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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Mechanisms of clock gene modulation by UVA radiation and visible light in normal (Melan-a) and transformed (B16-F10) melanocytes / Mecanismos de modulação de genes de relógio por radiação UVA e luz visível em melanócitos normais (Melan-a) e transformados (melanoma B16-F10)

Assis, Leonardo Vinícius Monteiro de 22 February 2019 (has links)
The skin has a system that can detect light in a fashion similar to the retina. Although its presence was initially reported almost 20 years ago, only in 2011 functional studies started to be reported. The biological clock of the skin has also been reported in the beginning of the century, but its function and relevance still remain unexplored. Thus, this Ph.D. project was designed to explore the functionality of both systems in melanocytes, and whether the disruption of these systems is associated with the development of melanoma cancer. Using in vitro, in vivo, and bioinformatics approaches, we have shown that: 1) the biological clock of malignant melanocytes is more responsive to visible light, UVA radiation, estradiol, and temperature compared to normal cells; 2) UVA radiation is detected by melanopsin (OPN4) and rhodopsin (OPN2), which triggers a cGMP related cascade that leads to immediate pigment darkening (IPD) in normal and malignant melanocytes; 3) in addition to detecting UVA radiation, OPN4 also senses thermal energy, which activates the biological clock of both normal and malignant melanocytes; 4) regarding the biological clock, we have provided several layers of evidence that proves that in melanoma a chronodisruption scenario is established compared to healthy skin and/or normal pigment cells; 5) in vivo tumor samples display a low amplitude circadian rhythm of clock gene expression and an ultradian oscillatory profile in melanin content; 6) a non-metastatic melanoma leads to a systemic chronodisruption, which we suggest that could favor the metastatic process; 7) in human melanoma, we demonstrated the role of BMAL1 as a prognostic marker and a putative marker of immune therapy success. Taken altogether, these results significantly contributed to the literature as it brought to light new and interesting targets and processes, which will be explored in future projects / A pele possui um sistema que pode detectar luz de forma análoga à retina. Embora a presença deste sistema tenha sido inicialmente descrita quase há 20 anos, apenas no ano de 2011 estudos funcionais começaram a ser relatados. Sabe-se que o relógio biológico da pele também foi identificado no início do século, mas sua função e relevância ainda continuam pouco exploradas. Diante deste cenário, este projeto de doutorado foi desenhado para investigar a funcionalidade de ambos os sistemas em melanócitos e se perturbação dos mesmos estaria associada com o desenvolvimento de melanoma. Através do uso de abordagens in vitro, in vivo e de bioinformática, nós demonstramos que: 1) o relógio biológico de melanócitos malignos é mais responsivo à luz visível, radiação UVA, estradiol e temperatura comparado ao de células normais; 2) a radiação UVA é detectada por melanopsina (OPN4) e rodopsina (OPN2), que ativam uma via de sinalização dependente de GMPc, levando ao processo de pigmentação imediata (IPD) em melanócitos normais e malignos; 3) além de detecção de radiação UVA, a OPN4 também detecta energia térmica que, por sua vez, ativa o relógio biológico de melanócitos normais e malignos; 4) relativo ao relógio biológico, provamos por diferentes abordagens que, no melanoma, um cenário de cronoruputura está estabelecido em comparação a pele saudável e/ou melanócitos; 5) tumores in vivo apresentam um ritmo circadiano de baixa amplitude na expressão dos genes de relógio e um ritmo ultradiano oscilatório no conteúdo de melanina; 6) um melanoma não metastático leva a um quadro sistêmico de cronoruptura, o qual sugerimos favorecer o processo de metástase; 7) em melanoma humano, demonstramos o papel do gene BMAL11 como marcador de prognóstico e um possível indicador de sucesso de imunoterapias. Portanto, este projeto contribuiu de forma significante para a literatura científica uma vez que trouxe à luz novos e interessantes alvos terapêuticos e processos, os quais serão explorados em projetos futuros

Investigação da resposta imunológica antitumoral induzida por células B16F10 tratadas pela combinação p19Arf e interferon-beta em um modelo de vacinação profilático para melanoma murino / Investigation of the antitumor immune response induced by B16F10 cells treated with the p19Arf and Interferon-beta combination in a murine prophylatic model of melanoma vaccine

