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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jaunimo mokyklų mokinių pilietiškumas / Civic Achievement of Youth shool students

Petrikienė, Diana 08 June 2005 (has links)
The research done by master degree studies student Diana Petrikiene is based on the main concepts and understandings of National as well as International developments of citizenship education. In the first part of the thesis author presents the short history of Civic Education in Lithuania based on the research work of M. Luksiene (1985) and presented in the articles of I. Zaleskienė (2000). It is shown that Civic education did play a strong role during the historical developments of Lithuanian educational system. The post sovietic educational developments are reflecting on these experiences and on the international ideas coming from democratic states. The first ideas of rebuilding Civic education was developed already in 1988 when the educational reform did start. In the contemporary rapid political transition, civic education is framed within a more progressive forward - looking vision accompanying processes of social and political change. Implementation of citizenship education is foreseen in the national documents (Core-Curriculum and Standards, 2004). Main goals of the citizenship education can be structured and achieved according following areas or the ways on which Citizenship education is organised in Lithuania. 1. Through formal curriculum: a) citizenship education is taught as a cross-curriculum. It means that Civic ideas, concepts, topics are integrated in the new developed curricular, textbooks, teaching and learning materials for whole variety of subjects... [to full text]

Abstraktus vaizdavimo būdas meninio ugdymo procese / Abstract art in the school

Snarskienė, Rasa 13 June 2005 (has links)
The completed research allows to conclude that abstract expression holds a key importance in the process of art tuition. Its influence on children visual reflection is determined by a number of factors: the development of student's thinking process, his individual character, visual reflection forms, relevant teaching methods and valuation of student's works. This research describes the techniques the tutor uses for the purpose to understand the student, best reveal his unique inner capabilities and skills and facilitate their development. In early age, when children only start to realize the principals of abstract art, they create abstract compositions on playing grounds. Their creativity, active imagination, thinking capabilities and intuition expand and improve on the way. In upper grades, when the attractiveness of drawing and working as a process fades out, the weight of drawing result continually increases. This is the age when children lose the joy of spontaneous creation, while the attempt at realistic expression encounters an essential lack of skills. Children are willing to be taught and they seek definite rules. Still they cannot generalize consciously, therefore the most appropriate tasks are design of ornaments out of geometrical figures, lines and colours. This way they get acquainted with the means of abstract expression in art, and these provide a positive impulse for the enhancement of creative capabilities and overall personality maturing. 14 – 18 years... [to full text]

Vaikų dienos centras kaip ugdymo institucija (Belgijos) patirtis / Children day care center and educational institution(its experience in Belgium)

Valuntonienė, Jurgita 15 June 2005 (has links)
A concluding thesis by Jurgita Valuntonienė, postgraduate of Vilnius Pedagogic University, Social Pedagogy Department, named “Children Day Care Center as an educational institution (its experience in Belgium)”. Day Centers offer care for children during the day time and other additional services in order to satisfy the main children’s needs which are not given by the family. The other aim is to support the family by developing maternity and paternity skills and put them into practice at home. Children Day Care Centers and their activities in Lithuania prevent children from negative social conditions, satisfy their needs and give a possibility for a family to get some social services. It can be stated that services provided for children and their families at Day Care Centers conform to alternative ward ship. It is gradually being tried to improve the activity of Children Day Care centers and to enlarge the number of services it can offer. One of the Children Day Care center’s priorities is the qualification of its workers. But after the comparison of analogical centers in Belgium and in Lithuania, it was noticed that our country has less volunteers willing to offer their help and work in these institutions. Furthermore, after the comparative analysis it was evident that age interval of children who use the service of these institutions is much wider in Belgium than in Lithuania (from 3 to 14 years). The service of these centers is payable in Belgium even though the price... [to full text]

Logopedo veikla ugdant specialiųjų ugdymosi poreikių turinčius mokinius bendrojo lavinimo mokykloje / The Work of Speech Pathologist in Teaching Students with Special Needs in Regular Classes

