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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Elever i matematiksvårigheter : En kvalitativ studie om hur fyra speciallärare beskriver sitt arbete med att ge stöd för elever i matematiksvårigheter / Pupils’ difficulties in learning mathematics : A qualitative study of how four special teachers describe their work with supporting pupils’ difficulties in learning mathematics.

Svensson, Bim January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att få en större förståelse för elever i matematiksvårigheter genom att beskriva fyra speciallärares erfarenheter av undervisning med elever i matematiksvårigheter. Studien utgår från en kvalitativ ansats där fyra semistrukturerade intervjuer har genomförts med verksamma speciallärare. I resultatet redogörs speciallärarnas uppfattning av matematiksvårigheter, hur undervisningen kan se ut och hur samarbetet fungerar mellan speciallärare och klasslärare.    Slutsatser som kan dras är att matematiksvårigheter inte endast beror på en enda faktor utan att flera olika perspektiv måste tas i beaktande för att kunna möta elever i matematiksvårigheter. De faktorer som nämns i störst utsträckning är olämplig undervisning, koncentrationssvårigheter, minnessvårigheter, läs-och skrivsvårigheter och matematikängslan. Elever stöttas genom konkret material och genom anpassad undervisning. Elever gynnas av en tillgänglig lärmiljö och att det finns en medveten plan om hur den särskilda undervisningen ska ske. Det är även viktigt att hitta brister i elevernas matematikkunskaper redan i förskoleklass för att förebygga att matematiksvårigheter uppkommer. Resultatet visade även att speciallärare och klasslärare har ett nära samarbete och hjälps åt när det gäller att analysera och kartlägga eleverna. / The aim of the study is to contribute to a greater understanding of pupils’ difficulties in learning mathematics by describing four special teacher’s experiences of teaching students with difficulties. The study is based on a qualitative approach where four semi-structured interviews are implemented with active special teachers. The result describes how the special teachers' perception of mathematical difficulties, how the teaching can be planned and what the collaboration looks like between the special teacher and the class teacher. Conclusions is that mathematical difficulties do not only depend on one single factor and it is necessary to take into consideration to look at several different perspectives in order to be able to meet pupils with difficulties in learning mathematics. The factors that are mentioned to the greatest extent are inappropriate teaching, concentration difficulties, problem with working memory, reading- and writing difficulties and mathematical anxiety. Pupils are supported through concrete materials and adapted teaching. Pupils benefit from an accessible learning environment and that there is a conscious plan for how the special teaching should take place. It is also important to find gaps in mathematics already from preschool to prevent mathematical difficulties. The result also showed that special teachers and class teachers work closely together and help each other when it comes to analyzing pupils.

Matematikängslan : En studie om främjande undervisning för elever i matematikängslan / Math anxiety : A study promoting teaching for students with math anxiety

Ekelöf, Malin, Filipiak, Boguslawa January 2022 (has links)
During our studies to becom special teachers in mathematics development, we have developed an interest in students who show resistance to the subject of matehmatics or mathematics teaching. The purpose of the study is to investigate teaching that promotes learning for pupils in mathematics anxiety, to distinguish any challenges that the teachers might encounter in teaching and to make visible future collaboration between the teachers and the special education teachers to support learning for pupils with mathematics anxiety. This has been done through semi-structured interviews and observations of primary and middle school teachers. The method used was inspired by grounded theory. The results were analyzed using sociocultural theory. The entire study rests on a relational perspective, which sees the student in difficulties and not with difficulties. The conclusion drawn from the study was that the teachers agreed with research in the field about which teaching methods are beneficial for students in mathematics anxiety. They also agreed with the research about the challenges that can arise in working with these students. Several different examples of collaboration between the teachers and the special education teachers emerged during the interviews. However, several challenges were identified which prevent teachers from implementing these methods in everyday teaching. A challenge in this may, for example, be that the special teachers in mathematics development are few in the schools. Another challenge can be that the teachers request pedagogical guidance where didactic issues can be raised, but that forum is missing in many schools.

