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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Paul Mpagi Sepuya : en semiotisk och psykoanalytisk tolkning av den fragmenterade kroppen i samtida fotografi

Bergvik-Forsander, Annika January 2022 (has links)
No description available.

Figures de la résistance : les Amazones modernes, de la Belle Époque à aujourd’hui

Joubi, Pascale 08 1900 (has links)
Depuis la fin du XIXe siècle, on assiste en France à un retour en force du mythe des Amazones dans les textes littéraires et les arts visuels. À chaque époque qui la voit ressurgir, la communauté de guerrières affranchies des lois des hommes suscite autant la fascination que l’effroi. Figures dissidentes qui apparaissent, entre 1870 et aujourd’hui, sous les traits de sportives, d’écuyères, de femmes de carrière (auteures, enseignantes, médecins, avocates…), de militantes féministes, de lesbiennes révolutionnaires et de guerrières futuristes, les Amazones se distinguent par la manière dont elles échappent à une vision hétéronormative du « féminin » et du « masculin ». Le réinvestissement du mythe des Amazones depuis la Belle Époque traduit un désir d’affranchissement par rapport à un système de société basé sur une pensée antagoniste entre force et faiblesse, corps et esprit, individu et communauté, masculin et féminin. Les guerrières myth(olog)iques semblent cristalliser diverses tentatives d’opposer aux lieux communs d’un féminin conventionnel des figures d’identification en rupture avec les normes et les attentes sociales. Toutefois, en perpétuelle posture de résistance aux catégories genrées, les Amazones et leurs avatars choisissent de n’endosser ni le féminin ni le masculin, optant pour une identité équivoque, se présentant comme un sujet queer dont la mission est d’exposer la pseudo-nature de la conception binaire des genres. À travers leur combat pour le décloisonnement des espaces identitaires, ces figures modernes de la résistance tentent, tant bien que mal, de constituer une communauté ouverte aux différences et de tirer un sentiment de puissance de cette union sororale. L’opposition et les difficultés rencontrées sur le chemin de la conquête, marqué par des actes sacrificiels, les obligent à réinventer leurs armes de lutte et les conduisent parfois à remettre en question l’héritage des troublantes et fascinantes guerrières de l’Antiquité. / Since the end of the 19th century, we have witnessed the strong comeback of the myth of the Amazons in French literature and visual arts. In every era that sees its resurgence, the emancipated female warriors’ community arouses as much fascination as terror. Dissident figures appearing, between 1870 and today, as athletes, horse riders, career women (authors, teachers, doctors, lawyers…), feminist activists, revolutionary lesbians, and futuristic warriors, the Amazons are distinguished by the way they fend off a heteronormative vision of femininity and masculinity. The reinvestment of the Amazonian myth since the Belle Époque translates a desire for freedom from a social system based on an antagonistic thinking of strength and weakness, body and mind, individual and community, male and female. The myth(olog)ical warriors seem to crystallize various attempts to oppose the commonplaces of conventional femininity to identification figures who break with norms and social expectations. However, in perpetual resistance to gender categorization, the Amazons and their avatars choose not to endorse either the feminine or the masculine, opting for an equivocal identity, presenting themselves as a queer subject whose mission is to expose the pseudo-nature of the binary conception of gender. Through their fight for the dissolving of identity boundaries, these resistance figures try, and sometimes fail, to build a community open to differences and to be empowered by this sororal union. The opposition and the difficulties encountered on the path of conquest, marked by sacrificial acts, force the modern Amazons to reinvent their weapons and sometimes lead them to question the legacy of the troubling and fascinating ancient female warriors.


Folie, Sandra 27 April 2017 (has links)
Frauenliteratur ist ein gattungs- und epochenübergreifend verwendeter Sammelbegriff für die Literatur von/für/über Frauen. Die Definition erfolgt im Gegensatz zur unmarkierten ('Männer'-)Literatur über das Geschlecht der Autor_innen, Leser_innen und Protagonist_innen. Feministische Literaturwissenschaftler_innen haben der Homogenisierung und Marginalisierung der Literatur von oder für Frauen Strategien wie Sichtbarmachung (Frauenliteraturlexika/-geschichten) und Resignifikation ('Neue Frauenliteratur') entgegengesetzt.

