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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Hur Habitica stödjer de psykologiska behoven autonomy, competence och connectedness för bibehållen motivation : En kvalitativ studie av den digitala uppgiftshanteraren Habitica, gamification och inre motivation

Vikström, Emma, Karlström, Rebecka January 2020 (has links)
The task manager Habitica was studied to explain 1) How Habitica motivates by satisfying the psychological needs identified by SDT and 2) Why users keep using Habitica. Based on theories of gamification, motivation and the theoretical framework METUX an interview study was conducted with 10 participants followed by a thematic analysis. Personalization, avatars, responsibility toward party members and different rewards were identified as motivating factors. However, some participants experienced the opposite with some of the factors mentioned. The motivating factors identified by the study could be connected to one or more psychological needs, based on the theoretical framework of the study. More research is necessary to determine if the findings apply to other settings outside of the context of the study. / Uppgiftshanteraren Habitica studerades för att svara på: 1) Hur tjänsten motiverar genom att tillfredsställa psykologiska behov från SDT och 2) Varför användare fortsätter att använda Habitica. Studien utgick från teorier om gamification, motivation och ramverket METUX. En intervjustudie utfördes med tio användare varpå en tematisk analys utfördes. Personlig anpassning, avatarer, socialt ansvar och olika belöningar identifierades som motiverande faktorer. Däremot hade vissa av dessa faktorer motsatt effekt i vissa fall. Motiverande faktorer som identifierats genom studien kunde kopplas till ett eller flera psykologiska behov. Dessa kopplingar gjordes utifrån studiens teoretiska ramverk. Mer forskning behövs för att avgöra om den här studiens fynd gör sig gällande i andra kontexter och i ett större sammanhang.

Diamanter eller empati : En studie om monetära och icke-monetärabelöningssystem inom offentlig sektor / Diamonds or empathy : A study of monetary and non-monetary reward systemsin the public service

Hjerpe Östlind, Victoria, Rådström, Matilda January 2020 (has links)
Inledning: Tidigare studier visar att det måste finnas en balans mellan monetära och icke-monetära belöningar. Då den offentliga sektorn finansieras med skattemedel är dock möjligheten till monetära belöningar begränsad vilket kan ha en påverkan på belöningssystemets balans. Studiens syfte är således att undersöka eventuella skillnader mellan monetära och icke-monetära belöningssystem kopplat till motivation samt hur balansen mellan dessa uppnås inom offentlig sektor. Litteraturgenomgång: Under denna rubrik upphämtas information om olika motivationsteorier som bland annat Maslow (1943) och Herzberg (1968) har gjort. Sedan upphämtas även information om motivationsteorierna Public Service Motivation och Self Determination Theory. Det ges även en genomgång på vad belöningssystem, monetära belöningar samt icke-monetära belöningar är samt en presentation av belöningssystem inom offentlig sektor.Metod: För att besvara studiens frågeställningar används en kvalitativ ansats genom semistrukturerade intervjuer. Detta eftersom medarbetarnas upplevelser av belöningssystemet skulle undersökas. Urvalet består av ekonomer anställda i två svenska kommuner (Sunne/Torsby). Resultat: Studien visar att monetära belöningar inte har någon större påverkan på medarbetarnas motivation i deras dagliga arbete men att icke-monetära belöningar både påverkar deras prestation och effektivitet i arbetet. Bristande monetära belöningar kan dock vara en anledning till att lämna offentlig sektor. Analys, diskussion och slutsats: Slutsatsen dras att monetära belöningar är en förutsättning för att arbeta och för att inte känna missnöje och att den begränsade möjligheten till monetära belöningar inte har någon större inverkan på medarbetarnas motivation. De icke-monetära belöningar agerar däremot som motivatorer i större utsträckning och har en chans att nå medarbetarnas inre motivation. / Introduction: Former studies shows that it must be a balance between monetary and non-monetary rewards. The public service is financed with tax assets which sets an limitation of how much monetary rewards you can get, which also can affect the balance in the reward system. The study aims to explore if there are any differences between monetary and non-monetary rewards connected to motivation and how the balance between these can be achieved within the public service. Literature review: Within this heading are a few motivation theories, such as Maslow (1943) and Herzberg (1968) presented. The chapter also present information about the motivation theories Public Service Motivation and Self Determination Theory. Furthermore, explanations of the study’s central concepts reward system, monetary rewards and non-monetary rewards are given. This is followed by a presentation of previous research that examines different perspectives of public service reward systems. Method: To reciprocate the issues of the study, a qualitative approach through semi-structured interviews is applied. This because of the study’s purpose that aims to analyze the public service coworkers’ experiences of the reward system. The respondents are economists employed within two Swedish municipalities.Result: The study shows that monetary rewards have no significant impact on employees’ motivation in their daily work but that non-monetary rewards affect both their performance and efficiency in the work. However, lack of monetary rewards can be a reason to leave the public sector. Analysis, discussion and conclusion: It is concluded that monetary rewards are a prerequisite for working and not feeling dissatisfaction, and that the limited opportunity for monetary rewards has no major impact on employee’s motivation. The non-monetary rewards, on the other hand, act as motivators to a greater extent and have a chance to reach employees’ inner motivation.

