Spelling suggestions: "subject:"match"" "subject:"batch""
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The new generation of Smart Home Device : Health Monitoring system for Smart Homes / Ny generation av Smart Home DeviceJarque Antolí, Carlos January 2019 (has links)
This thesis project was conveyed in collaboration with Block Zero, a strategic Design Studio in Malmö, Sweden, with the purpose to design a product that develops a new type of interaction within the Smart Home. This design project will primarily focus on the research, exploration and definition of possible solutions, and the resulting design and development of the final product, a Smart Home Health Hub. From a global perspective, throughout the following document is covered a description of the design process from initial research to the final prototype. The project is defined in this approach and establishes the mentioned principles to guide the execution of the project through a deductive method, synthesising until the final result.
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A Scalable Approach for Detecting Dumpsites using Automatic Target Recognition with Feature Selection and SVM through Satellite ImagerySkogsmo, Markus January 2020 (has links)
Throughout the world, there is a great demand to map out the increasing environmental changes and life habitats on Earth. The vast majority of Earth Observations today, are collected using satellites. The Global Watch Center (GWC) initiative was started with the purpose of producing a global situational awareness of the premises for all life on Earth. By collecting, studying and analyzing vast amounts of data in an automatic, scalable and transparent way, the GWC aims are to work towards reaching the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The GWC vision is to make use of qualified accessible data together with leading organizations in order to lay the foundation of the important decisions that have the biggest potential to make an actual difference for the common awaited future. As a show-case for the initiative, the UN strategic department has recommended a specific use-case, involving mapping large accumulation of waste in areas greatly affected, which they believe will profit the initiative very much. This Master Thesis aim is, in an automatic and scalable way, to detect and classify dumpsites in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, by using available satellite imagery. The hopes are that showing technical feasibility and presenting interesting remarks will aid in spurring further interest in coming closer to a realization of the initiative. The technical approach is to use a lightweight version of Automatic Target Recognition. This is conventionally used in military applications but is here used, to detect and classify features of large accumulations of solid-waste by using techniques from the field of Image Analysis and Data Mining. Choice of data source, this study's area of interest as well as choice of methodology for Feature Extraction and choice of the Machine Learning algorithm Support Vector Machine will all be described and implemented. With a classification precision of 95 percent will technical results be presented, with the ambition to promote further work and contribute to the GWC initiative with valuable information for later realization.
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Development and Application of the HeartBit Platform for Digital Health StudiesLin, Tung Ho January 2021 (has links)
No description available.
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Vyobrazení zkušeností žen s druhou světovou válkou v díle Noční Hlídka od Sarah Waters / The Portrayal of the Female Experience of the Second World War in Sarah Waters's The Night WatchFialová, Lucie January 2022 (has links)
The diploma thesis is concerned with the portrayal of the female experience with the Second World War in The Night Watch (2006) by contemporary British writer Sarah Waters. The theoretical part outlines the socio-historical background of the novel with particular attention to the female experience of the Second World War in various fields, such as their family lives, job opportunities, and everyday life during the Blitz. Special attention is also given to the description of the female experience with abortion during the war and the lifestyles of female homosexuals in that historical period. The thesis further presents the theoretical delimitation of the neo-historical genre, of which the novel is a representative, and briefly introduces the novel in the context of Sarah Waters's other works in order to establish the basis for the analysis. The practical part of the thesis relies on the theoretical part and examines how the fictional portrayal of the female experience corresponds with the outlined reality. Simultaneously, the work considers how Waters uses the Second World War in her fictional story and which elements she chooses to highlight. Moreover, it discusses the reasons behind emphasising these elements in the novel and how it corresponds to the neo-historical genre. KEYWORDS Sarah Waters;...
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Ur Nordiska museets fickursamling : En undersökning av digitisering, metadata och representation hos Nordiska museets digitala samling av fickur. / From Nordiska museet's collection of pocket watches : An investigation of digitization, metadata, and representation within Nordiska museet's collection of pocket watches.Löf, Måns January 2024 (has links)
The pocket watch, an ingenious invention that over its 500 year-long development, made it possible for time keeping to become portable and reliable. A symbol of culture, station and importance, that changed the way our society interacts with and uses time. Nordiska museet’s collections contain over a thousand pocket watches and pocket watch movements, all available through the aggregator Swedish Open Cultural Heritage API. With a critical eye towards the outdrawn digitisation process of Swedish museums, this paper intends through statistical analysis to find trends, patterns, and problems relating to the representation of this grand collection. The results reveal negligence surrounding technical descriptors by reason of suboptimal knowledge regarding watchmaking, a confusing naming convention, and a great need for deeper research into the collection.
