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Tillfällig nödvändighet : En möjlig(a) värld(arna)s paradox och den aletiska modalitetens gåta / Contingent Necessity : A Paradox of Possible World(s) and the Riddle of Alethic ModalityLundgren, Björn January 2010 (has links)
The writer has attempted to discuss the distinction between the necessary and the contingent. It begins with a criticism against the possibility for a so-called ‘a possible worlds realism’ to give a “philosophical explanation” of this distinction. The writer argues that this is impossible, since it requires that a notion of this distinction be already accepted (more precisely that the necessity of such a theory is already accepted). After this specific criticism, the writer intends to show that this is a more general problem that follows any explanation of the contingent/necessary distinction. The writer then discusses the counter-argument that the requirements placed on these explanations are set to high, therefore the writer shows in theory the problem can be solved and sketches a more specific way how to explain and show the basis for this distinction. / Författaren har avsett att diskutera distinktionen mellan det nödvändiga och det kontingent. Det börjar med en kritik mot möjligheten för en så kallad ’möjliga världars realism’ att ge en ”filosofisk förklaring” av denna distinktion. Författaren argumenterar för att detta är omöjligt, eftersom det kräver att en sådan distinktion redan är accepterad (mer specifikt att nödvändigheten av en sådan teori redan är accepterad). Efter denna specifika kriticism, så avser författaren visa att detta problem är generellt och att det följer alla försök att förklara den kontingenta/nödvändiga distinktionen. Författaren diskuterar sedan motargumentet att de krav som ställts på dessa förklaringar är för högt ställda, därför visar författaren hur problemet kan lösas i teorin och visar också en förenklad modell av en lösningsmetod.
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Informationssökningsprocess på Internet i studiesituationerDzonlic, Muris January 2010 (has links)
<p>Uppsatsen presenterar hur högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen (killar respektive tjejer) hanterar informationssökning och källkritik på Internet i samband med studier. Syftet med studien är att se skillnader och likheter i tre sökaspekter (informationsbehov, sökstrategi och källkritik). Sedan vill jag se hur tre sökaspekter används av båda könen bland högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever. Undersökningen är en både kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie. Det kvantitativa inslaget bygger på enkätfrågor och öppna frågor medan det kvalitativa inkluderar intervjufrågor. Teoretisk referensram består av litteratur och vetenskapliga artiklar som ger teoretiskt stöd åt ett operationaliseringsschema och ger grund åt hela studien. Studien begränsas till högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen som går medieinriktade studier, oberoende av årskursnivå. Ett oväntat resultat som studien visade är, att både högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen tittar mest på sina träffar ”Till mitten pålistan”. I studien upptäcktes att högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen har kunskap om källkritik, men det stora problemet hos båda grupperna är ”Tidsbrist” och ”Har inte lust”, så att de undviker granska källor på Internet. Högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen är medvetna om konsekvenserna som kan uppstå om de inte kritisk granskar källor på Internet. Det sökmönster som högskolestudenter och gymnasieelever av båda könen använder är att de först söker med bred sökning och sedan med smal sökning. Deras val av sökverktyg är ”Google” och de söker mest med sökord.</p>
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LA QUESTIONE MORALE IN ‘ABID AL‐JĀBIRĪ / Jabri’s theory of moral philosophyMINETTI, STEFANO 11 April 2011 (has links)
La tesi illustra il pensiero del filosofo marocchino contemporaneo M.A. al-Jābirī (al-Jabri), uno dei principali filosofi arabi del XX secolo. Dopo una breve introduzione, la tesi illustra la struttura teoretica del pensiero di Jabiri e, dopo averlo contestualizzato nel panorama della filosofia araba contemporanea, si concentra sulla questione morale, illustrando come il pensatore marocchino ritenga si sia evoluta la filosofia morale in ambito arabo islamico. L’analisi si caratterizza per un approccio storico-filologico, benché i contributi teoretici elaborati da Jabri non siano trascurabili. Segue un ultimo capitolo che mette in evidenza alcune delle critiche mossegli – in particolare da un autore arabo, George Tarabishi, e da uno studioso italiano, Massimo Campanini – rispetto alla visione di Jabri. La tesi si conclude con alcune riflessioni personali del redattore di tesi. / The thesis illustrates the thinking of contemporary Moroccan philosopher M.A. al- Jābirī (al-Jabri), a major Arab philosopher of the twentieth century. After a brief introduction, the thesis presents the theoretical structure of his thought. Then it contextualizes Jabri’s thought in the framework of contemporary Arab philosophy. The second chapter focuses on Jabri’s theory of moral philosophy, illustrating how the Moroccan thinker considers the developing of moral philosophy through the ages in the Arab Islamic context. The analysis is characterized by a philological-historical approach, although theoretical contributions developed by Jabri are not negligible. A final chapter follows to highlight some of the criticisms made against him - in particular by an Arab author, George Tarabishi, and an Italian scholar Massimo Campanini - compared to the vision of Jabri. The thesis concludes with some personal reflections of the editor.
