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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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王俊灌 Unknown Date (has links)
多年來,台灣報業穩定的市場生態,於2003年5月《蘋果日報》正式創刊後,進入了一個全新的階段。《蘋果日報》是台灣首次以零售通路為主體,成功打開長期由三報所壟斷的市場通路,全新的版面風格及大膽的報導角度,不僅帶給本地讀者新的閱讀感受,更進一步促成台灣本土報業生態的重組,在《蘋果日報》的衝擊之下,台灣傳統報業所面臨的挑戰,除了同業之間的競爭,更可怕的是本土報業整體市場的萎縮。《蘋果日報》加入台灣當地讀者的資訊取得通路,憑藉本身強大的產品競爭力,對台灣本地的報業市場造成了嚴重的威脅。 / 有鑑於此,本研究將《蘋果日報》發行後的市場稱為台灣報業的「新競爭時代」,針對六位具有代表性的資深報紙從業人員,分別從市場環境、通路型態、通路控制、業務推廣策略以及報業未來挑戰等觀點,進行深度訪談,同時結合研究者親身參與觀察所蒐集的資料,以行銷學4P中的行銷通路(place)作為主軸,研究新競爭時代,台中地區四家主要報紙行銷通路的型態與作為,並分析未來所能採取的行銷策略。 / In the recent years, the stable marketing ecology of newspaper industry in Taiwan entered a brand new stage with the publication of APPLE DAILY in May, 2003. By the way of retails, APPLE DAILY succeeded to break the marketing channel which monopolized by three newspapers for a long time. Its brand new layout and content not only brought lots of fun to local readers but caused the reorganization of newspaper industry in Taiwan. Under the impact of APPLE DAILY, the newspaper industry faced the competition from the same business. Moreover, the whole market became atrophy. It had posed serious threat to the newspaper industry.Therefore, the market was called “the new competition age of newspaper industry” in the thesis. In view of six representative senior newspaper jobholders, the researcher will carry on the depth interview separately from marketing environment, channel state, channel control, promotion strategy as well as the future challenge of newspaper industry and so on. Simultaneously, the researcher would unify the information collected by his participation and observation. The thesis would take the “Place” in 4P of Marketing Theories for the main axle to study the marketing channel state and conducts taken by the four newspaper agents in Taichung. Finally, the thesis constructed the marketing strategy which would be able to adopt in the future.

從組織知識學習與資源觀點探討台灣自有品牌廠商的國際行銷通路建構模式 --以網通廠商為例 / The study on international marketing channel model of the Taiwanese own brand corporation by using organizational learning and resource based theory