Att göra fantasy av verklighet : Spelares motivation för långsiktigt engagemang inom Allsvenskan Fantasy / Making fantasy out of reality : Motives for longterm engagement in Allsvenskan Fantasy

Carrigan, Carina, Järvinen, Markus January 2021 (has links)
Spelet Allsvenskan Fantasy studeras för att undersöka hur spelare motiveras och upprätthåller motivation över tid. Studien utgår ifrån modellen Motivational Technology Model som bygger på Uses and Gratifications Theory och Self-Determination Theory. Tio semistrukturerade intervjuer utförs med syftet att identifiera hur spelare motiveras att spela Allsvenskan Fantasy. En tematisk analys utförs på datan från intervjuerna och sex teman identifieras:  -  Spelet spelas utanför spelet -  Spelaren blir en aktör, får agens genom att använda sin kunskap -  Social interaktion förhöjer spelupplevelsen -  Verkligheten som extra spelnivå -  Spelet är anpassningsbart -  Spelarna är självgående men behöver varandra  Dessa sex teman diskuteras utifrån det teoretiska ramverket med fokus på spelets affordanser, och grundläggande psykologiska behov för inre motivation hos spelarna. / The game Allsvenskan Fantasy is researched to investigate how players are motivated and uphold their motivation over time. The study makes use of the Motivational Technology Model which is based upon Uses and Gratifications Theory and Self-Determination Theory. Ten semi-structured interviews are conducted with the aim to identify how players are motivated to play Allsvenskan Fantasy. A thematic analysis is applied to the data from the interviews and six themes are identified:  -  The game is played outside of the game -  The player becomes an actor, receives agency by using their knowledge -  Social interaction enhances the game experience -  Reality gives an extra level of the game -  The game is adaptable -  The players are self-propelled but need each other  These six themes are discussed by using the theoretical framework with focus on the affordances of the game and the basic psychological needs for intrinsic motivation among the players.

Medarbetarskap och självledarskap i en omsorgsverksamhet : en kvalitativ intervjustudie / Employeeship and self-leadership in a care business : A qualitative interview study

