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Seberozvoj učitele jako základní předpoklad připravenosti na profesi / Self-development of teachers as a basic premise of preparedness for a professionMurgašová, Marcela January 2013 (has links)
This thesis follows the bachelor thesis ,,Gestalt therapy and its use in education" and deals with self-development of teachers as a basic premise for preparedness for the profession. It describes very complicated concept self-development of teacher itself, then it discusses the issues of teaching quality and professionalism, where the thesis again emphasizes self-development as a way of transition from semiprofession to profession. It contemplates the necessity of self-development due to the rapid changes in today's society and thus increasing demands on the personality of the teacher. This thesis is based on the belief in the importance of self-development of teachers mainly in social and personal qualities, it asks whether these qualitites are sufficiently developed in the pregraduate teacher's education and if the offer of further education is sufficient for today's teachers. A short chapter is devoted to the burnout syndrom. Empirical probe aims to validate the conclusions and research of the theoretical part. The chosen method for the probe is questionnaire for primary school teachers. There is a list of centers that provide teacher training in the end of the thesis.
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Att leda storföretag : En studie av social kompetens och entreprenörskap i näringslivet med fokus på Axel Ax:son Johnson och J. Sigfrid Edström, 1900-1950Nordlund, Therese January 2005 (has links)
This thesis investigates leadership in Swedish business during the period of 1900-1950. The main aim is to explore the relationship between entrepreneurship and leadership and how the leader uses his social competence, both inside and outside the company, to enhance economic and organisational change. The study focuses on two main characters: Axel Ax:son Johnson (1876-1958), manager and owner of Johnsonkoncernen (The Johnson group), and J. Sigfrid Edström (1870-1964), professional manager of ASEA (today ABB). They represented Swedish capitalism in its golden years. The study uses archives previously never opened to researchers. To understand how and why leadership have changed during the 20th century, the theoretical framework is based on the concepts of entrepreneurship, paternalism, network and charisma. Leadership involves communication. The corporate leader in the early 20th century had to build networks both of stronger and looser types, each of these two types with a different aim, but with the ambition to care for the company’s best interest. Johnson and Edström used their personality to attain more power inside the company as well as to attract attention from the outside. This thesis shows that if the leaders took advantage of their social communication skills they could create new combinations, which could benefit their companies. Therefore, the leader had to bring out the best in his co-workers, in order to attract new ideas, competence and entrepreneurial skills around him. The leader did not only involve himself in networks with fellow industrialists, but also with Social Democrats and journalists. Johnson and Edström had to be leaders not only within the company but also in the surrounding society. They involved themselves in many other areas; in the local community and as opinion builders. The patriarchal strategies still proved fruitful during the period. Yet, modern strategies connected to large organizations and bureaucratic methods were also introduced. It was hard for the employees to accept these changes. If the companies would expand, the leader could attract admirers and followers who fully accepted the leadership and strategies. The leader had to become an entrepreneur with a will to encourage others.
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Programa de habilidades sociais na escola : uma forma de combate ao preconceito contra a diversidade sexual / Program of social skills at school : a form of combating prejudice against sexual diversitySousa, Kelyane Oliveira de 08 June 2017 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico - CNPq / The effectiveness of a social skills program in reducing prejudice against sexual and gender diversity in adolescents is analyzed in this study. Twenty-two adolescents between 14 and 17 years old participated in the study, elementary school students from a public school located in Aracaju, capital of Sergipe. A quasi-experimental design of a discontinuous time series with pre-test and post-test was used. In the pre-test the levels of social skills and of prejudice against sexual and gender diversity of the investigated adolescents were verified. Subsequently, the experimental treatment was carried out through social skills training aimed at questions about sexual diversity and, after a week of its closure, the post-test was carried out, in which the levels of social skills and prejudice against Sexual and gender diversity were again checked. The instruments used in the pre and post-test were: Social Skills Inventory for Adolescents and the Sexual and Gender Diversity Prejudice Scale. The intervention had a total of 10 weekly sessions, each of 50 minutes, with a psychoeducational and cognitive-behavioral approach through strategically delineated techniques according to the general objective of the study. The results of the pre-test demonstrated that the youth had a low performance in the general frequency of social skills, as well as in the specific skills related to empathy, self-control, civility, assertiveness, affective approach, social skills and moderate level of prejudice against Sexual and gender diversity. After the intervention, the comparative data between the pre and post-test showed a significant reduction in the level of prejudice of the adolescents and a significant increase in the frequency of emission in three of the six subclasses of social skills, which were: assertiveness, affective approach and social resourcefulness. / Analisa-se a efetividade de um programa de habilidades sociais na redução do preconceito contra a diversidade sexual e de gênero em adolescentes. Participaram do