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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

NARKOTIKAPOLITIKEN SOM FÖRT MISSBRUKARE I GRAVEN : Professionella inom beroendevårdens inställning till harm reduction-insatser och avkriminalisering gällande eget bruk av narkotika

Spång, Martin January 2019 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore professional drug addiction care workers’ attitudes towards harm reduction interventions. The data collection was conducted through digital survey mailed to mangers and staff. In total 73 individuals choose to answer the survey. The biopsychosocial perspective and stigmatization theory were used to theoretically reflect on the results. Most respondents reported positive attitudes towards maintenance treatment, needle exchange programs and overdose prevention with naloxone. The result also shows that the majority of respondents’ have a negative attitude towards injection rooms and decriminalization of drugs for personal use. Moreover, staff with higher education reported more positive attitudes towards maintenance treatment, needle exchange, injection rooms and decriminalization of drugs for personal use. In conclusion, it is important to recognize and spread new developments and evidence-based research regarding harm reduction and decriminalization of narcotics drugs. Based on the respondents’ negative attitudes towards implement injection rooms and decriminalize drugs for personal use, but also the improvement of staffs’ attitudes that present study found it is supposed that neglecting prohibition and showing zero tolerance towards personal use will probably disappear in the future even in Sweden.

Avhopp inom 12-stgsbehandling : En studie om vilka faktorer som finns till klienters avhopp inom 12-stegsbehandling och eventuella skillnader mellan könen.

Ferm, Anita, Josefsson, Sanna January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Avidentifierade jobbansökningar : En kvalitativ studie om avidentifierade jobbansökningars betydelse för rekryteringsprocessens utfall / Anonymous job applications : A qualitative study about anonymous job applications' significance for the outcome of the recruitment process

Arbman Karlsson, Tora, Fernando, Ranmali January 2013 (has links)
Avidentifierade jobbansökningar är en relativt ny metod som under de senaste åren fått utrymme på den svenska arbetsmarknaden samt på forskningsfältet. Uppmärksamheten av metoden kommer av den tidigare forskning som visar att betydelsen av faktorer som bland annat etnisk bakgrund, kön och ålder är ibland avgörande för vem som kallas till jobbintervju. Därför åsyftar denna studie att undersöka hur rekryterare värderar och använder denna metod samt vilken betydelse avidentifiering har för rekryteringsprocessens utfall.Studien utgår ifrån ett hermeneutistiskt perspektiv och har en kvalitativ ansats. Med hjälp av en komparativ undersökningsdesign och flerfallsstudie som analysmetod behandlas det empiriska materialet, vilket utgörs av fem semistrukturerade intervjuer. Dessa intervjuer skapar tillsammans skapar två fall inom IT och konsultbranschen.Analysen behandlas med hjälp av det teoretiska ramverket vilket består av stämplingsteori samt de analytiska begreppen homosocialitet och etnosocialitet. Detta för att öka förståelsen för hur en sorteringsmetod som baseras endast på formella kriterier, utbildning och arbetslivserfarenheter, fungerar i praktiken. Det har framkommit att vid avsaknaden av faktorerna läggs fokus istället på den individuella kompetensen. Informationen gällande individens kompetens och arbetslivserfarenhet är den del som får mest kritik för att vara för ospecifik. Inom IT branschen har det visat sig att faktorer som ålder och etnicitet är av betydelse vid anställning. Det uppstår även en svårighet då kundinflytandet spelar så stor roll vid rekrytering och skapar en ram av vad som efterfrågas av varje anställd. Det är inte endast avgörande vad rekryterare eller arbetsgivare värderar utan det finns flera aktörer som spelar in vid valet av medarbetare. / Anonymous job applications are a relatively new method that has gained space in the Swedish labor market and the research field in recent years. Research shows that personal attributes are often crucial for who gets called to a job interview. Therefore, this study refers to examine how recruiters evaluate and use this approach and demonstrates the importance that anonymity has to the outcome of the recruitment process.The study is based on a hermeneutic perspective with a qualitative approach and was conducted using a comparative study design, with analysis based on several case studies. The empirical material consists of five semi-structured interviews, which together creates two cases within the IT and consulting industry.During the analysis, a theoretical framework has been presented which consists of the labelling theory and the analytical concepts of homosociality and etnosociality. These three are used to increase the understanding of how a sorting method based only on formal criteria, training and work experience, is used in practice. This has led an employer to focus on individual competency instead of ethnic background, gender or age. However, a problem remains in the industry where age is a determining factor and ethnicity is linked to Swedish language skills. Difficulties also arise when customer influence plays a large role in the recruitment process and this creates a framework of what is expected of every employee. This enables consultants to be adapted depending on the criteria that are necessary for the specific company. It is not only vital what recruiters or employers value but also what the clients wants and expect of the consultants.

