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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Neformaliojo vaikų ugdymo kokybė ir jos tobulinimas / Informal youth education quality and its development

Mikailionis, Mindaugas 26 February 2009 (has links)
Tinkamai organizuota, turininga veikla po pamokų, patenkindama mokinių poreikius ir interesus, sudaro galimybę aktyviai dalyvauti visuomeniniame gyvenime, tad jau nuo ankstyvo amžiaus svarbu pratinti mokinius laisvalaikį leisti naudingai sau ir visuomenei. Pastaruoju metu pedagogai, švietimo specialistai ir organizatoriai dažnai kelia klausimą, kaip galima efektyviau plėtoti popamokinę veiklą ne tik kaip dalykinių žinių suteikimo priemonę, bet taip pat - ir būdą, kaip spręsti aktualias dabarties problemas. Iš tikrųjų neformalaus ugdymo tikslai yra daug platesni - ugdyti demokratišką, socialų, savarankišką, kūrybišką vaiką, paruošti jį pilietiškai aktyviam gyvenimui Siekiant paruošti mokinius gyventi ir veiksmingai dirbti XXI amžiuje, turi funkcionuoti neformalus ugdymas, kaip neatsiejama ugdymo dalis, ir turėtų būti nuolatinis kokybės siekimas bei jos tobulinimas. Atlikus kiekybinį tyrimą paaiškėjo, kad neformalaus ugdymo veikla jaunimui, yra itin svarbi bei reikalinga. Daugelis respondentų (mokinių) mano, kad didžioji dalis dirbančiųjų neformalaus ugdymo vadovų nėra kompetentingi, trūksta kūrybingumo bei savo darbą atlieka tik patenkinamai. Taip pat remiantis tyrimo duomenimis, galime teigti, kad neformalaus ugdymo kaina yra per didelė, todėl nėra itin didelio susidomėjimo tarp jaunimo. Labai pasigendama netradicinių sporto šakų bei veiklos susijusios su turizmu. Kokybinis tyrimas rodo labai panašią situaciją, kaip ir kiekybinis. Kliūtis vėl yra finansai, teigiama, jei... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Properly organized, purposeful activity after lessons, which satisfy schoolchildren needs and interests, makes opportunity to participate in public life, so already from young age it is important to teach schoolchildren to spend their leisure usefully for themselves and for public. Recently educator, education specialist and organizer rarely create a question, how we can develop after lesson activities more effectively, not only as formal news provider, but also – and as a manner, how to solve relevant nowadays problems. Indeed informal education purposes are more widely – to educate democratic, social, self-sufficient, creative children, to purpose him for public-spirited active life. Seeking to purpose schoolchildren to live and work affectively in XXI century, the informal education have to operate, as concurrent education part, and have to be permanent seeking of quality and also it perfection. After quantitative research I get results, that informal education activity for teenagers, is really important for them. Many of respondents (schoolchildren) think that most of working informal education managers is not competent; they are lack of creativity and also accomplish their work only satisfactorily. Also containing to exploratory results, it can be propose, that informal education price are too big, so the are no huge interest between teenagers. It is lack of activities as complimentary sport tricks, also activity, which is related to tourism. Qualitative... [to full text]

5-7 metų berniukų ir mergaičių kompetencijų lyginamoji analizė / Comparative analysis of peculiarity remits of boys and girls at the age of 5-7 year

Jermakovičienė, Dijana 27 June 2005 (has links)
Dijana Jermakovičienė. Comparative analysis of peculiarity remits of boys and girls at the age of 5-7 year. Sciential leader – O.Monkevičienė. Vilnius Pedagogical University. Department of preschool psychology. 2005. Sex education is very important part of the common upbringing. It ensures universal welfare of human life. This upbringing process becomes more topical, because of the popular past-west culture. It stimulates to look for the sex upbringing programs which are oriented to national upbringing traditions also humanistic worth. With reference analysis of theoretical resources, topics of the gender role and sexual self-conception, sexual upbringing peculiarities were revealed. Society is changing, traditional roles of man and woman looses faith. Children have to readjust to new conditions. Undoubtedly, it is important to research remit peculiarities of boys and girls in today’s fast-changing society. Also we should reach for the better education quality and stimulate perfection in this range. The research of peculiarity remits of boys and girls at the age of 5-7 year displayed that children have their attitude to gender roles. Despite the influence of modern society, there are traditional role repartition. While processing Lithuanians integration to cultural – civilization space, girls modern trend is very noticeable.