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Objects and objectivity : Alternatives to mathematical realismGullberg, Ebba January 2011 (has links)
This dissertation is centered around a set of apparently conflicting intuitions that we may have about mathematics. On the one hand, we are inclined to believe that the theorems of mathematics are true. Since many of these theorems are existence assertions, it seems that if we accept them as true, we also commit ourselves to the existence of mathematical objects. On the other hand, mathematical objects are usually thought of as abstract objects that are non-spatiotemporal and causally inert. This makes it difficult to understand how we can have knowledge of them and how they can have any relevance for our mathematical theories. I begin by characterizing a realist position in the philosophy of mathematics and discussing two of the most influential arguments for that kind of view. Next, after highlighting some of the difficulties that realism faces, I look at a few alternative approaches that attempt to account for our mathematical practice without making the assumption that there exist abstract mathematical entities. More specifically, I examine the fictionalist views developed by Hartry Field, Mark Balaguer, and Stephen Yablo, respectively. A common feature of these views is that they accept that mathematics interpreted at face value is committed to the existence of abstract objects. In order to avoid this commitment, they claim that mathematics, when taken at face value, is false. I argue that the fictionalist idea of mathematics as consisting of falsehoods is counter-intuitive and that we should aim for an account that can accommodate both the intuition that mathematics is true and the intuition that the causal inertness of abstract mathematical objects makes them irrelevant to mathematical practice and mathematical knowledge. The solution that I propose is based on Rudolf Carnap's distinction between an internal and an external perspective on existence. I argue that the most reasonable interpretation of the notions of mathematical truth and existence is that they are internal to mathematics and, hence, that mathematical truth cannot be used to draw the conclusion that mathematical objects exist in an external/ontological sense.
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Fri vilja och Principen om alternativa möjligheter : Om Frankfurt-exempel och motargumentet ”glimt av frihet” / Free will and the Principle of alternate possibilities : About Frankfurt-style examples and the counterargument "flicker of freedom"Blomsterberg, Erik January 2024 (has links)
No description available.
