Spelling suggestions: "subject:"[een] QUEER"" "subject:"[enn] QUEER""
1731 |
Identitet, makt och drama : en undersökning av DRACON-programmet i Sverige ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv / Drama, power and identity : a research of the Swedish DRACON-project from a norm-critical point of veiwHawerman, Matilda January 2017 (has links)
Den här studien vill bidra med kunskap kring normkritisk pedagogik inom dramapedagogiken i Sverige. Det genom att belysa det svenska DRACON-projektet ur ett normkritiskt perspektiv. Det svenska DRACON-projektet är en del av det internationella DRACON-projektet vars övergripande syfte var att bygga en bro mellan drama och konflikthantering. I bakgrunden till den här studien beskrivs dramapedagogik, svensk dramaforskning och internationell dramaforskning utifrån kritiska teorier. Normkritisk pedagogik är en kritisk pedagogik som vänder blicken mot maktstrukturer och privilegier istället för att fokusera på minoriteter eller förtryckta grupper. I det teoretiska perspektivet förklaras och fördjupas begreppet normkritisk pedagogik utifrån feministisk teori, queerteori, postkolonial teori och kritiska vithetsstudier, funktionalitet, intersektionalitet och kritisk pedagogik. Syftet med den här undersökningen var att genom ett kritiskt makt- och identitetsperspektiv belysa det svenska DRACON-programmet. Det utifrån forskningsfrågorna: Vilka föreställningar om makt och identitet finns inbyggda det svenska DRACON-programmet? Hur förhåller sig dessa föreställningar till den normkritiska pedagogikens syn på makt och identitet? Studien genomfördes utifrån textanalys av boken DRACON i skolan. Analysen strukturerades med hjälp av en analysmall. Resultatet tyder på att DRACON-programmet i Sverige är inkluderande och försöker ta tillvara på alla deltagares erfarenheter. Samtidigt verkar programmet sakna ett ifrågasättande av kön och genus och fördjupade analyser kring makt. Spår av postkolonialism framträder i någon enstaka lek. / The general aim of this study is to contribute to the knowledge of, so called, norm-critical pedagogy (normkritisk pedagogik) as part of Drama in Education in Sweden. This through looking at the Swedish DRACON-project from a norm-critical point of view. The Swedish DRACON-project is a part of the international DRACON-project which aimed at building a bridge between drama in education and conflict management. Norm-critical pedagogy is a Scandinavian term for critical pedagogy that focuses on the structures of power and privilege, rather than the oppressed. The pedagogy is explained in this paper and has its roots in queer pedagogy, queer theory, feminist theory, postcolonial theory and intersectional perspectives. The aim of this study was to look at the Swedish DRACON-project from the critical point of view of power, privilege and identity. The study examines the following questions: What conceptions of power and identity can be found in the Swedish DRACON-program? How do these conceptions relate to norm-critical perspectives of power, privilege and identity? The examination is done through text analysis of the book DRACON i skolan(DRACON in school). The results indicate that the Swedish DRACON-project is inclusive and tries to seize the experiences of all participants. At the same time the project seems to lack the questioning of gender and the immersing of analyzing power structures.