estudo 22 adolescentes com idades entre 14 e 17 anos, alunos do ensino fundamental de uma escola pública localizada no município de Aracaju, Sergipe. Um desenho quase experimental de série temporal descontínua com pré-teste e pós-teste foi utilizado. No pré-teste verificou-se os níveis de habilidades sociais e de preconceito contra a diversidade sexual e de gênero dos adolescentes investigados. Em seguida, o tratamento experimental foi realizado através do treinamento de habilidades sociais voltado para questões sobre a diversidade sexual e, após uma semana do seu encerramento, executou-se o pós-teste, no qual os níveis de habilidades sociais e de preconceito contra a diversidade sexual e de gênero foram novamente aferidos. Os instrumentos utilizados no pré e no pós-teste foram: Inventário de Habilidades Sociais para Adolescentes e a Escala de Preconceito contra Diversidade Sexual e de Gênero. A intervenção contou com o total de 10 sessões semanais, de 50 minutos cada, com abordagem psicoeducativa e cognitivo-comportamental através de técnicas delineadas estrategicamente de acordo com o objetivo geral do estudo. Os resultados do pré-teste demonstraram que os jovens tinham um baixo desempenho no índice de frequência geral das habilidades sociais, assim como nas habilidades específicas relacionadas com a empatia, autocontrole, civilidade, assertividade, abordagem afetiva, desenvoltura social e nível moderado de preconceito contra a diversidade sexual e de gênero. Após a intervenção, os dados comparativos entre o pré e o pós-teste mostraram que houve redução significativa do nível de preconceito dos adolescentes e aumento significativo da frequência de emissão em três das seis subclasses de habilidades sociais, que foram: assertividade, abordagem afetiva e desenvoltura social.
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#Icecrown Citadel #Ulduar : En kvalitativ studie om World of Warcraft utifrån spelarnas perspektiv / #Icecrown Citadel #Ulduar : A qualitative study about World of Warcraft from the player’s perspectiveFontler, Sebastian January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the player’s experiences and perspective of the massively multiplayer online role playing game World of Warcraft. This study wants to find out the effects on the players psychological and social well-being through interviewing 10 World of Warcraft players between the ages of 18-32. This has been done through a thematic analysis. The reason behind this study is because a lot of scientific studies and the media has portrayed World of Warcraft players in a negative light where they are described as lone wolfs. This study wants to find out how the players themselves talk about the game and how it has affected their lives. The findings of this study have shown that players describe World of Warcraft as a meaningful occupation where it has given them better confidence, self-awareness, language skills, social skills but also build a social network inside the game. The social interactions that the players have with their friends have given them a platform to be open about their lives but also problems that affect them in the real world. The conclusion of this study is that the picture that a lot of the scientific studies and the media are portraying is a dishonest one. They judge players as single group where they do not look at the bigger picture or through the perspective of the World of Warcraft player.
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En IT-forensikers kamp mot IT-brottsligheten : En studie om arbetssätt hos polisens IT-forensikerKindberg, Christoffer, Kurkinen, Jonas January 2013 (has links)
The use of information technology (IT) is exploding. Today, it is in our daily routines to use some kind of information technology. The increase of users increases the number of cyber crimes, ie, crimes that in some way involve IT. As the cyber crimes grow in numbers, the workload for technical investigator increases, these are called digital crime investigators. The thesis is about how police digital crime investigators work and what problems they may encounter during an investigation. The result is based on physical interviews and surveys with a qualitative research method with semi-structured questions, ie interviews addressed to a person or a group where everyone gets the same questions. To further understand what a digital crime investigator do we recreated an authentic legal case focusing on filesharing from Nacka District Court. A scenario was created in which the suspect in the authentic case appealed the case and we were asked to verify the previous evidence. Our results showed that the working methods of the various digital crime investigators are basically the same with slight variations and that it requires a number of specific qualities to do the job. All 20 participants think that the job is exciting and fun, however it is not always pleasant and does include some negative aspects. / Användandet av informationsteknik (IT) ökar explosionsartat, idag ligger det i våra dagliga rutiner att använda någon form av IT. Ökningen av användare gör att antalet IT-relaterade brott ökar, d.v.s brott som på ett eller annat sätt involverar IT. Då de IT-relaterade brotten växer i antal blir arbetsbördan för de som säkrar den tekniska bevisningen större, dessa kallas IT-forensiker. Arbetet handlar om hur polisens IT-forensiker arbetar och vilka problem de kan stöta på under en utredning. Resultatet är baserat på fysiska intervjuer och enkäter med en kvalitativ forskningsmetod med semistrukturerade frågor, d.v.s. intervjuer riktade till en person eller en grupp där alla får samma frågor. För att ytterligare förstå vad en IT-forensiker arbetar med återskapades ett autentiskt rättsfall med inriktning på fildelning från Nacka tingsrätt. Ett scenario skapades där den misstänkte i det autentiska rättsfallet överklagar och vi fick som uppgift att verifiera den tidigare bevisningen. Våra resultat visar på att arbetssätten hos de olika polismyndigheterna i grunden är samma med små variationer och att det krävs ett antal specifika egenskaper för att klara av jobbet som IT-forensiker. Samtliga 20 IT-forensiker som deltog tycker att jobbet är spännande och roligt, det är dock inte alltid en dans på rosor då det förekommer en del negativa aspekter.