Dahlén, Ulrika January 2021 (has links)
Välfärdssektorn i Sverige har sedan 1980-talet styrts med styrprinciper som till stor del hämtats från tillverkningsindustrin. Det har inneburit standardiserad arbetsdelning och managerialism vilket har medfört att professionernas handlingsutrymme kommit att inskränkas. Fokus för verksamheterna har varit mätbarhet och måluppfyllelse snarare än brukarens behov. Utmaningen avseende kompetensförsörjning inom de kommunala omsorgsverksamheterna idag innebär förutom att utveckla hållbara strategier för rekrytering att skapa förutsättningar som är hållbara för befintliga medarbetare. Under senare år har därför nya metoder för ledning och styrning av verksamheterna förespråkats. Dessa har fokus på tillitsskapande relationer mellan ledarskap, medarbetarskap och brukare. Till följd därav är det intressant att ta del av hur medarbetarna i en kommunal omsorgsverksamhet ser på sina förutsättningar hur de förhåller sig till sitt eget medarbetarskap samt deras möjligheter att utöva självledarskap. Detta studeras genom kvalitativ intervjustudie med sex medarbetare i en kommunal omsorgsverksamhet. Resultatet visar att medarbetarnas upplevelser av sina möjligheter att utöva medarbetarskap och självledarskap till stor del påverkas av uppgifternas karaktär. Det finns en hög motivation att utföra de arbetsuppgifter som direkt skapar mervärde för brukarna. Det är dock de mer standardiserade arbetsuppgifterna som är associerade med formellt ansvar vilket gör att upplevelsen av kontroll skiljer sig beroende på uppgift. Då medarbetarskap och ledarskap är tydligt sammanlänkade påverkar verksamhetens ledarstrategier möjligheten till att utöva medarbetarskap och självledarskap. Tillitsbaserad styrning och ledning utgår från ett tydligt brukarfokus, mer handlingsutrymme till professionerna och ökad möjlighet till kunskapsutveckling. / Since the 1980s, the welfare sector in Sweden has been governed by control principles that have largely been taken from the manufacturing industry. This has meant standardized division of labor and managerialism, which result in the professionals' room for maneuver has been reduced. The focus for the operations has been measurability and goal fulfillment rather than the user's needs. The challenge regarding the supply of skills in the municipal care activities today creates, in addition to developing sustainable strategies for recruitment, creating conditions that are sustainable for existing employees. In recent years, therefore, new methods for management and control of operations have been advocated. These focus on trust-building relationships between leadership, employees and users. Thereupon it is interesting to take part in how the employees in a municipal care operation view their conditions, how they relate to their own employeeship and their opportunities to exercise self-leadership. This is studied through a qualitative interview study with six employees in a municipal care operation. The results show that employees' experiences of their opportunities to exercise co-operation and self-leadership are greatly influenced by the nature of the tasks. There is a high motivation to perform the tasks that directly create added value for users. However, it is the more standardized tasks that are associated with formal responsibility that make the experience of control different depending on the task. As employeehood and leadership are clearly linked, business leadership strategies affect opportunities to exercise employeehood and self-leadership. Trust-based management and governance is based on a clear user focus, more room for maneuver for professionals and increased opportunities for knowledge development.

English as a medium of instruction: the relationship between motivation and English second language proficiency

Madileng, Mary Mmatsatsi 06 1900 (has links)
In order to research the limited English proficiency of First Year National Intermediate Certificate students at the Further Education and Training College of Ekurhuleni West, the researcher investigated various motivation variables, namely: * socio-psychological factors * learner factors * parental involvement and * contextual factors related to the influence of the school and classroom A review of literature and empirical research methods were used to this effect. The literature review revealed that instrumental and integrative motivation, self-determination and goal orientedness, parental support and school and classroom context factors contributed to the development of ESL proficiency. A motivation questionnaire and an English proficiency test were administered to the participants. The results indicated no significant relationship between the learner's level of ESL proficiency and motivation variables. These findings form the basis for recommending specific guidelines for possible directions for future research. / Linguistics / M.A. (Specialisation in Applied Linguistics)

Motivating the Solicited and Unsolicited Sharing of Tacit Knowledge Through the Process of Externalization

Sorensen, Sheila Yvonne 01 January 2015 (has links)
While several U. S. firms have invested in Knowledge Management (KM) tools and software, it has become apparent that investments must be made in additional facets of KM, such as knowledge sharing (KS), thought by many researchers to be the most important component of KM. Of the two types of KS, explicit and tacit, the sharing of tacit knowledge has been shown to contribute the most to an organization’s performance. However, since tacit knowledge is difficult to both convey and acquire, this unshared tacit knowledge may ultimately harm an organization when, without the appropriate knowledge, individuals cannot effectively perform their professional responsibility. Although research has been conducted on the motivators that contribute to the sharing of tacit knowledge, the research has been conflicting. These inconsistencies could conceivably stem from measuring KS as a single factor rather than as separate components. The purpose of this study was two-fold, first to discover what motivators contributed to the sharing of tacit knowledge and second, to discover whether the sharing of knowledge when solicited differed from the sharing of knowledge when not solicited. Utilizing the Theory of Reasoned Action and Self-determination Theory as well as measuring the transfer of knowledge through externalization, as expressed by the SECI model, three research questions and 14 different hypotheses contributed to a survey instrument resulting in 370 usable survey responses. Employing confirmatory factor analysis and structural equation modeling, analysis of the data confirmed that a significant difference existed between the solicited and unsolicited sharing of tacit knowledge. This study found that measures for external, integrated, and intrinsic motivation differed among the two situational constructs of knowledge sharing. In addition, the study confirmed that a difference occurred between motivators and the two types of sharing when the sharing was mediated by a favorable attitude toward sharing.