Valdorfo pedagogikos reikšmė II-IV klasių moksleivių kūrybiškumo ugdymui / The meaning of Waldorf education system, methods for stimulating creativity of pupils in 2nd-4th grades

Kaufmanė, Elena 17 May 2006 (has links)
Children education in Lithuania is undergoing a period of intense changes. Along with changes, many innovations are being introduced. Waldorf pedagogic is one of most successful innovations introduced past few years. According to the creator of Waldorf pedagogic, Rudolph Steiner, education should be considered as a kind of art, based on knowledge of human psychology. According to him, any kind of education or schooling should be based on stimulation of creativity and artistic taste, ability to feel and understand the inner self as well as people and surroundings around, also on the knowledge of surrounding nature. In the system of Waldorf pedagogic ideal pupil becomes the one that is able of thinking and creating, at the same time improving his or her knowledge of surroundings and inner self and adjusting to quickly changing circumstances. That means a person able to adopt innovations and to use them in everyday professional activities. Object of survey Peculiarities of the second – fourth forms pupils’ creativity at Waldorf School and traditional school. There have only been few researches conducted in Lithuania to investigate influence of Waldorf pedagogic on creativity of children. Most of researches just mention this pedagogic system along with few facts of how it works or stimulates pupils’ creativity. Conventionally there are only two ways of education considered – either constant schooling or free exploring of surroundings, thus gaining necessary experience on your... [to full text]

LŽŪU IR LKKA STUDENTŲ UGDYMAS, NAUDOJANTIS KILNAUS ŽAIDIMO IDĖJOMIS / Education of the students in Lithuanian University of Agriculture (LUA) and in Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education (LAPE) under the idea of the hounorable game

Černiauskas, Audrius 02 June 2006 (has links)
Author of the thesis: Audrius Černiauskas Topic of the thesis: Education of the students in Lithuanian University of Agriculture (LUA) and in Lithuanian Academy of Physical Education (LAPE) under the idea of the hounorable game. Volume of the thesis: 61 pages. The paper includes: 16 pictures, 2 appendix. Sources of literature: 20 Object of the research: Education of the students in LUA and LAPE under the method of hounorable game. Methods of the research: 1. Literature analysis. 2. Data analysis. 3. Test „FAIR PLAY“. The test was recommended by docent of the Department of Physical Education - E.Puišienė. 4. Analysis of the statistics applying software „PAULA“. Results of the research: It was established that exercising students strive for recognition and evaluation. The greatest attention is given to high results. Therefore, health criteria is at least estimation. It was determined that representatives of both genders in the strife of equal rights judge on the sence of responsibility.

Vaikų(7-11)situacinio mikromokymosi plėtojimosi galimybės namų ir mokyklos aplinkoje / Possiblities of the Development of the Situational Microlearning for 7-11 year-old Children in Home and School Environment

Beniušienė, Aida 09 June 2006 (has links)
Nowadays it is very important to link the pupil’s personal experience in his family, at school environment, in the community with his consciousness and moral deeds. For this purpose we should help to young people to become stronger in this new environment. Only personal characteristics, the school and home environment, teachers and parents’ attitude to subjects, teaching methods determine the pupil’s ability how to learn during all this learning process. The main goal for each teacher should be the responsibility for pupils’ education and improving the pupils’ abilities. These are the most important and the greatest goals for the nation culture. The theme of this work is Possibilities of the Development of the Situational Microlearning for 7-11-year-old Children in Home and School Environment. The hypothesis of the work shows that all educators know the main point of the situational microlearning very deeply and all main aspects of this are spread in educational institutions. The goal of this work is to explain the main point of the situational microlearning and to expose the possibilities of the development in educational institutions and in home environment. Also, to research how primary school teachers and pupils are interested in the situational microlearning turning attention to the main point and possibilities of the application. The objectives are: 1. To motivate the educational importance of the pupils’ situational microlearning theoretically. 2. To do the research... [to full text]

Vadovo vaidmuo organizuojant dorinį ugdymą mokykloje / The role of the head teacher in organization of moral education in school

Mikulienė, Jūratė 16 June 2006 (has links)
Creation of open democratic Lithuanian society and modern worldwide tendencies results in changing of understanding of moral education. The aim of education is versatility. This also encompasses moral education. In order to get purposeful moral education, pupils choose either ethics or religion each year, both of which are available in school. Moral education is complicated because ethics has neither a single material sphere of expression nor a single area of education; ethics can be educated in all the areas of both life and education revealing human values and valuable relations. The problem of the research: an insufficient role of the head teacher in organization of moral education in school. The object of the research: organization of moral education. The aim of the research: revealing a role of the heads of educational institutions in organization of moral education in school. The research aims at pointing out an outlook of the head teachers and teachers of moral education towards moral education and a role of the head teacher in organization of moral education in school. An experiment of such kind means the subjects of the research are: o A conception of moral education; o An importance of moral education in school; o The help of the head teacher in organization of moral education; o A search of presumptions of service improvement of educational institutions’ supply of moral education. 60 head teachers of Kaišiadorys town and region, Kaunas and Vilnius and 110... [to full text]

Ugdymo įstaigų vadovų ir pradinių klasių mokytojų požiūris į vaikų priešmokyklinį ugdymą / Education Institutions and Primary Teachers` View to Children`s Pre-school Education

