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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

La territorialité et l’Union européenne : approches de droit public / Territoriality and european union : public law approaches

Lebon, Lydia 05 July 2013 (has links)
La confrontation de la territorialité à l’Union européenne constitue une analyse originale, dans la mesure où la territorialité est traditionnellement exclusivement associée à l’Etat et à la souveraineté. La territorialité se caractérise par une polysémie, véritable « pêché originel » du concept. Elle peut cependant être utilisée à profit, afin de dégager toutes les virtualités de la confrontation entre un système politique en construction et un principe rattaché à l’Etat. En se fondant sur les mutations qui affectent ce dernier, et dans un contexte propice à la globalisation et à l’internationalisation des relations, l’analyse qui se dégage prima facie de cette confrontation tend à démontrer une perte de pertinence de la territorialité au sein de l’Union. Celle-ci s’est en effet construite sur un certain effacement des frontières et la constitution de territoires propres. L’affaiblissement du principe sera ainsi effectivement vérifié. Etudiée sous l’angle des matières publiques, l’étude apporte toutefois une approche transversale nouvelle de la problématique. La mise en contact des systèmes juridiques nationaux engendre des situations transnationales et nécessite l’élaboration de techniques juridiques qui bouleversent les cadres conceptuels nationaux. En outre, l’Union européenne ne constitue pas une entité abstraite, désincarnée ; elle est la créature de ses Etats membres. Elle est donc, dans une certaine mesure, structurée par la territorialité des Etats qui répercutent sur elle, leurs spécificités. Par conséquent, loin de s’inscrire dans des relations simplistes, la confrontation de la territorialité à l’Union européenne aboutit davantage à la démonstration d’une relation dialectique. / Juxtaposing the concept of “territoriality” and the European Union is a rather original analysis in so far as territoriality is traditionally associated with the State and with sovereignty. The term "territoriality" in itself, despite its "original sin", that is to say its polysemous feature, can be used favourably to reveal the potential of comparing a political system in the making with a State-related principle. Given the changes that the State is undergoing and the development of globalisation and the internationalization of relations, the comparison between “territoriality” and the EU would indicate, at first sight, that the former loses its relevance within the Union. The EU was indeed built upon the removal of borders and the creation of a “unified” territory. The weakening of territoriality is examined in this study which also offers an original, cross-cutting approach to the topic from a public law perspective. The divergence between the legal systems of each nation results in transnational situations and requires new legal approaches which profoundly alter national frameworks. However, the European Union is not an abstract or unreal entity; it is the product of its Member States, based upon the territoriality of these States, which, to a certain extent, bring their own specificities. Consequently, comparing territoriality and the European Union is more complex than a simplistic understanding of the two concepts may imply and leads more to a demonstration of dialectic tension.

Medias et identité urbaine : la construction de l'idée de modernité dans les espaces urbains africains à travers la presse : le cas du Sénégal / Media and urban identity : the social constructions of the idea of modernity in african urban areas through the press : the case of Senegal