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Locating sexualities within discourses of othering : queer representations in contemporary literature of the Arab world and its diasporasDebbiche, Amal 04 1900 (has links)
À travers une étude des œuvres de la littérature moderne dans le monde arabe et ses diasporas, ma thèse de doctorat porte sur l'autonomisation et l’agentivité des sujets masculins arabes queer alors qu'ils déstabilisent les binaires traditionnels et les constructions essentialistes des identités. En déconstruisant l'altérité mutuelle entre Orient et Occident et l'altérisation des homosexuels arabes tant par l'Orient que par l'Occident, je démontre la vulnérabilité de tels discours face à la fluidité, l'intersectionnalité et l'évolution constante des identités. Le premier chapitre étudie les implications des rencontres coloniales passées, des conflits et des relations de pouvoir sur les discours et les conceptions actuelles de la sexualité homosexuelle dans le monde arabe. Il examine également l'influence de l'altérité occidentale/orientale sur l'évolution de l'homoérotisme arabe et le déploiement de la “queerness” comme outil politique d'exclusion. Je considère à fond des concepts clés discutés par des auteurs comme Joseph Massad et Jaspir Puar, y compris “l'Internationale Gay”, l'universalisation de l'homosexualité, l'hégémonie occidentale, l'exception occidentale, “l'homonationalisme” et le “pinkwashing”. Tout en reconnaissant l'importance de tels concepts pour une compréhension nuancée du discours occidental sur les droits de la personne et des revendications libératrices, je maintiens qu'elles contribuent à l'altérisation des activistes arabes queer et des individus qui cherchent à être reconnus publiquement et nient leur pouvoir en les présentant comme manipulés par l'Occident. Le deuxième chapitre montre que les représentations des personnages homosexuels dans la fiction arabe moderne sont limitées et limitantes car elles restent confinées dans des dichotomies actif/passif, masculin/féminin, dominant/soumis, etc. Les représentations de l’homosexualité masculine dans ce chapitre l'associent à la déviance, à la perversion et au viol, et la situent dans des relations inégales et déséquilibrées motivées par l'exploitation matérielle ou le désir d'exercer un pouvoir. Le troisième chapitre explore les représentations de l'homosexualité dans les œuvres contemporaines d'écrivains arabes queer des diasporas. Ce chapitre suit les Arabes queer alors qu'ils se déplacent au-delà des frontières, habitent des lieux intersectionnels, intermédiaires et proposent de nouvelles possibilités d'existence au mépris des attentes et des identifications imposées. Ce faisant, ils résistent à leur altérité tant chez eux qu'en diaspora et témoignent de la complexité, de la mobilité et de la multiplicité des identités postcoloniales. Ma thèse souligne l'importance d'embrasser la diversité et de se réconcilier avec les différents aspects de l'identité afin de lutter contre toutes formes de discrimination, de racisme et de stéréotypes, et de favoriser l'acceptation et la tolérance. / Through a study of works of contemporary literature in the Arab world and its diasporas, my doctoral thesis addresses the empowerment and agency of queer Arab male subjects as they destabilize traditional binaries and essentialist constructions of identities. By deconstructing mutual Othering between East and West and the Othering of Arab homosexuals both by the East and the West, I demonstrate the vulnerability of such discourses in the face of the fluidity, intersectionality, and the constant evolving of identities. The first chapter studies the implications of past colonial encounters, conflicts, and relations of power on present discourses and conceptions of same-sex sexuality in the Arab world. It also examines the influence of Western/Eastern Othering on the evolution of Arab homoeroticism and the deployment of queerness as a political tool for exclusion. I delve into key concepts discussed by authors like Joseph Massad and Jaspir Puar, including the “Gay International”, the universalizing of gayness, Western hegemony, Western exceptionalism, “homonationalism” and “pinkwashing”. While recognizing the importance of such concepts to a nuanced understanding of Western human rights discourse and liberatory claims, I argue that they contribute to the Othering of queer Arab activists and individuals who seek public recognition and deny their agency by presenting them as manipulated by the West. The second chapter shows that representations of homosexual characters in modern Arabic fiction are limited and limiting as they remain confined to dichotomies of active/passive, masculine/feminine, dominant/submissive, etc. The depictions of male-male sexuality in this chapter associate it with deviance, perversion, and rape, and situate it within unequal, unbalanced relationships driven by material exploitation or a desire to exert power. The third chapter explores representations of homosexuality in contemporary works by queer Arab writers in diasporas. This chapter follows queer Arabs as they move beyond borders, inhabit intersectional, in-between locations, and propose new possibilities of existence, in defiance of expectations and imposed identifications. By doing so, they resist their Othering both at home and in diaspora and attest to the complexity, mobility, and multiplicity of postcolonial identities. My research highlights the importance of embracing diversity and reconciling with different aspects of identity in order to fight against all forms of discrimination, racism and stereotypes, and of fostering acceptance and tolerance.
