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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

In Between Cultures : Franco-American Encounters in the Work of Edith Wharton / Mellan kulturer : Fransk-Amerikanska möten i Edith Whartons verk

Strääf, Maria January 2008 (has links)
This thesis is a study of how the American author Edith Wharton (1862-1937) in a number of novels and short stories written between 1876 and 1937 depicts cultural encounters between Americans and Europeans, mostly Frenchmen. Chiefly concerned with Fast and Loose, “The Last Asset”, Madame de Treymes, “Les Metteurs en Scène”, The Custom of the Country and The Age of Innocence, each of which articulates ideas relevant to the theme investigated, the thesis also contains a supplementary discussion of The Reef, The Glimpses of the Moon, The Mother’s Recompense and The Buccaneers. Borrowing terms and theoretical perspectives from Pierre Bourdieu and postcolonial literary criticism, particularly Homi Bhabha’s theories about inbetweenness, mimicry and otherness, the study contends through detailed analyses of single works that Wharton’s descriptions of Franco-American encounters are dynamic processes through which the parties involved are made aware of their own and “the other’s” distinguishing qualities and, in some significant cases, reach a heightened state of consciousness resembling Bhabha’s inbetweenness. Wharton’s cultural encounters often involve people with different levels of education and different economic and social positions, which justifies the use of Bourdieu’s method of analyzing the relationship between educational and social status in terms of different kinds of capital. While in her early works Wharton merely intimates the contours of the cultural encounter, in mature works such as Madame de Treymes and The Age of Innocence she views it as a highly complex process the many stages of which are intimated through the use of subtle narratological techniques. Throughout her work Wharton makes intricate use of imagery and keywords, some of them testifying to her interest in anthropology, to suggest the manifold dimensions of the cultural encounter, which is seen as both tempting and repelling. Her accounts of the Franco-American encounter are complexly related to the different phases of the American political and social situation described in her novels. The American experience of the meeting of the ‘old society’ and the ‘new’ is rendered even more complex by being seen as the background against which Europeans and Americans negotiate transactions of symbolic and economic capital. In most of her works these lead to tragic or tragic-comic misunderstandings; only in her last, unfinished novel does she describe a full-fledged Euro-American identity, a successful fusion of American and European experiences. / Den här avhandlingen är en studie i hur den amerikanska författarinnan Edith Wharton (1862-1937) i ett antal romaner och noveller skrivna mellan 1876 and 1937 skildrar kulturella möten mellan amerikaner och européer, främst fransmän. Avhandlingen behandlar huvudsakligen verken Fast and Loose, “The Last Asset”, Madame de Treymes, ”Les Metteurs en Scène”, The Custom of the Country and The Age of Innocence, som alla uttrycker idéer om kulturmöten; den innehåller även en kompletterande diskussion av verken The Reef, The Glimpses of the Moon, The Mother’s Recompense and The Buccaneers. Med termer och perspektiv hämtade från Pierre Bourdieu och postkolonial litteraturforskning, främst Homi Bhabhas teorier om in-betweenness (”mellanskap”), mimicry och otherness hävdar studien genom detaljerade analyser av enskilda verk hur Whartons beskrivningar av fransmäns och amerikaners möten är dynamiska processer där i bästa fall båda parter blir medvetna om sin egen och ”den andres” särart, och i vissa fall även når ett intensifierat medvetande som påminner om Bhabhas in-betweenness. Whartons kulturmöten sker oftast mellan personer med olika bildning samt ekonomisk och social position, vilket gör att Bourdieus perspektiv för analys av relationen mellan utbildning och social status som styrd av olika sorters kapital kommer till användning. I sina tidiga berättelser antyder Wharton konturerna av det kulturella mötet, i mogna verk som Madame de Treymes and The Age of Innocence gestaltar hon det som en mycket komplex process vars många skeden antyds via hennes användning av subtil berättarteknik. Alltigenom sina verk tillämpar Wharton ett komplext bildspråk och nyckelord, varav vissa vittnar om hennes intresse för antropologi, som antyder kulturmötets många dimensioner, framställt som samtidigt lockande och frånstötande/avskräckande. Hennes redogörelser av det fransk-amerikanska mötet är komplext relaterat till de olika faser av den amerikanska politiska och sociala situation som beskrivs i hennes berättelser. Den amerikanska erfarenheten av mötet mellan den ”gamla sociala grupperingen” och den ”nya” skildras som mer komplext genom att ses som den bakgrund mot vilken européerna och amerikanerna förhandlar transaktioner av symboliskt och ekonomiskt kapital. I merparten av hennes verk leder dessa transaktioner till tragiska eller tragikomiska missförstånd; bara i hennes sista, ofullbordade roman beskriver hon en fullt utvecklad euroamerikansk identitet, en lyckad sammansmältning av amerikanska och europeiska erfarenheter.