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Socialitet – vad är det? : En sociologisk forskningsöversiktAndersson, Charlotte January 2015 (has links)
Denna studie har genomförts utifrån iakttagelsen att det i forskningssammanhang inom samhällsvetenskaperna hänvisas till begreppet eller fenomenet socialitet utan att det egentligen redogörs för vad som åsyftas. För att ge ökad förståelse av socialitet har syftet för denna studie varit att belysa hur socialitet som begrepp eller fenomen beskrivs inom mikrosociologisk teoribildning och empirisk forskning. Studien är en forskningsöversikt där empirin genomgått deskriptivt kvalitativ innehållsanalys. Översikten presenterar beskrivningar av socialitet möjliga att kategoriseras under fyra olika teman varav ett av dessa är personlighetens socialitet och där socialiteten beskrivs som en emergent spiralformad dialektisk process genomsyrad av elementär och avancerad responsivitet. Studien visar även på att socialiteten kan vara genomkorsad av skillnad utifrån vitt skilda önskemål om form, miljö och mängd. Här diskuteras hur socialiteten idag ter sig utsatt för ökade spänningar där alla anses söka gemenskap för välbefinnande och där individen ställs som ansvarig för sina personliga framgångar, ledande till ett socialitetens dilemma.
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Supervize jako nástroj profesního rozvoje učitele / Supervision as teacher's professional development toolPlávková, Kateřina January 2019 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with the topic of teachers supervision as a tool for their professional development. This area is not yet the subject of much research and is far from being theoretically covered in our context. Likewise, we can talk about "not covering" Czech schools with supervision, which is seen here as worthy of change. The general aim of this work is to give a comprehensive view of this issue and to define the place of supervision in the professional development of teachers. The theoretical part summarizes available information on this topic in our context and links these rather modest information with the relevant theory of the teaching profession and supervision. The introductory chapter is devoted to a summary of existing research in this area. In response to the above research, the following chapter is devoted to a more detailed description of the teacher's profession - its role in the context of today's society and, in particular, to describe the demands and risks of this profession, which corresponds to the needs of helping professions. Subsequently, the competencies that are needed for professional management of the mentioned tasks, demands and risks are defined, while the emphasis is on the need of the teacher as a reflective practitioner and also on the personality and...
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A comprehensive and multi-modal approach to studying neural and social outcomes after pediatric traumatic brain injuryTuerk, Carola 02 1900 (has links)
Les traumatismes crânio-cérébraux (TCC) pédiatriques (c.-à-d., subis entre la naissance et 18 ans) constituent l’une des principales causes de décès et d’invalidité chez les enfants et les adolescents à travers le monde. Durant la période pédiatrique, les fonctions cognitives, affectives et sociales émergent progressivement, sous-tendues par la maturation cérébrale et l’établissement de réseaux neuronaux complexes. Un TCC subi durant l’enfance ou l’adolescence peut donc causer des dommages au cerveau immature et entrainer des difficultés dans ces domaines. La présentation clinique et les facteurs environnementaux sont très variables d’un enfant ou adolescent à l’autre, de sorte qu’il est difficile d’identifier qui aura un rétablissement optimal et qui aura des séquelles persistantes. Bien que la recherche ait identifié plusieurs facteurs qui contribuent au rétablissement post-TCC pédiatrique, notamment ceux liés à la blessure, à l’enfant et à l'environnement familial, les modèles de prédiction à ce jour ne sont pas toujours exhaustifs et ne tiennent pas compte des facteurs génétiques qui pourraient aider le pronostic.