家庭與學校變項對學生學業成就動機的影響--一個後設分析 / The effect of family and school variables on students' academic achievement motivation: A meta-analysis

許崇憲, Chong-shiann Albert Hsu Unknown Date (has links)
此後設分析研究檢驗實驗處與脈絡變項變項對學生學業成就動機的影響,作者從293份研究中取得2542個效應量。結果發現,無論是脈絡變項還是實驗處理,只要能夠滿足學生對能力感、親密感、以及自主感的需求,皆能夠促進學生的成就動機;最有效的是能夠滿足學生能力需求或者滿足兩種需求以上的處理。至於中介變項的影響,性別並沒有發揮作用;各種自變項在不同教育或年齡階段,有不同的影響力。最後,作者針對教育實務與未來研究方向提出若干建議。 / A meta-analysis was performed to examine the effect of experimental treatments and contextual variables on students’ academic motivation. 2,542 effect sizes were collected from 293 studies. It was found that contextual variables or experimental treatments which strengthened students’ sense of competence, relatedness, and autonomy could facilitate their achievement motivation. The variables gratifying the need of competence and those meeting two needs or more had the greatest impact. The effect of four moderators was also analyzed. It was found that the treatment-motivation relationship was gender-free. Types of contextual variable had different impact at different educational levels. In conclusion, some suggestions are provided for educational practice and further study.

The experiences of self-support in first-time mothers / Madré du Toit

Du Toit, Madré January 2014 (has links)
A notable paucity in practice interventions and literature currently exists in regard to self-support in first-time mothers. Recent literature and practice interventions seem to focus largely on social support resources, highlighting the deficiency in the investigation of self-support in first-time mothers as an integral and holistic concept and/or focus point for intervention. Literature continues to illustrate the many challenges first-time mothers encounter and therefore this study focuses on self-support experiences of the first-time mother in relation to her environment by providing an original stance of enquiry. The investigator aimed to explore and describe the experiences of self-support in first-time mothers in the Cape Metropole. The study was conducted qualitatively and according to an Interpretive Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) research design. This provided the researcher with a dual method of investigation: The first undertaking was to describe actual accounts of the participants‟ self-support experiences, while the second was to give an interpretation of these accounts which would reflect their experiences in an understandable, yet authentic manner. The meta-theoretical framework of Gestalt Therapy Theory (GTT) was applied due to its holistic and integrative nature, while the additional theoretical frameworks of Self Determination Theory (SDT) and Positive Psychology (PP) served as contributors to deepen understanding. The sample consisted of thirteen first-time mothers from moderately diverse socio-economic backgrounds. The study succeeded in giving in-depth exploratory descriptions of their self-support experiences during the first two years of motherhood. Findings displayed that the participants‟ self-support cannot be separated from their constantly shifting environments and that self-support is an integrated and dynamic process of development. Internal elements as well as environmental factors prove to disrupt this process of self-support development. Vital components for developing self-support were assuming responsibility for own well-being as a mother; as well as arriving at insight. Joy and gratefulness as experienced by the participants were proven to serve as motivators to sustain self-support. The study further exhibits that a supportive relationship is able to exist between the first-time mother‟s self-support and her environment when she is able to effectively identify, reach out and utilise social support resources available in her environment. Self-support serves as an experiential process (as an alternative to a fixed outcome) where the first-time mother is able, through experience, to mature and become more self-supportive. Findings argue that ideal self-support during novel motherhood is the capability to be in a mature interactive relationship with the environment, constantly adapting according to the organisation of the environmental field. / MA (Psychology), North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2014