”Jag har sett ljuset, jag tänker inte gå tillbaka till mörkret” : Transpersoners och icke-binäras erfarenheter av upptäckande, förändring och följande av nya könslinjer genom lajvande och karaktärer / ”I have seen the light, I will not go back to the darkness” : Trans and non-binary persons’ experiences of exploring, transforming and following of new gender lines though larping and characters

Schück, Rönn January 2021 (has links)
Denna studie utgår från transpersoners och icke-binära personers erfarenheter av lajvande i Sverige under 2000-talet. Lajv är en typ av performance, liknande improviserad teater utan publik, där deltagarna gestaltar och förkroppsligar olika karaktärer, en roll eller alternativ identitet. Även om lajvs potential att förändra har tidigare studerats har ingen forskning gjorts om transpersoners erfarenheter av hur lajv och karaktärer har förändrat dem. Denna studie undersöker därför hur lajv och erfarenheter av att förkroppsliga karaktärer har påverkat hur de ser på sin könsidentitet och använder sig av könsuttryck i vardagen. I fokus står deltagarnas aha-upplevelser om sitt kön före, under, kring och efter lajv. Med intervjuer och queer fenomenologi visar studien att lajvande och karaktärer har hjälpt dem att hitta, utforska, testa och orientera sig mot nya könslinjer, könsidentiteter och könsuttryck samt gett dem verktyg att börja följa dessa könslinjer i vardagen. Studien visar även hur de har hindrats och hjälpts av andra lajvare, samt hur gränsen mellan lajv och vardag läcker och transformerar. Studiens resultat bidrar till en ökad kunskap om hur lajvande kan ha en förmåga att förändra och hur svenska lajvkulturen har utvecklats under 2000-talet. / This thesis concerns trans and non-binary persons’ experiences of live action role-playing (larp) in Sweden during the last 20 years. Larp is a form of performance, similar to improvised theater without any external audience, where the participants (larpers) play and embody characters. The characters are similar to theater characters, but are also a form of persona or alternative identity for the larpers. Although earlier research has shown that larp has a potential to transform and change larpers, little research has been done on transpersons’ experiences of how larping and characters have changed them. The purpose of this thesis is to analyse how larping and experiences of embodying characters have affected how they understand their own gendersex and use gendered expressions, clothes, and behaviors in everyday life. A central part of the analysis is the participants' feeling of wonder over their gendersex before, during, around, and after larping. By using interviews, queer phenomenology, and the concept of bleed, the study shows how larping and characters have helped them to find, explore, try, and orient themselves toward new gender lines, gendersexes and gendered expressions and also given them tools to help them following these new gender lines and embody their gendersex in everyday life. Furthermore, the study shows how they have been hindered and helped by other larpers, and how the borders between the larp worlds and the world of everyday life are porous and transformative. The findings of the study gives new insights of transpersons’ experiences of larping. Furthermore, the results deepen our knowledge of larping’s transformative potential, how role-playing can be used in identity processes, and how the Swedish larping community has evolved during the 21th century.

LGBT+ a veřejné knihovny / LGBT+ and Public Libraries

Bouchalová, Hana January 2021 (has links)
LGBT+ and Public Libraries Hana Bouchalová English Abstract The purpose of this thesis is to define the relations of the Czech LGBT+ community (lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans* with respect to other gender identities and sexual orientations) and Czech public libraries. Focusing on LGBT+ literature and library and information services, the thesis offers both library and LGBT+ community perspective, using following research methods: questionnaires and interviews (executed with the help of LGBT+ groups and organisations), interviews with librarians, mystery shopping and analysis of selected Czech public library collections. Theoretical chapters discussing the existence of Czech queer libraries and the situation of LGBT+ community in the Czech Republic and elsewhere are also included. Final chapter contains suggestions for libraries how to better design and improve their services and offers related topics for further discussion.