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Geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen - Demokratisierung, De-Konstruktion oder Reproduktion des sexistischen Geschlechterverhältnisse?Schulze, Detlef Georgia 13 December 2005 (has links)
Die vorliegende Studie zum Thema „geschlechternormen–inkonforme Körperinszenierungen“ ist die theoretisch fundierte, empirische Überprüfung der These von Judith Butler, daß eine mögliche Verbindung zwischen queer Praxen und der Subversion der herrschenden Geschlechterordnung bestehe. Die Arbeit untersucht die Beziehung zwischen Körperpraxen und anderen Praxen, insbesondere Arbeit und politischer Praxis. Der Begriff „geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen“ bezieht sich auf drei Praktiken bzw. drei Arten des Verhaltens von Personen in Bezug auf deren eigenen Körper: Er bezieht sich erstens auf Transsexuelle, die ihren Körper mit medizinischen Mitteln haben verändern lassen; zweitens auf transgender Personen, die zeitweise oder permanent cross dressing praktizieren ohne physische Veränderungen an ihrem Körper vorgenommen zu haben; und drittens auf drag kings und drag queens, die auf der Bühne ein anderes Geschlecht als im Alltag darstellen. Alle Personen inszenieren eine geschlechternormen-inkonforme Geschlechtlichkeit, d. h. eine Geschlechtlichkeit, die nach hegemonialen Kriterien nicht mit dem ‚wahren’ oder ‚ursprünglichen’ Geschlecht dieser Person übereinstimmt. Die Methode des empirischen Teils der Studie besteht aus der Datengewinnung durch das „Problemzentrierte Interview“ nach Witzel und der Datenanalyse durch die „Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse“ nach Mayring. Die Studie geht davon, daß die Überwindung der Herrschaft das Verschwinden der sozialen Gruppen (hier: Männer und Frauen), zwischen denen eine Herrschaftsbeziehung besteht, einschließt, denn diese Gruppen sind die Produkte der Praktizierung von Herrschaft. Die Studie zeigt, daß im interviewten sample – statt einer Subversion von Herrschaft – eine kontinuierliche Reproduktion von Geschlechtern und Geschlechterhierarchien stattfindet. Die .pdf-Datei mit der vollständigen Arbeit enthält Zusammenfassungen in englischer, französischer, kastilischer und deutscher Sprache, die länger als das vorliegende abstract sind. / The present study dealing with the topic ‘geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen’ (approximately: body styling / body formation which is contrary to the hegemonic gender rules) is a theoretically based, empirical scrutiny of Judith Butler’s thesis, that there exists a possible connection between queer practices and the subversion of existing gender hierarchy. The thesis explores the relationship between body practices and other practices, especially labour and political practice. The term ‘geschlechternormen-inkonforme Körperinszenierungen’ refers to three practices or three different ways of a person’s behaviour towards his or her own body: it refers firstly to transsexuals, who changed their body physically; secondly it refers to transgender people, who occasionally or permanently do cross dressing in everyday life without having changed their bodies physically; and thirdly on drag kings and drag queens who show a different sex on stage than in everyday life. All people stage a ‘geschlechternormen-inkonforme Geschlechtlichkeit’, that means a gender that doesn’t coincides with their “true” or “natural” sex due to hegemonic criteria. The method of the empirical part of the study consists of obtaining data through the ‘Problemzentriertes Interview’ (problem-focussed interview) invented by Witzel, and the analysis of the data through the ‘Qualitative Inhaltsanalyse’ (qualitative content analysis) invented by Mayring. The study assumes that the deconstruction of domination includes the disappearance of the social groups (in the case at issue: men and women), between whom exists a relation of domination, because that groups are products of the practices of domination. The study shows, that – far from this – there happens within the interviewed sample a permanent reproduction of genders and gender hierarchies. The .pdf-file of the entire thesis consists summaries in English, French, Castilian, and German language longer than the present abstract.