Speciallärares och elevassistenters uppfattningar av pedagogiska begrepp utifrån sin profession i en gymnasiesärskola / Special teachers' and teacher assistants´ understanding of educational concepts in relation to their profession in an upper secondary school for students with learning disabilities

Ringnér, Anette January 2019 (has links)
Building upon the genuine interest regarding consensus about the learning-process, the pur-pose of this study is to examine special teachers´ and teacher-assistants´ vision regarding their teaching in a Swedish upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities, focusing on their own priorities within their profession. Based on my own experiences as a teacher-assistant and a special teacher in the Swedish compulsory school and upper secondary school for pupils with learning disabilities,The ambition is to be able to draw conclusions from the study's focus groups and how the pro-fessionals discuss different concepts that form the basis of the present study. My hope is that this study will provide knowledge about these central concepts which are “foundation, collabora-tion, curriculum, consensus, development, learning, independence, relationships, teaching, knowledge, adaptations and care”.In order to get the special teachers´ and teacher assistants´ views on the teaching and what the focus is in the teaching, the focus groups were divided into two groups, one with special teach-ers and one with teacher assistants. The reason for this was to allow the participants to speak freely and discuss based on their own view of their professions in interaction with others in the same situationFrom the data gathered in this study, one can conclude that special teachers and teacher assis-tants work in a sociocultural perspective where interactions between the different parties are seen as the most important aspect within their teaching. The results also show that the school in question has a good integration between the professions. However, the term consensus has proven difficult to interpret in connection to dealing with the students and may be used as a topic for future studies.

Specialiojo pedagogo pagalba mokiniams, turintiems specialiųjų poreikių, tėvams ir mokytojams / Special teacher’s help to shildren with special needs, their parents and teachers / Specialiojo pedagogo pagalba mokiniams, turintiems specialiųjų poreikių, tėvams ir mokytojams

Maziukienė, Gražina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Vis dažniau bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose lieka vaikai, kurie turi specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių. Įvairūs jų raidos sutrikimai – pagrindinė mokymosi sunkumų priežastis. Mūsų šalyje integruoto ugdymo paieškos pradėtos nagrinėti XX a. 9 dešimtmetyje. Per pastarąjį dešimtmetį pasirodė nemažai mokslinių publikacijų šia tema: požiūrį į specialiųjų poreikių turinčius asmenis, jų ugdymą bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose nagrinėja Ambrukaitis (1994, 1999), Gudonis (1985, 1989, 1993, 1994, 1996, 1998, 2000), Novogrodskienė (1998, 1999), Remeikaitė (1994), Ruškus (1997, 1998, 1999, 2000), į vaikų vystymosi ypatingumų pažinimo ir sutrikimų korekcijos sritį gilinasi Ališauskas (1988, 1992, 1994, 1995, 1998), Daulenskienė (1973, 1974, 1990, 1993, 1998), Garšvienė (1978, 1981, 1993, 1994, 2000), Giedrienė (1985, 1987, 1995, 2000), Ivoškuvienė (1984, 1998, 1999), specialiosios didaktikos probelmas nagrinėja Elijošienė (1991), Ambrukaitis (1972, 1996, 1997, 2000), Kaukėnaitė (1989, 1993, 1998), Pobrein (1992, 1998, 1999), Pumputis (1994, 1995, 1998), Štitilienė (1982, 1999), specialiąją pedagogiką gvildena Juodraitis (1994, 1999), Kaffemanas (1993, 1994, 1997, 1998), į neįgalumą turinčių vaikų socialinės adaptacijos klausimus gilinasi Karvelis (1988, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997). Tačiau labai stokojama mūsų šalyje mokslo darbų, nagrinėjančių vaikų, turinčių specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių, ugdymo bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose principus ir strategijas, mažai išsamesnės didaktinės metodinės literatūros... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The last 15 years have a lot of the changes to the upbringing of children with the special needs. Children with insignificat intellectual disorders, also shildren having specific learning disorders are started to be taught at secondary schools. Until 1991 the biggest part of these children has been taught at special schools for children with intellectual disorders. At present, children who have not been taught at all came to special schools. Children who have been taught at secondary schools now form majority at secondary schools. In this connection, there was a need to have special teachers at secondary schools. Their functions and duties have been always discussed at media and in scientific conferences. However, the content of work of special teachers is not very clear. Object of Study – special teacher’s help to shildren with special needs, their parents and teachers. Problem of Study – there is not enough special knowledge at secondary schools to organize an education process of full value for children with special needs. Aim of Study – to find out what kind of special pedagogic help children with special needs, their parents and general teachers lack. Methods of Study: 1. Theoretical: Survey of legal (law) basis, study and analyses of pedagogic, psychological and other scientific literature. 2. Empiric: Questionnaire for teachers working with special needs children and questionnaire for special teachers 3. Statistic: mathematical statistica analyses of quantitative... [to full text] / SUMMARY SPECIAL TEACHER’S HELP TO SHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS, THEIR PARENTS AND TEACHERS The last 15 years have a lot of the changes to the upbringing of children with the special needs. Children with insignificat intellectual disorders, also shildren having specific learning disorders are started to be taught at secondary schools. Until 1991 the biggest part of these children has been taught at special schools for children with intellectual disorders. At present, children who have not been taught at all came to special schools. Children who have been taught at secondary schools now form majority at secondary schools. In this connection, there was a need to have special teachers at secondary schools. Their functions and duties have been always discussed at media and in scientific conferences. However, the content of work of special teachers is not very clear. Object of Study – special teacher’s help to shildren with special needs, their parents and teachers. Problem of Study – there is not enough special knowledge at secondary schools to organize an education process of full value for children with special needs. Aim of Study – to find out what kind of special pedagogic help children with special needs, their parents and general teachers lack. Methods of Study: 1. Theoretical: Survey of legal (law) basis, study and analyses of pedagogic, psychological and other scientific literature. 2. Empiric: Questionnaire for teachers working with special needs children and... [полный текст, см. далее]