Значај демографских и психолошких одлика за реално инамеравано понашање потрошача / Značaj demografskih i psiholoških odlika za realno inameravano ponašanje potrošača / The significance of demographic and psychologicalcharacteristics for realistic and intended consumer behavior

Matanović Jelena 10 June 2016 (has links)
<p>Основно истраживачко питање на које смо настојали да<br />добијемо одговор је какав је значај вредносних оријентација,<br />селф-концепта и демографских карактеристика испитаника за<br />куповину аутомобила обзиром на ниво и тип инволвираности у<br />производ.<br />Како би остварили основни циљ маркетинга &ndash; размену, на<br />обострано задовољство и купца и продавца те да би разумели,<br />предвидели и утицали на понашање потрошача неопходно је<br />вршити анализе са циљем упознавања сегмента тржишта за који<br />се претпоставља да је циљна група. То подразумева упознавање<br />демографских одлика потрошача. Анализа понашања<br />неизоставно обухвата истраживање о томе ко су потрошачи, шта<br />купују, зашто купују, када, где и колико често купују. Ипак, да<br />би се добила потпуна слика тржишног сегмента, неопходно је,<br />поред демографских, познавати и психолошке карактеристике<br />потрошача. У докторској дисертацији представљени су<br />теоријски модели куповног понашања, инволвираности и<br />вредности, као и теорија селф детерминације. Приказан је извод<br />из истраживачког опуса о инволвираности и релацијама које<br />остварује са осталим варијаблама испитиваним у овом<br />истраживању.<br />Истраживање је спроведено на пригодном узорку од 222<br />особе које су у последњих шест месеци купиле аутомобил или<br />планирају да га купе у наредних шест месеци, али су у тренутку<br />истраживања већ започелe процес доношења одлуке о куповини.<br />На тај начин извршена је дистинкција купаца и потенцијалних<br />купаца, као и дистинкција узорка од опште популације.<br />Аутомобил као производ који је централан у овом истраживању<br />одабран је на основу пилот истраживања спроведеног са циљем<br />да се утврди у који су производ испитаници чешће високо<br />инволвирани. Из општег циља истраживања изведено је неколико специфичних циљева, како би се одговорило на</p><p>истраживачки проблем. Резултати су указали да инволвираност<br />има мултифакторску структуру. Издвојена су четири фактора<br />који су дефинисани као Важност и задовољство, Значење,<br />Вероватноћа ризика и Последице ризика. Утврђене су разлике у<br />нивоу и типу инволвираности код купаца и потенцијалних<br />купаца, где су потенцијални купци више инволвирани од купаца,<br />и то на укупној инволвираности и на фактору вероватноћа<br />ризика. Тржиште купаца и потенцијалних купаца сегментирано<br />је према инволвираности коју су потрошачи развили. Тржиште<br />чине четири хомогена сегмента који се разликују према нивоу и<br />типу доминантне инволвираности. Сегменти су именовани као<br />Висока, Ниска, Ризична и Експертска инволвираност. Утврђене<br />су значајне разлике сегмената по вредностима, самосвести и<br />каузалним оријентацијама. Као значајни предиктори поједниних<br />фактора инволвираности купаца, а из сета демографских<br />карактеристика испитаника, издвојили су се пол, старост,<br />образовање, задовољство материјалном ситуацијом, као и број<br />чланова домаћинства за које је испитаник одговоран. У подгрупи<br />потенцијалних купаца инволвираност се не може предвидети на<br />основу овог сета демографских варијабли. И сета психолошких<br />карактеристика издвојени су предиктори инволвираности<br />испитаника. Поједини вредносни домени предвиђају факторе<br />инволвираности, а на основу резултата који се тичу каузалних<br />оријентација и самосвести, закључено је да је доношење куповне<br />одлуке приликом куповине аутомобила социјални процес, да<br />особе иако су доминантно аутономне у доношењу одлука,<br />одлуку о куповини аутомобила доносе уз помоћ референтних<br />особа, као и стручњака из ове области. Утврђено је да каузалне<br />оријентације, самосвест и индивидуалне вредности не<br />предвиђају куповно понашање испитаника.<br />Сви налази су дискутовани у контексту претходних<br />резултата истраживања у овој области, наведене су њихове<br />импликације и ограничења, као и препоруке за маркетиншку<br />праксу.