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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Att fånga minnen : En undersökning av intervjumetoder i arkeologiska kontexter / Catching Memories : A study of interview methods used inarchaeological settings

Billing Samuelsson, Astrid January 2023 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how oral sources can be documented in a better way, through a more conscious use of interview methods in archaeological contexts. By analysing and comparing three case studies, namely the excavation of The Overstone Miners’ Cottages in Northumberland, Great Britain, the excavation of Ramnässkärsparken near Uddevalla, Sweden and the excavation of The Mott Farm, Rhode Island, USA, different ways of using interview methods in relation to the archaeological material have been shown. One conclusion is that the use of the material world in the interviews gives them an archaeological focus. Therefor it is valuable that the archaeologist is the one performing the artefact-centred or spatial interview. Other conclusions are that memories from finds are dependent on recognition. A reference collection can be used to support reminiscence. The interview situation should be open and striving for different perspectives rather than facts. Lastly, archaeologists should apply ethical considerations in their research. / Syftet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur muntligt källmaterial kan dokumenteras på ett bättre sätt, genom en mer medveten användning av intervjumetod i arkeologiska kontexter. Genom att analysera och jämföra tre fallstudier, nämligen utgrävningen av The Overstone Miners’ Cottages i Northumberland, Storbritannien, utgrävningen av festplatsen Ramnässkärsparken utanför Uddevalla, Sverige och utgrävningen av The Mott Farm, Rhode Island, USA, har olika sätt att använda intervjumetod i relation till ett arkeologiskt material framträtt. En slutsats från undersökningen är att användningen av det materiella i intervjuer ger dem ett arkeologiskt fokus. Därför är det värdefullt att just arkeologen håller i den föremålsbaserade eller rumsliga intervjun. Andra slutsatser är att minnen utifrån fynd är beroende av igenkänning. Referensexemplar kan användas för att stötta hågkomstprocessen. Intervjusituationen bör vara öppen och sträva efter att fånga olika perspektiv snarare än fakta. Slutligen bör arkeologer applicera etiska hänsynstaganden i sin forskning.

Therapist's Perceptions of Walk and Talk Therapy: A Grounded Study

McKinney, Bridget L 17 December 2011 (has links)
Our society has become less physically active (U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 2010) and less connected to nature than ever before (Berger & Mcleod, 2006). Spending leisure time indoors, technological advancements, urban living, and car dependent communities have led to these changes (Dustin, Bricker, & Schwab, 2010; Hansen-Ketchum, Marck, & Reutter, 2009; Norman & Mills, 2004). As a result, physical health and mental health is deteriorating (Dustin et al., 2010; Maller, Townsend, Pryor, Brown & Leger, 2005). Physical activity and nature can each produce mental and physical health benefits; some approaches such as adventure-based counseling and wilderness therapy already incorporate these elements. A promising alternative approach using physical activity and nature has received attention in recent years. Walk and talk therapy has been described as an intervention that combines counseling, walking, and the outdoors (Doucette, 2004). Despite, a small number of therapists using the approach (Gontang, 2009), anecdotal research (Hays, 1994), and a description of the approach (Doucette, 2004), little is known about walk and talk therapy. In this qualitative study 11 therapists were interviewed about their experiences with walk and talk therapy. Main themes of the study suggested characteristics, a procedure, reasons walk and talk therapy evolved, limitations, outcomes, and a framework for practice for walk and talk therapy. Therapists believe walk and talk therapy is beneficial for clients as well as therapists. Implications for therapists, researchers, and counselor educators are provided.

Fysisk aktivitet på fritidshemmet : Barns uppfattningar om lek och pulshöjande moment / Physical activity in after school care programs : Children’s descriptions of playing and physical activity in after school care programs

Starlid, Zacharias January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien var att skapa kunskap om barns uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet och rörelselekar samt hur detta kunde få mer utrymme i den pedagogiska fritidshemsverksamheten. De forskningsfrågor som undersöktes i studien var ”Hur uppfattar barnen fysisk aktivitet och rörelselekar?” och ”Hur ska fritidslärarna lägga upp den pedagogiska verksamheten för att främja fysisk aktivitet och rörelselek enligt barnen?”  Studien utgick från ett socialkonstruktionistiskt perspektiv och barns perspektiv. I studien användes kvalitativ forskningsmetodik i form av samtalspromenader (Klerfelt & Haglund, 2011). Resultatet visade att barn upplevde leken som något lustfyllt och som något de gjorde tillsammans. Barnen beskrev att de föredrar lek med mycket rörelse i. Beskrivningarna handlade om lekar utomhus, en av de mest populära lekarna kallade de ”13 till 0”, vilket var en variant på ”kurra gömma”. Resultatet visade också på vilket sätt den fysiska och sociala miljön begränsade leken inomhus och utomhus, och även hur fritidshemspersonalen kunde möjliggöra mer lek och rörelse. Rörelseleken inomhus var begränsad men pingisrummet var en av få platser många av barnen kände att de fick röra på sig på. Utomhus gavs bättre möjligheter till rörelse, dock framgick det att konflikterna som uppstod skulle kunna förhindras om fritidshemspersonal agerade övervakare eller medspelare.