謝政樺, Hsieh, Cheng Hua Unknown Date (has links)
台灣資訊電子業自八零年代初期開始,憑藉著充沛且低廉的高素質勞動力,為歐、美、日等國際大廠從事OEM、ODM業務,為自身培育出堅強的製造與設計研發能力,並且為台灣創下經濟奇蹟以及獲得「電腦王國」的稱號。然而這種主要為滿足國際大廠需求而塑造出來的發展模式,使得台灣廠商習慣於接受客戶訂單要求的經營模式,對於廠商本身在定義產品、國際行銷、品牌發展以及通路經營等方面並未有長足進步。此外,近年來受到全球化、區域經濟整合以及新興市場國家的崛起,加上台灣已逐漸邁入已開發國家,勞力不再低廉、土地成本高漲、環保意識逐漸抬頭等,使台灣廠商過去所仰賴的競爭優勢已不復存在。施振榮先生提出「微笑曲線」,他認為台灣產業必須從過去附加價值低的製造代工的角色,轉型走向價值鏈兩端的研發設計與品牌經營。近幾年來,企業界和政府已經感受到品牌對於企業經營的重要性,以目前看來,已經有許多台灣自有品牌廠商在各自領域中大放異彩,並且在全球市場上占有一席之地。 過去對於台灣廠商在自有品牌經營的發展狀況,已有許多學者專家投入相關議題的研究。然而在研究上大多為探索台灣企業經營自有品牌成功的關鍵因素,或者是自有品牌的經營策略,對於自有品牌成功關鍵因素之一的行銷通路建構,其相關議題研究較少。因此,本研究將著重於影響企業經營自有品牌成功的關鍵因素中,被多數研究所認同的關鍵成功因素:「行銷通路建構」,進行深入探討,並且針對從創業開始便從事自有品牌經營的廠商進行研究,藉以充分瞭解廠商自有品牌建立的實務過程。本研究擬採用個案研究方式,以在網通產業品牌經營有成的D-Link友訊科技與A公司作為本研究的個案對象,期望將有助於其他有志發展自有品牌之企業作為其未來經營之參考依據。 本研究之研究問題有三:1.台灣自有品牌廠商的國際行銷通路建構型態與方式為何?2.台灣自有品牌廠商在國際行銷通路建構過程中對於不同市場特性、產品組合與通路商類型的因應方式與對策為何?3.影響台灣自有品牌廠商國際行銷通路建構的關鍵性因素與作法為何? 本研究先行針對相關文獻進行回顧,瞭解可作為通路建構模式的相關文獻,包括「自有品牌」、「行銷通路」、「組織學習理論」以及「資源基礎論」等相關理論,並透過個案訪談以及次級資料蒐集整理方式,獲得個案公司資訊,並分析個案公司的通路建構模式。本研究主要獲得以下結論: 1.自有品牌廠商在進入國際市場初期,地區代理商為其主要的行銷通路。然而經營主管對於通路經營理念上的差異,便會造成通路商數量選擇上的不同。此後,廠商便會針對通路商從事系統性的通路整合與管理,發展出整體行銷通路體系。 2.自有品牌廠商在各地區當地的業務主管與經營團隊成員對於其通路建構成功與後續通路管理扮演不可或缺的角色。 3.自有品牌廠商透過與通路商溝通以及提供通路商教育輔導,將有助於產品銷售以及減少通路衝突,強化彼此關係,創造彼此利益。 4.自有品牌廠商所提供的高品質、高效能的產品,將有助於廠商國際行銷通路之建構。 5.自有品牌廠商透過資源蓄積與組織外部學習方式,所建構出在資源面與能力面上的新策略性資源,將有助於廠商行銷通路建構。然而自有品牌廠商組織文化上的差異,將會造成通路建構策略與方式上的不同。 本研究對於實務上的管理建議為: 1.自有品牌廠商宜著重技術深耕與研發並且提供通路商高品質的產品與服務。 2.自有品牌廠商宜重視與授權在地化經營以增進在地經營團隊對於企業的認同感。 3.自有品牌廠商宜建立完善的組織學習機制。 關鍵字:自有品牌、行銷通路、組織學習、資源基礎論 / Taiwanese electronic companies are good at manufacturing and design, and take OEM/ODM business for the first-tier international electronic companies. However, in recently, the competitive advantages of Taiwanese companies gradually decline due to the booming of the the developing countries. Thus, industrial and government highly appealed the companies to develop their own brand, and hoped it will show good performances in the near future. Until now, some of the companies reveal outstanding results in their own industry, and become the global well-know enterprises. In the past, it had been many researches who did the relevant topics about the Taiwanese companies establishing their own brand. Neverethelss, most of the researches focused on discussion the successful factors of establishing own brand or the own brand business strategy rather than on establishing marketing channel, the key successful factor of establishing own brand. Thus, the study will focus on discussion the market channel establishment, and select to research the own brand companies which built their own brand from start-up in order to understand the practical procedure. The case companies are D-Link and A Corp., the first tier Taiwanese network communication manufacture company. Their remarkable performance can be the examples for the other companies to follow them. The main literature in this study includes own brand, marketing channel, organizational learning, and resource-base theory. The study takes case interview and collect the second-hand data to acquire the critical information of the case companies and analyze their marketing channel model. There are several conclusions from the study: 1.In the early stage of entry international market, own brand company’s main channel is local agency. However, the different channel management ideas between the leaders will induce to select differenct channels numbers. However, own brand companies will gradually conduct channel integration and management to develop their whole marketing channel system. 2.The local mangers and business teams of the own brand companies play the key players to establish marketing channel and their channel management. 3.Own brand companies who usually communicate with the channel members and provide education course for the channel parmters will bring benefits for their sales, reduce the conflicts, consolidate mutual relationship, and create mutual benefits. 4.Own brand companies who provide high quality and performance products will bring positive effects to establish marketing channel. 5.Own brand companies who accumulate internal resources and conduct external organizational learning will build strategy assets in assets and capabilities sides. Neveretheless, the organizational cultural difference will make a difference in the strategy and method of establishing marketing channel. In the study, the managerial suggestions for the companies who would like to develop their own brand include: 1.The companies have to focus on strengthen their R&D and provide high quality and performance products for their channel partners. 2.The companies have to empower the localization and promote the local business teams’ identity for the company. 3.The companies have to build a well-done organizational learning system. Key words: Own Brand, Marketing Channel, Organizational Learning, Resource Based Theory