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Взаимодействие пространственных моделей в творчестве Сергея Лукьяненко (на материале романа «Ночной Дозор») : магистерская диссертация / Interaction of spatial models in the works of Sergei Lukyanenko (based on the novel “Night Watch”)Человечков, Д. К., Chelovechkov, D. K. January 2024 (has links)
This paper examines the features of the interaction of spatial models in the works of the Russian science fiction writer Sergei Lukyanenko. Psychological, fantastic and close to real spaces in the novel “Night Watch” were examined, the collected material was distributed into tables and analyzed. / В данной работе рассматриваются особенности взаимодействия пространственных моделей в творчестве российского писателя-фантаста Сергея Лукьяненко. Были рассмотрены психологическое, фантастическое и близкое к реальному пространства в романе "Ночной дозор", собранный материал распределен по таблицам и проанализирован.
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Rwanda, l'Opération Turquoise et la controverse médiatique (1994-2014) : analyse des enquêtes journalistiques, des documents secret-défense et de la stratégie militaire / Rwanda, "l'Operation Turquoise " and the media controversy (1994-2014) : analysis of journalistic investigations, top-secret files and military strategyOnana, Auguste Charles 21 December 2017 (has links)
Le 22 juin 1994, le Conseil de sécurité de l’ONU vote la résolution 929 autorisantle déploiement d’une force multinationale humanitaire, neutre et impartiale au Rwandaayant pour mission de mettre fin aux massacres. Concrètement, c’est la France, àl’initiative de ce projet, qui va assurer le commandement de la mission dénomméeOpération Turquoise. Celle-ci se heurte à l’opposition des rebelles tutsis du FrontPatriotique Rwandais, aux réserves des organisations humanitaires mais elle reçoit lesoutien appuyé du gouvernement intérimaire rwandais hutu. L’Opération Turquoisesuscite surtout une vague d’accusations dans la presse française, le président FrançoisMitterrand et les militaires français étant accusés de « complicité de génocide », voire de« participation au génocide ». Ces accusations perdurent et reviennent régulièrementdepuis plus de vingt ans, relayées par des journalistes qui disent avoir découvert puisrévélé « l’inavouable » rôle de la France au Rwanda.Cette étude analyse les enquêtes journalistiques menées de 1994 à 2014 et lesconfronte aux documents confidentiels et secret-défense issus des archives américaines,françaises, rwandaises et onusiennes, ainsi qu’à la stratégie militaire mise en oeuvredurant l’Opération Turquoise. Elle permet ainsi d’identifier les sources sur lesquellesreposent ces accusations et d’en évaluer le bien-fondé. Ce faisant, elle met en évidence lafaçon dont la recherche s’est concentrée sur le génocide au détriment de la lutte arméeinitiée par le FPR de 1990 à juillet 1994, laissant de côté des aspects essentiels à lacompréhension de la tragédie rwandaise. / On the 22nd June 1994, the UN Security Council passes the resolution 929authorising the deployment of a multinational humanitarian, neutral and impartial force toRwanda having as its mission to put an end to the massacres. In concrete terms, it isFrance, on initiative of this project, who goes to carry out the command of the missionnamed Operation Turquoise. This comes up against the opposition of the Tutsis rebels ofthe Rwandan Patriotic Front, to the reservations of the humanitarian organisations but itreceives the backup support of the acting Rwandan Hutu government. OperationTurquoise incites above all a wave of accusations in the French press, with the PresidentFrançois Mitterand and the French military soldiers being accused of 'complicity ingenocide', even of taking part in the genocide. These accusations have endured and havebeen regularly coming back for more than twenty years, relayed by journalists who claimto have discovered then revealed the shameful role of France in RwandaThis study analyses the journalistic inquiries led from 1994 to 2014 and comparesthem with confidential secret defence documents stemming from American, French,Rwandan and UN records, as well as the military strategy put in place during OperationTurquoise. It also allows identification of the sources on which these accusations lie andevaluation of their validity. In so doing, it brings to the fore the way in which the researchhas focused on the genocide to the detriment of the armed struggle initiated by the RPFfrom 1990 to July 1994, leaving aside essential aspects in the comprehension of theRwandan tragedy.