Förebyggande socialt arbete : Fullständiga betyg från grundskolan minskar risken förutanförskap / Preventive social work : Completed grades from primary school reduces the risk of exclusion

Bergquist, Marie, Petrilä Ekholm, Anne January 2018 (has links)
Samhället utmanas idag av många svårlösta problem som bland annat hur vi ska klara vård och omsorg samt den arbetslöshet som gör det svårt för ungdomar att etablera sig på arbetsmarknaden. Ansvaret för insatser på välfärdsområdet vilar på landsting och kommuner. De barn och ungdomar som har svårigheter med att klara målen i skolan riskerar att hamna i utanförskap som vuxna. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur specialpedagogers och speciallärares handlingsutrymme ser ut i arbetet med elever som riskerar att hamna i utanförskap. Den kvalitativa studien genomfördes med semistrukturerade intervjuer. Materialet till studien, baserades på specialpedagogers och speciallärares erfarenheter, svaren utvärderades med tematisk analys. Det analyserade materialet kopplades till tidigare forskning, handlingsteorin och den ekologiska utvecklingsteorin. Vår slutsats blev att handlingsutrymmet påverkas av såväl kreativitet och kunskap som tid och ekonomi men viktigaste faktorn är ledningens vilja och engagemang, det är de som har makten. / The society today is challenged with many difficult issues, such as how to manage health and social care, and the unemployment that makes it difficult for young people to establish themselves in the labor market. The responsibility for welfare initiatives rests on county councils and municipalities. The children and adolecents who are having difficulty in achieving the goals in school are likely to end up in alienation. The purpose with this study was to investigate the latitude of special educateors and special teachers in their work with pupils at risk of alienation. The qualitative study was conducted with semistructured interviews. The material for the study was based on the experiences of special educators and special teachers, the answers was evaluated with thematic analysis. The analyzed material was linked to previous research, action theory and the ecological systems theory. Our conclusion was that the latitude is affected by creativity and knowledge as well as time and finances, but the most crucial factor is the will and commitment of management, those who have the power.