Vägen till den virtuella butiken : en studie om Gina Tricots möjligheter att marknadsföra sig online / The road to the virtual shop : a study regarding the possibilities for Gina Tricot to market the brand online

Andrén, Caroline, Hermansson, Mariel Alexandra January 2012 (has links)
Internet når idag över 8 miljoner människor i Sverige och är en naturlig del av vardagen för många. För företag betyder detta en viktig marknadsföringskanal som inte bör underskattas. Genom att kommunicera med målgruppen via plattformer såsom sociala nätverk, bloggar och mikrobloggar kan företag erbjuda mervärde och bygga relationer online. Genom att utnyttja rätt marknadsföringskanal kan onlinemarknadsföring undvika att uppfattas som påträngande för konsumenten och istället inspirera på ett hjälpfullt sätt.Syftet med studien är att med en kartläggning av fast-fashionkonsumenters nätbeteende och attityder fastställa hur modeföretaget Gina Tricot som har flera försäljningskanaler kan öka besöksfrekvensen till den virtuella butiken genom marknadsföring online. Uppsatsen har en kvalitativ ansats med en fallstudiedesign. De insamlade empiriska data är av både kvalitativ och kvantitativ natur då både en bredd och ett djup har eftersträvats. Datamaterialet består av en webbenkät med 181 respondenter, strukturerade intervjuer på stan med 120 respondenter, två gruppintervjuer samt en personlig intervju med en marknadskoordinator.Det empiriska materialet har analyserats utifrån den teoretiska referensramen bestående av teorier om onlinemarknadsföring, konsumentbeteende samt multi-channel-återförsäljning. Studien har visat att bloggar är en stark marknadsföringskanal för modeföretag då konsumenterna känner en stor tillit till bloggare samt då det hjälper dem att förkorta köpprocessen. Analysen visar även att det genom sociala nätverk är viktigt för modeföretag att bygga relationer samt aktivt kommunicera med målgruppen för att skapa lojalitet. Andra starka kanaler har visat sig vara nyhetsbrev samt banners. För att stärka Gina Tricots webbutik har ett behov observerats av att uppmärksamma det breda sortiment som finns representerat på Internet då större utbud visat sig vara det starkaste motivet till onlineshopping i studien. Resultatet visade även att webbutiken behöver erbjuda en högre visuell upplevelse då exponeringen av produkterna på ginatricot.com idag inte överkommer den stora riskuppfattning som köp av kläder online innebär för konsumenten. Sett utifrån ett marknadsföringsperspektiv kan denna förändring ha en positiv word of mouth effekt samt kan till fördel användas vid exponering av produkter på sociala nätverk.Internet reaches today over 8 million people in Sweden and has become a natural part of the everyday life. For companies this means a marketing channel too important to ignore. By communicating with the target group via social networks, blogs and micro blogs the company is able to offer an added value and to build relationships online. By choosing the right marketing channel and strategy the online marketing is able to avoid being seen as intrusive and the consumer could instead perceive the marketing as inspiring and helpful. When using a multichannel perspective offering e-commerce, marketing online becomes important to manage increased awareness and generate more traffic to the web site.The purpose of the study is by the identification of fast fashion consumer’s behavior and attitudes determine how the fashion company Gina Tricot is able to increase the traffic to their virtual store through marketing online. The paper has a case study design with a qualitative approach. The empirical data are both qualitative and quantitative to ensure a depth and a width to the thesis. The gathering of the data has been made through a web survey which consists of 181 respondents, 120 structured interviews, two group interviews and one interview with a market coordinator. The gathered empirics have been analyzed according to the theoretical framework which consists of theories regarding online marketing, consumer behavior and multi-channel retailing.The findings made in the thesis show that blogs are a strong marketing channel because of the great trust consumers feel towards bloggers and since blogs also help consumers to abbreviate the buying process. The analysis also shows that it is important to build relationships on social networks and to actively keep a two-way communication in order to create loyalty. Other effective marketing channels are companies’ newsletters and banner ads. To strengthen the image of the online store of Gina Tricot we have observed a need to inform the consumer of the wide and more unique assortment they offer online since a larger assortment and uniqueness has shown being the strongest reason for online shopping in this thesis. The result also showed that the web shop needs to provide a higher visual experience since the exposure of today’s products on ginatricot.com do not overcome the consumer’s risk perception of buying clothes online. From a marketing perspective this change can have a positive word of mouth effect among consumers and can be used positively when displaying products on social networks. / Program: Textilekonomutbildningen