Medrano, Ruan Felipe Vieira 25 April 2013 (has links)
Dados recentes do nosso laboratório demonstram que somente a co-transdução, não a tradução individual, com vetores adenovirais portadores de Interferon-beta (IFN?) (citocina imuno modulatória) e p19Arf (parceira funcional da proteína supressora de tumor p53) resulta na morte celular massiva do melanoma murino B16F10. A capacidade desse tratamento combinado de induzir uma resposta imune antitumoral ainda não foi avaliada. Dessa maneira, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi investigar se células B16F0 tratadas por essa combinação são capazes de induzir uma resposta imune antitumoral em um modelo de vacinação profilático de melanoma. Para isso, essas células foram co-transduzidas com os vetores AdPGp19 e AdPGIFN? e 48 horas depois, inoculadas como agente vacinal no flanco esquerdo (sítio da vacina) de camundongos C57BL/6 imunocompetentes. Sete dias após a última vacinação, esses animais foram desafiados com células B16F10 naïve no flanco direito (sítio do desafio). A progressão tumoral do desafio foi significativamente reduzida, mesmo quando o desafio tumoral foi feito 73 dias após da vacinação. Porém, como os animais imunizados desenvolveram tumores no sítio da vacina, condições para o uso dessas células tratadas foram avaliadas, revelando que: o número de células e de aplicações usadas durante a vacinação tem influência no aparecimento desse tumores, e que apenas com o tratamento combinado os camundongos permanecem livres de tumor. A influência do sistema imune para este resultado foi revelada após protocolo de imunussupressão. Em seguida, o papel da p19Arf e do IFN? na proteção antitumoral da combinação foi estudado. In vitro, os efeitos antitumorais da combinação parecem ser mais influentes da reposição de p19Arf do que da expressão de IFN?, mas já in vivo, na presença do sistema imune, foram mais dependentes do IFN?. Com a combinação estes efeitos mostraram-se mais pronunciados, induzindo uma proteção antitumoral e maior sobrevida aos animais vacinados. Estes resultados indicam que a combinação p19Arf e IFN? pode ser aplicada como um agente imunoterápico e sugerem que a associação entre morte celular e imuno estimulação pode beneficiar o tratamento contra o câncer / Previously, we have shown in a mouse melanoma model of in situ gene therapy that co-transduction, but not individual application, with adenovirus vectors expressing the Interferon-beta (IFN?) (immune modulatory cytokine) and p19Arf (functional partner of the p53 tumor suppressor) transgenes results in massive cell death and reduced tumor progression. However, the capability of this combined treatment to stimulate an antitumor immune response has not been evaluated. Therefore, the aim of this work was to investigate, trough a prophylactic vaccine model, if B16F10 cells treated by the p19Arf and IFN? combination could induce such immune response. To do so, these cells were co-transduced by the AdPGp19 e AdPGIFN? adenoviral vectors and 48 hours after, inoculated as a vaccine agent in the left flank (vaccine site) of immune competent C57BL/6 mice. Seven days after the last vaccine, a tumor challenge was done with naïve B16F10 cells in the right flank (challenge site). Tumor progression was markedly reduced, even when challenge was done 73 days after the vaccination. However, since these animals developed tumors where the vaccine was applied, more appropriate conditions for the use of these treated cells were pursued, thus revealing that: the number of cells and inoculations can dictate tumor development, and also, that only with the combined treatment was tumor formation abolished. The influence of the immune system for this result was revelead by performing an immune supression protocol. Next, the roles of p19Arf and of IFN? were studied. In vitro, the antitumor effects were stronger upon the introduction of p19Arf than IFN?, but in vivo, in the presence of the immune system, the effects were more IFN? dependent. In fact, these effects were more pronouced with the combined treatment, inducing protection against tumor formation and progression and increasing survival in the vaccinated animals. Taken together, these results demonstrate the application of cells treated by the p19Arf e IFN? combination as an effective vaccine agent and also indicates that the association between cell death and immune stimulation may benefit the treatment of cancer

"Estudo epidemiológico descritivo dos doentes de melanoma cutâneo acompanhados na Unidade de Melanoma da Santa Casa de São Paulo" / Descriptive epidemiological study in cutaneous melanoma patients followed at Melanoma Unit of Santa Casa de São Paulo.

Ferrari Junior, Nelson Marcos 30 August 2006 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: O melanoma cutâneo constitui cerca de 3% de todos os tumores da pele. Atinge indivíduos jovens com média de idade de aparecimento entre 50 e 58 anos. Em torno de 20% dos doentes apresentarão doença avançada e morrerão antes de completar cinco anos de sobrevida. CASUÍSTICA E MÉTODOS: Neste estudo retrospectivo de 364 casos acompanhados de maio de 1993 a janeiro de 2006 descreveram-se as variáveis: sexo, idade, cor, localização da lesão primária, tipo de crescimento, espessura de Breslow, nível de Clark, presença de ulceração, estadiamento e suas correlações. RESULTADOS: Predominou o sexo feminino (58,8%) resultando em uma proporção de 1,4 mulheres para cada homem. A média das idades dos pacientes foi de 58,9 anos e a mediana de 61,0 anos. Pacientes não-brancos constituíram 13,7% da amostra. Para homens e mulheres o melanoma cutâneo localizou-se, predominantemente no tronco (24,3-38,0%) e pés (21,4-23,9%). O melanoma acrolentiginoso representou 22,3% de toda amostra. Os padrões melanoma expansivo superficial e melanoma nodular (p < 0,001) e lesões no tronco (52,8%) predominaram nos indivíduos brancos. O melanoma acrolentiginoso (64%) e a localização nos pés (68,2%)prevaleceram nos pacientes não-brancos. Observou-se minoria de casos com lesão primária in situ (14,6%- EC 0) e alto percentual de melanoma cutâneo espesso (39,7% > 4,0 mm). Presença de ulceração foi observada em 13,4% para tumores finos (= 1,0 mm). Homens apresentaram lesões mais espessas (p = 0,011) e ulceradas (p < 0,001) em relação às mulheres, assim como idosos em relação à não idosos (p = 0,021 para a espessura e p = 0,015 para ulceração). A sobrevida média para os pacientes com doença localizada foi de 97,8 meses e a taxa de sobrevida específica para melanoma cutâneo foi de 85,1% em três anos. CONCLUSÕES: Esta amostra constituiu-se de pacientes com tumores espessos e ulcerados denotando diagnóstico tardio do melanoma cutâneo e pior prognóstico. Caracterizou-se por apresentar predomínio de mulheres, de pacientes não-brancos, de lesões nas extremidades e de melanoma acrolentiginoso. / INTRODUCTION: Cutaneous melanoma represents around 3% of all skin tumors. Affecting young patients, with mean age between 50 and 58 years old. About 20% of the patients will have advanced disease and will die before five years of survival. CASUISTIC AND METHODS: In this retrospective study of 364 cases recorded from May 1993 to January 2006 at the Melanoma Unit of Santa Casa de São Paulo the following variables were described: sex, age, skin color, tumor site, growth pattern, tumor thickness, Clark level, ulceration, staging and their correlations. RESULTS: Female (58,8%) prevailed resulting in 1,4 women for each man. The mean age of the patients was 58,9 years old and the median, 61,0 years old. Non-white patients were 13,7% of the sample. The anatomic site of cutaneous melanoma on men and women prevailed at trunk (24,3 – 38,0%) and feet (21,4 – 23,9%). Acral entiginous melanoma represented 22,3% of the cohort. Superficial expansive melanoma and nodular melanoma patterns (p<0,001) and trunk lesions (52,8%) predominated on white patients. Acral lentiginous melanoma (64%) and feet anatomic site 68,2%) prevailed on non-white patients. In situ primary lesions were observed in few cases (14,6% - EC 0) and there was high percentage of thick cutaneous melanoma (39,7% > 4,0 mm). In thin tumors (=1,0 mm) were found 13,4% of ulceration. Thickener (p = 0,011) and ulcerated lesions (p < 0,001) were found more in male and in elderly patients (p = 0,021 for thickeness and p = 0,015 for ulceration). The mean survival of patients with local disease was 97,8 months and the three-year survival rate for cutaneous melanoma was 85,1%. CONCLUSIONS: The cohort consisted mostly of thick and ulcerated tumors, which meant late diagnosis and bad prognosis. Also distinguished by considerable prevalence of female, non-white patients, limb lesions and acral lentiginous melanoma.