Parmi l’ensemble des séquelles liées au TCC, les problèmes sociaux (ex: participation sociale réduite, comportements sociaux inappropriés) sont parmi les plus néfastes et peuvent considérablement affecter la qualité de vie. Ces difficultés sociales peuvent résulter d'une perturbation des habiletés socio-cognitives sous-jacentes, mais les mécanismes exacts et les bases neuronales de tels problèmes sont encore inconnus. Notamment, les connaissances actuelles sur la manière dont le TCC pédiatrique affecte les connexions entre les régions cérébrales durant le développement demeurent limitées.
Considérant ces lacunes relatives aux connaissances sur les TCC pédiatriques, cette thèse avait pour but 1) de déterminer les facteurs qui contribuent à la compétence sociale durant la petite enfance (c.-à-d., entre 18 et 60 mois), afin d’établir des pistes normatives pour comprendre l’émergence de problèmes sociaux suite à un TCC pédiatrique, 2) d’établir un modèle pronostique exhaustif du devenir (mesuré par la qualité de vie) après un TCC léger pédiatrique durant la petite enfance, et 3) d’examiner l'impact d’un TCC pédiatrique de sévérité modérée à sévère sur les réseaux cérébraux structurels et fonctionnels, notamment, ceux qui sous-tendent le fonctionnement social et cognitif. Afin d’atteindre ces objectifs, les données de deux cohortes longitudinales ont été analysées et présentées sous forme de quatre articles scientifiques.
Le premier article visait à valider empiriquement le modèle ‘SOCIAL’ (Beauchamp & Anderson, 2010) pour identifier les facteurs qui contribuent à la compétence sociale. Ce modèle théorique postule que des facteurs internes (liés à l'enfant), externes (liés à l’environnement) et cognitifs (fonctions attentionnelles et exécutives, communicatives et socio-cognitives) déterminent la compétence sociale de l’enfant. Les résultats d’un modèle de régression analysé chez un groupe d’enfants neurotypiques âgés de 18 à 60 mois indiquent que les facteurs internes, externes et cognitifs contribuent tous significativement à la compétence sociale de l’enfant. Les facteurs internes ainsi que les fonctions exécutives et socio-cognitives jouent un rôle particulièrement important. En effet, les enfants avec peu d’affect négatif, moins de difficultés exécutives, une meilleure communication non-verbale et une meilleure théorie de l'esprit ont un niveau de compétence sociale plus élevé.
Le deuxième article visait à examiner les facteurs qui contribuent à la qualité de vie six et 18 mois après un TCC léger subi entre l’âge de 18 et 60 mois. Plusieurs prédicteurs potentiels provenant de quatre catégories de facteurs (biologie, environnement, blessure, comportement/cognition) ont été entrés dans un modèle de régression hiérarchique. Les résultats indiquent qu'un facteur génétique, le polymorphisme Val66Met du gène codant pour la protéine BDNF (Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor), contribue positivement à la qualité de vie six mois après le TCC, alors qu’un an plus tard, un plus faible niveau de stress parental prédit une meilleure qualité de vie chez l’enfant.
Le but du troisième article était d'étudier l’organisation fonctionnelle du réseau cérébral soutenant les habiletés sociales (le cerveau social) chez les enfants et les adolescents qui ont subi un TCC de sévérité modérée à sévère entre l’âge de neuf et 15 ans. Les participants ont complété un protocole d’acquisition d’imagerie par résonance magnétique fonctionnelle au repos 24 mois après la blessure. Dans deux échantillons indépendants, les résultats indiquent une connectivité fonctionnelle altérée entre les régions cérébrales frontales et le gyrus fusiforme bilatéral dans le groupe TCC (connectivité positive) par rapport au groupe contrôle (connectivité négative).
