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Impact and Perception of the Human-Wildlife Conflict; a Spatial Case Study of Management and Strategies in Skåne CountyBastholm, Isabelle, Fransson, Victoria January 2019 (has links)
This study seeks to find the best strategies to be implemented to decrease the human-wildlife conflict (HWC). Other countries management practises and strategies to manage HWC was reviewed, in order to identify if Skåne county in Sweden could pursue improvements. To be able to tackle HWC, a greater understanding of people's ethical views were investigated and their perceptions of improvements were documented and researched. This study aims to provide quantitative data with web based surveys and spatial mapping of impacts from the HWC in Skåne county. It further aims to map the values that affects society caused by the HWC, and to answer the following questions; What are the optimal strategies in order to decrease HWC in Skåne? Where can cost effective improvements be implemented? This was both answered in the interviews conducted, and the gathered data. Optimal strategies that were detected where Skåne county can improve were; extensive implementations of ecoducts and passages for game, reducing the use of fencing, translocating, compensation actions, increase hunting opportunities and an installment of further game warning systems. Ethical views of different respondents’ towards the HWC were also analyzed. The online survey revealed that there were a difference in respondents views of HWC, based on if they were environmental science students, hunters or the general public. The gathered data and result, stated that the general public and the environmental students/workers were categorized in the ethical views of ecocentrism. The hunters ethical views could not be determined, due to the inconsistency of the answers of the questions. By showing differences and similarities in ethical views and how to manage HWC, strategies and incentives can more easily be adapted, to reach a better community base that can work together to reduce the HWC. Because of the different knowledge of the respondent groups and of their ethical views, there needs to be a broader incentive program that can maintain different interests of people and reduce conflicts, as well as preserve the biological state of ungulates in Skåne. In the online survey, all of the respondents agreed that the stakeholder, most suitable to handle and manage the problematics regarding HWC, is the government/county government. Other stakeholders that were believed suitable for managing HWC in Skåne, were organisations, for-profit companies and lastly, private self-acting individuals. Furthermore, the respondents beliefs on coexistence between humans and wildlife were also studied. The data showed that the general public and the hunters believed that future were to be positive, and the environmental students/workers believe the HWC would still be a problem in the future.
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Hassela Skåne : upplevelser inifrån / Hassela Skåne : experiences from withinMarante Ferreira, Pierre January 2021 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to investigate how coworkers at Hassela Skåne experience their workplace through the following information management perspectives; Internal communication, knowledge sharing, leadership and organizational culture. It is conducted as a qualitative study with a semi structured interview method and from a phenomenological perspective. The conclusions I made from analyzing the interviews and interpreting the experiences shared by the coworkers were, the knowledge sharing at Hassela Skåne works well, although it has been better, it has become much harder due to the Covid-19 pandemic. The internal communication at Hassela Skåne is extensive, constantly ongoing and can at times be stressful for the coworkers. The constant demand for availability from the coworkers blurs the balance between private life and working life. This availability demand complicates the workplace situation in regard to knowledge sharing and internal communication. The organizational culture is perceived as very strong, collective and something everyone can gather around. The sum of the experiences being shared is that the organizational culture is linked to the individuals working at Hassela Skåne. Both spontaneous and planned leadership situations are experienced at Hassela Skåne. The planned leadership activities take place in the form of coaching during special guiding sessions, in regard to the work itself and the spontaneous leadership is conducted in the form that there is always a leader who is available.
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Municipal urban transformation through children’s participation : A comparative study of eight municipalities in SkåneSandelowsky, Johanna January 2023 (has links)
The Convention of the Rights of the Child has become law in Sweden, entailing municipalities to adapt to the pillars of the convention, one of them being children’s right to participate. Due to the Swedish planning process, the convention is overruled by other planning- and building laws, meaning that municipal practitioners are free to adapt the convention on their own terms. This thesis aims to explore through qualitative comparative analysis how children are included in planning processes in an urban, municipal and regional context. By interviewing practitioners from eight municipalities in Skåne, this thesis identifies what enables or challenges practitioners to purposefully initiate and perform urban transformation with children as active participants in decision-making in urban development projects. The results show that evaluation and feedback-loops are important to acknowledge throughout projects, not only as a final subsequential step. Municipal practitioners have to identify strong intentions early on in projects and have to decide upon what role children should have in projects. Children can either have consulting roles for specific projects, or the approach could have a more soft-value focus, highlighting the democratic learning process for children and empowering them to become future community-builders as they grow up. The results also show that networks are a crucial component to working towards more participatory activities and projects with children as active stakeholders. This embraces collaborative planning ideals and strengthens the case of including more stakeholders and agents in planning processes.
