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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Knowledge, management and self-perception of oral health among students attending the University of Dar es Salaam

Dalum, Jesper, Lennartsson, Joel January 2011 (has links)
The aim of the study was to investigate the knowledge, management and self-perception of oral health among stundents attending the University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. The study consisted of 273 students attending the teacher programme and a questionnaire was used to collect the data. The result showed that 153 (58%) of the participants stated that the purpose of using fluoride was prevention of caries. The majority answered that bacteria and sugar in relation to caries was significant. The dominant source of oral health training was school. Toothbrush was the dominant cleaning aid and the usage of fluoride toothpaste was fairly high among the students. One hundred and forty nine (55%) respondents stated that they were in need of dental treatment and ninety-two (34%) students felt that life in general was less satisfying due to oral heath problems. The conclusion of the study was that the students show rather good knowledge concerning oral disease and its prevention but gaps in knowledge concerning underlying factors. The management of oral health seemed to be good among the students. Although, a significant number of students stated that they were in need of dental treatment, felt that life was less satisfying due to oral problems and had oral problems interfering with daily life. / Syftet med studien var att undersöka kunskapen om, skötseln av och självuppfattningen om den orala hälsan bland studenter på University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania. I studien ingick 273 studenter som studerade till lärare, en enkät användes för att samla in data. Resultatet visade att 153 (58%) av studenterna uppgav att syftet med fluor var att förebygga karies. Majoriteten svarade att bakteriers och sockers relation till bildandet av karies var betydelsefull. Studenterna uppgav att skolan var den största källan till träning i oral hälsa. Tandborste användes som främsta hjälpmedel för att rengöra tänderna och användning av fluortandkräm var ganska hög bland studenterna. Etthundrafyrtionio (55%) av deltagarna uppgav att de var i behov av tandvård och nittiotvå (34%) att den orala hälsan gav upphov till att livet i allmänhet var mindre tillfredställande. Studiens slutsats är att studenterna hade ganska god kunskap om sjukdomar i munhålan och dess prevention men det fanns kunskapsbrister kring bakomliggande faktorer. Skötseln av den oral hälsa tros vara god. Trots detta uppgav ganska många av de studerande att de hade behov av tandvård, hade känt att livet var mindre tillfredsställande på grund av problem i munhålan och hade orala problem som påverkade det dagliga livet.

Studenters kollektivtrafik : Studenters preferenser och önskemål på ett nytt biljett- och informationssystem inom kollektivtrafiken i Värmland / Students public transport : Students preferences and desires for a new ticket and information system for public transport in Värmland

Kask Ogenblad, Oscar, Sabaro, Hamid January 2012 (has links)
No description available.

Det är värre att inte börja studera än att hoppa av : En fenomenologisk studie om hur icke traditionella studenter upplever studieavhopp från högskoleutbildning / It is worse to not start studying than to drop out of higher education : A phenomenological study about how nontraditional students’ experiences drop out from higher education

Mörk, Lina January 2012 (has links)
In Sweden we have the highest rate of nontraditional students among Europe. Coincidently, we also have the highest rates of drop outs among OECD. In this particular field, drop out from higher education, there is a need fore more qualitative studies that can support the "statistics". Studies about experiences of drop outs are significant for society, university and individual. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how nontraditional student experiences drop out from higher education. What do they tell regarding their meeting with the university? How is the drop out visible before the decision to quit? How can the way forward to the drop out be described? What does the university mean for them? The theoretical point of departure is the concept lifeworld and the method is phenomenological hermeneutic with narrative interviews with 5 students. The result points out that the meeting with the university implies a meeting with other individuals, and also a "meeting" within the student himself, by inner questioning and reflection. The students’ relationship to the studies is characterized by the experience of understanding. The dropouts are visible through different events. The decision per se has increased over time and the students have also grown personally by the decision. To understand or not understand is crucial for the experience of learning. The drop out can also be seen as a transition and a turning point. The drop out is an effort and takes place without professional staff, therefore needs to be discussed in public.

Universitetsstudier utanför hemorten och dess samband med studenters alkoholbeteende och depressiva symtom / University studies outside the students’ home district and its relation to their alcoholconsumption and experience of depressive symptoms

de Brito, August January 2011 (has links)
Universitetsstudenter har ofta ett riskabelt alkoholbeteende ochupplever depressiva symtom under studietiden, vilket kan ha svårakonsekvenser. Förklaringarna till alkoholkonsumtion blanduniversitetsstudenter har ofta fokuserat på studenters motivation tillsocialisering med andra studenter. Litteraturen har också fokuserat påförstaårsstudenters övergångsfas i förklaringarna till depression.Denna studie involverade 117 universitetsstudenter i ett medelstortsvenskt universitet. Studiens huvudsyfte var att undersöka omstudenter som bytte ort för att studera dricker mer alkohol ochupplever flera depressiva symtom än studenter som studerar i sinhemort. Resultatet visar på en betydande skillnad i alkoholkonsumtionmellan de två grupperna, vilket tyder på ett samband mellan flyttenfrån hemorten och alkoholkonsumtion. / University students have often a risky alcohol behaviour andexperience depressive symptoms during their studies, which can haveserious consequences. Explanations to why college students drinkalcohol have often focused on the students’ social motivations. Theliterature has also focused on first-year university students’ being in atransitional phase in their lives when explaining their experience ofdepressive symptoms. This study involved 117 university students at amiddle-sized Swedish university. The main purpose of this study wasto investigate if students who moved from their home districts in orderto attend college drink more alcohol and experience more depressivesymptoms than university students who study in their home district.The result of this study shows a significant difference in alcoholconsumption between the two groups, which indicates a relationshipbetween moving from one’s home district and drinking alcohol.

