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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

”De förväntar sig nog inte att jag ska kunna så mycket som jag kan” : en studie om unga nyutexaminerade socionomers yrkesroll

Bergström, Johanna, Karlsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine and increase the knowledge about the way young, newly graduated social workers view their professional role considering their age and professional experience, how they experience the relation to their clients and colleagues and how these experiences all together affect the way the young social workers handle their professional role. Seven social workers in the ages between 23 and 25, who graduated from Socialhögskolan, Stockholm University, in January 2007, where interviewed. They also answered a questionnaire covering the similar questions as the interview. Little research had previously been made in this particular area, why the triangulation of methods was helpful in analyzing the results, with ata coming from two different resources. To analyze the data a multidimensional theory was used, containing coping theory, an experiential perspective, Antonovskys theory a sense of coherence, cognitive theory and role theory. In summary, the results showed that young newly graduated social workers experienced expectations both coming from them selves and their surroundings. Finding meaning in their work helped the respondents to handle stress. The relation to their clients and colleagues and the expectations all together participated in the development of their professional role.</p>

”De förväntar sig nog inte att jag ska kunna så mycket som jag kan” : en studie om unga nyutexaminerade socionomers yrkesroll

Bergström, Johanna, Karlsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
<p>The purpose of this study was to examine and increase the knowledge about the way young, newly graduated social workers view their professional role considering their age and professional experience, how they experience the relation to their clients and colleagues and how these experiences all together affect the way the young social workers handle their professional role. Seven social workers in the ages between 23 and 25, who graduated from Socialhögskolan, Stockholm University, in January 2007, where interviewed. They also answered a questionnaire covering the similar questions as the interview. Little research had previously been made in this particular area, why the triangulation of methods was helpful in analyzing the results, with data coming from two different resources. To analyze the data a multidimensional theory was used, containing coping theory, an experiential perspective, Antonovskys theory a sense of coherence, cognitive theory and role theory. In summary, the results showed that young newly graduated social workers experienced expectations both coming from them selves and their surroundings. Finding meaning in their work helped the respondents to handle stress. The relation to their clients and colleagues and the expectations all together participated in the development of their professional role.</p>

”De förväntar sig nog inte att jag ska kunna så mycket som jag kan” : en studie om unga nyutexaminerade socionomers yrkesroll

Bergström, Johanna, Karlsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine and increase the knowledge about the way young, newly graduated social workers view their professional role considering their age and professional experience, how they experience the relation to their clients and colleagues and how these experiences all together affect the way the young social workers handle their professional role. Seven social workers in the ages between 23 and 25, who graduated from Socialhögskolan, Stockholm University, in January 2007, where interviewed. They also answered a questionnaire covering the similar questions as the interview. Little research had previously been made in this particular area, why the triangulation of methods was helpful in analyzing the results, with data coming from two different resources. To analyze the data a multidimensional theory was used, containing coping theory, an experiential perspective, Antonovskys theory a sense of coherence, cognitive theory and role theory. In summary, the results showed that young newly graduated social workers experienced expectations both coming from them selves and their surroundings. Finding meaning in their work helped the respondents to handle stress. The relation to their clients and colleagues and the expectations all together participated in the development of their professional role.

”De förväntar sig nog inte att jag ska kunna så mycket som jag kan” : en studie om unga nyutexaminerade socionomers yrkesroll

Bergström, Johanna, Karlsson, Malin January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study was to examine and increase the knowledge about the way young, newly graduated social workers view their professional role considering their age and professional experience, how they experience the relation to their clients and colleagues and how these experiences all together affect the way the young social workers handle their professional role. Seven social workers in the ages between 23 and 25, who graduated from Socialhögskolan, Stockholm University, in January 2007, where interviewed. They also answered a questionnaire covering the similar questions as the interview. Little research had previously been made in this particular area, why the triangulation of methods was helpful in analyzing the results, with ata coming from two different resources. To analyze the data a multidimensional theory was used, containing coping theory, an experiential perspective, Antonovskys theory a sense of coherence, cognitive theory and role theory. In summary, the results showed that young newly graduated social workers experienced expectations both coming from them selves and their surroundings. Finding meaning in their work helped the respondents to handle stress. The relation to their clients and colleagues and the expectations all together participated in the development of their professional role.