Análise da expressão da proteína NY-ESO-1 no melanoma cutâneo / NY-ESO-1 protein analysis in cutaneous melanoma

Giavina-Bianchi, Mara Huffenbaecher 01 April 2016 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: o câncer é a doença que mais mata pessoas com idade abaixo de 85 anos e é um problema de saúde pública. Os tumores podem expressar em determinada fase de seu desenvolvimento proteínas anômalas que podem ser alvo de métodos diagnósticos e de intervenções terapêuticas. A expressão de NY-ESO-1 é detectada em 20 a 40% dos melanomas. Há evidências que esta expressão é mais freqüente em tumores de estágios mais avançados e está associada a um pior prognóstico. OBJETIVOS: determinar a frequência de expressão da proteína NY-ESO-1 no melanoma cutâneo e tentar correlacioná-la com o índice de Breslow, aspectos histopatológicos do melanoma, incluindo o infiltrado linfocítico tumoral, e a morbi-mortalidade dos pacientes. MÉTODOS: o presente estudo é longitudinal de coorte retrospectiva e foi realizado de agosto de 2009 a outubro de 2015. Foram selecionados 89 melanomas de 87 pacientes do Ambulatório de Tumores do Departamento de Dermatologia da FMUSP, divididos em 3 grupos, sendo: grupo 1: 34 melanomas com índice de Breslow <= 1,0 mm; grupo 2: 29 melanomas com índice de Breslow entre 1,1 - 4,0 mm e grupo 3: 26 melanomas com índice de Breslow >= 4,0 mm. As lâminas dos exames anátomo-patológicos destes pacientes foram revisadas quanto ao diagnóstico de melanoma, seu índice de Breslow e a presença de infiltrado linfocítico tumoral. A seguir, realizou-se exame de imunohistoquímica para a determinação da presença do antígeno NY-ESO-1 em todos os 89 tumores coletados e em mais 20 nevos (11 displásicos e 9 intradérmicos) escolhidos ao acaso. Através da revisão dos dados do prontuário, foram obtidos os dados clínicos de: idade, sexo, raça, fototipo da pele, local de aparecimento do melanoma, status do linfonodo sentinela quando realizado, desenvolvimento de metástases e sobrevida dos pacientes. Os dados anátomo-patológicos do tumor analisados foram: tipo histológico, presença de ulceração, e tipo de infiltrado linfocítico tumoral. Nos melanomas que apresentavam infiltrado linfocítico tumoral, foram realizados testes imunohistoquímicos para pesquisa de células CD3+, CD8+, FoxP3+ e CD8+FoxP3+ (duplamente positivas). RESULTADOS: O antígeno NY-ESO-1 esteve presente em 19% dos melanomas cutâneos primários e não foi detectado em nenhum dos 20 nevos pesquisados. A expressão do antígeno NY-ESO-1 esteve estatisticamente relacionada a tumores com espessuras maiores. Apresentou também uma associação inversa com o tipo extensivo superficial em relação aos outros tipos histológicos. O infiltrado linfocítico tumoral dos melanomas NY-ESO-1 positivos continha menor número de células CD3+, que se encontravam isoladas ou arranjadas em pequenos grupos de até 5 células, o que contrastava significantemente com os tumores NY-ESO-1 negativos, com maior densidade de células CD3+, dispostas em grandes grupos, com 6 ou mais células. A expressão da proteína NY-ESO-1 não esteve associada à idade, ao sexo, ao fototipo, ao sítio primário do tumor, à presença de ulceração, ao status do linfonodo sentinela, ao desenvolvimento de metástases ou à sobrevida. CONCLUSÕES: Há expressão de NY-ESO-1 em uma porcentagem considerável dos melanomas, principalmente nos mais espessos. O menor número de células CD3+ no infiltrado linfocítico tumoral, acrescido ao fato destas células estarem isoladas ou em pequenos grupos, sugere que embora imunogênico, a expressão do antígeno NY-ESO-1 não resulta num estímulo eficaz do sistema imune no combate ao tumor. O desenvolvimento de uma vacina para estes pacientes poderá, no futuro, aumentar as possibilidades terapêuticas do melanoma / INTRODUCTION: cancer is the disease that leads to the greatest number of deaths in people over 85 years old and it has become a major public health problem. Tumors may express aberrantly proteins during certain phases of their development, which can be target for diagnostic or treatment purposes. NY-ESO-1 is detected in 20 to 40% of melanomas. There is evidence that it is more frequent in advanced stages and that is associated with a worse prognosis. OBJECTIVES: to determine the frequency of NY-ESO-1 protein expression in cutaneous melanoma and to try to correlate it to Breslow index, melanoma histopathological aspects, including the tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, and patients morbi-mortality. METHODS: the present study is longitudinal of retrospective cohort. The research was carried on from August 2009 to October 2015. Eighty nine melanomas were selected from 87 patients in Oncology Outpatient Clinic, Dermatology Division, University of São Paulo and divided in 3 groups, such as: group 1: 34 melanomas with Breslow index <= 1,0 mm; group 2: 29 melanomas with Breslow index between 1,1 - 4,0 mm e group 3: 26 melanomas with Breslow index >= 4,0 mm. All specimens were reviewed for diagnostic, Breslow index and tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. After that, immunohistoquimical test for the presence of NY-ESO-1 antigen was performed in all 89 melanomas collected and in 20 nevi (11 dysplastic nevi and 9 dermal nevi) that were randomly chosen. By reviewing clinical charts, the following data was obtained: age, sex, skin phototype, site of the tumor, lymph node sentinel status, development of metastases and survival of the patients. The histological data analyzed was: histological melanoma type, presence of ulceration, grade of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes. In those melanomas that had tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, we performed immunohistoquimical tests for the presence of CD3+, CD8+, FoxP3+ and CD8+FoxP3+ (double positive) cells. RESULTS: antigen NY-ESO-1 was present in 19% of primary cutaneous melanomas and none of the 20 nevi. The expression of antigen NY-ESO-1 was statistically related to thicker melanomas. It presented also an inverse association with superficial spreading melanoma type compared to other subtypes. Tumor infiltrating lymphocytes of NY-ESO-1 positive melanomas had fewer CD3+ cells, that were isolated or arranged in small groups up to 5 cells, which was significantly different from tumors NY-ESO-1 negatives, with higher density of CD3+ cells, displayed in large groups of 6 or more cells. The expression of NY-ESO-1 protein was not associated to age, sex, phototype, site, ulceration, lymph node sentinel status, development of metastases and survival. CONCLUSIONS: A considerable amount of melanomas express NY-ESO-1, mainly thicker tumors. The fewer number of CD3+ cells in the tumor infiltrating lymphocytes, added to the fact of those cells being isolated or in small groups suggest that, although immunogenic, the expression of NY-ESO-1 antigen does not result in a efficient stimulus of the immune system to fight the tumor. The development of a vaccine to those patients may, in the future, enhance the roll of therapeutic possibilities for melanoma