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The Affective Temporalities of Intimacy / Lesbian Feminism and Contemporary LiteratureAlexopoulos, Maria Olive 17 December 2020 (has links)
Vorliegende Dissertation greift in zeitgenössische Debatten queerer und feministischer Politiken durch die Analyse von Gegenwartsliteratur ein. Hatte die zweiten Frauenbewegung vertreten, dass im Zentrum politischer Veränderungen stets persönliche Veränderungen stehen, nutzt die Arbeit mit diesem Ausgangspunkt ein scheinbar anachronistisches Paradigma, um solche Narrative zu kritisieren, die Queerness sowie queere Politik und Theorie im Präsens, lesbischen Feminismus dagegen in der Vergangenheit positionieren wollen. These ist dagegen, dass die utopischen Impulse des lesbischen Feminismus der zweiten Frauenbewegung sich mit aktueller queerer Politik überschneiden und dass beide auf zu differenzierende Art Praktiken und Konzepte von Intimität in den Vordergrund stellen, die auf soziale Transformationen in größerem Maßstab verweisen. Die Erkundung der komplexen Weisen, in denen Politik durch Intimität praktiziert wird, erfolgt hier am Beispiel der Figur der Lesbe in der zeitgenössischen Anglo-Amerikanischen Literatur, speziell in Auseinandersetzung mit der Literatur der kanadischen Schriftstellerin Ann-Marie MacDonald. Mit Figur oder Trope der Lesbe im Zentrum der Analyse ist ein spezifischer historischer und politischer Kontext signalisiert. Die Lesbe sowie lesbian existence als eine feministische Praxis bieten einen produktiven Ausgangspunkt, weil beide im Lauf der Zeit oft und teils simultan als das Abjekt oder das idealisierte Objekt von sexueller und Genderpolitik konstruiert worden sind. Darüber hinaus markiert lesbischer Feminismus einen bestimmten zeitlichen Ort sowie eine politische Funktion und besetzt einen bestimmten Platz im feministischen und queeren Imaginären. Aufgabe der Dissertation ist es, die Potentiale herauszuarbeiten, die heute noch immer von der Figur der Lesbe und vom lesbischem Feminismus ausgehen, ohne dabei deren teils unbequeme Beziehung zum beachtlichen Einfluss der Queer Theory aus den Augen zu verlieren. / This dissertation intervenes in contemporary debates in queer and feminist politics through an analysis of literary fiction. Taking as its point of departure the second-wave feminist claim that personal and intimate transformation are at the heart of political transformation, it uses a seemingly anachronistic paradigm to critique linear narratives that position queerness and queer politics and theory in the present and lesbian feminism in the past. It argues that the utopian impulses of second-wave lesbian feminism overlap with those of contemporary queer politics, and claims that both foreground practices and conceptions of intimacy that prefigure broader social change. Exploring the ways in which politics are enacted via intimacy, this dissertation takes as its object of study the figure of the lesbian in contemporary Anglo-American literature, specifically engaging with the fiction of Canadian writer Ann-Marie MacDonald. Situating the figure of the lesbian at the centre of this analysis signals a specific historical, political, and social context. The lesbian, as a figure or trope, or lesbian existence, as a way of doing feminism, offers a productive point of departure for such considerations because both have, over time, been variously and often simultaneously constructed as either the abject or idealized object of sexual and gender politics. Lesbian feminism signals a specific temporal location and political function and holds a particular space in the feminist and queer imaginary. While exploring both the influence of queer theory and politics in the political and theoretical structures of sexuality, and the unprecedented mainstreaming both of (certain versions of) non-heterosexuality and (certain versions of) feminism, this dissertation’s project is to consider the possibilities still generated by the figure of the lesbian and lesbian feminism, while considering its sometimes-uncomfortable relationship to the considerable influence of queer theory.
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Kunskapsproduktion kring fetischism : Att förhålla sig till sakorienterad sexualitetNilsson-Jatko, David January 2023 (has links)
Detta projekt söker efter vägledande principer för en kunskapsproduktion kring fetischistisk sexualitet. Detta har utförts genom diskursanalytiska och genealogiska studier av hur fetischism konstrueras i olika sociokulturella sammanhang. Analysen indikerar att fetischistisk sexualitet existerar i en marginaliserad position i ett maktrelationellt landskap, där yttre grupper har olika incitament till att återge fetischism på bristfälliga, sexualiserande och andrafierande sätt. Detta medför olika problem vad gäller kunskapsproduktionen kring fetischistisk sexualitet och kan antas bidra till upprätthållandet av nuvarande sexualnormer. För att minimera dessa kunskapsproduktionsproblem föreslås åtta vägledande principer: En ansvarstagande kunskapsproduktion som utgår från subjektet; medvetenhet om stereotyper och om patologins kvardröjande ok; användande av icke-andrafierande terminologi; medvetenhet om könsorienteringsnormen; medvetenhet om politiserade begrepp; undvikande av låsning i subkulturell identitetspolitik; en förståelse för den abjektas möjligheter att tala; samt bruk av intrasektionell analys. Dessa principer kan förstås bidra till ett tillgängliggörande av forskningsfältet kring fetischism samt bidra till en allmän förståelse för sexualitet bortom kön. / This project aims to find guiding principles for a knowledge production around fetishism. This has been conducted through discourse analysis and genealogical studies of the construction of fetishism in central contexts. The analysis indicates that fetishism is marginalised in a weave of power relations, where external interests have incitaments to vilify, sexualise and otherise fetishistic sexuality. This is understood to potentially cause various problems when it comes to knowledge production around fetishism. In order to minimise these problems, eight guiding principles are suggested: A knowledge production based in the subject; awareness of lingering pathological notions and stereotypes; usage of non-othering terminology; awareness of the sex/gender orientation norm; awareness of politicised definitions; awareness of subcultural identity politics; an understanding of the abject's ability to speak; and usage of intra-sectional analysis.