食品業廠商在大陸通路選擇之個案研究 / The Case Study-Marketing Channel Choice of The Food Industry in Mailand China

許博富, Hsu,Po fu Unknown Date (has links)
近年大陸採經濟開放政策,對於各種物資需求相當殷切,大陸市場之大, 是未來各國主要目標市場之一。如何在這大市場中贏得商機,是全世界各 國及廠商的願望。大陸以往是計劃經濟體制與西方自由經濟體制為截然不 同的兩種體制,西方的管理技術與經驗是否能應用在中國大陸上,各國無 不密切注意。對於同樣中國人的台灣,雖然在以往有四十年的隔閡,造成 了觀念上極大差異,但在語言、思想等亦較西方各國了解大陸,因此台灣 具有較大的優勢去開拓中國大陸這個市場。因此,本論文是以台灣食品廠 商在大陸設廠之廠商做為研究的對象,其研究的主題包含有1979年以前 與1979年以後大陸的流通體制、目前大陸食品通路的型態、台商在大陸所 採行的通路策略為何、通路的設立過程以及不同的通路是否會影響台商在 大陸的行銷策略。本研究發現各個廠商在通路的設立過程有所差異、通路 型態的不同並不會影響廠商在大陸所採行之行銷策略。在1993年為止大陸 食品通路的型態有糧食管理站、國營企業的生活系統、副食品商店、糖煙 酒系統、農工商公司、供銷合作社、百貨公司、超級市場、食品加工廠及 餐廳、專賣店的設立、自由市場。在1979年以前大陸的通路為計畫性的流 通體制,在1979年以後流通體制隨著經濟的開放而開放,打破過去的體制 。廠商並無偏好某一型態的通路,僅以公司本身過去的經驗、公司的特性 、通路的特性及公司產品來決定。


