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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pradinių klasių mokinių intonavimo ugdymas muzikos pamokose / Primary school children intonation education during music lessons

Tiažkienė, Kristina 29 June 2006 (has links)
The basis of nice singing is correct intonation. It is important to develop intonation in Primary School since musical abilities form until the age of ten. For the purpose of improving the intonation of Primary school children it is essential to organize the process of intonation education properly, to compose an effective system of tasks for intonation training which could contribute good vocal skills. The purpose of this research is to estimate training intonation peculiarities of children. The subject of research is the intonation education of 3rd grade school children. Research hypothesis is formulated that if in educating process the exercises for improving musical hearing (intervals), practicing singing a cappela, canons and exercises are prepared properly and used, the quality of Primary school children intonation can be improved. Tasks of research are raised: 1) according to philosophic, psycological, pedagogical, literary analysis to reveal intonation conception and importance of intonation in misic development system; 2)to find out the reason of bad children`s intonation and the right specification of intonation; 3) to distinguish the peculiarities of Primary school children intonation development; 4) to form the system of exercises improving intonation training. In this research theoretical (classified system of literature), empirical (single alternative experiment, analysis of quality and quantity of received data and mathematical methods (percentage... [to full text]

Pilietiškumo ugdymas tautinių mažumų pradinėje mokykloje / Citizenship Education in Schools of National Minorities

Antonceva, Nadežda 03 July 2006 (has links)
The analysis of the literature and results of research allow to formulate the following conclusions: the national politics of Lithuania helps to keep to national minorities identity, to be integrated into economic and cultural life of the country. There is a line of the documents regulating the rights of national minorities. Schools of national minorities give enough attention to civic education. It is proved with the analysis of documents of education and the analysis of the contents of education. National minorities of Lithuania have favorable conditions not only for keeping identity, integration into cultural and economic life of the country, but also for civil education of youth. The most effective form of citizenship education is the lesson “Me and the World” (it 59 % of pupils and 56 % of teachers have specified). 49 % of pupils consider that to be the good citizen to them helps conversations with the teacher. During research of understanding by pupils of concept about “the good citizen” we have found out, that the good citizen is that men, who will always protect the country (so 32 % think). 66 % of pupils think, that become the good citizen is important not because of opinion of other people, and for the sake of itself. It specifies strong motivation of pupils to be active citizens in future. It has been found out, that 68 % of teachers have opinion what to teach civic education important from 1 class because all pupils of initial classes should be interested in the... [to full text]

Pradinukų profesiniai lūkesčiai kaip mokymosi motyvas / Primary level students professional expectation

Zujienė, Neringa 05 July 2006 (has links)
Professional development of a man in a social content is like a process that lasts all his life. There are tasks that are solved in a primary level. That is why pupils of this level are considered to be as a lower professional orientation purposive group. Pupils of this educational level project themselves in a distance perspective and they have professional expectations. A professional expectation is a very important parameter of a social maturity. This is a part of social expectation of a person, a hopeful expectancy of self-realization in a distant perspective. People hope to perform actions that help to reach a goal (a desired occupation). The content of professional expectation depends on mentality, experience and politeness. They are inspired by a social environment, which surrounds a pupil, their parents’ and close people’s profession, mass and media, and especially TV that pays a special attention to politicians, businesspersons, stars of art and sport. The facts of the empirical research confirm basic differences of professional expectation between children of a village and a city, between boys and girls. However, there were no differences between children of a full and partial family. Mostly primary pupils are going to be teachers, doctors, police officers, singers, builders, shop assistants, drivers, hairdressers, basketball players, mechanics, football players, managers and farmers. The facts of the research revealed that professional expectations of primary... [to full text]

Edukacinė ekskursija kaip pilietinio ugdymo metodas / Educational travel as method of civic education

Dobkevičiūtė-Džiovėnienė, Aida Vida 05 July 2006 (has links)
The study presents informal civic education problems and research results of educational travel as effective civic education method. Schools bear great responsibility for the development of civic competency and civic responsibility. Schools fulfill this responsibility through both formal and informal education beginning in the earliest years and continuing through the entire educational process. The main aim of the study is to analyze the effectiveness of educational travel (tour) as civic education method. Major goals of the study are as follows: 1) review and analysis of literature placing emphasis on specifics of educational travel as civic education method; 2) design educational tour model for civic education; 3) present research results of model effectiveness. The research methods used in the study are observation, testing and practical task. The first part of study presents analysis of educational travel as method of active education. Civic dispositions and skills, both intellectual and participatory, are inseparable from civic knowledge and active participation. In order to think critically, act effectively and responsibly, learners must understand the terms of the issue, its origins, the alternative responses to it, and the likely consequences of these responses. Educational travel as active learning method allows teachers to show their students the motherland and the world. During tours text books come to life, real touch with history, culture and nature... [to full text]

Dailės ir literatūros turinio integravimas kaip viena iš visuminio ugdymo suvokimo prielaidų / Art and literature‘s content‘s integration as one of holistic education assumptions

Dzidzevičiūtė, Sigita 21 August 2006 (has links)
A person has to realize that in order to achieve the outer harmony, the main thing remains to find the inner harmony. While the main personality’s features are being formed, we have to reveal to the students self – understanding, self – education, self – development’s possibilities. Holistic education can help a person to survive in the society if regarding human virtues as the most important. That led to the research of students’ need for holistic education, its importance and its possibilities at school. Research object – peculiarities of holistic education of 11th graders (specialised forms). Research aim – to find out the possibilities of holistic education, its importance in educational process. Research propositions : To reveal the possibilities of holistic education in developing students’ skills to adapt their knowledge acquired through different subjects, as well as the selft – expression and spread of creative thinking. To offer modular course’s programs and methods for integrated learning of art and litrrature. To analyse teachers’ attitude towards the holistic education. Hypothesis. Creative interpretation of acquired knowledge and understanding of a human being and world’s essence are caused by holistic education. Research methods : Theoretical : philosophical, psichological, pedagogic literature and school’s programs analysis that helped to reveal theoretical basics of analysed problem and to compare the previous analysts’ conclusions with the results of this... [to full text]