Hot och våld mot lärare - en kritisk diskursanalytisk studie av Svenska Dagbladet och Aftonbladet / Threat and violence against teachers - a critical discourse analysis of Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet

Leo, Monique, Jagborn, My January 2020 (has links)
Med kritisk diskursanalytisk metod har denna studie analyserat hur två svenska tidningar framställer hot och våld av elever mot lärare. Studien ämnar ta reda på vilket sätt hot och våld används som ett begrepp, vilken innebörd som skapas och vilka diskurser om hot och våld som dominerar i tidningarna. Materialet som analyserades bestod av 14 texter, både debattartiklar och nyhetsartiklar, publicerade i Svenska Dagbladet och Aftonbladet under perioden 2014–2019. Faircloughs tredimensionella modell användes för den kritiska diskursanalysen vilket resulterade i tre dominerande diskurser; hot och våld som socialt begrepp, hot och våld är av kriminell karaktär och stökiga elever i utanförskap. En underliggande diskurs som uppmärksammats är elevernas röst hörs inte. Utifrån Faircloughs teori om kritisk diskursanalys och stämplingsteori diskuterades samtliga diskurser. Resultatet visar att inom diskurserna om hot och våld framställs en stereotypisk föreställning om elever i socialt utanförskap och i kriminalitet som riskerar att stämpla eleverna. Vidare kom studien fram till att tidningarnas användning av orden hot och våld används som ett samlingsbegrepp där få ifrågasätter dess innebörd. Det diskuteras även hur användningen av samlingsbegreppet medför en risk att begreppet tillämpas även i situationer som inte är kopplade till brottsliga handlingar. Socialarbetare som kommer i kontakt med människor som utför eller utsätts för hot och våld behöver vara uppmärksamma på hur detta framställs i media och vilka konsekvenser detta kan tänkas få i bemötande, bedömning och beslut inom socialt arbete. / With a critical discourse analytical method this study has analyzed how two Swedish newspapers portrays threat and violence by pupils against teachers. This study aims to find out how threats and violence as a concept is used, which definition of threats and violence that is produced and what discourses about threats and violence that dominates in the newspapers. The analyzed material consisted of 14 texts, including debate articles and news articles, published in Svenska Dagbladet and Aftonbladet between the years of 2014-2019. Fairclough’s three-dimensional model was used and resulted in three dominating discourses; threats and violence as a social concept, threats and violence is of criminal nature and careless pupils in exclusion. An underlying discourse was that the pupils’ voices were not heard. All discourses were discussed using Faircloughs theory on critical discourse analysis and labeling theory. The result showed that within the discourses of threats and violence there is a stereotypical conception about students in social exclusion and in crime that is at risk of labeling them. Furthermore, this study found that the newspapers use of the words threat and violence is used as a concept where few question its meaning. It is also discussed how the use of the concept leads to a greater risk of describing situations that are not associated with criminal actions. Social workers who encounter people who use or is subjected to violence need to be attentive on how it is portrayed in the media and what consequences it might have in encounters, assessment and decision-making within social work.