林子正 Unknown Date (has links)
回顧近50年來台灣的產業發展歷程,自1980年進入資訊電子產業以後,經濟發展始開始呈現高度成長。時至2004,台灣主要硬體產品在海內外總產值達到684億美元,高居全球前五位,並預估2006年可達到800億美元。我國資訊電子產業自80年代初期乃是以OEM(Original Equipment Manufacturing)代工的方式開始發展,憑藉著廉價的勞力及土地等生產要素,達到低成本的製造優勢;然而近年來,台灣選擇專業代工的風險已開始逐漸顯現。隨著資訊產品發展成熟,普及率增加,品牌廠商為了提高市場佔有率,也開始進入以價格競爭的階段;此外,當初具有之成本優勢也隨著中國大陸經濟體的興起以及勞動成本、土地成本等上升而日漸消失,因此台灣資訊電子廠商走向微笑曲線兩端的趨勢已經無法避免。 有鑑於上述的產業發展現況,近年來學術界對於自有品牌相關議題的研究也愈發重視。然而,過去的研究重點往往放在自有品牌的發展策略、關鍵成功因素等策略層面或理論層面的探討,對於建立自有品牌實務歷程的研究則著墨較少。在自創品牌的相關研究中,除了眾多學者多認為行銷通路建立為自創品牌關鍵成功因素之外,宏碁集團創辦人施振榮也曾特別指出:「建立品牌過程中,通路的建立是重點」,故本篇論文針對自創品牌關鍵成功因素之一的「行銷通路建構歷程」進行研究。本研究透過個案研究的方式,針對國內資訊電子業建立自有品牌上較具成功經驗之企業 - 明基電通(BenQ)加以深入探討,期能得到新的啟發,並供實務界參考,為台灣的產業升級做出貢獻。 本研究首先透過相關文獻的探討,瞭解可作為分析通路建構歷程之相關文獻,包括「自有品牌建立」、「通路理論」、「動態能力」、「組織學習」等相關理論,並透過個案公司訪談以及次級文獻蒐集獲得個案公司資訊,最後分析個案公司 之通路建構歷程。本研究之發現如下: 1. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,其通路建構歷程會先進行行銷(通路)部門的組織設計與改造、運作流程設計、以及行銷通路人員的招募等前置作業 2. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業在建立自有品牌產品之行銷通路時,其自有品牌產品線與其代工產品關連性愈高,則通路建構歷程愈易於進行,且通路績效表現愈佳 3. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,會致力於進行雙迴圈學習及高階學習,並建立新的價值觀及規範,以提升通路建構及通路管理之成效 4. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若能夠在創造學習外取得新的知識來源或他人的通路經驗以進行模仿學習,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 5. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若能夠透過跨產品線、跨市場地區的行銷通路相關人員進行定期交流聚會與知識分享,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 6. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,若能夠將通路建構歷程中所取得的知識及經驗進行資料庫之建構,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 7. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業,若其組織具有較高的組織彈性以及較快的回應能力,則有助於通路建構績效之提升 8. 由OEM/ODM轉型自有品牌經營之企業於通路建構歷程中,若於目標市場擁有足夠的市場性資產(如商譽)、結構性資產(如製造能力、供應鏈管理),則有助於通路建構績效之提升 9. 企業在建構國際通路時,其通路策略及通路管理作法上會視各國市場特性之不同而有所不同 10. 企業在建構國際通路時,其相關通路建構之主要決策權若由各地子公司掌握,則有助於企業通路建構及通路管理之成效 11. 企業在建構國際通路時,若能夠使用在地人力資源,則有助於通路建構之進行 / The electronic industry first developed in Taiwan in 1980s by OEM operation. But with the strong challenge from China and the pressure of price competition, the risk of OEM/ODM business model is growing higher and higher nowadays. Given this industry condition, academic and industrial filed are paying more attention to those issues about transformation from OEM/ODM to OBM. Nevertheless, “Building Marketing Channel”, which is one critical factor in the transformation process, is neglected among others. Therefore, this research focuses on the practical building process of marketing channel, not only aims to trigger the following studies on this issue, but also like to find some insights into the marketing channel building process and help the industry to succeed in the transformation from OEM/ODM to OBM. Compare to other studies that more focus on the “Channel Strategy” or channel itself, this research focuses on an issue that rarely be touched by researchers. For that reason, this research is more an “Exploratory Research” essentially. This research adopts “Case-Study Method”, looks into the marketing channel building process by interviewing with personnel of case company and reading second-hand materials about the case company, then derives findings and conclusions by analysis the building process with the framework of “Dynamic Capability” and “Organizational Learning” Findings of this research could be divided into three major subjects, following list each of the three subjects and the implication of it. 1. Features of marketing channel building process of OEM/ODM companies in transformation to OBM Marketing channel building process of OEM/ODM companies in transformation to OBM should be initiated by designing the marketing related function and organization structure 2. Marketing channel building process and “Organizational Learning” Companies in transformation to OBM should engage in “Double-loop Learning” to enhance the result of marketing channel building process 3. Marketing channel building process and “Dynamic Capability” Companies in transformation to OBM should improve capabilities of “Process” and “Position” categories to enhance the result of marketing channel building process For industry practice, this research suggests that companies should endeavor to obtain necessary knowledge, create as many sources of learning as possible, and also design an effective organizational learning system in the marketing channel building process. In the other hand, companies should also improve their dynamic capabilities with the new knowledge in the whole process, especially in “Process” and “Position” categories. For academic field, since the major limit of this research is the lack of inferential reliability with single-case method, this research suggest following researchers to conduct further research on this topic with multi-case or quantitative method and verify the findings and conclusions of this research.