Diouf, Amadou Mansour 17 April 2013 (has links)
Ce travail de recherche a voulu explorer les relations entre les médias, la ville et la modernité. Le corpus est fourni par la presse écrite et l'espace d’investigation en est la ville sénégalaise. Beaucoup de travaux menés ces dernières années sur les médias sénégalais s'intéressent surtout à des questions plus "politiques" : droits humains, gouvernance démocratique, alternance politique…tandis que d'autres sont orientés vers les TIC ou l’internet. Cette thèse veut trouver son originalité dans une approche des dynamiques urbaines dans la durée à travers une démarche basée sur les outils des sciences de l’information. Le postulat de départ est que la ville est le cadre générateur des médias qui acquièrent une urbanité plus ou moins forte selon le type de support considéré (radio, télé, presse, internet). Cette relation débute au XIXe siècle à Saint-Louis dans un contexte colonial où naissent les premiers journaux suscités par la puissance coloniale (La France). L'aménagement du cadre de vie par le colonisateur, perçu comme un vecteur de modernisation et de domination des autochtones, à travers l'espace, ne manque pas de causer des affrontements. La ville dans sa capacité à produire de nouveaux modes de vie, comme démontré par l’École de Chicago, s'impose alors comme l'emblème de la modernité. La diversité urbaine va induire trois types de pluralisme : urbain, politique et médiatique qui s'imbriquent de manière complexe avec des retombées dans la fabrication de l'information. Les médias ont du mal à s'affranchir de leur cadre de naissance et deviennent eux-mêmes un lieu de l'aménagement du cadre de vie. Cela est perceptible à travers les usages que font les journalistes du terme modernité et dans les représentations de l'espace urbain. Il s'avère que la ville et les médias sont des éléments indissociables dans l'aventure de la modernité au Sénégal. Les concepts de spatiogénèse, sémiosphère urbaine et de territorialité médiatique sont utilisés pour rendre compte de ces phénomènes. La capacité de construction de la réalité des médias est mise en exergue à travers l'approche constructiviste. La thèse fournit des outils théoriques pour la compréhension des relations entre SIC, territorialité urbaine et modernité; elle constitue surtout dans les études médiatiques sénégalaises, un effort important dans l'analyse de l'évolution de la presse du XIXe au XXe siècle. / This study explores the relationship between Medias, city and modernity. The corpus analysed is provided by newspapers and the ground of the research is the Senegalese city. These last years, most of academic studies carried on Senegalese Medias are mainly focused on political issues: human rights, democratic governance, and competitive elections whereas others deal with ICT or Internet issues. This doctoral research wants to find originality in approaching urban dynamics over time, using communication and information science tools. The premise of the study is that the city is the place where Medias are generated and this fact is to be considered in the rating of the urbanity of different types of media (radio, TV, newspapers, internet). This relationship began in the nineteenth century in the city of Saint-Louis, in a colonial context where the first newspapers were raised by the colonial power (France). The city planning led by the colonizer as a vector of modernization and domination, causes clashes with indigenous people. The city in its ability to produce new ways of life (urbanity), as demonstrated by Chicago School, has emerged as the emblem of modernity. In fact urban diversity induces three types of pluralism: urban, political and media pluralism that fit in complex with implications in information gathering and production. The media strive to get free from their original context of emergence and become a lieu of city and town planning. This is noticeable through the journalistic uses of the term modernity or through representations of urban space. The City and the Media can be considered as elements of a single body that significantly contribute in the adventure of modernity in Senegal. Concepts as spatiogenesis, urban semiosphere, and urban territoriality, are used to account for these phenomena. The Constructivism as a methodology is used to highlight the Media capacity of building the reality. The thesis provides theoretical tools for understanding the relationship between Communication and information Science, territoriality and urban modernity; it is most importantly an endeavour in the analysis of the press and media dynamics on one hand and a step up in Senegalese Media Studies from the nineteenth to the twentieth centuries on the other.

Kolektivní správa v digitálním věku / Collective administration in digital era

Bajáková, Eva January 2012 (has links)
The aim of the present thesis is to examine an impact of reproductive and recording technique and of the global network of the Internet on the institute of collective management of copyright and related rights which forms traditional part of the system of copyright law. Firstly, the thesis embeds an issue of the institute of collective management into the appropriate legal framework and historical context. The delimitation of collective management's purpose follows; an emphasis is placed on the position of the collective manager of copyright as an intermediary between the competing interests of the right holders and interests of users. It is explained that the change of manners of communication of the work to the public from "point-to-mass" to "point-to-point" tends to weaken such position. The real and legal monopoly of collective management is scrutinized and conclusions of academics drawn from the coexistence of copyright management companies on the market in the United States are contrasted in the following part of the thesis. The issue with licenses is addressed. The collision between the potential ubiquity of works made available on the Internet and the principle of territoriality (lex loci protectionis) is described and, simultaneously, legal issues connected with functioning of the system...

Territoire, identité et littérature : l'exemple de la Provence de Frédéric Mistral dans Calendal (1867)

Turc, Jean-Michel 18 December 2012 (has links)
Etudier les lieux et les hommes décrits dans une œuvre littéraire permet de mettre au jour l'intensité de la relation qui lie des habitants à leur espace de vie. A travers le concept de territoire et à l'aide d'un logiciel d'analyse automatique de discours, cette recherche propose une analyse de la Provence que Frédéric Mistral évoque dans Calendal (1867). Une trame conceptuelle du territoire, élaborée à partir des définitions de géographes actuels, nous aide à faire émerger les composantes matérielles et immatérielles du territoire provençal que l'auteur a voulu livrer, en particulier de la fin du 18ème siècle. Dans cette tâche, une attention particulière est accordée aux couples appropriation/territorialisation et identité/territorialité. De cette approche originale de l'œuvre et de ce regard porté sur l'auteur, tous deux choisis pour leur indissociabilité à la Provence, naissent de nouvelles perspectives de compréhension des pratiques territoriales d'une population attachée à un lieu et à une époque donnés. / The study of the places and people described in a literary work enables us to reveal the intensity of the relationship that links people to the place they live in. Through the concept of territory and using software for an automatic analysis of discourse, this research provides a survey of Provence as evoked by Frédéric Mistral in Calendal (1867). A conceptual environment of the country – developed from the definitions of present-time geographers –, helps us to bring out the tangible and intangible components of the provençal territory that the author wished to convey, especially in the late 18th century. In this work, special attention is given to the couples : “appropriation / territorialization” and “identity / territoriality”. From this original approach to the poem and its author, both chosen for their close links to Provence, are born new perspectives for a better understanding of the local pratices of a population attached to a place, at a given period.