"Hur vet vi att det vi gör hjälper?" : En kvalitativ studie om fältsekreterares brottsförebyggande arbete

Chalak, Nevar, Bokström, Moa January 2022 (has links)
The aim of the study is to investigate how field secretaries work preventively against juvenile delinquency. The study also intends to investigate how field secretaries interact with other societal actors in their work. Field secretaries meet adolescents in their natural context and thus have the opportunity to create relationships within youth arenas. The basis of preventive work is important for adolescents to be established in society, which can thus counteract criminal development. The data collection method used is semi-structured interviews. The empirical data consists of six field secretaries from Sweden, the empirics have been transcribed and been analyzed by using two theories. The theories for the study are stamp theory and systems theory. Stamping theory has provided an understanding of how stamping processes can advance continued crime. System theory has instead illustrated interaction between different systems and how it affect the individual. The results of the study show that field secretaries do not use a specific way of working to prevent juvenile delinquency. The opportunities that field secretaries find with their work are about their accommodating approach and encouraging adolescents to use their abilities, while one of the challenges is that they do not know if it prevents delinquency. The results also highlight the importance of collaboration to be able to work preventively.

“Det blir jävligt jobbigt" : En kvalitativ studie om före detta kriminellas perspektiv på vägen ur kriminalitet

Carlsson Wahlberg, Mira, Nilsson, Julia January 2023 (has links)
Det övergripande syftet med denna studie är att undersöka viktiga faktorer till att individer lyckas lämna en kriminell livsstil. Detta är av intresse att undersöka då politiker och andra aktörer i samhället som arbetar med att bekämpa kriminalitet får kunskap om dessa faktorer och kan arbeta utifrån det. Tillvägagångssättet för studien har varit en kvalitativ innehållsanalys baserat på semistrukturerade intervjuer. Studiens syfte har besvarats genom intervjuer med fyra personer från föreningen KRIS - Kriminellas revansch i samhället. Samtliga intervjupersoner har tidigare suttit i fängelse och haft en kriminell livsstil som de har lämnat. I resultatet pekades sju faktorer ut som viktiga för att kunna lämna en kriminell livsstil - individens spiritualitet, att individen varit med om vändpunkter som gett en tankeställare, individens inre övertygelse, gemenskap,ett adekvat myndighetsstöd, identifikation och nykterhet. Faktorerna har varit viktiga både enskilt och tillsammans med varandra. Denna studie visar även på ett varierande och delvis bristfälligt stöd från myndigheter i individers process av att lämna en kriminell livsstil. Resultatet har analyserats med hjälp av de teoretiska perspektiven: kontrollteori, stämplingsteori, Parks meningsskapande teori och resiliens. / The overall purpose of this study is to investigate important factors for individuals' criminal desistance process. This is of interest to investigate in order for politicians and other actors in society who work to combat criminality to gain knowledge of these factors so they can work based on that knowledge. The approach in the study has been a qualitative content analysis based on semi-structured interviews. The purpose of the study has been answered through interviews with four people from the association KRIS - Kriminellas revansch i samhället. All of the interviewed persons are former prisoners and have in the past lived a criminal lifestyle which they now have left. In the results, seven factors were identified as important for being able to leave a criminal lifestyle - the individuals connection to spirituality and religion, that the individual experienced turning points which contributed to the person having an eye-opener, possessing an inner conviction, the access to a prosocial community, an adequate support from authorities, identification and sobriety. These factors have been important both individually and combined with each other. This study also shows a varying and a partly inadequate support from authorities during individuals' desistance process. The result has been analyzed with help from several theoretical perspectives: control theory, labeling theory, Parks theory of meaning making and the theory of resilience.