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Iterabilitet, upprepning och permanens : En kritisk analys av debatten mellan Derrida och Searle / Iterability, repetition and permanence : A critical analysis of the debate between Derrida and SearleGardfors, Johan January 2009 (has links)
<p>The essay seeks to clarify some of the decisive but often obscured issues in the famous debate between Jacques Derrida and Jonn F. Searle. The debate commenced in 1977 with the publication in <em>Glyph</em> of Derrida’s lecture <em>Signature Event Context</em> from -71, followed by Searle’s <em>Reiterating the Differences</em>. A Reply to Derrida and subsequently Derrida’s reply <em>Limited Inc a b c …</em> which encouraged Searle to renew his criticism. I situate the debate within a philosophical context where questions of the aim of philosophy and the nature of philosophical writing cannot be excluded from the specific topics that are being discussed. Starting from Derrida’s controversial reading of Austin, where a few key points of criticism are placed under scrutiny, I proceed to problems of writing and communication where special attention is paid to the concept of iterability and Searle’s remark that this has been confounded with permanence in Derrida’s exposition. The concept of ”writing” is examined as a crux in the understanding of the two philosophers. And iterability is then found to be derieved from the theorization of absence in relation to that very concept. Iterability designates an essential possibility of absence and implies the possibility of every mark to be grafted onto new contexts of significance. Thus it draws the consequences of a general repeatability, within which difference is underscored as the inevitable outcome. The last section of the essay relates to the phenomenological project of investigating the genesis of idealization and traces the emergence of iterability in Derrida’s further writings on Husserl, where repetition can be perceived of as constitutive for ideality and thus for identity. Bearing on this observation, the type/token-distinction, proposed by Searle to undo the problem of iterability, is subjected to further inquiry and linked to the process of idealization, within which iterability is revealed to have a temporal relevance that also affects the notion of permanence. The claim is then made that iterability should be understood as a fundamentally ambiguous phenomenon through its dual relation to identity and difference. Its utility is found to be hinged upon the status of the possible. Finally, the question of iterability as concept is posed, which entails its interdependence upon notions of dissemination and différance.</p>
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The code of Concord : Emerson's search for universal lawsHallengren, Anders January 1994 (has links)
The purpose of this work is to detect a pattern: the concordance of Ethics and Aesthetics, Poetics and Politics in the most influential American thinker of the nineteenth century. It is an attempt to trace a basic concept of the Emersonian transcendentalist doctrine, its development, its philosophical meaning and practical implications. Emerson’s thought is analyzed genetically in search of the generating paradigm, or the set of axioms from which his aesthetic ideas as well as his political reasoning are derived. Such a basic structure, or point of convergence, is sought in the emergence of Emerson’s idea of universal laws that repeat themselves on all levels of reality. A general introduction is given in Part One, where the crisis in Emerson’s life is seen as representing and foreshadowing the deeper existential crisis of modern man. In Part 2 we follow the increasingly skeptical theologian’s turn to science, where he tries to secure a safe secular foundation for ethical good and right and to solve the problem of evil. Part 3 shows how Emerson’s conception of the laws of nature and ethics is applied in his political philosophy. In Part 4, Emerson’s ideas of the arts are seen as corresponding to his views of nature, morality, and individuality. Finally, in Part 5, the ancient and classical nature of Concord philosophy is brought into focus. The book concludes with a short summary.
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Iterabilitet, upprepning och permanens : En kritisk analys av debatten mellan Derrida och Searle / Iterability, repetition and permanence : A critical analysis of the debate between Derrida and SearleGardfors, Johan January 2009 (has links)
The essay seeks to clarify some of the decisive but often obscured issues in the famous debate between Jacques Derrida and Jonn F. Searle. The debate commenced in 1977 with the publication in Glyph of Derrida’s lecture Signature Event Context from -71, followed by Searle’s Reiterating the Differences. A Reply to Derrida and subsequently Derrida’s reply Limited Inc a b c … which encouraged Searle to renew his criticism. I situate the debate within a philosophical context where questions of the aim of philosophy and the nature of philosophical writing cannot be excluded from the specific topics that are being discussed. Starting from Derrida’s controversial reading of Austin, where a few key points of criticism are placed under scrutiny, I proceed to problems of writing and communication where special attention is paid to the concept of iterability and Searle’s remark that this has been confounded with permanence in Derrida’s exposition. The concept of ”writing” is examined as a crux in the understanding of the two philosophers. And iterability is then found to be derieved from the theorization of absence in relation to that very concept. Iterability designates an essential possibility of absence and implies the possibility of every mark to be grafted onto new contexts of significance. Thus it draws the consequences of a general repeatability, within which difference is underscored as the inevitable outcome. The last section of the essay relates to the phenomenological project of investigating the genesis of idealization and traces the emergence of iterability in Derrida’s further writings on Husserl, where repetition can be perceived of as constitutive for ideality and thus for identity. Bearing on this observation, the type/token-distinction, proposed by Searle to undo the problem of iterability, is subjected to further inquiry and linked to the process of idealization, within which iterability is revealed to have a temporal relevance that also affects the notion of permanence. The claim is then made that iterability should be understood as a fundamentally ambiguous phenomenon through its dual relation to identity and difference. Its utility is found to be hinged upon the status of the possible. Finally, the question of iterability as concept is posed, which entails its interdependence upon notions of dissemination and différance.
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