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Mortalitet i nordvästra Skåne. : En kvantitativ undersökning omförsamlingarna Rebbelberga, Torekov,Tåssjö & Ängelholm 1913–1925, 1940–1949 / Mortality in northwestern Scania. : A quantitative survey of the parishes Rebbelberga, Torekov, Tåssjö & Ängelholm 1913–1925, 1940–1949Viktorsson, Oliver January 2022 (has links)
The purpose of this investigation was to study mortality in northwestern Scania. Rebbelberga,Torekov, Tåssjö and Ängelholm have been studied during the periods 1913–1925 and 1940–1949. It has had the purpose of studying how mortality has changed, how the causes of deathhave changed and how the parishes relate to the national statistics. A particular focus has beenplaced on the Spanish flu to study whether there was any excess mortality in the years itravaged. It has also been studied whether there were any groups that were common in thedeath statistics. The essay has used a quantitative method and with the help of categorizationsof causes of death and social groups, a result has been produced. The variables gender, ageand occupation have been used to study mortality. The results have shown that the mostcommon causes of death were old age, lung and alveolar inflammation, cancer and heartdefects. During the survey period, the age distribution shows that more survived their firstyears and more reached an older age than before.The Spanish flu did not appreciably affect the mortality in the parishes. The group mostaffected was the lower class. Men died to a higher extent than women. Regarding the Spanishflu, it was mainly people between 15-44 who were affected.
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RESURSERS BETYDELSE FÖR ETT FÖRBÄTTRINGSARBETE- förutsättningar för skapandet av en lärande organisationLjunggren, Lii, Johansson, Carina January 2010 (has links)
I den här utvärderingen har vi undersökt hur de medverkande i ett förbättringsarbete har upplevt specificerade resursers inverkan på arbetsprocessen i förbättringsprojektet. Vi har också undersökt hur väl de resurserna överensstämmer med teorier om vilka förutsättningar som är viktiga för att skapa en lärande organisation enligt vår teoretiska ram. Utifrån våra resultat har vi också valt att komma med några förslag på förbättringar för framtida projekt. Utvärderingen har genomförts i en verksamhet som har implementerat Genombrottsmetoden i samarbete med Region Skåne Utvecklingscentrum. Respondenterna utgjordes av sammanlagt 21 personer fördelat på teamdeltagare, deras respektive enhetschefer och handledare. Förbättringsprojektet syftade till att lära teamdeltagarna ett sätt att arbeta med kontinuerliga förbättringar med brukarnas/klienternas individuella behov i fokus, som även skulle spridas för att berika övriga verksamheten och bidra till att skapa en lärande organisation. Våra resultat visar att projektet över lag har upplevts som mycket positivt, men att det finns områden för förbättring. Vår slutsats gällande de resurserna som visat sig bidragande för projektet är att en ändamålsenlig kompetenssammansättning kan ses som en grundförutsättning för kontinuitet, engagemang och en produktiv handledning. Vi fann att ekonomiska resurser, tid, chefens engagemang samt det externa arbetsklimatet utgjorde hindrande faktorer i projektet. För att vända de hindrande resurserna till bidragande anser vi att verksamheterna aktivt måste arbeta för att skapa ett arbetsklimat som gynnar kommunikation mellan de som berörs av projektet och i synnerhet mellan medarbetare och enhetschefer. Effektivt resursutnyttjande kan möjliggöras av tydligare kommunikation om vilka reella förutsättningar som projektdeltagarna har att förhålla sig till.
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Myntcirkulation i Skåneland under Erik av Pommern : Cirkulation av inhemska och utländska mynt ca. 1396-1439 / Coin circulation in Skåneland during Eric of Pomerania : Domestic and foreign coins ca. 1396–1439Hedin, Albin January 2023 (has links)
The coin circulation in Denmark during Eric of Pomerania’s reign (1396-1439) has been studied systematically within the borders of today’s Denmark, but not Skåneland. This area is in today’s Sweden consisting of Halland, Scania, Blekinge and (Danish) Bornholm. The coin finds show that during 1400-1420 there was a considerable percentage of foreign coins in circulation, especially in churches. These were mostly used for fees in churches, but also had use in urban environments. The copper sterling represents the circulation of domestic coins during 1420-1440. The distribution of its minting cities showed that the local Lund type is the most common, followed by a similar percentage of Næstved and Randers types, and a lesser percentage of Odense types. The percentages of Lund and Odense types were expected but the similarities between Næstved and Randers types were not. Since Næstved types are the most common in today’s Denmark, and Randers types are a less circulated coin.