Immunhistologische Untersuchungen an primären Melanomen und deren Metastasen mit SM5-1, einem neuen monoklonalen Antikörper

Reinke, Susanne 18 October 2004 (has links)
Der monoklonale Antikörper SM5-1 wurde in Vorarbeiten mittels eines Immunisierungsprotokolls (Kooperation Prof. Guo, Cleveland, USA) von einer humanen Melanom-Zell-Linie gewonnen. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde an nicht-melanozytären benignen Geweben, 16 Nävi, 84 nicht-melanozytären Tumoren sowie 745 Melanomproben das Färbeverhalten von SM5-1 mittels Immunhistochemie charakterisiert. SM5-1 wurde zunächst mit HMB-45 und anti-S100 an 250 primären und 151 metastasierten Melanomen und in einer zweiten Stichprobe mit Antikörpern gegen Melan-A/MART-1 (A103) und Tyrosinase (T311) an 101 primären und 243 metastasierten Melanomen verglichen. Es zeigte sich, dass SM5-1 für normale Zellen negativ ist. SM5-1, anti-S100 und HMB-45 färbten 100% der Nävi und 97 - 99% der 250 primären Melanome. Während SM5-1 und anti-S100 96% der 151 Melanommetastasen korrekt identifizierten, waren für HMB-45 nur 83% der Proben positiv. Alle HMB-45 negativen Metastasen reagierten mit SM5-1. Weder SM5-1 noch HMB-45 färbten nicht-melanozytäre Tumore, wohingegen der unspezifischere Antikörper anti-S100 21 von 84 dieser Tumore färbte. Insgesamt wurde beim primären und metastasierten Melanom für SM5-1 eine Sensitivität von 98%, für HMB-45 von 93% und für anti-S100 von 97% beobachtet. Im Vergleich der Antikörper SM5-1, A103 und T311 färbten SM5-1 92,4%, A103 82,9% und T311 71,2% der insgesamt 344 primären und metastasierten Melanome. SM5-1 zeigte innerhalb einer Tumorzellpopulation ein homogeneres Färbeverhalten und eine höhere Färbeintensität bei den 243 Melanommetastasen als A103 und T311. Der monoklonale Antikörper SM5-1 zeigte gegenüber den gebräuchlichen Antikörpern erhebliche Vorteile bei der immunhistochemischen Beurteilung des Melanoms, insbesondere bei dessen Metastasen. Somit kann er als Marker der ersten Wahl bei der immunhistochemischen Diagnostik von Melanomen empfohlen werden. Um die Rolle des durch SM5-1 erkannten Antigens zu verstehen, sind jedoch noch weitere Untersuchungen notwendig. / Antibodies such as HMB-45 and anti-S100 protein have been widely used as markers of malignant melanoma. Using a subtractive immunization protocol in preliminary works (cooperation Prof. Guo, Cleveland, USA), the monoclonal antibody SM5-1 was generated from a mouse model of human melanoma. The immunhistochemical staining of SM5-1 was studied in paraffin-embedded specimens of normal non-melanocytic tissue, melanocytic nevi of the skin (n = 16), non-melanocytic neoplasms (n = 84) and 745 melanomas. 250 primary melanomas and 151 metastases were compared with HMB-45 and anti-S100 staining. Further 101 primary melanomas and 243 metastases were compared with Melan-A/MART-1 (A103) and tyrosinase (T311). Staining of normal cells for SM5-1 was found to be negative. SM5-1, anti-S100 and HMB-45 reacted with nevi and 97 - 99% of 250 primary melanomas. Whereas SM5-1 and anti-S100 showed a high degree of positive staining in 96% of 151 metastases, only 83% reacted with HMB-45. All HMB-45-negative melanoma metastases were found to be positive for SM5-1. Whereas neither SM5-1 nor HMB-45 stained any of 84 specimens from non-melanocytic neoplasms, anti-S100 was positive in 21/84. Altogether SM5-1 has a sensitivity of 98%, HMB-45 of 93% and anti-S100 of 97% for primary and metastatic melanomas. SM5-1 stained 92,3%, A103 82,9% and T311 71,2% of 344 primary and metastatic melanomas. SM5-1 showed a stronger and more homogeneous reactivity as A103 und T311 in metastases (n = 243). All tested antibodies had a comparable staining intensity for primary melanomas (n = 101). The monoclonal antibody SM5-1 appears to have advantages for the immunhistochemical analysis of melanoma over currently available antibodies, especially for melanoma metastases. Therefore it is useful as a first line reagent in immunohistochemistry of melanoma. Further studies are needed to elucidate the exact nature of the antigen recognized by SM5-1.

