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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Turistföretags marknadsföring online : Har sociala nätverk förvandlats till kundsegment?

Båveryd, Victoria, Grimfors, Charlotta, Speich, Jennifer January 2016 (has links)
Uppsatsens syfte är att kartlägga hur nio svenska turistföretag ser på sociala mediers och konsumentens roll inom marknadsföring online. Vidare vill uppsatsförfattarna analysera potentiella effekter av virala marknadsföringskampanjer. Detta utifrån fyra teoretiska ramverk: webb 2.0, word-of-mouth, viral marknadsföring samt social valuta. I uppsatsens analys besvaras tre frågeställningar: hur ser turistföretagen på marknadsföring genom sociala medier, vad har konsumenternas sociala nätverk för betydelse i turistföretagens virala marknadsföring, samt vilka är de upplevda effekterna av virala marknadsföringskampanjer? Uppsatsens empiri baseras på data insamlad via nio semistrukturerade intervjuer. De generella resultaten visar på att konsumentens sociala nätverk online har en stor betydelse för företagens marknadsföring online, konsumenterna äger varumärket genom att de i sina sociala kanaler kan sprida både positiv och negativ word-of-mouth till det sociala nätverket. Sociala medier är en viktig faktor i turistföretagens marknadsföring och företagen måste idag vara närvarande på sociala medier då allt fler konsumenter befinner sig online. Studien har även visat att företagen endast upplever positiva effekter av företagens virala marknadsföringskampanjer. Kampanjerna leder till att konsumenterna integreras i marknadsföringen och sprider företagets varumärke till dess sociala nätverk. I och med detta bildas en positiv relation mellan företag och konsument. / The aim of this essay is to identify how nine Swedish tourism companies view the role of social media and the consumer in online marketing. Furthermore, the authors will analyze the potential effects of viral marketing campaigns. This is based on four theoretical frameworks: web 2.0, word-of-mouth, viral marketing and social currency. The analysis answer three questions: how tourism companies looks on marketing through social media, what consumer social networks importance of tourism businesses viral marketing, and what are the perceived effects of viral marketing campaigns? The essays empirics are based on data collected through nine semi-structured interviews. The overall results show that the social networks of consumers have a great significance for the companies’ online marketing. Through their social media channels, consumers can spread both positive and negative word-of-mouth to their social networks, this has the effect that consumers now can be said to own the companies’ brands. Social media is an important element of the tourism companies’ marketing strategies. Consumers increasing usage of social media means that companies today must be present online. Furthermore, the study has shown that tourism companies have only seen positive effects of their viral marketing campaigns. The campaigns have the effect of consumers integrating with the companies’ marketing and spreading the companies’ brands within their social networks. This creates a positive relation between company and consumer.

Boktips 2.0 : En kvalitativ studie om elevers delaktighet i skapandet av boktipsvideor på en biblioteksblogg

Stridh, Isabell, Svedlund, Evelina January 2013 (has links)
The aim of this study was to, through a qualitative method, investigate students’ participation in a specific library blog to find out what motivate them to create and share digital book recommendations through videos. It also intended to describe the students’ own views of their participation.We conducted interviews with eight students in the ages 12 and 13, who all had similar experiences regarding the blog creation but diverse attitudes concerning the blog production and intentions to participate.The results showed that the strongest motivating forces behind the students' participation in the blog creation was that they enjoyed the making of the videos and also because they wanted to inspire others to read more and create resembling blogs.

”För den intresserade allmänheten” : En undersökning av hur tre specialsamlingar visas upp på Instagram

Zeito, Maria January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this master’s thesis is to examine how social media, specifically Instagram, is utilized in three special collections libraries in Sweden. The intent is to understand why Instagram is a plausible platform for the purpose of showcasing the libraries’ cultural heritage collections, how this is done and who the target audience is. The theoretical framework for this study is based on Roland Barthes’s visual semiotic terms denotation and connotation. The study also applies Lorri Mon’s analytical tools when examining how libraries can use social media in a successful manner. The three selected libraries are Uppsala University Library, Lund University Library and Roggebiblioteket. Six Instagram posts, between October 2018 and Mars 2019, from each library are analyzed, and e-mail interviews have been conducted with the librarians behind the accounts. Finally, the results are compared to showcase their differences and similarities, but also to compare them to previous studies on social media use in libraries. The results show that Instagram is used to display the libraries’ cultural heritage and make the collections more approachable to the general public – specifically to foreign researchers. The librarians also use Instagram as a platform to connect with other cultural heritage institutions and librarians all over the world. Through publishing esthetically pleasing pictures of old historical books, maps and other materials, they want to attract new users and put their library on the map. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information Science.