Le quatrième article a exploré les changements à long terme dans les réseaux de covariance structurelle du cerveau (c.-à-d., des régions cérébrales qui sont structurellement connectées) après un TCC pédiatrique de sévérité modérée à sévère subi entre neuf et 14 ans. L’objectif était d'étudier les différences de covariance structurelle au sein de trois réseaux cognitifs (réseau par défaut [DMN], réseau exécutif central [CEN], réseau de la salience [SN]) entre les enfants avec un TCC et les enfants sans blessure, trois et 24 mois post-TCC. Aucune différence de groupe n'a été trouvée après trois mois. Cependant, 24 mois après la blessure, le groupe TCC montrait une covariance structurelle réduite dans le DMN et le CEN par rapport au groupe contrôle.
Dans leur ensemble, ces résultats suggèrent que des modèles exhaustifs incluant un large éventail de facteurs provenant de plusieurs sphères du fonctionnement sont essentiels afin de comprendre les éléments qui placent un enfant à risque de séquelles après un TCC pédiatrique. Ils mettent également en évidence l’importance de considérer parmi les facteurs de prédiction des marqueurs génétiques impliqués dans les mécanismes de neuroplasticité, et confirment l’influence de facteurs parentaux, notamment la santé mentale du parent, sur le rétablissement post-TCC chez les jeunes enfants. De plus, les résultats montrent qu’un TCC pédiatrique de sévérité modérée à sévère peut induire des altérations à long terme au niveau des réseaux neuronaux sous-jacents aux fonctions sociales et cognitives. Ces résultats permettent de mieux comprendre comment un TCC pédiatrique affecte les circuits cérébraux pendant le développement, ce qui contribue à clarifier les bases neuronales des problèmes sociaux post-TCC. Finalement, les trouvailles et réflexions issues de la thèse supportent l’idée de considérer plusieurs facteurs liés à la blessure, à l’enfant, et à l'environnement familial ainsi que des facteurs génétiques pour le diagnostic, le pronostic, et le rétablissement après un TCC subi durant l’enfance ou l’adolescence. / Pediatric traumatic brain injury (TBI; sustained between birth and 18 years) is one of the leading causes of death and disability among children and adolescents worldwide. During development, cognitive, affective and social functions emerge gradually, supported by rapid brain maturation and the establishment of complex neural networks. TBI sustained during childhood or adolescence can therefore cause damage to the immature brain and lead to difficulties in these domains. Clinical presentation and environmental factors vary greatly, rendering it difficult to identify who will recover well and who will experience persistent sequelae. Although research has identified several factors that contribute to recovery after pediatric TBI, including injury, child-related, and family-environmental variables, existing prediction models are not always comprehensive, and they do not account for genetic factors which could contribute to prognosis.
Among all consequences associated with pediatric TBI, social problems (e.g., reduced social participation, maladaptive social behaviours) may be the most debilitating, and can considerably affect quality of life (QoL). These social difficulties can stem from a disruption of underlying socio-cognitive skills, but the exact mechanisms and neural bases of such problems are still unknown. In particular, current knowledge of how pediatric TBI affects connections between brain regions during development remains limited.
Considering these gaps in the pediatric TBI literature, this thesis aimed to 1) determine factors that contribute to social competence in early childhood (i.e., between 18 and 60 months) in order to establish normative avenues for understanding the emergence of social problems following pediatric TBI, 2) establish a comprehensive prognostic model of outcome (assessed by QoL) after early mild TBI (mTBI), and 3) examine the impact of pediatric moderate to severe TBI on structural and functional brain networks, notably those underlying social and cognitive functioning. In order to meet these objectives, data from two longitudinal cohorts were analyzed and are presented in the form of four scientific articles.
The first article aimed to empirically validate the “SOCIAL” model (Beauchamp & Anderson, 2010) to identify factors that contribute to social competence. This theoretical model posits that internal (child-related), external (environment-related) and cognitive (attentional-executive, communicative and socio-cognitive) factors determine a child's social competence. The results of a regression model analyzed in a sample of neurotypical children aged 18 to 60 months indicate that internal, external and cognitive factors all contribute significantly to a child’s social competence. Internal variables, executive functions, and socio-cognitive factors play a particularly important role. Indeed, children with lower levels of negative affect, fewer executive difficulties, greater non-verbal communication and better theory of mind had better social competence.
The objective of the second article was to examine which factors predict QoL six and 18 months following early mTBI sustained between 18 and 60 months of age. Several potential predictors from four domains (biology, environment, injury and behaviour/cognition) were entered into a hierarchical regression model. The results indicate that a genetic factor, the Val66Met polymorphism of the gene coding for the BDNF protein (Brain-Derived Neuroptrophic Factor), positively contributes to QoL six months after TBI, while a year later, lower parental distress predicts better child QoL.