Preparo e avaliação dos complexos de derivados de tiossemicarbazonas com(67/68 Ga) gálio, [99mTc] tecnécio e (111In)índio, como potenciais agentes para detecção de tumores / Preparation and evaluation of the thiosemicarbazone derivative complexes (67/68Ga)gallium, [99mTc]technetium and (111In)Indium as potential agents for tumor detection

Lafratta, Alyne Eloise 06 June 2016 (has links)
Nas últimas décadas a medicina nuclear tornou-se uma grande aliada no auxílio ao diagnóstico de doenças e também para o tratamento do câncer. Parte deste sucesso está relacionada à constante pesquisa e desenvolvimento de novos radiofármacos. Uma classe de molécula que vem se mostrando promissora para o tratamento de tumores, tanto na sua forma orgânica quanto na forma de complexos organo-metálicos, é a tiossemicarbazona e seus derivados, os quais também podem formar complexos com radioisótopos metálicos dando origem a radiofármacos para diagnóstico e terapia. Neste trabalho foram preparados complexos com o ligante benzil-5-hidroxi-3-metil-5-fenil-4,5-diidro-1H-pirazol-1-carboditionato (H2bdtc) com os radioisótopos [99mTc]tecnécio, (67/68Ga)gálio e (111In)índio, e foram avaliados a pureza radioquímica, Log P e a estabilidade na presença de L-cisteína, L-histidina, soro albumina humana (SAH) e plasma de sangue humano; também foram avaliadas a taxa de captação dos radiofármacos in vitro em células de melanoma murino B16F10 e TM1M, além da avaliação da captação ex vivo e in vivo utilizando camundongos C57B/6 inoculados com as duas linhagens tumorais. Com o [99mT]tecnécio foram obtidos dois complexos diferentes, dependendo da concentração do PBS na solução, sendo que em um deles foi possível confirmar sua estrutura como [[99mTc]O(bdtc)(Hbdtc)] a partir do complexo de rênio [ReO(bdtc)(Hbdtc)], o outro complexo de [99mTc]tecnécio, bem como de (67/68Ga)gálio e (111In)índio não tiveram a estrutura caracterizada. A eficiência de marcação dos complexos foi superior a 90 %, com Log P maior que 1 para os complexos [[99mTc]O(bdtc)(Hbdtc)], [[99mTc]-bdtc] e [67/68Ga-bdtc] e 0,9 para [111In-bdtc]. Todos os complexos se mostraram com boa estabilidade na presença de L-cisteína e L-histidina, principalmente na primeira hora de incubação, mas não o foram na presença de SAH e plasma. A captação in vitro dos complexos em células B16F10 e TM1M variou entre 0,6 % e 1,8 %, e nos estudos de biodistribuição ex vivo foi obesrvada intensa e persistente captação hepática e no baço, superando 90 %, e captação no tumor variando de 0,2 % a 3 %, enquanto que nas imagens in vivo não foi possível observar de forma uma adequada captação nos tumores a ponto de permitir o uso como agente de diagnóstico. Os resultados permitem concluir que os complexos de derivados tiossemicarbazonas podem formar complexos com diferentes metais, mas novos derivados devem ser preparados para tentar melhorar o desempenho nos sistemas biológicos. Os experimentos com animais foram aprovados pela Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Medicina - USP, processo 372/12 / In recent decades, nuclear medicine has been used as diagnostic agent for disease and for the treatment of cancer. Part of this success is related to the constant research and development of new radiopharmaceuticals. Thiosemicarbazone and their derivatives have proven to be promising agent for the treatment of tumors, both in its organic form or as organo-metallic complexes. Also, they can to form complexes with metal radioisotopes giving radiopharmaceuticals for diagnosis and therapy. In this work we prepared complex of benzyl-5-hydroxy-3-methyl-5-phenyl-4,5-dihydro-1H-pyrazol-1-carboditionato (H2bdtc) with radioisotopes [99mTc]technetium (67/68Ga)gallium and (111In)indium and the radiochemical purity, Log P and stability in the presence of L-cysteine, L-histidine, human serum albumin (HSA) and human blood plasma were assessed; also were assessed the in vitro uptake rate of radiopharmaceuticals in murine melanoma cells B16F10 and TM1M, besides the evaluation of ex vivo uptake and in vivo using C57Bl/6 mice inoculated with both tumor lines. With [99mT] technetium two different complexes were obtained, depending on the concentration of the PBS in the solution, and one of them was had its structure to confirm as [[99mTc]O(bdtc)(Hbdtc)] from the standard rhenium complex [ReO(bdtc)(Hbdtc)], the other [99mTc] echnetium complex as well as (67/68Ga)gallium and (111In)indium not have characterized the structure. The labeling efficiency of compleos was higher than 90%, with log P higher than 1 for the complexes [[99mTc]O(bdtc)(Hbdtc)], [[99mTc]-bdtc] and [(67/68Ga)-bdtc] and 0.9 to [111In-bdtc]. All the complexes showed good stability in the presence of L-cysteine and L-histidine, especially in the first hour of incubation, but not in the presence of HSA and plasma. The uptake in vitro complexes in B16F10 and TM1M cells varied between 0.6% and 1.8%, and in ex vivo biodistribution studies was obesrvada intense and persistent liver uptake and spleen, exceeding 90%, and tumor uptake in changing from 0.2% to 3%, while in vivo imaging was not possible to observe a properly uptake in tumors, not allowing to use these molecules as a diagnostic agent. The results indicate that the thiosemicarbazone derivative complex can give complexes with different metals, but new derivatives should be prepared to try to improve performance in biological systems. The animal experimentation was approved by Comissão de Ética em Pesquisa da Faculdade de Medicina - USP, proccess 372/12

Avaliação na linhagem endotelial tEnd dos efeitos diretos da transferência gênica de IFNbeta e p19arf e efeitos parácrinos mediados pela linhagem B16 transduzida pelos mesmos vetores adenovirais / Distinct roles of direct transduction versus exposure to the tumor secretome on murine endothelial cells after melanoma gene therapy with interferon-? and p19Arf