</p> / <p>Osnovno istraživačko pitanje na koje smo nastojali da<br />dobijemo odgovor je kakav je značaj vrednosnih orijentacija,<br />self-koncepta i demografskih karakteristika ispitanika za<br />kupovinu automobila obzirom na nivo i tip involviranosti u<br />proizvod.<br />Kako bi ostvarili osnovni cilj marketinga &ndash; razmenu, na<br />obostrano zadovoljstvo i kupca i prodavca te da bi razumeli,<br />predvideli i uticali na ponašanje potrošača neophodno je<br />vršiti analize sa ciljem upoznavanja segmenta tržišta za koji<br />se pretpostavlja da je ciljna grupa. To podrazumeva upoznavanje<br />demografskih odlika potrošača. Analiza ponašanja<br />neizostavno obuhvata istraživanje o tome ko su potrošači, šta<br />kupuju, zašto kupuju, kada, gde i koliko često kupuju. Ipak, da<br />bi se dobila potpuna slika tržišnog segmenta, neophodno je,<br />pored demografskih, poznavati i psihološke karakteristike<br />potrošača. U doktorskoj disertaciji predstavljeni su<br />teorijski modeli kupovnog ponašanja, involviranosti i<br />vrednosti, kao i teorija self determinacije. Prikazan je izvod<br />iz istraživačkog opusa o involviranosti i relacijama koje<br />ostvaruje sa ostalim varijablama ispitivanim u ovom<br />istraživanju.<br />Istraživanje je sprovedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 222<br />osobe koje su u poslednjih šest meseci kupile automobil ili<br />planiraju da ga kupe u narednih šest meseci, ali su u trenutku<br />istraživanja već započele proces donošenja odluke o kupovini.<br />Na taj način izvršena je distinkcija kupaca i potencijalnih<br />kupaca, kao i distinkcija uzorka od opšte populacije.<br />Automobil kao proizvod koji je centralan u ovom istraživanju<br />odabran je na osnovu pilot istraživanja sprovedenog sa ciljem<br />da se utvrdi u koji su proizvod ispitanici češće visoko<br />involvirani. Iz opšteg cilja istraživanja izvedeno je nekoliko specifičnih ciljeva, kako bi se odgovorilo na</p><p>istraživački problem. Rezultati su ukazali da involviranost<br />ima multifaktorsku strukturu. Izdvojena su četiri faktora<br />koji su definisani kao Važnost i zadovoljstvo, Značenje,<br />Verovatnoća rizika i Posledice rizika. Utvrđene su razlike u<br />nivou i tipu involviranosti kod kupaca i potencijalnih<br />kupaca, gde su potencijalni kupci više involvirani od kupaca,<br />i to na ukupnoj involviranosti i na faktoru verovatnoća<br />rizika. Tržište kupaca i potencijalnih kupaca segmentirano<br />je prema involviranosti koju su potrošači razvili. Tržište<br />čine četiri homogena segmenta koji se razlikuju prema nivou i<br />tipu dominantne involviranosti. Segmenti su imenovani kao<br />Visoka, Niska, Rizična i Ekspertska involviranost. Utvrđene<br />su značajne razlike segmenata po vrednostima, samosvesti i<br />kauzalnim orijentacijama. Kao značajni prediktori pojedninih<br />faktora involviranosti kupaca, a iz seta demografskih<br />karakteristika ispitanika, izdvojili su se pol, starost,<br />obrazovanje, zadovoljstvo materijalnom situacijom, kao i broj<br />članova domaćinstva za koje je ispitanik odgovoran. U podgrupi<br />potencijalnih kupaca involviranost se ne može predvideti na<br />osnovu ovog seta demografskih varijabli. I seta psiholoških<br />karakteristika izdvojeni su prediktori involviranosti<br />ispitanika. Pojedini vrednosni domeni predviđaju faktore<br />involviranosti, a na osnovu rezultata koji se tiču kauzalnih<br />orijentacija i samosvesti, zaključeno je da je donošenje kupovne<br />odluke prilikom kupovine automobila socijalni proces, da<br />osobe iako su dominantno autonomne u donošenju odluka,<br />odluku o kupovini automobila donose uz pomoć referentnih<br />osoba, kao i stručnjaka iz ove oblasti. Utvrđeno je da kauzalne<br />orijentacije, samosvest i individualne vrednosti ne<br />predviđaju kupovno ponašanje ispitanika.<br />Svi nalazi su diskutovani u kontekstu prethodnih<br />rezultata istraživanja u ovoj oblasti, navedene su njihove<br />implikacije i ograničenja, kao i preporuke za marketinšku<br />praksu.</p> / <p>The basic issue of the research is a significance of value<br />orientations, self-concept and demographic characteristics of<br />respondents when purchasing a car, considering the level and<br />type of involvement in the product.