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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

1,2,3 vilka genuskonstruktioner kan vi se? : En innehållsanalys av UR:s program “Livet i Mattelandet"

Bjurling, Lovisa, Clémentz, Hanna January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie har varit att undersöka konstruktionen av genus i UR:s utbildningsprogram Livet i mattelandet. Utifrån en sociosemiotisk teori med ett genusperspektiv har sammanlagt fyra avsnitt av serien analyserats och frågorna som väglett arbetet varit: Hur konstrueras genus i Livet i Mattelandet? Hur många karaktärer i Livet i Mattelandet följer det föreskrivna genusmanuskriptet för deras kön? Hur många karaktärer i Livet i Mattelandet bryter mot det föreskrivna genusmanuskriptet för deras kön? Analysmodellen i studien bygger på en kvalitativ innehållsanalys och är baserad på studiens teoretiska utgångspunkt. Med syfte att undersöka konstruktionen av genus är analysmodellen baserad på Nikolajevas motsatsschema över manliga och kvinnliga egenskaper (2004, s. 129). Vid analys avser modellen att synliggöra hur de olika karaktärerna i Livet i Mattelandet konstruerar genus. Vidare avses analysmodellen ligga till grund för analys av hur många karaktärer som följer eller bryter mot det föreskrivna genusmanuskriptet, det vill säga hur många som beter sig efter bestämda könsnormer och hur många som inte gör det. Det resultat som framkommit visar att karaktärerna konstruerar kön på många olika sätt. Analysen visar att fler manliga stereotypa egenskaper, enligt analysmodellen, kunde observeras än kvinnliga i de analyserade avsnitten. Vidare kunde analysresultaten delas upp i fyra kategorier; samstämmigt genus, motstridigt genus, komplexa genus och svåridentifierade. Studiens diskussion och konklusion påvisar att majoriteten av de analyserade karaktärerna i avsnitten på ett eller annat sätt strider mot det föreskrivna genusmanuskriptet för deras kön. Det var även möjligt att observera en underliggande manlig norm i det analyserade materialet.

”Det officiella är väl att man tror på treenigheten” : en komparativ studie av tre utav Utbildningsradions pedagogiska filmer

Ungman Swan, Edit January 2015 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to study how Utbildningsradion’s movies about religion differ in content, how the individuals are presented, how the individuals present compared to the expert and if the movies fulfils the pedagogic aims of Utbildningsradion. Three movies of the series “Jude”, “Muslim”, and “Kristen”, included in “UR-val: Swedish as a second language”, are analyzed through a film analysis and a comparative analysis method. Each movie consists of a religious individual who presents his/her religion, and the historian of religion Christer Hedin who gives a comprehensive picture. The thesis concludes that the presentation of the individuals differ, a clear orientalism emerges as the Christian youth is presented as more western than the other youths. The pedagogic ambitions and aim of the movies are achieved in some manner, but not entirely.

En granskning av Utbildningsradions program ur ett mångfaldsperspektiv : En kvantitativ innehållsanalys av 50 program för årskurser 0-3

Ranta-aho, Riikka-Helena January 2011 (has links)
Utbildningsradion (Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company) is a public service broadcaster with a mandate to produce and distribute educational programmes. 80% of Swedish teachers use its products either during lessons or for professional development. Utbildningsradion’s guidelines, set by the Swedish parliament and government, state that the company’s programmes should meet the interests of the country’s whole population, regardless of their background. The purpose of this study is to examine how Utbildningsradion’s products that are intended to be used in a classroom setting for ages 6 to 9 represent the variety of children that live in Sweden and thus reflect the aforementioned guidelines. The main focus of this research project was further defined to only include the company’s television programmes produced in Sweden between 2006 and 2011 that do not have social issues as the main subject. 50 programmes were analyzed using quantitative content analysis and the following results were further interpreted using mainly Kydd’s and Snead’s models for discussing representation. The findings indicated that girls are overrepresented in the material studied as the cast of 116 children consists of 74% young actresses and 26% young actors. 46 of the programs have a child as the main character, but it is a boy in only three cases . Children with disabilities are almost non-existent in the programmes. Also, children from ethnic minorities have few roles. Most of the programmes studied take place in an urban setting, while four of the 50 feature countryside. When it comes to the child characters’ families, fathers are the ones who are seen the most frequently. They are shown 21 times in the programme material, while siblings are shown eight times and mothers six times.