Distanční vzdělávání žáků se sociálním znevýhodněním / Distance education of pupils with the need for support due to different cultural and living conditions

Haplová, Miroslava January 2021 (has links)
Diplomová práce Distanční vzdělávání žáků se sociálním znevýhodněním Distance education of pupils with the need for support due to different cultural and living conditions Miroslava Haplová ABSTRACT Closing schools and launching distance education in spring of the year 2020 have brought new experience into the Czech educational system and the whole society. This situation has had a great impact especially on the pupils with special needs including those with social disadvantage. The qualitative research together with structured and semi-structured interviews with socially disadvantaged families and educational service workers will, with emphasis on the issue of pupils with social disadvantage, help clarify the input preconditions for distance education with its obstacles, schools' strategies, the role of special tutors and the schools' potential for collaboration with other institutions and participants at the time of distance eduction. The outcomes of this thesis reveal that to find an adequate way to support the pupils with special needs, it is crucial for the schools to know the pupils' family conditions and set up a suitable strategy for their education based on the situation. The aspects of the social disadvantage play even more distinctive role during distance education compared to the common...

Le travail de l’orthopédagogue quant au dépistage, à la référence et à la prise en charge d’un trouble spécifique d’apprentissage en lecture

Marcoux, Dominique 06 1900 (has links)
Les difficultés reliées à la lecture constituent 80% des motifs de référence en orthopédagogie. Parfois, ces difficultés sont les précurseurs du trouble d’apprentissage le plus commun soit le trouble spécifique d’apprentissage en lecture (TSAL). Cette recherche porte sur le travail des orthopédagogues en lien avec les trois grandes étapes reliées au TSAL : (1) son dépistage, (2) son évaluation orthopédagogique et sa référence en neuropsychologie et finalement (3) sa prise en charge ainsi que sa rééducation en lien avec les recommandations neuropsychologiques. La collecte de données a été réalisée grâce à des entrevues avec trois orthopédagogues travaillant au primaire et autour d’un cas d’élève atteint de TSAL. Chacune des trois orthopédagogues a présenté un cas d’élève et a décrit sa pratique. Lors des rencontres, chaque participante a également remis au chercheur le dossier de l’élève contenant le rapport neuropsychologique confirmant le diagnostic. Les résultats de cette recherche indiquent que les signes précurseurs observés par les trois orthopédagogues ainsi que leurs interventions rééducatives sont très semblables. Toutefois, les outils d’évaluation utilisés diffèrent de l’une à l’autre tant en ce qui a trait au choix qu’à la manière de les utiliser. Les trois orthopédagogues optent pour la référence en neuropsychologie dans le but ultime de dresser un portrait global de leur élève quant à leurs habiletés cognitives et déficitaires pouvant être attribuables à un TSAL. Le rapport du neuropsychologue sert alors à confirmer l’impression diagnostique des orthopédagogues. Les résultats de notre étude montrent que les orthopédagogues entament de façon précoce les interventions rééducatives et offrent simultanément les mesures adaptatives relatives aux difficultés observées chez l’élève. Avec l’arrivée du diagnostic de TSAL, et les recommandations proposées dans le rapport neuropsychologique, les orthopédagogues valident et peuvent à l’occasion bonifier leurs interventions ou mesures. De plus, elles les officialisent en les ajoutant, si ce n’est pas déjà fait, au plan d’intervention de l’élève. Les interventions rééducatives et les mesures adaptées mises en place par les trois orthopédagogues sont également comparées à celles proposées par les neuropsychologues et analysées à la lumière de celles reconnues comme étant efficaces et profitables selon la littérature. Nos résultats mettent en évidence la grande similitude qui existe entre les interventions appliquées par les orthopédagogues, celles proposées par les neuropsychologues ainsi que celles répertoriées dans la littérature. / Difficulties related to reading constitute 80% of reference in special education. Sometimes these difficulties are the precursors of the most common learning disability know as specific reading disorder. This research focuses on the three main milestones related to reading disabilities: (1) the screening, (2) the special education evaluation and the neuropsychological reference and finally (3) its management and its rehabilitation as prescribed per the neuropsychological recommendations. Data collection was conducted through interviews with three special needs teachers (orthopédagogue) working respectively in primary schools and with a student with specific reading disorder. Each of the three special needs teachers presented a case study and described her practice. During the meetings, each participant also gave the student record containing the neuropsychological report confirming the diagnosis to the researcher. The results of this research indicate that the signs observed by the three special needs teachers and their rehabilitative interventions are very similar. However, the assessment tools used differ from one another both in terms of choice and as how to use them. All three special teachers opt for reference in neuropsychology with the ultimate goal to develop a comprehensive picture of their students on their cognitive abilities and deficits that may be due to reading disorder. The report of the neuropsychologist is then used to confirm the diagnostic impression of the special needs teacher. The results of our study show that our participants begin early on with rehabilitative interventions and simultaneously provide adaptive measures to the difficulties observed in the student. With the advent of a specific reading disorder diagnostic and recommendations in the neuropsychological report, the special needs teachers validate and may occasionally improve their interventions or measures. In addition, they formalize them by adding the recommendations, if it is not done already, to the intervention plan for the student. Rehabilitative interventions and appropriate measures put in place by the three special needs teachers are also compared to those proposed by neuropsychologists and analyzed in light of those recognized as being efficient and profitable in the literature. Our results highlight the great similarity between the interventions applied by thespecial teachers, those proposed by neuropsychologists as well as those listed in the literature.