The aim of the third article was to study the functional organization of the brain network supporting social skills (the social brain) in children and adolescents who sustained moderate to severe TBI between nine and 15 years of age. Participants completed a protocol for the acquisition of functional resting magnetic resonance images 24 months post-injury. In two independent samples, the results indicate altered functional connectivity between frontal brain areas and bilateral fusiform gyrus in the TBI group (positive connectivity) compared to the control group (negative connectivity).
The fourth article explored long-term changes in the brain’s structural covariance networks (i.e., brain regions that are structurally connected) following pediatric moderate to severe TBI sustained between nine and 14 years of age. The aim was to investigate differences in structural covariance within three core cognitive networks (i.e., default-mode [DMN], central executive [CEN], salience [SN]) between children with TBI and typically developing controls, three and 24 months post-injury. No group difference was found after three months. However, at 24 months post-injury, the TBI group showed reduced structural covariance within the DMN and the CEN compared to the control group.
Taken together, these findings suggest that comprehensive models including a wide range of factors from several domains of functioning are essential for understanding the elements that put a child at risk for poor recovery after TBI. They also highlight the importance of considering, among potential predictors, genetic factors involved in mechanisms of neuroplasticity, and confirm the role of parental factors, in particular parent mental health for post-TBI recovery in young children. In addition, the results show that moderate-severe pediatric TBI can induce long-term alterations in neural networks underlying social and cognitive functions. These findings provide insights into how pediatric TBI affects brain circuits during development, and may help to elucidate the neural underpinnings of social problems after pediatric TBI. Finally, the findings and implications from the thesis support the notion that several injury, child-related, family-environmental as well as genetic factors should be considered for diagnosis, prognosis, and recovery after TBI sustained during childhood or adolescence.
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De l’évaluation des capacités langagières à la participation sociale d’enfants d’âge préscolaire : étude d’une population clinique et des écrits scientifiquesBreault, Chantale 04 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse veut optimiser l’évaluation d’enfants de 2 à 5 ans vivant avec un trouble développemental du langage (TDL), en se centrant moins sur leurs déficits et davantage sur leur participation sociale. Premièrement, la stabilité des atteintes langagières documentées par l’orthophoniste à l’âge préscolaire est vérifiée dans un échantillon d’enfants référés en clinique spécialisée. Deuxièmement, les méthodes d’évaluation de la participation pertinentes à cet âge, particulièrement dans le domaine de la socialisation, sont recensées. Troisièmement, l’applicabilité d’un modèle d’évaluation hiérarchique de la compétence sociale en collaboration avec le personnel éducateur et enseignant est testée dans une population clinique. Deux études de cohorte ont été menées avec des données extraites des dossiers médicaux d’enfants ayant consulté dans une clinique psychiatrique en petite enfance sur une période de dix ans (N = 466), et les écrits scientifiques ont été synthétisés par une revue de la portée.
Selon la première étude, la présence ou l’absence de difficultés langagières demeure très stable (94%) entre deux conclusions orthophoniques, chez des enfants référés en clinique spécialisée durant la petite enfance (n = 149). Au terme de la revue de littérature, les 480 publications retenues font état de 186 méthodes différentes visant à évaluer la participation d’enfants de 2 à 5 ans, notamment dans le domaine de la socialisation. Cette revue confirme aussi que le Profil socio-affectif de l’enfant (PSA; LaFreniere et al., 1997) est une mesure de la compétence sociale répandue dans le monde. La dernière étude permet d’identifier dans l’échelle de compétence sociale du PSA deux facteurs distincts, proposés selon le modèle théorique d’Ashton (2018). En contrôlant plusieurs caractéristiques d’enfants consultant en clinique avec TDL (n = 217) et sans TDL (n = 99), un modèle d’équation structurelle supporte la pertinence d’évaluer d’abord l’adaptation sociale (liée à la satisfaction des enfants, des pairs et des adultes dans l’interaction) puis, seulement si des difficultés d’adaptation sont observées, le fonctionnement social (lié aux comportements que l’enfant actualise).