En glad, elegant eller enastående bokstav? : En granskande studie av ett urval av utbildningsradions språkutvecklande program för de första skolåren

Berndes, Amelie January 2014 (has links)
Syftet med denna uppsats var att undersöka de didaktiska val som uttrycks genom designen av språkutvecklande läromedel, i form av teveprogram, som tillhandahålls av Utbildningsradion, för de första skolåren. De program som analyserades var Bästa bokstaven och Livet i bokstavslandet. Metoden som användes var en kvalitativ socialsemiotisk analys av multimodala texter. Semiotik är läran om betydelser och eftersom programmen producerats för ett undervisningssammanhang visade detta på betydelsen av en social(semiotisk) ansats i uppsatsen. För att behandla syftet formulerades tre frågeställningar: Vilka designval har gjorts i programmen? Vilka didaktiska val kan urskiljas genom de gjorda designvalen? Vilka diskurser inom literacyundervisning gestaltas därmed genom de gjorda designvalen? Denna frågeställning analyserades med utgångspunkt från sex olika diskurser, eller sätt att se på språk, som konstruerats av literacyforskaren Ivanič (se sid. 9). Resultatet visade att olika semiotiska resurser som auditiva, verbala och visuella har använts i programmen för att uttrycka betydelse. De olika semiotiska resurserna pekade tillsammans på ett tydligt uttryck av en interpersonlig (mellanmänsklig) mening, vilken är betydelsefull i en undervisningskontext, som är av social och dialogisk natur. Gällande de didaktiska valen visade resultatet att de båda programmen presenterade och introducerade alfabetet och gjorde detta genom olika förhållningssätt, men uppvisade gemensamt fokus på fonologisk träning samt en ambition att öka tilltron till elevens egen förmåga att lära. Vidare visade resultatet att de av Ivanič beskrivna diskurserna i olika utsträckning gestaltades i programmen, samt att de två sistnämnda diskurserna inte synliggjordes i något av programmen.

Vem är representerad? : – en innehållsanalys av Utbildningsradions digitala läromedel om de abrahamitiska religionerna för högstadiet.

Niklasson, Christoffer January 2022 (has links)
The digital technology has in the last years gotten a more prolific standing in our society and the same can be said in the school’s world. Therefore, is it essential to apply same kind of analysis on the digital teaching aid as regular textbooks have gone through. With the uprising of the digital world in mind is this paper’s focus on how Islam, Christianity and Judaism are represented in Utbildningsradion’s (UR) digital teaching tools. The purpose of this paper is to investigate how in UR’s these three religions is represented in terms of insider/outsider, gender and history/present. The research questions that this paper uses are how is the division between history and present time represented in UR’s digital teaching material? How is gender represented in UR’s digital teaching material? According to an insider/outsider perspective: how are the Abrahamian religions represented in UR’s digital teaching materials? This paper is applying a qualitative content analysis on UR’s digital teaching material. Robert Jackson’s theory the interpretive approach is applied on the material to investigate how the religions are represented; the focus point of the theory used to analyze is Jackson’s concept representation. The results that have been reached is that UR’s digital teaching material reach a wide definition of representation on all the religions and the themes investigated. Islam was found to have the most representation of strong female role models and Christianity was found to have a clearer division between their orientations, Protestantism, orthodox and Catholicism.

Risk och bejakande : Sexualitet och genus i sexualupplysning och sexualundervisning i TV