Jona och Isa stannar hemma idag... : - en kvalitativ studie om betydelsen av språk och kommunikation i samband med problematisk skolfrånvaro / Jona and Isa stays home today ... : - a qualitative study on the importance of language and communication in connection with problematic school absence

Sahlin, Rebecca January 2018 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker orsaker till problematisk skolfrånvaro, hur språk och kommunikation kan ha betydelse för problematisk skolfrånvaro, samt hur mönstret kan brytas och frånvaro vändas till närvaro. I studien avgränsas undersökningen till problematisk skolfrånvaro kopplad till elever med neuropsykiatriska funktionsnedsättningar (NPF). Undersökningen vill ta reda på hur några skolor i en kommun arbetar kring elever i problematisk skolfrånvaro, om det finns en särskild handlingsplan för detta och huruvida man agerar utifrån den. Teoretisk ram för studien utgörs av relationellt specialpedagogiskt perspektiv, samt relationell pedagogik. Studiens data samlades in genom tre formella, semistrukturerade och djupgående intervjuer med vårdnadshavare, samt två surveyundersökningar online i form av enkäter, en till rektorer och en till specialpedagoger och lärare som arbetar med problematisk skolfrånvaro. Konklusionen i studien synliggör betydelsen av tidiga insatser, genuina relationer, samt individanpassade åtgärder. Resultaten visade att många orsaker till problematisk frånvaro samverkar, att språk och kommunikation är en central del i denna problematik, att skolor har goda rutiner och handlingsplaner vid problematisk frånvaro, samt att vikten av personliga relationer och specialpedagogisk kompetens i mötet med dessa barn behöver utvecklas. / This study investigates the causes of problematic school absence, how language and communication can be important for problematic school absence, as well as how the pattern can be broken and turn absence to attendance. In the investigation, the study is delimited to problematic school absence linked to students with neuropsychiatric disabilities (NPF). The survey wants to find out how some schools in a municipality are working on students with problematic school absence if there is a specific action plan for this and whether they act on the basis of it. Theoretical framework for the study consists of a relational special pedagogical perspective, as well as relational pedagogy. The study data was collected through three formal, semi-structured and in-depth interviews with custodians, as well as two surveys online, one to the rectors and one to special educators and teachers who work with problematic school absence. The study concludes the importance of early efforts, genuine relationships, as well as individualized measures. The results showed that many causes of problematic absence co-operate, that language and communication are key parts of this problem, that schools have good practices and action plans in case of problematic absence, and that the importance of personal relationships and special educational skills in meeting with these children needs to be developed.