"Det ser inte bra ut" : en studie om uppfattningen av gatutiggeri i Kristianstad / "It doesn't look good" : a study about perception of street begging in Kristianstad

Gradner, Wictor, Mahfoudh, Tara January 2013 (has links)
Begging as a phenomenon has again become a hot topic of debate both in the public and the media. Actions have been discussed and motions have been given to social authorities in the country. During the last two years people from other parts of Europe who engage in street begging have been seen on the streets of Kristianstad. The purpose of this paper is to find out the individuals, certain authorities and other participants experiences of people begging in public places in Kristianstad. We have used a combination of qualitative, quantitative and literature review method and we have a social constructionist perspective as a basis. The participants and authorities we have included in the study are the police, the social services, security guards, a shop owner and two other assistance agencies. Interviews have been carried out with participants and authorities, and a survey has been done by individuals. A series of articles and history books have been reviewed since the begging is a historical phenomenon as well as a contemporary. The results show a clear division into two camps regarding experiences and opinions about street beggars and begging as a phenomenon. The majority expresses dissatisfaction and many propose measures and actions. Our final discussion is marked by our own thoughts and values ​​that emerged during the work, which we tried to moderate through the rest of the essay. / Tiggeri som fenomen har på nytt blivit ett hett ämne för debatt både för allmänhet och i media. Åtgärder har diskuterats och motioner om förbud lämnas till socialnämnder i landet. I Kristianstad har det under de senaste två åren kommit personer hit från andra delar av Europa som ägnar sig åt gatutiggeri. Syftet med denna uppsats är att ta reda på privatpersoners, vissa myndigheters och andra aktörers uppfattning av personer som tigger på offentlig plats i Kristianstad. Vi har använt oss av en kombination av kvalitativ, kvantitativ och litteraturstudie som metod och vi har ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv som grund. De aktörer och myndigheter vi tagit med i undersökningen är polis, socialtjänst, vakter, butiksägare och två andra biståndsverksamheter. Intervjuer har gjorts med aktörerna och myndigheterna och en enkätundersökning har gjorts med privatpersoner. En rad artiklar och historieböcker har gåtts igenom då tiggeri ju är ett historiskt fenomen såväl som ett nutida. Resultatet visar på en klar uppdelning i två läger gällande uppfattningar och åsikter om gatutiggare och tiggeri som fenomen. Majoriteten uttrycker ett missnöje och många föreslår åtgärder och insatser. Vår slutdiskussion präglas av våra egna tankar och värderingar som framkommit under arbetets gång, vilka vi försökt tona ner i resten av uppsatsen.

Ungdomar i kriminalitet - riskfaktorer som konstruerar ungdomars väg in till kriminalitet : En litteraturstudie som undersöker vilka riskfaktorer som möjligtvis leder till att ungdomar hamnar i kriminalitet, samt hur socialt arbete idag möter ungdomar i kriminalitet / Juvenile Delinquency- risk factors that pave the way for youths involvement in crime : A literature research that studies which risk factors are probable causes of juvenile delinquency and how social work interacts with juvenile delinquency

Hadi Aziz, Ilaf, Aqil Mohammed, Sara January 2024 (has links)
The aim of this study is to understand and identify the different risk factors that lead to juvenile delinquency and how social work interacts with juvenile delinquency. Juvenile delinquency is one of the main prominent discussions in Swedish society. There are a lot of youth today that fall victims to the evergrowing crime rates in Sweden. It is a dire situation that needs urgent care to stop the negative development in which more and more youth gets involved with crime. Other causes for worry are the opportunistic gang leaders that recruit juveniles to carry out their criminal agenda. As a result of the ongrowing rates of juvenile delinquency, politicians have presented notions on whether the department of social work should have a look-over and be adjusted to also include criminology as a means to prepare the social worker for the inevitable meeting with juvenile delinquency in their work.          The study results found different risk factors on individual, group and social levels that can indicate whether or not the youth develops antisocial problematic behaviors that can indicate a future debut in crime. The following risk factors are of great findings that can help identify early signs of juvenile delinquency: troubling childhood and trauma, psychological causes, sociobiological causes, gender, victimization, community and solidarity, attitudes and peer pressure, socioeconomic causes, sociodemographic causes and exclusion from society, To better help understand the findings of the study, attachment theory and labeling theory were used to analyze the results. There is limited research that showcases how social work interacts with risk factors for juvenile delinquency, yet the main protective factors against juvenile delinquency are family and school.              The method chosen in this study is a thorough analysis of different peer-reviewed articles and deep literature - study. The articles were found on the following sites: Psycinfo and Sociological Abstracts.

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