HAROLDO ANDRÉ GARCIA DE OLIVEIRA 24 January 2022 (has links)
[pt] Esta tese de doutorado visa investigar determinados aspectos estéticos e estruturais presentes em produções artísticas que abordam a temática da identidade trans, num atravessamento com questões de raça e classe social. As reflexões teórico-críticas de intelectuais como Paul Preciado e bell hooks fundamentam a discussão acerca dos sistemas de opressão que atuam sobre o convívio dos corpos considerados dissidentes no imaginário de construção, mas também de sua circulação nas cidades. Para isso, esta tese toma um conjunto heterogêneo de figuras monstruosas como a sereia, o anão e o fantasma para questionar as definições de humanidade e a experiência artístico-sensível do exílio através da vivência no processo laboratorial de criação realizado pelo Projeto Genus Radix (numa iniciativa do Museu Nacional Centro de Artes Reina Sofía). No itinerário que atravessou essa pesquisa e esse pesquisador - Argentina, Brasil e Espanha -, atua a metáfora do monstro como um disparador de questões vinculadas à arte e à vida, que instiga a reflexão sobre uma humanidade por vir. As reverberações das histórias dos personagens conceituais e reais elencados nesta pesquisa visam delinear e ressaltar especificidades que corroboram para a construção de uma narrativa estética e/ou performática que suscita a sobrevivência de novas formas de vida num espaço comum. / [es] Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo investigar ciertos aspectos estéticos y estructurales presentes en las producciones artísticas que abordan el tema de la identidad trans, en un cruce con cuestiones de raza y clase social. Las reflexiones teórico-críticas de intelectuales como Paul Preciado y Bell Hooks basan la discusión sobre los sistemas de opresión que actúan ante a la relación de los cuerpos disidentes en el imaginario de las ciudades. Para ello, esta tesis toma un conjunto heterogéneo de “figuras monstruosas” como la sirena, el enano y el fantasma para cuestionar las definiciones de humanidad y la experiencia artístico-sensible del exilio a través del experimentado en el proceso de creación llevado a cabo por el laboratorio del Proyecto Genus Radix (en una iniciativa del Museo Nacional Centro de Artes Reina Sofía). En el itinerario de la investigación y del investigador - Argentina, Brasil y España-, actúa la metáfora del monstruo como detonante de cuestiones relacionadas con el arte y la vida que señalan una humanidad por venir. Las reverberaciones de las historias de los personajes conceptuales y reales enumerados en esta investigación tienen como objetivo delinear y resaltar especificidades que corroboran la construcción de una narrativa estética y / o performance que promueve la supervivencia de nuevas formas de vida en un espacio común.

Que notre joie demeure (roman) ; suivi de Rater mieux : essai sur le fantasme en création