Samspel och Samhörighet : Vad lärare gör i sin praktik som skapar goda förutsättningar för en god lärare- elevrelation i träningsskolan / Interaction and Affinity : What teachers do in their practice that creates good conditions for a good teacher-student relationship in compulsory school for children with severe learning disabilities

Torun, Ellis January 2020 (has links)
Abstract Research shows that the prevailing view is that the relationship between teacher and pupil is fundamental to learning. Although most studies emphasize the crucial importance of a positive relationship between teacher and student, it also highlights that more knowledge is needed about what actually happens when a teacher acts relationally. The purpose of this study is therefore to elucidate what teachers do in their practice which creates good conditions for a good teacher-student relationship with students incompulsory school for children with severe learning disabilities.The purpose is achieved by answering the questions: What good conditions for a good teacher-student relationship can be determined based on how teachers act in the teaching practice with students incompulsory school for children with severe learning disabilities? What good conditions for a good teacher-student relationship with students incompulsory school for children with severe learning disabilities can be determined based on the descriptions of three teaching teachers? and How can good prerequisites for a good teacher-student relationship with students inthe practice ofcompulsory school for children with severe learning disabilities be understood from a two-dimensional interpretation framework? The relational perspective according to Aspelin (2013, 2016) is the perspective used to interpret the study's empirics. According to this perspective, a two-dimensional interpretation framework consisting of two approaches, which Aspelin (2013) calls pedagogical approaches and pedagogical meetings, is required. In order to balance these, differentiation skills (Aspelin, 2016) are also required to have the ability to regulate proximity and distance in the relationship. Observational studies and interview studies were conducted to find answers to the study's questions. The study results show that the two survey methods complement each other, since the results of the study methods do not contradict each other, but rather substantiate and supplement, the assumption is made that this contributed to a more complex picture of relationship building. The methods illustrate the topic from two different perspectives, what the teacher does and what the teacher describes it to do. The result reflects the different ways of creating the conditions for relationships that the study's review of previous research shows. Based on a combination of the results of the study methods, it can be seen that teachers are often in the social and interpersonal dimension at the same time and that they influence and presuppose one another. Taken together, the study's results can be interpreted as the fact that specialist teachers' knowledge of the pedagogical work and their ability to self-insight is the basis of their work in building teacher-student relationships. And that differentiation creates the conditions for the teachers' ability to differentiate between private and professional as well as the prerequisite for the student to take a place as an individual. / Sammanfattning Forskning visar att den rådande synen är att relationen mellan lärare och elev är grundläggande för att lärande skall ske. Trots att flertalet studier framhåller den avgörande betydelsen av en positiv relation mellan lärare och elev lyfter den även att det behövs mer kunskap om vad som faktiskt äger rum när en lärare agerar relationellt. Syftet för denna studie är därför att belysa vad lärare gör i sin praktik som skapar goda förutsättningar för en god lärare- elevrelation i träningsskolan. Syftet uppnås genom att besvara frågeställningarna: Vilka goda förutsättningar för en god lärare- elevrelation går att utröna utifrån hur lärare agerar i undervisningens praktik i träningsskolan? Vilka goda förutsättningar för en god lärare- elevrelation i träningsskolan går att utröna utifrån tre undervisande lärares beskrivningar? samt Hur kan goda förutsättningar för en god lärare- elevrelation i träningsskolans praktik förstås utifrån en tvådimensionell tolkningsram?  Det relationella perspektivet enligt Aspelin är det perspektiv som används för att tolka studiens empiri.Enligt detta perspektiv fordras dels en tvådimensionelltolkningsram bestående av två förhållningssätt som Aspelin (2013) benämner pedagogiskt förhållningssätt och pedagogiskt möte. För att balansera dessa krävs även en differentieringskompetens för att ha förmågan att reglera närhet och distans i relationen. Observationsstudier och intervjustudier genomfördes för att finna svar på studiens frågeställningar. Studiens resultat visar att de två undersökningsmetoderna kompletterar varandra, då resultaten från studiens metoder inte motsäger varandra, utan snarare underbygger och kompletterar, görs antagandet att detta bidrog till en mer komplex bild av relationsbyggande. Metoderna belyser ämnet från två olika perspektiv, vad läraren gör och vad läraren beskriver att den gör.  Resultatet speglar de olika sätt att skapa förutsättningar för relationer som studiens genomgång av tidigare forskning visar. Utifrån en kombination av resultaten från studiens metoder syns att lärarna ofta befinner sig i den sociala och den mellanmänskliga dimensionen samtidigt samt att dessa påverkar och förutsätter varandra. Sammantaget kan studiens resultat tolkas som att speciallärares kunskap om det pedagogiska arbetet och deras förmåga till självinsikt är grunden i deras arbete med att bygga lärare- elevrelationer. Och att differentiering skapar förutsättningar för lärarnas förmåga att skilja på privat och professionell samt förutsättningen för eleven att ta plats som en egen individ.