Vieira, Igor de Luna 18 March 2016 (has links)
A vascularização tem um papel central na progressão tumoral e representa um alvo terapêutico de grande interesse. A inibição da angiogênese tem potencial de retardar a progressão tumoral e inibir metástase. Em decorrência disto, terapias anti-angiogênicas têm demonstrado ser promissora no controle do crescimento tumoral. Segundo a literatura, interferon-? (IFN?, ativador do sistema imune inato e adaptativo) e p19Arf (supressor de tumor e parceiro funcional de p53), quando estudados individualmente, alteram a vasculatura tumoral. Nosso grupo construiu e utilizou vetores adenovirais recombinantes portadores dos cDNAs de INFbeta e p19Arf e observou que a transferência desta combinação de genes induziu morte celular e diminuiu progressão tumoral, resultados foram observados em modelos murinos de melanoma B16 de terapia genica in situ, vacina profilática e vacina terapêutica. Neste trabalho, exploramos a ideia que a combinação dos vetores adenovirais portadores de INFbeta e p19Arf proporcionam efeitos anti-angiogênicos através de seu impacto em células endoteliais. Para averiguarmos essa hipótese, células endoteliais murinas (tEnd) foram transduzidas com os vetores adenovirais, revelando que o vetor Ad-p19 confere inibição da proliferação, formação de tubos, migração e induz aumento na expressão de genes relacionados a via de p53 e morte celular. O vetor Ad-IFNbeta sozinho ou adicionado em combinação com Ad-p19, não teve impacto significante nestes ensaios. Alternativamente, a influencia indireta, ou parácrina, nas células tEnd cultivadas juntamente com as células B16 transduzidas com os vetores adenovirais também foi investigada. Quando as células B16 foram transduzidas com Ad-IFNbeta ou a co-transdução Ad-IFNbeta+Ad-p19 em co-cultura com a linhagem tEnd, houve inibição da proliferação. Não observamos efeito inibitório na tEnd da co-cultura quando as células da B16 foram transduzidas somente com Ad-p19. Seguindo o ensaio de co-cultura, produzimos meio condicionado da B16 transduzida com os vetores e aplicamos esses meios nas células tEnd. Observamos que Ad-IFN, sozinho ou em combinação com Ad-19, diminuiu a viabilidade, proliferação e levou a morte das células tEnd. Neste trabalho, constamos que inibição de células endoteliais pode ser realizada por transdução direta com Ad-19 ou quando estas células são expostas ao ambiente modulado por células tumorais transduzidas com o vetor Ad-IFNbeta. Mesmo que a transferência gênica de ambos IFNbeta e p19Arf não demonstrou ser uma abordagem superior à aplicação dos genes isolados, observamos que nossa abordagem pode ter um impacto importante na inibição da angiogênese pelas células endoteliais / The vasculature plays a central role in tumor progression and represents a therapeutic target of great interest. Inhibition of angiogenesis has the potential to slow down tumor progression and inhibit metastasis. As a result, anti-angiogenic therapies have been shown to be promising for the control of tumor growth. According to the literature, interferon ? (IFN?, activator of the innate and adaptive immune systems) and p19Arf (tumor suppressor and functional partner of p53) when studied individually alter tumor vasculature. Our group has constructed and used recombinant adenovirus vectors carrying the cDNAs of INFbeta and p19Arf and noted that the transfer of this combination of genes induced cell death and decreased tumor progression, as observed in the B16 murine model of in situ melanoma gene therapy as well as prophylactic and therapeutic vaccine approaches. In this study, we explore the idea that the combination of adenoviral vectors bearing INFbeta and p19Arf produce anti-angiogenic effects due to their impact on endothelial cells. To test this hypothesis, murine endothelial cells (tEnd) were transduced with adenoviral vectors, revealing that Ad-p19 vector confers inhibition of proliferation, tube formation, migration and induces increased expression of genes related to the p53 cell death pathway. The Ad-IFNbeta vector alone had no significant impact on these tests. Alternatively, influences on paracrine effects are evaluated on endothelial cells co-cultured with B16 cells that were previously transduced with adenoviral vectors. When the B16 cells were transduced with Ad-IFNbeta or co-transduced with Ad-IFNbeta + Ad-p19, co-culture resulted in the inhibition of proliferation of the endothelial cells. When B16 cells were transduced with Ad-p19 only, co-culture did alter endothelial cell behavior. Following the co-culture assay, we produce conditioned medium from B16 cells that were transduced with the vectors and applied the media on tEnd cells. We noted that conditioned medium derived from B16 transduced with Ad-IFN alone or in combination with Ad-19 decreased the viability and proliferation and induced cell death of tEnd. In this work, we show that inhibition of endothelial cells can be performed directly by transduction with Ad-19 or when such cells are exposed to the environment modulated by tumor cells transduced with Ad-IFNbeta. Even though the gene transfer of both IFNbeta and p19 was not found to be superior to the application of single genes, we observed that our approach may have an important impact on the inhibition of angiogenesis through endothelial cells

High-definition optical coherence tomography: Contribution to the non-invasive near infrared optical imaging techniques of the skin