余俊慶, Yu, Chung-Ching Unknown Date (has links)
在經濟活動發展迅速的情形下,產品的競爭與多樣化使得廠商在價格之外,也須將行銷策略納入考量。研究行銷通路中成員互動的理論模型從靜態模型開始,到用動態微分賽局的模型來研究廠商間的互動,過去的研究文獻得到了兩點結論:第一,通路合作為Pareto最適。第二,在通路無法合作的情況下,利用合作機制的建立,能使均衡結果產生Pareto改善。 然而,過去的文獻卻未說明將通路合作放入合作廣告的模型中,通路合作是否仍為Pareto最適。因此,本研究沿用Jørgensen et al.(2003)合作廣告模型的設定,將通路合作的情況放入模型中,比較通路合作、零售商遠視、零售商短視與合作廣告四種情形均衡時的行銷策略及廠商的利潤,並探討通路合作在合作廣告的模型中是否仍為Pareto最適。

Impactos da estratégia de produto no canal de distribuição : estudo multicaso sobre o relacionamento entre a indústria avícola e o varejo

Pêgo, Luíza Santos 15 July 2009 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:51:40Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 2603.pdf: 592737 bytes, checksum: 8258f5df0e450dbb0df805c7af84e6eb (MD5) Previous issue date: 2009-07-15 / Financiadora de Estudos e Projetos / The strategy of the marketing channel can not be formulated as there was no other itens to be explored in the marketing strategy of the companies. The variable product was chosen among the other three from the marketing mix, as it is considered the activity essence of any industry. Three large areas can be highlighted as the ones more related to the marketing channel management: new product planning and development, product life-cycle and strategies related to the product management. The proposal of this work was to analyze how the interrelation between the product questions, previously quoted, and the domestic marketing channels management of the poultry industry affect their relationship with the retail link of the channel. This industry was chosen due to its importance to the national agribusiness, as a currency generator as well as to the internal market supplying. This research restricted to study the direct relationship between large companies and large retail trade operative in Brazil, not considering the wholesalers. As a research method, it was adopted the multiple case study in the poultry industry and the retail. In loco interviews were conducted with the directors of the product and marketing areas of the poultry industry and the commercial managers of the retailers. The interviews were conducted with the use of a semistructured questionnaire, validated by researchers of different areas. This research has identified that the relationship level between the poultry industry and the retail, in the three areas studied, is unsatisfactory for the involved parts. It was veriried that the new products planning an developing areas are the ones more affected by the lack of communication between the industry and the retail. In this way, the enterprises claim to more collaborative actions of their partners, in different areas, in order to begin a cooperation process between the parts. Although they pointed out this wish, both industry and retail have not shown being motivated to take any initiative in this way. This can be explained by, mainly, the market power of both actors exhibited during the final product negotiation. / A estratégia de canal de distribuição não pode ser formulada como se não houvesse outros itens a serem explorados na estratégia de marketing das empresas. A variável produto foi escolhida entre as três variáveis do composto mercadológico, por ser considerada a essência da atividade de qualquer indústria. Destacaram-se três grandes áreas de produto como aquelas que mais se relacionam com a gestão dos canais de distribuição: planejamento e desenvolvimento de novos produtos, ciclo de vida do produto e estratégias relacionadas à gestão do produto. O propósito desta dissertação foi analisar como a inter-relação entre as questões de produto anteriormente citadas e a gestão dos canais de distribuição domésticos da indústria avícola afetam seu relacionamento com o elo varejista do canal. Essa indústria foi escolhida graças a sua importância para o agronegócio nacional, tanto na geração de divisas quanto no abastecimento do mercado interno. Outro recorte dado à pesquisa foi a limitação ao estudo das grandes indústrias e das grandes redes varejistas atuantes no Brasil, com as quais estas mantêm um relacionamento direto, sem a figura dos atacadistas. Na pesquisa de campo, foi realizado um estudo de múltiplos casos na indústria avícola e no varejo, por intermédio de entrevistas presenciais com diretores da área de produto e marketing das indústrias avícolas e gerentes da área comercial dos varejistas. As entrevistas foram realizadas com o apoio de um questionário semiestruturado, validado por pesquisadores de diferentes áreas. Como resultado da pesquisa, observou-se que o relacionamento entre a indústria avícola e o varejo, nas três áreas estudadas, se mostra insatisfatório para as partes envolvidas. Evidencia-se o planejamento e desenvolvimento de novos produtos como a área mais afetada pela falta de comunicação entre esta indústria e o varejo. Neste sentido, as empresas cobram ações mais colaborativas de seus parceiros, nas diferentes áreas, para que se possa iniciar um processo de cooperação entre as partes. Apesar de indicarem esse desejo, tanto a indústria quanto o varejo não se mostram motivados a tomar nenhum tipo de iniciativa que os leve a este resultado. Isso se deve, principalmente, a força gerada pelo poder de mercado que ambos os atores imprimem no momento da negociação dos produtos finais.