Liubinienė, Diana 15 June 2005 (has links)
Each year, the number of students with special educational needs who choose studying in regular education classes, is growing. The integration of these students can be meaningful and successful only if comprehensive school guarantees appropriate educational conditions to every of them, meets their individual needs and provides steady and qualified assistance. Not only is the classroom teacher involved in assisting the special educational needs of the students but also other in-school service providers – special education teacher, speech therapist, psychologist, social worker. Following the regulations of the Ministry of Education and Training of Lithuania speech pathologist assists persons with speech and language disorders. The students with other developmental disabilities can get speech pathologist’s help, too. The speech training of students with special educational needs is often aggravated with other cognitive, emotional and behavior, mild developmental disabilities and psychosocial factors – these are primary and secondary disorders. This study intends to analyze the functions of special pedagogical assistance given by speech pathologist in comprehensive school, the range and character of cooperation between speech pathologist and classroom teacher in teaching students with special educational needs. The study aims for exhibiting that speech pathologists by working with students with special educational needs not only eliminate speech and language disorders but also... [to full text]

Švietimo išteklių įtaka mokinių, turinčių specialiųjų poreikių, ugdymui bendrojo lavinimo mokyklose / Educational Resources and Their Use for the Education of Children with Special Needs in Comprehensive Schools ( based on the research of comprehensive schools in Utena region)

Siminkevičienė, Janina 17 June 2005 (has links)
The present research is based on the analysis of educational resources (human, financial, and material) and their use for the education of schoolchildren with special needs in comprehensive schools. The theoretical first and second part of the research analyses government documents (the Law on Education of the Republic of Lithuania, the Law on Special Education of the Republic of Lithuania, the guidelines of education in Lithuania in 2003 – 2012, the sponsorship documents referring to special education of schoolchildren, and others) as well as works of famous Lithuanian scientists such as Želvys, Galkienė, Adomaitien��, Ambrukaitis, Ruškus that have performed research in the field under investigation. The research focuses on the teachers that work with schoolchildren with special needs, their qualification refreshment, demand for specialists (speech therapists, typhlopedagogues, special teachers, and others), financial problems, material resources. The thesis introduces works of foreign scientists (Gray, Jenkner, Kaufman, Fletcher-Campbel and others), shows the experience of such countries as Bulgaria, Island, Poland, Luxemburg, Great Britain, France, Romania, and others. The object of the research is educational resources and their use for the education of children with special needs in comprehensive schools. The aim of the research is the evaluation of educational resource formation and use organizing special help in comprehensive schools in Utena region. The... [to full text]

Smulkiosios motorikos ugdymo įtaka 6 - 7 metų vaikų mokyklinei brandai / The influence of the small movement for 6 - 7-year-old children school maturity

Kasputienė, Živilė 16 August 2007 (has links)
Svarbus vaiko gyvenimo etapas, kai jis pradeda lankyti mokyklą, pareikalauja tikslių, koordinuotų plaštakos ir pirštų judesių, kurie būtini rašant, piešiant ir atliekant daugelį kitų mokymosi procese reikalingų veiksmų. Todėl smulkiosios motorikos lavinimas yra svarbi rengimo mokyklai dalis. Tyrimo tikslas: Ištirti 6 – 7 metų vaikų smulkiosios motorikos ugdymo įtaką jos kaitai ir vaiko mokyklinei brandai. Tyrimo metodai. Tiriamųjų kontingentą sudarė 100 šešerių – septynerių metų vaikų, lankančių darželį. Jie buvo suskirstyti į dvi grupes: tiriamąją (T) ir kontrolinę (K). Abiejose grupėse buvo po 25 mergaites ir 25 berniukus. T grupės vaikams buvo taikoma smulkiosios motorikos lavinimo programa pagal G. Musteikienės (2001) rekomendacijas. K grupė dirbo pagal Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo ministerijos patvirtintą ,,Vėrinėlio‘‘programą. Tyrimo pradžioje (pirmas tyrimas), po penkis mėnesius taikytos smulkiosios motorikos ugdymo programos, abiejų grupių vaikams tyrimai pakartoti (antras tyrimas). Vaikų rankų smulkiąją motoriką vertinome N. Ozereckio smulkiosios motorikos įvertinimo testu; judesių tikslumą ir dažnį, bei rankos raumenų susitraukimo greitį ir dažnį Eurofito testais; mokyklinę brandą tyrėme J. Jiraseko modifikuotu A. Kerno testu ir J. Jiraseko verbalinio mąstymo testu. Rezultatai. Po penkių mėnesių smulkiosios motorikos ugdymo programos eksperimentinėje grupėje pastebimai padaugėjo vaikų, kurių smulkiosios motorikos išsivystymo lygis pagerėjo (P=0,000). 46%... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / An important stage in a child‘s life is when he/she begins to attend school, it requires accurate, concerted hand‘s and fingers‘ movements which are necessary in writing, drawing and doing lots of other actions needed in learning process. The Goal of the Research: To explore 6-7-year-old childrens‘ small movement education‘s influence for its vicissitude and child‘s school maturity. The Methods of the Research. One hundred 6-7-year-old children who attended kindergarten were involved in the research. They were divided into 2 groups: exploratory (E) and auditorial (A). There were twenty-five girls and boys in both groups. The exploratory group‘s children were educated according to the small movement education program prepared by us. The auditorial group worked according to “Verinelis“ program certified by Lithuania Republic Education Ministry. The beginning of the research (the 1st research) has been continuing for 5 month using the small movement program. Later on (the 2nd research) the research was renewed for both groups of the children. The small movement of the children hands we evaluated according to N. Ozereckis small movement evaluation test; for movement accuracy and rate, hand‘s muscle shrinkage speed and rate we used Eurofitas test; the school maturity we researched using A. Kernas test modified by J. Jirasekas and J. Jirasekas verbal thinking test. Results. Five months later the number of children visibly increased in the exploratory group which worked according... [to full text]