Boone, Marc 05 July 2016 (has links) (PDF)
Background. The development of non-invasive imaging techniques has been stimulated by the shortcomings of histopathology. Currently the only valid diagnostic technique in dermatology is skin biopsy which remains a painful, invasive intervention for the patient. Moreover, this approach is not always convenient for monitoring and follow-up of a skin disease. Optical imaging technologies could solve these shortcomings as they are fast, precise, repeatable and painless. There are four established non-invasive skin imaging techniques used in daily practice: dermoscopy, high-frequency ultrasound, reflectance confocal microscopy (RCM) and conventional optical coherence tomography (C-OCT). In imaging there is a trade-off between resolution and penetration depth. The former permits the visualization of cells, if the resolution is at least 3 µm. The latter enables the recognition of patterns and structures in deeper layers of the skin if the penetration depth is deeper than 150 µm. New non-invasive techniques using infrared light sources have been developed recently. The technique used in this work is a high-definition optical coherence tomography (HD-OCT).Objectives. The overall aims of this thesis were the feasibility of HD-OCT to visualize in/ex vivo, in real time and in 3-D the cellular and structural morphology of the skin, secondly the assessment of the capability of this technology to measure in vivo and real time the cutaneous optical properties, and finally the determination of the contribution of this technique to the non-invasive near-infrared imaging technologies. Five specific objectives have been established: i) could cells be observed in their 3-D microenvironment in normal and diseased skin, ii) could we describe morphologic features of cells and structures in normal and diseased skin (m_HD-OCT), iii) could these morphologic features be quantified by optical property analysis (o_HD-OCT), iv) was it possible to perform accurate thickness measurements in normal and diseased skin, and finally v) what was the diagnostic potential of this technique?Methodology. HD-OCT uses a combination of parallel time-domain interferometry, high power tungsten lamp (with Gaussian filter, very low lateral coherence and ultra-high bandwidth (1300 nm +/- 100 nm)), and last but not least, full field illumination with real time focus tracking. A constant homogeneous resolution of 3 µm resolution in all three dimensions is obtained up to a depth of 570 µm. Hence, the system is capable of capturing real time full 3-D images. Moreover, the in vivo assessment of optical properties of the skin is only applicable to OCT when operating in focus-tracking mode, which is the case for HD-OCT. The means to obtain answers to the five specific questions were the comparison of en face HD-OCT images with RCM and HD-OCT cross-sectional images with histopathology and C-OCT. Results. At least 160 line pares were observed by imaging a high resolution phantom with HD-OCT. This suggested a 3 µm lateral resolution. The presence of cells such as keratinocytes, melanocytes, inflammatory cells, fibroblasts and melanophages in their 3-D cutaneous microenvironment in vivo as well as ex vivo has been demonstrated .A qualitative description of structures and patterns in normal and diseased skin could be performed by HD-OCT. Clear structural changes of the epidermis, dermo-epidermal junction, papillary dermis and reticular dermis related to intrinsic skin ageing could be observed. Lobulated structures, surrounded by stretched stromal fibers and arborizing vessels, could be demonstrated in nodular basal cell carcinoma (BCC). The o_HD-OCT of normal and diseased skin could be assessed in vivo. This approach permitted the quantitative assessment of the OCT signal attenuation profiles of normal healthy skin, actinic keratosis (AK) and squamous cell carcinoma (SCC). Differences in signal attenuation profiles could be demonstrated between these three groups. These differences were also observed between BCC subtypes. The slope of the exponential attenuation of the signal in the upper part of the epidermis was very high in benign nevi. The more malignant the lesion the lower the slope. Thickness measurements of epidermis and papillary dermis could be performed by m_HD-OCT, based on a cross-sectional images and their corresponding en face image. More accurate measurements of epidermal and papillary dermal thickness could be performed based on the optical analysis of a skin volume by o_HD-OCT. The diagnostic potential of HD-OCT in comparison with dermoscopy, RCM and C-OCT could be assessed regarding i) melanoma, ii) BCC differentiation from BCC imitators and BCC sub-differentiation and iii) SCC differentiation from AK. A much higher diagnostic potential could be demonstrated for o_HD-OCT in comparison with m_HD-OCT concerning melanoma detection. The diagnostic potential of HD-OCT to discriminate BCC from clinical BCC imitators was moderate. However, HD-OCT seemed to have high potential in sub-differentiation of BCC subtypes: i) it seemed to be the best technique to include and exclude a superficial BCC, ii) the technique appeared to be the best approach to exclude nodular BCC, and iii) HD-OCT looked to be the best technique to include an infiltrative BCC. Finally, HD-OCT has proven to be a powerful method to discriminate AK from SCC.Conclusions. HD-OCT is able to capture real time 3-D imaging with a sufficiently high optical resolution and penetration depth to allow the visualization of cells in and ex vivo in their micro-architectural context. At the same time, HD-OCT permits the recognition of patterns and structures in a sufficiently large volume of skin (1.5 mm³). HD-OCT closes therefore the gap between RCM with a high resolution but low penetration depth and C-OCT with a low resolution but high penetration depth. Moreover, HD-OCT permits, in contrast to RCM and C-OCT, the real time in vivo analysis of optical properties of the skin. HD-OCT seems to be a promising tool for early diagnosis of melanoma, BCC sub-differentiation and differentiation between SCC and AK.Future perspectives. Multicenter validation studies are needed to determine the diagnostic performance of this promising new technology, especially in other clinical settings combining both morphological and optical property analysis. This combined analysis could be a valuable method not only for diagnosis, monitoring and therapeutic guidance of dermatologic diseases but it could also be helpful in the management of non-dermatologic conditions such as diabetic micro-angiopathy, infantile cystinosis or even osteoporosis. / Doctorat en Sciences médicales (Santé Publique) / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Seleção de características e predição intrinsecamente multivariada em identificação de redes de regulação gênica / Feature selection and intrinsically multivariate prediction in gene regulatory networks identification