A territorialidade militar no Brasil: os Tiros de Guerra e a estratégia da presença / The military territoriality of land in Brazil: The Gunmen Instruction Units for Second Class Reserve and the strategy of presence

Gonzales, Selma Lúcia de Moura 24 July 2008 (has links)
Os Tiros de Guerra são Órgãos de Formação da Reserva (OFR) do Exército Brasileiro que preparam o jovem para compor a reserva mobilizável da Força Militar terrestre, porém com especificidades e objetivos distintos dos da formação do soldado-recruta. Essa tese objetiva analisar a territorialidade militar terrestre no Brasil práticas e ações que se materializam no território e corroboram para sua apropriação a partir do estudo da distribuição e atuação dos Tiros de Guerra e a relação destes com o que preconiza a estratégia militar de presença, definida como uma das estratégias de organização e articulação do Exército Brasileiro. De duzentos e trinta Tiros de Guerra existentes, localizados em vinte e um Estados da Federação, foram pesquisados cento e cinqüenta e oito, mediante entrevistas com Chefes de Instrução e aplicação de questionários. Constatou-se que esses órgãos militares sofreram mudanças estruturais no que se refere à sua funcionalidade e ao público-alvo. De órgãos alternativos para que as elites locais se eximissem do serviço militar obrigatório em organizações militares da ativa, converteram-se em órgãos que absorvem os jovens mais desfavorecidos socialmente para a prestação do serviço militar. Comportam-se como vetor de convergência doutrinária patriótico-militar, caracterizando-se como uma rede de malha elástica estratégica institucional. Atendem, prioritariamente, a territorialidade institucional e promovem a apropriação simbólica do território municipal, em consonância com o poder político local. Corroboram com a estratégia militar de presença de maneira bastante limitada no aspecto combativo, todavia voltam-se à estratégia sociopolítica institucional no sentido de permanência e aceitabilidade da organização militar terrestre. Assim, validam uma presença institucional que, todavia, não se restringe à presença material, mas traduz-se numa inserção na malha social do município. / The Gunmen Instruction Units for Second Class Reserve are Military Organizations of the Brazilian Army that are responsible for forming its Reserve (OFR), preparing the youth to constitute the mobilizable terrestrial Military Force, however, with different objectives and specificities in comparison to the ordinary soldier-recruit formation. This academic work aims to analyse the military territoriality of land in Brazil practices and actions that are materialized in territory and corroborate its appropriation based on the study of the distribution and the work of the Gunmen Instruction Units in their relation with the military strategy of presence, defined as one of the strategies of organization and articulation in the Brazilian Army. One hundred fifty-eight of the two hundred thirty Gunmen Instruction Units located in twenty-one States of the country were studied through interviews with Chief Instructors as well as through questionnaires. It was verified that these Organizations have undergone structural changes in terms of their purpose and their public. From alternative organizations with which local elites individuals avoided the obligatory military service in ordinary military organizations, the Gunmen Instruction Units have become shelter for socially unprotected young people. The Units, thus, work as vectors of convergence for patriotic and military doctrine, playing the role of a strategic elastic mesh net in the institution. They cover, mostly, the institutional territoriality and promote the symbolic appropriation of municipal territory in agreement with local political power. Although the Gunmen Instruction Units corroborates the military strategy of presence in a very timid way in terms of combat purposes, it has succeeded in the socialpolitical strategy of the institution concerning permanence and acceptability of the terrestrial military organization. Thus, the Gunmen Instruction Units validate an institutional presence that is not limited to a material reality but it is also inserted and expressed in the social mesh of the municipal district.