Mer djur i socialt arbete? : socionomers röster / More Animals in Social Work? : Social Workers' Voices

Torgersen, Lorraine January 2015 (has links)
This study focuses on the use of animals in social work from the perspective of social workers. The purpose of this study is to examine social workers’ experiences of animal assisted social work and how social workers view the integration of animals in various fields of social work. The research is based on a qualitative method and four semi-structured interviews were conducted with social workers. The theories incorporated in the study are Attachment Theory and Sense of Coherence (SOC). The following results are presented: Social workers are considered to have a more comprehensive understanding of clients compared to their associates who do not hold a degree in Social Work. The Social Work Programme prepares you for work in various roles in numerous work places and the social workers claim to sympathise with the many aspects which affect clients. Some of the positive aspects of incorporating animals in social work include opportunities to experience the outdoors and exercise when spending time with the animals but also the additional satisfaction of being able to offer clients these benefits. The social workers are aware of potential safety risks in handling and associating with the animals and these safety risks appear to have a negative impact on animal assisted social work. According to the social workers, animal allergies can be minimized and should not be the focal point. SOC and its three components – Comprehensibility, Manageability and Meaningfulness have been applied to the social workers experiences of animal assisted social work and their experiences shared indicate that animals can hold properties of an attachment figure. Animals have a calming effect on clients, and assist in the connection between social worker and client.

Att arbeta strukturellt : Med världen som arbetsfält / To work with a struktural approach : In a global context

Lind, Sara, Zakrison, Rebecca January 2013 (has links)
Allt fler socialarbetare väljer idag att åka ut i världen för att arbeta med olika projekt. Det internationella perspektivet är av stor relevans för socialt arbete då globaliseringen av världen gör länder allt mer beroende av varandra och sociala problem kräver internationella lösningar. Kunskaper om hur man arbetar med sociala problem på en strukturell nivå är mycket viktigt inom det internationella fältet för att uppnå hållbara förändringar. Syftet med uppsatsen har varit att bidra med en förståelse för hur socialarbetare arbetar med förändring utifrån ett strukturellt perspektiv inom socialt arbete i utvecklingsländer. Det vi frågat oss är vilka möjligheter som finns, vilka utmaningar och hinder som kan uppstå samt vilka metoder och kunskaper som är viktiga vid socialt förändringsarbete i utvecklingsländer då man arbetar utifrån ett strukturellt perspektiv. För att svara på uppsatsens syfte och frågeställningar har vi valt att genomföra fem kvalitativa intervjuer med socialarbetare med erfarenhet av strukturellt socialt arbete i utvecklingsländer. Intervjumaterialet har bearbetats och analyserats utifrån: Teorier kring Social Mobilisering, Systemteori och Maktteorier samt utifrån tidigare forskning. Intervjumaterialet visar på att det finns stora möjligheter att uppnå förändring på strukturell nivå men att det kan uppstå utmaningar och hinder på vägen. Makt och hierarkier är exempel på sådana hinder. Viktiga metoder för att öka dessa möjligheter är exempelvis att arbeta på flera nivåer i samhället och att arbeta tillsammans med de människor som hjälpen åsyftar. Kunskaper om helhetsperspektiv som inkluderar individ, grupp och samhälle är av betydande vikt för socialarbetaren i det strukturella förändringsarbetet i utvecklingsländer och vikten av att vara lyhörd, respektfull och ödmjuk lyfts fram.

"Den professionella utvecklingen pågår under hela yrkeslivet" : En narrativ intervjustudie om socionomers identitetsutveckling / "The professional development continues throughout life" : A narrative interview study on social workers identity.