Martins Junior, David Corrêa 01 December 2008 (has links)
Seleção de características é um tópico muito importante em aplicações de reconhecimento de padrões, especialmente em bioinformática, cujos problemas são geralmente tratados sobre um conjunto de dados envolvendo muitas variáveis e poucas observações. Este trabalho analisa aspectos de seleção de características no problema de identificação de redes de regulação gênica a partir de sinais de expressão gênica. Particularmente, propusemos um modelo de redes gênicas probabilísticas (PGN) que devolve uma rede construída a partir da aplicação recorrente de algoritmos de seleção de características orientados por uma função critério baseada em entropia condicional. Tal critério embute a estimação do erro por penalização de amostras raramente observadas. Resultados desse modelo aplicado a dados sintéticos e a conjuntos de dados de microarray de Plasmodium falciparum, um agente causador da malária, demonstram a validade dessa técnica, tendo sido capaz não apenas de reproduzir conhecimentos já produzidos anteriormente, como também de produzir novos resultados. Outro aspecto investigado nesta tese é o fenômeno da predição intrinsecamente multivariada (IMP), ou seja, o fato de um conjunto de características ser um ótimo caracterizador dos objetos em questão, mas qualquer de seus subconjuntos propriamente contidos não conseguirem representá-los de forma satisfatória. Neste trabalho, as condições para o surgimento desse fenômeno foram obtidas de forma analítica para conjuntos de 2 e 3 características em relação a uma variável alvo. No contexto de redes de regulação gênica, foram obtidas evidências de que genes alvo de conjuntos IMP possuem um enorme potencial para exercerem funções vitais em sistemas biológicos. O fenômeno conhecido como canalização é particularmente importante nesse contexto. Em dados de microarray de melanoma, constatamos que o gene DUSP1, conhecido por exercer função canalizadora, foi aquele que obteve o maior número de conjuntos de genes IMP, sendo que todos eles possuem lógicas de predição canalizadoras. Além disso, simulações computacionais para construção de redes com 3 ou mais genes mostram que o tamanho do território de um gene alvo pode ter um impacto positivo em seu teor de IMP com relação a seus preditores. Esta pode ser uma evidência que confirma a hipótese de que genes alvo de conjuntos IMP possuem a tendência de controlar diversas vias metabólicas cruciais para a manutenção das funções vitais de um organismo. / Feature selection is a crucial topic in pattern recognition applications, especially in bioinformatics, where problems usually involve data with a large number of variables and small number of observations. The present work addresses feature selection aspects in the problem of gene regulatory network identification from expression profiles. Particularly, we proposed a probabilistic genetic network model (PGN) that recovers a network constructed from the recurrent application of feature selection algorithms guided by a conditional entropy based criterion function. Such criterion embeds error estimation by penalization of rarely observed patterns. Results from this model applied to synthetic and real data sets obtained from Plasmodium falciparum microarrays, a malaria agent, demonstrate the validity of this technique. This method was able to not only reproduce previously produced knowledge, but also to produce other potentially relevant results. The intrinsically multivariate prediction (IMP) phenomenon has been also investigated. This phenomenon is related to the fact of a feature set being a nice predictor of the objects in study, but all of its properly contained subsets cannot predict such objects satisfactorily. In this work, the conditions for the rising of this phenomenon were analitically obtained for sets of 2 and 3 features regarding a target variable. In the gene regulatory networks context, evidences have been achieved in which target genes of IMP sets possess a great potential to execute vital functions in biological systems. The phenomenon known as canalization is particularly important in this context. In melanoma microarray data, we verified that DUSP1 gene, known by having canalization function, was the one which composed the largest number of IMP gene sets. It was also verified that all these sets have canalizing predictive logics. Moreover, computational simulations for generation of networks with 3 or more genes show that the territory size of a target gene can contribute positively to its IMP score with regard to its predictors. This could be an evidence that confirms the hypothesis stating that target genes of IMP sets are inclined to control several metabolic pathways essential to the maintenance of the vital functions of an organism.

Selenocystine induces mitochondrial-mediated apoptosis in breast carcinoma MCF-7 cells and melanoma A-375 cells with involvement of p53 phosphorylation and reactive oxygen species. / CUHK electronic theses & dissertations collection

January 2008 (has links)
Additionally, we showed that SeC induced S-phase arrest in MCF-7 cells associated with a marked decrease in the protein expression of cyclin A, D1 and D3 and cyclin-dependent kinases (CDK) 4 and 6, with concomitant induction of p21waf1/Cip1, p27Kip1 and p53. Expose of MCF-7 cells to SeC resulted in delayed onset of apoptosis as evidenced by caspase activation, PARP cleavage and DNA fragmentation. SeC treatment also triggered the activation of JNK, p38 MAPK, ERK and Akt phosphorylation. Inhibitors of ERK (U0126) or Akt (LY294002), but not JNK (SP600125) and p38 MAPK (SB203580), significantly suppressed SeC-induced S-phase arrest and apoptosis in MCF-7 cells. In conclusion, our findings establish a mechanistic link between the PI3K/Akt pathway, MAPK pathway and SeC-induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in human breast cancer cells. (Abstract shortened by UMI.) / The role of selenium as potential cancer chemopreventive and chemotherapeutic agents has been supported by epidemiological, preclinical and clinical studies. Although cell apoptosis has been evidenced as a critical mechanism mediating the anticancer activity of selenium, the underlying molecular mechanisms remain elusive. In the present study, selenocystine (SeC), a novel organic selenocompound, is identified as a novel antiproliferative agent with a broad spectrum of inhibition against eight human cancer cell lines with the IC50 values ranged from 3.6 to 37.0 muM. Despite this potency, SeC was relatively nontoxic toward HS68 human fibroblasts with an IC 50 value exceeded 400 muM. Further investigation on the molecular mechanisms indicated that SeC induced caspase-independent apoptosis in MCF-7 breast carcinoma cells, which was accompanied by poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (PARP) cleavage, caspase activation, DNA fragmentation, phosphatidylserine exposure and nuclear condensation. Moreover, SeC induced the loss of mitochondrial membrane potential (DeltaPsim) by regulating the expression and phosphorylation of pro-surivival and pro-apoptotic Bcl-2 family members. Loss of DeltaPsim led to the mitochondrial release of cytochrome c and apoptosis-inducing factor (AIF) which subsequently translocated into the nucleus and induced chromatin condensation and DNA fragmentation. MCF-7 cells exposed to SeC shown increase in total p53 and phosphorylated p53 on serine residues of Ser15, Ser20, and Ser392 prior to mitochondrial dysfunction. Silencing and attenuation of p53 expression with RNA interference and pifithrin-alpha treatment respectively, partially suppressed SeC-induced cell apoptosis. Furthermore, generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and subsequent induction of DNA strand breaks were found to be upstream cellular events induced by SeC. The thiol-reducing antioxidants, N-acetylcysteine and glutathione, completely blocked the initiation and execution of cell apoptosis. Taken together, these results suggest that SeC, as a promising anticancer selenocompound, induces caspase-independent apoptosis in MCF-7 cells mediated by ROS generation and p53 phosphorylation through regulating the mitochondrial membrane permeability. / Chen, Tianfeng. / Adviser: Yun-Shing Wong. / Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 70-06, Section: B, page: 3260. / Thesis (Ph.D.)--Chinese University of Hong Kong, 2008. / Includes bibliographical references (leaves 124-136). / Electronic reproduction. Hong Kong : Chinese University of Hong Kong, [2012] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Electronic reproduction. [Ann Arbor, MI] : ProQuest Information and Learning, [200-] System requirements: Adobe Acrobat Reader. Available via World Wide Web. / Abstracts in English and Chinese. / School code: 1307.

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