<br />In order to achieve the main purpose of marketing,<br />which is an exchange to mutual satisfaction of buyers and<br />sellers, as well as to understand, predict and influence the<br />consumer behavior, it is necessary to make analysis in order to<br />become acquainted with market segment, which is assumed to<br />be the target group. It implies information about the<br />demographic characteristics of consumers. Analysis of<br />consumer behavior inevitably involves research about who the<br />consumers are, what they buy, why they buy, when, where and<br />how often they buy something. However, in order to obtain a<br />complete picture of the market segment, it is necessary to know<br />psychological characteristics of consumers, in addition to<br />demographic ones. The doctoral dissertation presents theoretical<br />models of consumer behavior, involvement and human values,<br />as well as the self-determination theory. There is presented a<br />selection from the research opus on the involvement and<br />relations achieved with other variables examined in this<br />research.<br />The research was conducted on a sample of 222 persons<br />who had bought a car in the last six months, or who planned to<br />buy a car and already started the decision-making process on<br />purchasing at the moment of the research. In this way, there was<br />made a distinction between consumers and potential consumers,<br />as well as the distinction between consumers and the general<br />population. The car as a product, which was central in this<br />research, was chosen according to a pilot study conducted with<br />the aim to determine which product made the respondents to be<br />highly involved. Several specific objectives derived from the<br />general aim of the research, in order to respond to the research<br />problem. The results showed that the involvement had a<br />multifactor structure. There were distinguished four factors,<br />which were defined as Sign, Interest and Pleasure, Risk importance, and Risk probability.</p><p>There were established differences in the level and type<br />of involvement in consumers and potential consumers, where<br />potential consumers were more involved than consumers both<br />on the Total Involvement and the Risk Probability factor.<br />Market of consumers and potential consumers was segmented<br />according to the involvement developed by the consumers.<br />Market consisted of four homogeneous segments which varied<br />according to the level and type of dominant involvement. The<br />segments were named as High, Low, Risk and Expert<br />Involvement. There were established significant differences in<br />segments based on values, self-awareness and causal<br />orientations. Sex, age, education, satisfaction with financial<br />situation, as well as the number of household members which<br />the respondent is responsible for, were found to be significant<br />predictors of individual factors of the consumers involvement,<br />distinguished from a set of demographic characteristics of<br />respondents. In the subgroup of potential consumers, the<br />involvement could not be predicted on the basis of the set of<br />demographic variables. Predictors of the respondents&rsquo;<br />involvement were distinguished from a set of psychological<br />characteristics. Particular value domains predicted factors of<br />involvement. Based on the results concerning the causal<br />orientations and self-awareness, it was concluded that making<br />decision on purchasing a car was the social process and that<br />even though they were predominantly autonomous in decisionmaking,<br />people made the decision to buy a car with help of the<br />reference persons and experts in this field. It was found that the<br />causal orientations, self-awareness and individual values could<br />not predict consumer behavior of respondents.<br />All the findings have been discussed in the context of<br />previous results of the research in this field. There are presented<br />their implications and limitations, as well as recommendations<br />for the marketing practice.</p>