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Die verhouding tussen ruimte en identiteit in Eben Venter se prosakuns : ballingkapliteratuur en die postkoloniale diskoersJoubert, Christiaan Johannes 02 1900 (has links)
Hierdie proefskrif bied ʼn nie-empiriese ondersoek en ʼn konseptuele analise van die verhouding tussen ruimte en identiteit in Eben Venter (1954-) se oeuvre binne die konteks van ballingskapliteratuur die postkoloniale diskoers. Die manifestasie van die ruimte- identiteitdialektiek, soos wat dit uitgebeeld word in Venter se skryfkuns, word beskryf aan die hand van postkoloniale teorieë en insigte wat verband hou met aspekte soos ruimte, plek, ballingskap, diaspora, ruimtelike verplasing, seksuele migrasie, intra-nasionale migrasie, internasionale migrasie, empiriese en kulturele landskappe, identiteit as sosio-kulturele konstruksie en Suid-Afrikaanse outobiografieë. Vir die doel van hierdie ondersoek is die volgende vertellings geselekteer: Ek stamel ek sterwe (1996), Twaalf (2000), Horrelpoot(2006) en Brouhaha (2010). In ʼn tydsgewrig van grootskaalse migrasie, globale onsekerheid, transnasionale kapitalisme en radikale dekolonisering in die vorm van geweldsmisdaad, gewelddadige betogings by universiteite, plaasmoorde, grondhervorming, haatspraak, arbeidsonrus, xenofobie en die aftakeling van minderheidsregte, sny Venter in sy verhale en outobiografie ʼn verskeidenheid van kwessies aan. Dit sluit in: die naweë van apartheid, die Afrikaner-diaspora, grondeienaarskap, die ideologiese toeëiening van grond, rassisme, homofobie, queer-migrasie, die haalbaarheid van ʼn inklusiewe Afrika-identiteit en die veranderde rol, plek en identiteit van Afrikaners sedert 1994. Die outobiografiese inslag van Venter se skryfkuns is opvallend en word bespreek deur te verwys na die verhouding tussen fiksionele en reële ruimtes en na outobiografie as hibridiese genre en kreatiewe projek. Hierdie studie bied ook ʼn krities-analitiese besinning van Venter se bemoeienis met skryftemas soos selfopgelegde ballingskap, die vervreemding tussen plek en self, globale plekloosheid en “exile as a discontinous state of being” (Said 2000: 177). Een van die belangrikste insigte wat Venter in sy skryfkuns demonstreer, is dat ruimte, soos identiteit, nie ʼn essensialistiese konsep is nie, maar ’n onvoltooide en vloeibare konstruksie wat voortdurend verander na gelang van sosio-politieke ingrepe, internasionale migrasiepatrone en die individu se subjektiewe gewaarwording van plekke, / This dissertation presents a non-empirical and a conceptual analysis of the relationship between space and identity in the works of prose of Eben Venter (1954) within the context of the postcolonial discourse and exile literature. The manifestation of the space-identity dialectic, as portrayed in Venter’s writing, is described on the basis of postcolonial theories and insights related to terms and concepts like space, place, exile, diaspora, spatial displacement, sexual migration, intra-national migration, international migration, empirical and cultural landscapes and identity as a social-cultural construction. For the purpose of this study the following narratives were selected: Ek stamel ek sterwe (1996), Twaalf (2000), Horrelpoot en Brouhaha (2010). At a juncture of mass migration, global uncertainty, transnational capitalism and radical decolonization in the form of violent crime, violent protests at universities, hate speech, farm murders, land reform, labour unrest, xenophobia and the dismantling of minority rights, Venter addresses an assortment of social issues. This include: the aftermath of apartheid, the Afrikaner-diaspora, landownership, the ideological appropriation of land, racism, homophobia, queer-migration, the viability of an inclusive African-identity and the altered role, place and identity of Afrikaners since 1994. The autobiographical element is evident in Venter’s writing and is discussed by referring to the relationship between fictional and real spaces and to autobiography as a hybrid genre and creative project. This study also presents a