Vadybinių novacijų raiška Šiaulių miesto ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigų veikloje / Expression of managing novations in preschool training institutions’ movement in Siauliai Postgraduate paper

Budraitienė, Daiva 16 August 2007 (has links)
Švietimo vadybos novacijų raiškos tyrimas buvo organizuojamas, siekiant apibendrinti pagrindines švietimo vadybos novacijų raiškos ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigose tendencijas. Jau iš teoriniais teiginiais pagrįstos operacionalizacijos sudarymo paaiškėjo, kad novacijos teoriniai ir praktiniai aspektai yra nevienalyčiai,priklausomi nuo konteksto. Tyrimo rezultatai atskleidė skirtingas vadovų ir pedagogų nuostatas vadybinių novacijų kaitos atžvilgiu. Apibendrinus abiejų respondentų grupių vertinimus, paaiškėjo, jog aktualiausios švietimo vadybos novacijos ikimokyklinio ugdymo įstaigoms yra vadovų gebėjimas organizuoti tėvų finansavimo pritraukimą, įstaigos darbuotojų telkimas bendram darbui, diskusijos apie augančius aplinkos reikalavimus. Dar nepakankamai pasiekta, derinant materialinius ir nematerialinius skatulius, diegiant informacines technologijas bei paslaugas, optimaliai paskirstant išteklius. Šiuos reiškinius siūloma tirti išsamiau, panaudojant kokybinio tyrimo metodikos galimybes. / The research of the expression of education innovations was organized to generalize the main trend of expression of education management innovations in preschool institutions. From the operationalization, reasoned by theoretical prepositions emerged that aspects of theoretical and practical innovation are heterogeneous and can be systemised only in a certain context. The results reveal different headmasters’ and pedagogues’ provisions towards expression of management changes. Generalizing the rate of these two respondents’ groups comes that the topical issues on expression of education management innovations in preschool institutions are headmaster’s competence to organize parents’ sponsorship, his ambition to mass employees to teamwork, to dispute about rising environmental requirements, establishing broad-brush trends of developing institutions proceeding. There are inadequate expanded employees’ motivation coordinating material and.

Technologijų ir bendrojo lavinimo dalykų integravimo galimybės taikant projektų metodą / Possibilities of integration of technologies and secondary school subjects while applying the method of projects