Att möjliggöra lärandet av addition och subtraktion utifrån tals del- helhetsrelationer : En variationsteoretisk analys av läromedel i matematik för årskurs ett / To enable learning of addition and subtraction based on part-whole relation - : An analysis of mathematics textbooks in Year 1 based on the variation theory of learning

Jakobsson, Helén, Eklånge, Malin January 2020 (has links)
Den vanligaste arbetsformen i matematikundervisningen är att använda sig av ett läromedel. Därav vårt syfte med denna studie, som är att analysera hur tals del-helhetsrelation behandlas i den inledande undervisningen av addition och subtraktion i de tre vanligaste förekommande läromedlen i Sverige. Utifrån delar av variationsteori har vi analyserat hur innehållet i läromedlen gör det möjligt för eleverna att se och använda sig av tals del-helhetsrelation samt vilka representationer som används i läromedlen för att synliggöra tals del-helhetsrelationer. Av resultatet framgår att det inte är givet att det läromedel som används tar upp de aspekter som forskning anser är kritiska för förståelsen av tals del-helhetsrelation samt användningen av del-helhetsrelationen i addition och subtraktion. Istället visar studien att det inte alltid är möjligt för eleverna att se och förstå del-helhetsrelationen genom de uppgifter som förekommer i läromedlen. Detta i sin tur kan leda till att eleverna istället lär sig att använda strategier som inte är generaliserbara och som också kan leda till svårigheter i matematik. Resultatet visar på att det är viktigt att lärare är medvetna om vilka aspekter som är kritiska i undervisningen, samt ser läromedlet som ett komplement till sin undervisning och inte som den viktigaste arbetsformen.

Barnets vilja i tvister om vårdnad, boende och umgänge : En studie om hur barnets vilja framkommer och beaktas i svenska tingsrättsdomar / The child's will in custody, residence and visitation disputes

Vilander, Carolin, Johansson, Evelina January 2017 (has links)
The aim of this study was to increase understanding of the extent to which the child's will is given in Swedish courts' overall assessments of the best interests of the child in disputes on custody, resident and visitation (VBU). 18 District Court judgments have been collected from the database Zeteo via court judgments from Sweden's six Courts of Appeal. Based on a qualitative research effort, a content analysis was conducted on the judgments. The content analysis resulted in the following three categories being identified: The court judges according to the expressed will of the child, The court judges against the expressed will of the child, and The will of the child was omitted in the district court's assessment. The results were mainly analyzed based on childhood sociological perspectives, Hart’s ladder of participation and family law regulations. The theoretical framework was used to illustrate how the child was presented and socially constructed, and what impact this had on the space the child's will was given in the court's assessments of the best interests of the child. This was then reflected in the prevailing laws. The results of the study showed that the child's will appeared in about half of the cases, and that the court judged according to the will of the child in less than one third of them. The study also showed that the court tended to question the authenticity of the will of the children whose wishes did not comply with what the court considered to be the best interests of the child. In the majority of the cases where the children’s will were not given any room in the judgment, the court generally gave no reasons why the will was not reported.

Vulvan, förlossningen och mötet med modergudinnan : Om Monica Sjöös målning God giving birth

Björk, Chanda January 2010 (has links)
This study is about the artist Monica Sjoo’s (1938-2005) painting God giving birth (1968) that was accused of being blasphemous and obscene in the early 1970s. God giving birth could have had much in common with Niki de Saint-Phalle’s She – a cathedral (1966), both works suggesting a mother goddess image. The main difference however can be found in the fact that Monica Sjoo’s painting had connection to the women’s movement in the 1970s. Monica Sjoo’s artwork responded to other feminist artwork of that period. Among several feminist artists during the period about 1968-1985, an iconography was in use that focused on vulvar imagery, experience of childbirth and goddess images. In particulary the mother goddess was embraced. The female body in art was re-sacred and invested with meaning connected with women’s cycles of birth-death and rebirth and the earth as a mother goddess.