Territorialidades e redes da migração maranhense para o trabalho nos canaviais paulistas / Territoriality and networks of the migration from Maranhao to São Paulo cane fields

Silva, André Eduardo Ribeiro da 04 July 2012 (has links)
Os deslocamentos de homens, mulheres e famílias inteiras, moradoras no município de Timbiras/MA para o labor nas atividades da agricultura canavieira no Estado de São Paulo se desenrola por uma série de redes de relações pessoais, que abrange diversos agentes sociais, tanto no Maranhão - no município timbirense e também em municípios vizinhos - como nas duas principais cidades em que residem durante a colheita da gramínea, no Estado de São Paulo: Guariba e Pradópolis. Por meio de testemunhos orais, colhidos no município de Timbiras (MA) e nas cidades paulistas de Guariba e Pradópolis, buscamos compreender as relações entre a rede de informações familiares e as redes territoriais de apoio que fundamentam o processo migratório. A primeira se sustenta a partir de vínculos de reciprocidade nutridos pelos trabalhadores migrantes nos espaços sociais das referidos municípios do Estado do Maranhão e de São Paulo. Já as redes territoriais de apoio dão suporte a essa troca de informações entre os territórios de migração e o dito local de moradia do tronco ou núcleo familiar, no Maranhão nos anos 2000. Essas redes de relações pessoais, fundamentais para alavancar a experiência migratória, se costuram, se refiguram e se fortalecem a partir de múltiplas formas de trocas de informações entre os que migraram e os que não migraram, bem como entre os possíveis migrantes e os agentes responsáveis pelo processo de deslocamento e recrutamento até a área canavieira paulista. Compreende-se que há uma vinculação estreita entre o processo de construção de territórios de migração e a territorialidade experimentada na área de origem, sustentada por redes múltiplas de relações sociais que cimentam estas territorialidades criadas e ressignificadas com a migração. / The displacements of men, women and entire families living in the city of Timbiras/MA for labor in agricultural activities of sugarcane in the state of São Paulo unfolds through a series of networks of personal relationships, covering many different social agents, both in Maranhão in the city of Timbiras and in neighboring counties as well - and in the two major cities where they live during the harvest of sugarcane, in the State of São Paulo: Guariba and Pradópolis. By oral testimonies, collected in the municipality of Timbiras (MA) and in the cities of Guariba (SP) and Pradópolis (SP), we sought to achieve the understanding of the relationships between the network of family information and territorial networks of support that underlie the migration process. The first is based on the bonds of reciprocity fed by migrant workers in the social spaces of these referred cities in the state of Maranhão and São Paulo. The territorial networks of support gives a base to this exchange of information between the territories of migration and the place of residence of core of the family, in Maranhão in the year of 2000. These networks of personal relationships, fundamental to leverage the experience of migration, sew themselves get strengthened from multiple forms of information exchange between those who migrated and those who did not, as well as among potential migrants and the agents responsible for the process displacement and recruitment to the sugarcane production area in São Paulo. It was possible to understand that there is a close relationship between the process of construction of territories of migration and the territoriality experienced in the area of origin, supported by multiple networks of social relationships that cement these territorialities created and re-signified with the migration.

Territorialidade e governança em áreas protegidas: o caso da comunidade do Marujá, no Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (Cananeia, SP) / Territoriality and governance in protected areas: the case of the community of Marujá, in Ilha do Cardoso State Park (Cananeia, SP)

Marinho, Mauricio de Alcantara 20 February 2014 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar os processos de governança entre grupos culturalmente diferenciados e as áreas protegidas, e como esses processos interferem na definição de novos territórios e territorialidades, envolvendo unidades de conservação (proteção integral e uso sustentável) e espaços de uso comum. Identificou-se uma modalidade singular de gestão comunitária e compartilhada, iniciada em 1993, entre a comunidade caiçara do Marujá e o Parque Estadual da Ilha do Cardoso (PEIC), em Cananeia, SP. Protagonizada por lideranças locais e empreendedores de políticas públicas, o estudo de caso demonstra a viabilidade de comunidades tradicionais planejarem seus próprios futuros, o que inclui o ordenamento ecológico e territorial. Propõe-se a adoção do termo comunidade de referência para designar o Marujá e outras comunidades que desempenham protagonismo e constituem locus de aprendizagem de práticas sustentáveis. / This work analyzes governance processes in culturally differentiated groups and protected areas, seeking to understand how these processes interfere in the definition of new territorialities and territories, with protected areas (strict-use and sustainableuse) and commons. A singular model of community management and co-management starting in 1993 was identified among the caiçara community of Marujá and Ilha do Cardoso State Park, Cananeia, SP. Led by local leaderships and public policy entrepreneurs, the case study shows how apt traditional communities are to take care of their future, including ecologic and spatial planning. The term community of reference was adopted to refer to Marujá as well as other communities that are a learning locus of sustainable practices.