Karlsson, Moa, Hulin, Mica January 2021 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte var att undersöka processen för hur socionomers professionella yrkesidentitet framträder. Hur identiteten utvecklas i förhållande till professionen, utvecklingen från student och i övergången till yrkeslivet. En narrativ intervjustudie har genomförts där fyra socionomer intervjuats, två socionomstudenter och två yrkesverksamma socionomer. Intervjuerna har sammanställts till narrativ. Det teoretiska ramverket som används är socialkonstruktivistiskt perspektiv, det framträdande jaget och begreppet professionell identitet. Tidigare forskning visar att utvecklingen av den professionella identiteten påbörjas innan utbildningen där utvecklingen fortsätter, det viktigaste inslaget anses vara praktiken. Socionomen har ett brett arbetsfält och den professionella identitetens utveckling har en stark påverkan av kollegor och lagar. Resultatet överensstämmer till stor del med tidigare forskning men visar också på en påverkan av samhällets uppfattning om socionomer. Under studierna skapas en förståelse för den professionella identiteten, den verksamhetsförlagda utbildningen ger studenten tillfälle att testa sin professionella identitet. Tidigare yrkeserfarenhet tolkas ha en roll i förståelsen av professionell identitet och skillnad mellan privat och professionell. I början av yrkeslivet görs en tydlig skillnad mellan professionell och privat identitet men med tiden flyter dessa ihop. De professionella understryker en stark påverkan av lagar och egenskaper som inte förenas med den privata identiteten. Socionomers professionella identitet är en oändlig process. / The purpose of this study was to examine the process of social workers professional identity emerges and its development from education to profession. Narrative interviews were conducted with four informants, two students and two social workers. Tools for analyzing the narratives and the identities are the term professional identity and narrative perspectives which are represented by the social constructivist perspective and prominent self.Previous research shows that the development of the professional identity can begin before and within the education. In the professional life, development of the professional identity has a strong influence dependent on colleagues and laws. The results are largely in line with previous research but also underline an impact on society's perceptions of social workers. During the studies, an understanding is created of the professional identity that students test in their internship. Previous professional experience is interpreted to have a role in understanding professional identity and the difference between private and professional. At the beginning of career, a clear distinction is made between professional and private identity, but over time, these also merge. The professionals emphasize a strong influence of laws that are not associated with private identity. Social workers professional identity is a never-ending process.

Socialsekreterarnas upplevelser på hur utbildning har förberett dem på att hantera arbetsbelastning i sin profession samt hur arbetsbelastningen hanteras på plats i yrket- med fokus på beteendevetare och socionomer : En kvalitativ undersökning. / Social workers experiance of how their education prepered them to handle workload in their profession and how they handle the workload onsite in the workplace -primarly fokus on social workers with educational bakground in behavioural science and social work. : A qualitative research