Meninio ugdymo ir profesinio rengimo ryšys modeliuojant dalykų studijas aukštojoje mokykloje / The relationship of artistic education and vocational training modeling subject study at an institution of higher education

Kondratienė, Rimantė 09 January 2007 (has links)
In creating the common European space on higher education, the significance of cultural studies and personal activeness are emphasized, as well as the specialists’ creative activity format, mobility abilities and experience are highlighted. It raises the task to stimulate a student’s vocational maturity in the study process. A student’s personality matures under the influence of the subject study of both general education, including artistic education, and vocational training. It is topical to determine the relationship of artistic education and vocational training and thus create a unified process of stimulating an individual’s maturity. Therefore, the relationship of artistic education and vocational training is topical in organizing subject studies at as institution of higher education. The dissertation discloses the prerequisites of artistic education and vocational training and verifies its possibilities and significance in modeling subject studies. It singles out the system of criteria, indicators and guidelines of the study assessment – these are pedagogical factors stipulated from the individual’s viewpoint and their unified entirety (model), which is significant for both the teacher and the student. It has been determined that artistic education stipulated from the vocational viewpoint and vocational training stipulated from the artistic viewpoint is a valid pedagogical factor of the studies organization and students’ vocational maturity; and the unity of artistic... [to full text]

Mokyklos bendruomenės vaidmuo ugdant pilietiškumą / Presumptions and possibilities for the formation of a civic community at school

Kirkila, Aurelijus 07 June 2004 (has links)
The idea of the development of civic culture in Lithuania is being established as a priority in the system of education. However, this goal can be achieved by common efforts of both the educated and the teaching staff in the process of civic school community formation. Therefore the problems of civic country should be included into the educational programmes. Moreover, daily existence of schools should be accustomed to the development of civic values and virtues, as well as skills and abilities. The subject of this investigation is to educe the opportunities of school society in education of schoolchildren public spirit. The author analyses theoretical aspects of civil education, reviews the historical evolution of civil education in Lithuania. In this magistrate’s work there are presented analyses and conception of civil education' goals in the conceptual documents of education reform, discussed the peculiarities and opportunities of school society's activity. The author in his paper analyses the results of his research, conducted with a view to determining teachers' and pupils attitude towards the formation of a civic community at school. As it is noted in the work, developing of a personality greatly depends on school's help for everybody to better understand themselves, to realize their identity and uniqueness, as well as determine their goals in life. These goals can be achieved only in successfully functioning school community whose members work in accord with each... [to full text]

Švietimo sistemos mokomosios programinės įrangos specializuotos duomenų bazės projektavimas ir tyrimas / The Specialization Database Design and Analysis of Training Software in Education System

Mežanskienė, Gintarė 10 September 2004 (has links)
Educational institutions make the biggest impact to the foundation of the information society. School participates in bringing up the competent citizen of the information community. According to international research, modern training tools may enhance the teaching and learning process: applying information and communication technologies (ICT) in the education process is tended to improve children results, atitudes and their relationships with teachers and coevals. „Create conditions for software industry producers and suppliers to prepare and suggest computer training appliances (CTA), for teachers and pupils to choose good quality CTA, which satisfies their demands“ is one of the main „Computer training appliances supply for schools (CTA)“ strategy goals. After the current situtation analysis, this work suggests the decision to put this method into practice. Database model and it's managing software, dedicated to remote users, was implemented. This software realizes database of CTA information review, comprehensive search engine, database managing operations (insert, remove, editing) using the internet browser.

Paauglių estetinės refleksijos ugdymas dizainu / The Development of Teenagers’ Aesthetic Reflection by Design

Grigaliūnaitė, Gedutė 08 April 2005 (has links)
The aesthetics of material environment grounded on design influences us. We are sensitive to space (to its certain volume); it influences our psychological state. Everyone of us encounters material environment as a user, perceiver or creator. Modern teenager finds it quite difficult to perceive himself and his relation with the surrounding reality or the forms of reality. It is even quite difficult to tell what is material environment. Modern technologies can easily present fiction, imitation as a reality, which we start trusting, perceive and live in. The man communicates with the environment and information. His imagination has to start to evaluate, form and change the material environment in a creative way, employing cognitive, logical and emotional processes. Design as designing of material environment, artistic constructing, creation of aesthetic appearance combines art, science and technics. Aesthetic cognisance is significant in its evolutionary sense too, because it enables to model and describe internal and external world, which surely would be impossible to represent just in the rational way. Aesthetic value describes the so-called object, on one hand as the totality of peculiarities and various relations, and on the other hand, as the relation of those peculiarities and the man with the environment (natural, social, material). This research work provides a broader analysis of aesthetic reflection of design as one of the types of aesthetic activities. Design... [to full text]

Mokinių teigiamo požiūrio į meninę veiklą skatinimas / Motivating of Students' Attitude Towards Artistic Activity

Rakauskienė, Doloresa 08 June 2005 (has links)
Artistic training from the point of view of a student is considered to be a solid process in which impacts of different educational institutions interflow. The research material and report on the educational process participants', teachers' of art block attitude toward artistic activity allows to define and evaluate organizing forms and methods of artistic training and a positive attitude on artistic activity stimulation opportunities.

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