Oggetti e aiutanti magici nell´Orlando Furioso di Ludovico Ariosto

Ohlsson, Lena January 2008 (has links)
No description available.

The Road in the Park : Ideology and State power during the 20th century seen through Maps of the Swedish subarctic Abisko / Vägen i parken : Ideologi och statlig makt under 1900-talet studerad gneom kartor över Abisko

Bennesved, Peter January 2014 (has links)
The scope of this thesis is to show how the use of maps in political and scientific arguments functions as a mediator between ideological discourse and the physical landscape. This is done by studying three maps displaying the same geographical region but from different times and with different motifs. The maps were studied by operationalizing the French Sociologist Bruno Latour’s concept of immu-table mobiles into a methodological toolset.The thesis shows that the cartographic tradition of the Swedish state throughout the 20th century func-tioned as an immutable mobile that ideological actors could use to form political or scientific argu-ments. An almost trivial point to make. However, the problem is the great distance between state and the place, which in this case is about 1400 kilometers. Thus, the map allows a remote power relation-ship. As the state-owned immutable mobiles were extracted, they were interpreted by the politicians and scientists ideological perspectives. The ideological interpretations were then used in government propositions and reports and thus resulted in actual political decisions that affected the physical land-scape.The creation of Abisko National Park is one example of how this process can look. The park was instigated with a specific set of political goals to be achieved. The political and scientific actors used the immutable mobile that is the map and formed a proposition with it. The act of instigating and upholding the Abisko Valley as a national park is thus a manifestation of both state presence, its supremacy over territory as well as its contemporary ideological context. Moreover, it would be im-possible to instigate a park without the use of maps to define its borders. The planning and ratification of Transnational Road 98 can be seen as another example of the same thing, but with a different contemporary ideology as background.The thesis results in an explanation about what the maps role is in a stately place making process. Additionally the thesis shows what happens over time as different ideological embodiments in the landscape conflict with each other because of their different visions of how the landscape should be used and by whom. / Uppsatsens syfte är att försöka hur kartor fungerar som en länk mellan politisk diskurs och det fysiska landskapet. Detta görs genom att studera tre kartor som avbildar samma område men vid olika tidpunkter och med olika motiv. Kartorna studeras genom en operationalisering av den franske sociologen Bruno Latour’s teori om ’immutable mobiles’.Uppsatsen visar att den statliga kartografiska verksamheten under 1900-talet i Sverige producerade immutable mobiles som sedan kunde avläsas av aktörer och som i sin tur kunde använda dem för att understödja deras politiska och vetenskapliga argument. En tillsynes trivial poäng. Problemet är dock avståndet i mellan den centraliserade makten och platsen som i detta fallet är ca 1400 kilometer. Kartorna möjliggör alltså en maktrelation trots det stora avståndet. Allt eftersom de statligt ägda kartorna var hämtade, tolkades de av aktörernas ideologiska perspektiv. Dessa tolkningar låg sedan till grund för politiska beslut som sedan resulterade i faktiska ingrepp i landskapet.Formerandet av Abisko nationalpark används i uppsatsen som ett exempel på hur denna process fungerar. Parken skapades med ett specifikt set av ideologiska motiv. De politiska aktörerna använde statliga kartor för att utforma sin proposition. Formerandet av parken är således en manifestation av både statlig närvaro, statlig kontroll över landskapet och ett ideologiskt artefakt. Det vore därtill omöjligt att skapa parken utan en karta för att definiera dess gränser. Planerandet och konstruerandet av mellanriksväg 98 mellan Kiruna och Narvik har analyserats på ett liknande sätt, dock med en annan ideologisk bakgrund.Uppsatsen resulterar i en möjlig förklaring till vad kartorna har för roll i en statlig platsskapande och landskapsförändrande process. Vidare så försöker uppsatsen förklara hur olika ideologiska tolkningar av landskapet kan hamna i konflikt med varandra över tid på grund av inkompatibla ideologiska motiv.

Ett stärkt barnrättsperspektiv i medling? : Barns rättigheter och möjligheter att komma till tals i vårdnadsrelaterad processmedling / A Strengthened Children's Rights Perspective in Mediation? : Children's Rights and Opportunities to Participation in Custody-related Mediation

Finlay, Hannah January 2021 (has links)
No description available.