critical-analytical reflection of Venter’s involvement with writing topics such as self-imposed exile, estrangement between place and self, global displacement/non-belongingness and “exile as a discontinuous state of being” (Said: 2000: 177). One of the key insights Venter demonstrates in his writing, is that space, like identity, is not an essentialist concept, but an incomplete and diffuse construction that is constantly changing depending on socio-political interventions, international migration patterns and the individual's subjective perception of places. / Afrikaans and Theory of Literature / D. Litt. et Phil. (Afrikaans)
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Coming Out, Coming Together, Coming Around: An Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis of Families' Experiences Adjusting to a Young Family Member's Disclosure of Non-HeterosexualityRodriguez, Denise M. Fournier 26 December 2014 (has links)
Young people who identify as lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) are disclosing their sexual identity--or coming out--at progressively younger ages, making it more important than ever for the general population to understand, tolerate, and accept diversity in sexual identity. This study was designed to fill the gap in the existing literature about how the coming out process affects LGB young people's families of origin. Three LGB young people participated in the study, along with a member of each of their families. The researcher conducted semi-structured interviews with each of the participants, as well as a conjoint interview with each of the three families.
The findings of this interpretative phenomenological analysis (IPA) study illustrate the many ways in which a young person's coming out reverberates within the family system, offering a relational understanding of the coming out experience. The results of the study emphasize the process-oriented nature of coming out and the means by which that process is influenced by and influences family relationships and overall family dynamics. Centered on the various ways in which LGB young people prepare to disclose their sexual orientation to their families and how their family members adjust to the disclosure, the study offers a historically and culturally situated overview of the coming out experience in the family. Based on the results of the present study, the researcher offers suggestions for future studies on this subject and presents the implications of the study for LGB young people, their families, and family therapists.
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The distance between us : strategizing a queer, artistic, personal and social politicFouche, Pierre 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA (VA)(Visual Arts))--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / This thesis considers radical and reactionary political strategies for questioning systems of gender/sexuality categorisation and finds both wanting in terms of the cultural insularity and mainstream assimilation each respectively engenders. An alternative is posited in the form of radical assimilation, a theory borrowing the best elements from both approaches. The remainder of the study is focussed on the search for personal and iconographic strategies to pursue a politic of radical assimilation in my creative production. These strategies are finally exemplified and manifested via discussions of the practical corpus of artworks that aided in the formation of this politic. The discursive framework in which this theorization occurs includes considerations of queer theory and photography (especially domestic photography and portraiture) and subjective contextualization (invoking the domestic uses of images), and all should be seen as constituting a personal discursive framework: an attempt to counter the reductive scope an uncontextualised analysis of my work allows. This study is accordingly an explication of the processes that turn the personal into the political; a critical affirmation of difference; and an attempt to narrow the distances between us.