Det tysta samtyckets motstånd : En systematisk litteraturstudie över elevinflytande i skolan

Hedlund, Karl-Johan, Markskog, David January 2014 (has links)
School activities are under constant discussion. This literatur study examines student participation and its relationship to democracy mission and the factors that contribute to students marginalized in school. The study also intends to examine the relationship between intersektionall analysis and the limitation of opportunities for student participation in school. The study results problematize the relationship between student participation and school democracy quests, this by highlighting the challenges and difficulties the school faces. Our results also strengthen the relationship between the study theory and marginalization of students and the limitation of opportunities for student participation.

Citation needed : the perceived credibility of Wikipedia among high education students

Mattebo, Robin January 2013 (has links)
This thesis is called “Citation needed – the perceived credibility of Wikipedia among higheducation students”. The purpose of this thesis is to discover the opinions about the credibilityof Wikipedia among high education students. The assumption is that students are aware ofbeing source criticizing and do not directly cite Wikipedia in academic works. The main research question is: what are the views of the perceived credibility of theinformation on Wikipedia among high education students? The theoretical framework is made out of previous research specific related to Wikipediabut also theories around memory creation, assessment of sources and credibility. The method used is qualitative, with semi-structured interviews. The material consists ofinterviews with nine participants. Their answers are transcribed and presented in themes andthen analyzed. The main results are that the perceived credibility of the information on Wikipedia amongthe students is that it is fairly credible and their views of the encyclopedia are that it is fastupdated and neutral. They also believe that Wikipedia isn’t for academic usage so in allaspects the students do not make a thoroughly assessment of the encyclopedia’s credibility. Further implications are that Wikipedia would be ruined if anyone tried to make itacademic. Wikipedia fulfills an educational tool for the public even though it is not alwayscorrect. It is important to be reminded that Wikipedia contains errors but no other source iscompletely flawless either. In that sense it would be smarter to start a new encyclopedia, ifthere is such a need, perhaps open for professors only and would in the end only containvetted information, however mostly/only in academic fields. The length of the thesis is 56 pages in total and approximately 21 000 words. Keywords: Wikipedia, encyclopedias, source criticism, credibility, Nationalencyclopedin,students, in-depth interviews.

Medkänslofokuserat träningsprogram för studenter med social ångest - en pilotstudie / Compassion-focused mind training program for students with social anxiety - a pilot study

Johansson, Ida, Salomonsson, Elin January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

Student-environment fit for students with physical disabilities /

Hemmingsson, Helena, January 2002 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2002. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Essays on school resources, academic achievement and student employment /

Häkkinen, Iida, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. Uppsala : Uppsala universitet, 2004.

A study of radiographer student´s knowledge about hygiene aspects : A comparative study in Vietnam and Sweden / En studie om röntgensjuksköterskestudenters kunskap om hygienaspekter : En jämförande studie i Vietnam och Sverige

Heiskanen, Cassandra, Bengtsson, Victoria January 2018 (has links)
Background: It is important to have good hygiene in healthcare. Studies have shown that bad hygiene among healthcare professionals can lead to spread of bacteria and microorganisms, which in turn can lead to healthcare-associated infections. To counteract this there are established routines, laws and regulations, as basic hygiene routines.   Purpose: To study the knowledge of hygiene aspects in patient-related work among radiographer students in Vietnam and Sweden.   Method: A quantitative study with descriptive statistics and statistical tests, data was collected through surveys and observations. The number of participants in the survey was 100 students, 50 in Vietnam and 50 in Sweden. The observations were conducted on 12 students at a hospital in Vietnam. Data was analyzed in SPSS and then described in text and tables.   Results: The students had relatively good knowledge of hygiene aspects, but the results showed that things could be improved in Sweden and Vietnam. There was insufficient knowledge about the use of plastic apron and the use of jewelry such as watches. The students were careful to fixed their hair, have clean work clothes and wear plastic gloves at risk of contact with body fluids.   Conclusion: The study shows that there are similarities and differences among the students in both countries. There are areas that can be improved in the countries because knowledge and basic hygiene routines underlie the spread of healthcare-associatedinfections / Bakgrund: Det är viktigt med god hygien inom hälso- och sjukvård. Studier har visat att dålig hygien bland sjukvårdspersonal kan leda till spridning av bakterier och mikroorganismer, vilket i sin tur kan leda till sjukvårdsrelaterade infektioner. För att motverka detta finns framtagna rutiner, lagar och regler som basala hygienrutiner.    Syfte: Att undersöka kunskapen om hygienaspekter i patientnära arbete bland röntgensjuksköterskestudenter i Vietnam och Sverige.   Metod: En kvantitativ studie med deskriptiv statistik och statistiska tester där datainsamling skedde via enkäter och observationer. Antalet medverkande i enkätstudien var 100 studenter, 50 i Vietnam och 50 i Sverige. Observationerna genomfördes på 12 studenter vid ett sjukhus i Vietnam. Data analyserades i SPSS och beskrevs sedan i text och tabeller.    Resultat: Studenterna hade relativt god kunskap gällande hygienaspekter men resultatet visade att saker kan förbättras i båda länderna. Bristande kunskap fanns gällande användandet av plastförkläde samt användandet av smycken som exempelvis klockor. Studenterna var noggranna med att ha håret uppsatt, ha rena arbetskläder och använda plasthandskar vid risk för kontakt med kroppsvätskor.   Slutsats: Studien visar att det finns likheter och skillnader bland studenternas kunskap i båda länderna. Det finns områden som kan förbättras i både Sverige och Vietnam då kunskap och basala hygienrutiner ligger till grund för minskad spridning av sjukvårdsrelaterade infektioner.

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