Lambert, Kevin 01 1900 (has links)
Thèse en recherche-création / Que notre joie demeure s’inspire de la prose vaste et compassionnelle de Marie-Claire Blais. Le roman explore, tout comme le cycle Soifs, la forme polyphonique et la « représentation de la vie psychique » (Dorrit Cohn). Le travail de préparation m’a amené à m’intéresser au roman moderne du premier XXe siècle. Henry James, Virginia Woolf et Marcel Proust forment, avec des textes thématiques sur l’architecture, l’économie et la ville, mon corpus de création. Je me questionne, avec Blais, sur l’héritage possible de cette conception du roman aujourd’hui. J’imprime à ma réflexion sur la création littéraire (dans l’essai qui suit) un léger déplacement : comment un empêchement imposé de l’extérieur est-il vécu par une créatrice qui souhaite produire une œuvre ? Mon roman politise cette question en mettant en scène une architecte québécoise qui décroche enfin, après une brillante carrière internationale, un grand projet à Montréal. Ce projet soulèvera cependant une forte protestation populaire. C’est à travers le prisme des classes sociales et du privilège économique que je relis les œuvres mentionnées plus haut en m’intéressant aux affects que suscite la contestation des inégalités chez celles et ceux qu’elles favorisent. Que notre joie demeure comporte une forte dimension sociale. Le texte me permet de décrire les processus d’embourgeoisement – largement documentés – qui touchent actuellement Montréal et l’évolution des disparités économiques au Québec depuis les années 1970. L’essai Rater mieux porte sur le processus créateur dans sa relation avec le fantasme, d’une part, et la matérialité du support livresque, d’autre part. Pourquoi les écrivain·es ont-il·les, en reprenant des composantes du fameux Livre mallarméen (Notes en vue du « Livre »), placé une partie de leur œuvre sous le magistère d’un « Fantasme de Roman » (Barthes, La préparation du roman) ? Que nous apprennent du processus créateur ces « livres-que-je-n’écris-pas » (Cixous), devenus objets de fiction ? Ces fantasmes traduisent fréquemment une volonté de défaire l’objet-livre, de congédier ou de transcender la matérialité du support, comme si la littérature devait parfois se déployer hors du livre. Croisant la discussion théorique, l’analyse textuelle et l’essai personnel, ma thèse développe une conception de la création intimement liée au ratage et à la notion d’échec (Beckett). Au carrefour de la psychanalyse, des théories queer et de l’histoire du livre, j’analyse les différentes modalités de ces ratages dans les œuvres littéraires et dans la théorie (Agamben, Butler, Deleuze, Foucault, Grossman). Je fais dialoguer les textes de Roland Barthes, de Victor-Lévy Beaulieu, de Marie-Claire Blais et d’Hélène Cixous avec des œuvres savantes et populaires, tant européennes, québécoises qu’américaines (Hubert Aquin, les Beatles, Joan Didion, Céline Dion, Lautréamont, Courtney Love, Stéphane Mallarmé, Marcel Proust, Ginette Reno, André Roy, Chloé Savoie-Bernard, Zadie Smith). L’échec est vécu de façon mélancolique chez un écrivain comme Beaulieu, comme jouissance libératoire chez Cixous, il est passage obligé chez Barthes, tandis qu’il acquiert une dimension éthique chez Marie-Claire Blais. La notion de fantasme me permet d’aborder différentes économies psychiques et libidinales de l’écriture, dont je propose une interprétation queer. Il s’agit de renouveler par ces analyses et ces propositions théoriques le cadre de lecture découlant de la mise en abyme des livres fictifs ainsi que les approches du processus créateur. / May Our Joy Remain is a novel inspired by the vast and compassionate prose of Marie-Claire Blais. The novel explores, like the These Festive Nights novels cycle, the polyphonic form and the “representation of psychic life” (Dorrit Cohn). The preparatory work led me to the modernist novel of the first half of the twentieth century. Henry James, Virginia Woolf, and Marcel Proust form, alongside thematic texts on architecture, economy, and the city, a sum of works that inspired me. I wonder, with Blais, about the possible legacy of the modernist novel today. How is an impediment imposed from the outside experienced by an artist who wishes to produce a work of art? My novel politicizes this question by featuring a Québec architect who finally obtains, after a shining international career, a major project in Montréal. However, this project will provoke a fierce popular protest. It is through the prism of social classes and economic privilege that I read the above-mentioned works and take an interest in the affects that contestation of inequalities arouse in those who promote them. May Our Joy Remain has a strong social dimension. The text allows me to describe the gentrification processes (widely documented) currently impacting Montréal and the evolution of economic disparities in Québec since the 1970s. The essay Fail Better focuses on the creative process in its relation to fantasy (phantasm) on the one hand, and the materiality of the book, on the other hand. Why do writers, by using components of the famous Mallarmean Book, place part of their work under the magisterium of a “Fantasmatic Novel” (Barthes, La preparation du roman)? What do these “books-I-do-not-write” (Cixous), which have become objects of fiction, teach us about the creative process? These phantasms frequently bear a desire to undo the object-book, to dismiss or transcend the materiality of the medium, as if literature sometimes had to unfold outside the book. Crossing theoretical discussion, textual analysis, and personal essay, my thesis develops a conception of writing intimately linked to failure (Beckett). At the crossroads of psychoanalysis, Queer theories, and book history, I analyze the different modalities of these failures in literary works and in theory (Agamben, Butler, Deleuze, Foucault, Grossman). I make the texts of Roland Barthes, Victor-Lévy Beaulieu, Marie-Claire Blais, and Hélène Cixous interact with scholar and popular works, both from Europe, Québec and the United States (Hubert Aquin, The Beatles, Joan Didion, Céline Dion, Lautréamont, Courtney Love, Stéphane Mallarmé, Marcel Proust, Ginette Reno, André Roy, Chloé Savoie-Bernard, Zadie Smith). Failure is experienced as a melancholy for a writer like Beaulieu, as a liberating jouissance for Cixous, it is a necessary step for Barthes, while it acquires an ethical dimension in the works of Marie-Claire Blais. The notion of fantasy allows me to approach different psychic and libidinal economies of writing, of which I propose a Queer interpretation. I hope through these analyzes and these theoretical proposals to contribute renewing the reading framework of fictitious books and of discourses on the process of literary creation.