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Queer as punk : queercore and the production of an anti-normative media subcultureNault, Curran Jacob 06 November 2014 (has links)
This dissertation examines the historical contexts, major themes, and archival practices of queercore, an anti-normative queer and punk subculture comprised of music, zines, film, art, literature and new media that was instigated in 1985 by Bruce LaBruce and G.B. Jones in Toronto, Ontario. Via their fanzine J.D.s., LaBruce and Jones declared “civil war” on the punk and gay and lesbian mainstreams and conjured queercore as a multimedia subculture situated in pointed opposition to the homophobia of mainline punk and the lifeless sexual politics and assimilationist tendencies of dominant gay and lesbian society. In the pages that follow, I engage wider histories of radical queer politics and punk aesthetics and values to reveal the generative and long-standing symbiosis between these two energies – a symbiosis that informs queercore, but that also extends beyond its temporal and material boundaries. Through close analysis of queercore films (e.g. No Skin Off My Ass, The Lollipop Generation, The Living End, By Hook or By Crook), music (e.g., Pansy Division, Tribe 8, Beth Ditto/The Gossip, Nomy Lamm) and zines (e.g., J.D.s, SCAB, Bimbox, Bamboo Girl, i’m so fucking beautiful), I establish queercore’s primary themes: explicit sexuality (the use of risky, erotic queer punk images and performances to undermine heteronormativity and confront accepted notions of gay and punk identity); imagined violence (the deployment of a threatened, as opposed to actualized, violence in the hopes of frightening and, thus, destabilizing powerful white, bourgeois, heterosexual masculinity); and bodily difference (the circulation of affirmative representations of marginalized queer bodies, and specifically those that are fat, disabled and/or gender non-normative). Finally, I conclude with an exploration of the institutions and individuals currently involved in queercore archival efforts, thus placing my project within a crucial lineage of subcultural preservation. Taken as a whole, this study asserts that queercore articulates and disseminates a set of alternative identities, aesthetics, politics and representations for queer folks to occupy and engage within social space, providing a dynamic anti-normative, anti-corporate, D.I.Y. (do-it-yourself) alternative to a consumer-capitalist hetero- and homo-normative mainstream. / text
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Winckelmann et ses désirs (presque) secrets : amour entre hommes et idéaux de la masculinité à l’ère néoclassique (1755-1768)McCutcheon, Shawn 08 1900 (has links)
L’étude des œuvres et de la correspondance de Johann Joachim Winckelmann, produites entre 1755 et 1768, offre un regard nouveau sur l’amour entre hommes au 18e siècle et sur sa relation à la construction de la masculinité. Le cas de Winckelmann illustre le caractère construit et changeant de l’érotisme. En effet, l’influence de l’exemple hellénique est visible dans le fantasme homoérotique qu’il élabora dans ses œuvres dans le but de s’expliquer ses désirs. L’Antiquité, par son autorité culturelle, représenta un espace relativement sécuritaire où Winckelmann put exprimer sa sensibilité homoérotique à laquelle le contexte occidental était alors très défavorable : la littérature antique exaltait l’affection entre hommes et sa statuaire, le corps masculin nu. Le fantasme que fit Winckelmann fut capital pour sa compréhension et la justification de ses relations avec d’autres hommes, surtout après son arrivée en Italie en 1755. Loin de se cantonner à la répression de l’homoérotisme par la société européenne des Lumières, le cas de Winckelmann en illustre le potentiel d’intégration partielle. En effet, l’originalité de Winckelmann tient à sa façon de communiquer ses idéaux homoérotiques dans des textes savants, tout en rendant sa perception du beau masculin et son amour des hommes socialement acceptables. Enfin, plusieurs indices dans les œuvres et la correspondance de Winckelmann portent à penser qu’il était conscient de sa différence et qu’il se constitua entre 1755 et 1768 une communauté discrète d’hommes aussi sensibles aux désirs homoérotiques. / Studying the works and letters of Johann Joachim Winckelmann written between 1755 and 1768 gives new insights on love between men in the 18th century and on its relation to the construction of masculinity. The case of Winckelmann illustrates the constructed and changing nature of eroticism: the influence of the Hellenic example is visible in the homoerotic fantasy that Winckelmann used to interpret his desires. Antiquity, given its cultural authority, represented a relatively safe space where Winckelmann was able to express his homoerotic sensibility to which the western context was hostile. Greek literature exalted the display of affection between men and its statuary, the nude male body. This fantasy would later prove to be the capital in Winckelmann’s comprehension and justifications of his relations with other men in Italy after 1755. Far from being confined to the repression of homoeroticism by the 18th century European society, the case of Winckelmann illustrates its potential for partial integration. The originality of Winckelmann lies in the way he used to communicate his homoerotic ideas in scholarly texts while rendering them socially acceptable. Finally, several clues in his works and letters bear to think that Winckelmann was aware of his difference and that between 1755 and 1768 he created for himself a discrete community of men also sensitive to homoerotic desires.
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