Bolander, Eva January 2009 (has links)
Denna studie undersöker hur sexualupplysning och sexualundervisning i TV producerar, reproducerar och utmanar föreställningar om sexualitet och genus. Det empiriska materialet består av tre programserier från Utbildningsradion samt två säsonger av Fråga Olle i Kanal 5. Programmen producerades och sändes mellan 1998 och 2004. De teoretiska utgångspunkterna utgörs av genus- och queerteori, där genus och sexualitet betraktas som producerade genom diskurs. Analysen visar hur programmen använder sig av två olika men sammanlänkade perspektiv. Det första är ett bejakande perspektiv där sexualitet presenteras på ett positivt sätt. Det andra är ett riskperspektiv, där faror och negativa aspekter av sexualiteten framhålls. Analysen visar vidare hur programmen bidrar till en rangordning av olika sexuella identiteter och praktiker, där somliga framstår som vanliga, naturliga och önskvärda, samtidigt som andra görs till annorlunda, onaturliga eller äckliga. Heterosexualitet och det heterosexuella vaginala samlaget innehar en normerande position genom att de är ständiga föremål för diskussion, men utan att namnges. Istället är det annorlunda eller oönskade sexuella identiteter och praktiker som benämns explicit, t. ex. problematiseras penetrerande analsex. Till skillnad från heterosexualitet namnges homosexualitet och görs till föremål för specifika program och programpunkter. / This dissertation examines the ways in which Swedish formal and informal sex education materials produce, reproduce and challenge notions of sexuality and gender. The main empirical material consists of four different series of television programmes about sexuality and relationships produced and aired between 1998 and 2004. The programmes make use of an “edutainment” approach, trying to both educate and entertain. The theoretical approach is derived from gender and queer theory by which gender and sexuality is regarded as construed through discourse. Another theoretical outline is that sexuality is subjected to stratification, in which sexual identities and practises are placed in a hierarchical order, placing some as normal and others as deviant. The analysis discloses that the programmes make use of two different but intertwined perspectives. The first is an affirmative discourse in which sex is construed as a positive phenomenon. The second is sex as a risk, emphasising what can be perceived as the destructive aspects of sexuality. The programmes takes heterosexuality for granted and therefore reinforces a heteronormative order. In contrast to heterosexuality, homosexuality is named and made into a topic for specific programmes and program items. The normative sexual practise is the heterosexual vaginal intercourse, a practise which is frequently discussed but hardly ever mentioned by name. Rather, it is unwanted or questioned sexual practises that are mentioned explicitly, among others penetrative anal sex.

Gränssnitt och diskurser : En multimodal kritisk diskursanalys av UR Plays startsida Urplay.se.

Andersen, Mira January 2023 (has links)
This study presents an analysis of UR Play's homepage and its use of visual and textual elements as online control mechanisms from a technographic perspective with a focus on social semiotics. The study employed the social semiotic method of multimodal critical discourse analysis (MCDA). The findings revealed that UR Play employed conventions - socially accepted meanings familiar from other websites - in a user-oriented manner from a technical perspective, providing users with a sense of control and choices. For instance, program images were designed as clickable links, clearly indicating their interactive nature when the mouse hovered over them. UR's power as an established, trusted actor was expressed through the linguistic categorization and the determination of which programs received attention. Discourses of UR as a trusted knowledge authority were reiterated through lexical choices. The study emphasized the importance of digital literacy as a prerequisite for analysis and the need to develop new concepts within media research to better comprehend these dynamics. / Denna studie visar en analys av UR Plays startsida och dess användning av visuella och textuella element som styrmedel online utifrån ett teknografiskt perspektiv med ett socialsemiotiskt fokus. Studien har genomförts med hjälp av den socialsemiotiska metoden multimodalt kritisk diskursanalys (MCDA). Resultatet visade att UR play vid undersökningens genomförande använde konventioner - socialt vedertagna betydelser, bekanta genom andra webbsidor, på användarorienterat sätt ur ett tekniskt perspektiv som gav användarna en känsla av kontroll och valmöjligheter. Exempelvis hur programbilder byggts upp som länkar och tydligt visade sig klickbara när musen hovrade över dem. UR:s makt som etablerad aktör med högt förtroende tog sig uttryck genom språklig utformning av kategorier och genom bestämmandet av vilka program som fick uppmärksamhet. Diskurser av UR som betrodd aktör med makt över kunskap upprepades genom lexikala val. Studien underströk vikten av digital litteracitet som en förutsättning för analys och behovet av att utveckla nya begrepp inom medieforskningen för att förstå dessa dynamiker bättre.

