Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] JUDITH BUTLER"" "subject:"[enn] JUDITH BUTLER""
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Misgendering z perspektivy filosofie jazyka / Misgendering from the perspective of philosophy of languageFikejzová, Michaela January 2021 (has links)
Misgendering as a phenomenon is currently analyzed mainly from the perspective of gender studies, where it is generally considered a hostile and morally contestable practice. The aim of the presented work is the analysis of misgendering from a completely different position - misgendering as an issue of reference. This type of analysis brings novel insights both to the debates in the field of gender studies and to the debates concerning reference as such. As an interpretative framework I am using Récanati's account on mental files; I am using this conceptual base for evaluating whether given reference and/or coreference may be considered (un)successful. In this framework I examine several model situations, where misgendering takes place, and based on this inquiry I propose a two-level typology of the misgendering phenomenon. The first level takes place only at the perceptual level, where the speaker forms singular thoughts about an object she's perceiving. At the second level, which includes interpersonal reference, I distinguish between three types of misgendering - unintentional, considerate intentional, and hostile intentional misgendering. In the text I oppose the conception of misgendering as only a hostile practice, as it is inevitable or even desirable in certain situations from a reference...
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Bildanalyser av Tyra Kleens verk : En studie över konstnärens tid på Bali och Java och hennes påverkan av danstraditioner och mudras i det konstnärliga skapandet / Visual analyses of artworks by Tyra Kleen : A study of the artist’s sejour in Bali and Java and the influence of dance traditions and mudras on her artistic creativitySjögren, Ylva January 2023 (has links)
This essay examines the art and artistry of Tyra Kleen in the years 1919-1921, when she was travelling and lived on the Indonesian islands Java and Bali. In this period of her life, she was dedicated to an artistic and culturally historical project in which she was drawing and painting Balinese ritual court and Temple dances, mudras, the empowered ritual hand poses of Buddha and Shiva priests, the Javanese theatre Wajang and the Javanese ritual court dance called Serimpi. 10 paintings with subjects deriving from these religious rites, traditions and cultural exercises are analyzed in relation to expression, content, and context with the ambition to convey knowledge about technique, proceeding, what the picture represents, and in what social cohesion these rites, dances and dramas are practiced. The paintings were often watercolor with accentuation of gouache and gold. The theoretical basis of the essay is postcolonial and genus theory. Oriental elements are depicted in her art by the forms inspired by art nouveau and the expressive choice of color. It was not only genus but also class that was important for her as a surveyor in another part of the world and in other religions. The androgyne ideal is related to the theosophic movement. Her artistry was anchored in a spiritual belief, involvement in the women´s issue and an interest in anarchism and class issues. Tyra Kleen was a well-travelled woman who was inspired from many other countries and cultures. Her education was European with a strong impact from the genres of fin-de-siecle. In her primary production there are traces from symbolism, art nouveau and spirituality. She shows another side of her artistry in her journey to Java and Bali, when she in a wealth of details paints the colorful and dynamic dances and the graceful movements of the hands and fingers. She had left the symbolic fantasy pictures and become exploring in her scientific project, even though you can see the forms from the art nouveau style and her interest of religion.
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Det (o)disciplinerade begäret : En komparativ analys av "Den första kärleken" och Charlie med fokus på makt, queer underkastelse och performativitet / The (un)disciplined desire : A comparative analysis of "Den första kärleken" and Charlie examining power, queer subordination and performativityLugnet, Em January 2023 (has links)
In this paper, I study the concept of subordination and power by using two Swedish lesbian classic literary texts; ”Den första kärleken”, published in the collection of short stories Berättelser och skizzer (1884) by Mathilda Roos and Charlie (1932) by Margareta Suber. I examine power dynamics and subordination by comparing the two texts with each other and analyze the similarities and differences between subordination in queer contexts and in heterosexual contexts. Judith Butlers theory of subordination and Michel Foucalts theory of the subject and power are the theoretical ground for this paper, as well as the heterosexual script, which function as a way to illustrate what the characters conform to and/or resist against. As a result, I find that queer subordination is more exciting than heterosexual subordination, but also that heterosexual subordination is, although the characters conform to it, a form of resistance against the heterosexual norm. I also find that social punishment is a crucial aspect regarding the choices they make when it comes to queer subordination.