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Government och/eller Governance? : En studie om vårdsamverkan under Coronapandemin inom Region Skåne / Government and/or Governance? : A Study about collaboration during Covid-19 pandemic in Region Skåne, SwedenAzem, Josef January 2022 (has links)
Under Coronapandemins inledande fas blev det allt mer tydligt att det har förelegat organiseringsproblem av samverkansnatur mellan de berörda aktörerna. Utifrån både medicinsk profession och allmänintresse föll det sig naturligt att söka vetenskapligt svar på hur ansvariga handlade pandemin genom att granska vad som sagts och skrivits i både ansvarigas och i utredares rapporter. Den strategi som Sverige valde skiljde sig från den som andra länder och WHO valde gällande hur att hantera detta nya virus som först uppfattades som ofarligt och sedan tolkades som livshotande. Sverige valde att söka på ett mjukt sätt skapa flockimmunitet där resten av världen istället försökte stoppa viruset från att spridas genom att helt stänga ned sina samhällen. Dessa olika strategier var så djupt motstridiga hypoteser fångade yrkesmässigt intresse. Tillgång till informativa studiematerial, inspirerande föreläsare och givande diskussioner under programmet, ”Offentlig organisation & ledarskap”, väckte ett starkt intresse av att studera Coronapandemin från government och governance perspektivet. Ämnet var dock för stor och omfattande varför det behövde begränsas för att få plats i en magister examen. Den begränsning som valdes var att fokusera på ämnet under första och andra smittovågen i Region Skåne. Detta är en litteraturstudie, en så kallad litteraturöversikt, vilket innebär att det är en vetenskaplig sammanfattning av flera böcker, artiklar, rapport, granskningar och primärkällor. Min förhoppning är, att denna studie kan skapa uppmärksamhet rörande det svenska politiska styrsystemets funktion när ett krisläge såsom en pandemi inträffar. Det vill säga hur den hierarkiska styrningsmodellen (government), samt den nätverksliknande styrningsmodellen (governance) vilken uppfattas mer demokratisk, samspelar. Här vill jag rikta ett stort tack till programansvariga och de alla engagerade föreläsare vilka skapade ett lärorikt studieprogram, samt ett särskilt tack till min handledare Anders Edvik för vägledning och den goda och konstruktiva kritiken. Och sist men inte minst ett hjärtligt tack till min gode vän Albert Lindberg, med bred och djup medicinsk skolning och grund i humaniora, som läste igenom uppsatsen och framförde förslag på språkliga förändringar. / At the end of 2019, a previously unknown disease, resulting in difficulty to breath and with an unusually high mortality rate, was reported. The disease soon spread over the whole world (Pandemic). The first confirmed case in Sweden of this disease (called Covid-19), was reported on 31 January 2020. The number of people who were infected, hospitalize, placed in intensive care, and died, increased rapidly and the country was faced with a crisis. The first wave of Corona infection that hit Region Skåne came with a very low number of victims, which was attributed to collaboration between responsible organizations. During the second wave of the Corona infection Region Skåne were not as successful suppressing it, which resulted in that the infection spread in the Region. Region Skåne ended up among the worst affected regions in the country with high numbers of Corona infected, hospitalize and a soaring death rates. The purpose of the study is to investigate the impact of collaboration during these two infection waves of the Corona virus in Region Skåne. The ambition of this thesis is to convey an understanding of the way government and governance affected, or rather afflicted, the healthcare as a functional entity when the healthcare was subjected to a crisis situations such as this Corona pandemic. The conclusion of this study indicates that collaboration in Region Skåne was not fully operational, and governance was not developed. The analysis unveiled a systematic organizational flaw which will be discussed in detail.
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Sequential Spaces at Klöva HallarHultman, Johannes January 2018 (has links)
An exploration of the cultural landscape of Söderåsen resulting in a new walking trail.