Les retombées de cette thèse sont importantes. D’abord, elle démontre que des enfants référés en bas âge vers des services spécialisés ont un profil langagier extrêmement stable au préscolaire, par opposition à ce qui avait été documenté dans la population générale. L’identification précoce du risque de persistance peut influencer les services offerts à ces enfants durant une période critique de leur développement. Ensuite, l’évaluation des impacts fonctionnels, désormais requise pour conclure à un TDL, peut être facilitée par la recension interdisciplinaire de mesures d’évaluation de la participation, notamment dans le domaine de la socialisation. Finalement, l’applicabilité d’un modèle hiérarchique d’évaluation de la compétence sociale, testé dans une population clinique en utilisant un outil déjà utilisé au Québec, pourrait favoriser la concertation de l’orthophoniste, du personnel éducateur et des partenaires d’autres disciplines, afin de favoriser l’inclusion de l’enfant dans les contextes éducatifs en petite enfance. En somme, les trois études offrent des ressources supplémentaires à l’orthophoniste et à toutes les personnes intéressées par un paradigme d’évaluation plus social que médical, dans le cadre de pratiques collaboratives et centrées sur la famille. / This thesis aims to optimize the assessment of children aged 2 to 5 years with a developmental language disorder (DLD), focusing less on their deficits and more on their social participation. First, the stability of language impairments documented by the speech-language pathologist (SLP) at preschool age is verified in a sample of children referred to a specialized clinic. Second, participation assessment methods relevant to children aged 2 to 5 years, particularly in the area of socialization, are identified. Third, the applicability of a hierarchical assessment model of social competence in collaboration with educators and teachers is tested in a clinical population. Two cohort studies were conducted using data extracted from the medical records of children seen in an early childhood psychiatric clinic over a ten-year period (N = 466), and the scientific literature was synthesized by a scoping review.
The first study’s results documented that the presence or absence of language difficulties remained very stable (94%) in children referred to a specialized clinic during early childhood (n = 149) when two SLP assessments were compared. The 480 publications retained at the end of the literature review report 186 different methods for assessing the participation of children aged 2 to 5 years, particularly in the area of socialization. This review also confirms that the Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation (SCBE; LaFreniere & Dumas, 1995) is a widely used measure of social competence in the world. The last study identifies two distinct factors in the SCBE social competence scale, based on Ashton's (2018) theoretical model. Controlling for several characteristics of children consulting in clinic with DLD (n = 217) and without DLD (n = 99), a structural equation model supports the appropriateness of first assessing social adjustment (related to child, peer, and adult satisfaction with interaction) and then, only if adjustment difficulties are observed, social functioning (related to the behaviors the child actualizes).
The implications of this thesis are significant. First, it demonstrates that children referred to specialized services at an early age have an extremely stable language profile in the preschool period, in contrast to what has been documented in the general population. Early identification of persistence risk may influence the services provided to the child during a critical period of development. Second, the assessment of functional impacts, now required to conclude that a child has DLD, can be facilitated by the interdisciplinary review of measures of participation, particularly in the area of socialization. Finally, the applicability of a hierarchical model of social competence assessment, tested in a clinical population using a standardized tool already in use in Quebec, could foster collaboration among SLPs, preschool educators and teachers, and partners from other disciplines, to promote child inclusion in early childhood and preschool settings. In sum, all three studies provide additional resources for the SLP and all those interested in a more social than medical assessment paradigm, within collaborative, family-centered practices.
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Évaluation de l'implantation et des impacts d'une intervention en communication sociale auprès d'enfants du primaire présentant des difficultés d'adaptation et de comportementCarpentier, Tania 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis longtemps, la réussite éducative est au coeur des préoccupations des acteurs du milieu scolaire. Pour certains élèves, comme ceux qui présentent un handicap ou des difficultés d’adaptation ou d’apprentissage, il peut s’avérer ardu d’optimiser leur développement personnel, social et académique. Parmi ceux-ci, les élèves présentant des difficultés d’adaptation et de comportement constituent l’une des populations pour lesquelles les intervenants se sentent le
plus dépourvus de ressources. La recherche a démontré l’efficacité d’interventions comme celles adoptant une approche cognitivo-comportementale ou celles misant sur le développement des compétences socioémotionnelles. Toutefois, les effets obtenus demeurent modestes et ne sont pas toujours maintenus à long terme. De surcroît, les jeunes ayant des difficultés d’adaptation et de comportement présentent des besoins diversifiés qui sont parfois occultés. Notamment, plusieurs d’entre eux auraient des difficultés de langage et de communication. Des difficultés de communication sociale, particulièrement sur le plan des habiletés pragmatiques, seraient présentes chez ces élèves. Pourtant, ces dernières ne seraient que rarement identifiées, signifiant que les interventions qui leur sont proposées ne les prendraient pas en considération. Conséquemment, la présente thèse doctorale détaille l’implantation et les impacts d’une