Ramic, Armina, Sadoon, Jasmina January 2020 (has links)
Socialsekreterarnas arbetsmiljö och arbetsbelastning har i flera år uppmärksammats i hopp om förbättring. Detta kan man finna i mängder forskningsstudier och andra rapporter, både från idag, tio år tillbaka och längre. Mot bakgrund av detta är syftet med föreliggande studie att undersöka hur socialsekreterare med beteendevetenskaplig- och socionominriktad utbildning ser på sin arbetsbelastning. Huvudfråga delas in i två subfrågor; hur utbildningar har förberett socialsekreterarna på att hantera arbetsbelastning samt hur arbetsbelastningen hanteras på plats i yrket- med fokus på beteendevetare och socionomer. Ingen tidigare forskning finns att hitta riktad mot dessa examenstyper och mer forskning krävs för att belysa skillnader vad gäller socialsekreterarnas utbildningsbakgrund i denna fråga. Fokus riktas mot att skapa en djupareförståelse för om de skiljer sig åt mellan de två utbildningsbakgrunder med hänsyn till ovannämnda två forskningsfrågor. För att kunna utföra denna undersökning så har semistrukturerade intervjuer används med åtta deltagare sammanlagd; fyra är av respektive utbildning. Det insamlade datamaterialet analyserades utifrån en tematisk analysmetod och resulterade i två teman. Under vardera tema identifierades även subteman. Resultatet visar att samtliga informanter upplever att arbetsbelastningen är hög men hanterbar. Samtliga informanter beskriver att utbildning inte har förberett socialsekreterarna på att hantera arbetsbelastning i det kommande yrkeslivet, dvs inga strategier eller verktyg till hur man kan gå tillväga har informerats om i utbildningen- oavsett utbildningsbakgrund. Fyndet med studien vad gäller hantering av arbetsbelastning på plats i yrket visar sig vara att samtliga informanter är ense om tillvägagångssättet för hur man kan hantera detta stressmoment. Studien bidrar med en ökad förståelse vad gäller vikten av att upplysa om hanteringsstrategier i utbildningen samt att stöd och samverkan i yrkeslivet är en viktig resurs för att bibehålla motivationen och arbetsglädjen på arbetsplats. Inte minst sin psykiska hälsa. / The work environment and workload of social workers has been a topic of conversation for many years, in hopes of improvement. Several studies and reports written on the matter, both recent and older that dates back ten years and more bears evidence of this. With this as a notion, the purpose of this study is to determine how social workers with an education in behavioural science and in social work view their workload. The main inquiry here is divided into two parts:In what way has the social workers education prepared them in handling workload? And how is the workload handled onsite in the workplace- primarily focusing on people with an education in behavioural science and social work. No previous research can be found focusing on these types of degrees and more research is needed to examine the differences between social wokers' educational backgrounds in this issue. The focus is to create a deeper understanding of whether there is a difference between the two educational backgrounds in this issue. To perform this study, qualitative research was used with a semi-structured interview and with a total of eight informants. Four informants from each educational background. The data gathered was analysed with a thematic analysis method and resulted in two different themes. Under each of the separate themes, different subthemes were also identified. The results shows that all participants experience that the workload is high, but manageable. All participants express that their education has not prepared them to manage workload in the coming profession –regardless of their previous education. The findings in this study in regards to handling workload, is shown to be that all participants are in agreement in how to deal with the stress that the occupational workload induces. This study contributes an increased understanding as to the weight of proper information regarding stressmanagement strategies for people undertaking an education or training in this field. It also highlights the importance of collaboration in the workplace to maintain motivation and morale among staff. Especially in regards to the mentalhealth of the workers.

Det (o)manliga sociala arbetet : En litteraturöversikt kring män, maskulinitet och deras positioner inom socialt arbete / The (un)manly social work : A literature review about men, masculinity and their positions within social work