農產電商平台如何與消費者建立信任關係之探討 / The research of how agricultural e-business platform build trust relationship with customer

張寧恬, Chang, Ning Tien Unknown Date (has links)
從1980年代開始,台灣的食安事件頻傳,各種食安問題讓民眾更重視自己的飲食議題。而在食安問題中,背後牽涉到相當複雜的原因,而對消費者而言,在生產者與消費者間如何建立信任就是最直接的議題,通路即是關鍵的角色。 農產銷售的通路相當多樣,尤其以電子商務為未來的趨勢,因此本研究即以農產電商平台為個案。 採用訪談法與觀察法的方式,去整理電商平台的運作活動,再分析其是如何影響信任的構面,並建立與消費者之間的信任關係。 平台與消費者建立信任關係的過程,初期必須透過平台的易讀性與易用性,把握第一印象的好感度,並透過各種跨界的行銷與通路管道,來擴大與消費者互動的範圍;長期而言,透過產品與服務上的穩定性與一致性來維持品質,並在企業的內外,實現對消費者、生產者、供應商甚至是公司內部員工們的承諾,貫徹平台的價值,更是建立長遠信任關係的關鍵,讓消費者能產生黏著與回購。 / Started from 1980s, there are many problem of food safety, so that people pay more attention to their own food issues. There are very complex reasons, behinded food safty issue. For consumers, how to build trust between producers and consumers is the most important and immediate issue. Agricultural marketing channels are quite diverse, especially of e-commerce, which is the trend in the future. Using agricultural e-business platform as an example, this paper will use interview method, observational Method to analyze that how operational activities of platform affect aspects of trust, as well as how to build trust relationship between platform and customers. In the progress of building trust relationship with customers, platform should make a reliable first impression by readability and ease-of-use in initial stage, and increase the exposure rate and online to offline trading, in order to expand reaction range of customers. In long term, platform should maintain quality of products and service by stability and consistency, and make good on the promise of stakeholders. These are the key to establish long-term trust relationship, and effect adhesion and repurchase rates.

Comprendre les réticences des fabricants à l’ouverture d’un site marchand : application de la théorie de la concurrence multipoints au marché de l’électrodomestique / Manufacturer's brakes to open a retail website ? : an explanation by the theory of multipoint competition, applied to the household appliance industry sector

Bourdon, Bernard 22 December 2015 (has links)
Avec plus de 57 milliards d’€ de CA en France en 2014, le e-commerce continue à se développer, tant en volume qu’en nombre d’acteurs. Pourtant peu d’industriels se lancent dans le e-commerce, alors que les théories économiques suggèrent que ceux-ci devraient intégrer les fonctions d’intermédiation dès lors qu’il est capable de les effectuer à un coût moindre que des opérateurs extérieurs.Dans cette recherche, nous explorons les freins des industriels du secteur de l’électrodomestique vis-à-vis du e-commerce et suggérons que, conformément à la théorie de la concurrence multipoints, les industriels évitent de commercialiser leurs produits sur Internet dans un souci de stabilité de leur système de distribution. Des résultats de notre recherche, nous mettons en évidence les facteurs de création du conflit dans ce contexte, ce qui nous conduit à formuler des recommandations à l’égard des managers qui envisageraient l’ouverture d’un site marchand. / With more than 57 billion € turnover in France in 2014, the e-commerce continues to grow, both in volume and number of players. Yet few manufacturers are engaging in e-commerce, while economic theories suggest that they should integrate intermediation functions as soon as they are able to perform at a lower cost than external operators.In this research, we explore why the household appliance industry sector do not launch e-commerce site and suggest that, according to the multipoint competition theory, they do so in order to avoid coercion from the traditional distribution system. From the results of our research, we emerge factors that create conflict in this context, which leads us to make recommendations in respect of managers who would consider opening a retail website.