Tidiga insatser - Hur kompetensen hos speciallärare med inriktning mot matematik används för att garantera tidigt stöd / Early interventions - How the competence of special teachers with a focus on mathematics is used to guarantee early support

Lindblom, Monica January 2020 (has links)
Denna studie har ett tvådelat syfte. Huvudsyftet är att bidra med kunskap om hur kompetensen hos speciallärare med specialisering mot matematikutveckling används för att garantera tidigt stöd i matematik. Syftet är dessutom att undersöka vilka typer av insatser som görs mot de tidiga skolåren och se om dessa skiljer sig åt beroende på i vilken årskurs de sätts in. Bakgrunden till studien är att matematikresultaten på nationella och internationella undersökningar legat lågt under många år. Regeringen har därför gjort en förändring i skollagen om en ”läs-skriva-räkna-garanti” för att säkerställa att alla elever tidigt får de stödinsatser de är i behov av. Studien har en kvantitativ ansats med kvalitativa inslag. En enkätundersökning med både slutna och öppna frågor genomfördes med 35 respondenter. Samtliga respondenter var utbildade speciallärare med matematikinriktning (några under utbildning) och arbetade som speciallärare mot f-3 helt eller delvis. Studiens teoretiska ramverk och analysverktyg utgår från systemteorin tillsammans med de specialpedagogiska perspektiven relationellt och kompensatoriskt. Av studiens resultat framgår att speciallärares kompetens inte används i den omfattning som förespråkas av Skolverket vid arbetet med de obligatoriska kartläggningmaterialen i förskoleklass och årskurs 1. Vidare visade studien att betydligt fler insatser görs efter det att eleverna börjat grundskolan än i förskoleklass och att dessa insatser i princip är konstanta under hela lågstadiet. Studien visar även att speciallärare lägger mycket tid på reaktivt arbete i form av kartläggning och arbete med enskilda elever eller elever i liten grupp. Detta i jämförelse med proaktivt arbete i form av matematikutveckling och planering med pedagoger inför nya arbetsområden. Studiens resultat indikerar att skolor kan öka elevers måluppfyllelse i matematik genom att använda speciallärare i mer proaktivt arbete. Skolor kan även prioritera insatser i förskoleklass och årskurs 1-2 i högre grad eftersom forskning visar ett tydligt samband mellan tidiga kunskaper och senare matematikframgång. / This study has a two part aim. The main aim is to contribute knowledge about how the competence of special teachers with specialization in mathematics development is used to guarantee early support in mathematics. The aim is also to find out what types of efforts are made against the early school years and see whether these differ depending on the grade they are used in. The background to the study is that the mathematical results on national and international surveys have been low for many years. The Government has therefore made a change in the Education Act, a "read-write-count guarantee" to ensure that all pupils early receive the support they need. The study has a quantitative approach with qualitative elements. A survey with both closed and open questions was conducted with 35 respondents. All respondents were educated special teachers with a mathematics specialization (some under educating) and works as special teachers with f-3 completely or partially. The study's theoretical framework and analytical tools are based on the system theory together with the special educational perspectives relational and compensatory. The results of the study show that special teachers' competence is not utilized to the extent advocated by the National Agency for Education in the work with the compulsory mapping materials in preschoolclass and year 1. Furthermore, the study showed that significantly more efforts are made after students have started Primary School than in preschool class, and that these efforts in principle is constant through the third grade. The study also shows that special education teachers spend a lot of time on reactive work in the form of mapping and work with individual students or students in a small group. This compared to proactive work in the form of mathematical development and planning with pedagogues for new work areas. The study's results indicate that schools can increase students' goal achievement in mathematics by using special teachers in more proactive work. They can also increase by prioritizing efforts in preschool class and grades 1-2 to a higher degree as research shows a clear connection between early knowledge and mathematical success later on.

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