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‘World Wisdom’: Difference And Identity In Gertrude Stein’s “Melanctha”Alexander, Jessica L. 30 July 2008 (has links)
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"The Rape Capital of the World" : Rape survivors storiesEriksson, Hannah January 2024 (has links)
This study focuses on sexual violence in Goma and aims to study the significance of women, and perpetrators' mentality. To conduct this study, I have used a narrative method, and collected my data through several interviews and healthcare documents. The data consisted of narratives from rape survivors in Goma. This study has answered two research questions, RQ1: Do the women convey their stories in such a manner that gives indications of insignificance? RQ2: Could this mentality have existed before the First Congo War starting in 1996, and not only, as a consequence of the conflict? These questions are based on two hypotheses, H1: Women’s lives in Goma are seen as insignificant and H2: The mentality of seeing women as insignificant in Goma, existed before the First Congo War in 1996. Based on my data, I have concluded that these hypotheses have evidence to be true, with H1 having the most evidence. That said, there is still evidence that H2 is true, but I believe that further research is required to gather more detailed and reliable evidence. Previous research focused on the mentality during the conflict in Goma, and argued that this mentality emerged as a consequence of the conflict, whereas I have argued that the mentality existed before. The rapes in Goma are complex, and there is reason to believe that the topic is in a need of a study that will, at a fundamental level, analyse the lived lives of the women, and when a mentality that claims them not to have it, emerged. Therefore, the hypotheses and research questions were studied based on three main concepts: insignificance, lived life and mentality.
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Djävulen bär Prada – eller sneakers : Paradigmens utstyrsel och budskap i The Devil Wears Prada / The Devil Wears Prada - or Sneakers : Paradigm through clothing and its messages in The Devil Wears PradaVallsten, Diana January 2017 (has links)
I denna uppsats genomför jag en närläsning av Lauren Weisbergers roman The Devil Wears Prada. Syftet är att undersöka kulturella paradigm och koder; hur de upprätthålls eller bryts genom betydelsebildande handlingar samt hur de manifesteras i huvudkaraktärens kläder. Min utgångspunkt är att det i moderna berättelser finns moraliserande och fostrande budskap till kvinnor där den kvinnliga identiteten genomgående kopplas samman med det yttre, såsom kropp och kläder. Dessa förhållanden analyseras och synliggörs med hjälp av semiologiska verktyg och performativitetsteorin. Jag finner att huvudkaraktärens utveckling på jobbet och dess konsekvenser i privatlivet följs av en yttre förvandling, där kläderna fungerar symboliskt för rådande paradigm och huvudkaraktärens position till det feminina. Huvudkaraktärens utveckling slutar i en ”gyllene medelväg” där hon representerar ”den gyllene medelkvinnan”. Romanen skildrar fostrande både inom paradigmens ramar och mot skapandet av det egna subjektet, och rymmer därför inläsning av flera olika budskap.
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Thinking Through the Ecological Crisis with Hannah ArendtTsuji, Rika 08 1900 (has links)
This dissertation offers a philosophical analysis of the ecological crisis through the lens of Hannah Arendt. It frames the ecological crisis as a struggle for situated cohabitation. By analyzing the work of Arendt, this dissertation shows the ways in which the ecological crisis is entwined with the political crisis of plurality. I suggest that these two issues are interconnected and that we need to address both for situated cohabitation. This dissertation is an interdisciplinary work, drawing from environmental philosophy, feminist philosophy, and educational practice. The work is intended to provide novel insight into the current ecological crisis in three ways. First, it grounds its theory in the work of Arendt, a thinker not usually situated in the prevue of environmental scholarship. Second, by synthesizing Arendt's account of plurality with the work of Judith Butler and Ricardo Rozzi, this dissertation explores a politics of plurality that can take account of social and ecological conditions of plurality. Third and finally, the dissertation merges theory with praxis by offering a practical program for doing environmental philosophy with children, a program derived from my sustained experiences working as a facilitator of a philosophy for children (P4C) program. This dissertation does not seek just a theoretical understanding of the ecological crisis, but also a practice of situated cohabitation in the crisis.