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An evaluation of the practices and operations of community police forums in TshwaneMthiyane, Refilwe Cynthia 03 1900 (has links)
The purpose of the study is to evaluate practices and operations of Community Police Forums and their sub-structures in Tshwane. This includes various approaches that are used to implement and manage the operations of Community Police Forums and their sub-structures. This research is designed to determine different operational approaches that are used by the Community Police Forums and their sub-structures to curb the criminal activities including those of their respective members.
The qualitative research method was utilised for this study, achieving stated research objectives and answering the research questions. The population in the study included members of the South African Police Service and Community Police Forums in Tshwane District, as well as officials in the Directorate Community Police Relations within the Gauteng Department of Community Safety.
The study revealed that Community Police Forums and their sub-structures are essential in the reduction of crime and they can be used as force multipliers to the South African Police Service. It also shows that there are legislative framework that Community Police Forums and their sub-structures are supposed to function under and adhere to. Monitoring mechanisms are in place to ensure that these structures function within the stipulated framework. Therefore, based on these findings, recommendations were made on practices and operations of Community Police Forums and their sub-structures. / Criminology and Security Science / M.A. (Criminal Justice)
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An evaluation of the implementation of sector policing in TembisaHlungwani, Freddy 27 October 2014 (has links)
The research problem that was investigated in this research study was to evaluate the implementation of sector policing in Tembisa policing precinct. Even though there are policies and directives on how to implement it, there is still some challenges because it is yet to yield the intended results. Data was collected from focus group interviews, literature studies and polices. Semi-structured interviews were conducted in the form of focus group interviews. Moreover, a literature study including material such as official SAPS documents, library sources and National Legislation regarding community policing has been presented. Data was also collected from sector managers, sector teams, CPF members and pastors who participated in four focus group interviews in Tembisa police station. The sample was chosen on the basis of what the researcher considers to be typical units. Participants were interviewed in stages. The collected data was broken into themes, patterns, trends and relationships. Data analysis followed verbatim transcription of interviews, that’s why the researcher followed Tesch’s approach of descriptive analysis.
The research conducted indicated that although progress has been made in the implementation of sector policing In Tembisa, there still more which needs to be done. Specific concerns which require the attention of SAPS management were raised. It is clear that internal communication and consultation are a necessity. It is also clear that members on the ground are not well trained because they lack the actual knowledge on how to implement it. Training and development of all role players need to be prioritised to enhance their knowledge. All the role players need to be motivated during the implementation of sector policing to ensure that they are ready for the job ahead. The recommendations drawn from the conclusions made in this study may provide a proper direction on how to implement sector policing in the Republic. / Police Practice / M.Tech. (Policing)
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Implementation of sector policing in the Province of Kwazulu-Natal : the case of Nongoma and Newcastle Police StationsButhelezi, Muzukhona Wilfred 05 1900 (has links)
The central issue of this research revolves around the implementation of sector policing in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. The research is based in two police stations, that is, Nongoma and Newcastle. Sector policing is a policing strategy introduced by South African Police Service in 1994. The aim of this policing strategy is the creation of structured consultation with regards to local crime problems between the police and respective communities. The objective of sector policing is to develop an organizational structure and environment that reflects community values and facilitates community involvement in addressing risk factors and solve crime-related problems. The research problem for this study is that there is little or no research conducted on the implementation of sector policing in South Africa in general and Nongoma and Newcastle in particular. Following this problem statement, the following five research questions were formulated: What is sector policing and how does its implementation differ between the USA, the UK and South Africa? What is the status of the implementation of the sector policing in South Africa, in particular the Province of KwaZulu-Natal? What are the challenges experienced in implementing sector policing in Nongoma and Newcastle police stations? What are best practices that can be observed in the implementation of sector policing in these two police stations? What is the best possible way of implementing sector policing in South Africa? The aim of the research is to assess and describe the manner in which sector policing was implemented in the two police stations in KZN. The research findings obtained through interviews are analysed and interpreted. In view of the findings, best practices, and recommendations were formulated on how to overcome challenges that may face the implementation of sector policing in the province of KwaZulu-Natal. / Public Administration & Management / M.Tech. (Public Administration & Management)
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