La taxation des étrangers non-résidents en France / Taxation of non-rensident aliens in France

Ravaz, Florian 07 December 2016 (has links)
Les étrangers non-résidents représentent une catégorie juridique très particulière de contribuables. Deux conditions sont nécessairement réunies pour taxer ces opérateurs économiques : un critère de territorialité qui tient à la localisation de leur obligation fiscale, il s'agit du domicile fiscal ; et puis un critère de nationalité. La définition de ce contribuable est négative car il s'agit ainsi d'une personne qui n'a pas la nationalité française, et qui n'a pas son domicile fiscal en France. Le législateur ne fait que très rarement référence explicitement aux étrangers non-résidents dans le Code général des impôts, le principe étant l'assimilation avec les non-résidents français. Néanmoins, lorsqu'il y fait directement référence, c'est notamment pour le discriminer par rapport aux nationaux. Il en résulte une différence de traitement fiscal le plus souvent contraire aux normes communautaires et internationales lesquelles agissent efficacement contre toute dérive protectionniste du législateur français. En effet, le principe d'égalité et son corollaire le principe de non-discrimination constituent des principes fondamentaux du droit communautaire et international, lesquels se chargent de neutraliser les dispositifs fiscaux nationaux qui font application du critère de nationalité dans la taxation des étrangers non-résidents en France. En définitive, la rupture du principe d'assimilation envers les nationaux non-résidents crée des contentieux juridiques qui forcent l'Etat français à s'aligner sur la législation externe et qui tendent par conséquent à aboutir à la fin des discriminations. / Non-resident aliens represent a very specific legal category of taxpayers. Two conditions are necessarily met in order to tax these economic operators : a territoriality criterion relating to the location of their tax liability, it is the fiscal domicile; and then one of nationality. The definition of taxpayer is negative, as a matter of fact, it is a person who does not have French nationality, and who does not have tax domicile in France. The French legislature makes explicit references to non-resident foreigners in the Tax Code, the principle being the assimilation with the French non-residents. However, when there is a direct reference, it is to discriminate against national. This results in a difference in tax treatment most often contrary to EU and international standards which effectively act against any protectionist drift of the French legislator. Indeed, the principle of equality and its corollary, the principle of non-discrimination are fundamental principles of EU and international law, which are responsible for neutralizing the national tax systems which apply the criterion of nationality in the taxation of non-resident aliens in France. At last, breaking the principle of assimilation to national non-residents creates legal disputes that force the French legislator to align with the external legislation and which therefore tend to lead to an end to discrimination.

Oré yvy noĩ poraĩ : multiterritorialidade entre Unidades de Conservação e territórios indígenas no estado de São Paulo /

Santos, Mariany Martinez dos January 2019 (has links)
Orientador: Davis Gruber Sansolo / Resumo: A controvérsia resultante da sobreposição entre Terras Indígenas e Unidades de Conservação no Brasil gera debates acadêmicos entre preservacionistas, socioambientalistas e outros grupos. A multiterritorialidade constituída entre lógicas distintas no estabelecimento de tais áreas protegidas pode resultar em impactos significativos na produção territorial de comunidades indígenas devido às restrições determinadas pelo órgão ambiental na gestão de Unidades de Conservação de Proteção Integral, a exemplo dos parques nacionais e estaduais. No estado de São Paulo este conflito entre territorialidades é constantemente pautado pelo movimento indígena guarani pela reivindicação de acesso a recursos naturais e direitos sociais básicos em áreas de sobreposição, em contraponto à postura proibicionista dos agentes do estado na aplicação de seu modelo de proteção territorial. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa analisa a multiterritorialidade estabelecida entre um território indígena e um parque estadual no litoral paulista: o tekoa Paranapuã (Guarani e Tupi-Guarani) e o Parque Estadual Xixová-Japuí, nos municípios de São Vicente e Praia Grande. / Mestre

O espaço na norma jurídica tributária: territorialidade, critério espacial e elementos de conexão / Space in tax legal norm: territoriality, spacial criterion and elements of connection.

Giublin Neto, Ayrton Ruy 12 May 2014 (has links)
O objeto da pesquisa é o critério espacial da regra-matriz de incidência tributária. A pesquisa tem início nos enunciados do texto constitucional para avaliar se existem critérios espaciais constitucionais. Avançando no ciclo de positivação da norma jurídica, o estudo analisa o papel da lei complementar na função de dispor sobre conflitos de competência e suas possíveis relações com a determinação do critério espacial. Por fim, o estudo analisa o critério espacial na estrutura normativa da regra-matriz de incidência tributária. / The object of the research is the spatial criterion of matrix rule of tax incidence. The research starts in the text of Constitution to examine whether there are constitucional spatial criteria. Advancing in the positivization cycle of the legal norm, the study examines the role of complementary law in the function of dispose about conflicts of jurisdiction and possible relationships with determining the spatial criterion. Finally, the study analyzes the spatial criterion in the structure of the matrix rule of tax incidence.

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