From the Love Ball to RuPaul: The Mainstreaming of Drag in the 1990s

Davenport, Jeremiah Ryan, PhD 06 September 2017 (has links)
No description available.


[pt] Esta presente pesquisa aborda práticas estético-políticas nos campos das artes e dos ativismos, incluídos neste escopo práxis curatoriais e editoriais, tendo como denominador comum corpos transviados (sexo e gênero dissidentes), cujas atuações conformam redes contra-normativas de resistências a apagamentos frente aos regimes de visibilidade dominantes em espacialidade e temporalidade definidas como a cidade do Rio de Janeiro na década de 2010. Tais manifestações insurgentes integram movimentos sociais e políticos – levantes cuir, feminista e transfeminista –em curso no Brasil contemporâneo, e atuam nas mais diversas frentes sobre as quais incide o reposicionamento epistemológico frente às teorias e metodologias de base colonial e cisheteronormativa brancas. Este escrito trata-se, portanto, da consolidação de uma investigação participante, ancorada no corpo de um pesquisador bicha que, através de uma série de trabalhos em campo e pesquisas coletivas (manifestações, mostras, exposições, encontros, debates, treinamentos, festas, palestras, aulas, grupos de estudo, residências artísticas, leilão de arte, entre outras ações), cria estratégias de auto representação que atravessam as múltiplas manifestações estudadas. Através de exercícios de reconstituição das narrativas aqui retratadas, que a história oficial sistematicamente exclui da memória social, foi possível propor questões concernentes às práticas de memória e esquecimento, identificar relações entre as políticas de memória e escritas da história, alcançando o debate sobre o desenho de arquivos sexo e gênero dissidentes como prática político-estética de sobrevivência: uma queerização do campo do design, pensado aqui como design político, frente à sua responsabilidade ética. Trabalho que resultou também na realização de uma plataforma independente para a salvaguarda informacional e articulação comunicacional continuadas de práticas reunidas ao longo da realização desta pesquisa acadêmica. / [en] This research addresses aesthetic-political practices in the fields of arts and activism, included in this scope curatorial and editorial praxis, which have as common denominator gender and sex dissident bodies, whose actions form counter-normative networks of resistance to erasure against the dominant visibility regimes, in a spatiality and temporality defined as the city of Rio de Janeiro in the 2010s. These insurgent manifestations are part of a larger political movement, composed of a cuir, feminist, transfeminist uprising ongoing in contemporary Brazil, acting upon also on epistemological repositioning that are focused on theories and methodologies of colonial and white cisheteronormative basis. This writing is, therefore, the consolidation of a participatory investigation, anchored in the body of a queer researcher who, through a series of fieldwork and collective research (manifestations, exhibitions, meetings, debates, trainings, parties, lectures, classes, study groups, artistic residencies, art auction, among other actions), to think of self-representation strategies that cross multiple manifestations studied. By the reconstitution of queer narratives portrayed here, which official history systematically excludes from social memory, it was possible to propose questions concerning practices of memory and forgetting, to identify relations between memory and written policies of history, reaching the debate on the design of dissident sex and gender archives as a political-aesthetic strategy of survival: a queerization of the field of design, thought of here as political design, facing its ethical responsibility. For this reason, this work also results in the realization of an independent platform for the continued informational safeguarding and communicative articulation of practices gathered throughout this academic research.

The Secular is Divine, and the Divine is Secular - Black People's Experiences with and amongst Nature as Spiritual Praxis, as Preserved by Black Women

Malik I Raymond (13171995) 29 July 2022 (has links)
<p>This work looks at the intersections of nature, race, and spirituality in Black communities primarily situated in the United States from the early 20th century to the present day. These communties stories are interpreted through the Black women that lived in them, and their stories denote that Black folks' relationship with and amongst nature could not be had without spiritual praxes in their day-to-day lives. </p>

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