She Can Go Where She Will : Representations of Female Bicyclists in Late 19th-Century and Early 20th-Century Literature by H.G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, Dorothy Richardson, Grant Allen, George F. Hall, and Alice Meynell / Hon kan ta sig dit hon vill : Framställningar av kvinnliga cyklister i litteratur från sent 1800-tal och tidigt 1900-tal av H.G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, Dorothy Richardson, Grant Allen, George F. Hall och Alice Meynell.

Gustafsson, Anna January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of this essay is to investigate how representations of bicycling women in literary works by H.G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, Dorothy Richardson, Grant Allen, George F. Hall, and Alice Meynell express mental and physical freedoms that had previously been denied women due to archaic societal norms. The selected pieces of literature are from the late 19th century and early 20th century, a period during which both the bicycle boom and female emancipation contributed in significant ways to societal change. Through close readings, examples are given of how the New Woman character used the bicycle as a catalyst in the struggle for emancipation and a feminist approach is applied to explore how literary bicycling women characters oppose the stipulated gender norms, challenge the prevailing gender dichotomy and hierarchy, and attain new aspects of freedom. This essay shows that the bicycle grants women characters in the selected texts not only physical aspects of freedom but psychological ones as well. / Uppsatsens mål är att undersöka hur representationer av kvinnliga cyklister i litterära verk författade av H.G. Wells, Arthur Conan Doyle, Dorothy Richardson, Grant Allen, George F. Hall och Alice Meynell uppvisar olika aspekter av psykisk och fysisk frihet vilka tidigare förvägrats kvinnor på grund av konservativa samhällsnormer. De valda litterära verken är skrivna runt sekelskiftet 1900, under en tid då både cykelns popularisering och kvinnans frigörelse bidrog till samhällets omdaning. Genom närläsning ges exempel på hur den moderna kvinnan (the New Woman) som skönlitterär karaktär använde cykeln som en katalysator i kampen för frigörelse, och genom ett feministiskt perspektiv undersöks hur cyklande kvinnor motsatte sig de stipulerade könsnormerna, utmanade könsmaktsordningen, och uppnådde nya typer av frihet. Uppsatsen visar att cykeln ger kvinnliga karaktärer i de valda texterna såväl fysisk som psykisk frihet.

In Varying Shades of Brown : Searching the colourful past of a 18th century masterpiece

Andersson, Elise January 2012 (has links)
The colourful past of the late 18th century marquetry furniture has seldom been highlighted. Through ageing and environmental influences, colourful marquetry furniture has lost their original expression. The current knowledge of how Swedish cabinet-makers in the late 18th century used dyes to colour their furniture is limited. Trace of colour has been observed and the use of dyes has been mentioned, but deeper research in this filed is missing. A visual examination and studies of archive documents and previous research have been performed to investigate the colourful past of Gottlieb Iwerssons masterpiece, a secretaire in Gustavian style made for the king Gustav III. The result shows that the secretaire has a colourful past in accordance with its original drawing. A hypothetical picture has been created to illustrate the colourful original appearance.

Danska silkesbroderade linnedukar : Kulturarv och nationell identitet uttryckt med nål och tråd

Sparr, Anna January 2017 (has links)
This study investigates copies of silk-embroidered linen cloths from the 16th and 17th century, created by the Danish Handcraft Guild during the period 1928–1980. The originals are most often embroidered with stem stitches in red silk with motives generally based on contemporary graphic prints. The Danish Handcraft Guild was founded in 1928 with ambitions to bring to life national textile traditions. The aim of the study is to find out which aspects of the historical textiles that were adopted in the copies, and possible reasons for these choices. Based on this case-study, the usage of historical originals for copies in relation to general understanding and development of cultural heritage is discussed. From a theoretical viewpoint, material culture is understood as having both physical and practical properties, related to memories and identities of individuals and societies. The study consists of two parts, one explorative study and one text analysis. In the explorative study five original textiles and nine copies are documented and compared. The text analysis deals with 77 texts from the Danish Handcraft Guild journal 1934–1980. The results show that the Danish Handcraft Guild practiced two approaches to historical originals. The mayor one was to find originals suitable for adoption on present-day products, often in simplified versions. A second approach is represented by big copies of silk-embroidered linen cloths. These were made as splendor display objects, related to a fine and noble national history. The tendency in this case-study is that copies of silk-embroidered linen cloths used for exhibitions seem to be closer to the original’s motives than those made for personal use. A conclusion of the study is that copies from historical originals do have potential to gain understanding and to develop cultural heritage. Which collective memory, history and value they convey depends on the context in which they were created, and to the story they mediate.

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