Makuc, Galina 16 August 2007 (has links)
Šiandien daug kalbama ir diskutuojama apie integruotą ugdymą, dėmesį sutelkiant į mokymo turinio integravimą. Integraciniai procesai sparčiai vyksta moksle, technologijose, ekonomikoje ir kitur. Be abejonės, jie atsispindi ir ugdymo procesuose. Mokslų integracija senas, tačiau dabartiniame amžiuje naujai suvoktas ir naujai interpretuojamas dalykas. Projektų metodo esmė – organizuoti mokymo procesą taip, kad moksleiviai gebėjimus ir žinias įgytų praktinėje aplinkoje, kūrybinėje veikloje, plėtodami patirtį. Darbas projektų metodu – tai aktyvi veikla, reali aplinka, problemų sprendimas, įgyta patirtis. Tyrimo tikslas – nustatyti technologijų ir bendrojo lavinimo dalykų integravimo galimybes taikant projektų metodą. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Išanalizuoti mokslinę, dalykinę, metodinę literatūrą tiriamuoju klausimu. 2. Anketavimo metodu nustatyti projektų metodo panaudojimo galimybes technologinio ugdymo pamokose. 3. Ištirti technologijų dalyko integravimo su kitais bendrojo lavinimo dalykais galimybes. 4. Išanalizuoti ugdytojų ir moksleivių požiūrį į projektų metodą. Tyrimo organizavimas: viso buvo apklausta 38 technologijų mokytojai bei 229 moksleiviai iš įvairių Lietuvos vietovių. Tyrimo metodai: teorinis, empirinis, statistinis. Apibendrinant atliktą mokslinės, dalykinės, metodinės literatūros analizę, paaiškėjo, kad Projektų metodas – vienas iš perspektyviausių metodų ugdymo procese. Šiuo metu yra sukaupta daug patirties, vykdant įvairius projektus. Beveik... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Nowadays, the subject of integrated fostering is discussed widely and the most attention is paid to the integration of education content. The integration processes are taking place in science, technologies, economics and other spheres. They are sure to get attention in the sphere of fostering processes as well. The integration of sciences is a subject that is not new but is perceived and explained anew in the current age. The main point of the method of projects is to organize the educational process in such a way that schoolchildren could acquire their skills and knowledge in practical environment while engaged in creative activity. Work performed applying the method of projects is a dynamic activity, real environment, problem solving and acquired experience. The objective of investigation is to analyse the possibilities to integrate technologies and secondary school subjects while applying the method of projects. The tasks of investigation: 1. To analyse the scientific, subject and methodological literature on the relevant issue. 2. To identify the possibilities to use the method of projects in classes of technological fostering by applying the method of questionnaire survey. 3. To analyse the possibilities of integration of the subject of technologies with the secondary school subjects. 4. To investigate the opinion of both fosterers and schoolchildren on the method of projects. The arrangement of the investigation: 38 teachers of technology subjects and 229 schoolchildren... [to full text]

Policijos pareigūnų bendrųjų profesinių gebėjimų lavinimo ypatumai / Peculiarities of general professional competence building for police officers

Vaičiulis, Arūnas 24 September 2008 (has links)
Žmogui pasirinkusiam policininko profesiją visuomenė kelia labai aukštus reikalavimus. Jis bet kokioje situacijoje turi elgtis ir veikti kompetentingai, pavojaus akivaizdoje neprarasti savitvardos ir nepaisant kilusios grėsmės savo ar kito asmens gyvybei ar sveikatai, stoti į kovą su nusikaltėliu. Policininkas negali pasirinkti priešininko (-ų), kaip negali vengti ir atsakomybės bei kovos su nusikaltėliu. Augalotas ar mažas, fiziškai stipresnis ar silpnas, jaunesnis ar vyresnis, vyras ar moteris, vienas nusikaltėlis ar visa gauja – jis privalo atlikti pareigą, apginti skriaudžiamą žmogų, apsiginti pats. Policijos darbuotojams daug dažniau nei kitų profesijų atstovams tenka susidurti su linkusiais nusikalsti visuomenės sluoksniais, neretai jie patys patiria smurtą. Pastarųjų dienų kriminogeninė padėtis Lietuvoje, kuomet nusikaltimai tampa vis įžūlesni, o teisės pažeidėjai ir nusikaltėliai vis labiau linkę į smurtą ir agresiją, liudija būtinybę atsakingai ugdyti policininkų profesinę kompetenciją, nuolat tobulinti pareigūnų profesinį - specialų fizinį, kovinį bei taktinį pasirengimą, formuoti techniškai teisingus ir veiksmingus įgūdžius. Tik tvirti ir stabilūs bendrieji profesiniai gebėjimai ir įgūdžiai gali padėti policijos pareigūnui apsaugoti save patį, kitą asmenį ar patikėtą turtą, todėl Lietuvos policijos pareigūnų kvalifikacijos tobulinimas turi būti nuolatinis ir nesibaigiantis procesas. Tik išsilavinę ir profesionalūs pareigūnai savo tarnybinėje veikloje gebės... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / For the person, who has chosen a policeman craftsociety enhance very high requirements. He might act adequate in any situation, do not loose self-control at the dangerous situation, and desite the danger to his or other person‘s health or life stand forfight withthe offender. When officer has to use force for to protect other people, himself or societies legitimate interests andproperty, he experiences a huge stress and fear. A police officer meets the lowest societies ordersmore often than people with different professions, and frequenly they are involved in acts of violence. Recent criminologycal situation in Lithuania, when crimes become more insolen, and law offenders and criminals are moresubjected to violence and aggression, proclaimsthe necessity to responcibly cultivate policemen‘s professional competence, to improve officers professional – special physical,combatant and tactical readiness all the time, to form technicaly correct and efficient skills. Policeman can not choose enemy, same as he can not avoid responsibility or fight with a criminal. Tall or short, physicaly strong or weak, old or young, man or woman, one criminal or whole gang – he mus do his duty, to protect put-upon person and to protect himself. Only strong and stable professional skills can help a policeman to protect himself, other person or property. Policemen motivation to develop profellional skills and attitude to available.