Mot en delad framtid? : Mendeley som exempel på vetenskaplig kommunikation online / Towards a Shared Future? : Mendeley as an Example of Scientific Communication Online

Lundin, Kristina January 2012 (has links)
The last few years have been characterised by increasing online communication and the emergence of social media, made possible by Web 2.0. In society as well as in research, social media is used for knowledge produc- tion and networking. One example of this is Mendeley, a social reference management tool. With answers from users all over the world, this study investigates the use of Mendeley, if the respondents use other social media and if all of this affects scientific communication. The aim is also to study what the respondents think about the future of scientific communication and if this can be related to current tendencies. The theoretic framework for this study is based on Leah Lievrouws research on the Cycle of Scientific Communication and the relationship between the ”Little Science 2.0”-scenario and the ”Big Science Retrench- ment”-scenario. A qualitative web based survey was conducted (41 answers) and complemented with an interview with a professor in environmental sciences. The main purpose with the interview was to study how Mendeley can be used in collaborations. The results show that Mendeley is used by researchers to store and organize references, read and annotate pdf:s, cite, share articles in groups, search for new references and to present their research and make new ac- quaintances. The answers show that one effect that Mendeley and other social media has on scientific communi- cation is facilitating cooperation across traditional divides. At the same time, some respondents have not seen an effect on their scientific communication yet. Methods to measure impact in social media are requested, which would complement standard citation analysis. Mendeley’s related research function is found valuable in theory, but is in need of significant improvements. The respondents think that the future will be characterized by an increase in openness and sharing, but a tendency to keep scientific results copyrighted and locked behind pay- walls is also present. This is a two years master’s thesis in Library and Information science.

E-deltagandets potential : En explorativ studie av hur offentliga myndigheter möter sociala medier / The potential of e-participation : An exploratory study of how social media affect government agencies

Fabel, Mikael January 2011 (has links)
Internet är idag en ny arena där alla delar med sig av information till alla. Det nya Internet, Webb 2.0, handlar om interaktivitet, kommunikation och dialog. Medborgare och intressenter vill ha större insikt och bättre möjligheter att påverka. De som bidrar med kunskap och synpunkter vill veta hur bidragen påverkar verksamheten, annars slutar de föra dialog. Regering och riksdag vill även att effektiviteten och tillgängligheten till myndigheternas tjänster ska öka. Tidigare forskning visar att det finns en trend mot ämnesarenor och att det kan föreligga ett paradigmskifte från fokus på tjänsteleverans till nätverkade myndigheter som involverar medborgare och intressenter i sin verksamhet. Detta ställer nya krav på riktlinjer och strategier. För att explorativt undersöka dessa trender och fenomen har representanter för tre svenska myndigheter intervjuats. De empiriska resultaten har sedan belysts med nyinstitutionell teori och analyserats med hjälp av lednings- och kommunikationsstrategiska teorier och koncept. Studien konstaterar att de tre undersökta myndigheterna har tagit små steg för att närma sig de virtuella ämnesarenorna. Vissa medarbetare deltar i sociala medier, men deltagandet är inte formaliserat och insikter och lärdomar aggregeras inte inom organisationerna. Samtidigt som kunskapen om sociala medier är relativt låg verkar det finnas institutionaliserade myter som påverkar beslutssituationen. Myndigheternas ledningsgrupper är åldersmässigt relativt homogena. De träffar varandra inom sektorn regelbundet och avvaktar och följer de andra myndigheternas exempel. Den nya e-logiken utmanar de befintliga maktstrukturerna och myten om expertis genom att externa aktörer får mer makt över verksamhetsutvecklingen än tidigare. För att börja delta fullt ut i dialogen på de virtuella ämnesarenorna krävs sannolikt en förändring i verksamhetskulturen och eventuellt behövs ett generationsskifte. Genom deltagande i några väl utvalda e-projekt kommer lärdomar och insikter som kan ge beslutsunderlag för att gå vidare. Erfarenheterna kan leda till att de institutionaliserade myterna kommer att börja förändras så att det förutspådda paradigmskiftet tar plats. / Internet has been transformed. The new Internet, Web 2.0, is all about interactivity, communication and conversations. Citizens and stakeholders demand transparency and influence. The individuals that contribute their knowledge and views demand insight into how their contribution is used to develop the organization, or they leave the conversation. At the same time the Swedish parliament requires improved efficiency, availability and access to government services. Previous research shows there is a trend towards issue arenas where issues and topics, not organizations, are at the center of communication. The emergence of e-government represents a paradigm shift, from emphasizing standardization and cost-efficiency, to an emphasis on coordinated network building, external collaboration, and customer services. This transformation from bureaucracy to networked governance requires new strategies. To explore these trends and phenomena research interviews have been conducted with representatives for three Swedish government agencies. The empirical findings have then been illuminated with neo-institutional theory and analyzed with governance and communication strategy concepts and theories. The findings show that the three agencies have taken some small steps toward the virtual issue arenas. Some employees participate in social media, but the participation isn’t formalized and knowledge isn’t aggregated within the organizations. The general knowledge of social media is low and there seems to be institutionalized myths affecting the decision environment. Management consists of members of similar age. Top management from different agencies in the sector frequently meets, and the agencies await and follow the other agencies examples. The new e-logic challenges existing power structures, as well as the myth of authority, since external actors gain power over business development. In order to fully participate in the conversation in virtual issue arenas, a change in organizational culture is likely needed, and potentially generational change might be necessary to facilitate the change in culture. Engaging in a few, carefully selected e-projects will enable the agencies to learn and expand the engagement gradually. The accumulated experience may lead to a change in the institutionalized myths, thus enabling the predicted paradigm shift.

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