Adult Clients' Experience of Walk-and-Talk Therapy

Clark, Denice Crowe 01 January 2019 (has links)
Standards of healthcare exist to promote beneficent treatment; however, treatment approaches are sometimes not supported by research, creating potential ethical issues for clinicians expected to use evidence-based practices. For example, walk-and-talk therapy, where therapy sessions incorporate physical activity in an outdoor setting, is being offered at increasing rates, but research regarding the practice is sparse and primarily reflects the therapists' experiences. Thus, the purpose of this interpretative phenomenological analytic study was to explore the clients' experience of the altered frame of walk-and-talk therapy through the conceptual lenses of therapeutic frame and the biopsychosocial model of well-being. Data were collected through in-depth, semistructured interviews with a sample of three former walk-and-talk therapy clients, and data were analyzed using the modified van Kaam method. Findings included that the clients' experience of walk-and-talk therapy was shaped by prior therapy experiences with participants reporting concerns and benefits related to the altered frame. Clients found walk-and-talk equally or more therapeutic than traditional therapy and felt walk-and-talk could be a less stigmatizing therapeutic alternative for individuals who find traditional, indoor therapy unappealing. Implications for social change include shaping standard practices of walk-and-talk therapy, thus informing the future of training and supervision as well as providing an alternative therapeutic offering for individuals who find traditional, indoor therapy unappealing.

Vägledning bortom det fysiska rummet : En kvalitativ studie om studie-och yrkesvägledares arbetsmiljö

Hagberg, Ola, Halilovic, Ramajana January 2019 (has links)
Syftet med studien är att granska hur studie- och yrkesvägledare som arbetar med metoderna walk and talk och/eller e-vägledning upplever sin organisatoriska och sociala arbetsmiljö. Sju semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med yrkesverksamma studie- och yrkesvägledare från olika delar av Sverige. Vi använde oss av kvalitativ metod och tillämpade organisationsteoretiska perspektiv (human-resource perspektivet och det strukturella perspektivet) som teoretisk utgångspunkt. Vidare användes det salutogena perspektivet med särskilt fokus på KASAM, alltså känsla av sammanhang. Resultatet av vår studie framvisade att användningen av e-vägledning och/eller walk and talk inte påverkade studie- och yrkesvägledares arbetsmiljö på ett betydande sätt, men att det kunde ge positiva effekter hos klienterna. Respondenterna hade även möjligheter till kompetensutveckling samt möjligheter till att påverka sin egen arbetsmiljö. De viktigaste faktorerna för en positiv och god arbetsmiljö beskrevs vara känsla av sammanhang, god kommunikation mellan kollegor, kollegialt stöd samt sammanhållning.