Gabiųjų ugdymo ypatumai šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje / Education of gifted children in modern society

Miakinkov, Andrej 24 September 2008 (has links)
Tyrimo objektas – mokyklinio amžiaus gabių vaikų problemos ir jų sprendimo būdai. Tyrimo tikslas — atskleisti gabiųjų ugdymo ypatumus šiuolaikinėje visuomenėje. Hipotezė: Gabieji vaikai turi specialių poreikių, kuriuos reikia patenkinti norint tinkamai išugdyti jų gabumus. Tyrimo uždaviniai: apžvelgti sociologinėje, psichologinėje bei pedagoginėje literatūroje nagrinėtus gabiųjų ugdymo klausimus, nustatyti gabiųjų ugdymo problemas kylančias visuomenėje, šeimoje, mokykloje, valstybėje, pasiūlyti galimus šių problemų sprendimo būdus. Tyrimo metodai: teorinis (sociologinės, psichologinės ir pedagoginės literatūros, nagrinėjančios gabiuosius, bei gabumus, sisteminė analizė), empirinis (anketinė visuomenės apklausa), statistinis (apklausos duomenų analizė). Tyrimo rezultatai parodė, kad aukštąjį išsilavinimą turintys respondentai labiau linkę vertinti gabiuosius nepalankiai ir yra mažiau suinteresuoti skirti didesnį dėmesį jų ugdymui, nors turėtų būti priešingai. Tačiau apklausa taip pat atskleidė, kad iš esmės gabiesiems reikalingas didesnis dėmesys ir respondentai neprimetė už tai atsakomybės tik tėvams ar tik valstybei. Devyni iš dešimties apklaustųjų mano, kad pirmiausiai gabiųjų vaikų ugdymu turėtų pasirūpinti šeima. Jie turi padėti pasirinkti tinkamus laisvalaikio užsiėmimus skatinančius gebėjimų vystymą. Mokykloje aukšto intelekto ir kūrybiški vaikai turėtų būti mokomi pagal specialiąsias programas, kurios gilintų žinias tose srityse, kuriose jie gali pasiekti... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Study object – the problems related to the school aged gifted children and the solutions to them. Purpose of the study – to disclose the educational specifics of the gifted children in modern society. Hypothesis: The gifted children have special needs that require to be satisfied in order to properly educate their abilities. Tasks of the study: to examine the issues of the gifted children education analysed in sociological, psychological and educational literature, to establish the problems regarding the gifted children education arising on the society, family, school, country scale, to suggest the possible solutions to these issues. Methods of the study: theoretical: systematic analysis of the sociological, psychological and educational literature researching the gifted and their abilities, empirical: public opinion survey by a questionnaire, statistical: survey data analysis. Results. The respondents having the university degree tend to consider the gifted children unfavourably and are less interested in paying more attention to their education. However, the survey results also disclosed that basically the gifted children are in the need of more attention and the respondents did not thrust the responsibility for that only on the parents or the government. Nine out of ten respondents believe that the primary source of education to the gifted children should be their family. They should help them to choose their leisure activities that stimulate the development of their... [to full text]

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