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"All mixed up in it" : En intersektionell läsning av William Faulkners The Sound and the Fury, As I Lay Dying och SanctuaryLännström, Kristina January 2015 (has links)
This thesis is an intersectional reading of William Faulkner’s novels The Sound and the Fury (1929), As I Lay Dying (1930) and Sanctuary (1931). This paper employs theories of masculinity and queer theory to examine the masculinities in the novels and their connection to blackness. It proceeds from Judith Butler’s book Bodies that Matter. The thesis focuses on the mixture of race, class, gender and sexuality in the novels. I claim that race sometimes is a mask for gender, class and sexuality in these texts. I argue that certain white characters are depicted as Afro-Americans because of their unmanly behavior and/or queer sexuality or low class. For masculinity theory I have used Jørgen Lorentzen and Claes Ekenstam’s concept of manly and unmanly, described in the anthology Män i Norden Manlighet och modernitet 1840-1940. I have also used Craig Thompson Friend’s Southern Masculinity: Perspectives on manhood in the South since Reconstruction and WJ Cash’s The Mind of the South. For the queer theory, I have used Judith Butler’s theories described in Gendertrouble and Bodies that Matter. / Den här uppsatsen är en intersektionell läsning av William Faulkners romaner The Sound and the Fury (1929), As I Lay Dying (1930) och Sanctuary (1931). Den här uppsatsen använder sig av maskulinitetsteori och queerteori för att undersöka maskuliniteterna i romanerna och deras förbindelse till svarthet. Den utgår från Judith Butlers bok Bodies that Matter. Uppsatsen fokuserar på blandningen av ras, klass, genus och sexualitet i texterna. Jag påstår att ras ibland agerar som en mask för genus, klass och sexualitet i de här texterna. Jag menar att vissa vita romanfigurer skildras som afroamerikaner på grund av sitt omanliga beteende och/eller queera sexualitet eller låga klass. Till maskulinitetsteorin har jag använt mig av Jørgen Lorentzen och Claes Ekenstams begrepp manlig och omanlig, beskrivna i antologin Män i Norden Manlighet och modernitet 1840-1940. Jag har även använt Craig Thomson Friends Southern Masculinity: Perspectives on manhood in the South since Reconstruction och WJ Cashs The Mind of the South. Till queer teorin har jag använt Judith Butlers teorier beskrivna i Gendertrouble och Bodies that Matter.
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Du slåss ju som en hel karl, tjejen! Tankar om kickboxning i skolan som en väg till att nå ökad jämställdhetLundén, Anna January 2010 (has links)
The purpose of this thesis is to, based on interviews and document studies, critically discuss how the introduction of kickboxing in Physical Education (PE) could affect gender equality in society. Based on a queer feminist and norm critical perspective on the prevailing teaching of PE, which, despite official efforts to challenge and modernize PE, persists in reproducing gender norms by e.g. spending 75% of class time on ball games. The hypothesis is that girls accessing violence (empowerment) through a bodily awareness in the form of kickboxing, positively would challenge the power imbalance that gender norms create. Girls are brought up, even today, in accordance with gender norms arguing against girls/women wanting to use their bodies as powerful tools to set limits. In accordance with the traditional Ling gymnastics, in which body and mind develops into a harmonious whole, the introduction of kickboxing in PE would have a major impact on how girls and boys could relate to each other in the community as well as develop the mind and body in harmony. It can be hypothesized that by including kickboxing in PE girls' bodies would be given the opportunity to be powerful, thus enable girls as well as boys to identify themselves as transcendent individuals rather than to experience the powerlessness and mental illness which often develops already during puberty. / Uppsatsens syfte är att med utgångspunkt i samtalsintervjuer och dokumentstudier kritiskt diskutera hur införandet av kickboxning i skolämnet Idrott och hälsa skulle kunna påverka jämställdheten i samhället. Diskussionen förs utifrån ett queerfeministiskt och normkritiskt perspektiv på rådande undervisning i Idrott och hälsa, som trots Skolverkets delvis normutmanande styrdokument framhärdar i att reproducera genusnormer genom att ägna 75% av lektionstiden till bollspel. Hypotesen är att flickors tillång till våld (empowerment) genom ett kroppsligt görande i form av kickboxning, på ett positivt sätt skulle förändra den maktobalans som genusnormer skapar. Flickor uppfostras ännu idag i enlighet med normer som hävdar att flickor/kvinnor inte vill, kan eller bör ha möjlighet att använda sin kropp som ett kraftfullt redskap för att sätta gränser. I enlighet med den traditionella Linggymnastikens grunder, bör kropp och själ utvecklas till en harmonisk enhet. Införandet av kickboxning i Idrott och hälsaundervisningen skulle vara en normkritisk pedagogik med stor inverkan på hur flickor och pojkar skulle förhålla sig till varandra i samhället och utveckla kropp och själ i harmoni. Genom att även flickors kroppar ges möjlighet att vara kraftfulla kan det hypotetiseras att flickor skulle kunna se sig själva som transcenderande subjekt istället för att uppleva den maktlöshet och psykiska ohälsa som ofta befästs under puberteten.
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