Skogsträdgårdsvistelser ur barns perspektiv – Speglat under samtalspromenader

Hammarsten, Maria January 2022 (has links)
The licentiate thesis examines what spending time in a forest garden can offer children when this environment is used for teaching aimed at sustainability. What do the children remember from their visits to the forest garden? What do they find special or memorable? What can the children learn there? To answer such questions, walk-and-talk conversations were conducted with children who for a three-year period had regularly visited a forest garden during school hours. The overall purpose of the licentiate thesis is to deepen knowledge about what spending time in a forest garden in a school context can offer children, reflected from the children's perspectives. Furthermore, the thesis aims to deepen knowledge about walk-and-talk conversations as a data collection method when children are respondents. This leads to the research questions: 1. In what ways can walk-and-talk conversations as a data collection method reflect children's perspectives in an environment and in relation to places? What are the possibilities and limitations of the method? 2. What significance do forest garden visits in a pedagogical context aimed at learning for sustainability have from the children's perspective? The theoretical starting points of the licentiate thesis draw on social studies of childhood, ecological literacy and affordances. Another concept that emerged in the analysis process was plant blindness. Data consisted of audio-recorded walk-and-talk conversations, children's photographs and recorded informal, supplementary interviews. A total of 28 children (11 boys and 17 girls) participated in sub-studies II and III. The children were aged 7-9 years, but most were 9 years old. The licentiate thesis consists of three sub-studies: Sub-study I is a literature review that focuses on opportunities, limitations, and challenges in using walk-and-talk conversations as a data collection method with children and young people. Walk-and-talk conversations can increase opportunities to capture children's perspectives and help to reduce power imbalances between children and researchers. However, analysing data from child-led walks and conversations can be challenging, while awareness of the researcher's own position and assumptions becomes particularly important. Sub-study II deals with the forest garden from children’s perspective. The first category, ‘to appreciate the place the forest garden’, contained the following themes: physical work, relationships with animals and plants, aesthetic and edible aspects and food, and friends. Most of the children enjoyed staying in the forest garden with its natural features. They valued the care of living organisms and felt that spending time in the forest garden was fun and exciting. In the second category, ‘aspects of learning in the forest garden’, the following themes emerged; practical skills, coexistence and caring, and biological knowledge and ecological understanding. Sub-study III deals with the four most photographed phenomena in the forest garden. The first were the plants, including trees and shrubs, which provided sensual, aesthetic and emotional affordances. The second was the pond, which provided physical affordances and wishes, while the third, the barbecue area, provided social affordances. Finally, the tipi provided affordances for privacy and imagination. To conclude: children's forest garden visits, with learning and nature encounters, can contribute to sustainable development. The investigated forest garden was an outdoor environment designed for children with natural features and with a focus on organic farming, where the forest garden educators helped to create a framework for both learning and relational opportunities. Developing ecological literacy in the new generation is a crucial concern, and the results of the licentiate thesis suggest that establishing educational outdoor environments where children receive parts of their education can contribute to the development of such literacy. The creation of outdoor environments for children is thus an important sustainability issue. / Licentiatuppsatsen undersöker vad skogträdgårdsvistelser kan erbjuda barn när en sådan miljö används för undervisning riktad mot hållbarhet. Det övergripande syfte är att fördjupa kunskap om vad skogsträdgårdsvistelser i en skolkontext kan tillföra barn, speglat utifrån barnens perspektiv. Vidare syftar uppsatsen till att fördjupa kunskaper om samtalspromenader som datainsamlingsmetod när barn är respondenter. Licentiatuppsatsens teoretiska utgångspunkter tar avstamp i barndomssociologi (Social Studies of Childhood), ekologisk litteracitet och affordances. Ett annat begrepp som framkom efter analysprocessen var växtblindhet. Den undersökta skogsträdgården, var en natur- och utomhusmiljö med inriktning mot ekologisk odling designad för barn, där skogsträdgårdspedagogernas pedagogiska inramning bidrog till att skapa både pedagogiska och relationella möjligheter. Metodvalet har varit ljudupptagna samtalspromenader, barns fotografier samt inspelade informella, kompletterande intervjuer. Sammanfattningsvis visar resultaten att barns skogsträdgårdsvistelser, lärande och naturmöten bidra till hållbar utveckling. Utvecklandet av ekologisk litteracitet hos den uppväxande generationen måste betraktas som central, och licentiatuppsatsens resultat pekar mot att anläggandet av pedagogiska utomhusmiljöer där barn får delar av sin undervisning kan bidra till utvecklandet av sådan litteracitet. Tillskapandet av utomhusmiljöer för barn är därför en viktig hållbarhetsfråga.

"Man får, om man frågar, ibland!" : En studie om barns villkorade inflytande i frititshem / "It is allowed, if you ask, sometimes" : A study on children's conditioned influence in school-age educare

Karlsson, Anna January 2018 (has links)
The purpose of this study has been to investigate the influence of children in school-age educare from a child`s perspective. By walks and talks as a method, the endeavor has been to approach the children`s experiences and thoughts about their everyday life environment. The result shows that children`s influence is largely conditioned by rules and reservations, of which some activities and materials are particularly limited. One conclusion is that children`s ability to influence is dependent on the pedagogy´s children`s perspective, as well as the ability and willingness to approach the child`s perspective. / Undersökningen i denna studie har avsett att undersöka barns inflytande i fritidshem ur barns perspektiv. Genom samtalspromenader som metod har strävan varit att närma sig barnens upplevelser, erfarenheter och tankar om sin vardagslivsmiljö. Resultatet visar att barnens inflytande i stor omfattning är villkorat med regler och förbehåll varav vissa aktiviteter och material är särskilt begränsat. En slutsats är att barns möjligheter till inflytande är beroende av pedagogers barnperspektiv samt förmågan och viljan att närma sig barns perspektiv.

Licence to Talk : Sustainability Managers and their Managerial Realities within the Corporate Sustainability Paradox

El hajjari Borg, Mounia, Sundberg, Elin January 2021 (has links)
While sustainability-dedicated managers and related titles represent a profession that has hardly existed for more than a decade, it is not surprising that the field of research concentrating on these professionals is in itself relatively new. With an increasing demand for corporations to take their social and environmental responsibility, and a corporate sustainability characterized by tension and paradox, we found it of importance to explore the role and entanglements of these professionals. By analysing 17 in-depth interviews with sustainability-dedicated professionals from the private sector in Sweden, our interpretation is that sustainability managers hold the function of selling sustainability, with talk as their main weapon. Expressly, in the intersection between business-case logics and sustainability logics, sustainability managers have to, above all, make a convincing case for sustainability, inwards and outwards. Therefore, they draw dynamically on different narratives which we conceptualise in three roles: the chameleon, the pragmatic, and the nagging manager. Through these roles, we intend to capture the fluidity with which the managers relate and engage with sustainability, and hence we do not mean to ossify a role’s dynamics within a single, static or stereotypical category. We discuss these findings and concepts to the background of previous studies and existing literature.

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