När tar man fram kondomen? : En studie om lärares attityder till UR och RFSU:s projekt för en bättre sexualundervisning

Trysberg, Erik, Svedin, Catrin January 2011 (has links)
The debate in the media on a new Swedish sex education movie sparked our interest in this study. The twenty-eight minutes long movie “Sex on the map” is the first of it’s kind in twenty-five years. It is also part of a bigger sex educational project that contains, apart from the movie, a book about sex education, a documentary and a teachers guide. The project is a co-production between the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company (UR) and the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education (RFSU). We were interested in how teachers received information about the project, and what their attitudes were towards it. In the starting phase of the launching of the project, UR and RFSU sent out a promotional box to all Swedish high school headmasters. This was a way to inform schools about the new educational material. Our finding’s showed that most of the respondents did not obtain the box. They recognized parts of the project but had not formed any attitudes towards it. Despite this, the teachers were positive and thought the material could be a great tool to develop and modernize Swedish sex education.

Nationella minoriteter i historieundervisningen : bilder av romer i Utbildningsradions program under perioden 1975-2013 / National minorities in history teaching : images of Roma in programs produced by the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, 1975-2013

Indzic Dujso, Aleksandra January 2015 (has links)
In 2000 when Sweden signed the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities the Roma minority became one of the acknowledged national minorities in the country. It meant that the rights of the Roma mi-nority would be safeguarded and the knowledge of its history and culture would be spread. In that context, the Swedish school, with its founded as-signment of democracy, was given an important role. The education was to communicate the multicultural values of the society and to make visible the history and culture of the Roma minority. The school books used in teaching today do not meet these demands. The view of the Roma minority given in school books is often inadequate and simplified. The present study will therefore examine a different type of edu-cational material used in schools and teaching, The Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company‟s programs of history and social studies regarding the Roma minority. Starting in postcolonial theory as well as critical dis-course analysis the study examines how the picture of the Roma cultural and ethnic identity in the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company‟s material has been displayed and possibly changed during the period of 1975 to 2013. The results show a picture of Roma which, both in form and content, con-sists of some clearly demarcated discursive categories. The obvious continui-ty of the categories gives a picture of static and invariable Roma identity. At the same time this unambiguous picture is broken both by giving the existing discourses new meaning and also adding new discourses. The complexity and nuances become more prominent and the Roma identity is integrated in common Swedish history telling. The changes in the view of Roma, given by the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, can mainly be explained by the change of the Swedish immigration and minority policy and, as a conse-quence of this, the change of the school‟s mission regarding knowledge communication of Sweden as a multicultural country.

Nationella minoriteter i historieundervisningen : bilder av romer i Utbildningsradions program under perioden 1975-2013 / National minorities in history teaching : images of Roma in programs produced by the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, 1975-2013

Indzic Dujso, Aleksandra January 2015 (has links)
In 2000 when Sweden signed the Framework Convention for the Protection of National Minorities the Roma minority became one of the acknowledged national minorities in the country. It meant that the rights of the Roma mi-nority would be safeguarded and the knowledge of its history and culture would be spread. In that context, the Swedish school, with its founded as-signment of democracy, was given an important role. The education was to communicate the multicultural values of the society and to make visible the history and culture of the Roma minority. The school books used in teaching today do not meet these demands. The view of the Roma minority given in school books is often inadequate and simplified. The present study will therefore examine a different type of edu-cational material used in schools and teaching, The Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company‟s programs of history and social studies regarding the Roma minority. Starting in postcolonial theory as well as critical dis-course analysis the study examines how the picture of the Roma cultural and ethnic identity in the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company‟s material has been displayed and possibly changed during the period of 1975 to 2013. The results show a picture of Roma which, both in form and content, con-sists of some clearly demarcated discursive categories. The obvious continui-ty of the categories gives a picture of static and invariable Roma identity. At the same time this unambiguous picture is broken both by giving the existing discourses new meaning and also adding new discourses. The complexity and nuances become more prominent and the Roma identity is integrated in common Swedish history telling. The changes in the view of Roma, given by the Swedish Educational Broadcasting Company, can mainly be explained by the change of the Swedish immigration and minority policy and, as a conse-quence of this, the change of the school‟s mission regarding knowledge communication of Sweden as a multicultural country.

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