Treningsterapi : En kvalitativ studie av pasienters opplevelser og erfaringer med treningsterapi som endel av tverrfaglig spesialisert rusbehandling, sett i lys av Self-determination Theory. / Exercise as therapy : A qualitative approach regarding patients experience with exercise as therapy as part of multidisciplinary specialized treatment. The thesis uses a framework of self-determination theory (SDT).

Orø, Thomas Dahl January 2016 (has links)
Treningsterapi som en del av tverrfaglig spesialisert rusbehandling. Formålet med studiet er å undersøke hvordan en gruppe pasienter med rusmiddelavhengighet og psykiske lidelser opplever og beskriver sine erfaringer med treningsterapi som en del av behandlingen ved Stiftelsen Bergensklinikkene. Dette sett i lys av Self-Determination Theory (SDT) - selvbestemmelsesteorien.    Studiet har en kvalitativ tilnærming hvor det empiriske materialet er basert på forskningsintervju. Det er blitt gjennomført intervjuer av syv pasienter med rusmiddelavhengighet alle med erfaring med bruk av treningsterapi ved Bergensklinikkene. Treningsterapi vil si planlagte og strukturerte fysiske aktiviteter. Empirien i dette studiet er analysert ved bruk av tradisjonell kvalitativ tilnærming og meningskonsentrering. Hovedfunnene viser at et autonomistøttende miljø er en forutsetning for å bli motivert for behandling. Brukermedvirkning og selvbestemmelse er faktorer som styrker motivasjonen for endring.   Økt kompetanse blant pasientene gjennom nye erfaringer og økt innsikt i treningsterapi, ga grunnlag for en autonomistyrt behandling.  Relasjon til treningsterapeutene var viktig for at pasientene opplevde terapeutens informasjon og veiledning som nyttig. Opplevelsen av et inkluderende felleskap med behandlere og medpasienter var av stor betydning for informantene. I studien kom det frem at behovet for tettere oppfølging i overgangen fra institusjon til hjem var nødvendig.     Opplevelse av bedre rusmestring, bedre søvn, mindre angst og depresjon og mindre ADHD-symptomer var viktige motivasjonsfaktorer. Dessuten ga fysiske effekter både indre og ytre motivasjon til bruk av treningsterapi. Gjennom studien kan en ut fra resultatene konkludere med at informantene blant annet vektlegger en autonomistøttende struktur, økt kompetanse, opplevelse av fellesskap og motivasjon som viktig og nødvendig i treningsterapi. / Excercise as therapy  Exercise as therapy as part of multidisciplinary specialized treatment. The purpose of the study is to understand how a group of patients with substance use disorders and mental illness experience and describe their experiences with exercise therapy as part of treatment at the Bergen Clinics Foundation. The thesis uses a framework of self-determination theory (SDT).   The study has a qualitative approach where the empirical material is based on research interviews. Seven patients were strategically selected to undertake semi-structured interviews regarding their experience with exercise as therapy as part of multidisciplinary specialized treatment in The Bergen Clinics Foundation. Exercise as therapy is physical activity that is planned and structured. The empirical data in this study is analyzed using the traditional qualitative approach.    The results show that an autonomy supportive environment is a prerequisite for being motivated for treatment. User involvement and self-determination are factors that strengthen the motivation for change.   Increased competence among patients through new experiences and greater insight into exercise as therapy, provided the basis for an autonomy-guided therapy. The patients´ relationship with the therapists was important: in case this relationship was deficient, they wouldn´t experience the information and guidance as helpful.   The experience of an inclusive community of practitioners and fellow patients was of great significance for patients. The study revealed that the need for closer monitoring of the transition from institutional to home was necessary.    Experience of better control of drug dependence, better sleep, less anxiety and depression and less ADHD symptoms were important motivators. Besides giving physical effects both intrinsic and extrinsic motivation for use of exercise as therapy.   One can conclude from the study that in the patients´ view an autonomy supportive structure, increased expertise, experience of community and motivation represented the most important and indispensable factors in exercise therapy.

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