Kuklienė, Natalija 21 June 2006 (has links)
In this article research work educational institutions and primary teachers`s view on children`s pre-school education is analyzed. This issue is topical as continuity of pre-school and primary school education influences the quality of education in primary classes a lot. The issue is even more topical because of the newness of a pre-school education branch in Lithuanian educational system, this fact causes a lot of problems. The object of the research - primary education. The aim of the research – to find out how administration of educational institutions and primary teachers evaluate the role of pre-school education in children`s preparation for school and which model of pre-school education they give top priority to. Tasks: To examine the problems of pre-school education in scientific literature; to find out points of view of administrators of different educational institutions on children`s preparation for school; to examine primary teachers` point of view on children`s preparation for school; to accomplish a comparative analysis of the data and give recommendations for improvement of the work. The methods of the research: Theoretical: Analysis of scientific management, psychological, pedagogic, sociological literature and the newest educational documents. Empirical: Primary teachers and school administration, pre-school administration questioning; Statistic: A quantitative analysis was accomplished, the methods of statistical and comparative analysis were described. The... [to full text]

Frontalaus, grupinio ir individualaus mokymo santykis pradinėse klasėse integravimo sąlygomis / Frontal, cooperative and individual learning relation in integrated primary classes

Butkutė, Raminta 27 June 2006 (has links)
There are revealed frontal, cooperative and individual peculiarities of studying methods in this Master`s work. These methods are aimed in Lithuanian, Mathematics and World study lessons in integrated primary class, there is shown how teacher has to plan his/her work and to join frontal, cooperative and individual relations of work forms.Object of research: teaching methods are put into heterogenic primary classes.Problem of research: frontal, cooperative and individual methods of work applying under integrate training conditions.Purpose of research: to reveal how to optimize studying by various work forms in integrate training structure. Tasks of research: 1. After studying didactic sources, psychological literature and juridical documents to investigate frontal, cooperative and individual relation of studying methods in integrate educational system. 2. To establish frontal, cooperative and individual peculiarities of studying methods in Lithuanian, Mathematics and World study lessons. 3. To reveal abilities of studying optimize joing different forms of studying. 4. To prepare recommendations for teachers. Methods of research: 1. Analysis of didactics sources, psychological literature and juridical documents. 2. Qualitative research. Observation of pedagogical process. Observation was done in primary classes of Kaunas secondary regular and special schools where at least one pupil is studying according modify, adapt or special program. There were observed 79 Lithuanian... [to full text]

Tėvų atsakomybė renkantis vaikams dorinį ugdymą / Parents’ responsibility in choosing moral education for their children

Leskauskienė, Vilma 28 June 2006 (has links)
Object of the research. The state of parents’ responsibility choosing lessons of moral education for their children. Aim of the research. To reveal the psychological and pedagogical expression of parents’ responsibility choosing moral education for their children. Objectives of the research. To perform the analytical review of scientific psychological and pedagogical sources; to emphasize the factor of communication between parents and children; to point out the state of parents’ responsibility choosing the lessons of moral education for their children; to carry out the psycho-pedagogical assessment of parents’ responsibility choosing the lessons of moral education for their children. Methods of the research. A summary of pedagogical and psychological and other sources as well as standard documents related to the topic; anonymous questionnaires; individual sincere and confidential talks with teachers and mathematical statistical methods. The results are reflected in the conclusions of the research. The main conclusions are: • Sincere mutual understanding and general view of what is hidden behind spontaneous human reactions is typical of parent-children interrelation and this is the first step towards learning how to understand children’s position since without this ability it is impossible to be aware of children’s and your own feelings. The emphasis is put on parents’ responsibility choosing moral education for their children. • Evaluating the state of parents’... [to full text]

Demokratinio ugdymo tendencijų raidos JAV ir Lietuvoje lyginamoji analizė / Democracy education development in the USA and Lithuania; comparative analysis

Jazukevičiūtė, Simona 29 June 2006 (has links)
People nowadays are often forced to accept the challenges of the modern society. That is the reason why a great attention has been paid to civic education in many countries of the world including Lithuania. As education system is considered to be one of the key instruments constructing civic society, schools nowadays aim to develop students’ responsibility, social activity and independence; form their value system, emphasize the importance of democratic relationships between teachers and students. The problem of democratic citizenship education is relevant in Lithuanian school and society for understanding democracy itself, determining practical activity of young people. Since 1988 democratic citizenship has been declared to be one of the most important aims of the reformed Lithuanian school. at the beginning of the reform civic education integration program into curriculum was created, however it was agreed that the aspects of democracy education have to embrace the whole school life. Having spent long years in Soviet occupation and having long experience of Soviet education Lithuanian school has inevitably faced certain difficulties creating its own democracy-based education. USA, the country in possession of long civic education experience has been chosen as a model country. During 15 years of independence in cooperation with American civic education experts Lithuanian teachers have made visible changes in Lithuanian education system. This work aims to analyze and... [to full text]

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