Eldelid, Edvin, Lindqvist, Ian January 2022 (has links)
Studiens syfte är att undersöka vad forskningen säger om mäns positioner i socialt arbete samt hur genus påverkar yrkesutövningen. Studiens metod är en allmän litteraturöversikt och dess empiriska material består av elva vetenskapliga artiklar. Empirin analyseras genom en tematisk analys som följs av ett fördjupat teoretiskt resonemang kring resultaten. Den teoretiska grunden för studien är Connells teori om hegemonisk maskulinitet. I den tematiska analysen identifieras två huvudteman samt flera underteman. Det första huvudtemat är utövande av maskulinitet, där undertemana reproducering eller utmanande av hegemonisk maskulinitet samt vertikala eller horisontella karriärvägar identifierades. Det andra huvudtemat är särbehandling med undertemana positiv eller negativ särbehandling. Studien redogör för vad forskningen säger om de positioner män tar inom socialt arbete, hur de orienterar sig och förhandlar mellan traditionellt maskulina normer och yrkesrollen, samt hur de blir bemötta av andra inom yrket. Studiens resultat diskuteras sedan kritiskt i förhållande till teorin om hegemonisk maskulinitet. Studien bidrar till forskningen om män inom det sociala arbetet och män i kvinnodominerade yrken. / The purpose of this study is to examine what the research says about men’s positions in the social work profession, as well as how gender affects the professional practice. The method used is a general literature review and the study´s empirical material consists of eleven scientific articles. A thematic analysis is used to analyze the empirical material which is then followed by a deepened theoretical reasoning. The theoretical foundation of the study is Connell's theory of hegemonic masculinity. In the thematic analysis, two main themes are identified as well as several sub-themes. The first main theme is practicing masculinity, including the sub-themes reproducing or challenging hegemonic masculinity as well as vertical or horizontal career paths. The second main theme is special treatment which includes the sub-themes positive or negative special treatment. The study accounts for what the research says about the positions men take within the social work profession, how they orient themselves and negotiate between traditional masculine norms and their profession, as well as how they are treated by others within the profession. The results are then critically discussed in relation to the theory of hegemonic masculinity. This study contributes to the research on men in social work and men within female-dominated professions.

Relationen mellan det sakrala och profana : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om upplevelsen av att vara både diakon och socionom i Svenska kyrkan / The relationship between the sacred and the profane : a qualitative interview study about the experience of being both a deacon and a social worker in the Church of Sweden

Aspberg, Simon, Janoff, Sandra January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att ge kunskap om hur diakoner i Svenska kyrkan upplever att deras yrkesidentitet påverkas av spänningen mellan att vara yrkesutbildad socionom och att vara kallad till diakon av Gud och kyrkan. Studien baserades på åtta kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer med diakoner från åtta olika församlingar i Stockholms stift. Empirin har bearbetats genom tematisk analys och hermeneutisk meningstolkning och analyserats utifrån begrepp från två rollteorier. Studien visar att diakonerna kan förhålla sig till det sakrala och profana i sina yrkesidentiteter på tre olika sätt. För vissa diakoner är det sakrala och profana i yrkesidentiteten välintegrerat, dessa diakoner upplever inte några motstridigheter mellan det sekulära i att vara socionom och det religiösa i att vara kallad av Gud. För andra diakoner tar antingen det sakrala eller det profana över, exempelvis om de upplever att de inte har tillräckligt med kunskap i teologi och därför främst arbetar med socialt arbete och det profana. Det tredje förhållningssättet är att det kontinuerligt sker en förhandling mellan det sakrala och profana, detta tar sig till exempel uttryck i att diakonerna ibland får stöd och vägledning genom sitt kall, men ibland genom sin kunskap från socionomutbildningen. Gemensamt för diakonerna är att relationen mellan det sakrala och profana i diakonernas yrkesidentitet påverkas av kontextuella faktorer, som organisationen och det sekulära samhället. / The purpose of this study is to provide knowledge about how deacons in the Church of Sweden experience that their professional identity is affected by the tension between being a professional social worker and being called to be a deacon by God and the church. The study is based on eight qualitative, semi-structured interviews with deacons from eight different parishes in the diocese of Stockholm. The material was processed through thematic analysis and hermeneutic interpretation of meaning. It was later analyzed based on concepts from two role theories. The study shows that deacons can relate to the sacred and profane in their professional identities in three different ways. For some deacons, the sacred and profane in their professional identity is well integrated, these deacons do not experience any contradictions between the secular in being a social worker and the religious in being called by God. For other deacons, either the sacred or the profane take over, for example if they feel that they do not have enough knowledge in theology and therefore mainly work with social work and the profane. The third approach is that there is continuous negotiation between the sacred and the profane. An example of this is that deacons sometimes find support and guidance through their calling, and sometimes through their education in social work. The deacons have in common that the relationship between the sacred and the profane in their professional identity is influenced by contextual factors, such as the organization and the secular society.

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