intervention ciblant la communication sociale, et spécifiquement les habiletés pragmatiques, chez des élèves du primaire fréquentant une classe spécialisée de soutien au comportement en raison de difficultés comportementales significatives et persistantes. Grâce à un devis quasi expérimental, celle-ci poursuit trois objectifs : 1) évaluer les effets de l’intervention sur les habiletés pragmatiques de jeunes d’âge scolaire primaire présentant des difficultés d’adaptation et de comportement, 2) évaluer les effets de l’intervention sur leurs manifestations comportementales et 3) documenter la qualité de l’implantation de l’intervention. Ainsi, 29 enfants et quatre enseignantes d’un Centre de services scolaire de la grande région de Montréal ont été recrutés. Une intervention hebdomadaire en classe leur a été proposée pendant huit semaines et des questionnaires avant et après celle-ci ont été remplis par les parents et les enseignantes. Trois articles composent cette thèse. Le premier article expose la problématique entourant les relations entre le langage, la communication et le comportement chez l’enfant. Il soutient la pertinence sociale et scientifique de ce projet. Il aborde les principaux concepts de l’étude, dont celui de la communication sociale. Le second article propose une synthèse des connaissances liant la pragmatique développementale aux difficultés d’adaptation et de comportement chez l’enfant. Il examine ces liens à la fois pour les manifestations comportementales intériorisées et extériorisées, ainsi que dans le contexte de la maltraitance qui s’avère fréquemment associé aux comportements inadaptés. Le dernier article situe l’importance de la communication sociale au sein du modèle du traitement de l’information sociale. Il présente les résultats obtenus dans ce projet de recherche. Bien que cette thèse doctorale ne démontre pas de changements statistiquement significatifs à la suite de l’intervention implantée, celle-ci accentue la pertinence d’étudier les relations entre le langage, la communication et le comportement. Elle stimule la réflexion sur les interventions en milieu scolaire et sur les recherches futures afin d’assurer la réussite éducative des élèves présentant des difficultés d’adaptation et de comportement. / In schools, educational success of all students is central. However, optimizing personal, social and academic development can be difficult for some students, such as those with a disability or with adaptation or learning difficulties. More specifically, helping students with adjustment and behavioural difficulties can be quite challenging for educators who are not always adequately equipped to face their challenges. Over the years, research has demonstrated the effectiveness of cognitive-behavioural approaches and interventions focusing on the development of socioemotional skills. However, the effects obtained with those interventions remain modest and are not always maintained over time. Moreover, children with adjustment and behavioural difficulties have diverse needs that are sometimes overlooked in both research and practice. In fact, most of them present language and communication impairments that impact their social communication and pragmatic skills. However, these difficulties are rarely identified, and therefore not considered in the interventions they receive. In light of these findings, this doctoral thesis details the implementation and impacts of an intervention targeting social communication, and more specifically pragmatic skills, in elementary school students with significant and persistent behavioural difficulties attending a specialized behavioural support class. Using a quasi-experimental design, the study had three objectives: 1) to evaluate the intervention’s effects on the pragmatic skills of elementary school-aged children with adjustment and behavioural difficulties attending a specialized class, 2) to evaluate the intervention’s effects on the children’s behavioural manifestations, and 3) to document the quality of the intervention’s implementation. Thus, 29 children and four teachers from a school board in the greater Montreal area were recruited. A weekly classroom intervention was offered for eight weeks, and pre- and post-intervention forms were completed by parents and teachers. This thesis is built around three articles. The first article presents the relationship between language, communication, and behaviour in children. It supports the social and scientific relevance of this research project and discusses the study’s main concepts, including social communication. The second article synthesizes the knowledge linking developmental pragmatics to adaptation and behavioural difficulties in children. This overview examines the links between those concepts for both internalized and externalized behavioural manifestations, as well as in the context of maltreatment, which is frequently associated with maladaptive behaviours. The third and final paper situates the importance of social communication within the social information processing model. It presents the results obtained in this research project. Although this doctoral thesis does not show statistically significant changes following the intervention’s implementation, it highlights the relevance of examining the relationship between language, communication, and behaviour. It paves the way for a reflection on the type of interventions that need to be implemented in the school environment and on the research that should be pursued to ensure the educational success of students with adjustment and behavioural difficulties.
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