吳燦濱, Wu,Richard Unknown Date (has links)
隨著經濟發展與國民所得提高,汽車已經成為人們必備之交通運輸工具。近年來,假日休閒旅遊蔚為風氣,除造成自用汽車數量急遽成長外,亦因使用頻率增加而使汽車發生毀損滅失之機率增高。 汽車保險業務具有濃厚之地域性,而且與社會環境及國民習性密切相關,因此,經營汽車保險業務者,必須投入相當規模之資源,方能提供完善之服務。由於汽車保險業務之保費收入佔財產保險業所有業務之一半以上,其損失率高低往往牽動著保險業者之經營成效。 今日汽車保險市場積弊之一,乃保險業者拓展業務時,常以提高業務量為目標,爭相採取超佣、折讓或錯價等違規手段,造成市場之惡性競爭。再者,行銷通路亦與汽車保險業務經營成敗有緊密關連。 以汽車代理商而言,其有規模者之業務項目涵蓋汽車銷售、保險代理、零件價格與汽車修護等,完全掌握汽車保險行銷之競爭優勢。此外,貿易商、貨運行及代檢場,與汽車保險業務亦有密切關連,也是保險業者不可忽視之重要通路。 本研究以汽車車體損失保險為對象,針對上述行銷通路之運作實務作介紹與分析,並分別探討各種通路可能衍生之道德危險。最後,針對各類型之道德危險及理賠實務之缺失,本研究提出建議方案供相關單位參考,以期汽車保險市場能健全發展。 關鍵字:汽車保險、道德危險、行銷通路、汽車代理商、貿易商、貨運行、 代檢場 / 【Abstract】 Along with economy development and increase of national income, automobiles become a necessity for people in transportation and communication. In recent years, due to the trend in taking vacation by car, the amount of automobile has rapidly grew. Consequentially, frequent use has resulted in higher percentage of the damage or loss of the automobiles. As automobile insurance has characteristics in localism and territorialism, it is highly related to social environment and citizen’s behavior. Under such a scenario, all the automobile insurance companies need to invest all kinds of resources to provide full scale services. Meanwhile, since its premium volume accounts for more than half the overall property insurance business premium volume, its underwriting result in loss ratio usually has a significant impact on the overall performance in operation. One of the cumulated cankers in the automobile insurance market is that while extending business, insurance companies often aim at increasing premium volume, so that they take the methods against regulations, such as excessive commission, rebate and wrongful pricing. All of them may have deteriorated the unsoundness and stability of the insurance market. In addition, many marketing channels play a significant role to automobile insurance business. In light of automobile dealers’ operation, the ones in large scale normally carry on an automobile maintenance workshop at the same time. Their services cover wide range, include: car selling, insurance soliciting, components price controlling and repair and maintenance services etc. In this way, they acquire the advantage in the marketing competition. Meanwhile, merchants, forwarding agents and the vehicle-inspection workshops are also related to the automobile insurance, and certainly they are the important channels that shall not be neglected. By taking Automobile Insurance - Body Damaged Coverage as the main object, this research makes a thorough analysis on the operation of the above-mentioned marketing channels, and explores all the possible moral hazard stemmed from different channels. To eliminate the moral hazards and the claim insufficiency, this research submits certain recommendation to the regulatory authority and the insurance industry in order to achieve sound development of the automobile insurance market. Key words: Automobile Insurance、Moral Hazard、Marketing Channel、Automobile Dealer、Merchant、Forwarding Agent、Vehicle-Inspection Workshop

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