of internalizing problems in children with Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD), indicating that the relationship between DCD and internalizing problems could be influenced by numerous physical and psychosocial consequences. However, the potential pathways described in this conceptual framework have not been comprehensively examined. Furthermore, given that child development is a dynamic process, these pathways have not been investigated from a developmental perspective. In order to address these gaps in knowledge, this dissertation sought to advance our understanding of the ESH by examining the underlying mediating pathways connecting DCD and internalizing problems in three age groups: early childhood, late childhood/early adolescence, and young adulthood. Study 1 showed that preschool children at risk for DCD (rDCD) experience more internalizing problems than typically developing children. However, physical activity and BMI do not mediate the relationship between rDCD and internalizing problems. Overall, our findings confirm that rDCD and internalizing problems co-occur in early childhood. Nevertheless, as there is no mediation of physical activity or BMI, the underlying mechanisms may be more related to other psychosocial outcomes (e.g., self-concept or perceived social support), suggested in the ESH. Study 2 examined school-aged children and included global self-worth, one of the psychological outcomes identified in the ESH, to address one of the limitations in Study 1. Findings support the ESH by showing a sequential mediating pathway from probable DCD (pDCD), through physical activity/BMI and global self-worth, to self-reported internalizing problems. Sex was found to moderate the underlying mechanisms of internalizing problems, altering the pathways from pDCD to internalizing problems. Study 3 was conducted to test the full ESH in emerging adults. Results support the mediating effects of psychosocial well-being, including stress, global relationships, perceived social support, and self-concept, on the relationship between poor motor coordination and self-reported psychological distress in young adults. However, in this age group, physical inactivity and higher BMI, did not mediate the relationship between motor coordination and internalizing problems. In conclusion, this dissertation highlights the co-occurrence of motor difficulties and internalizing problems across three developmental stages. The underlying mechanisms of internalizing problems may differ by age and sex. It is also worth noting that compared to physical health, psychosocial well-being may play a more important role as a mediator in the relationship between motor coordination and internalizing problems. / Thesis / Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) / Developmental Coordination Disorder (DCD) or poor motor coordination has been linked to the higher levels of internalizing problems, such as anxiety and/or depression. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Although the Environmental Stress Hypothesis (ESH) provides a theoretical framework illustrating that physical and psychosocial consequences of DCD may play important roles, this model has not been comprehensively examined. Therefore, this dissertation tested different components of the ESH in three age groups (i.e., preschool age, school age, and young adulthood) in an attempt to provide a better understanding of why motor difficulties cause more internalizing problems from a developmental perspective. Findings confirm that children with DCD and adults with poor motor coordination are at greater risk for internalizing problems, and that perceptions of self may play a more important role explaining the relationship. However, the potential pathways from motor difficulties to internalizing problems may differ by sex and age. In summary, it is recommended that, in order to prevent or improve mental health problems, interventions should target improvements in self-concept, such as self-esteem, through participation in physical activity or weight control, while taking into account sex and age.

Salud física y estilos de vida de estudiantes de Medicina Humana de 1° Y 2° año en una universidad privada de Lambayeque, 2020 – 2021

Fernandez Fernandez, Sheyla Giselle January 2024 (has links)
Objetivo: Establecer las características de la salud física y estilos de vida de los estudiantes de 1° y 2° año de la carrera de Medicina Humana durante la pandemia COVID -19 de una Universidad Privada, 2020-2021. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, no experimental; muestreo no probabilístico. Muestra conformada por 84 estudiantes a los que se les aplicó un cuestionario elaborado con 4 instrumentos ya validados para los parámetros propuestos: IPAQ para valorar la actividad física; BEDS, para la alimentación; COS, para el sueño; OMS - ASSIST V3.0, para el consumo de sustancias nocivas. Resultados: 46,49% llevan hábitos de vida saludables respecto a la actividad física que realizan; 71,4% tienen hábitos alimenticios no saludables; 73,8% no tienen hábitos de sueño saludables; más del 80% son saludables respecto al no consumo de tabaco y tranquilizantes, pero 54,8% no lo son en cuanto al consumo de alcohol. Conclusión: la población analizada ha llevado en su mayoría, estilos de vida no saludables respecto a los parámetros analizados. / Objective: To establish the characteristics of physical health and lifestyles of 1st and 2nd year students of Human Medicine during the COVID-19 pandemic at a private university, 2020-2021. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional, non-experimental study was conducted; non-probabilistic sampling. The sample consisted of 84 students to whom a questionnaire elaborated with 4 instruments already validated for the proposed parameters was applied: IPAQ to assess physical activity; BEDS, for diet; COS, for sleep; WHO - ASSIST V3.0, for the consumption of harmful substances. Results: 46.49% have healthy lifestyle habits in terms of physical activity; 71.4% have unhealthy eating habits; 73.8% do not have healthy sleep habits; more than 80% are healthy in terms of not consuming tobacco and tranquilizers, but 54.8% are unhealthy in terms of alcohol consumption. Conclusion: most of the population analyzed had unhealthy lifestyles with respect to the parameters analyzed.

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