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Denna avhandling avser att beskriva hur polisen i Mellersta Skåne arbetar förebyggande med bostadsinbrott. Eftersom inbrott har blivit ett problem i detta område under det senaste decenniet är det intressant att veta vilka åtgärder polisen vidtar för att minska och förebygga dem. Resultaten visar att polisen i mellersta Skåne behandlar bostadsinbrott som en viktig fråga och genomför både särskilda förebyggande åtgärder, såsom en specifik intervention, och dagliga förebyggande åtgärder, t.ex. genom att sprida information eller kartläggning och patrullering av vissa områden. De flesta av de använda förebyggande åtgärderna bygger på rutinaktivitetsteorin, implicit eller explicit. Grannsamverkan rekommenderas av polisen, men även att bara lära känna sina grannar. Upprepad viktimisering verkar, intressant nog, inte vara ett problem i Skåne. Vidare, är det inte mycket som är känt om den typ av gärningsmannen som begår bostadsinbrott. För att förebyggande insatser ska ha en större inverkan, bör det finnas både kortsiktiga och långsiktiga metoder. / This thesis aims to describe how the police work with residential burglary prevention in police area Middle Scania. Since burglary has become a problem in this area in the past decade, it is interesting to know what measures the police take to reduce and prevent it. The results show that the police in Middle Scania treat domestic burglary as a serious issue and implement both specific prevention measures, such as a specialised intervention, and day-to-day prevention measures, e.g. spreading the information or mapping and patrolling certain areas. Most of the used prevention measures are based on Routine Activity Theory, implicitly or explicitly. Neighbourhood watch is recommended by the police, as well as simply getting to know one’s neighbours. Interestingly enough repeat victimisation does not appear to be a problem in Middle Scania. Not much is known about the type of the offender that commits domestic burglary. Both short term and long term measures should be applied in order for prevention to have a greater impact.
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Microplastics in Scanian wetlands : Sege river & Kävlinge river / Mikroplaster i Skånska våtmarker : Sege å & KävlingeånStoltz, Ludvig, Leijon, Pernilla January 2023 (has links)
It is estimated that 75 million tons of plastics waste is currently in the ocean and expects to increase in line with plastic consumption. Plastic items in natural or aquatic environments are fragmented into smaller pieces called microplastics. Microplastics can enter rivers and lakes through sewage water to end up in wetlands where they sediment. Due to lack of standard monitoring tools, microplastics in a Scanian context are rather uninvestigated. The current work therefore studies microplastics’ abundance in eleven wetlands along the Sege river and Kävlinge river. The aim is with available methods and tools to examine microplastics in sediment and examine if determined microplastics concentrations can relate to urbanization in the two catchments. The study also looked into wetlands position in relation to stream order to test if microplastics concentrations increase downstream. In the study, density separation has been used to extract microplastics from soil samples and analyzed using correlation. The result showed microplastics concentrations in all sampling sites. There was weak negative or no correlation with degree of urbanization nor a relation to higher concentration further downstream along Sege river and Kävlinge river. However, the study concludes that microplastics do appear in Scanian wetlands and not necessarily in the vicinity of human activity which complies with microplastics' ability to travel long distances. / Idag finns det cirka 75 miljoner ton plastavfall i haven, som förväntas öka i samband med ökad plastkonsumtion. Plastföremål i naturliga eller akvatiska miljöer fragmenteras till mindre bitar som kallas mikroplast. Mikroplast kan transporteras till åar och sjöar genom dagvatten eller avloppsvatten, och slutligen sedimenteras i våtmarker. Inom arbete med plastföroreningar i Skåne saknas övervakning av mikroplast koncentrationen. På grund av brist på standardverktyg för övervakning är mikroplaster i Skåne förhållandevis outforskat. Denna studie tittar därmed på mikroplast förekomsten i elva våtmarker längs Sege å och Kävlingeån. Syftet är att med tillgängliga metoder och verktyg undersöka mikroplast i sediment, om koncentrationer kan relatera till tätorter i närområdet. Studien tittar också på våtmarkernas position i förhållande till stream order för att testa om mikroplast koncentrationerna ökar nedströms. I studien har flotteringsmetoden använts för att extrahera mikroplaster från jordprover och dessa analyserades med korrelation. Resultatet visade på förekomst av mikroplaster i samtliga våtmarker. Dock kunde studien inte påvisa någon relation mellan urbanisering och högre koncentration av mikroplaster och resultaten visade också en svag negativ eller ingen korrelation mellan en ökad koncentration av mikroplaster och stream order. Vad studien kan dra för slutsatsen är att mikroplaster förekommer i skånska våtmarker som inte nödvändigtvis är i närheten av mänsklig aktivitet vilket överensstämmer med mikroplasters förmåga att färdas långa sträckor.
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